HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-16 Bd Comm minutes4b 1 IOWA CITY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION FINAL TUESDAY, October 21, 2008 LOBBY CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Members Present: Kate Karacay, Joy Kross, Newman Abuissa, Eric Kusiak, Florence Ejiwale, Martha Lubaroff. Staff Present: Stefanie Bowers. Call to Order Karacay called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Recommendations to Council (Become effective only after separate Council action): None. Consideration of the Minutes of the September 23 2008 meeting Abuissa noted a correction to reports of Commissioners. Amended Minutes approved 6-0. Attendance Karacay went over the By-Laws as they pertain to attendance and reminded Commissioners to make every effort to attend all meetings, especially in light of Commissioner Stoglin being deployed. Award Breakfast The 2008 Human Rights Awards Breakfast will be held October 23rd. Commissioners are to report no later than 7 a.m. The program will begin promptly at 7:30 a.m. Commissioners Karacay and Abuissa will MC the event and Commissioners Lubaroff and Kross will sit at the table to collect tickets and sell any last minute tickets to the public. Connections Kickoff Lubaroff and Kusiak reported the Connections Kick Off was well attended and enjoyed representing the Commission at the event. Building Blocks to Employment Job Fair This event was held on October 7th at the Eastdale Plaza and participation by both the public and employers exceeded expectations. The Committee will meet soon to do follow-up to determine the number of participants that actually received gainful employment from the Fair. National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Lubaroff, Kross, and Kusiak came up with a tentative plan to hold a fundraiser. Kusiak is still in the process of contacting venues to host the event and will report back to the sub-committee. Human Trafficking Presentation Karacay and other panelist including law Professor Mark Sidel will do a presentation on Human Trafficking the week of the Martin Luther King Jr. Human Rights Week Celebration. Bowers will look to see what days the library has available to hold the event. Mr. Eze Presentation Commissioners Abuissa and Ejiwale reported that the program with Mr. Eze went well and the audience asked very thought provoking questions. Reports of Commissioners Abuissa reported on his disappointment in some of the tactics being used in the Presidential race. Adjournment There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Board or Commission: Human Rights ATTENDANCE RECORD YEAR 2008 (Meeting Date) NAME TERM EXP. 1/22 2126 3/25 4122 5120 6124 7122 8126 9123 10/21 11125 12/09 Florence Ejiwale 1/1/09 X X X X X X X O X X Kate Karacay 1 /1 /09 X X X O X X X X X X Martha Lubaroff 1/1/09 O X X X O X X X O X Newman Abuissa 1/1/10 X X X X O X X X X X Joy Kross 1/1/10 X O X X O X X X X X Eric Kusiak 1/1/10 X X 0 X X O X X X X Dell Briggs 1/1111 O X X O X O X O X O Yolanda Spears 1/1/11 X O X X X X X O X O Corey Stoglin 1/1/11 X X X O X X X O X O KEY: X =Present NMNQ - No meeting, no quorum O =Absent NM = No meeting 4b 2 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 20, 2008 - 7:30 PM -FORMAL CITY HALL, EMMA J. HARVAT HALL APPROVED MEMBERS PRESENT: Ann Freerks, Josh Busard, Charlie Eastham, Elizabeth Koppes, Michelle Payne, Wally Plahutnik, MEMBERS ABSENT: Tim Weitzel STAFF PRESENT: Bob Miklo, Karen Howard, Sarah Greenwood-Hektoen OTHERS PRESENT: Nancy Greazel, Mark Hamer, Sue Pence, Glenn Siders RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY COUNCIL: The Commission voted 5-0 (Busard abstained, Weitzel absent) to approve ANN08- 00001 REZ08-00009 ANN07-00001 and REZ07-00006, applications from the Veronica Prybil Trust and the Iowa Interstate Railway for annexation and rezoning from County Residential (R) to Interim Development Industrial (ID-I) and General Industrial (I-1) for approximately 179 acres of property located adjacent to 420th Street, west of Taft Avenue, and for the Iowa Interstate Railroad right-of-way between Industrial Park Road and Taft Avenue. II. The Commission voted 6-0 (Weitzel absent) to approve REZ08-00010, an application submitted by Southgate Development Services, LLC, for a rezoning from Interim Development Commercial Office (ID-C01) zone to Commercial Office (CO-1) zone for approximately 1.69 acres of property at the southeast corner of Camp Cardinal Boulevard and Kennedy Parkway. Approval is subject to a conditional zoning agreement that includes: • A requirement for substantial compliance with the concept plan as submitted. Substantial compliance is in regard to the location of the building and parking area. Any significant deviation from the concept plan regarding building, parking placement, or screening requires approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission; Vehicle access is limited to one entrance point to be located off Ryan Court and centered between lots 10 and 11 of the residential zone as shown in the concept plan; • Screening of the parking area to the S3 Standard provided along the front (Ryan Court) and side (south) property line to include S3 vegetative screen in combination with a decorative fence (masonry and wrought iron) or minimum 2-3 foot high berm; • To reduce the hardscape effect of the parking area and entrance facing the residential zone, provide 3-to-5 foot wide landscaped beds (low shrubs or perennial plantings) between the walkways and the building or install tree wells within the walkway; Other than signs permitted in the CO-1 zone, signs will be limited to one monument sign at the corner of Camp Cardinal Boulevard and Kennedy Parkway. No illuminated signs will be allowed on the east side of the building or any portion of Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 2 the building facing the parking area. Signage within the front setback along Ryan Court will be limited to directional signage marking the entrance to the parking area. Any street-facing facade greater than 50-feet in width must be broken into modules that give the appearance of individual units. These modules must meet the following standards: a. Each module must be no greater than 40 feet. b. Each module must be distinguished from the adjacent modules by at least three of the following means: 1. Variation in wall plane by recessing a building module from the adjacent building module; 2. Variation in material colors, types, or textures; 3. Variation in building or parapet height; 4. Variation in architectural details such as decorative banding, reveals, stone, or the accents; 5. Break or variation in window pattern; • A minimum of 30 percent of the street-facing facade between 2 and 10 feet in height from the adjacent exterior grade must be comprised of windows or doors; • The building shall be predominately quality exterior building materials, including brick, masonry, stone or stucco. Predominately is defined as at least 75% of the exterior of the entire building. • Primary building entries must be distinguished by at least two of the following means: a. Canopies or awnings; b. Recesses; c. Raised cornice or similar architectural features; d. Architectural details, such as the work and moldings that are integrated in the building structure and design; Final design to be approved by planning staff. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairperson Ann Freerks. PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF ANY ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA: None. ANNEXATION /REZONING ITEM: ANN08-00001/REZ08-00009/ANN07-00001/REZ07-00006: Discussion of applications from the Veronica Prybil Trust and the Iowa Interstate Railway for annexation and rezoning from County Residential (R) to Interim Development Industrial (ID-I) and General Industrial (I-1) for approximately 179 acres of property located adjacent to 420th Street, west of Taft Avenue, and for the Iowa Interstate Railroad right-of-way between Industrial Park Road and Taft Avenue. Prior to the beginning of discussions, Busard announced that he would be abstaining from discussions due to considerations of the property he had made in his professional capacity as a county planner. He left the meeting room. Howard noted that there were questions at the last meeting that came up concerning these properties. The first question was what the County Fringe Agreement had to say about annexing land in the proposed area. Howard stated that the Fringe Area Agreement between Johnson County and the City of Iowa City directs the City to give favorable consideration to the voluntary annexation of land within the growth area of the city. Another question concerned the directives of the Comprehensive Plan for this Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 3 area of the city and what it intended for the area. Howard noted that there is no Southeast District Plan at present, but said that the broader Comprehensive Plan does discuss extending industrial uses to the east as the city grows, and also discusses the need for a transition between industrial and residential areas. Howard surmised that the application is in keeping with the directives of the Comprehensive Plan. Howard stated that a concern was expressed at the last meeting as to how the city would provide a good transition between industrial and residential in this area. Howard said that while the boundary between residential and industrial has always been the rail-line, the railroad has not always served as a particularly good buffer. Howard said that because of ongoing complaints about the lack of adequate buffer, Staff feels that plans need to be made for a better buffer in the future. Because there have been discussions with other owners of property north of the railroad about the possibility of being annexed into the city, Staff has considered alternative transitions such as, a creek drainage way in the area running southwest which could provide a good place for a greenway or park. The final question brought up at the meeting was whether or not it was actually important to have railroad access for industrial development. Howard said that since the City did not know exactly what types of businesses would wish to locate in that area, it could only be a positive to have good railroad access. Howard said that with good access to arterial streets, the interstates, and the potential for rail spurs, this property had many plusses for industrial development. Miklo pointed out that over the summer when gasoline prices were rising there was great interest in industries having the potential to ship by rail versus by semi-truck. Miklo said that this may change over time, but that industry had shown a recent interest in rail access. Eastham asked if Staff knew if there would be more or less desirable lots on the property based on their proximity to a spur line. Miklo said that he did not believe there would be since all lots would be in relatively close proximity to the rail-line. There were no further questions for Staff from the Commission, and the public hearing was opened. Nancy Greazel, 4898 420`h Street SE, said that her biggest concern is the idea that the land will become industrial. She said that currently the land is farmland, and that once the land is converted to another use it will never be farmland again. Greazel expressed concern for the increased traffic on the road and the deterioration that would result in the road conditions. Greazel said that area residents were told the corner would be improved when the industrial park was initially put in, but that this has not yet come to fruition. There is increased trash on the road, increased potholes, a business that gives the appearance of a junkyard, and these things concern the residents. Greazel noted that the industrial complex located in West Branch is visible from her property due to the extremely bright lights there that create a glow on the horizon; she is concerned that a similar light nuisance could be created by additional industry in the area. Greazel said that ultimately everyone wants the same thing for their community: good jobs, clean and healthy neighborhoods, and good fertile farmland. Greazel asked the Commission to consider these things in their zoning decision. Freerks asked Staff to address Greazel's concerns regarding excessive lighting in the industrial area. Howard said that she would, but that she would also like to state that the City has money allocated in its budget to improve 420`h Street next year. She said that the idea is that new industrials would not occur in the area until the roads were improved and water and sewer is extended to the area. Howard hoped this would alleviate some of Greazel's concerns about potholes. Howard said that neither the State nor the City was happy with the intersection of Highway 6 and 420"' Street and that the idea is to relocate and improve that intersection. Eastham asked if the intersection changes would occur at the same time the street was improved; Howard said that they would. Eastham asked if it was appropriate then to assure the citizenry that no new industrial development would occur prior to street improvements. Howard said that this was the plan. Eastham asked Howard to address the lighting issues. Howard stated that the City has fairly strict standards in regard to lighting and spill-over light. Greazel asked what the lighting standards were exactly; she said that for the most part the lighting in the warehouse area provides an acceptable glow, but that there are a couple of very bright lights as well. Howard said that the lighting standards are fairly new, and as a result a lot of the lighting in the industrial area may have been put in before-hand and Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 4 would be "grandfathered" into the code. Howard said if new light fixtures were put in, they would have to comply with the lighting standards. Mark Hamer, 4569 Jenn Lane NE, spoke on behalf of the E&L Prybil Trust. Hamer spoke at the previous public hearing on this topic and informed the Commission at that time that the Trust was in the process of negotiating an easement agreement with E&L Prybil for an 80-foot parcel of land which would be included in this annexation and rezoning request. Hamer stated that a draft of the proposed easement has been submitted to the Prybil Trust and the City Attorney's office for review. Hamer said that they have also met with Staff. He thanked Staff and the City Attorney's office for the wealth of information they had provided. Hamer said that the two parties were close to resolving the issues with the easement, and that there were just a couple of issues being redrafted. Hamer expects a new draft sometime in the coming week, and said he simply wished to update the Commission as to where the parties were in the process. Sue Pence, 4640 Lincoln Heights Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, is a trust officer with Midwest One Bank in Iowa City. Pence said the bank is the trustee of the Prybil Trust and had filed the application in question. Pence said that the Commission does not need to concern itself with the status of an easement agreement or a transfer of property. Pence said the question before the Commission is whether the property should be annexed into the city of Iowa City and rezoned as requested. Pence said that nothing had been said that should dissuade the Commission from approving the application, and that it would be in everyone's best interest if the Commission voted to approve tonight. Freerks asked if Greenwood-Hektoen agreed with Pence's assessment of the questions before the Commission. Greenwood-Hektoen said that she did. No one else wished to speak to this issue and the public hearing was closed. Eastham moved to approve ANN08-00001, REZ08-00009, ANN07-00001, and REZ07-00006, applications from the Veronica Prybil Trust and the Iowa Interstate Railway for annexation and rezoning from County Residential (R) to Interim Development Industrial (ID-I) and General Industrial (I-1) for approximately 179 acres of property located adjacent to 420th Street, west of Taft Avenue, and for the Iowa Interstate Railroad right-of-way between Industrial Park Road and Taft Avenue. Payne seconded the motion. Freerks opened the matter for Commission discussion. Eastham said that it seems to him that the applications generally meet the goals of the Comprehensive Plan for the area, as well as the criteria for annexation. Eastham said he supported the measure. He noted that the application has driven home to him the need for a Southeast District Plan to guide and refine future planning and development in the area. Freerks said that she agrees that the criteria outlined for voluntary annexation have been met. She said that while she appreciates the comments and concerns that neighbors have brought before the Commission, she believes the annexation and rezoning will be beneficial to the city. Freerks said the rezoning would come back around for review prior to any industrial building on the property. Freerks called for a vote. The motion carried on a 5-0 vote (Busard abstained, Weitzel absent). REZONING ITEM: REZ08-00010: Discussion of an application submitted by Southgate Development Services LLC for a rezoning from Interim Development Commercial Office (ID-C01) zone to Commercial Office (CO-1) zone for approximately 1.69 acres of property at the southeast corner of the intersection of Camp Cardinal Road and Kennedy Parkway. Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 5 Miklo said the proposed zoning of CO-1 would allow for the immediate development of the property. Miklo noted that the reason the property was zoned Interim Development (ID) at the time of subdivision was because there was some question as to how the commercial development would relate to the residential development directly across the street. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that Commercial Office (CO-1) is appropriate for the area, but a principle of zoning is to have the change from commercial to residential to occur at a rear property line. That was not possible in this location given the design of the subdivision. That is why a concept plan has been requested to show how a transition could be achieved between the commercial and residential uses. Because Camp Cardinal is an arterial street, curb cuts and vehicle access would not be encouraged on that side of the property. Kennedy Parkway also does not provide good access to this property. Ryan Court is the best option for access, but is not ideal as it is a residential street. The concept plan submitted by the developer shows the curb cut across from the nearest lot lines so that headlights from evening traffic will not shine directly into anyone's home. The situation of the driveway also minimizes the length of the residential street that traffic will have to go on. The plan also shows a 20-foot setback with some screening to make the distinction from the commercial and the residential across the street; the suggested conditions recommend a berm or a wrought iron fence. Staff feels the concept plan, while not ideal, is acceptable with a number of conditions primarily aimed at assuring that the concept plan is followed, there is a buffer for the residential area, and that signage is controlled above and beyond the CO-1 zone to avoid the use of lighted-signage across from the residential lots. Miklo said there are additional conditions concerning vehicular access, screening, and architectural guidelines based on other buildings Mercy has built. Miklo stated that Staff recommends approval at this time, and would be happy to answer any questions. Payne asked about a sentence in the Staff report indicating that infrastructural improvements would have to be made prior to development; Miklo explained that these improvements had in fact been made already. Payne asked for clarification on what seemed to be conflicting standards for facades; Miklo explained that if the overall building is 50 feet or more, then it should be broken up into 40-foot components. Eastham clarified the rationale behind having access off of Ryan Court, a residential street, explaining that Camp Cardinal Boulevard would not work because it is an arterial and Kennedy Parkway would not work as the drive would be too close to the intersection. Glenn Siders, PO Box 1907, Iowa City, of Southgate Development addressed the Commission. He introduced Glen Wycoff with Mercy Iowa City, and indicated he would be available to answer questions. Siders noted that in the informal work session held by the Commission on November 17"', someone had asked the approximate depth of the lot. Siders noted that the lot is very irregularly shaped and is approximately 250 feet from east-to-west and 280 feet from north-to-south. Siders said that he had drawn a crude diagram of how traffic would flow on Kennedy Parkway and noted that alert-turning lane on the street would prohibit the flow of traffic into the commercial development, thereby necessitating Ryan Court be the access point. Siders said that while he generally resists the notion of a conditional zoning agreement, he fully accepts the conditions outlined in this particular agreement and is excited to enter into it and begin development on the project. Busard asked if there would be any disclosure to buyers of lots 10 and 11 on Ryan Court that there would be a commercial development across the street from them. Siders said that Southgate would not hesitate to tell anyone about the development, but that they had not intended to draw up brochures or anything. Siders said they are proud of the development, and that Mercy has a good track record of building in residential neighborhoods and being embraced by the community. Siders pointed out that Southgate would be the builder for all nearby residential lots. Plahutnik said he wanted to thank Siders for bringing the project forward before building the residential homes so that residents knew exactly what was near the homes they would be building. Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 6 Eastham asked if it was correct that the office building would be built prior to the residential lots being sold. Siders said that there have been some pre-sales of the residential lots already, but that Southgate anticipates the residential and commercial going up in approximately the same timeframe. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Busard motioned to approve the application with the conditions set forth in the staff report. That is: REZ08-00010: An application submitted by Southgate Development Services, LLC, for a rezoning from Interim Development Commercial Office (ID-CO1) zone to Commercial Office (CO-1) zone for approximately 1.69 acres of property at the southeast corner of Camp Cardinal Boulevard and Kennedy Parkway. Approval is subject to a conditional zoning agreement that includes: • A requirement for substantial compliance with the concept plan as submitted. Substantial compliance is in regard to the location of the building and parking area. Any significant deviation from the concept plan regarding building, parking placement, or screening requires approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission; • Vehicle access is limited to one entrance point to be located off Ryan Court and centered between lots 10 and 11 of the residential zone as shown in the concept plan; Screening of the parking area to the S3 Standard provided along the front (Ryan Court) and side (south) property line to include S3 vegetative screen in combination with a decorative fence (masonry and wrought iron) or minimum 2-3 foot high berm; To reduce the hardscape effect of the parking area and entrance facing the residential zone, provide 3-to-5 foot wide landscaped beds (low shrubs or perennial plantings) between the walkways and the building or install tree wells within the walkway; • Other than signs permitted in the CO-1 zone, signs will be limited to one monument sign at the corner of Camp Cardinal Boulevard and Kennedy Parkway. No illuminated signs will be allowed on the east side of the building or any portion of the building facing the parking area. Signage within the front setback along Ryan Court will be limited to directional Signage marking the entrance to the parking area. • Any street-facing facade greater than 50-feet in width must be broken into modules that give the appearance of individual units. These modules must meet the following standards: a. Each module must be no greater than 40 feet. b. Each module must be distinguished from the adjacent modules by at least three of the following means: 1. Variation in wall plane by recessing a building module from the adjacent building module; 2. Variation in material colors, types, or textures; 3. Variation in building or parapet height; 4. Variation in architectural details such as decorative banding, reveals, stone, or the accents; 5. Break or variation in window pattern; A minimum of 30 percent of the street-facing facade between 2 and 10 feet in height from the adjacent exterior grade must be comprised of windows or doors; • The building shall be predominately quality exterior building materials, including brick, masonry, stone or stucco. Predominately is defined as at least 75% of the exterior of the entire building. • Primary building entries must be distinguished by at least two of the following means: a. Canopies or awnings; b. Recesses; c. Raised cornice or similar architectural features; d. Architectural details, such as the work and moldings that are integrated in the building structure and design; • Final design to be approved by planning staff. Koppes seconded. Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 7 Freerks invited discussion from the Commission. Eastham said that he believes the proposal to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and he commended the staff and the applicant for working together to provide an attractive appearance from two major arterial streets. Eastham said he believed it would be a nice addition to the community. Plahutnik said that he believed that having some degree of low-impact commercial in a residential area makes sense and helps a community to look and function more like a town rather than a large sprawl of houses. Plahutnik said the people living in the area will appreciate it more than anyone else. Payne asked about the appropriateness of a decorative fence used as screening in this instance. She said the idea of a berm makes sense to her, but that a fence does not actually hide a parking lot. Miklo offered the example of the Ardenia Condominium Development on Keokuk Street in which a brick and wrought iron fence distinguishes it from the other areas of the neighborhood. Miklo said that the eyes of pedestrians would be drawn to the fence rather than the parking lot behind it. Miklo noted that the fence is in addition to vegetative screening on the other side. Freerks said she thought this was a good addition to the neighborhood, and that when an office building is done well it can work wonderfully in a neighborhood. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6-0 (Koppes absent). DISCUSSION OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Miklo said that the process of preparing next year's budget includes the capital improvements program where the City decides where to spend money on infrastructure and other public improvements. Miklo said this can have as much to do with development in the community as zoning, and in some ways, it can have even more impact. In the past few years, Staff has brought the process to the Commission's attention and sought their views on the program. Miklo said that most of the list before the Commission includes items which the Commission endorsed last year. Miklo invited Commissioners to give input on the list, which Staff would forward to the City Manager, who puts a proposal together and presents it to City Council. Commission members and Miklo discussed the fact that many funding priorities had of necessity slipped into the following year due to flood-related issues. Eastham recommended adding the elevation of Foster Road as aflood-mitigation strategy, and strongly recommended funding for a GIS system for the planning department. Several Commissioners agreed that a GIS computer-based mapping system was a critical planning tool and should be funded. CONSIDERATION OF MEETING MINUTES: November 3 8~ November 6. 2008: There was discussion of some wording changes noted by Eastham and a correction to a typographical error noted by Payne. Eastham motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Koppes seconded. The minutes were approved on a vote of 6-0 (Weitzel absent). OTHER: Eastham shared information on aflood-related conference he had attended on November 13~h in Iowa City. Eastham said that a number of experts in the management of flood-prone areas had spoken. He said that he came away with a new understanding of how much more authority cities in Iowa have in regulating building in floodplains than he had previously thought. Eastham said there was some Planning and Zoning Commission November 20, 2008 -Formal Page 8 discussion of communities that have become "CRS" communities, which allows them to offer residents reductions on their premiums in the National Flood Insurance Program. Eastham said that Coralville and Davenport are CRS communities, and said that it may be something Iowa City should investigate. Eastham also asked that the hazard mitigation plan being developed by the City be made available to the Planning and Zoning Commission for comment prior to its submission. Staff will look into that possibility. Payne, who also attended the conference, said the conference was a good conference and was informative and interesting. ADJOURNMENT: Payne motioned to adjourn. Koppes seconded. The meeting was adjourned on a 6-0 vote (Weitzel absent) at 8:37 p.m. Iowa City Planning & Zoning Commission Attendance Record 2008 n~AA1 AICCTI\1!! Name Term Ex ices 112 1/17 3/20 4/3 4/17 5/1 5N5 6/5 6N9 7/3 7/17 8/7 6/21 9/4 9/18 10/16 11/6 11/20 Busard J 05/11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- - -- X O/E X O/E X x X x x x . Eastham C 05/11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . Freerks A 05/13 X X X x X X X X X X X x x x x x x x . Ko es E 05/12 X X X X X X X X X X X X O/E X X X 0/E X . - -- - -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- O/E X X X O/E X M. Pa ne W Plahutnik 05/10 05/10 -- -- X -- -- X -- -- X -- -- X -- -- X -- -- O/E - X O/E X X X X X X X O/E X X T. Weitzel 05/13 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X X X X X X O/E IAICI'1DMA1 MFFTIAIr: Name Term Ex fires 217 2121 4/14 5112 6/2 6/30 7/14 8/18 9115 10/13 11/3 11/17 J. Busard 05/11 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X X X X X X X C. Eastham 05/11 X X X X X X X X X X X X A. Freerks 05/13 X X X X X X X X X X X X E. Ko es 05112 X X X X X X O/E X X X X X M. Pa ne 05/10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X X X X X W. Plahutnik 05/10 OIE OIE X X X X O/E X X X X X T. Weizlel 05/13 --- --- - X X X X O/E X X X O/E Key: X =Present O =Absent O/E = AbsenUExcused