HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-08 Bd Comm minutes--' MINUTES COUNCIL OF ELDERS APRIL 11, 1979 1:30 P.M. RECREATION CENTER ROOM "A" MEMBERS PRESENT: Cain, Carlton, Harms, Kuhn, Lane, Moore, Muir, Musgrove, Poynter, Schaefer, Thomson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kincade, Pollock, Strong, West. STAFF PRESENT: Conklin, Meisel. GUESTS: Kay Cain, Glenn & Thelma Fountain, Lorna Mates, Wm. E. Roberts, Kathryn O'Brien, Lisa Walz, Pearl Zemlicka. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Acting President Agnes Kuhn brought the meeting of the Council of Elders to order. Carlton moved to approve the minutes of March 14, 1979 as written. Cain seconded, minutes approved unanimously. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Kuhn informed Council of Elders members that the new members would be elected in May for a new Council of Elders. Wilma Kincade requested that her name be removed from the nomination list. At the present time there are 26 names on the list. The 16 nominees receiving the greatest number of votes will become the new Council of Elders. In June they will have a meeting to elect officers of the Council of Elders from among their number. Kuhn noted that everyone over 55 was eligible to vote for the new candidates. Poynter asked that the spelling of the following names be corrected on the nomination list. Florence Spaine, Pearl Zemlicka, Kathryn O'Brien, Kathryn Moon, and Marjorie Edwards. Kunn introduced the nominees that were present at the meeting. OLDER AMERICANS COMMITTEE: Poynter said that the Committee had a meeting on April 6 to discuss the county fair for this year. Cain said a more conclusive meeting was scheduled for Friday, April 13 at Close Mansion. He added that the Committee hoped to attract more persons. Instead of a major speaker, the Committee decided to ask the mayors of Iowa City and Coralville to welcome the audience. The Committee called Killian's concerning the fashion show because it was decided to have another one this year. The manager of Killian's said that the problem with the fashion show last year was that the models did not cooperate. Cain assured him that the models would cooperate this year. The fashion show runs about half an hour and Mrs. Cain asked persons to volunteer to model the clothes. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110114ES rjOS Council of ders April 11, 1:,i9 Page 2 Benita Allen will be present at the April 13 meeting to discuss a dance routine for the fair. Cain felt that refreshments should be served - possibly coffee and cookies. Several ideas for the fair were brought up such as: is quilt and woolspinning booths, an old doll presentation, an old tool booth, a craft exhibit, a photography exhibit, and all the service providers for the Senior Center should have booths with persons occupying them to explain the services. People were asked to volunteer for subcommittees for the following: refreshments, exhibits, and program. Kuhn suggested that they discuss these items at the Friday meeting. Kay Cain mentioned that Martha Barker had asked COE members to tally the total number of hours they spend on volunteer work and bring the totals to the Friday meeting. Carlton suggested contacting the TV stations for publicity for the fair. Poynter suggested using the radio stations in Iowa City. SENIOR CENTER COMMISSION Kuhn informed the Council of Elders members that five persons from Iowa City would be appointed by the City Council to the Senior Center Commission. Two persons from Johnson County would be appointed by the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to the Senior Center Commission. The applications from citizens of Iowa City for appointments to the Senior Center Commission need to be in the City Clerk's office in the Civic Center by April 19. There is no age requirement for these positions. UPDATE ON SENIOR CENTER ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAM Meisel stated that in attempting to give everyone involved with the Senior Center exactly what they wanted the architects have gone over the budget by one-third. The plans will have to be revised to reflect the reality of a limited budget. A probable date for the public viewing will be on April 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. The following day will be reserved for the service providers to critique their spaces. May of 1980 is the scheduled date for the opening of the Senior Center. Construction should begin at the end of the summer with outside work being done through the fall and inside work being done in the winter months. Cain asked if there were any plans for the top floor. Meisel said that the staff would like all the offices to be located on the first two floors leaving the upper floor open for future expansion. A question was asked whether the whirlpool was going to be left in the plans. Meisel reported that at this time there is no plan for a whirlpool. Meisel asked everyone to be present at the viewing so that ideas could be given to the architects. Once the architects begin working drawings further changes become very expensive. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110114E5 Council of I�irs ^ April 11, 19/y Page 3 CRISIS CENTER Muir, who is also on the board of the Crisis Center, reported that she was going off the Council of Elders in May. She asked the Council of Elders members what they expected from the center. A suggestion was made that they be requested to answer the phone in the evening hours. Kuhn suggested that since new members will be appointed to the Council of Elders, the question of involvement should wait until the new Council of Elders is elected. Muir said that any services would have to approved by the Crisis Center Board. NEW BUSINESS: Poynter reminded the Council of Elders members that the annual meeting of Council on Aging was scheduled for April 20 at 2:00 p.m. in the Close Mansion. He also mentioned that West High School students have asked the elderly to visit the school and spend the day with the students. The day planned for this event is April 27. Poynter asked persons to give him their names so that the students could be informed of the total number coming. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES IIOINES MINUTES RESOURCES CONSERVATION COMMISSION MARCH 27, 1979 4:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER CONFERENCE ROOM RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY STAFF The RCC recommends that the staff change the Heat Loss Identification Project procedures to use a direct mailing to property owners by neighborhood and that when the full scan is done the owner be informed that photos can be taken if they wish them. The RCC recommends that the staff proceed with the computer analysis of the City building energy use. REQUEST FOR STAFF ASSISTANCE The RCC requested that an inquiry be made to the Legal Staff to see ' if there is any recourse for damages due to the necessity of rede- signing the Heat Loss Identification Project. The RCC requested that the recycling possibilities information be Put together for an ad to run in the local newspapers. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND FORMAL ACTIONS TAKEN j Stager moved, Hotka seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 16, 1979 meeting as corrected. Approved unanimously. Heat Loss Identification Project Tinklenberg reviewed the problems which Bruce Pitt, the temporary scanner operator, and he had encountered with the film. They have experimented with every type of film possible and slides seem to offer the best quality. Tinklenberg stated that he was thinking of changing the project procedures and that there are several alterna- tives available. For the initial contact the following are the alternatives: I 1. maintain the status quo which involves taking an initial scan photo and mailing it to the property owner, 2. a mass mailing to everyone in the city offering the service, or 3. individualized mailing to property owners in selected areas, however, without an initial scan photo. t i I '• . ' MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIRES Resources Conservation Commission March 27, 1979 Page 2 For the full scan there are the following alternatives: 1. photograph all bad spots regardless of whether the owner wants it or not, 2. make a written or oral report only, or 3. make a written and oral report and offer photos of the bad areas if the owner requests it. In the discussion which followed the Commission suggested that the staff use slides and possibly reprint one photo in the mailing for the initial contact. Then, when the full scan is done, advise the owner that photos are available if they wish them. Bolnick moved, Stager seconded, that the RCC recommend that the staff move to a direct mailing by neighborhood and that when the full scan is taken that the homeowner be advised that photos are available. Approved unanimously. Bolnick moved, Hotka seconded, that an inquiry be made to the Legal Staff to see if there is any recourse for damages due to the necessity of redesigning the project available from the company to the City, since it could be argued that the changed project provides a less effective service. Approved unanimously. Computer Analysis of City Building Energy Use John Houck, former member of the RCC, appeared before the Commission and reported on the computer program which he and the staff had been setting up to analyze the City building energy use. Since the objective of the program was to prepare a history of energy use for each building, the decision was made to establish a five year history for each building. Houck illustrated the computer program, which lists each building, the year, month, average temperature per month, building occupancy per month, KWH, KW demand, therms of natural gas, and the conversion factor for converting CCF of natural gas into therms. The printouts will produce, in an 8� x 11 format, the five year history, the total BTUs, and the BTUs/gross square footage. The final graph is a Building Energy Management Index and meets the requirements of the State Class A Energy Audit. In it the Building Energy Characteristic (BEC): energy consumption divided by floor area, divided by average temperature, is plotted against the Building Function Characteristic (BFC): building occupancy divided by floor area, divided by average temperature, to give the Building Energy Management Index. Houck stated that the computer program does several things. First, it forces one to gather up energy use data on all the buildings and shows what the historical use has been. Second, it provides a useful tool for future energy audits. The State will eventually MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES Resources Conservation Commission March 27, 1979 Page 3 have a typical BEMI curve for each type of building and the City will be able to compare its buildings to the State average. The computer cost will be approximately $3.00 per building and the keypunch labor will bring the total to approximately $5.00 per building for the computer analysis. Houck stated that he would turn this program over to the City so that it could enter the public domain. Stager moved, Bolnick seconded, that the RCC recommend that the staff proceed with the computer analysis of the City building energy use. Approved unanimously. GASOLINE SHORTAGE There was no update. National Energy Act Bolnick reported that Tinklenberg and he had met with Professor Ellis and his class. He has assigned his class to review the electrical rate structure provisions of the National Energy Act and write a recom- mendation to the City Council via the RCC. The Commissioners are still working on the outline of the National Energy Act for the report to the City Council. Stager submitted his report. Recycling Possibilities and Publication Costs Report Katie Lee compiled a list of organizations accepting goods. The Commission's idea was to mail a listing of all these recycling outlets to all the Iowa City postal patrons. For a single 8h x 14 inch page printed on both sides the cost would i be approximatley $400 when printed on the City multi -lithe and i would cost approximately $614 when printed commercially. The bulk mailing cost is a major item at approximatley $1,500. This would place the total cost of the mailing at approximately $2,000. Hotka moved, Stager seconded, that the recycling possibilities material be put together for an ad to run in the local newspapers. Approved unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Tinklenberg reminded the Commission that the applications for RCC membership are due on April 19 and that the appointments will be made on April 24. He requested that they contact any acquaintenances that they might have who would be interested in serving on the Commission or that they make suggestions to the City Council. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 1401NES Resources Conservation Commission March 27, 1979 Page 4 In other discussion Bolnick asked what had happened with the materials which the RCC has requested to be ordered. Tinklenberg responded that when the report to the City Council, the gasoline use report, the encoding of the computer data, and the Pilot Solar Demonstration Project are completed that he will then order these materials. The Commissioners then discussed the fact that all energy forms are tied together and that the RCC should not get bogged down in working at one type of energy only, but rather should look at the overview. The Commissioners also agreed that they must prioritize the items which they asked the staff to analyze or handle. It was felt that the City building energy use offers the most potential for energy savings at this time and is therefore the most important item to deal with. It was decided that at the next meeting the RCC would review their goals and objectives for the year. The meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Roger Tinklenberg. Ira Bolnick, Secretary. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES