HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-17 Bd Comm minutesMINUTES BROADBAND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION APRIL 3, 1979 -- 4:00 PM CIVIC CENTER CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT:Pepper, Madsen, Washburn, Terry, Eskin STAFF PRESENT: Tiffany, Scholten, Ryan, Berlin, Helling GUESTS: None The meeting was called to order at 4:15 P.M. Bob Pepper was elected chairperson and was empowered to make appointments for tasks or subcommittees pending the adoption of Commission bylaws. Eskin and Washburn were appointed to work with City staff in evaluating applicants for the Broadband Telecommunications Specialist and to make recommendations concerning said applicants. Terry and Pepper were appointed to draft bylaws which will be considered by the Commission at its next meeting. A regular meeting schedule was tentatively adopted as the first and third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 P.M. in the Civic Center Conference Room. Meeting adjourned at 5:18 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Connie Tiffany MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES I40111ES 7sy MINUTES IOWA CITY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APRIL 4, 1979 -- 4:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Baldus, Harris, Bartels MEMBERS ABSENT: Hughes, Conlin STAFF PRESENT: Ryan, Wilkinson, Boothroy, Schmeiser FORMAL ACTIONS TAKEN: 1. V-7901. That the request for a variance to allow construction of a single family structure with an 11 foot set -back on a lot in the 400 block of Bayard Street be granted. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: In the absence of the Chairperson, Harris called the meeting to order and called for consideration of the minutes of the meeting of March 15, 1979. Harris asked that the section number of the Zoning Ordinance as stated in V-7903 be checked for accuracy. It was pointed out that the correct number should read" instead of Baldus moved, and Bartels seconded, that the minutes be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously. V-7901. Continuation of the public hearing on an application submitted by Richard Kerr for a variance in Section 8.10.23A of the Zoning Ordinance (Front Yard) to permit construction of a single family structure on a lot in the 400 blockoof Bayard Street.. Boothroy presented an overlay of the site as originally presented and an overlay of the site as amended. He stated that the lot is a triangular shaped lot and is heavily wooded. As originally presented, the structure was too large to allow compliance with the front, rear and side yard requirements. The newly submitted plans show a scaled down structure that now meets the rear and side yard requirements and that no longer sits on the sanitary sewer at the rear of the lot. However, the new plot plan still does not meet the front yard requirements, and a smaller structure would be necessary to conform to these requirements. In answer to a question about the potential of extending Bayard Street, Schmeiser stated that the feeling has been that it would not be extended primarily because the topography of the area is not conducive for extension. Dr. Kerber stated that he and his architect have attempted to meet the concerns of the staff and the neighbors. He further stated that he had met with the neighbors on March 10 and that to his knowledge they were satisfied with the changes being made in the plans. In response to the statement regarding a smaller house in order to conform to the front yard requirements, he explained that the house, as now proposed, was the smallest house he and his family can live with. Regarding the possibility of putting the garage on the opposite side of the structure, he stated that it was not feasible to do this because of the topography of the lot. 76-5 FIICROFILMEO BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1401NES Board of Adjustment April 4, 1979 Page 2 Pat Pearson, who lives across the ravine from Dr. Kerber's lot, stated that he would like to see the structure as far up the hill as possible so as to keep as much of the aesthetic qualities intact as possible. He further stated that he felt that it would be an improvement to take out some of the dead trees on the lot as well as some of the live ones. Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Welter, 421 Bayard Street, expressed concern about how much of a set -back was going to be allowed. Mr. Welter also stated that he felt that the Kerbers should have to conform to the ordinances in effect. Schmeiser stated that he had talked with Chuck Johnston who had acted as spokesman for the neighbors at the previous Board meeting and that Mr. Johnston had asked that the Board be informed that he and several others were still against approval of the variance for the reasons stated previously, as well as Dorothy Marbury who called to express her disapproval. Baldus moved, and Bartels seconded, that the variance be granted as requested for an 11 -foot set -back. The roll call vote was unanimously in favor. V-7904. Continuation of the public hearing on an application submitted by James W. Powers for a variance in the Tree Regulations, Section of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow parking spaces to intersect with a drive. Boothroy presented an overlay of the area and explained that a similar request had been granted in April of 1977. Since such actions are valid no longer than six months unless such use is established within such a period of time and since no action has been taken by the applicant within the allotted time period, it is necessary that the request be resubmitted and considered by the Board. After considerable discussion with Ed Lucas, the applicant's attorney, Baldus moved, and Bartels seconded, that this case be continued to allow Mr. Lucas to contact his client and present possible alternatives for development on the site. Approval was unanimous. Schmeiser informed the Board members that City Council would like to discuss the variance that was granted to Sam and Gary Abrams for Ralston Creek Village at the informal Council meeting on Monday, April 16, at 1:30 p.m. Baldus stated that he felt very strongly about going before City Council to explain the reasons that a variance was granted. He further explained that he felt that if the City objects to the action taken on a variance request they should appeal the decision legally. He also said that he felt that if the City had a position on such an item such position should be presented to the Board during the public discussion of the item. Schmeiser stated that the City staff's recommendation was to deny the application on the basis of the analysis presented in the Staff Report. lie further stated that the area of this request is apparently one of the lowest areas along Ralston Creek and that if a special use permit is justified in this instance then perhaps the provision limiting parking within 32.8 feet of the creek bank should be repealed. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MONIES Board of Adjustment April 4, 1979 Page 3 Harris stated that he felt that the Board should not fail to appear before City Council to clarify any questions that Council might have and that he would make himself available on April 16 to discuss this matter at the informal Council meeting. Board members stated that they felt they were an independent body and were not accountable to the City Council for their decisions and actions. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared by`:r��r. lyC�z�r Sandra wilkinson, PPD Secretary i Approved by Don. .� ocnm ser, Board Secretary I IDate filed: APR 61979 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING I, ZONING COMPQSSION INFORMAL MEE,I'ING APRIL 2, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Blum, Lehman, Ogesen, Jakobsen, Cain MEMBERS ABSFNT: Vetter, Kammormeyer S'T'AFF PUSENT: Schmciser, Boothroy, Brachtel 5-7904. Public discussion of a preliminary plat of Oakes 2nd Addition, located on Quinccnt Street extended; 45 -day limitation period: 4/5/79, GO -day limitation period: 4/20/79. Boothroy presented a revised plat illustrating the extension of Quinccnt Street on a curve northeasterly. Ile reiterated the possible alignment of Foster Road and indicated that the Commission should reach a decision on its possible alignment or not approve a subdivision which would restrict the alternative alignments in the future. ,Jim Brachtel, the City Traffic Engineer, discussed the various alternatives for the extension of Foster Road indicating that there were advantages and disadvantages to each alignment. After further discussion, the Commission requested a waiver of the 45 -day and 60 -day limitation periods and a study from the staff addressing impacts and cost/benefit relationship of the various alternatives for the alignment of Foster Road. The Commission requested the study be completed by the May 3 meeting. 5-7906. Public discussion of a final Amended large Scale Residential Development plan of Lots 3 and 4 Westwinds (Windshire), located south of Melrose Avenue and cast of West Iligh School; 45 -day limitation period: 4/27/79. The Commission reviewed the proposed plan of Windshire. No action was taken. Discussion of the proposed Popperwood PAD in conjunction with sanitary sewer constraint within the area. Staff addressed the question of sewage capacity and indicated that previous concerns of surcharging in the system were believed to he attributed to large infiltration in the system. Tho problem, however, results from a greater degree of surcharging from the sewage treatment plant during wet weather conditions. It was explained that the proposed PAD plan would he presented at the next regular meeting. Discussion of the Amended Preliminary and Final PAD plan and plat of Court [fill/Scott Boulevard, Part 7. Boothroy presented proposed plans amending the original PAD plan by installation of a public street in lieu of a private drive, minor changes in the configuration of buildings and lots, and a change in the type of residential uses. 756 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 140114ES Planning and Zoning Commission Informal Meeting April 2, 1979 Page 2 Commissioners indicated a concern for the congestion of buildings at the northeast corner of Oberlin Street and the newly proposed public street. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared by MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING $ ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 5, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Jakobsen, Lehman, Ogesen, Cain, Blum (7:40), Kammermeyer (7:50) MEMBERS ABSENT: Vetter STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Ryan, Wilkinson, Schmeiser RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: 1. 5-7906. That the final Amended Large Scale Residential Development plan of Lots 3 and 4 Westwinds (Windshire) be approved contingent upon (1) the legal papers being revised and (2) the construction plans for public utilities being approved. REQUESTS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANCE: 1. That staff assistance be provided in determining the effects of the possible future alignment of Foster Road. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Jakobsen called the meeting to order and asked if anyone present wished to discuss any item not included on the agenda. No one responded. She then called for consideration of the minutes of March 12 (informal meeting) and March 15, 1979. There being no discussion, the minutes were approved as circulated. Chairperson Blum arrived and presided at the remainder of the meeting. 5-7904. Public discussion of a preliminary plat of Oakes 2nd Addition, located on Quincent Street extended; 45 -day limitation period: 4/5/79, 60 -day limitation period: 4/20/79. Boothroy presented an overlay of the area and explained that the Commission had requested staff assistance in providing a study regarding the future alignment of Foster Road. He stated that a 45 -day limitation waiver had not yet been received and that the plat still shows Quincent Street as a loop street. Blum asked if anyone present wished to speak regarding this item. Richard Boyle, 1241 Oakes Drive, presented a petition signed by almost everyone in the neighborhood. The petition stated the residents' opposition to Foster Road becoming a secondary arterial street. (copy of petition is attached) 7.56 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 11014ES Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 Page 2 Bill Sueppel, 1408 Bristol Drive, stated that he was concerned about information he had heard regarding the construction of multi -family units in the area. He also stated that the majority of the residents of the area had not heard about the possible future alignment of Foster Road and that he felt an Environmental Impact Study needed to be done before any work is done on Foster Road. After viewing the overlay, he stated that he saw nothing that was not in complete accord with what the property owners had been lead to believe about future development. He stressed, however, that he hoped that single family units would continue in the area. Dick Kratoska, engineer for Shive-Hattery, stated that he would request consideration of this subdivision at this time. Gary Gussin, 1735 N. Dubuque Road, stated that he was unable to understand what the planners are planning for the city and asked if a perimeter road could be built along the existing freeway. Lyle Amundson, 1235 Oakes Drive, stated that he supports the subdivision and would like to see Quincent Street as a cul-de-sac because he felt that an open ended road would detract from the beauty of the neighborhood. Leslie Livingston, 1315 Oakes Drive, asked how may accesses were needed for 38 homes and explained that there is only one access street now. J.R. Kennedy, 1811 N. Dubuque Road, expressed his concern about the street being an open ended road. Dean Oakes, the developer, stated that he would be glad to give the Commission a two week waiver to allow the staff to study the impact the alignment of Foster Road would have on this development. Blum explained to the audience that the Commission has seen a pre -preliminary plan for a development that would consist of other than single family dwelling units. A Planned Area Development concept has also been discussed that would allow some clustering of houses without exceeding the density as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Schmeiser stated that selecting an alignment will not be very difficult but that doing an Environmental Impact Statement would take considerably more time. Cain stated that she thinks the Commission and staff should begin looking at the alignment of Foster Road and suggested that staff assistance be requested in a process of looking at possible alignments. In answer to questions regarding whether Foster Road would be a two lane or four lane street, Schmeiser stated that it is envisioned as being two lanes of traffic with two lanes of parking. Blum described a secondary arterial street as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Blum suggested that the Commission take action on whether to defer or act upon this item and stated that the Commission members would be glad to stay after the remainder of the formal agenda had been completed to discuss residents' concerns regarding MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES Planning and Zoning Commission April 5, 1979 Page 3 Foster Road. Cain then moved, and Jakobsen seconded, that action on the preliminary plat be deferred for two weeks until the next regular meeting provided that a waiver of the limitation period is received and that staff assistance be provided in determining the effects of the possible future alignment of Foster Road. The vote was unanimously in favor. 5-7906. Public discussion of a final Amended Large Scale Residential Development plan of Lots 3 and 4 Westwinds (Windshire), located south of Melrose Avenue and east of West High School; 45 -day limitation period: 4/27/79. Boothroy presented an overlay and stated that the deficiencies had been taken care of with the exception of (1) the legal papers still need to be revised and (2) the construction plans for public utilities need to be approved. Blum called for a vote on the approval of the final Amended Large Scale Residential Development plan of Lots 3 and 4 Westwinds (Windshire) contingent upon (1) the legal papers being revised and (2) the construction plans for public utilities being approved. The vote was unanimous. Ogesen asked that another category be added to the Staff Report stating the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use. Boothroy stated that he would begin adding this section to future reports. Blum opened the floor to questions regarding Foster Road alignment. Thereafter followed a lengthy question/answer session between the residents, staff and Commissioners. Schmeiser updated progress on the new zoning ordinance by saying that he is now working on the Sign Ordinance. He further stated that a draft has been prepared on Planned Area Developments and the River Corridor Overlay Zone and that the Tree Ordinance is being typed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared byS���, �/�j� ___' Sandra Wil inson, PPD Secrotary Approved by e� 4/ -/ Z Ernest W. Lehman, PF,Z ecretary FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIIIES April 3, 1979 Planning and Zoning Commission City -of Iowa City Re: Proposed Foster Road Arterial Ladies and Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that a proposal is currently being considered on routing for the extension of Foster Road between Praire du Chien Road and North Dubuque Road. It is also under- stood that this will be an arterial collector street having a right of way of 80' and four lanes of traffic. We, now residing in the surrounding neighborhood are totally opposed to this project on several counts. We are now bounded on the south by Highway One which has been scheduled to become a four lane street from Governor to the I-80 interchange and Interstate 80 on the north. These two high traffic routes are less than k of a mile apart. The addition of another four lane street encouraging through traffic into a very small segment of land now a low density residential neighborhood already surrounded by 2 four lane roads seems to have no logic to it. We have no argument against the concept of an outer beltway to carry major traffic, especially trucking, from the I-80 to the southerly portions of the City and outlying industrial areas, but the current comprehensive plan, as adopted, shows the Foster Road Beltway as a dead end at the most westerly end of the system. There is physically no where to go north and west and no need for the system past Highway One going northwest. We also feel that the existing topography on the east side of Priere du Chien Road would make a roadway project through the area very expensive. We would like to know when the City would anticipate the comple- tion of that portion of roadway and where the funds would come from. Without the connection.through a very deep ravine Foster Road has no meaning what so ever. We have, in the past seen the city establish several major traffic generators along the Highway One corridor, the most recent being a Hy Vee Supermarket and a Drug Fair Drugstore. If Foster Drive were constructed through our neighborhood with residential street connections, major traffic would filter through seeking these MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES major .generators. Streets affected would be Quincent, Oakes Drive, Bristol, and North Dubuque Road, all now very low volume residential accesses full of young families crowded with children. These streets were not designed to carry any thing but local traffic in and out of our neighborhood. We feel they should remain that way. Most of the undeveloped ground in the area is currently under agricultural use or wooded ravines. 85% of which in not and will not be serviced by City sewer in the forceable future. This land will not be developed for some time, if ever. For reasons unknown, our neighborhood as shown in the Compre- hensive Plan was changed sometime between Preliminary and Final Plan from very low density housing to a higher density of mixed types of housing. We have resided in our area either pursing agricultural activities or built or bought our homes in an outlying single family residential area away from con- jestion and busy traffic. We are very interested and concern- ed in maintaining our neighborhood in that manner. That is precisely why we have made this area our home and have even heard promises from both the City and developers to maintain this type of development. We are sincere in telling you that we will do everything in our power to discourage future devel- opment of multi -family housing and through traffic. We feel that you as the City Planning Commission should recognize and respect our area for what it is and protect it. apm�,N� /in Respectfully Submitted, e" 11tiLd 4t'ZV_ m,M Jtn..J/ LAL) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MONIES a4,L�-'rl� MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES I MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION APRIL 4, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Gilpin, Knight, Fountain, Fahr, Kroeze, Neuzil, Sokol, Vetter, Berry, Boutelle MEMBERS ABSENT: Baker STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Conklin, Plastino GUESTS: Kay Gilles, Project GREEN SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Gilpin brought the meeting to order. Sokol stated that the minutes of March 7, 1979 omitted his name. Sokol also questioned the status of the Camp Cardinal land on the expiration of the lease. Milkman said she would investigate the matter. The minutes were unanimously approved as corrected. LANDSCAPING CITY SERVICE AREA: Dick Plastino, Director of Public Works, was present to discuss the landscaping of the City Service building area. Plastino explained that each year the City Council allocates money to improve the service building area. He informed the Commission that Bob Burns had a contract with the City to landscape the area around the modulars and that $30,000 for landscaping is included in the FY 32 budget. Also in 1982 a salt dome is to be built so the salt will not drain into the river. Plastino said since the land was a land fill area, the trash will have to be dug out of the ground and soil added so the plants may grow in this area. A question was raised as to whether or not the area could be cleaned up before 1982. Plastino said possibly by the end of the summer some clean up could be done. Knight inquired if space was going to be allocated by the river to join with Sturgis Ferry Park to create a river corridor. Plastino said at this present time no money has been allocated to landscape near the river, but there were plans to use 100 feet of the riverbank. Gilpin asked if FY 82 landscaping money could be moved ahead to FY 80. Plastino said this would be possible, however, some other project would have to be moved back. Plastino said landscaping on the outside areas (adjacent to the streets) would be acceptable now, but in the middle portion of the area, the money would not be well spent because of new building plans. The summer of 1980 would be a good time to landscape the outside area. Gilpin told Plastino that this item would be discussed at the City Council meeting on Monday April 9, 1979. Plastino suggested the Commission should discuss the future of the old Burlington Street bricks. Vetter suggested selling the bricks and using the money for beautification of the service area. Berry wondered if the plants from the mini -parks could be used to landscape the area. Milkman said most of the plantings in the mini -parks have been removed and replaced and the ones that are left are not worth replanting. The Commission suggested the construction of the salt dome should be moved ahead. Plastino said the dome would cost approximately $60,000, but it would be possible to move ahead only if another project was delayed. A question was raised as to how much salt drained into the river a year. Plastino said approxiamtely 2-3% of the salt pile drained into the river. During winter months the City stores 2,000 tons of salt at a cost of $22.00 a ton. The Commission decided to ask Don McDonald MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES 7.57 I 1 MINUTES IOIVA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION APRIL 4, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 2 to sample the water by the service buildings on Riverside Drive to see how high the the level of salt is in the river. The Commission thanked Plastino for attending the meeting. Milkman informed the Commission that the meeting with City Council was definitely scheduled for Monday April 9 at 2:30 p.m. DEDICATION OF LAND: Milkman reported to the Commission that the riverfront property owned by Mace Braverman at Sturgis Ferry had never been dedicated to the City partly because the problem of funds for maintenance had not been resolved. The Comprehensive Plan shows a river buffer zone in this area, but the City does not want to acquire land it can not maintain. Vetter said that the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended leaving the area in its natural state. The Commission decided to recommend to the City Council that this buffer be accepted with a pedestrian/bicycle trail to be constructed in area at a later date. BOAT RAMP: Milkman reported that the boat ramp plans had been received and the City Engineer estimated the total cost for the ramp and a 10 space parking area at $13,000. There is an access to the river off the Industrial Park Road and an excellent location for the parking lot. The Commission suggested constructing 20 spaces instead of 10 since half of the money would be allocated from the Iowa Conservation Commission. Boutelle asked which department would have the responsibility for maintenance of the ramp. Milkman said the Parks and Recreation Department would be responsible for maintenance. Knight wondered if there would be any problems with nearby companies using the parking lot for their cars. Vetter said there should be adequate parking on their own property, and that this area be left in its natural state as far as possible. Berry said the Parks and Recreation Commission supported the ramp pro- posal. It was suggested that the fishermen who were present at the March 7th Riverfront Commission meeting be present at the City Council meeting so the plans would make more impact on the Council members. Milkman said a memo will be sent to the City Council to give the Council members background information on this project and other projects. In discussing the projected informal meeting with the City Council, Sokol suggested Gilpin start the meeting off by reaffirming the Stanely Plan and Comprehensive Plan recommendations. Gilpin encouraged everyone to attend the meeting with Council to present the needs of the river corridor. Milkman said that specific projects should also be discussed with Council. COMMISSION REPORTS: Parks and Recreation Commission -- Berry The Commission discussed the new arboretum to be constructed in Hickory Hill Park. There was no discussion on the riverfront, but the Parks and Recreation Commission wished the Riverfront Commission well in their efforts. Planning and Zoning Commission -- Vetter MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 610RIES MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION APRIL 4, 1979 --7:30 P.M. PAGE 3 Abrams is planning to build apartments on the Ralston Creek Flood Plain on Gilbert Street. Gilpin asked the City staff to send a copy of the letter from the Iowa Natural Resources Council regarding building in the flood plain to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Johnson County -- Neuzil Johnson County Regional Planning now has a North Corridor plan which is being presented in the County and which could be presented to the Riverfront Commission. Neuzil suggested contacting Barry Hokanson. Neuzil added that he attended an excellent meeting at the University of Iowa regarding "Water Quality" University of Iowa -- Boutelle Dick Gibson wished to inform the Riverfront Commission that the University wants to store coal at the west end of Court Street near the river. Boutelle presented a map to show the location of the coal pile. The reason for storing more coal is because the University has to switch off the gas and oil in the severe winter months to coal and this location would be the ideal place for storage. Gilpin asked Boutelle if the University storage lot could be used by fishermen. Boutelle answered that the parking spaces are sold to the students to store cars and if a car without a permit is in the lot it will be ticketed. Boutelle suggested parking by the Hydraulic Lab and on Melrose by the Day Care houses after 3:30 p.m. and on weekends. MEETING WITH JOHNSON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: Milkman reminded the Commission that on April 19, 1979 at 8:30 p.m. in Kent Park the Johnson County Planning Commission would like to discuss with the Riverfront Commission the topic of the Coralville dam catwalk. Gilpin suggested meeting at the visitor's entrance of the Civic Center and form a car pool. The time for departure should be around 7:45 p.m. DISCUSSION OF REQUEST TO THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH: The Commission wondered if a student might be interested in writing a thesis on the historical areas of the Iowa River Corridor. Boutelle suggested contacting the History or Anthropology Departments to see if a student wanted to attempt the project, but she did not think it likely. It was suggested to contact the State Historical Society because they do have assistant reseachers who handle these projects. It was moved by Fahr and seconded by Neuzil to ask Knight to pursue the suggestion of having research done on the historical preservation of areas of the Iowa River Corridor. Unanimously approved. Knight said she would contact Loren Horton of the State Historical Society. IDEAS FOR USE OF THE CDBG FUNDS: The following suggestions for use of CDBG funds were briefly discussed: I. Purchase 1.34 acres of the Englert Tract at a cost of $13,000 across from Terrill Mill Park on Taft Speedway for preservation as park land. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOVIES MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMISSION APRIL 4, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 4 2. Purchase part of the Shower's property near the Issac Walton League to preserve in its natural state for park land. BOR funds may be available. 3. Construct a fishing and viewing area next to the boat ramp at Sturgis Corner. 4. Landscape and improve the east river bank north and south of Park Road after the new sewer is installed. S. Landscape and improve the riverbank by the City service area. NEW BUSINESS: Neuzil briefly reported on the "Water Quality" Conference held March 21, 1979. He suggested that the Commission might invite George Johnson of the Rock Island U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Julie c.onklin, Senior Clerk Typist MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS APRIL 4, 1979 -- 12:00 NOON RECREATION CENTER ROOM "A" MEMBERS PRESENT: Swisher, Hall, McCormick, Amidon, Braverman, Pecina, Johnson Casserly, Carter, MEMBERS ABSENT: Patrick, Clark, Horton, Ward, Owens STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Conklin, Meisel, Kucharzak, Burns, Taylor SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Swisher brought the meeting to order. Hall moved the adoption of the minutes Of March 7, 1979, Carter seconded, minutes approved unanimously. Swisher introduced Ron Johnson, a new member to CCN. Milkman commented that Johnson was representing the lower Ralston Creek area. Patrick k has resigned from the Committee and a Swisher informed the Committee that immediately. new replacement was being sought Mike Kucharzak, Director of HousingVu�J• tat presented the program called Emergency Housing Rehabilitationland liereh copies of the program booklet and noted the booklet had now been adopted by the Council. The booklet informed people of the programs and the eligibility If a person is eligible for the grants a staff member will visit the homeowner and ty decide what emergency repair or winterization is needed. requirements. for processin i 8 the grant takes approximately 30 days from the Phone the time period construction. A maximum of $2,000 is available for winterization and 0 for emergency repair assistance. Roger Tinklenber Phone call to the actual with the winterization program scanning for heat loss in homes, although the he two j programs are entirely 8Y Coordinator, will be working emergency repair was relyoserarate. Casserly asked if whether the total amount of ,wouldhhavemto Pro could receive additional benefits. Kucharzak said the homeownereowner portion of the amount or he would not receive any benefitsproduce the remaining the program was that the whole house does not nowkneed stoted be brought that eup to thechtohe tn housing code. Kucharzak added that a housing inspector does not get involved. An ad to alert in particularly the elderly to these programs will run for four days beginning April 4, 1979. Also a flier will be distributed to the elderly, and elderly affiliated agencies. The grants will be on a first come first serve basis this present time the elderly. $300 , but on July 1, 1979 it will probably be aimed toward ,000 in housing rehabilitation funds has to be used b 1979 and the City Council said that these funds could be used for the new programs, for both the elderly and other eligible low income persons. Y June 30, encumbered before June 30,'1979 it will be used, otherwise it will revert back to CDBC funds to be reallocated. P If the money is If the homeowner is over 60 years and/or disabled no lien will be filed on the property if the property owner sells or moves. Other homeowners will decreasing lien placed against their properties for three ears. an owner of the have a ever, if the propertyissoldor three beforeears threehc lien does notneedtolbethey repaid, ho be repaid, years, a portion of the loan needs to 7" MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110IBES MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS APRIL 4, 1979 -- 12:00 NOON PAGE 2 Johnson asked why the programs were available to only homeowners in the 403 area. Kucharzak said the funds were allocated from Community Development Block Grant funds, therefore, the federal regulations state this money must be used in the designated 403 area. Maureen Taylor, Finance Specialist, distributed a quarterly report on the Housing Rehabilitation program to CCN. Kucharzak explained the report and commented that $57,000 is currently out in loans and they are being repaid on a regular basis. Amidon asked what happened to the repaid loans. Kucharzak said the department hoped the money would be used to keep the Rehabilitation program operating, but at present HUD requires reuse of this money immediately before other funds can be drawn down. The Winterization program could be tied in with other existing programs in the county. On April 5, 1979, HACAP and Housing Department members will meet to discuss the programs but Kucharzak feels the relationship of the programs will be mainly on a referral basis. Johnson felt the programs should benefit people who are homeowners renting rooms or apartments in their homes and not just single family dwellings. Johnson said certain requirements should be waived to give elderly homeowners the help that they need. Kucharzak suggested that CCN could recommend use of part of the $300,000 for acquisition of some of these properties. CCN members felt that in many cases the homeowners wanted to remain in their homes and just needed rehabilitation assistance. They pointed out that in many cases the elderly homeowners' income depended on the rent received from rooms or apartments in the building. Kucharzak stated that these homeowners were eligible for 312 loans which are available for multi -family dwellings. The Committee thanked and commended Kucharzak for his presentation. SMALL CITIES: Milkman reported that at this present time HUD has not informed the City if they should submit a full application for improvements in the lower Ralston Creek area. Milkman said if a full application is filed, neighborhood meetings will be held. Johnson said he would like to see neighborhood meetings regardless of whether funds will be available and would contact the neighbors for a meeting. He felt the Committee should walk the area to see the problems and talk to the residents. SENIOR CENTER: Milkman introduced Bette Meisel, Program Development Specialist, working on the Senior Center. Meisel reported that the Architects had spent $53,000 on furniture which was under the estimated costs. An additional grant of $38,000 needs to be spent before September 30, 1979 for furniture. Meisel explained the different programs and services that will be offered in the Senior Center. She invited persons who were interested, to attend a viewing of the Architect's floor plans on April 18, 1979 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Recreation Center. On April 19, 1979 the plans will be available to the service providers to comment on space allocation for their needs. Bids for the rehabilitation of the Old Post Office will be out in October of 1979, and the opening of the Senior Center is being planned for May MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOHIES I' s i MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMU APRIL 4, 1979 __ 1 PAGE 3 1980 in celebratioi There being no furl MINUTES IOWA CITY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION RECREATION CENTER ROOM B MARCH 14, 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Berry, Boutelle, Crum, Hayek, Hillman, Humbert, McLaughlin, Thayer, Ward MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Hauber, Howell, Lacina, Lee, Showalter (left at 7:45) GUESTS: Mary Aboud (KXIC), Anne Glenister IPRA Conference in Cedar Rapids Showalter explained the agenda for the IPRA Conference 3/25-3/27. Members wishing to go are to make arrangements with him. Summary of Discussion and Formal Action Taken: The Iowa City Parks and Recreation Commission met in Regular Session on 3/14/79 with Chairperson Boutell presiding. *Ward moved and Thayer seconded that the minutes of the February 14, 1979 meeting meeting be approved as written. Unanimous. Arboretum Presentation: Staff Horticulturist Dianne Lacina presented the status of the Hickory Hill Arboretum project and explained how with the help of the citizen's committee the planning process had evolved. Commission members posed a number of questions which were fielded by Lacina. The members voiced an interest in visiting the Bickelhaupt Arboretum in Clinton and Lee was asked to request Showlater to make the arrangements. Committee Reports Hillman reported that the Ralston Creek Coordinating Committee had not met. Berry reported that the Riverfront Commission was still discussing the installation of a boat ramp down river from the Burlington Street dam. Ward reported that the Committee on Community Needs at their last meeting discussed the Armory Area Project and the Ralston Creek problems. They have submitted a preliminary proposal for federal funds to purchase land along the creek. Staff Report Lee reported on "early bird" swim from 7-8 a.m. Monday -Friday until May 11. Attendance holding up well. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES 1 Minutes Page 2 March 14, 1979 Discussion of programming for pre-school age children Hillman asked about activities for pre-school age children during the summer and other times of the year. Lee will obtain information about the Cedar Rapids tot lot program and discuss with staff about conducting some special events for this age. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ae Rober cr tion Superintendent MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 22, 1979 4:15 PM STORYHOUR ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Summary of Discussion Bartley, Bezanson, Farber, Ostedqaard, Richerson Newsome Kirkman, Moore, Eggers, Tiffany, Carter, Westgate, McGuire John Goeldner and Clayton Yoshida - two representatives of a University political science class; Steve Burrows of KXIC The meeting was convened at 4:25 PM by President Bezanson. Minutes of the February 22, 1979, Regular Meeting, and Minutes of Building Committee Meetings from March 7 and March 20, 1979, were approved. Moore/Richerson. The March disbursements were approved. Richerson/Bartley. The Library Materials Expenditure Report of March 1, 1979, was reviewed. The Director noted a correction and stated that the materials budget is in good shape. Director's Report attached which includes current information on the status of the building program. No President's Report. Building Committee N3 reported that they are working according to schedule. Chairperson Bartley requested that an allocation of $500 be made from the library's Gifts and Bequests Fund to cover printing and postage costs of their solicitation package. The Board approved a motion which would authorize a $500 allocation from Gifts and Bequests for Building Committee N3, and which would also re- designate the referendum bank account to Building Committee R3 with authorized signators Bartley and Hyman of the Library Board. The Board approved the contract with Robert Rohlf for the interior design services for the new library with corrections as noted to change "City" to "Library Board" in the contract language. Ostedgaard/Kirkman. The FY1980 contract with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors for library services to unincorporated Johnson County was approved by the Board. Kirkman/Richerson. The Director was asked to respond to the letter from the Mayor of North (OVER) POT01 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MDUIEs 9 MINUTES IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 22, 1979 Page 2 Liberty, David Roberts, which notified the Board that North Liberty will not renew the contract for library services for FY1980. The following resolution was approved by the Board: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The official bulletin board for posting notice of, and tentative agenda for, all meetings of the Library Board, or any committee created by the Library Board, is the bulletin board located in the main entrance hall of the Iowa City Public Library, 307 E. College, Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa. Bartley/Richerson. Board members Bezanson and Hyman attended the March 15 meeting with representatives of local organizations of the handicapped. Both Board members and staff felt it was a successful and informative meeting with specific suggestions received both for architectural design details and equipment for the new building which would meet the needs of the physically handicapped. Following discussion and review of the methods for computing the fee for non2resident cards, the Board approved a motion to increase the fee card to $60 a year per family beginning July 1, 1979. The $60 fee was based on the method of computing the average cost per capita to Iowa City residents multiplied by the average size family in Johnson County. The total cost includes both operating expenses and long term capital costs. The Board also decided to review the fee annually and will consider the the possibility of dropping the fee card option in the future, requir- ing contracts with the jurisdiction if non-residents want library service. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM. [/1! f7[t.(iEl� Susan McGuire Recorder / MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RANDS -DES 1101NEs DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING MARCH 22, 1979 STORYHOUR ROOM Financial This month's disbursements reflect several new building and automation related expenses. The Finance Department has set up account numbers for 1.) Building construction and planning and 2.) Equipment and fur- nishing including automation so we will have a precise record of expen- ditures for both. Preliminary projections done this week indicate that pending a large unexpected expense, the FY1979 budget should be able to absorb some of the incidental expenses of conversion start-up. Services McDonald's is cooperating with the library in a couple of promotions related to National Library Week, April 1-7. They will provide prizes for winners of the library bookmark and quiz contests. Over 65 young people, primarily junior high age, attended the March 20 workshop on summer jobs planned by Young Adult Librarian Judy Kelley in association with Job Service of Iowa and the city school counselors. New Boar_ d Members Three new Board members will be appointed for terms starting July 1. This is a crucial period in the planning of the new building. It's impor- tant that capable people apply. Cable TV The Broadband Telecommunication Specialist to be hired in about 6 weeks will be housed in the library (we aren't sure where). He or she will serve as staff support for the newly -appointed Cable TV Commission and oversee the work of Hawkeye Cable TV. Eventually the BTS will promote and co- ordinate use of cable throughout the community. ATC, parent company of Hawkeye Cable TV, has sent us a first draft of a lease for their space in the new building. We have given it to the City Legal Department to work on and plan to have it for your review at the April Board meeting. The Project: Progress Report p2 Planning a conversion project and a new building at the same time is a little like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same (OVER) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 140Ir1ES DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 1979 PAGE 2 time. Both take an overwhelminq amount of thought and concentration but they tend to send you in different directions and then compete with each other for your attention. We must be prepared for some complaints from the public, some gaps in the quality of service. In one sense we are literally retyping the card catalog and revising every process and procedure we now have. For some months we will be rune ng both the old and new systems. Since the arrival of the computer on February 22: 1. We have spent 2 full days in training with the CLSI represen- tative. The basic parameters of the system were set up and the first items entered. 2. All conversion procedures have been charted and instructional manuals written, reviewed and tested. 3. Work sites in the auditorium and the old Seven Rivers Room have been laid out, equipped and tested for arrangement and effec- tiveness. 4. The Assistant Supervisor and editor have been selected. The Editor is on duty and in training. The Assistant Supervisor starts next Monday. Ads are currently runninq for data entry operators and we hope to start 9 of them on April 9. 5. One full-time CETA "occupation assessment" trainee has been placed for the next 13 weeks. She is working as a clerical assistant on the project. The CETA grant is in process and in question. We will get less than we expected, if any at all, due to changed regulations which at the same time require salaries equal to permanent empoyees but no higher than an average of $3.19/hour. 6. Strategies for converting borrowers' registration files have been outlined, and some tentative decisions made. We hope to have applications ready by May 1. We estimate 10-13,000 patrons will re -register before 10-1-79. 7. An initial open house for all staff members was held Monday, March 19. A brief review of data entry and search capabilities was demonstrated. We have set Wednesday, 3-5, as visiting hours -- because of the number of requests we've already re- ceived from people wanting to look it over. 8. Finally, there have been hours and hours of brainstorming, problem-solvinq, meetings, spouses and children ignored, and MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MINES DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 1979 PAGE 3 late night sessions. It is a mammoth job and will strain the patience of all involved. But we know the result will be well worth all the effort. A special "acceptance of the system" session will be held at noon, on Tuesday April 3. Board members can bring their lunch and see a demon- stration of all the equipment and possible functions. This demonstra- tion is necessary before final payment is made to CLSI. Progress on Building Program 1. Building Plans: - Building has been moved 5 feet east and fire stairs on west wall moved "outside" - recovers 100-150 square feet and sim- plifies footings construction. - Children's Room and large reading room re -drawn - Both improved - especially entrance to Children's Room. - Staff is making area -by -area analysis noting details of elec- trical, lighting, furniture, equipment needs. 2. Leal/Technical Issues: Placement of the Iowa -Illinois transformer; reg e oca ono a water main and who pays to move it; the issue of liability for the future moving of Penney's east wall (owned jointly by both properties) and any subsequent excavations which i might undermine the library's structural support; building code interpretations of maximum occupancy and number of toilets re- quired. We will'be seeking a variance from the Plumbing Review Board to use 1979 instead of 1976 Unified Plumbing Code standards I on number of toilets. 3. Building Program Schedule: March 23 - April 26 March 23-27 Area/by-area review with Hansen Lind Meyer based on input from each department. 3/27 - 4/5 Development of above material with feedback from staff. 4/4 - 4/6 Newly detailed prints sent to AV Consultant, Hawkeye Cable, Fire, Building Inspector, etc. Paula Vesely, DVR & W, comes for first meeting with rough draft of shelving layout and ideas on other areas to aid architect. (OVER) MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110INES DIRECTOR'S REPORT LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING - MARCH 22, 1979 PAGE 4 4/12 Buildinq Committee #1: 4:00 Thursday Progress Report. 4/13 AV Consultant here to review plans/layouts. Final layout of shelving due. 4/17 Revised plans to Rohlf (as consultant). Resource Conservation Commission (RCC). City Review Boards. 4/23 or 24 Review with Rohlf. Buildinq Committee #1 - Final review this phase. RCC - Review with architect. (Exact dates/times pending) 4/26 Board Meeting. Design Development documents approved pending final approval by Review Boards. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES