HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-14 Bd Comm minutes■ 4 U Airport Commission July 25, 1979 I.C. Civic Center The ICMAC held an emergency meeting at 9:00 A.M. (July 25, 1979) at the Civic Center in the Conference Room in order to consider what to do about the resignation, effective immediately, of E.K. Jones as Iowa City Municipal Airport Manager. P.hairman Phipps called the meeting to order. Present: Phipps, Bleckwenn, Redick, Embree. Absent: Sasugling. Also present: members of the press. The Commission received Y copy of the official statement to the press by Mr. Bones. Bleckwenn said he didn't think an interim manager was needed, over the next few weeks, because no big problems at the Airport exist now (no snow, no equipment failures). The possible existence of an insurance problem if no manager was in charge was discussed. Bleckwenn suggested that Phipps act as manager in interim and delegate work to other Commission members. A recess was called in order that Embree could check on the insurance question. Following recess (approx. 5 minutes), Embree reported that she had contacted Russ Mishak, insurance agent handling ICMAC policies, and that he had advised her that there would be no insurance problem. It was agreed by cnnsensus to authorize Phipps to act as manager. In addition, Phipps was authorized to meet with Pat Brown, the City's employment specialist, to get an ad written for the manager position. Bleckwenn asked if the new manager should be an employee of the City or of ICMAC. Discussion. The consensus was that Phipps should check with Attorney Tucker about this question. A possible budget amendment and the sources of funding to pay for a new manager were discussed. Phipps will check with the City Finance Dept. for further information. Bleckween moved, seconded by Embree, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:351 These minutes prepared by Caroline Embree, Commission member MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110UIES /S3 low 4_ - __- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101nES 1.131 v Meeting of the ICAC July 23, 1979 Members present: Redick, Embree, Bleckwenh, Phipps, Saeugling Members absent: None Others present: Toni Drury (UI) Dick Plummer Josh Binswan er KCRG g ( ) Dan oberek Elliott Full Jo Benda Keith Spurgeon Harry Ilinchly Larry Daniels (KXIC) David Shirley Ken LovrdeX( D C.A. Full avid Bulgarelli James Antill Ed Thomas Don Strub Jim Fulton Jim Lloyd Dennis Gordon Mel Schemmel f K. Gleaves Charles J. Ileuzel Steven Spector Barb Weuzel I ' John A. Fowler Richard Pattschull Arlene Saeugling ` L. bredruee Sandy Gleaves Kitty Schaffer Don Nelson Keith Rod Candler Schaffer C. Wayne Funk Bill Nusser Sr. I Peter Hatch Anne Musser Richard Evers Sr. Lori Dethlefs Thomas E. filer Dennis Lawbert Jorge Rendon Craig Suplee Gene Suplee Jonathan Soldrurn ' Larry R. Brumley Carol W. DeProsse Barry H. Guisley Dell Orr Marianne R. Weiss Samuel Kanef S. Getre John B. Stokes Jack Christensen D.K. Johnson Johannas Gofax Jim hells O.J. Gode ! A.U. Ilokanson 0. Uanley Elliot Jones Renae Pieper John Redick Leo I I•lark Ramsey DuaneIngramLinda Pilicer Shrea Kamates William Tucker Bill Klink 1 I Judith Klink $, GinSh�ry 4_ - __- MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101nES 1.131 v 2. I. Summary of Action Taken: Minutes: The meeting was called to order by Chairman i11rF pps. The minutes of the meeting from June 28, 1979, were read. It was suggested by Lmbree that this be the last meeting where they were not provided with copies of the minutes well in advance of the meeting. The need for a secretary to speed up the efficiency of the recording of the minutes was mentioned. Embree moved for postponement of approval of the minutes until all have copies. She said her motion for amending the student restriction was omitted entirely. Redick seconded the motion. Notion carried. B. Lana er's Presentation of Bills: The Flanager presented t e s or approva see a Cached copy). General discussion followed. It was discussed that all bills paid by the ICAC must be on the handout to be authorized. The possibility of duplicate payments was discussed. Embree moved that the bills be approved with the proviso that it be made sure L. Robert Kimball was not paid twice. Jones seconded. Motion tarried. C, Flana,er's Re ort to ICAC: The equipment for the VASE T{91its as arr ve ie trees adjacent to the Gene layers property have been removed. IC Flying Service has moved upstairs to the terminal building as agreed upon by the Commission. Mr. Jones has been informed by his lawyer that because of his enforcement of the student restriction he would be held responsible for any accidents and recommends that the r.estl•iction be removed. He further added that the black top addition has been completed. The (taster Plan Status consultants did not make it to the meeting. They have proceeded on PHASE II and will have a report so the Commission can hold further public informational meetings by the next meeting. PHASE I is 90% completed and is proceeding. II. Uiscussion From Guests: A.Fir. Uon Strube, President Elect of the Iowa City Chamber 00 omce, read a letter to the Commission from Bob Uowner, President of the Chamber of Commerce, who could not attend the meeting. He stated that the airport is important to the Iowa City area and that all users of the facility should be treated fairly and equally. He is disturbed by the policy toward the student pilots because: MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIIIES 3. 1. it discriminates against student pilots as 'opposed to licensed pilots, 2, it requires take offs and landings under adverse wind conditions and so jeopardizes the safety of those involved, 3, it causes congestion of the airport runways. Ile suggested that the policy may violate the provisions of Section 328.19 of the Ioo-:a Code and may breach existing agreements between Iowa City and the FAA. He encouraged the policy be reversed. 8, Mr. Keith 5 ur eon President of Executive Aviation Litited,, presega formal complaint to the Commission against Mr. Jones in a conflict of interest case. During the past two years, he claims Jones has refused him service for his aircraft and has now been told to vacate his hanger .in 30 days. His complaint is based on: 1. a review by J, Hayek of lir. Jones lease with the Commission which he finds questionable, 2. Mr. Turner, former Attn. General report, 3, the interest of the current Attn. General in renewing the matter, 4. the current granting of a Federal grant to the Spencer, Iowa, :airport which called for the termination of any exclusive lease agreements with any fixed base operators. He claims that if Jones is found in conflict of interest, any contracts, verbal or written, are null and void. Ile called for an investigation by the Commission. He further suggested that the Commission could pay for an -airport manager by regaining control of the rental property. Ile claims the difference Jones pays the Commission and what he collects is sizeable. Followed by general discussion. Mr. Jones responded by handing out copies of the Accounts Receivable records since 1976 for Mr. Spurgeon's account. He claims I•ir, Spurgeon's checks have bounced, his payments have been sporatic, and he failed to pay for four months prior to the eviction notice. The contract between them was a gentlemen's agreement; there was not written contract. Embree said both ought to be careful of libel action. She moved that the ICAC ask attorney William Tucker to review the leases and contracts between: 1, the ICAC and Mr, Jones, MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MONIES i 4. 2. IC Flying Service and the Commission, 3, and to review the memoed opinion of City Attorney J. Hayek and to tell the Commission whether he concurs with the City Attorney's opinions as soon as he possibly could. General discussion followed, A voice vote was taken: Redick - aye Embree -aye Bleckwenn - nay Saeugling - aye Phipps - abstain Motion carried. both men were told this discussion should be held privately and was not for a public meeting. III. Comments from the Commission: Noise Abatement A. Student Policy Letter to Bond: Redick read a letter she sent to Mr. Langhorne M. Bond, Director of the FAA (see attached). Embree moved that student pilots should be prohibited between 5 and 9 p.m. but not to enforce it to minimize the problem. She then amended the motion for a shorter time such as 5-1:30 p.m. Embree said that flying Mould go on as usual until advice from the FAA was given. She stated she had called Mr. Sasser in Kansas City (FAA office) and asked for suggestions on the restriction, but has not heard anything yet. Motion failed - lack of second. Saeugling commented that Redick's letter was unnecessary. Redick said she already had mailed the letter without the Commission's endorsement, Saeugling moved that the Commission lift the restriction on student flights. Motion failed - lack of second. Embree moved the restriction be suspended for student pilots pending clarification by the FAA and/or EPA. Saeugling seconded the motion. Motion carried, B. Further noise Abatement Motions: 1. Redick made a .notion that the ICAC adopt: a) raise AGL (above ground level) pattern from 800 ft. to 1000 ft. b) establish right hand traffic patterns on runways 35,12, and 6, MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOVIES 5. Saeugling proposed that they vote on the two points separately. The first proposal was seconded by Embree. Jones stated that there might be a problem with this as this height is not standard in all airports. He suggested the Commission take it under advisement. General discussion followed. Redick restated the motion that AGL pattern be raised to 1000 ft. and its imple- mentation will await approval by the FAA. (First motion withdrawn) Embree seconded it. General discussion followed. Fulton, area farmer, questioned how noise would be abated if the noise occurs at take off. Redick added that the motion was also for safety reasons. Jones clarified the situation by stating that it would apply primarily to high performance planes whose noise would be less at the greater height. Motion carried. 2. Redick motioned that they establish right hand traffic patterns on runways 35,12 and 6. This brings the pattern out over the river rather than over residential areas. Jones claimed that this change would bring them over the downtown area. Embree seconded the motion. Saeugling said they should wait until the next meeting to have time to look at this closer and asked the consulttait to look at this for next month. Mofloncarrt_d. 3. Redick then motioned that all pilots should execute full landings on 35 and 30 only and must return to the beginning of the runway before taking off to help achieve higher altitude than with couch and go take offs. Embree seconded it. Seaugling mentioned the need for taxi ways with this measure. He suggested a time limit be put on the policy as this problem doesn't exist throughout the entire day. Redick withdrew her motion and restated that all pilots should execute full stop lafidings between 4 and 9 daily. Embree seconded. Motion carried. 4. Redick moved also for voluntary compliance with the following: a) pilot awareness of noise sensitive areas b) instructors will teach noise abatement and safety procedures to their students c) fixed base operators should carry out above and conduct campaign to show all pilots noise areas and abatement procedures d) airport managers are responsible to see that radio operators at terminal give runway choice, wind conditions and appropriate pattern information as part of airport advisory to incoming pilots e) she also asked that fixed base operators voluntarily give information as far as runway choice, wind conditions, etc., stressing the voluntary aspect of this. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES Ido RIES EX,sk W•7ack'ro 1J Iv Info Embree rnoveqj a�r• of AE lease be4-ween N E,�',Tones ,as F60 / ayvl Ac Uy o MLO.A Ci 4-c,( A no4, rgor• o 'phi TCM K rqQ,&A his o�Ihlbn on *;_ Ncoiai: - of A,. 1"SE, R:ciack ecesnc�ecQihs rno�fiovl• D,scu.SstoN FollodleJ, 6. MOV 6A) Embree seconded it. Redick removed the part about C.4MIE0, the airport manager and radio operator (d). Motion carried, C. William Tucker, attorney, suggested to the Commission that a policy of not allowing motions to be considered unless they have been submitted in writing at least 7 days before the meeting, except in emergency cases', be implemented. This would allow for better organization and provides for more complete knowledge of the motions by ail members. A guest suggested that the aviation community also be informed of these motions in advance. �� t was decided to post the motions with the agenda. U. IAirport Pro ert McCrab Lease. An attorney for the McCrab peop a as as a perm ssion to sublet the property. Saeugling stated that he had no objections if all the original agreements were met first. Saeugling made a motion that the McCrab people be instructed to fulfill and be inspected by qualified people to see if the contract agreements have been met. Embree seconded the motion. Motion carried. E. Bud et anq Finance: A final copy of the budget was not ava a e. Mee stated that she had talked to the City Finance Director and was informed she could have a handwritten summary and that a final copy would be available as soon as possible from the computer. Previous balance: $100,362.13 for 6/30/79, which includes the investment of $75,000, Cash balance: $25,362.13. Embree suggested the purchase of new tapes so records of the meetins could be kept longer. Embree moved that they buy enough tapes so it would be possible to keep them for a year before having to reuse them. Saeugling seconded it. Motion carried. F. Air ort Diana er: Embree moved that the.ICAC take applic- at ons or an airport manager. Redick seconded it. 1%,eckLt)env)SmMN94=V commented that fiscally, they can't afford a full-time manager. Ile said he would like to see the airport get tax support from the city for something like this. Embree said they can not afford not to hire someone and that the lack of one could account for part of the difficulties between the airport and the City Council. Hr. Jones stated that the money ($6500) given him didn't cover the time and effort he put in clearing the runways in the winter. He said he would be glad to be relieved as airport manager. He said the Commission should not MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MINES 7. expect the individuals that use the airport to pay for a manager. fie fprther stated that the Commission owes it to the people to assure safe use of the airport. Lmbree made a motion that the airport advertise for a manager using the fiscal year 78-/9 manager contract as a basis for the job description, and listing the salary as open depending on the qualifications of the applicant. Motion carried with cue - l4- voting against. Plvi ps AlecKwenn Sa611§149 motioned that they adjourn. Embree seconded it. Motion carried. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVES 0 i July 18, 1979 402 Brookland Place Iowa City, Iowa 52240 (319) 337-4798 Mr. Langhorne M. Bond, Director Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20591 Dear Mr. Bond: As a member of the Iowa City Airport Commission, I am writing to seek your advice and counsel on a matter of extreme concern to many citizens of this City. It involves a safety and noise problem which exists due to the close proximity of our municipal airport to residential areas. As we have received ennflicting advice on this issue, I have decided to seek your input to resolve this critical problem. Iowa City is, and has been, a delightful place to live: the relatively unhurried pace of small city life being harmoniously enriched by the Univer- sity of Iowa, three medical hospitals with extensive medical expertise and fa- cilities, and cultural advantages which rival any of this nation's largest cities. For these reasons people elect to make their home in this community as opposed to larger cities. However, numerous citizens of this city are be- coming increasingly alarmed at seeing their quality of life being degraded by excessive noise from the evdr increasing numbers of aircragt operations at our local airport. One of my goals in seeking the position of airport commissioner, was to try to help resolve this problem. As a Commission we have been working on Possible solutions for over a year. One area of operations contributes to citizens' concerns about safety and noise more than any other: that area in- cludes all the student training flights. In trying to reach a compromise so- lution, the Commission has been constantly frustrated by the airport manager (who is also the Fixed Base Operator) and others stating that we cannot im- pose any restrictions on student pilot operations at this airport as same would be contrary to FAA regulations. On May 24, 1979, a majority of the Airport Commission voted to apply a limited restriction on student operations: Begining June 1, 1979, and subject to Commission review in September, 1979, all student pilots are prohibited from taking off on runways 30 and 35 between the hours of 4:00 and 9:00 PM. Landings are permitted to all pilots, regardless of status, on all six run- ways (see Atch. 1). Pilots with student licenses may only take off on runways 17, 12, 24, and 6 during this period, however all other pilots may take off on any appropriate runway. The rationale for imposing this restriction was twofold. The primary concern was for the safety of residents in the heavily populated area surrounding the airport to the North. Student pilots solo with approximately seven to eight hours of flying time and these same students, using single engine trainers on runways 30 and 35, are taking off over densely populated areas with abso- lutely no open space for an emergency landing in the event of a power failure MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES -t- on takeoff. Open areas exist off the other runways. It is highly th an engine�quueestionable ahether singleeven an engine aircraft cin this ed tsituation. (Incould safely c stark ope icontraat, the SthteeofnIowa requires student automobile drivers to practice driving for two years with an adult driver, to complete a six-week driver's education course, and to pass both a written exam and practical exam before being allowed to solo on the streets and highways of Iowa.) The citizens of the affected areas are feeling increasing alarm that inexperienced pilot operations are increasing over their homes. The fact that no fatalities have occurred during the period of operation of the flight school is fortunate in the extreme. However, the odds are certainly in- creasing that Iowa City will see a tragic accident as the number of student and other air operations continues to increase over residential areas. Contrary to the June 4, 1979 letter by the airport manager, Mr. E.K. Jones, to Mr -William Sasser, Chief Airport Division, Central Division, Federal Aviation Association (Atch. 2), and the reply from Joseph W. Jones, Chief, Programs Branch, (Arch. 3), I do not believe that the restriction which the Commission has imposed on student pilots represents a safety hazard for them. As pilots, they must evaluate all aspects of flying conditions (weather, local restrictions, etc.) and make a determination whether they can safely fly or not, If the wind conditions are such that they cannot tate off safely during these hours then they should forego flying just as they would forego flying due to a severe thunderstorm or other adverse condition. Normally, during the summer months at least, the winds are almost minimal during this restricted period each day. The arguement has been advanced that this restriction poses a safety hazard owing to the fact that operations may occur on conflicting runways. As this airfield has no control operator pilots are allowed to choose any runway for takeoff or landing operations. On any given day a visit to the airport will afford the opportunity to witness any and every runway in use with no rhyme r reason. If landing aircraft, then lthe irestriction imposed rbyethe CommissioniPosesof priority gven tonohe problems that have not always been .in existence at this field. , In addition, it has been argued that this restriction isscriminatory. Are not all the various pilot ratings themselves discriminatory? Are not various restrictions and limitations placed on pilots depending on whether stre umentrating,�alicense, etc?Asyouclicense, stransport welll know,eachlicenseand/orratingn encompasses fewer restrictions and more privileges. Our restriction is aimed at student Pilots because we feel that they are the least capable group to handle an emergency takeoff situation over a dense residential area. As I have already pointed out, we question whether any pilot might be able to handle an engine power failure in a single engine aircraft; but feel convinced that students are least prepared to handle such a critical situation. Thus, I am convinced (that this restriction on student pilots is necessary to help secure the goal of safety over residential areas. The second rationale for imposing this restriction concerns noise Pollution. Student pilots at this airfield make touch-and-go landings in closed traffic patterns, resulting in takeoffs as frequent as every 30 sec, to one minute. Many of these takeoffs and landings were occurring during the late afternoon and early evening hours...when most families were gathered MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIIIES -3- in".their backyards for cookouts, relaxation, tending gardens, etc. The noise from aircraft often made conversation and enjoyment of the outdoors impossible'during these hours. The residents in the impacted areas became sufficiently distressed by this persistent noise pollution to draft a peti- tion which was subsequently signed by 500 residents complaining of the noise irritation. The Iowa City Airport is, after all, a muni.cipal project: thus I believe that the citizens of Iowa City who are not themselves flyers or aviation enthusiasts, should be entitled to a few hours of peace and quiet each evening without having to tolerate the aircraft noise contributed by student pilots who are learning-to fly primarily for pleasure. I hasten to point out that there are 19 hours every day of the week when student- pilots are permitted to pursue their avocation under this restriction. I do not feel that 5 hours each day is an excessive amount of time for the student flying public to yield to the vast majority of the public which is non-flying. As the restriction imposed by the Commission has become very controversial, and as we are receiving conflicting advice, I -would greatly appreciate receiving from your office information as to exactly -what restrictions this Airport Commission can impose on student pilots without violating FAA regulations. It is certainly not our intent to disregard FAA regulations, but as unpaid members of the Airport Commission we do not havesufficient time to review and study the extensive FAA regulations, even if those regulations were readily available to us. I would greatly appreciate a reply to this letter by August 16, 1979 (the next regularly scheduled Airport Commission meeting) as the Commission needs to have guidance in .this matter. If this matter is too complicated to address ade- quately in a letter, would it be possible to have a FAA representative attend this meeting to brief the Commission on how to resolve this safety and noise problem? , Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated by the Iowa City Airport Commission and a great many concerned citizens of Iowa City. Sincerely, YartURaddick ATTACHMENTS: 1. Map of the Iowa City Airport 2. Letter from Mr. E. K. Jones to Mr. Sasser, May 26, 1979 3. Letter from Mr. Joseph W. Jones, to Mr. Peterson, June 15,.1979 4. Letter to Mr. E.K. Jones from Mr. Jack Griffith, DOT CC: Members of the Iowa City Airport Commission Mr. Jack Girffith, Aviation Specialist, Aeronautics Division, Iowa DOT, State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Mr. William Sasser, Chief, Airports Division, FAA, Kansas City, Mo. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOIrIES I AIRPORT COMN11SSION EXPENSES July 1979 Consumers Cooperative Society Fertilizer Jim Buline Seed & Supply Seed Corn $ 539.13 L. Robert Kimball Doane Agricultural Service Engineering Serv.359.73 7829.74 Doane Agricultural Service126.00 Seed Corn Management Fee American Harvest Wholesalers Tissue 950.73 Commercial Towel Service Breese Plumbing F, Heatin Laundry Serv, 25.40 25.32 Iowa Cit F1 g Y ying Service Urinal Cleaning Janitorial Serv. 20,37 120.00 Northwestern Bell Iowa Illinois Gas 6 ElectricCas Phone Charges 7.60 & Electric 434.00 GRAND TOTAL $10,438.02 The above bills were approved for payment at the Airport Commission Meeting held on 1979 Seeretary of Airport Commission Chairman of Airport Commission Dated 1979 FICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOVIES MINUTES OF HOUSING COMMISSION MFA -TING THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1979 1. Meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Jerald Smithey. 2• Moved by Klaus, seconded by Owens, that the Minutes of the April 4, Meeting be approved as mailed. Approved 4/0. 3. New Commissioner, Pat Collins, was introduced. She briefly described her background and indicated that through her work with handicapped students, she became aware of the need for more appropriate housing for handicapped persons. 4. Coordinator's Report - Seydel apprised Commission of proposed Fair Market Rents for Section 8 Housing Assistance and advised that per- mission had been obtained from HUD to increase rents on 66 units pre- sently at FMR by 108, to increase 57 units currently at FMR plus 108 to FMR plus 208, but that there are 26 units currently at FMR plus 208 that will remain unchanged until new Fair Market Rents are approved at which time they will be increased in line with the new rates retro- active to April 1. It was further reported that other program changes involve [the security deposit; that rental assistance can now be provided for owner occupied mobile hares (not to exceed pad rent, plus one time charge for utility hookup); that if tenant terminates during the month, lease can now be continued through the month without requiring repayment of HAP. Public Housing - one year extension on Public Housing requested and approved. One additional site has been submitted for tentative site approval along with a request that 40/48 units be consolidated on one site. Klaus raised question of impaction on grade school. Advised that school district had previously advised no impaction anticipated. Agreement has been reached with County enabling us to provide housing assistance payments to unincorporated areas of county. 5. Housing Information Pamphlet - Kevin Laverty. Kevin reported that the pamphlet is an element of the Housing Assistance Plan and there is a responsibility to produce to meet HUD's intention for the Block Grant and as such should feature publ4c programs. However, it should also be a directory of facilities and programs throughout the community. Target date is August 15 to meet the.Septenber housing rush. Funding will be through the Block Grant. Proposed outline was distributed with request to review and provide input before next meeting. 6. Meeting time - the next meeting will be Thursday, July 5th at 3:30 p.m. 7. Discussion - a) Ccnmission concurred with Smithey that they should be committed to a position that, IF ADEQUATE INFOFMTION ISNOT RECEIVED PRIOR TO A COMMISSION M>EE?ING, THAT THE SUBJECT SHOULD NOT BE DISCUS and, if something is supposed to be enclosed in an informational mail- ing to the Commission, that care should be taken that it is enclosed. Secretary was requested to capitalize above and forward to Planning De- partment. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 1101mIES -Tj/Oy 7. b) Concern was expressed that no one on the Commission realized that Block Grant money was being withheld because of the re- hab program. Klaus pointed out that since they bad met as a subarmuttee, as well as the Conmission, to evaluate the rehab program revisions for Council, that they should have been in- formed of any major changes, if not prior to, at least shortly after they occurred. Camiission concurred. 8. Performance Report Letter from HUD - to be forwarded to Commission. 9. Request by VanderZee that Orientation for naw Commissioners be held. Advised by Coordinator that he would be happy to meet with them at their convenience either singularly or as a group. Previous Commis- sioners advised they found it more helpful to meet individually. 10. Election of Officers - Chairperson Smithey thanked everyone for their support and assistance during his term as Chairperson. Smithey reccmTended that Commissioners call the Assisted Housing Office (354-1800 Ext. 304 or 305) a couple of days prior to the Meeting, if they will not be able to attend. Nominationq - Moved by Owens, seconded by Vander Zee that Diane Klaus be Chairperson. No further nominations. Approved 5/0. Moved by Klaus that Pat Owens be Vice Chairperson, seconded by Vander Zee, Approved 5/0. 11. Klaus thanked Jerry Smithey for his efforts during a turbulent year. 12. Moved by VanderZee, seconded by Owens that meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m. Approved: i i Jerald W. Smithey, Chairperson MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB ' CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES i MINUTES OF HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Klaus, Smithey, VnndorZec, (:ollins, Dennis STAFF PRESENT: Seydel, Flinn, Kucharzak, Steinbach, Laverty, Hencin I. -Meeting called to Order at 3:35 p.m. by Chairperson Klaus. 11. Minutes of June 21, 1979 approved 4/0 on a motion by VanderZee, seconded by Smithey. 111. Introductions - New Commission Members were introduced to staff in attendance. IV. Director's Report - Kucharzak a. Update Rehab Program - Kucharzak reported that the Emergency Repair/Ilome Winterization concept was rejected by HUD as an interim assistance program. 15 cases have closed or soon will, but about GO people who wanted assistance cannot he helped. He further reported that HUD has never visited a site or read a rehab file. We will continue to he in Rehab Program with 1) comprehensive rehab, and 2) 312 Loans (3% simple interest loans up to 20 year maximum term. Staffing - none at present. None provided under 312 Loan Pro- gram. Will have to have someone with both construction and financing background. b. Code Changes - Kucharzak briefly outlined the changes in the Housing Maintenance I,, Occupancy Code. C. Goals of Housing Commission for Fiscal Year 1980 as follows: 1) Continue support for Section 8 - Assisted Housing and Public Housing. 2) Research and encourage local development of subsidized housing through local revenue bonds and private develop- ment. 3) Thorough research and providing Congregate Housing in central city of Iowa City. Kucharzak will attend next meeting to explore further and answer questions. V. CDBG Program Coordinator's Report - Jim Ilencin Ilencin elaborated on the changes in the Rehabilitation Program. Ile advised that despite community input into the recommendation for emergency repair and home winterization services, that HUD ruled such to he unacceptable. Ile answered questions regarding 5th year grant, obligations required for receipt of funds, and alternatives. FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 0 - 2 - Minutes housing Commission July 5, 1979 VL (lousing Coordinator's Report - Seydel Seydel reported 16 applications for approval, 331 rents paid .July 1, and 15 new starts anticipated before end of month. Ile outlined proposed Fair Market Rent (FMR) increases and pub- lished in the Federal Register. Public Housing - Seydel updated Commission on status of identi- fied sites, advised that a request to consolidate 40/48 units on one site will probably receive favorable consideration and that a new site adequate for 20 units has been located. Ile outlined alternatives available and financial feasibility of each. VII. Discussion - Annual Report of Commission: Part of Commission in meeting goals. Role of Commission to investigate programs/financing, and make recommendations to Council. Suggestions for future meetings - Tom Walz to Field Research -- Gerontology suggested for September; however, on motion by VandcrZee, seconded by Smithey, it was approved 4/0 that Mr. Walz be invited to come to regular August meeting. Concensus reached that we should ask the city bonding attorney to come to a meeting when available to explain bonding. Commis- sion members present felt they should begin to study bonding, but not be required to act. VII. Adjournment - moved by Smithey, seconded by VanderZee that meeting be adjourned. Approved 4/0. Adjourned 5:45 p.m. APPROVED: Mary D. Klaus, Chairperson FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIMES l+ J MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION JULY 2S, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Gilpin, Knight, Fountain, Sokol, Berry, Kroeze MEMBERS ABSENT: Fahr, Neuzil, Vetter, Baker STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Deevers, Campbell, Tegler, Schmeiser GUESTS: Mary Abboud, KXIC SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Gilpin brought the meeting to order. Sokol moved to adopt the minutes of June 7, 1979 as read. Berry seconded, minutes were adopted unanimously. COM961ITTEE REPORTS: Johnson County Regional Planning - Knight Knight reported the Commission was moving towards a final presentation on recommen- dations for the North Corridor. When the report is more concrete a presentation will be made to the Riverfront Commission. INTERIM REPORT -- Kathy Campbell: Milkman explained to the Commission that the interim report was on an investigation of ownership and land use along the Iowa River to be used in implementing a river buffer and trail system. The report will develop priorities for purchasing land and developing a trail system. Campbell presented and explained two maps showing ownership, land use, and existing and potential trails. Campbell said there are some problem areas along the river regarding a buffer zone and trail because some buildings are constructed close to the river and .in other cases the terrain is unsuitable for a trail. Gilpin asked if the ownership of some parcels were unknown. Campbell said almost all the owners have been identified. I Milkman said Campbell would write a report to describe problem areas and possible solutions for the establishment of a river buffer area and trails. Cost estimates for projects will also be included in the report. Gilpin suggested that Campbell conduct a survey of riverfront properties where erosion was taking place. The mayor could write a letter to residents needing to rip rap explaining the problem and how they could get advice on rip rapping from the Iowa Natural Resources Council. Campbell suugested to place an asterisk on the map indicating properties whose river bank needs rip rapping. Knight said the Commission should check with the Corps of Engineers or other agencies about erosion problems along the Iowa River. Sokol suggested that construction of wing dams might case the problems. BOAT RAMP: Milkman said the Airport Commission had been contacted about the construction of a FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES /S Wa_ W MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION JULY 25, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 2 boat ramp at Sturgis Ferry Park. Phipps, Chairman of the Airport Commission spoke With Gilpin and indicated that there should not he any problems and he would have the Airport Commission vote on the matter at their next meeting. Tegler reported that she and Tim Darr, State Conservation Commission officer, visited the proposed boat ramp site at Sturgis Ferry Park. Dorr preferred the southern site to the northern site for the same reasons as the Riverfront Commission. Dorr said he would have his superior check the site, but he could not forsee any problems. Milkman and Tegler also reported on a review of the Sturgis Ferry Park site by Dennis Showalter (Director of Parks and Recreation), Gilpin, Knight, Sokol and Bill Klatt of Stanley Consultants. Showalter felt the ramp should be and located at Napoleon Park. Showalter was concerned with erosion, maintenance, the feels oly someback methane fillwill be requiredas at the gand Faraggregate lrock underKthelattconcretenramp . It was suggested by Klatt to use prefabricated concrete planks with spaces inbetween so the gas could escape for part of the ramp. r Milkman said the Environmental Assesment for the ramp has been completed. The City has received the necessary letters of approval from the State Historical Preservation Society and the Fish and Wildlife Commission for building the ramp. The Airport Commission is the only organization left to approve the site. Gilpin called the U.S. Army Corps of Engineersat Rock Island regarding the time needed for issuing a permit for ramp construction and was told it would take approximately 45 days for approval. Klatt said if the spring is not very wet, construction of the ramp could be started in late June. Gilpin suggested erecting a sign at Sturgis Ferry Park to inform People of the future ramp site. RIVER CORRIDOR OVERLAY ZONE: Don Schmeiser, Senior Planner, was available to present the River Corridor Overlay Zone (ORC). Schmeiser explained that Dan Johnson, an intern in the Planning Depart- ment, wrote the first draft of the ORC. Milkman and Schmeiser then reviewed the been zone and made the necessary revisions. Schmeiser noted that the ORC had not yet ordinance ewillbbethe part oftheCitysZoning rtoPlanning Ordinancend Zoning Commis sion. The A question was raised as to what determined the river corridor. Schmeiser said the Stanley reports were used to determine the corridor. Gilpin asked what the sequence of review for the ORC was. Schmeiser said the Riverfront Commission would review it first, then the Planning and Zoning Commission and then the ORC goes to the City Council for approval. Public hearings on the j whole Zoning Ordinance will be held by Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. After discussion of some aspects of the ORC Schmeiser suggested to the Commission that they review the ORC page by page at a future meeting. Milkman added that initially the staff wanted to see of they were headed in the right direction with the ORC, according to the Riverfront Commission request. The next meeting will i be devoted to the review of the River Corridor Overlay Zone. PIICROFIUIED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES Moln Es " MINUTES IOWA CITY RIVERFRONT COMMISSION JULY 25, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. PAGE 3 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 4 Julie Deevers, Senior Clerk fypist MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS JULY 25, 1979 -- 12:00 NOON CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Swisher, Amidon, [fall, Pecina, Owens, Johnson, Patrick, Horton, Clark MEMBERS ABSENT: Casserly, LAmpe, McCormick STAFF PRESENT: Milkman, Deevers, Hencin GUESTS: Pam Ramser, Johnson County Regional Planning RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: The Committee on Community Needs recommends that the City Council consider the Human Needs Plans drawn up at considerable expense and effort and that funds should be found to continue the program with a fulltime Human Needs Coordinator. The Committee on Community Needs recommends to the City Council that $7,400 CDBG funds be carried over to FY80 for the Energy Conservation program as requested, so the Solar Demonstration project may be completed. The Committee on Community Needs recommends to the City Council to consider once more some type of traffic control for Sheridan Avenue as the residents of the area have requested. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Swisher brought the meeting to order. Hall moved the adoption of the minutes of May 30, 1979 and June 27, 1979 as read. Amidon seconded, both sets of minutes were approved unanimously. Milkman reminded the Committee on Community Needs (CCN) of the Small Cities Neighborhood meeting, July 25, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Armory. A HUD represent- ative and a local appraiser will be present. Johnson asked if the Small Cities application would be approved. Milkman said that approval of the pre -application eeeentially means the application will be funded. However, the funding available may not be the same as requested. Hencin noted that the meeting at the Armory was to alleviate the problems and fears of the people in the area about acquisition procedures. Milkman distributed a letter from Kevin Laverty, Planner, regarding the closing of an alley at Muscatine Street. There will be a meeting held for the residents of this area to discuss the closing on Wednesday August 1, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Milkman asked CCN members to review the CDBG 6 -month work schedule before the ;I next meeting. HUMAN NEEDS PLAN -- Pam Ramser: Pam Ramser of Johnson County Regional Planning Commission distributed a memo summarizing the completed work projects of the Human Needs Plan. Ramser said a proposal for an ongoing planning process had been presented to the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, the Iowa City City Council, and the United Way for funding and that she had been hired as a half-time planner to coordinate Human Services. At the present time budgets from agencies are being reviewed. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES b MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS JULY 25, 1979 -- 12:00 NOON PAGE 2 The agencies requesting funds will present their programs to the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, the City Council and United Way jointly. Ramser asked CCN to help express the need for ongoing coordination and addressing of identi- fied needs. Patrick moved to recommend that the City Council consider the Human Needs Plans drawn up at considerable expense and effort and that funds should be found to continue the program with a full-time Human Needs Coordinator. Hall seconded motion carried unanimously. HOUSING REHABILITATION: Mike Kucharzak, Director of Housing Inspection Services, distributed the revised Housing Rahabilitation portion of the 5th year CDBG application. Milkman added that HUD said the Emergency Repair and Winterization programs were not eligible activities. Kucharzak distributed copies of a Dwelling Unit Inspection Report Booklet for self inspection and explained the Section 8 Housing Standards required by HUD. Kucharzak said Iowa City's Housing Standards are higher than HUD's. Kucharzak noted that several 312 loans had been received from HUD last year. He then asked CCN how they felt the $70,000 allocated this fiscal year for Housing Rehabilitation should be spent. He specifically requested that CCN make recommen- dations on whether to use grants or loans, priorities for elderly and low income, and the standards to be used for rehabilitation. After CCN decides how to spend the $70,000, he would respond with budget figures. Johnson asked why something could not be done to homes that are abandoned or run down. Kucharzak said at this time there is a high rate of turnover in employees and several pending court cases regarding Code Enforcement. Only occupied housing needs to meet the codes unless the structure is determined dangerous then it cowls be demolished. Johnson felt Iowa City's code standards should be used instead of HUD's for the rehabilitation program. Kucharzak said the City Council needs to receive a re- commendation from CCN on the Rehabilitation program by September. ENERGY CONSERVATION: Roger Tinklenberg, Energy Coordinator, told the Committee that the Solar Demonstration project was ready to operate, and he would be working with seven residents on energy monitoring and installation of solar panels. Tinklenberg requested $4,700 in carryover funds to be used in FY80 for completion of the project. Horton moved to recommend to the City Council that $7,400 CDBG funds be carried over to FY80 for the Energy Conservation program as requested, so the Solar Demonstration project may be completed. Patrick seconded, motion approved unanimously. RECRUITING CCN MEMBERS: Milkman said the City Council would not make new appointments to CCN until September. CCN members need to recruit people for the Committee. Milkman said the elderly, minorities, low -moderate income, and handicapped persons should be represented as well as other citizen groups. 4;:'- - FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES tRo RIES MINUTES COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY NEEDS JULY 25, 1979 -- 12:00 NOON PAGE 3 Johnson suggested writing to the JayGebs. Johnson told the Committee that the Housing Code Enforcement program has been enforced inequitably during the past year. In six months if nothing has been done to improve the program, Johnson feels CCN should make a recommendation to City Council that the program is not working. The consensus of the Committee was to monitor the program carefully to see if homes that needed to be brought up to code were infact now in compliance. STOP SIGN AT SHERIDAN AVENUE: Swisher informed the Committee that residents of Sheridan Avenue have asked for a stop sign on Sheridan Avenue to reduce speeding on the street. Swisher moved to recommend to the City Council to consider once more some type of traffic control for Sheridan Avenue as the residents of the area have requested. Patrick seconded, motion approved unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Julie Deevers, Senior Clerk Typist MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES 0 johnson c,.jnty regional planning commission '.'1. S(xrhl d„buq.re Shoe?. K'wQ GOY, 1010 5:240 131013LI P5Gu AAory C lit.,,... [fin' July 25, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Committee on Community Needs FROM: Pam Ramser, Human Services Project RE: Completion of Human Services Study Human Services Program for FY 180 The Human Services Study has been completed by the Regional Planning Com- mission. Below is a summary of the completed work products as stipulated in the contract with Iowa City. 1. Fourteen human service profi.Zes completed by the Human Services Project for the four designated priority areas, as foZZows: Mental Health/ChericaZ Dependency completed 11/77 i - Counseling - Mental Health - Substance Abuse Emergency Income and Material Support completed 11/77 - Emergency Assistance to Residents - Emergency Assistance to Transients Public Protection and Justice completed 11/77 - Juvenile Justice - Adult Corrections - Protection of the elderly Family and Individual Support and Maintenance - Developmental and Acquired Disabilities - Nursing fomes completed 12/78 - Child Care - In -Home Support Services - Families in Stress: Child Abuse and Foster Care completed 3/79 - Family Planning The last report, on Family Planer ng is still in the printing proccce. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES Proposal for an ongoing planning and coordination process de- veloped in November, 1978 by Program Development Subcommittee of the Project submitted to Iowa City, Johnson County, and United May. Original proposal was scaled down after input from representatives of these three bodies and revised version sub- mitted in February, 1979. The revised version of the proposal was funded by Iowa City and Johnson County. The funding from Iowa City will pay for a half- time human service staff person; the funding from Johnson County Will pay for United Way to carry on some tasks of the program. Johnson County Regional Planning and United Way will also make contributions of adminstrative support to the program. JCRPC and United Way will cooperate in carrying out the program. Human Services Program for FY '80 Responsibilities designated to JCRPC Human Services staff in JCRPC will check agencies' completed budget forms (for United Way, Aid to Agencies, and Johnson County human service programs) for accuracy and analyze the information. The analysis will involve information from the Human Service Profiles, i previous years' budget requests and allocations, site visits, etc. The A-95 Review of human service funding requests from federal sources will be done in a more thorough and meaningful way, allowing all known affected agencies and parties to have input into this process. Responsibilities designated to United Way United Way staff will hold two sessions to explain the new joint bud- get forms developed by the Human Services Project - one for agencies and one for the three funding bodies (Iowa City, Johnson County, United Way). United Way will also have the responsibility for printing updates of j the Johnson County Services Index and distributing them to users. United Way will set a schedule for the budget hearings and copy and distribute completed budget forms and analyses done by JCRPC staff. i JCRPC staff and United Way staff will jointly review the program, G call sessions with funding body representatives for reevaluating i. policies and procedures regarding human services, and revise forms as necessary. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE JULY 25, 1979 -- 4:00 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Lilly, Summcrwill, Scibcrling, Wegman, Wockenfuss, Sinck ]Yore MEMBERS ABSENT: Alexander, Haupert STAFF PRESENT: Chiat, Deevers, Glaves SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Lilly brought the meeting to order. Lafore moved to adopt the minutes of June 27, 1979 as read, Sinek seconded. The minutes were adopted unanimously. Wockenfuss asked Glaves what the Hotel situation was. Glaves said a resolution was passed to revoke the DEY Building Corporation as the preferred developer for the Hotel site. A draft of the marketing documents for the parcel is currently being reviewed by the Legal Department and Don Zuchelli. Seiberling asked when construction would begin on the Lucas Building. Claves said he expected construction to begin this fall. BLOCK 64 -- PARKING RAMP: Glaves presented the plans for the Block 64 Parking Ramp and explained that the appearance of this ramp would be similar to the other ramp now under construction. The ramp will be located on Burlington Street between Linn and Dubuque. The ramp is being constructed to be expanded in the future if necessary. The present plan accomidates 450 vehicles which may be expanded to 650 vehicles. To match the Hotel, the stair towers on the north corners will be brick. The stair tower on Burlington Street has also been designed as brick. Glaves asked the Committee if they felt the south tower should harmonize with the pre -cast concrete front on Burlington Street. Seiberling asked if the cost was different between the brick and the concrete. Claves said the cost was essentially the same. Lilly asked if both ramps could be viewed from any point in downtown. Glaves said they both could be seen. Summerwill commented that she would rather see i the stair tower on the Burlington Street side the same materia] as the rest of the ramp. Claves noted that the panels on the stair tower would break the horizontal lines of the ramp. The consensus of the Design Review Committee was to use concrete panels for the stair tower on Burlington Street instead of brick. j p There will be two entrances on Dubuque Street. The exits will be located on i Dubuque Street with a possible separate exit for patrons of the Hotel on Linn Street. Different tickets may be used by the general public and the Hotel guests. Along Burlington Street, there will be plantings. C Lilly inquired as to how many levels the parking ramp would include. Glaves said four complete levels and a portion of a level. A question was raised if there was an alley between the ramp and the Ilotel. j Glaves said the City will maintain a temporary casement of 25 feet between 15¢.3 a MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES HIRES k 0 MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW C0MgTTEE JULY 25, 1979 -- 4:00 P.M. PAGE 2 the Hotel and the ramp. The reason is because if the ramp is expanded in the future, a crane can then move down both sides of the ramp for easier construction. Lafore moved to approve the plans for the Block 64 parking ramp with the pro- vision that the plans be changed to show the south stair tower on Burlington Street be concrete panels instead of brick. Wegman seconded, motion approved unanimously. OTHER: The Committee expressed their appreciation to Glaves regarding the successfulness Of City Plaza. Claves noted that signs using non-verbal symbols to inform People that no pets, autos, or bikes were permitted in City Plaza would be used. The locations for these signs would either be the kiosk near the Of the board or on the planters at each end of the Mall. The consensus a the Committee was to place the signs on the planters at each end of the Mall. theyLilly suggested to change the color of the flood lights on the kiosks because made the wood appear greenish in color. Claves informed the Committee that eight bicycle racks in City Plaza) are being ordered and should be installe(which d this yearh the ones will be located on Clinton Street near 'Things, 'Things $ Things, ar First rack eral and on Linn Street behind Penny's. ed - Lilly wished to express extreme gratification with the location and design of the plantings in City Plaza. Claves said some plantings were not acceptable and will be left in until they can be replaced. Any dead plants will be taken out immediately and then replaced. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Julie Deevers, Senior Clerk Typist MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES 110111ES All MITES IOWA CITY BOARD (11; ADJUSIMENT JULY 26, 1979 -- 4:00 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCII, CHAMBEnS MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Harris, Boldus (4:30) MEMBERS ABSENT: Conlin, Bartels STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Schmciscr, Wilkinson, Cook FORMAI. AC'T'IONS TAKEN: I. V-7909. That the request by liy-Vee Food Stores, Inc., for a variance in Section to allow a 150 square foot free standing sign be denied. r 2. V-7910. That the request by Dr. Victor G. Edwards and Dr. Larry G. Rigler for a Special Use Permit according to Section to permit parking to I be located less than ten meters from the Ralston Creek bank be granted subject F to the following conditions: (1) notice of the possible flooding dangers be described in detail in the ]cases; (2) signs describing the potential hazard be posted in the parking lot; and (3) the applicants shall be responsible for maintenance of the creek bank, including removal of trees, shrubs, debris, etc. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: Chairperson Hughes called the meeting to order and called for consideration of the minutes of the April 4, 1979, meeting. Harris moved, and Baldus seconded, that the minutes be approved as circulated. Motion carried unanimously (3-0). i V-7908. Public hearing on an application submitted by Quentin H. Pitzen for a variance in Sections 8.10.26B and 8.10.3A.76 to allow construction of an accessory building (garage) within the required front yard. ! Boothroy presented an overlay of the area and explained that the property has severe topographical limitations which limit the area for construction of a garage. i He further stated that a smaller { j garage could be built on the property and be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. He also explained that this construction j was a convenience rather than a hardship in that a smaller structure could be built. Robert Downer, attorney for the applicant, stated that the lot was 75-80% unusable. Ile did explain that while the garage is larger than those designed for most homes that Mr. Pitzen needed the larger size in connection with his work. Ile presented photos of the house and lot that illustrated the irregular design and shape. Also presented was a petition of property owners stating that they did not ohject to the proposed garage. Boothroy explained that there appeared to be nothing unusual about this proposal and stated that the house was purchased with these constraints present. It was pointed out that these constraints could have been considered in the lower purchase price of the house. 15ilf z" MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES Ido IIIES Board of Adjustment July 26, 1979 Page 2 Regarding questions of the possibility of placing the workshop in a basement, Mr. Downer pointed out that it would be extremely difficult to get construction materials out of the basement. He further pointed out that there is no vehicular access at this point. Cook asked if Mr. Downer was contending uniqueness in this case due to the 756 unusable space. His answer was that this was substantially correct. In answer to other questions by Ms. Cook, Mr. Downer indicated that other lots in the area had more livable and usable space and that to alter the proposed plans would mean increased costs for the Pitzens. After some discussion, Ilaldus moved and Hughes seconded that action on this item be deferred until the applicant could present (1) a topographical map of the lot and surrounding lots and (2) cost estimates for alternatives to the proposed plans. Motion carried unanimously (3-0). V-7909. Public hearing on an application submitted by Hy -Vee Food Stores, Inc., for a variance in Section to allow a ]SO square foot free standing sign. Boothroy presented an overlay of the proposed development and explained that there were no conforming 150 square foot signs erected within the City Limits. He further explained that the proposed development lies within two zones (M] which is light industrial and CH which is highway commercial), and that a free standing sign in the Ml zone can be a maximum of 50 square feet and that in the CH zone it can be a maximum of 12S square feet. Steven Victor, representing Hy -Vee Food Stores, presented drawings and scale models of the proposed sign and the sign that would be allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. lie explained that the configuration of the buildings does not allow for full representa- tion of facia signs from the highway. Regarding a question about what the hardship would be if the larger sign were not allowed, Mr. Victor explained that the cost of the signs could be twice as much since Hy -Vee has a purchase agreement based on a certain number of signs a year plus the fact that a new mold would have to be •made for the size allowed. Regarding questions as to why the 125 square foot maximum was set, Bernie Wyatt of !vesper Sign Company stated that he had served on the committee that worked on these requirements and that the requirements were drawn primarily from the previous ordinance. He also stated that as the supplier of signs for Hy -Vee he had never had a situation arise before where a development was situated in two different zones. Boothroy stated that to his knowledge there were at least two other establishments in Iowa City that had signs in stock that did not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and that these establishments had been required to conform to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. After some discussion, Baldus moved and Harris seconded that the request by Hy -Vee Food Stores, Inc., for a variance in Section to allow a 150 square foot free standing sign be denied. Motion carried with Ilaldus and Harris voting for denial and Hughes voting against the denial. Schmeiser indicated that an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance was coming before the MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIRES N Board of Adjustment July 26, 1979 Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission which, if approved, would allow two facia signs on buildings on corner lots in the CBS. V-7910. Public hearing on an application submitted by Dr. Victor G. Edwards and Dr. Larry G. Rigler for a Special Use Permit according to Section to permit parking to be located less than ten meters from the Ralston Creek bank. Boothroy presented an overlay and explained that this case was identical to V-7903 which had been approved in March by the Board. In reviewing the drawings submitted by Shive-Hattery, it was discovered that they had submitted the wrong drawings for review. During the discussion with the Board, John Willers of Shive-Hattery and Dr. Victor Edwards were present to answer questions. When asked if he was familiar with the conditions attached to the approval of the Abrams case, Dr. Edwards stated that he was familiar with these conditions and that he took exception with the condition requiring a warning system to be maintained by the resident manager. He felt that this would be ineffective since the manager would probably be present for 8 hours at a time. lie also felt that if flood warnings were the only warnings received by the system it would be more effective. After some further discussion, Baldus moved and Harris seconded that the request by Dr. Victor G. Edwards and Dr. Larry G. Bigler for a Special Use Permit according to Section to permit parking to be located less than ten meters from the Ralston Creek bank be granted subject to the following conditions: (1) notice of the possible flooding dangers be described in detail in the leases; (2) signs describing the potential hazard be posted in the parking lot; and (3) the applicants shall be responsible for maintenance of the creek bank, including removal of trees, shrubs, debris, etc. The motion was approved unanimously (3-0). Hughes stated that she found it necessary to submit her resignation from the Board of Adjustment since she was moving to Coralville. She presented a letter of resignation (copy attached) which was forwarded to the City Manager's Office. Baldus asked staff to prepare a memo to be distributed to applicants for variances which would explain exactly what evidence the Board was looking for in reviewing requests and also giving the applicant some idea of what questions they might be asked and what materials they might be asked to present to the Board. There being no further business, Baldus moved and Harris seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously (3-0). Date Filed AUG 710'10 Prepared Approved MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES I I � I I i j ' 1 f I i i f i 1. is � I I i i ,I ; i I July 25, 1979 Mayor Robert Vevera City of Iowa City Civic Center Vi cici Hughes 15 Woolf Iowa City, Iowa Dear Mayor Vevera, I regret that I must submit my letter of resignation from the Iowa City Zoning Board of Adjustment effective August 1, 1979 I will be moving to Coralville on that date and thus would be ineligible to serve on the Iowa City Board. Sincerely, Z - Vicki Hughes MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING $ ZONING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING JULY 26, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. ENGINEERING CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Kammermeyer, Jakobsen, Ogesen, Lehman MEMBERS ABSENT: Blum, Vetter STAFF PRESENT: Schmeiser The Planning and Zoning Commission held a special meeting to review the proposed new zoning ordinance. The Commission completed the review of the "off-street.parking regulations" and in addition, reviewed the 'off-street loading requirements" and the division on "dimensional requirements." Changes were made in each section and are on file with Don Schmeiser of the Department of Planning and Program Development. With no further business, the meeting adjourned. The next special meeting to review the proposed new zoning ordinance is scheduled for August 6 at 7:30 p.m. Prepared b MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES IIOIRES .i MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING 6 ZONING COMMISSION INFORMAL MEETING JULY 30, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Ogesen, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer MEMBERS ABSENT: Blum, Lehman, Vetter STAFF PRESENT: Schmeiser S-7917. Public discussion of a preliminary and final plat of Hickory Ridge Estates, located two miles east of Highway 1 on Rapid Creek Road; 45 -day limitation period: 8/30/79, 60 -day limitation period: 9/29/79. Mr. Bruce Haupert, attorney for the applicant, requested that the Commission consider waiving the rural design standards for the subject subdivision as done for previous subdivisions since it is just within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction and it is unlikely that it ever will be annexed. After discussion by the Commissioners, they generally agreed that the design standards should be waived in lieu of the improvements being proposed but that storm water management should be incorporated at some future date by a deferred installation agreement. No action was taken. Public discussion to consider whether or not an amendment to the City's Urban Renewal Plan is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Paul Claves, Development Coordinator, explained the nature of the proposed amendment to the City's Urban Renewal Plan including the retention of sites termed as "Blackhawk Mini -Park" and the "library site". It was indicated that the Commission must determine whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan prior to the Council meeting of August 14. No action was taken. Public discussion of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by amending Section of the Sign Regulations to allow two (2) facia signs on buildings on corner lots in the CBS Zone. Don Schmeiser discussed with the Commissioners the reasons for the proposed sign ordinance amendment and indicated that the amendment is consistent with allowable signage in other zones. No action was taken. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOPIES 150900, lanning and Zoning Commission ily 30, 1979 ige 2 7909. Public discussion of an Amended Final PAD and LSRD plan of Ty'n Cae, its 1 and 2, located east of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of the City Limits; -day limitation period: waived. c Commission reviewed the plans for an amendment to the Planned Area Development an of Ty'n Cae. The Commissioners suggested that plans be revised toprovide separation between buildings and parking areas. No action was taken. With no further business, the meeting adjourned. Prepared D ald Sc hm iser, Senior Planner MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES IIOIDES MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING F, ZONING COMIJISSION AUGUST 2, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Kammermcyer, Ogescn, Blum, Lehman MEMBERS ABSENT: Jakobsen, Vetter S'T'AFF PRESENT: Schmciscr, Wilkinson RECOMMENDATIONS TO 711E CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by amending Section of the Sign Regulations to allow two (2) facia signs on buildings on corner lots in the CBS Zone be approved. 2. That the Amended Final PAD and LSRD plan of 'Ty'n Cac, Parts 1 and 2, located east of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of the City Limits, be approved subject to (1) the legal papers being revised and (2) approval of the Tree Regulations now being considered by City Council. 3. That the preliminary and final plat of Hickory Ridge Estates, located two miles cast of Highway 1 on Rapid Creek Road, he approved contingent upon (1) a note being provided on the plat indicating that all utilities will be underground, (2) the cross section for Charles Drive be accepted and the Rural Subdivision Standards be waived in this instance, (3) the culverts being concrete, (4) the legal papers being revised, (5) the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor being provided, (6) the complete curb data being provided for Rapid Creek Road, and (7) the installation of the stormwater detention basin being delayed with City Council having the prerogative of reviewing this decision in case one of the following events occurs (a) resubdivision of any lot, (b) the passing of 15 years from date of final plat approval, and (c) annexation by the City. 4, That the deletion of Parcel 65-4 (the library site) from the Urban Renewal Plan is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that by reference pages 35 and 36 of the Comprehensive Plan (which allude to the proposed library) be incorporated into this recommendation. S. That the retention of Parcel 65-2 (Blackhawk mini -park) by the City for use as a park is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that by reference j pages 102 and 103 of the Comprehensive Plan (which spell out the needs and II requirements for parks) be incorporated into this recommendation. 11 6. That the City Council, during its deliberations about what should be done with Parcel 65-2 (Blackhawk mini -park), consider the option of possibly stipulating to prospective buyers if the land is sold that the materials in the park he relocated and that the spirit and essence of the mural and Blackhawk memorial be maintained. REQUESTS TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR STAFF ASSISTANCE: None MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIRES 15 rQ a Planning and Zoni++g Commission August 2, 1979 Page 2 SUM11ARY Op DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Blum called the meeting to order and asked if anyone Present wished to discuss any item not included on the agenda. No one responded. Blum then called for consideration of the minutes of the meetings of July 12 (special meeting), July 16 (informal meeting), July 19, and ,Jul 23 1 There being no corrections or additions, these minutes were approved as circulated. rj Y 1979 (special meeting). Public discussion of a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance by amending Section of the Sign Regulations to allow two(2) 2 facia signs on buildings on corner lots in the CBS Zone. Schmeiser explained that the amendment had been drafted in response to a request from Perpetual Savings and Loan to allow two facia signs on their new building. He further explained that this amendment is consistent with other sections of the Sign Regulations as the regulations for the C2 Zone include the same provision as the one being recommended for the CBS Zone. There being no discussion on this item, Blum called fora vote for approval rdina SigpronoRegulationsosed nto allow twothe l(2)Ofaciansigns onehuildingstonncorner3lotsin the 1 CBS Zone. Approval was unanimous (4-0). S-7909. Public discussion of an Amended Final PAD and I,SRD plan of Tyln Cae, Parts l and 2, located cast of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of the City Limits; i I 45 -day limitation period: waived. �i Schmeiser presented an overlay and explained that this item was an amendment to the . development plan for Lot 90 of Tyln COO, Parts I and 2. Ile explained that the changes being proposed were: (1) three six -unit townhouse buildings are being replaced with two eight -unit townhouse buildings, a density reduction of two units; (2) Cambria Court is proposed to be 28 feet in width in the units has been redesigned. lieu of 22 feet; and (3) the style of contingent upon City Council app I „ He also pointed out that approval would have to be roval of the Tree Regulations, as well as the legal I, papers being revised. I� j Ogesen questioned the lack of trees in front of the 8-plex units. Schmeiser stated that while there were no trees required in this particular area the developer is planning to put trees in this area after acquiring a City Forester. tree planting permit from the There being no further discussion of this item, Blum called for it vote for approval ! of the Amended Final PAD and LSRD plan of Tyln Cao, Parts 1 and 2, located cast of I Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of the City Limits, subject to (l) the legal papers being revised and (2) approval of the Tree Regulations now.being considered by City ! Council. Approval was unanimous (4-0), i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MINES Planning and Zoning Commission August 2, 1979 Page 3 5-7917. Public discussion of a preliminary and final plat of Hickory Ridge Estates, located two miles east of Highway I on Rapid Creek (load; 45 -day limitation period: 8/30/79, 60 -day limitation period: 9/29/79. Schmeiser presented an overlay and explained that the proposed development is located within Iowa City's two mile extraterritorial jurisdiction. Ile also stated that the developer proposes to develop three single family lots in this area. After he listed the deficiencies and discrepancies, Bruce Haupert, attorney for the developer, stated that there was no apparent problem in dealing with these deficiencies and discrepancies. Larry Schnittjer, NNS Consultants, stated that the roadway in the development would be realigned but that this should present no problem. Following a brief discussion on this item, Kammermeyer moved and Ogesen seconded that the preliminary and final plat of Hickory Ridge Estates, located two miles east of Highway 1 on Rapid Creek Road, be approved contingent upon (1) a note being provided on the plat indicating that all utilities will be underground, (2) the cross section for Charles Drive be accepted and the Rural Subdivision Standards be waived in this instance, (3) the culverts being concrete, (4) the legal papers i being revised, (5) the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor being provided, (6) the complete curb data being provided for Rapid Creek Road, and (7) the installation of the stormwater detention basin being delayed with City Council having the prerogative of reviewing this decision in case one of the following events occurs (a) resubdivision of any lot, (b) the passing of 15 years from date of final plat approval, and (c) annexation by the City. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). Public discussion to consider whether or not an amendment to the City's Urban Renewal Plan is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Blum stated that for the sake of discussion the Commission would consider the library site and the mini -park site separately. Commissioners discussed whether the issue of a new library and the proposed library site were addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. The consensus of the Commissioners was that while the Comprehensive Plan did not talk about the Central Business District the library was specifically addressed regarding the need for expansion and ratification of a bond issue for a new library. Following a brief discussion on this topic, Ogeson moved and Kammermeyer seconded that the deletion of Parcel 65-4 (the library site) from the Urban Renewal Plan is not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that by reference pages 35 and 36 of the Comprehensive Plan (which allude to the proposed library) be incorporated into this recommendation. Motion carried unanimously (4-0). The Commissioners next considered the parcel of Urban Renewal land containing the Blackhawk mini -park. Blum stated that during the development of the Comprehensive Plan the Commission had regarded the Urban Renewal Plan as the "Comprehensive Plan for the downtown area" and that therefore there was no specific reference to the downtown area in the Comprehensive Plan. A lengthy discussion of whether or not this proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan followed. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES nORICS Planning and Zoning Commission August 2, 1979 Page 4 Ogesen moved, and Lehman seconded, that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the deletion of this parcel (Blackhawk mini -park) from the Urban Renewal Plan is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that pages 102 and 103 of the Comprehensive Plan (which spell out the needs and requirements for parks) be incorpo- rated into this recommendation. After a brief discussion of the rewording of this motion, it was reworded as follows: "That the retention of Parcel 65-2 (Blackhawk mini -park) by the City for use as a park is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and that by reference pages 102 and 103 of the Comprehensive Plan (which spell out the needs and requirements for parks) be incorporated into this recommendation." The motion as reworded was approved unanimously (4-0). The next issue for discussion included possible alternatives for use of this parcel. It was felt that the essence of the mural and the Blackhawk memorial should be maintained regardless of what use was placed on the parcel. It was pointed out that the mural had not been intended to last forever and that its life expectancy was 5-I0 years at the best. Kammermeycr moved, and Ogesen seconded, that the City Council, during its deliberations about what should be done with Parcel 65-2 (Blackhawk mini -park), consider the option of possibly stipulating to prospective buyers if the land is sold that the materials in the park be relocated and that the spirit and essence of the mural and Blackhawk memorial be maintained. The vote for approval was 3-1, with Lehman voting against. Kammermeyer moved, and Ogesen seconded, that the following resolution be approved. "Resolved: The Iowa City Planning and Zoning Commission would like to commend Paul Glaves for the hard work and effort he has put into the job of guiding urban renewal in downtown Iowa City toward a successful completion and wishes him success in his new endeavors." The vote was unanimous with all Commissioners voting in favor (4-0). There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Prepared bys .C,tleti L�� C�aic e L� San rra Wilkinson, PPO Secretary Approved by_.4:J s / Ernest W. Lehman, P&Z ecretary MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES