HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-18 Proclamation~l]7~f~lS, the ~1obal sin'cad of the H]V infection and AIDS woddwlde effort to ~crease commun~.tlon, edu.tlon action to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS; and ~r .~, the Joint United N_atio .ns Program on..HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) ohserr,es D,ecember, 1 oi,each y,e,ar ,as W,,orld AIDS D, aY,s;redaa~ to expand and ah~.ng~then the worldwide e~ort to stop the of HIV/AIDS; and ~tr~g, UNAIDS estimates that 21.8 milhon p~.ople are currently hvlng with HIV/AIDS, with children under the age of 15 years accounting for 830,000 of the cases; and i~Jt~t/Lg, the American Association for World Health is encoura~!'.mg a better unders _t,_~ndin_ g of th_e chal~.enge .of .HIV/AID. S n.ation~lly a~. it recognizes that the_numar o~ people diagnosed with H.IV and AIDS in the United States continues to increase with over 581,429 AIDS cases reported (as of Decemher 31, 1996); and, i~[l~r~l~, the 1997 ;W,o, rld AIDS Day theme "Give Children Hope in a World with Aids'/a) urges the world to contemplate the long-term repercussions of the AII)S pandemic, (b) recognizes that everyone c.an do som.ething about be pan~mic tth:.ough pr~.enqon, education and compassion an& (c~-emvhasizes the hope ot ~inding the means to prevent and cure HIV/AIDS to minimize the impact of the epidemic on children, their families and their communities; fij~rthlrt, I, Naomi J. Novick, .Mayor of the City of Iowa City, Iowa, do hereby proc 'laim Deceml~er 1, 1996, as in Iowa C. ity, a~.d urge all citizens to increase their awareness and understanding oi HIV/-AIDS as a ~lobal challenge and to join the global effort to prevent the further sprea2 of HIV/AII~S. tShis. igned '.m Iowa.City, Io.wa, 18th day ot November, 1997. ~~' ~ayor L o( ]oWn ~i~Hj~rat~, Iowa'~ children are one of the most preciou~ re~ource~ in our ~i~l~l~, in Iowa and across the nation, children s-ffer from llfe- th~eatenlng illnesses; and ~t~r.a~, children suffering ~rom life-threatening illnesses is an occurrence knowing no social or economic boundaries; and ~i~tl~l~, the Iowa chapter of the Make-A-Wish foundation of America, in conjunction with local communities, is encouraging public awareness regarding the Make-A-Wish foundation; and ~tl~t~, local volunteers are involved in Make-A-Wish Foundation activities to help ease the pain of these children in our community; l~l~f~rt, I, Naomi J. Novick, Mayor of Iowa City, do hereby proclaim the week of Decemher 1-7, 1997 as in Iowa City and ttrge citizens to become actively aware of children with life-threatening illnesses and the Make-A-Wish chapter of Iowa City. Signed in Iowa City, Iowa, this 18th day of November, 1997.