HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-15 Bd Comm minutesMEMBERS PRESENT: Madsen.. Henry, Cain, Galiher, Horner, Larew, Ogesen STAFF PRESENT: Wollmershauser, Schmeiser, Child Chairman Madsen called the meeting to order and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the December 13, 1973 meeting. It was suggested that the words "and refer to the Riverfront Commission for comment" be made a part of the motion to defer item Z-7316 (page one, last paragraph). It was also suggested that the sentence "The motion carried unanimously" be added to the eighth paragraph on page three. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Mrs. Cain, seconded by Mr. Henry, and carried unanimously. ` Z-7316. Streb-National By -Products. Request for rezoning (R1A to Ml) for triangular tract of land west of Iowa River and eastofCRI&P RR, -all of the area being east of Riverside Drive. Date filed: 11/14/73. Deferred: 12/13/73. 45 -day limitation: waived. Ms. Mary Neuh auser, Chairman of the Riverfront Commission, suggested that the Planning & Zoning Commission consider deferring a recommendation on the above request until after the Riverfront Commissionwould have an opportunity to consider a policy relating to a river: protection zone. This, she said, would probably be accomplished on or before July 1, 1974. Dr. Ogesen questioned how a change in zoning might affect the possible acquisition by the City of property along the riverfront. Indicating that he could see no sound reason for rezoning this property, Mr. Henry stated ;that Ml zoning would not seem the most optimum use of this land and might further compound mistakes made in the past, i.e. permitting industrial uses around river - fronts. Mr. Galiher stated that Ml zoning would seem, appropriate, given the uses of surrounding properties in the area. Chairman Madsen indicated that the Commissioners should decide whether all the uses permitted in an Ml zone would be desirable. Mr. Don Schmeiser, Associate Planner, explained that the Staff suggested in its report dated December 13, 1973 that the subject property does not seem conducive to residential uses. The Staff suggested, however, permitting through a possible IP zone (industrial park zone) one or more related uses rather than a • mixture of many unrelated uses. This, he said, might avoid a "hodge podge" effect of uses permitted in the Ml zone. Mr. Richard Wollmershauser, Senior Planner, pointed out the potential conflict that would be created by possible future industrial uses abutting,directly against a mobile home park. Stating that the Ml zone would seem one of the most compatible uses with the surrounding land uses, Dr. Ogesen questioned why the Staff had reconuniended,IP zoning for this area, since IP and Ml zoning both allow industry. Mr. Schmeiser said that the IP zone, unlike the Ml,zone,, would permit only industrial uses (excluding M2 uses).which would eliminate the possibility of further undesirable development of mixed uses in the area. He added that because of heavy vehicular traffic, noise, fumes, outside storage and other undesirable activities associated with industrial development, the Staff had also recommended that 1001 of "no man's land" free of structure, storage and parking be provided between any industrial uses and the mobile homes. It was moved by Mr. Henry that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend to City Council denial of Z-7316, Streb-National By- Prdoucts' request for rezoning (RlA to Ml) for the triangular tract of land west of the Iowa River and east of the CRI&P RR, all of the area being -east of Riverside Drive. The motion died for lack of a second. It was moved by Dr. OgesenF seconded by Mr. Galiher, to recommend to the City Council approval.of Z-73160 Streb-National By - Products' request for rezoning (RlA to Ml). Chairman Madsen said he felt it was prudent to defer a recommen- dation on this matter until seeing what the Riverfront Commission and the Staff would recommend in regard to establishing a plan or policy for uses around the riverfront. For these reasons, he said, he would vote against the motion for approval of the request. Mrs. Cain stated that she would also vote against the motion for the same reasons. The motion carried 4-3 with Madsen,, Cain and Henry dissenting. 5-7322. Macbride Addition, Part 2, filed by Macbride Addition, Inc. (vic. southeast corner of intersection of Melrose Avenue and Mormon Trek Boulevard). a. Preliminary Plat Date filed: 12/20/73 45 -day limitation: 2/3/74 b, Preliminary LSRD Date filed: 12/20/73 45 -day limitation: 2/3/74 5-7321. Macbride Addition, Part 2, same as S-7322 immediately above. ' • a. Final Plat Date filed 12/11/73 45 -day limitation: 1/25/74 • b. Final PAD Date filed: 12/11/73 C. Final LSRD Date filed: 12/11/73 45 -day limitation: 1/25/74 45 -day limitation: 1/25/74 Mr. Lyle Miller, developer of Macbride Addition, stated that it might be advisable.to wait for dedication of a public walkway until such time as the undeveloped property to the north is developed. Chairman Madsen pointed out that dedication of a public walkway would become the continued obligation of the adjoining property owners to maintain. Mr. Henry noted that past Planning & Zoning Commission policy has been to support dedications rather than easements. Mr. Miller indicated that he would prefer the locations of entrances to remain as shown on the Final Plat and would like the main entrance to be on`thewest on Mormon Trek Boulevard. Chairman Madsen said it was his feeling that the entrance from Melrose Avenue should.be as far `to`the east as possible. After further discussion, it was moved by Mrs. Cain and seconded by Mr. Henry to recommend to the City "Council approval of the Preliminary Plat of Macbride Addition,_Part 2, contingent on the dedication of the right-of-way for the 10' public walkway rather than an easement and moving the entrance from Melrose Avenue to directly north of the 48 -unit apartment building. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Mr. Galiher,-seconded by Mrs. Larew, to recommend approval of the Preliminary LSRD of Macbride Addition, Part 2. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by -Mr. Henry, seconded by Mrs. Larew, to recommend approval of the Final Plat, S-7321, Macbride Addition, Part 2, contingent upon reference being made to tying in the boundary of the Addition to a congressional corner. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Mrs. Cain, seconded by Mr. Galiher, to recomr-,end approval of the Final PAD, 5-7321, Macbride Addition, Part 2. The motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Mrs. Larew, seconded by Dr. Ogesen, to recommend approval of the Final LSRD,-S-7321, Macbride Addition, Part 2. The motion carried unanimously. • Chairman Madsen stated that an Informal Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, was scheduled for Tuesday,, January 15, 1974 at 4:30 p.m. for thepurposeof discussing: 1) Off-street Parking Requirements, and 2) theReportof the Rules Committee. • Chairman Madsen moved that Mrs. Cain be appointed as P & Z representative to the Riverfront'Commission. The motion, seconded by Mr. Henry, carried unanimously. Mr. Galiher moved that the meeting be adjourned. zA.-I g• wx�.� Lyell D..Henry, Jr. Secretary " Minutes of the Iowa City Airport Commission _Dec -ember 20, 1973 _Members Present: Full, Peterson, Summerwill Members Absent: Hartwig, Perkins Others Present: Jones Chairman Full called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the October meeting were read. Peterson moved, Summerwill seconded the motion the minutes be approved as read. Motion carrisd. - Jones read the bills for.November and December. Jones pointed out that the bill from Gaskill Signs, Inc. for $54.00 was not the;Commission's bill. Summerwill moved, Peterson seconded the motion that all bills, except the one from Gaskill Signs, Inc., be 'paid. Motion carried. The Financial Departments,' Reports were presented and dis- cussed. Jones .brought up the: problem of. snow removal this .year, as there hasn't been much of `a problem in the past. Discussion followed and the. Commission instructed Jones to attempt to work out the difficulty, as it is important to have the air- port open as soon :as possible 'for transient and home-based aircraft. There being no other business., the.meeting adjourned at 8:15 P M. Next meeting: January 17th, Civic Center at 7:30 P.M.