HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-18 Council minutese e MINUTES OF A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 4:00 P,M, The Iowa City City Council met in regular session on the 11th day of September, 1973 at 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center. Mayor Brandt presiding. Members present: Brandt, Butherus, Hickerson,White. Absent: Czarnecki. The invocation was given by Rev. Roy Win- gate, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White to consider the amount read to be 'a full reading and to 'approve the min- utes -of a Special Council meeting of August 31, 1973 and a regular Council meeting of September 4, subject to correct- ion. Motion carried. Laurie Van Ausdal,',514 Meadow Street,; representing Friends of Children of Vietnam, requested the Mayor to proclaim November 5th through 11th as Vietnamese Orphan Week. The Mayor then so proclaimed. Robert Welsh, 2526 Mayfield Road, appeared request- ing application be made for Federal Funds to use for, purchase of buses for Mass Transit. Forest Rose, 410 Iowa Avenue, appeared stating the bicycle racks 'downtown were inadequate and 'asked that there be one bike rack per block. Skip Laitner, of Johnson County Commission on Environmental Quality, appeared in 'regard to recycling report submitted in January and funding for a pilot program. It was moved by Butherus and seconded by White that the. minutes of the Human Relations Commission meeting of August 27, 1.973 be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Hickerson to adopt the Resolution to Approve Class B Sunday Sales Permit Applicat- ion for the Sanctuary, 405 South Gilbert Street. Upon roll call Hickerson, White, Brandt, Butherus voted 'aye'. Czarnecki absent. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Butherus to adopt the Resolution to refund Class C Beer and Liquor License for the Highlander, R.R. 2. Upon roll call White, Brandt, Butherus, Hickerson voted 'aye'. Czarnecki absent. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White that the letter from Donald A. Hoy, Chairman, Iowa City Human Relations • Commission concerning Council -Staff -Commission relationships be received and filed. Motion carried. 1 Page 2 Council MinutLS September 11, 1973 After explanation of the problem by City Engineer George Donnett and discussion of alternatives,. it was moved by Butherus and seconded by White that the petition from residents of Oak - woods Skogman Addition to make Scott Boulevard passable for motor vehicles in all types of weather be received and filed, and referred to the City Manager and City Attorney for action. Motion carried.' It was moved, by Hickerson and seconded by White that the letter from the Iowa City Human Relations Commission concern- ing a 1974 Budget allocation for their commission be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Butherus that the letter from June Lorraine H. Patton concerning ornamental de- corative items from old buildings in Iowa City be received and filed, and referred to the City Manager. Motion carried.' It was moved,by Butherus and seconded by White that the letter from Robert E. Belding, 608 Whiting Avenue, requesting moderation in changes for bus fares for the Iowa City Transit System be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Butherus that the letter from Ray S. Wells, City Manager, concerning mod- ifications to Urban Renewal Plan City -University Project I, Iowa R-14 be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Butherus that the letter from Thomas H. Charlton, Associate'Professor, Univer- sity of Iowa concerning possible use of Hickory Hills Park for an archaeological investigation be received and filed and re- ferred to the Parks and Recreation Commission with indication of Council concurrence. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Butherus that the letter from Iowa -Illinois Gas and Electric Company, re- questing approval of application for construction on Highway 01 intersection with Sunset Drive right-of-way be received and filed and approval granted as recommended by Staff. Motion carried. It was moved by Butherus and seconded by Hickerson that the letter from Sarah Stewart, 1035 River Street, concerning Prices of movie theatre tickets be received and filed and a copy sent to the Central States Theatre Corporation. Motion iCalllt'd. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White that the letter from Mrs. William Blackburn, Co -Chairman, Governor's Committee on the CIN, concerning United Nations Day 1973 be 1 • Page 3 Council Minutes September 11, 1973 received and filed and referred to the Mayor for proclamation at the appropriate time. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Butherus that the letter from Gloria Canney, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, concerning the Iowa League of Municipalities Annual Convention in Cedar Rapids on October 3, 4 and 5th be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Butherus that the letter from Allyn L. Mark, M.D., Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa, objecting to increase in bus fares in Iowa City be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Butherus that the objections by Florence Chervinka and Jane Ann Smith to the vacation of the alley ,abutting their property on the West at 1222 East Davenport Street be received and filed. Motion carried. The City Attorney presented a letter from Attorney Will Hayek, representing George Chervinka Estate, objecting to the vacation. It was moved by White and seconded.by Butherus that the objection be received and filed.Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White that the memorandum from Robert N. Downer, President, Board of Trustees of Iowa City Public Library, clarifying the library's vacation policy be received and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Hickerson that the rules be suspended and the second reading of the Ordinance Vacating a'Walk-way in Oakwoods Addition, Part 6 be, given by title only. Upon roll call White, Brandt, Butherus, Hicker- son voted 'aye'. Czarnecki absent. Motion carried and second reading given by title only. It was moved by White and seconded by Butherus that the rules be suspended and the second reading of the Ordinance Vacating Portions of Alleys in Pleasant Place, Second Addition, Block 5 be given by title only. Upon roll call Brandt, Butherus, Hickerson, White voted 'aye'. Czarnecki absent. Motion carried and second reading given by title only. Mrs. Paul Ipson appeared requesting additional time. Jane Smith appeared for Christopher Wilkie, 1226 E. Davenport, noting his objection to the vacation. The Mayor announced that this was the time set for public hearing on Plans, etc., for Transit Building Modification Project. Thera being no interested persons present- to speak for or against the plans, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. It was moved b White and seconded b Butherus to adopt the Y Y P Resolution approving Plans, Specifications and Form of Contract Page 4 Council Minutes September 11, 1973 • for the Transit Building Modification Contract. Upon roll call Butherus, Hickerson, White, Brandt voted 'aye'. Czarnecki absent. Motion carried. Councilman Hickerson moved that the additions made to the Environmental Impact Statement, as discussed at the noon session, be approved as the Council's communication to HUD in response to their request for Council comments on their tentative draft of the Environmental Impact Statement. Motion carried. Councilman Hickerson requested clarification concerning the budget, asking whether the additional 2 mills must be accounted for in.,publication of the budget as a line item addition. The City Attorney replied that it must be shown somewhere in the budget how the 2 mills are to be used. Mayor Brandt noted concern over the legal implications of, Home Rule. The City Attorney advised that he did not mean to imply that the entire', budget would be invalidated because 2 mills were added, only the,2 mills would be stricken. Councilman White discussed the arrangement with the University concerning the bike racks, and the Mayor requested that the City Manager investigate. Councilman Hickerson sug- gested that it could be on the agenda for theMondaymeeting with the University representatives. "Councilman White reported that concerning the funding pro- blem for the feasibility study, the Kansas City Office of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration has made good their word and sent an individual here to help. The Mayor mentioned a $60,000 allocation for Johnson County. City Manager Ray Wells reported that concerning the Glas- gow offer of a windmill, that although it could be used in a later park scheme, recommended declining the offer. After further discussion, he agreed that it could, be dismantled and stored. It was moved by Butherus and seconded by Hickerson that the offer be accepted and the windmill be stored for future use. Motion carried. City Attorney Jay Honohan reported on action taken on Friday, on varsity Cleaners building on Washington Street owned by Alice Dykes as the NE corner of the building could collapse. An independent structional engineer verified the City analysis. He also reported that the agreements had been received concerning the retaining wall and sidewalk on Rochester for Watkins and P.ron, and requested adoption of the Resolution Authorizing the Agreements. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White to adopt the Resolution. Upon roll call Hickerson, White, Brandt, Butherus voted 'aye', Czarnecki absent. • Motion carried. Page 5 Council Minutes • September 11, 1973 The City Attorney also presented the first draft of the Noise Ordinance with his letter stating that the Ordinance should have more work done on it. Mayor Brandt requested that informal discussion be set for the September 25th in- formal meeting. An interested citizen appeared concerning thru traffic on Rochester. The Mayor informed him of the discussion earlier in the meeting. The City 'Manager 'commented that the road would be kept passable, one-way traffic._ Skip Laitner, 422 Brown, appeared stating that he had hoped that his comments earlier would generate discussion of recycling. Councilman White noted he was in favor of a pilot program in the budget, but they were waiting for the report on recycling and requested status of the report and asked if it would deal with a pilot ',program. 'Mayor Brandt advised that the Council would not use Federal Revenue Sharing money for operating expenses. The City Manager advised that the report would be done in a week and it included the beginning of a Pilot program, and pointed out need for citizen participation. Robert Welsh appeared repeating his request that the Coun- cil authorize the staff to 'file an application for Mass Transit funds for the additional busses. There was further Council discussion. It was moved by Butherus and seconded by Hickerson to ad- journ the meeting. Motion carried. • COUNCIL DISCUSSION SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 7:15 P.M. The Iowa City City Council met in informal session on the 13th day of September, 1973 at 7:15 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Brandt presiding. Councilmen present: Brandt, Czarnecki, Butherus, Hickerson and White. Absent: none. Others present: Wells, Honoh'an, Pugh, Pappas, Strabala, Stolfus, Maune, Zelenka. The Mayor announced discussion of Mass Transit. The City Manager presented a new proposal, serving the three new areas rate of 25C 27% reduction in ridership - levy of 2 mills - three new buses with 80% grant, local share 20%, $26,550 - order buses as soon as possible, start new routes in July 20 minute headways for four months - 2 mill increase in taxes, $10.80 on $40,000 home; noting', that ridership is 'flattening out', a good sign, and that ridership is ahead of first 8 months of last year. Council then discussed: expansion of Hawkeye route; May- flower route a loser route, competitor of Cambus; 27% loss of ridership; energy crisis; now that cities have bought transit systems, could get better results from legislature; use of per cent of parking revenue money for mass transit (Mr. Pugh commenting that revenue could be used for improving the system or paying debt); keeping 15C fare, look at revenue sharing philosophy, reallocate to pick up deficit; reduction for 'elderly and students in fares. It was the concensus of the Council to publish the public hearing on the budget with the 2 mills for transit included. Mr. Pugh advised that Council should discuss the 18 month budget. Further discussion included: Johnson County supervisors funding for Health programs; rationale for employment of planners in Community Development, encouragement of Regional Planners; need for regional planning for grant applications and special revenue sharing. Councilman white noted that City Manager Wells presence on the Executive Board adds tremendously in getting problems,as discussed, solved. The Mayor then announced discussion of the City Attorney Budget. City Attorney, Jay Honohan, discussed the budget he submitted, salaries and $10,000 for recodification - in legis- lative Budget and noted that under Home Rule, the City.has to recodify every 5 years. He stated he did not see the assistant City Attorney in the Executive Administration Branch, that their supervision should be under the City Attorney and that we do need two assistants. I Page 2 Council Discussion September 13, 1973 The City Manager commented that for day to day problems, the Manager should be able to direct and supervise,set priorities, that if the City Attorney was full time, it would be different. fie also stated that he should be able to hire the assistants. City Manager Wells, discussed the Parks and Recreation Commission Budget, noted that out of our $1,309,000 Revenue Sharing, $293,400 went to Parks and Recreation and that if the minimum wage increased, they would need to decrease their numbers of people. -Parks and Recreation budget was 71.3% of the Leisure and Cultural Activities Budget dollars. Four part -.time workers were added to Parks and Forestry crew. Programs were discussed along with need to evaluate. He advised that the Mercer Park Tennis Court was a priority item for the Parks and Recreation Commission. In answer'to the Mayor,'s question if Council decisions on revenue sharing money are valid, Councilman Czarnecki objected to construction projects; in answer to his question, if revenue sharing money 'should be reallocated into operating money, the majority of the Council said,`no. There was a short'' discussion on the pilot, recycling program. The Mayor advised that if the transit mills were added with no expansion to the system, he would vote against,the budget. The City Manager announced discussion of -the additional six month certification of taxes for next Tuesday, noon, and a meeting with University representatives Monday at 4:00 P.M., there. I 0 0 COUNCIL DISCUSSION SEPTEMBER 18, 1913 12:30 P.M. • The Iowa City City Council met in informal session on the 18th day of September, 1973 at 12:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. Mayor Brandt presiding. Councilmen present: Brandt, Butherus, Czarnecki, Hickerson and White. Absent: none. Others present: Strabala, Wells, Honohan, Pugh, Zelenka, Maune, Taylor, Stolfus The Mayor announced discussion on the 18 months budget. The City Manager presented three pages, the first a new summary page for the budget which incorporates the levy of 2 mills for transportation and ending balances, showing an increase in receipts to $313,720, increase in expenditures to $266,108 with a net difference of $47,612. The second sheet is the six month period, January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. The next to last page showing ending balances for period 12/31/73 to 6/30/75. The 18 month budget necessary because of conflict between the Fiscal Year Bill and Home Rule legislation. Council and Staff discussed how the levy would be divided; additional debt service required by November lst added to first levy in 1975; assessed valuation frozen for 18 months levy; collection procedures changing; no answer as to when taxes will be delinquent; new fiscal, year, problem to get detail and back- up; property re -appraisal; growth rate -property values; assessor's abstract; using estimate of $84,500,000 property on tax roll of January 1, 1973, 'actual figure available September 1st; the certification of 12 month budget, rather than extra burden on people, is possible violation of the law, Auditor can accept and multiply expenditures by 150%; tort liability and trust and agency increase explained. The last sheet was the budget estimate to be published, but will file the entire budget with the County Auditor. The City Attorney noted that the City reappraisal assessment will be- gin to be paid by tax payers in 1976. Mr. Pugh said that if we look at the growth in assessed valuation, the tax levy for the city services is fairly consistent. In 1960, the City percentage of tax asking was highter than in 1973. He stated that the State 178 equalization will be payable in 1975. He repeated that by June 30, 1975, we need balances to cover principal and interest due for 1975 plus outstanding coupons, and if there was any change in 1974 by legislature, the City could cancel what had been spread. He also noted the budget would need to be certified to the Auditor by October 15th. The Mayor stated that extra meetings would be set after the October 2nd public hearing for discussion. Page 2 Council Discussion September 18, 1973 It was moved by Butherus and seconded by Whito to adjourn to executive session to discuss appointments to Boards and Commissions. Upon roll call Hickerson, White, Brandt, Butherus, Czarnecki voted 'aye'. Motion carried.