HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-21 Council minutes0 MINUTES OF A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 1973 4,00 P. M. The Iowa City City, Council met in regular session on the 11th day of December, 1973 at 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at the Civic Center. Members present: Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson, White. Absent: none. (Mayor Brandt presiding. The invocation was given by Rev. Jack Zerwas, First Presbyterian Church. Richard Burger, President, Iowa City Chamber of Commerce, appeared prc3enting a statement in support of the Old Capitol proposal for renewal of '',downtown Iowa 'City, urging Council acceptance oflthe plan.,' It was moved by White and seconded by deProsse that the letter be received and filed. Motioncarried: Kenneth' Haldeman, representing the Clinton Street Mall Tenants , Association presented a'statement urging immediate steps be taken to encourage the development. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that, the letter be received and filed. Motion carried. Ernest Lehman, representing the Downtown City Center Association appeared noting the Executive Committee's previous unanimous support for the Old Capitol plan, asking that the Council not wait for unanimous agreement, and urging a decision as soon as possible. Nancy Sieberling', Co -Chairman for Project Green presented a letter commenting on various aspects of the plan and supporting the proposal. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the letter be received and filed. Karen Carpenter representing Peoples Alliance, requested a delay on the decision on the pro- posal until the Environmental Impact Statement is final. Faith Knowler, representing ',the League of Women Voters presented the League consensus in support of urban renewal and urged there be no unnecessary delay in moving forward, with careful study made before commitment and 'decision on the proposal. Joe Howe appeared in support of Old Capitol proposal. Jim Housell, Route 1, appeared noting that parking is needed for those not able to ride the buses. The Mayor noted that the proposal is under study, and each Council member commented on possible further action. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that disbursements in the amount of $1,371,299.92 be approved subject tc audit. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Czarnecki that the minutes of the meetings of the Planning & Zoning Commission of 11/29/73 and Housing Commission of 11/21/73 be received and filed. Motion carried. • Page 2 Council Minutes December 11, 1973 It was moved by White and seconded by Hickerson to adopt the Resolution Approving Class C Beer Permit Application for the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 901 Hollywood. Upon roll call White, Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson voted 'aye'. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White to adopt the Resolution Approving Class C Liquor Control License Application for Kenneth R. O'Donnell dba/the Lamplighter, 131.0 Highland Court. Upon roll call Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson, White', voted 'aye'. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by Hickerson to adopt the Resolution to Refund Cigarette Permit for Aleko Hardware dba/ Maid -Rite Corner,', 630 Iowa Avenue; Upon roll call 630ecki deProsse, Hickerson, White, ;Brandt voted 'aye'. It was moved by deProsse and seconded by White to adopt atione Resolution Approving Class C Liquor Control License Applicata for Jerry Starbuck dba/Lazy: Leopard Lounge, Czarnecki Upon roll call deProsse, Hickerson, White, Brandt, voted 'aye'. notion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the letter from Joan McNeil, 2nd grade teacher, Lincoln Elementary, 'concerning a council member's possible visit to the class be re- ceived and filed. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by deprosse that the letter from the West High Core English Class, bIoreceity,ved and filed Con- cerning wheelchair use in downtown Iowa City and referred to the City Manager for report to Council. Motion carried. It was moved by White and seconded by.Hickerson that Athe letter from George R. Stewart, Director of theMayflower requesting an evaluation of the traffic situation on North Dubuque Street be received and filed and referred, to the City Manager for re ort back to Council.Motion carried. P It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the I letter from Faith Knowler, League of Women Voters, concerning the League position on boards and commissions'be received and filed.'. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the rules be suspended and he second reading -of the Ordinance Requir- ing Drivers to Motor Vehicles to Stop When Approaching a Stopped Page 3 LJ Council Minutes December 11, 1973 School Bus and Regulating the Use of Passenger Vehicles usedoas white,' School Buses be given by title only. Upon roll callBrandt, Czarnecki; deProsse voted 'aye'. Motion carried and second reading given by title only. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by white to adopt the Resolution Awarding Contract for Contract tity Project, l o.owa Demolition3R-14to C S- and Site Clearance, City-UCity, Missouri, in the amount of $67,337.30. Ehinger Company of Kansas City, Upon roll call White, Brandt, Czarnecki, Hickerson voted 'aye', deProsse abstaining. Motion carried 4/1. do t It was moved', by Hickerson and seconded by white to a P ovements in Washington the Resolution Accepting Sanitary Sewer Impr Park, Part vII done by Boyd and Rummelhart Plumbing and Heating, Inc., of Iowa City. Upon roll call Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson, White voted 'aye'. Motion carried. Deputy Director of Public Works, GeorgeBonnett, explained the h isnlocatedthe in974 theSR-14ary UrbanWRenewal Area. It wasProject moved by which white and seconded byHickerson to adopt the Resolution Setting , for January 8,1974, Public Hearing on Resolution of Necessity at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. dUpon ro labstainingcall . Iti, Hickerson, White, Brandt voted 'aye', se was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Czarnecki to adopt the Resolution the Engineer 'to Prepare Plans and Specifications. white, Brandt, Czarnecki voted 'aye', Upon roll call Hickerson, deProsse abstaining.' Motion carried. After discussion of Planting and Zoning recommendation and staff approval to change name of Mair Avenue to Kathlin Drive; it was moved by White and seconded by Hickerson that the rules be suspended and the first reading of the ordinance Changing the Upon Name of Mair Avenue to Kathlin Drive be given by title only. roll call White, Czarnecki, deProsse, Nickerson voted iven1by Brandt voted 'no'. Motion carried and first reading g title only. it was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Czarnecki that the letter from Iowa City Association of Professional Firefighters, requesting permission to hold their annual Firefighter's Benefit Ball on May 11, 1974 and to sell tickets be received and filed and they be authorized to do so. Motion carried. i Page 4 Council Minutes December 11, 1973 It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the letter from Attorney Philip Leff requesting vacation of a portion of Hutchinson Avenue by Mr. and Mrs. Milton, Rosenbaum be received and filed and'made part of any public he and a public hearing on the vacation be set for January 8, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried. Councilman Czarnecki noted that in the opinion of some legislators concerning public access to records, you 'could conform to requirements of this law by having on record lists of customers available for use, but would not have to furnish print-outs. Ile also commented that the new post office would open in six months, and questioned the current status of the disposition of _old, post offices. The City -Manager advised that he was making inquiries. Councilwoman deProsse inquired when the city Manager would be answering the questions submitted by her on the urban renewal proposal. Headvisedthat he would have the report next week. City Manager Ray Wells reported the action taken by the State office of the Soil Conservation Service in approving the Ralston Creek Project and giving it top priority, work to commence next winter. After the first of the year, he stated he would be sug- gesting consultant services as per, the Capitol Improvements - Program. He also requested authorization to proceed with the application for grant from the State Crime Commission for the project titled 'Sex Crime Prevention Unit' in the Iowa City Police Department as explained at the informal session. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Czarnecki that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the grant applicaiton. Motion carried. City Attorney Jay Honohan explained the request for replat in the MacBride Addition which would exchange one property for another property, and requested authorization to enter into negotiations with.the developer, subject to approval from the Council. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by Czarnecki that the authorization be granted to enter into negotiations with the developer. Motion carried. The City Attorney noted that Attorney. Freed was present to discuss the division of the sewer assessment between Pat Moore Construction and the St. Mark's Methodist Church. Attorney Freed asked for waiver of interest and penalty; charged, on the assess- ment. Attorney Honohan indicated that the waiver should be asked of the Board of Supervisors. After discusion, no action was taken by the Council. Mayor Brandt asked if there were any objections to the rough draft of his letter to old Capitol Group. After a short discussion, it was the general consensus of the Council to have a short session after the Urban Renewal executive session. ■ 1 • Page 5 Council Minutes December 11, 1973 Due to the explanation by the Attorney that more time was needed for the publications of ,the notices, it was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse that the previous action on the Hutchinson Avenue vacation, setting public hearing, be changed from January 8th to January 15th at 7:30 P.M. Motion carried. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by deProsse to adjourn to executive session to discuss the disposition', of urban renewal property. Upon'roll,call 'Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson 'and 'white voted 'aye',. Motion carried. Executive session was held and the meeting adjourned back to regular session. The Council held a discussion of further procedures and timetable for the urban renewal project, noting that the Staff would meet with Old Capitol representatives on Thursday•' It was moved by Czarnecki and seconded', by deProsse to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried: M 0 0 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER141 1973' 4,00 P. M. The Iowa City City Council met in special session on the 14th day of December, 1973 at'4:00'P.M. in the Conference Room of the Civic Center. Members present: Brandt, Czarnecki, deProsse, Hickerson, White. Absent: None. Mayor Brandt presiding. The call of the special meeting was, read by the City Clerk. The purpose of the meeting stated as discussion of the Old Capitol Development proposal. Council discussion concerned the purpose of the executive ,session and what could be discussed.' It was moved by Hickerson and seconded, by Czarnecki to adjourn to executive session. Motion carried, deProsse voting 'no' Executive session was held, and Council adjourned to regular session. The Council then discussed a meeting time for further discussion of the urban renewal proposal, and decided to meet at 6:00 o'clock P. M. on Monday, December 17th. It was moved by Hickerson and seconded by White to adjourn. Motion carried. MINUTES IOWA CITY PARKS & RECREATION DECEMBER 12, 1973, 7:30 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Roegi.ers Orrin Marx Jim Lindberg Sarah Fox VirginiaHebert June Davis Joan Buxton i MEMBERS ABSENT; Jim Sangster Robin Powell STAFF PRESENT: Gene Chubb Bob Lee The Iowa City Parks and REcreation Commission meeting was called: to order by Chairman Jim Roegiers.on December 12,' 1973. The first item of business ,was the approval of minutes of the November 14,'' 1973 meeting. The minutes were approved with; the following correction. On page 3, last paragraph,` approximately one-half way through the paragraph --it should read for greater clarification --"Some of the things the Sub -committee on Rules for the Council is interested in are--- The first item of business before the Commission was the request by the Council to report on the need for a park in Hollywood Manor Area and to discuss it with Planning and Zoning and the _school staff. It has 'been 'established if the staff recommends the, need for a park in this particular area the City will need to by ,lots for same. However, it must be determined if this is the exact area to put the Develop - park. Mr. Chubb is working with the Department of Community Develop merit on a detailed staff report on this subject which should be available at the January meeting. Chairman Roegiers read (in summary). the minutes from the City Council meeting which requested the above report. Mr. Chubb advised that the park by Grant Wood School is used heavily and they should not give it too much consideration because of the distance from Hollywood Manor. Mr. Roegiers also read the Planning and Zoning comments on this subject as set forth in their minutes. The possibility of Iowa law allowing thee, necessity of large developers contributing a certain amount of land for open space or park ,use was discussed along with the possibility of requiring same', by working with the Planning and Zoning, Commission on a closer basis to try to work some type of park and/or open space plan into these development areas before'it is too late. Page 2 • Park &'Recreation Minutes December 12, 1973 It,was'also brought out that there definitely was a need for better comnwnication'between the variousCommissions as well as between .Commission and 'staff in the long range programs,`_ such as the 5 -year Capitol Improvements Program and the yearly Placement of certain types of acquisitions:` This could be helped by being appraised when the development', plans first come beforethe'proper commission. It was, noted that whatthe Parks & Recreation Commission and staff had put down for acquisition of certain park lands was not in the same year bracket in the C'.I.P. as it was turned in by the staff. Number 2°item was that the City Council had approved the use'of the budgeted $1200 for ;the' -Iowa City Girls Softball'team for 1974. Item 3. Mr. Chubb gave a'presentation using a map to show the land exchange being considered at Villa Park. The developer of this particular area''has given the City title to the three parcels of 'Land in this'area which amount to approximately 5 3/4 acres. The Commission wanted to know what the possibility was of;,this ;open space following` through to Willow Creek Park. The 'lay of this open space is :on the watershed and flows intoLWillow Creek.' This land was given to the City on the initiative'of the developer and the Commission requested that Mr. Chubb find out the possibility of extending this 'green '.space into the Willow Creek Park.' It was brought up that the City is now more or less operating onthe Burke Report as to the locations of the parks in the City.' The idea of :a bus, tour of ,the City, parks was submitted to'the Commission as a means of better' acquainting the people on the Commission as to the exact location.and size, along with: the 'facilities 'available :at the City parks. It was decided that a tour would be made sometime After the first of the year. The Commission',members felt that this tour should be'made before they do the update 'work on the five. -year C.I.P. June Davis gave a written 'report to the Commission on the sub -committee meeting, with the Council RulesCommitteeand asked for input from the other Commission members. A discussion followed regarding, this report and it was decided that a letter with a copy of',this report be sent to the City Council advising that this was a, preliminary report and that the Commission would soon be submitting a detailed, report; along with iunended by-laws that would be formally adopted and sent to the City Council. Mr. Lindberg is to work with the Communications sub -committee. Virginia Hebert moved and Joan Buxton seconded:'a,motion that the Commission send the sub -committee report to the Council along with a letter from the Chairman advising that these were preliminary items and that the Commission would be sending a final report at a later date. page 3 • Park & Recreation Minutes December 12, 1973 Chairman-Roegiers adivsed that the WSUI=FM taped program would be 1 aired December 16 at 6:30'p.m.'and ,again on December 17 at, 1:30 p.m. It was stated that the program moved along nicely and that Julie Zelenka,'Director of Community Relations, did a good job. Item C, #1 -- Mr. Chubb asked the 'Commission to recommend a'policy. for the acceptance of memorial gifts to the Parks &'Recreation Department of the City. Various,ways'of doing this and/or acknowledg- ingIthese gifts were discussed. Mr. Chubb is to contact the National Parks & Recreation Association to see if they might have a model,,statement or'„policy ,thatmight be of use in setting one up for Iowa City. Mr. Chubb and his staff are to work on 11 this project to come up'with=a standar6 procedure and report back to the Commission. Item D, #1 -- The bus trip to Chicago was very well received with 112 persons participating, both golden,'agers and entire families. The Recreation Department is, again working, on.a winter.ad similar to the prey*lousones. Mr. Lee is working with Julie Zelenka on this ad and they, expect it to be out shortly., This will contain the same type - of coupon to get community feedback as previous ads. It is anti-', cipatod that the 4 C's Program will commence January 21. The exact schools have not been selected at,,this <time. -Tom Hoff will be in charge of the 4 C's program again this year. #2. Mr. Chubb gave a brief rundown on the parks as follows: Oak Grove Park - brush cutting: - Sturgis Ferry planting, trees', many, many kinds because of the unknown factor of what is under the ground.' (This is old land- fill area) - No; work is being done on the'west`landfill at'this time. Right now the old landfill has a large number of old cars in it. It was "noted that there was lmoney 'for playground equipment, etc. to be spent on:various parks, and Mr. Chubb would 'like to have some input from the Commission on how to spend the money. It was stated that this would be a good item to 'discuss during the bus tour. It was stated that the City 'should 'get bids on'the 'tennis courts at Mercer Park or at least get the work in the mill and perhaps wait a'short 'while to see if the price on asphaltic products would stabilize a bit'. The remodeling of the City Park Bath House is underway. #3.' Not ready for presentation at this time. • , i