HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-30 Bd Comm minutesI a c MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING 1; ZONING COMMISSION INFORMAL MENTING OCTOBIiI[ 15, 1979 -- 7:30 1'.M. CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Lehman, Jakobsen, Kammermeyer, Lundquist, Vetter, Ogesen MEMBERS ABSENT: Blum STAFF PRESENT: Boothroy Public discussion of the vacation of right-of-way on the following two parcels: (a) Grant Court between Grant Street and Rundell Street and (b) Sth Avenue north of F Street to Muscatine Avenue. (:a) A question was raised by Commissioner Kammermeyer as to whether or not the right-of-way of Grant Court (if vacated) should be disposed. He suggested that Grant Court be retained by the City for open space and to provide access to the creek bank. Further discussion; no action taken. (h) Discussion; no action taken. Public discussion of rezoning the north 181 feet of a parcel of land located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Benton Street and Westgate Street from RIA to R3. Discussion; no action taken. Public discussion of an ordinance amending Sections 8.10.3A.8, 147 and, and adding Sections 8.10.3A.64C and to Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of Iowa City, Iowa, providing a definition for Rooming (louse and regulating its permitted use. Staff explained the intent of,the proposed amendment and indicated that further revisions were necessary before the Commission would be able to take action. Further discussion; no action taken. I'uhlic discussion of a final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 90 Ty'n Cae, Part 2, located cast of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of Cae Drive; 45 -day limitation period: 11/12/79, 60 -day limitation period: 11/27/79. Staff indicated that the plat had been revised according to the deficiencies and discrepancies listed in the Staff Report; no action taken. Dick Gibson to present plans for the construction of a new sports arena. Discussion; no action taken. There being no further business, the Prepare meet -ng w. ad, ourned. d by Doug as Be hroy, P ann rogram Analyst p 610 611CROFILMED BY JORM MICROIAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES S ' r ry a s MINUTES IOWA CITY PLANNING $ ZONING COMMISSION OCTOBER 18, 1979 -- 7:30 P.M. CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Lehman, Lundquist, Kammermeyer, Vetter, Jakobsen, Blum (7:SS) MEMBERS ABSENT: Ogesen S'T'AFF PRESENT: Boothroy, Wilkinson, Ryan RECOMMENDATIONS 'TO '111E CITY COUNCIL: 1. That the right-of-way on Grant Court between Grant Street and Rundell Street be vacated with the appropriate easements being maintained to allow for implementation of the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Ralston Crack Watershed Management Plan. 2. That the right-of-way on Sth Avenue north of F Street to Muscatine Avenue be vacated with the appropriate easements being maintained to allow for implementation of the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Ralston Creek Watershed Management Plan. 3. That the final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 90 Ty'n Cae, Part 2, located cast of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of Cae Drive, be approved subject to (1) the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor being provided and (2) the legal papers being revised. REQUESTS 1.0 '1111: CI'17 MANAGER FOR INFORMATION OR S'T'AFF ASSIS'T'ANCE: None SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION AND ACTION TAKEN: Vice Chairperson Jakobsen called the meeting to order and asked if anyone present wished to discuss any item not included on the agenda. No one responded. She then called for consideration of the minutes of the meeting of September 21, 1979, (special meeting). There being no additions or corrections, these minutes were approved as circulated. Public discussion of the vacation of right-of-way on the following two parcels: (a) Grant Court between Grant Street and Rundell Street (b) Sth Avenue north of F Street to Muscatine Avenue Boothroy presented an overlay and a map of the area and explained that this site is being considered for the possible location of two single-family dwellings (one facing Grunt Street and one facing Rundell Street). lie further explained that Dick Plastino, Direclur of Public Works, had indicated in his memo that both vacations to he con - !:id( -red wore in compliance with the Ralston Creek Watershed Management flan. The ::Ia1'1' rerunmrondaliuu is that the right-of-way he vacated and that it he used for residential housing. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES IIOINES Planning and Zoning Commission October 19, 1979 Page 2 Before opening the floor for public discussion, Jakobsen explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission has no authority to determine the appropriateness of site for public housing and is only considering the issue of vacating the street right-of-way. (a) Grant Court between Grant Street and Rundell Street I Dave Deinos, 608 Rundell Street, explained that this space is enjoyed as a green space by the residents and that if it is vacated it should be with the stipulation that it be maintained as a green space. He later expressed his feelings that while this is not a public street, limited access should be maintained for City maintenance vehicles. .Jerry Flanagan, 436 Grant Street, expressed his concerns that the storm sewer does not handle all the water from storms at the present time and that if the right-of-way is vacated for building purposes it will create more problems during storms. He also indicated that HUD has stated that if wet basements occur after further development in this area corrective actions would be taken. Audrey Scott, 502 Grant Street, explained that this intersection is the lowest corner of the area and that if this development is allowed it will create more of a flooding problem. She further stated that she would not like to see the vacation done for housing purposes. 'ferry Donnelly, 509 Rundell, stated that this area is enjoyed as it green, open space and that if it is vacated that it would be better to stipulate that it not be built on. John Wakefield, 923 Iowa Avenue, stated that he has a friend who lives on Rundell Street. He further stated that the houses are jammed in very tightly at this time and that additional green space is appropriate. Kammermeyer stated that he will vote against the vacation because he feels that the City should hold onto this property with possible bikeways or other accesses being constructed along Ralston Creek at a future date. He also expressed concern that if the right-of-way is vacated the property will likely be disposed of. Vetter explained that she shared Kammermeyer's concerns and further explained that she would be interested in exploring the possibility of maintaining it as a mini i park. Kammermeyer stated that he would like to receive input from the Parks and Recreation i Commission or from the Director of Parks and Recreation before voting on this vacation item. Kammermeyer moved, and Vetter seconded, that staff assistance be requested in obtaining the Park and Recreation Commission's recommendation regarding the desirability of having a mini park in this area, the question of maintenance if kept as a mini park, 1 and the possibility of keeping it as a green space with residents being responsible for the maintenance. The motion failed 1-5, with Kammermeyer voting in favor. Blum stated that he voted against the motion for staff assistance because he felt that the Commission had been asked to look at a specific issue (the vacation of the MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES W r Li Planning and Zoning Commission October 19, 1979 Page 3 right-of-way) and he felt that the Commission should look at this issue as it is intended rather than at possible alternatives for the future. Lehman expressed his agreement with Mr. Blum and explained that he felt the residents would do better to discuss their concerns regarding a green space with the City i Council. i Lundquist stated that he felt the input from the Parks and Recreation Commission would still be valid and he would prefer to defer action until the next meeting. Allen Wolfe, 1210 Grant Court, explained that he was concerned about the Grant Street side and that he felt it was imperative to keep the access on the west side of the street for improvements on Ralston Creek. Lundquist moved, and Kammermeyer seconded, that action on this vacation item be deferred until the next regular meeting (November 1). Motion failed 2-4, with Kammermeyer and Lundquist voting in favor. Lehman then moved, and Blum seconded, that the right-of-way on Grant Court between Grant Street and Rundell Street he vacated with the appropriate casements being maintained to allow for implementation of the Stormwater Management Ordinance and the Ralston Creek Watershed Management Plan. Motion was approved 5-1, with Kammermeyer against. Blum explained to the residents present that from past experience the City Council has preferred that the Planning and Zoning Commission not recommend any actions other than those requested. lie further explained that the residents would do better to present their concerns about green space to the City Council. (h) Sth Avenue north of F Street to Muscatine Avenue Boothroy presented an overlay and a map of the area. As in the previous item, Dick I'lastino's memo indicated that this vacation is in compliance with the Ralston Creek Watershed Management Plan. There being no discussion on this item, Blum moved and Vetter seconded that the right-of-way on Sth Avenue north of F Street to Muscatine Avenue be vacated with the appropriate easements being maintained to allow for implementation of the Storm - water Management Ordinance and the Ralston Creek Watershed Management Plan. Motion carried unanimously 6-0. Kammermeyer moved, and Vetter seconded, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that based on staff input the northern part of the Sth JAvenue right-of-way be maintained as a park. Motion failed 2-4, with Kammermeyer and Vetter in favor. Jakohsen turned the meeting over to Chairperson Blum. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MONIES Planniui; and 7.oninl; Commission October 18, 1979 Page A Public discussion of rezoning the north 181 feet of a parcel of land located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Benton Street and Westgate Street from RIA to R3. Boothroy presented an overlay and site plan of the area and explained that the area to the north and west is presently zoned R3, the area to the east is zoned 113A, and the area to the south is zoned R1A. He further explained that Westgate Street is constructed as a collector street. Boothroy also indicated that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Ryan explained that for a development of 29 or more units or an area of more than 2 acres (this area is approximately 1.39 acres) a Large Scale Residential Development plan would he required. Before turning the meeting over to public discussion, Blum explained that the Commission was not here to discuss the low income housing but merely the rezoning issue. Valda Gebhart, 8 Westgate Circle, presented copies of a letter to the Commission in which she explained her reasons for opposing the rezoning. She did explain that the Melrose/Westgate/Emerald/West Benton area was "solid apartments" and that Horn School has already gone through two expansions. She further cited increasing erosion and runoff with the addition of more apartments. Mother concern expressed by Ms. Cebhart was that the street is always littered with cars and that further construction would take away an area for children to play. (Letter attached) John Flack, North Liberty, explained that he owned a duplex in this area and that further construction would cause more of a water hazard to his duplex during a storm. Ile further stated that the creek can't handle the water at the present time. Kathy Schrele, University heights, stated that she owned property on Westgate and wits very much concerned about the fact that the sewers cannot handle the water during storms now. She also referred to a Staff Report, dated October 26, 1972, in which the staff recommendation has been for rezoning to R3. She stated that this rezoning had not been clone at that time and was concerned about why it was being requested again. .Janet Abernathy, 6 Westgate Circle, stated that she felt that the request for rezoning should be considered on its own merits rather than falling back on what the Comprehensive Plan states. She further stated that she felt that the Comprehensive Plan was not meant to be written in gold. Paul Hoherz, Wheaton Road, explained that the area is saturated with water after a storm. He further stated that he felt the area should not be developed. Blum explained to the residents that the land cannot be developed unless it meets the Stormwater Management Ordinance. When the residents stated that the ordinance apparently was not being enforced in this area, Blum explained that most of the development in this area had taken place prior to the adoption of the Stormwater Management Ordinance but that future development must meet these requirements. I I Tom Walz, 1 Westgate Circle, stated that he was against the rezoning for the same reasons already expressed and further stated that he served as it First Aid station tit that intersection. Ile also expressed concern about the increased traffic that i MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOIRES Planning and Zoning Commission October 22, 1979 Page 5 would be generated by further development. Bud Gode, 918 Estron Street, stated that he was not concerned about the runoff but was concerned that the Planning and Zoning Commission feels that the Comprehensive Plan is carved in stone. Ile further stated that he felt any changes should be considered on their own merits. Also mentioned as concerns were the parking on the streets and the school density problems. In answer to questions about why the Planning and Zoning Commission was considering this rezoning request, Jakobsen explained that the request had come from the City Council and was not a Planning and Zoning Commission initiated action. Blum also explained that the Commission must determine if the rezoning is reasonable and if it is in the community interest. Jakohscn moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend the rezoning of the north 181 feet of a parcel of. land located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Benton Street and Wesgate Street from RIA to R3. Motion died for lack of a second. Vetter moved, and Kammermeyer seconded, that action on this item be deferred until the next regular meeting. Motion carried 6-0. Commissioners asked that staff prepare a formal staff report on this item and that the minutes of the October, 1972, meeting at which this item was originally considered be provided. Public discussion of an ordinance amending Sections 8.10.3A.8, .47 and, and adding Sections 8.10.3A.64C and to Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances of Iowa City, Iowa, providing a definition for Rooming house and regulating its permitted use. Jakobsen moved, and Vetter seconded, that action on this item be deferred until the next regular meeting in order to give the Commissioners a chance to review the amendment that was distributed. Motion carried 6-0. Public discussion of a final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 90 Ty'n Cae, Part 2, located east of Mormon Trek .Boulevard and north of Cae Drive; 45 -day limitation period: 11/12/79, 60 -day limitation period: 11/27/79. There being no discussion on this item, Blum called for approval of the final plat of the resubdivision of Lot 90 Ty'n Cae, Part 2, located east of Mormon Trek Boulevard and north of Cae Drive, subject to (1) the signatures of the utility companies and the registered land surveyor being provided and (2) the legal papers being revised. Motion carried unanimously 6-0. Jakobson asked about the tower required by Cablevision. Boothroy stated that this item was going to the Board of Adjustment on November 7. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOVIES Planning and Zoning Commission October 22, 1979 Page 6 Blum briefed the Commission on the activities at the Airport Commission meetings that he had attended. He also indicated that he had presented the Planning unit Zoning Commission's concern regarding tall structures. Kammermeyer asked that the Commission appoint someone else to represent the City on the Johnson County Land Ilse and Resource Conservation Committee. Staff was asked to inform the Committee that at the present time the City would not have an active representative but that the Planning and Zoning Commission would appreciate receiving minutes of all meetings. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. I � 1 i i f �I {I I 1 V I 1� 1' I) 1 l 11 I I , 1.1 I, i I Prepared by�u�t /(�,/�'�C •�- J Sandra Wilkinson, PPD Secretary Approved by � Ern st .Lehman r ary MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES The only acceptable reason to consider rezoning an area is if that rezoning would be beneficial to the community. The recommendation to rezone the north section of an area now owned by the University Baptist Church, located on the NE corner of West Benton and Westgate Streets from RIA to R3 is contrary to any benefit to the community. There are many reasons this is an ill ndvlsed recommendation: 1. First and foremost is the increased crowding such a move would have on Horn School. Iowa City is rapdily expanding on its western boundary and this already has severe implications on school over -crowding. This is a natural expansion and cannot be avoided. To purposely crowd from within is unreasonable. 2. The density of the area immediately encompassing the proposed property is already an example of city planning at its worst. The area involves a territory of 5 to 6 blocks long and 1 to 2 blocks wide (encompassed by Emerald, Melrose, Westgate and West Benton Streets) that is solid apartments! The west side of Westgate Street has a large amount of duplexes which even further adds to the density of the area. In good city planning a community strives for a balance of housing types. There is no such balance in our area now and to add another multiple dwelling unit will only further aggravate the imbalance. 3 4. The current RIA zoning is the best possible zoning this area can have for It is the ons zoning which will not add to an already serious problem of excessive density. To rezone is to go against the best interest of the community and to yield to special interest groups. With the above mentioned density comes the problem of parking. Although most of the apartments in this area provide for off-street parking, the street is nevertheless congested with on -street parking. The problem on Westgate Street becomes more severe in the winter due to snow and will be an even greater concern now that Westgate Street has become a bus route. With this density comes the additional problem of noise and an adequate area for children to play without• being sent into the parking lots as now occurs at the apartment buildings. This does not allow tranquility for Lhc residents nor safety for the children. 5. The natural beauty of an area should certainly not come low on one's list. The area suggested for multiple dwelling zoning is a particularly lovely one with ninny trees and a charming creek to which everyone now has good access. The size of the dwelling proposed for that area would virtually have to be "squeezed" in, thereby ruining all view of the arca and access to the creek. The creek which is now a benefit to the community will. then become a danger for it will literally be at the doorstop of the multlple dwelling. MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES MOINES Iowa City too readily rezones it's properitcs at the first pressure of special interests. Zoning becomes meaningless if it is changed at such folly. One feels that though one .lives 1n a single family zoned area, one has no assurance that: tomorrow he may not find plans for a factory next door! Rezuning is a serious matter and should onIZ be done to serve the immediate community. As I have pointed out, the only zoning to best serve this community is the zoning currently in effect. With these points I have discussed zoning in general. Now I would like to address the particular issue of the multiple dwelling public housing suggested for the location discussed. In this matter, because it is public housing, the city has direct control and the choice that i.t has made is most unwise. The city has a given amount of units for which it is seeking locations. By all good practices of city planning these units should be evenly distributed through- out the city. There are many school districts that are low in students and these are the areas to concentrate on when choosing locations for public housing. To virtually "squeeze" this housing into a school district that is again threatened with overcrowding even though it just recently dealt with the very same problem by enlargening it's facilities shows very poor judgement indeed. Even the esired aspect of even distribution is not met since we already have a massive public housing project just blocks away from the site now proposed - this is, Mark IV. I am afraid that the road of least. resistance has been chosen in this matter. No voice will be raised by the church which wants to sell the property. No voice will ba"raised by the apartment dwellers immediately adjacent:for such is not generally the. concern non -owners of property. Likewise, the duplexes on the west side of Westgate street are largely rented. Yet even in such a situation you -have a *responsibility to the community. Anyone who passes through the.area can see that the good principles of city planning have been set aside. The special interests of those wishing to develop the financially rewarding multiple dwellings have been allowed to prevail: Unfortunately,•many are not aware of city plans until they are actually executed due to lack of knowledge of city, mechanics. ,They are in dismay when they find an injustice done to their community, yet find it too late to act. This is the ''reason your decisions are so important. You are in a position to protect the best interesis'of the community and it is your responsibility to do so. I urge you to disregard all special interest and rule for the benefit of the community. Demonstrate that zoning does have a meaning, that it will protect the community and .that the area in question will remain R1A. Thank you, Mrs. Vnlda Ccbhart 8 Westgate Circle Iowa City; Iowa 338-5110 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES MINUTES IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING September 21, 1979 4:00 PM Director's Office MEMBERS PRESENT; Bartley, Dozanson, Gritsch, Hyman, Immermann, Zastrow, Ostedgaard, Richorson STAFF PRESENT: Eggers, Tiffany HANSEN LIND MEYER: Loren Ellarson and ,John Benz Meeting called to order at 4:15 PM by President Bezanson. Summary of Discussion The Director announced,that there had been a slight error in the interpre- tation'of the bids for the new library building. The estimate of $2,740,000 included 2 items which were excluded from the contract documents: carpet and the electronic security system. By adding these two items ($80,000) on to the low bid of $2,664,000 the total cost is almost exactly the same as the pre-bid estimate. The carpeting will be bid separately by the interiors firm. The total contract for $2,664.344 was approved unanimously. Bartley/Immermann. Resolution attached. Loren Ellarson of HLM discussed two concerns: 1. That the Board have a pre - construction meeting with the contractor preferably next week. 2. How the Board will organize to proceed during the construction phase. It was decided that the pre -construction meeting with the contractor would begin at 3:30 on Thursday, September 27th and then the regular Board meeting will follow that. Both meetings will be held in the Director's Office.- At that time the Board will appoint members to serve as representatives of the Board at owner -architect -contractor meetings and make related decisions about the construction phase of this project. A testing surveyffirm must be hired for the purpose of concrete and soil testing during construction. Benz and Ellarson stated that the cost could run to $10,000 and that the cost would be similar from all testing agencies. Ellarson said that the contractor must be informed as soon as the City all- risk property insurance on the project has been secured. All-risk insurance providos for the physical protection of the building during construction. The contractor provides liability insurance. Ellarson and Benz suggested that the Board might want to carry liability insurance also. The Director discussed the following points: 1. The East planter at the front of the new library building extends too far into College Street 2. Telephone System - A letter of intent was sent by Eggers. In order to preserve the current price, contract must be signed by September 27th. Eggers will prepare a summary and present it at the regular meeting on September 27th. (OVER) as 9 MICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS•DES 110111E5 MINUTES IOWA CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SPECIAL MEETING September 21, 1979 Page 2 3. 3M Security System - Price to increase by 9% on October 1. The present cost is $10,000. A motion was made and seconded that Eggers be instructed to proceed immediately before the cost increase. Hyman/Immermann. 4. Ground breaking ceremony - The time will be set at next Thursday's pre -construction meeting with the contractor. Suzanne Richerson discussed the plans for the Library's part in Plaza Dedication week. There will be tours of the library site, an easel for the library plans and a covered scale model of the new building. Library Board members will be assisting with the tours. Eggers discussed the collective bargaining sessions -which will be taking place this fall and suggested that the Board appoint one of their members to attend all strategy sessions of the City Council. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 PM. Respectfully submitted. Joan Jehle, Recorde FIICROFILMED BY JORM MICROLAB CEDAR RAPIDS -DES MOINES I