HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-18 Bd Comm minutesSeptember 18, 1973 Mr. Elmer E. Smith Regional Administrator Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal Building 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Dear Mr. Smi th: This letter is written in response to your letter of August 9, 1973 and con- veys the feeling of Citiz ens For A Better Iowa City in relation to the August, 1973 draft of "An Environmental Impact Statement" for the City - University, I Urban Renewal Project, No. Iowa R-14, Iowa City, Iowa (Report Number HUD -R07 -Els -73-03.) We are in complete agreement with the conclusion that the project should con Wa have, in the past, indicated support for the erection of,a parking ramp(s) in connection with the major re-developmant of the central business district. It is:our feeling that the ramp(s) are important for the commercial develop- ment of the downtown area. It is our further conviction that if properly designed as a part of the total redevelopment, they can be aesthetically pleasing and they can aid in the development.of a more pedestrian -oriented business core area, thus having a positive effect upon the environmental We do not agree that the College Block Building:should be retained as a com- marcial office structure and integrated into.the projected new development. We believe it is safe to say that the placing of the College Block Building on the National Register of Historical Places cama'as a great surprise to most of the citizens of this community and that the subsequent reaction has been one of amazement, since the majority of citizens'with whom we have come into con- tact feel that there are many other buildings being preserved in the central business area that are far more architecturally pleasing. It is our feeling the redevelopment of the downtown and should be demolished, Having given these reactions to the basic conclusions, we would like to make some general comments. 1. We were concerned that the Environmental Impact Statement did not con- tain aDprooriate footnotes. It is our belief that an environmental 2 ., . statement would carry far more weight if it was documented, including sources for statements made. ' We would call attention to the fact that many positive stops have been taken by the City ofIowa City and others to improve the environmental �conditions' in and adjacent to the central business district that have not been included in the statement, such as: � Mr. Elmer E. Smith • 2 _ • September 18, 1973 a) the 'development of a University park at the corner of, Iowa and Dubuque. b) projections by 'Project GREEN for mini -parks which will add pructio environmental settings in the midst of demolition and construction. c) the; increased provision for bicycles through the establishmerit of bicycle lanes and an increasing number of bicycle racks. d) the successful functioning of,:a farmer's market. e) positive aesthetic contribution of the new parking facilities at Chauncy Swan Plaza and at the lot ,adjacent to the Municipal Library. f) the $44,000 grant matched by local funds to commission two sculptures in the Chauncy Swan and redevelopment areas. In addition, the statement does not take into account the steps that the University of Iowa has ,taken to improve its power plant. 3.Wa believe that the Environmental Impact Statement contains some technical errors. The City Council, we believe, has adequately called these to your attention., 4.In. addition, we would suggest that the Environmental Impact Statement, ifl anything, does not make a strong' enough case for the continuation of the Urban Renewal Project as projected. it is a fact that the downtown business area today is worse than it was yesterday and that it is getting worse week by week. Further, whether or not the automobile has afuture I and regardless of the construction of a ramp or the preservation of the College, Block Building, we are getting closer and closer to the day when we will be left 'with 'the kind of environment into which we have been disintegrating. We believe that anyone who has eyes can see this fact. We balieve that the overall objectives of the project as stated on page 6 of the Environmental. Impact Statement are valid objectives. We aware that delays do not increase the possibility of these objectives being obtained and thuswe call upon the Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist in a positive implementation of the Urban Renewal Project in Iowa City without further delay. It is our belief that the Central Business District can be a people -oriented commercial development that can have positive environmental and commercial ramifications for our community. We would assure the Department of Housing and Urban Development and all fed oral, state, local and regional offices not only of our support of the Urban Renewal program, but of our commitment to work with the city'; administration' and private development :to assure a positive long-term environmental' impact' upon our community. Sincerely, \� /, Robert L. Welsh' Chairman Citizens For A Better Iowa City RLWirew ...... i l�'.li b.fl�i, St Paul Lutheran Chapel el 404 East Jefferson Iowa City, Iowa 52240 September 10, 1973 Tim Brandt 427 S. Governor Iowa City, Iowa 522h0 Dear Mr'. Mayor, I wish to invite you and your city council to a coffee that the Youth Emergency Shelter will be sponsoring on September 23 from 2:00 until 4:00 P.M. at our newly rented and ready to open facility at 517 East Washington. At this time we will be happy to introduce you to the Board of Directors of the shelter as well as the resident counselors who will be in charge of the program. If you have any questions', on our program we will be happy ,to answer them for this coffee or at that, time. We likewise will be in touch with you in the next few days concern- ing the possibility of an introduction of our new resident counselors to your group. We feel that community -wide cooperation in this program is necessary for its success. My sincere best greetings. Sincerely yours Rev. W. E. Eckhardt Chairman of the Board of Directors Youth Emergency Shelter 404 East Jefferson Iowa City, Iowa WE/kh AGENDA IOWA CITY HOUSING COMMISSION August 15, 1973 Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting a. August 1, 1973 2. Public Disscussion of:Items Not on the Agenda a. Protective Association for Tenants 3. Discussion of Letters Sent to the Commission 4; Coordinator's Report 5. Old Business Selection of Date for Special Meeting 6. New Business 7. Next Regularl y Scheduled Meeting a. September,5, 1973 8. Adjournment IOWA CITY HOUSING CO!,1MISSION MINUTES' August 15, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: White, Duncan, Hamer, Frimml, Bosserman, Mikelson MEMBERS ABSENT Branson STAFF PRESENT: Hite 1., Chairman White called the meeting to order. The minutes of August :l were approved. Motion was 'made by Bosserman and seconded by ;Hamer. The motion passed with all in favor. 2: The representative from the Protective. Association for Tenants was not present. 3. In response to the letter received from the Iowa City Apart- ment Association, the Housing Commission has requested a copy of their survey form. To this date a projection date for results of this stud have not been een determined. ` White questioned PAT's letter of August 8, paragraph 7; because of the many,.old homes in the city PAT suggests the commission examine the age of housing in Iowa City. White feltthe condition of a°unit 'is'based on its care':and main- tenance not its age. In some cases an older home will be in better condition'than.a newer one strickly;because it had better care. He does' not feel,that'age is,a vaild point for discussion but rather the responsibilitieslof a'tenant and landlord for the upkeep of a unit. White also questioned the large number of phone calls that PAT 'claims to have received and given assistance to; especially since no log is kept. PAT's letter also stated "the tenants in the Mark IV Apart- ments'need someone to examine their.situation". White felt .thiswas'aninsinuation, Duncan .felt that since Mark IV is a'government rent subsidy project, the Housing Commission has no jurisdiction. Bosserman stated that to her knowledge there was a tenant organization already established at Mark IV. 4. Coordinator's Report All 209 units are under lease and occupied. At the end of • the month there will be two subleases terminating but these have already been reassigned. Upon proposal of a case in which a family of 4.had obtained legal custody of an additional child, it was moved by Frimml -2 - to allow the:housing administration the authority to make the necessarydecision regarding this family. The motion was seconded by Hamer and passed with all in favor. 5. Old Business A special meeting date cannot be set.until some input in- formation has been received. The City's Legal Staff has set a tentative date for completion of their study for September 17, 1973.: White has sent letters to Jim Stier and Alice Litton asking them if they would be interested in continuing the tenant - landlord study and if they would be interested in attending a special meeting Stier has responded and is very much interested. There has been no response from Litton. 5. There being no further business and the�Commissioners being reminded of the next regular meeting on September 5, it was moved by Frimml and seconded,by Hamer that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed with all in favor. APPRO,,= } c ,,, .,ri1 ,1 I r_: ¢ G.' :-;',-' f .1 .i� 2 T'• i 1 MINUTES • RIVERFRONT COMMISSION August 23, 1973 The:Iowa City- Riverfront Commission met in regular session on August 23,1 1973, at 3:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Civic Center. MEMBERS PRESENT: Neuhauser, Murphy, Henry, Kaufman' MEMBERS ABSENT:, Sangster, Hines, Nicknish STAFF: 'Lambert, Maune Chairman`Neuhauser called the meeting to order._; Minutes of the June 21, 1973 meeting were approved. :Minutes of the _July 5, 1973 meeting were amended to read: 2nd Paragraph:: After some discussion, it was decided by the Riverfront Commission to have staff further explore alllpossible types ofl,.devices'for warning signs, and also an Ordinance prohibiting boating below the Iowa Avenue- bridge and north of: the, dam. Murphy moved, seconded by Kaufman that the minutes as ,amended ber approved. The motion was unanimously approved.- Terrence Lambert then reported to the Commission as to the developments of the environmental survey. * Mr. Murphy then moved; seconded by Mr. Henry.that the: City ',look into the removal of logs and stumps from the'Iowa River as'the river is so low at the present time. Mr. Murphy asked if this sort of thing would come out of the Riverfront'commission's budget? Mannie Kaufman then stated as a representative of the Environmental committee „ he needsla list of ordinances for pollution, and environmental control Terrence Lambert reported on the possibility of the Commission doing some sort of a publication on the river Mr. Lambert stated that his thinkings were along the'line of an information publication consisting of, photos and some tax on the uses made of the river, and the resources the City has in the river. Minutes • : Planning '& zoning Commission September 13;'1973 -'4:00 p.m. Civic center Council Chambers MEMBERS, PRESENT: Ogesen, Henry, Horner, Larew, Davidsen MEMBERS ABSENT: Madsen', Galiher STAFF PRESENT: Wollmershauser, Child, Klaus, Nelson Acting as Chairman, Dr. Ogesen called,the meeting to'order and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the August 23, 1973 meeting. It was moved by Mr. 'Henry and seconded by Mr. Horner to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried' ,unanimously. Z-7310. Hollywood Manor, Part 5. Request for rezoning tract of land,(R1A to R2. and R1B) by Frantz Construction Co. _(vic. south of.Holl ywood Manor,-Parts,2r, 3 and 4, south of 'Taylor Drive and Davis Street and west of SycamoreStreet).' Date filed: 5/14/73'. Revision filed:: 6/26/73. P.& Z:deferred: 7/12/73. Revision filed: 8/23/73.' 45 -day limitation: waived. Dr. Ogesen noted that the Staff found no reason for opposing the granting of the two zoning changes and explained that the rationale for approval was;based''on the continuation of :the type of development already existing to the 'north ,and east of the proposed zoning area. It was moved by Mr. Horner and seconded by Mrs. Larew to recommend to the City Council approval of item Z-7310, Hollywood Manor, 'Part 5.' The motion carried 4-0. (Mrs. Davidsen arrived just after the vote was taken.) 5-7308. Preliminary plat of'Hollywood rManor, Part 5r filed by Frantz Construction Co. (vic. south of Hollywood Manor, Parts 2, 3 and 4, south of Taylor Drive and Davis Street and west of Sycamore St.) Filed: 5/14/73.' Revision filed: 8/16/73.' 45 -day limitation: waived. Mr. Richard Wollmershauser, the City's Senior Planner, indicated that all discrepancies had been 'corrected by :the developer. Dr. Ogesen indicated, that some Commissioners expressed concern over the long streets without breaks indicated in the plan'. Mr. Frantz explained that a cross street had been put in_(Oliver 'Avenue) to break up this pattern., Mrs. Davidsen expressed a'feeling that there should be some • relief in the :rectilinear ,development of future subdivisions. She indicated, that a checkerboard type layout is often a safety hazard and felt that through a change in the Zoning Ordinance i -2 - mandatory dedication of open space or some other equivalent approach to green areas Could be achieved. She stated that she would favor.a,Posiltion that would ask the Staff for a study of green or open space with a report back to the Planning and'Zoning Commission. Mr. Henry endorsed Mrs. Davidsen's concern. Mr. Richard Wollmershauser stated that the Staff will be looking into Possible revisions of the PAD, subdivision and LSRD development ordinances and will consider open space' Provisions at that time. was,moved by Mrs. Davidsen and seconded by Mr. Henry to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat Of Hollywood Manor, Part 5 filed by Frantz Construction'Company. The motion carrie� unanimously. S77302 and S-7311. Braverman-W'est. Preliminary LSRD and. 'Pr eliminary PAD for a tract of land on the northwest corner of Mormon Trek Blvd. and Rohret Road., a. S77302. Preliminary LSRD. Filed: 2/28/73 Approved by P & Z: 3/22/73 to be'reconsid'ered. b. S-7311. Preliminary PAD. Filed: 6/21/73. Revision filed: 7/3/73. 45 -day limitation: 8/17/73. Limitation extended to: 9/14/73. Dr. 0gesen briefly explained the history of the Braverman- We . st Proposal and noted that the latest revision had been submitted just a�few hours prior to the meeting. He asked the Staff if they had any report to make. Mr. Wollmershauser explained that the Engineering Staff had made some comments on the latest revision but the Planning Staff had not yet had an opportunity to discuss their comments :With them. He pointed out that the,time limitation would expire September 14. Mr. Wollmershauser cited sections of the City Code, Chapter 8.10.20 F and Chapter 9.51.4, which state that the City Staff is obl : I "I igated to prepare a written report on the development to substantiate a recommendation from the Staff. He asked that the Staff be given enough time to abide by the laws of the City Code. Mr. Braverman agreed to:another two-week extension of time (to September 28, 1973) so that the Proposal could be acted on at the next regular Planning and Zoning Con -mission meeting, Se ptember 27, 1973. It was moved by Mrs. Davidsen and seconded by Mr. Henry to recommend to the City Council that items S-7302 and S-7,311, Braverman West, Preliminary LSRD and Preliminary PAD, be deferred until the next: ' meeting. The motion carried unanimously. h • h • -3- S-7316. Final plat for Bryn Mawr Heights, Part 4, Jonwill, Inc. (vic. south of Benton filed by Heights, Part (andv'c' east of Penn n St., west of BrynrMawr Filed: 8/20/73, 45-day limitationcY Addition). After a brief discussion, it, was moved by Mrs'. Davidsen and seconded by Mrs. Larew to recommend a final plat for Bryn Mawr Heights, Partl9 pp4. T e item '5carrie unanimously. The motion carried --------------- 5-7318. Preliminar Part y plat of replat 6, to P at of o be known as,0akwoods, Part 613. Th n of 0akwoods, Lots '288 through 305 in Oakwoods This is a replat of lots fronting on Addition,'Part 6, all such proposed Marquette Circle.' V-7306. Vacation of proposed cul-de-sac shown as Circle in Oakwoods'AdditiMarquette above), on, Part 6. (Note S-7318'directly Dr. Ogesen explained that the two be considered together with actionafirstmtakennon thems would Vacation request. Mr • Charles Barker, attorney represen that Marquette Circle wouting the owners, indicated) Id , be renamed Hastings! nis Avenue and Oakwoodswould make a dedication of city Iowa-City. HastngsAvenueto it was moved by Mr. Horner and ,seconded b recommend to the City Counci y Mr. Henry to Va061V 1 cation approval ro ion- PP val item of proposed cul-de-sac shown asfMarquette3Circle in Oakwoods Addition, Part 6. The motion carried unanimously, It .was moved b approval of itemMr. S-731Bry and seconded by Mr. Horner to recommend Of Oakwoods, Part 6 Preliminary plat of replat of , to be known as Oakwoods, Part 6B. Portion motion carried unanimously. - V-7304. Vacation of alle Avenue, and First y running east and west Chariton Street and west between Kirkwood Storage Compan of Linn Street. Filed by day limitation: 9/30/73. (Hy-Vee). Date filed: 8/16/73. 1 45- Mr . 5-Mr. E. Newman Toome and Mr,' Y, attorney representing Mr. Thomas Blakley Eugene Kunkel, expressed their opposition to the proposed vacation and submitted a written statement of their' resistence which had previouslybeen filed with the Cit • Mr. Toomey notified the Commissy Clerk, ion and Staff that the land between the alley and First Street is now under lease.' -4 - Mr. Henry stated that because the alley is not a burden to the -i • City, is not, an impediment to the public safety, ;and the, interests of the ,'objectors to the petition seem ;to be adversely affected, he could see no overwhelming vacated. reason why the, alley should be After'further discussion, it was moved by Mr. Henry and seconded by Mrs. Larew to recommend to the City Council that item V-7304, vacation of alley running east and west betweenKirkwood Avenue and First Street and west of, Linn Street, not be approved. The motion carried 'unanimously. Mr. Jack Klaus, Director of the Department of Urban Renewal, presented the proposed Urban Renewal plan changes. 'These plan' changes would involve allowing multi -family residential development ,in the Central'Rusiness Service area of the Urban Renewal area. Mrs. Davidsen;stated that she was very much for this Urban Renewal plan change and felt that -action should be'taken 'to permit multi-family',residential development in this area. Mrs. Davidsen',moved 'to recommend the inclusion into the Urban Renewal plan of multi -family residential development in the area known as the Central Business Service arev between Linn Streetjand the east half of Block 93 inclusive. The motion was seconded'by Mr..Henry.',-The Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval.', Z-7314. Proposed zoning modification to implement portions of the Urban Renewal plan. Jack Klaus presented,an explanation of the proposed zoning modifications that are being requested. The proposed zoning changes would provide for the implementation of a portion of the Urban Renewal; plan as formerly recommended by, the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council' several years ago. Mr. Klaus delineated the non -conformities, that, would result from the proposed zoning changes. He also indicated thatLadditionall. written information would be presented in the form of a Staff 'Report to the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to their next, meeting of 'September 27, 1973. Mrs. Davidsen moved for adjournment. Lye D. Henry, Jr. Secretary afif'6 0Ir, d( r ')-?.0 WI6,i tT19tJf, Ty. rSONi;.!1 f REGIONALIPLANNING�COMMIS a;z, is ''J.jr�>f l!f '✓;i r'l 'f}r}!M1^.i 7 (:1:/(7 71!ri! j(iCJl;. f. 1 T'C . a1 i ?' 2S0 GO 22% SOUTH DUBUQUE sTRFJrr +yr IOWA, CITY IOWA OZZ40 (�IYI,�111•6554 i. u J1ll 1V J_ + U rt.. .. MINUTES'i't ar 'r l r , F1�.fi "i D.I7 f,tffl �lI ,.tC=.).... Regional rPlann'ing (ComiiuJs'slion"' ;n? August IS 4973'l p ' 71:;301P.1Mel, h }! { C:U {i1r F•irst-Cfiri! t,ianLChurch 217 Iouai--'Avenue"; Io`wa-''City n: r PresidingMichael' 'K;i tche1e, Chairperson` Jisl.?17 J')3I Members' Present :11 1'All4fiN stal, =-RaycWells. Glen Sh'oemakerit-_R6ber,t,! e ' amy; aryl 11eri1iWa111'; =R chazd Bartell CarllfiGoetz,`'?Arno3'dl'Small`; Roberta''Patruh J6hif DdTi6 fFaith4Knowler;,�iF. D:fiStaabf)rMortoniKoser, Jerry'F2ais`er;-'DonliKirchner;4t'IsabeltiTurner• r,r, ,r,,' ; ". o, ( 'Members°Absent ti•Rob'erta?JacobsvIDonald-Madsen;.Linda Dole;ii Grp't ..i, atrrc � ife;^�C _7L` • Brandt; Robert:Connell;'Edgars;Czarnecki,,4:t Lorada?Ci''Pek•L'ane;�Mashaw;'7Richard ;iGib soh i ,Roland..Smith; raArt IHill'; SDon�Sazton,='Richard0Yeggy;�hharry.Wieland '1Lairy2Ulmstead;' Jerrynia ' Ci ar, Patrick Nalley John Reyhons, Floyd 'Gardner Others'.Present: Sue Sheets;;Chairpersonr.Socialr,ServiceiCommittee; Lora, avis, CAP; Press ito1 ;iB ZD:.f�?}'K:;! riff :t �.::E �.) F �,, rf., ,_ �! r Staff='Pre sent .'Hil nber' ger g;'Hokanson, „.McGuire, Dtintle.,, r( JVI'(3 .1 Siir CIU liPriPd't! s,l ti{rli1'' APPROVAL OF.MINUTES.i t Mr: Kattchee requested a motion to approve the minutes:of the Jul 18 1973,meeting of the Re al'i'P1.anningiiCommission Mr r Bellamy n July,18, g gion moved the approval of said minutes;Mr. Small seconded the motion;' lthe'motion' carried „ a I..tal';I u<5.UI• l+rS P, d�, C.v:[FJ+` Ci34, 1•.f, 3.1'°. !' -(i `1.74.:{'x. �. JW COMMITTEE REPORTS Environmental --Transportation „ Mr ' Hokanson' r"eported'thai a"s' a"result of'' work completed early in' the summer, the Area Transportation,Study activity,lwould(move rapidly. du'T`ing=';Se`ptemberl and October' of 1973.'',!Mr. j;McGuire:: briefly described itie7'mathematical"model'ing"%process';whichl,is' critical.;.to�:travel fore casting. He pointed out that" the 'modelisdevelopment .process is lengthy and detailed but has"nearly been completed. Its completion in''Sept"emb'er'wi'll" al Iow 'rapid'pro'gre"s s' on'the'ATS...One benefit. of " ` the. long wait for model calibration.was the availability of an extended period 'of time for eparat ion of the Metropolitan Land Use rp7 Plan.. Mr. klokanson indicated that%694(an'swersl sto iminyJ of ,-tfie/'deta`iled transportation questioiisnow;facing`this urban area would be_'available •. 7.: by January, 1974, � A..:c. ti f . ,;< I: 'u A 95. RevieH ; Johnson County 0 31'=12''`FAS°`Route 'S83 Mr.:';McGuire noted that.a prior A-95 Review by the Commission.on;a, l bridge on the Iowa -Johnson County boarder had been negative-�in�con- i I' currence-with the County Engineer's recommendat,ion,-concerning „the . j bridge width being only, slightly less than.t;a;;new state;)standard „�; f `; ff Mr. McGuire stated that now the County Engine,e;r•, -s o ff;ice ris^asking f the' Commission, to reconsider 'its review sinc,ek,t,he Iowa,,Highway ,t Commission has ruled that the paving on either side of the bridge", 1 cannot be, completed until;,the,:;bri.d.ge is,,,replac,ed., Mr:;.Sho,emaker,:i:; moved to place this reconside'ra'tionofthe A-95 Review on the -floor I for discussi'on;:cMr,.trZakserlseconded the �,motion; Atheamotion carried Mr:;rShoemaker thenzmoved that�,,t}ie=;Gommiss onxchange fits' preu. ous s r 'rspositioncand,,rconsider;the-;proj,ectciconsistant with goodyregional,:,n planning; Mr. Zaiser seconded�,the�motion."-;f Ms ,Knowiei,,questionedl ;".. ' whether it t'ould`be cheaper for the, County: to finish paving the road than rit would be oto cre01aceZthe,3bridge a Mr,;: Bartel noted,,that the`. iGountyrhad.enot consider,editthis `aspeetr Mr r;We1ls,moved That thd'i1tem.t,bedtabiednuntil,furtheri�recommendations;ycan be,obtainedt,y from the Board-of[!Supervisor,s, ;Mr. •;Bellamy ,the motion, the ' ;seconded motion carried. zsj,tirrsJ h;ol.:: i�crir,R r. s';<it. ,yzi'rr.r { Parks;"�RecreationPand �.OpenrsSpace r' n Mr. Hokanson reported that the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Committee' wouldibermeetingt)August�'16'nliThe- purp'ose!iof,}the.,meeting-- { : J would be !to determine steps necessary to establish a task force to _ _. _ . study the corridor open space Proposal for the county '" D1r Kirchner I -future requested .:-that the tows of'Riverside also be ineluded,in,the'r,_ 1. parks and open space studies: - --__..._....... 1 iiLand•iUse-WaterrResources„Committees;.,,. ' C_l.;: U.ii' ;1 i1 ,� h'E'"�:J is+,1J k:: .�.�,. tfi C..''. "Uti�i ,..'J J�.i r�.; .r° 1)1:11 .( i,.,: r i';'„ J,5, Mr. Metropolitan Land; Use Plan was being Hokanson reported that the { r rinted.'and would be;distributed to the member agencies and'juri5dic- I tions assoon as possible. f Human Resources --Social Services l . , li SusaniSheets Chairperson, of the; Social Services,Committ,ee,;reported I „ that• the 'Committee hadbeen.working with the Area Agency on Aging and,:its programs,for„ihe,e.lderly., Shetstated that;the,Agency has � been61nre,Pgmareas1) ,Tnformationand Referral; ) Nutritionandr3),;RuralTporta, t�r Ms.:Sheets stated that the A-.95 o.f,the annual work„program. ,Review of the Hawkeye Area Community Action Program had been referred to the ' Social Services Committee. She stated that there was no proposed increase in, the HACAP budget over the past year, and the Social •:-,. Services Committee has favorably commented on the Program. Mr. Vestal moved that the IiACAP Project be considered as consistent with good regional planning; Mr. Dane seconded the ,motion; the motioncarried. i3 Jus. , I, tree :and Human„Relations j 3,IJIG'...if7`7P7}4'.Ttltl t6il:ip 9Pj''rfl7)f(:�b;i 01.rb'T4 Jli i113.i iJ.i.JFC2lf :1) Vestal viepoi�tedfihat:,the E st,C,ehtral,.ilowa Area Cr>me Commission me;t,t,on .August),1O1sin,Anamo,sa.; ',He stated,xiiat oft the`, countiles'�witIf the ommission,whichjhadJ;iappl}ed;for LEAAt funds through the,,Iowa ,Cx>me,, daiu[Commissi6n;,,a11A had„been sucessfuli exeepti Jo}inson.lCounty lle stated that onhy-.Iapproximate;ly;;I$4--,b00, ofl,the $61,000Jiin Johnson, County s ;grant, applications had;been approved Mr.; Vesta3 noted that the,ECIACCfj reviewed the proposed grant applications and`once again indicated their :, ap:pr_ovalf of+.,the;tprojects , Mrr. IVes;tala;reported,'that the meeting of, the j r7 Executive,lCommittee �of;,,theJ Iowar,Criime Commission3 scheduled,,to hea;r.,. our LL; ;[ appeal-s� onr1.7August 12•, rl'97,3flwas�,postponed;fand .,Will,, Heid) in ,,September . „Mrr.c;Ves,ta3;,expla_inedi the- nature •of 1.the,Jgrants aappl>edfor aniltrtliej,r h i° reasons;, for, <the;irT,denials ;,.(Mr, J Kattchee -stated ;that, t is.,[>;mportant :>,that ther,Commission continue ao„,pursuer the appeal procedures Ms;:.f<Patrick moved,�that thq,,_Pmmission support)the pursuance of the I. i, [,appeals,;t t1r7 rBellamyt ,seconded ,the tmotion,'.the, motion c;arr,ied'. Jr !t �.eJ r'.J.f .j Iiii�F't Jlf 9, ntd i., fl rt( t)i' -for( Mr;; Hilgenberg unoted. ;that other, counties 'have received;Ifunding for; police' equipment and personnel, while'"Johi so'n County's applications - generally -,have requested„mon_'ies'ifor,,crime:pr,evention ,,s, Vestal t .,. stated that Mr.`Oberthien-had-indicated�that-he--felt the ma>n-reason rJohnsona,Countyjlhas snot:,Zbeen,'funded recenily ns because�Fthe,rJoh,. ; w County SRegienal,`P�lanning tCominission'tis t}ie„local; Cr, me,�Comm` Commission. � Afr,.' lWells, fnofedy that •pending federal legislation rwould ;provide that a'�local'rcrime. commission sho'u1d aconsist o7f Oat yT�east t2/3y elected ., r,,, t.•.•� o., officials, a criterion which is alreadyimet)by.ther�Regional.;Plann ng Commission but `not the others in thi state. Mr.:Vestal"'st'ated'that the Johnson ,County..,Regiontal ;',Planning;.lCommission has always bfeen the local crime commission' for 'Johrisori ,County` -Mr:--Kattchee'stated=that 1tr':, Orri, of ,ICC .;had ;approved ythe ,JCRPC as lthe local,ICrmethCommission at the ,outset [n D1r7 ,�;1Vells „stated That in conjunction wa t}i .the proposed J.Feasibility, S,tuci�,, ,the ,,City of Iowa City must..ybegin work on_a ,7oitnt faeili,ty;byrthe;;f>rst of7the.y,ear[ Mr' ,,Vestaly:noted,;3thatyfunds_shave ;been set,;:aside_iwa ;Crime,-Commission[for,.,reaearchr� Citizens'r,Advisory-I Committee, , ?7 lf.,r )�r]f1 i Irl Mr. Kattchee,reported;;,that,ahe CAC hid ,.requested that .the ,Executive Board •,askrgovernmental;ragencies tocho,ld public'hea`rings_concerning- revenue'shar,ing monies. Mr. Kattchee also stated fhat'the CAC'}iad.a t�reques.t,;;conce-rning ,(;'tizen representatives and .their. appointments,.on [: var,ious; committee s., _y He istatedthat, the representatjve _,on;,the .Executive Boardf;from.;the, CAC,�,would be, aware; of ,any,,Icitizen`appo,intments to be made,and -)that ,r,eprpseniative would', inform the 'CAC He added''that' should ithe CAC': representative be absent ,fr'om "a``meeting where' an appointment is to be, made,. the appointment,.would be postponed until the repr,esentatrve is,pr'esent., EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORT ECIARPC Multi -County Report' Mr. Kattchee reported that the ECIARPC ,met on July, 19. fle,stated that,,representatives went to OPP'in Des Dfoines,.to achieve certification. Mr. Kattchee stated that the Work Program Budget was being worked..on jointly by the Johnson County and 'Linn County staffs in order to have .the Area certified initially on a conditional basis. Mr. Hilgenberg reported that the Iowa Attorney General _had: stated_'that=28E..as -II al. He also;statedthat according _-t o HUD, the Articles of Agreement must b`e amended"withi"n' ar'1180''day''period' to include as` members diose` towns or counties `which' are' not' -represented by a"reg`ionalplanriin'g comini'ssion• D1r`{ Hi1'genbe'rg ,reported t`h`at full''tffime stamust be -'hired within ;--six months after initial0'clertif cat`ionl:'' Mr° �"Hi1ge"nbe'r'g reported= that' quick action 'b'y the"ECIARPC is' necessary in o'rder)to`",quali'fy for` avai3'able funds amountingto`'$'26`,000•"from'6PP. >'• "-_ ';; , •alt t � CI. N 2f1! �1 ,i :.� � i :fir, , ,�•. i S`r• .: Dfr'. Hilgenbib g stated.­'*'"-thatf`the``staff has checked into1a"he possibility of the'Johnson'County,' Regional'lPlanning,Commission qualifing�'for,,:direct fun`ding''from' HUD asa''non-metropolitan Counci'1 of Governmentsl`and?ithat he' would`' report`' tI the Commission :as so`onl asf anj'answer wa•s>.:recei•ved. Mr.' {ti'ells' (stated thatth ' Commission probablycannotexpect future HUD funding wince"the mo"n1 will"be' go3.ng 'to m.u. a-county'"agencies;.'and since .any pass-through funds' from OPP'{would' b°e minimah..• h1r.� We1•Ts' stated that"if ''th`e ''^Coun't"y -were -to `reach`'SMSA' statu`s'; �mor'e' funds1twould automatically be available.' Mr. Kattchee noted that'this matter would be further discussed at 'thenexttExecu•t'ive Board^ meet'ing'. Iowa Water"Qua'1'ityr'Commi'ssiorn ~Publ`ic'Hear'ing 1� i T y ) :: ..... ... . u, !t .r �..i_•'r p/1 li� J .il ', i! x t �' h1r Hilgenberg repoirted 'that on' September'`ll,?`'1973 ;at =10.00 W M." -in Des Moines there would be 1a publ4c;hearing on;'Iowa Water Quality:', Commis"s yon re'g'aiding newlwat'er qua-lit'y 's'tan"dard`s'f He'-'stated,`that!14 wil'l contact other. 'a ences `to =determ`i'ne"if 'they' have received nonce -of''the:putil'ic''h'earing:" >'i ~ ..• , a. ,. lalt jl1 tJ� i CU t�F ! .• II R{`14`'UrbanfRe�nei4d1: Draft'Enviio"rimeritalf Impact'S`tateinent Dfr' liilgenberg reported that'' he had received a'letter from Elmer Smith, ''Regional' Director of ,the Department 'of'Housing,and ,Urban De.velopment,t transmittin'g,rthe R 14'aUrban`'Renewal Draft, Environmental Impact Statement According ,to the 1'etter,rMr Hilgenberg noted•I-' comments'were''requested`6y;`Septembe'r 13 `adding'that 'the next regular Commission meeting would be September 19: Mr. Dane moved', that the Commission write the -Department of Housing .and_;;Urban -:Development_°,.; requesting an extension and -stating' that the Commission will discuss the impact statement on Septemberrl9 and forwardIthe'comments immedia't`ely, Dfrr, Kirchne°rf'seconde'd the motion, •the motion `carried:: Ms:'Knowler 'questioned`how'this impact 'st'atement would'be handled :so as'not to' have` `the 's°ame` problem occur 'as''withI the 'earlier,_Freewayl�518 Impact Statement' 'Ms tPatrick `moved' that' the``lmpact `Statement .be printed'a'nd distributed ito`members''ofthe" - 'Land Resources Committee and anyone_wishing ''to make comments should do so -to -that Comm.: tee'; Mr.' Be1I,am"seconded "the motion; ti Y on; the''mofion carried Mr. Kattchee suggested that additional copies of'the statement be printed, and that any 'interested Commission member should notify the staff to 'receive a 'copy. FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Kattchee reported,a checking accounty balance of $371.891 anda l savings account balance of $34,312.10; for a total cash on hand -of $342.683.99.