HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-24 TranscriptionFebruary 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 1 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Council: Nov, Baker, Kubby, Lehman, Norton. Absent: Thornberry, Vanderhoef. Staff: Arkins, Helling, Kerr, Holecek, Franklin, Davidson, Schoon Dollman, Fowler, Trueblood, Schmadeke, Brachtel. Tapes: 97=39, all; 97=40, all; 97041, Side 1. Review Zonin~ Matters 97-39 SI a. Franklin/Strohm Addition south of Bowery Street .... Mr. Gaffey brought before the council. We looked in it and the council decided to take it on as a city initiated vacation. So that will be next time for p.h. Nov/I assume there is no serious controversy about keeping it open? Franklin/There is one property owner on Governor Street'who would like to have a greater portion of it kept open .... Otherwise I think it is a very strong neighborhood sentiment to have it closed. Norton/My only concern... talked to neighbors... walked that alley... R is not a full size alley... If you vacate it, who is responsible for what back there? Franklin/It is still city owned property. Norton/Who mows it? Franklin/The neighbors, just as they have been. Norton/We don't want this just to go to pot... somebody has to mow it. Where do they put their fences? Franklin/They should put their fences on their property lines. Norton/My thought is somehow that ought to be described to them what the expectation of the neighborhood... It is a pretty cohesive group. Franklin/ Norton/ ....It would leave emergency access .... 7:30 PM This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 2 Franklin/In a heavy duty emergency. Norton/They ought to be some clarity about what can be done otherwise people will be sticking garages into the r.o.w, fences, and so forth. Franklin/Maybe we could use the Longfellow Neighborhood Newsletter to get out some information .... Norton/ ....I think it would be nice for them to know .... Nov/I had expected... also let them buy it .... Franklin/No, we have suggested that we retain ownership of it in case we want to go back to an alley concept ..... The staff is recommending that you retain ownership of it and no one is particularly interested in purchasing it. Norton/ Franklin/I think what has happened .... Mr. Sweeting... plans to put up another duplex. There is concern in the neighborhood that the use of the alley will continue for redevelopment and they don't want that to happen .... Norton/I think it is very nice... cohesiveness of the neighborhood. Do Franklin/A p.h. on a resolution approving a request for voluntary annexation of 140.5 acres .... Streb Industrial Park east of Scott Blvd. The.next item, too (c.) I want to talk about these two together .... zoning of that property. A portion of it, 38.93 acres, to be commercial intensive; 101.57 acres to be industrial and .... in the commercial... 22 acres are developable for commercial since the remainder is in the storm water detention area. Would you like me to go over where it is? Norton/...Outlot A & B .... Franklin/(Refers to plat map on overhead). The outlots are in this area along the stream corridor ....that is deducted from what is practically developable in the Commercial Intensive ....100 acres of industrial land for development ....I put together kind of what the tradeoffs are and this is still in a .... still working through this .... What you are considering tonight and tomorrow night is the annexation and the zoning .... A number of parts of this pertain to the plat... still working through. The schedule... This.represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 3 tentatively... go to P/Z with the plat next week .... We have enough meetings in there... you get the plat when you are doing the last reading of the rezoning ordinance. That is the game plan. Kubby/Is there only one rezoning vote or is it separate? ..... Franklin/It is one rezoning vote ....Pam Ehrhardt on the P/Z Commission voted against it. Kubby/Why not do two votes? Or could we separate them if we chose to? Norton/It is a packaged deal. Franklin/I suppose you could. It is all together. Kubby/Some of us may not support the commercial but support the industrial. Norton/CZA is all hinged on that from Al's point of view .... Franklin/It goes together. So if you are opposed to it because of the commercial, as Pam did, you need to state that and vote accordingly because it is all tied together in terms of the applicant. Kubby/... the applicant... At some point, don't we have control over it. Norton/ Baker/Did we lead them to believe that commercial was acceptable long before this? Norton/The lay of the land. Franklin/The majority did. Council/ Nov/If the majority votes no on the commercial, it remains in the county. Franklin/If the majority votes no because of the commercial zoning, then the whole thing is dead. Whether you vote on it as one vote or two is of little consequence. The affect is the same. Holecek/The applicant would withdraw their application for annexation, for volunteer- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 4 Franklin/Correct. Norton/ ....I looked at the package and the shape of the territory .... Franklin/... run through real quickly what is in the CZA because what I have put together here relates to the whole project .... Let's first focus on the rezoning and the CZA .... //3 in the CZA ..... Norton/We have three versions .... Baker/Where in the CZA...is waiver of the requirement for sidewalks? Franklin/That is 3 b. No, I am sorry. 3 b. relates to sidewalks in an affirmative way for commercial and it doesn't speak to the industrial ....CZA... required of the property owner. First item 3 a. is all the infrastructure would be installed... prior to any issuance of any building permit on any lot within the subdivision .... provision... letter of credit or escrow... city's approval of it .... input from Mid American Energy Company .... It would be prudent to have some flexibility in the design of the industrial area .... If they need something different than this (refers to overhead) ..... I am taking the advice of those people who have dealt in the economic development field and located industries that this is a positive thing to do .... We have been advised... too structured if someone wants a slightly different configuration. Because our goal is to have industrial land which is competitive in the market place... cost... availability... We chose to make this accommodation for the escrow letter of credit so that that particular infrastructure could be put off to allow that flexibility. The P/Z Commission concurred with that. Kubby/How does the language really do that?... says shall be installed prior to the issuance of any building permit for any lot. Franklin/The next sentence, an escrow payment of letter of credit to cover the cost of uninstalled improvements may be accepted in lieu of completion of the infrastructure improvements. Norton/First sentence ought to have except as noted below ..... except as provided in the second sentence all infrastructure associated. Franklin/Except the second sentence is right there. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 5 Nov/... I don't understand how 3 b. exempts any zone from sidewalks. They are all included in A. Franklin/No, it is all the infrastructure that is going to be required, including but not limited to .... For instance 420th Street .... If you wish to be more explicit- Nov/I wish to be as explicit as we possibly can .... Kubby/Except we are interpreting it in a less restrictive way than the language would indicate... We should be as clear as we can be up front .... Nov/I would like this to be as restrictive as we can be. Norton/ Nov/All of it. A CZA... should be as explicit, as restrictive as possible. Franklin/What do you think, Sarah? Holecek/... What is it you are- Nov/Misinterpretation is what I am concerned about. Franklin/For instance, if this says infrastructure including streets. If we pay for something on 420th Street, is that a violation of the CZA? If we put in the sidewalks in the industrial area, is that a violation of the CZA? Nov/What should the city put in sidewalks in the industrial area? Franklin/That is another issue ..... Holecek/So you would like to specifically exempt out those particular issues, namely sidewalks in the industrial areas as well as city's participation in the improvement of 420th Street7 Nov/And anything else that is not absolutely clear. Franklin/How about if we say all required infrastructure? ..... Holecek/If you want an enumeration of everything that is going to be done... prohibitive. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 6 Norton/In A. they are trying to be flexible ..... Kubby/ Franklin/ Norton/May be economically better to proceed. Franklin/It may be economically better to proceed just from a physical improvement perspective .... Norton/ Franklin/ Norton/What does it mean along all conditionally zoned lots? Is that clear? .... Franklin/Are we going to B.? Marian do we have a signed CZA on this? Karr/No. Franklin/ Kubby/Add the word required to A. Holecek/Required by what? Franklin/Required by the city. Council/ Franklin/ Holecek/Are you talking about it as far as required by your typical city development, city subdivision regulations and standards? Franklin/Let's go through the whole thing... This is a very different kind of project... It is a partnership. That there is some give and take that is going on here... It is because we wish to get an industrial park in Iowa City and we did not choose to buy it ourselves .... Let's go through these, go through the trade-offs. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 7 Kubby/ Franklin/B. The requirement is that sidewalks will be provided along all of the commercially zoned lots ....(Refers to map). Sidewalks are also required along Scott Blvd. to this point ....One little thing with the plat (refers to map) the stream is very close to the property lone... there are about .... protected slopes right there. If it is not ten foot in depth, it is not considered a protected slope. But if it is, then what that means is that we can't put a sidewalk right here. (Refers to map) .... benefit of a protected slope versus sidewalk. It may not be an issue if that ten foot rule is in there. Kubby/Can't you do things to protect the slopes as long as it is done with an engineered plan? Franklin/There are certain things that you can put in protected slopes and walkways may be one of them... We can do it as a public utility of sorts as long as we do everything in our power to diminish the affect is has on the protected slope. Nov/ Franklin/We are looking into that further... may be an exception .... Baker/ Franklin/It says along the commercially zoned lots... and other areas as specifically noted on the preliminary plat .... will resolve this little issue .... C. is a stormwater management plan... address water quality .... re-establishment of habitat along relocated stream corridor .... Kubby/The agreement says if said relocation is approved. Franklin/If the DNR does not approve the relocation of the stream, then the stream won't be relocated and we will be starting over. Kubby/ Franklin/The stream goes right here. Norton/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 8 Franklin/There has been some contact made with the DNR. We have to get the preliminary plat settled and get that to DNR so they know exactly what we are talking about. Norton/Doesn't this stream vary a lot? Franklin/It does ..... Kubby/Do we have any say about how that is done? .... Franklin / Yes. Kubby/Where is that reflected in the agreement?... address water quality and habitat which is not something that is a matter of course .... D. is to address .... hazardous materials and this is basically an assurance that the federal, state and local requirements will be met ..... to give a little bit further assurance. Likewise, all improvements associated with land to be dedicated to the city shall be installed .... that is something that we do as a matter of course also. Kubby/Issues of water quality... those issues can be dealt with in item C.? Franklin/Yes. Are you thinking of D.? Kubby/... protect the Snyder Creek Bottoms because we have an obligation to do that. Franklin/That is in C. Item F. is to address some of the esthetics of the buildings along Scott Blvd. and Hwy 6 .... language .... about the construction of the buildings .... entranceways... consistent with what we have done .... included this kind of language. Kubby/ Norton/ Franklin/Item G. deals with the issue of loading docks and receiving areas- Baker/Last line of E ....rooftop mechanical devices .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 9 Franklin/It's is I-IVAC ....roof signs are not permitted. Nov/Karin, why did not the restrictions include 420th Street? Franklin/Because 420th Street is between Tat~ Avenue and here (refers to map) .... not really an entranceway ..... because it doesn't go far enough east. However Hwy 6 and Scott Blvd. are going to be significant entranceways in the long run. Norton/420th will become main entranceway into the industrial area. Franklin/...concern on part of county that Taf~ Avenue will become a major roadway sooner than later. Item G. has to do with basically the backdoor and mechanical of commercial development .... avoid with these lots (refers to map)... concerns... that what face Scott Blvd. and Hwy 6 not be the back end of the commercial .... restriction in terms of loading docks and that sort of function and requirement for screening .... Item H. is to be explicit in terms of the landscape buffer .... development and Scott Blvd. and this ten foot wide planted landscape area may use some of the ground that is in place in the r.o.w .... Right now there is a considerable buffer... What this allows is that you could have a five foot strip along a commercial lot, then use five feet of what is in the r.o.w just to have the root growth. Item I. is to insure there is landscaping along the buildings, again, as they face Scott Blvd. That must be 50% of the building elevation. Item J. is a restriction on free standing signs ....allowed at the access points .... (refers to map) .... Kubby/You said there was a debate about one aspect... Franklin/The debate is about this platting issue of the street. Those are the issues then in the CZA... Point out in Item #4, a concept plan does have to be submitted for any of the commercially zoned lots to the Department of Planning and we may approve modifications .... if it meets the intent of the CZA .... Norton/Does that take up such things as interior sidewalks? ....Could there be sidewalks interior to the development? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 10 Franklin/Not required. They are required to be along the street, along all the commercial lots .... But they are not required- Kubby/ Norton/...affects only the ones that are in front of the lots, yeah. Franklin/...It does not require them a long the industrial lots. Okay. Kubby! Who will own the outlot? The City? Franklin/That is what we are thinking about .... The tradeoff that I was telling you about. (Refers to overhead: Scott-Six Industrial Park).) Concept that this is a public private partnership between the City of Iowa City and the Strebs .... contributions that each is making to this project. The City-the approval of the commercial zoning. This is not something that we had intended in this area. We have indicated that it should be industrial in our Comp Plan... discussion in the staff report... recommendation... consistency with the Comp Plan. One of the things that the city is agreeing to is the approval of the commercial zoning. The second piece... ownership and maintenance of Outlots A & B. These are necessary for stormwater management .... also provide... flow through area for BDI, Modern Manor...upstream users .... requiring mechanisms be put in place that deal with water quality.. benefit that is accruing here .... Other aspect is that this stormwater area... can be seen as an amenity to the development .... can add something to the industrial park itself. Kubby/Second stormwater facility that we are going to take the responsibility for maintaining. Franklin/ Kubby/Third one that is coming up on the southside .... regional .... It is a different role .... making sure we really understand the kind of responsibilities that we are taking Franklin/What does that mean? And I can't tell you that right now because it is not fully designed .... It will be before you are finished with all of this .... Nov/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 11 Franklin/Trying to design it... uses that concept of a constructed wetland to hold the water for a period of time in a series of steps .... Nov/ Norton/ Kubby/Redesigning- Franklin/It is redesigning it .... reconcile .... Sensitive Areas Ordinance which speaks to the issue of the stream channels and not destroying them .... and what we have here now and what we will have when this is all done. If this can be done well ....it will be better than what is there now, Kubby/ Franklin/ .... That channel is not working that well in terms of stormwater quantity control and certainly not in terms of quality. Norton/Who is doing all of that design7 Franklin/MMS. Norton/Urban Erosion Conference last week .... handling the water on the site... letting it stay on the site .... Who is planning that facility or holding basin in such a way that it is going to manage? .... Is that being designed by the-? Franklin/MMS. Cubby/ Norton/...trying to do, hang onto the water. Franklin/.,, you do hang onto it for a period of time. Norton/ Franklin/Stormwater management, actually you detain it for a period of time .... going to have some settling... this is going a step bey9nd that. Nov/... I keep thinking of all these streams that have filled in .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 12 Franklin/ We can have the engineers come and respond .... Nov/We are paying for the dredging out when it fills in... etc .... Norton/ Nov/Consider carefully whether a stormwater system with a big concrete sewer line .... Kubby/No, natural .... Franklin/The next item is the issue of the sidewalks along the industrial portions of the site .... one of those give and take things... developer's contribution is the purchase of the property for development of an industrial park. We could have done that .... significant expense... We are doing it in partnership. This is just one of the gives .... Norton/Partnership sounds great. Franklin/Our involvement in construction of 420th Street ..... typical... is an arterial street... also half outside of the subdivision .... First step.. applying for the permit to have the intersection improved at 420th and Hwy 6, doing that with the county... on behalf of the county... jurisdiction over that intersection ..... we, as a city... when signalization is warranted, that we will signalize it... have to come before you separately .... possibility of applying for RISE money... speculative .... 420th Street... may not be improved... another access point off Scott Blvd. on a street that will be constructed by the developer. Next item ....agreeing to the stream relocation .... The last three items.. italics... very much up in the air. One is the delay of installation of fire hydrants in the industrial area ....they are items that we are still discussing through the platting process .... Kubby/The P/Z process is going to control especially the last two... Franklin/No ....it applies to the fire hydrants and storm water quality .... Baker/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 13 Franklin/There would be language in the subdivider's agreement that at such time as the property was developed, the fire hydrants would be installed at the developers of property owners expense .... deferring installation .... We don't usually to that. The next item designating the industrial area for TIF is a fairly big item... would come before the city council. We would need to designate an urban renewal district .... then pass a TIF Ordinance. David is working on that now.. putting together the plan itself... TIF being for three or four purposes. One is that we would assist businesses .... case by case basis .... grants or loans to the business .... Other way TIF could be used... towards stormwater management .... It is possible to use this money for construction of it .... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 97-39 SIDE 2 Franklin/The other thing the TIF could be used is to pay for a portion of 420th Street .... Baker/Do those things have to be specifically spelled out? .... Franklin/In the Urban Renewal Plan, it is general. In the TIF Ordinance, I am not sure. Kubby/David is shaking his head no. Norton/We have got a handout somewhere ..... Kubby/ Schoon/In terms of what improvements you would be making in the area .... those would be outlined in the Urban Renewal Plan. The TI1e Ordinance... designates the area saying you can use the tax increment on it for improvements to the area. Franklin/ .... it says streets, so it leaves it kind of general... want to have some flexibility... projects .... Baker/TIF, is it 100% of the taxes? Kubby/100% of the improvements. Franklin/It is the increment ....You start with a base ....it is whatever you put on it. Baker/And you have to spend it? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 14 Franklin/In that area, definitely ....20 years. Kubby/ Nov/It is possible that you sell bonds... using TIT to pay the bonds? ..... Franklin/Yes, that is how it is done. Norton/Would this require county coordination, cooperation? Franklin/When you do TiT, that is taking the increment from the county and the school district... They would like us to consider a TIF district that extends to Taf~ Avenue. David islooking into that... joint district that the city and the county did together .... I don't know .... For the industrial area... the railroad tracks and 420th Street come to a point and there is not much of Taf~ Avenue that would actually be in the district .... Kubby/Can you have a TIF that is a percentage of the increment? .... Franklin/Can you have a percent of the TIT as opposed to all of the increment? Schoon/(Yes). Franklin/Yes. Norton/This will be a pretty big increment .... Franklin/ Baker/Once you establish the percentage... spend all of it back in the area .... Situation where things you want to spend money on are not financed by the revenue source? Franklin/I suppose that is possible. Arkins/Then you couldn't sell the.bonds. Baker/Do you end up having to spend money just to spend money? Arkins/Yeah, if you have more money than you can use... possible .... Holecek/ ....You can never make money on it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 15 Baker/ Schoon/The TIF district will only get funds once we certify debt that we have incurred... only way TIF funds will get funds is once you show that you have incurred a cost, am incurred debt. Then revenue will be diverted. If you haven't, then those revenues go to the taxing districts. Kubby/ Schoon/ Nov/ Norton/ Baker/The cost is incurred before we collect the money. Norton/ Kubby/ Nov/I think 20 years is the outside limit .... Franklin/But if you are using the TIF for encouraging businesses to locate here, that is going to be a little bit more sporadic. So you may want to have it for that 20 years in place. Nov/... I understand 20 years is the maximum in which you may use it .... Franklin/The last item... could be a city contribution is that the water and sewer tap on fees .... something that will be a council decision. Is to whether you wish to pay those fees .... you don't get reimbursed for this industrial land as part of the city's contribution to this project ..... Developer's contribution. Nov/Back to this tap on fee. It is just for industrial or industrial and commercial. Franklin/We would recommend that you only do any of this for industrial, the TIF and tap on fees .... that has been understood because the industrial is what we are after. Kubby/At some point...we will know per acre? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 16 Franklin/Yes. The developer's contribution. The purchase of the property. Agreeing to annex the property to Iowa City .... Installing the infrastructure ..... obligation to install. That is a considerably expense. Designing and constructing the acceptable stormwater quality and management facility. Agreeing to following all the building and site design standards on the commercial lots as specified in the CZA..i. Providing easement for the Scott Blvd. trunk sewer at no cost to the city and... concept of capping sale price of industrial land at some mutually agreed upon price... adjustment... Idea is that we, through the TIF, provide some financial incentives to keep the price of the land competitive in the industrial market place. we have to work through all of that yet. Lehman/...Who mutually agrees upon the price? Franklin/The city and the Strebs ....ability to increase that for inflation .... Lehman/ ....That is not going to be a real easy figure to come up with. Franklin/ Norton/City contribution ought to show Scott Blvd. and Scott Blvd. trunk sewer .... Franklin/You can add or subtract from this list .... Kubby/We did do that sewer project. Norton/ Franklin/We did the sewer project to deal with Village Green and the Heinz lif~ station .... It is an enormous trunk line... Kubby/...any kind of public contribution .... companies benefiting from that would need to follow our guidelines .... Question... why wouldn't the Economic Development Policies apply to any business who is benefiting from these public moneys contributions? Nov/I didn't understand .... Norton/ Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 17 Norton/I would assume those are for all kinds .... Franklin/It will be interesting as to where you draw the line for that principle. Basically what you are saying is that any public infrastructure that is put in, that for someone to locate in Iowa City, then they need to follow our financial assistance guidelines? I mean, we are doing a water plant. Kubby/I am talking about if we do a TIF... if we absorb the water and sewer tap on fees .... therefore, shouldn't any industrial business that goes into this property need to follow our guidelines? Franklin/Even if they don't pursue a TIF? Norton/ Franklin/It is how you as a council are going to define financial assistance and you will have to make that decision. Kubby/It is important for us to have a discussion about that .... Franklin/I would suggest that you make that really clear before you vote on the annexation. Kubby/ Baker/Even in the guidelines there is flexibility. Or is the assumption that anybody who applied here has already got the benefit, so they have to meet some of those guidelines. Norton/That is what we got to decide. Franklin/ Baker/... If this is a public private partnership, it is this hybrid... benefits are partially provided by the private sector .... Franklin/It is clear for TIF, compliance with the Financial Assistance Guidelines would be required. The question Karen is posing is because the city has contributed to make this industrial park happen... Do we then say that for anybody to come in, whether This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 18 they are applying for a grant or loan... or not. That they must comply with Financial Assistance Guidelines? Kubby/ Norton/We need to think about that .... and how to articulate it. Holecek/I think there is some difficulty with that in that once you have already got a public improvement in place, it is hard for you to be able to differentiate and discriminate on who is going to be able to use it. Kubby/We are discriminating about whether someone pays the tap on fees are not .... Holecek/The tap on fees would come at the subdivision level. Norton/ Franklin/You can kind of divide up the benefit.;... Other things that are being done in this partnership... try to enable this to happen and keep the price of the land marketable for those industrial businesses that then come in who may wish to use the TIF and the benefit then of that first step... goes to the city in getting industrial land, goes to the Strebs in enabling them or assisting them in developing it but does not go to the business, I could make that argument. Kubby/They can't be there unless it is zoned that way .... Franklin/So they could go somewhere else. Kubby/ Franklin/ · Kubby/After all that work we did on the Economic Development Policies in general and the guidelines. We would want to just say .... we don't care if your wages are low .... To facilitate that happening does not make sense. Norton/...shared thing ....ought to try to figure out which ones of those to apply ..... Kubby/Maybe some of the things could be flexible ..... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 19 Nov/We also have to think about... if want the industrial user located in Iowa City... they have other choices. Kubby/And I am saying that if we are enticing them into Iowa City, they should meet the spirit of those guidelines that we have agreed are important things ....having jobs developed within the city limits. Baker/ .... We put all sorts of infrastructure in place that businesses take advantage of that we don't regulate .... How is that- Most of this seems to fall into that category .... residential and commercial interests take advantage of. Kubby/What I am talking about is 420th Street, where does the money come from?...stormwater management... assistance to business .... and sewer and water tap on fees. Those are the things .... focus on. The street is already there. Baker/How do we quantify that private contribution for the public purpose? Norton/This is something we ought to hammer out. I don't think we are going to do it tonight. Nov/I don't think we can decide this tonight. Council/(All talking). Nov/We are going to get to the p.h. two weeks from now .... also going to get to our vote on this two weeks ai~er that. Kubby/Do people agree that it is an important issue to talk about? Norton/I agree .... Nov/We don't need to articulate tonight. The p.h. is tomorrow, right? Baker/We are, as a council, talk about this again? Nov/We have to talk about it again in a couple of weeks .... I would like to move on. Karr/You have a one week meeting, not two. Nov/Okay, one week. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 20 Baker/One quick question ..... There would be different TIF agreements .... Franklin/There is just one ordinance. There is an Urban Renewal Plan that you have to adopt to designate it as an Urban Renewal District. Baker/ Franklin/Your TIF Ordinance allows you to provide certain things to a businesses, a grant or a loan. Baker/You got one lot .... it is improved, there is a TIF In place. Then some of the other improvements for the whole area .... Kubby/... It is for the whole area. Franklin/The business comes in, they want to get a loan. We give them a loan. We pay that loan back with the increment on the taxes generated by that business or by the whole district .... Baker/It is possible for a portion of the whole industrial park to be developed with TIF money generated from that to benefit a different portion of the industrial- Franklin/Yes ..... do Franklin/D. & e. are first considerations of historic districts .... Norton/Do we have exceptions? .... Franklin/Yeah.. but you don't have enough to require a extraordinary majority vote. Lehman/... very irregular in shape .... there are properties that do not contribute to the zone and I guess my only question is why are those properties included? Franklin/As Scott tried to explain... one of the things that is being looked at- Two parts... The local historic district that we are attempting to designate here. But also a consideration of these properties for the National Register or a National District... requires looking at contributing and non-contributing structures ....They do contribute to the sense of that street .... Lehman/Why such an irregular shape? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 21 Franklin/Because that is where the lot lines are. One thing you want to have is some cohesiveness in it .... (refers to map). Lehman/If they don't contribute, why are they included? Kubby/They do contribute. Franklin/It is a technical term, Ernie. Nov/ Norton/On S. Johnson .... contributing ....they have some minor flaws .... Lehman/If one of those buildings that are non-contributing should burn down, then the rebuilding would have to be in character with the neighborhood. Franklin/In character with .....has to have compatible .... Norton/ Lehman/The one thing that impressed me... we have not had one person to appeal to the council for changes in a building permit ....apparently what we are doing is working. Franklin/Yes. Norton/... they work with them .... Nov/Move on. Franklin/First consideration .... go Franklin/Second consideration of Walden Hills. I spoke to the school district about the access question, it is not on their agenda for tomorrow night's meeting .... I am assuming it is not an issue for them .... There will be a resolution on your agenda next week dealing with the policy related to access. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 22 Franklin/Preliminary Plat of Court Park Subdivision... 1.66 acre subdivision on Court Street .... That is just to locate it for you east of First Avenue (refers to map). Issue that have been discussed have to do with the driveway access to each of these lots... field work in terms of where the driveways would be located. The one on Lot 5 .... is actually located so that it does have adequate sight distance .... suggest that you not do the turn around... save on some paved surface .... It will come out on a point that is acceptable. Norton/Hate the fact that we lose more of the Court Hill Park view .... Franklin/Lot 6 was one that P/R was looking at... appropriate to acquire? Kubby/ Trueblood/The Commission basically looked at three options. One was to purchase the lot for $37,000. Other was to accept a 15 foot wide strip adjacent to the park... Third one was to accept fees in lieu of which would have been a little over $3,000. They opted to go with the $15 foot strip... would save a number of trees... buffer... Norton/30 years ago... that park was dedicated to us... a lot of it is in backyards .... this is going to close Court Hill Park off even more .... nothing to do about it. Nov/Where is this 15 foot strip? Trueblood/Right along eastern portion of Lot 6. Council/(Looking at map). Kubby/ Nov/The one access point... concerned... Lot 5... comes out against the street intersection. Does that make a difference? Jeff Davidson/Not with an individual resident lot .... What we did is measure where the driveway ought to be .... site distance .... Nov/We are going to take a break. [Council Breakl Nov/How does anyone feel about moving Gilbert and Kirkwood to another day? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 23 Kubby/That is fine .... Nov/It is not a huge issue .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 24 Downtown Parkira, Study 97-39 S2 Jeff Davidson/What Joe and I thought .... a couple of things we would like your concurrence on .... go through those real quickly. What we are recommending to you.. 100 permits in Chauncey Swan and 100 permits in Dubuque Street. Prefer not to have you add any more to Capital Street .... that is 26% increase... Also like to have half of them to work with d.t. businesses on and half of them to the general public .... Nov/Higher percentages to businesses .... Davidson/How do you us to split? Lehman/ I don't know where you are going to get 100 spaces ..... That ramp seems to be .... Davidson/We are directing the permits up there... program that gives you a $5.00 ticket if you park on the first two floors. Lehman/...when I get in there at 10:00 AM... Joe Fowler/They are going to be on the top .... We always held a cap on the Dubuque Street Ramp so that 64-1A developed, we would be able to move those 80 permits into that facility .... felt we could go ahead and increase that .... It will be tight .... Lehman/... As long as we have the 100 spaces... Fowler/Where we will mn into a problem will be special events d.t ..... We will be able to accommodate them but not as conveniently. Davidson/We can do this.. It is going to make things tighter... We cannot stress to you enough... need to have you make a commitment to that next facility .... perception that there is not enough short term parking.. tomorrow night... executive session on our negotiations with the Catholic Church... have you go one way or another on that... start building it next year .... Lehman/If we do this building at Catholic Church property, will we then move a ton of permit holders out of the other ramps? Davidson/In the short term, it will be a very important permit facility for us .... We see establishing a transit free fare zone between there and d.t .....Gives us the flexibility to do those things... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 · WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 25 Lehman/As a merchant... I really really like to see permit folks moved into that new facility. Davidson/That can be something that you as a group tell us to do. Nov/How about we start with 50 spaces in the Dubuque Street Ramp and see what happens .... ? Davidson/Total of 50 in Dubuque Street? Nov/Yeah. 100 in Chauncey Swan .... Davidson/Okay, start with 50 and 100. How do you want them split between general public and reserve for business of office? Norton/ Davidson/200 to 150 total, Nov/Do you want to say the 50 in Dubuque are for economic development? Davidson/We can do that if that is what you like. And put all the general public one,. another 25 for working with business and all the general public ones, Norton/ :ubby/ Davidson/Probably be tied to,,. new office uses .... Nov/Particularly new office uses .... Nov/ Davidson/Also new retail businesses? Nov/Yes. Davidson/,..attracting development d.t. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 26 Baker/ ....question about pricing of these permits. Davidson/You talked about not changing is what you decided. We are going to talk about finances. The one other thing... moratorium on shifting Chauncey Swan permits to Dubuque Street .... Is that okay, too? All right, Kubby/ Davidson/The other things that we wanted you to clarify for us is Joe and Bill had indicated changing the 30 minute meters to 60 minute meters and establishing $1.00 per hour/15 minutes for $.25. That is possible to do with the existing meters... Do you want all the 60 minute meters d.t. to be this. Nov/I thought we wanted to think a little bit longer .... Norton/...I guess I looked at the map... 30 minute meters close in .... Davidson/See where it says C-10 zone... four circles... 30 minute meters .... Norton/(Refers to map) .... 6 of those locations with 30 minute meters .... raise to $.25 for 15 minutes ....move them to 60 minutes ....I wasn't sure they were going to 60 minutes... Lehman/...so many things you cannot do in 30 minutes .... It is not a matter of the cost .... Cost you a dollar for an hour... The incentive to go to the ramp 50 cents an hour .... Norton/ ....I thought we had agreed on that Naomi .... Kubby/ Davidson/Do you want the 30 minute meters to go to 60 minutes? Nov/And do we want all the 60 minute meters... to go to $1.007 Norton/ Davidson/We were under the impression that you wanted all the 30 minute meters converted to 60. Norton/Let's go with that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Davidson/That being done. Nov/Did I hear four people say that? Baker/Yes. Norton/Yes. Kubby/Yes. Nov/Okay. Davidson/Now that we have all the 30 minute meters 60 minutes, which one do you want converted to $1.00 an hour with 15 minutes for a quarter? Baker/All of them. Kubby/All of them. Norton/No. I don't want to do Iowa Avenue .... Kubby/ Norton/I was thinking 60 minutes with ones in CBD .... Council/(All talking). Nov/ CHANGE TAPE TO 97-40 SIDE 1 Baker/60 minute meter, 25 cents for 15 minutes wherever they are. Lehman/I share some of the same concerns you do on Iowa Avenue ..... worse parking problem... there. just is no parking. Norton/Make them think twice about parking there. p~e27 Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 28 Nov/...What are you going to do when the 60 minutes... $1.00 and the two hour meters are still 50 cents .... Baker/They are further away, fight? Lehman/Not very much. Norton/Take 30 minute meters that are in circles .... smack in the middle ofd.t. and change them to 60 minutes... make them. 25 cents for 15 minutes. Leave the rest of them the way they are. Just convert the circles. Lehman/I would be willing to try that. Baker/The point is to increase turnover in those areas .... Norton/These are ones right around that one central block. Kubby/We have two conversations going on .... Baker/If your goal is to increase turnover in those areas closest to the retail areas. Lehman/I don't know if that is the goal .... you can't eat in 30 minutes ..... If they just had an opportunity to park long enough to get the watch battery changed, their lunch .... The problem is 30 minutes is not long enough to do a lot of things. Norton/Let's convert those close in. Nov/The meter is now 60 minutes... class... Norton/I don't see how that is going to change. Kubby/ Norton/ .... I would do it just for the ones that are now 30 minute meters rather than mess with all of them. Kubby/I would go for that plus Iowa Avenue. Davidson/We have two an two .... all four here want to do the ones that we are converting, those would change to a dollar and then Larry and Karen want to add This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 29 Iowa Avenue which are already 60 minute meters but to convert them to $1.00 an hour. Norton/Why wouldn't you convert the ones that are on Linn Street then? Nov/That is right .... why exempt some that are on Washington? The are some one hour meters on Washington and Linn. Norton/ Kubby/Linn Street is in the CB-10 zone. Norton/I am just looking at Linn Street. Are you going to make those 25 cents for 15 minutes? Kubby/I thought that is what we agreed on. That all 60 minute meters in the CB-10 zone would be $1.00. Norton/I was just talking about the circles .... I am just trying to speed up the turnover right in dose... I could go along with doing them all in the CB-10. I could go along with that. Davidson/Okay, all the 60 minute meters in the CB-10 would go to $1.00 an hour. Kubby/ Norton/ Nov/All the 30 minute meters are going to go to 60 minutes and then all the 60 minute meters are going to go to $1.00. Davidson/In the CB-10 zone ..... Iowa Avenue issue is still not settled ...... Council/ Norton/All the hour meters in the CB-10 and Iowa Avenue go to 25 cents for 15 minutes. Davidson/$1.00 an hour, that is the proposal. Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 30 Nov/There are four lines of parking on Iowa Avenue. Do you want all four lines to be 60 minutes... remove the four and five hours? Arkins/ Fowler/I do believe you will hear a protest from the DT Merchants Association that $1.00 for the meters ....we would have to hold a p.h. and do the vote... put that together and bring it back. Lehman/The people that I have been hearing from have been d.t. merchants .... They are the ones who say hey, make them an hour .... It isn't the dollar that dissuades them, it is the fact that you can't park more than 30 minutes. Fowler/I am just looking if you start expanding out of that area and got to Iowa Avenue and Linn Street and rest of d.t. I think you will get a protest from the merchants. Norton/Just stick with the circles .... Baker/Go back to CB-10. Norton/ Kubby/How Dee, can you explain to me in terms of close in, what is the difference between the squares and the circles? Norton/...once you convert them to 60, then you don't have much difference. I agree. Kubby/ Norton/Why are they going to object, Joe? .... What is going to be their problem if they are all 60 minutes? .... people don't have to spend $1.00. Fowler/So far when we implemented the 60 cents an hour... the rate increases that you just recently approved... the city has not received one complaint about that increased cost... I do believe if we went to a dollar, they would see it as prohibitive. I could be wrong. If you would like, I can give you a real quick couple of minute histories of how we got to the 30 minute meters d.t. Nov/Go ahead, let's do the review of history. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 31 Fowler/We had commercial vehicle loading zones and we gave permits to everybody that wanted on with a tax permit to use them. We had over 2,000 permits by residents of Iowa City and surrounding area to use 28 parking spaces. We decided if there was that much demand for short term parking, loading and unloading, that we would take the very core area ofd.t. and make it 30 minutes and basically make it a paid loading zone .... Lehman/There is more to it than that .... When I first opened my store d.t .... meters were four hours... merchants, employees, students who parked their cars there... for four hours... customers really could not park on the street .... We reduced it to two hours... finally one hour... finally went to 30 minutes and it was to keep people from basically storing their cars on the streets. It worked .... also kept customers from coming d.t. because they couldn't do what they had to do in 30 minutes .... Kubby/...consolidating trips .... I don't have a problem going from 30 to 60 because it is kind of an evolution of how people approach d.t. Norton/... more students .... Kubby/I think they will have a harder time with the $1.00 an hour. Davidson/Still with converting 30 minutes to 60. Norton/You say we have to have a hearing, right? How soon will that be? Fowler/You don't need one to change the time limits. You do need one to change the rates. Lehman/I would leave Iowa Avenue alone for the time being. Kubby/We only have two people who want to do Iowa Avenue .... Davidson/Do you want us to bring the rate increase back to you, too? Or just change the meters? Norton/Hard to keep them separate ..... Nov/Difficult to say exactly what you consider close ..... Kubby/When we have to come back to this question when we have all seven of us .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 32 Nov/... Don't want to pay $1.00 an hour to go to the library. Baker/They don't have to pay the full dollar. Nov/ ....So few meters near the library anyway. Baker/ Lehman/I really think that raising Iowa Avenue to $1.00 will be viewed by a large number of folks in this community .... as a punitive measure .... Kubby/...cost of driving a car. Davidson/ Nov/I think I hear four people saying to go to a one hour meter. I don't think I hear enough for the $1.00. I am not sure. Courtall/(All talking). Davidson/We will proceed with converting the 30 minutes to 60 minutes. We will bring an ordinance back to you to change the rates within the CB-10 zone... Nov/Okay. Norton/That will exclude Iowa Avenue. Coundl/(All talking). Davidson/We have three more things to go through .... The financing of the system. We felt it was important to give you a snap shot of the financial status of the parking system. It is summarized on page 41-42 .... graph ....summarizes important events... discussed already the next large facility ....after FY2003 ....rates that people pay to park d.t. support the entire system .... everything. There are a couple of options... self supporting municipal improvement district or establishing parking impact fees similar to what we have on the Near Southside .... Self supporting municipal improvement district is not something the city gets to decide. That can be a proposal from the city but it has to be supported by the people who are taxed in the area that you would establish as a district .... option... raising rates... We feel we are in pretty good shape.... There is going to be a projected shortfall between '98 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 .. February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 33 and '01 but we can cover that out of cash reserves... The question... do you want to consider any of these other financing proposals for the parking system? Baker/We are not going to get a TIF .... Kubby/The answer is no. Davidson/Next one is residential permit parking system ..... councils have considered .... we have received fewer complaints lately from the residential areas .... stumbling block... in addition to making people pay for a permit ..... We cannot guarantee them a parking space... too many people and too many cars in those neighborhoods... Lehman/No. Nov/ Norton/... a lot of private parking spaces .... Nov/People building apartment buildings and building parking underneath are not guaranteeing parking spaces to those who don't pay for it... It is all permits. Kubby/You can have a residential permit system that isn't a paid system .... Davidson/... we would try to recover the cost of doing it from the neighborhood .... It would involve a vehicle and a person to enforce it ....That is where the expense for the permits came in .... Kubby/The neighborhood should make that decision .... Northside .... Norton/They would come to us .... Davidson/It hasn't gone any further .... Nov/ ....talk about better enforcement... Norton/I don't think we should mess with this .... Davidson/Okay. Nov/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 34 Davidson/Last issue. This is something we feel is very important... marketing and publicity of the system .... We have listed 15 things .... interested in seeing if any of these things are things you want us to spend any more time on, to do any more work on .... Joe can go through these with you .... Norton/I wrote yes after all of them. Fowler/The first item... upgrades... going through that right now.. increased lighting... signs throughout d.t., there are currently signs up. I don't think they are really that effective... we will come up with a sign that will direct people from Dubuque Street and other non-state highways... figure out a route that everybody can agree .... Kubby/Green .... will they really be seen very well? .... Fowler/There has been a green one up on North Dubuque Street .... Nov/I see it all of the time. Kubby/ Fowler/I think blue would definitely be the color to go with .... Nov/ Fowler/ Norton/How are you going to deal with Burlington Street? .... Fowler/0nly thing... put signs .... on our buildings... not in the state highway r.o.w .... I think they are probably pretty serious that we follow their guidelines. Nov/Can you have a perpendicular sign? Fowler/Yeah. Lehman/Signs on the sides of buildings... nobody sees those things... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 35 Fowler/There would have to be something on Linn Street... you could see coming up Buffington or Dubuque Street... There is a small sign... over the entrance on Dubuque Street .... Norton/ Kubby/But you are working on sign thing? Fowler/Yeah, we will get the sign thing worked on. Norton/What about a projecting sign? Kubby/Holographic. Fowler/Bill has been working with Document Services... Lisa... brochure on parking... something that would go out to all new residents in Iowa City .... We have agreed on the development project. Customer service training for d.t. Parking System employees. I think it would be a good idea.. Expand it to cover employees in Transit... Norton/Are you going to get uniforms? Fowler/They wear them right now .... Lehman/They do a good job ....courteous... Fowler/#6 we have decided not to do. #7 Promotions... do a lot of that this year... water bills... double park and shop coupons... We do offer escort service .... If somebody came to the cashier's booth and said they are uncomfortable about going to their car, any problem, we send a maintenance person... take them to their vehicle. Norton/I have a proposal... wife... Agencies...Mayor's Youth... who might get into a valet service .... something to consider .... encourage entrepreneurship... I will give you a proposal .... Fowler/Simplifying d.t. parking regulations ....84% of tickets are from expired meters... 11% from loading zones .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 36 Norton/Are you going to improve signs at the loading zones.'? .... Fowler/All those signs are just improved and changed. Nov/Obvious to me. Norton/ Lehman/I would still put meters in every damn one. Norton/ Nov/We could do more 30 minute meters and put them all in the loading zones. Lehman/I would .... Fowler/ Lehman/... why to put in 30 minute meters and forget the whole thing. Fowler/Fine by me .... Lehman/UPS trucks can't get into them .... a commercial loading zone that hardly ever has commercial vehicle in it. Fowler/... UPS parks in the middle of the street. Lehman/... meter the loading zones. I would do it in a minute. Kubby/There is some legitimate use of loading zones. I don't want to .... Council/ Fowler/The place that they are most important and mostly used by commercial vehicles would be along Iowa Avenue .... using that south side ....Washington and Clinton Street.. abused. Lehman/ .... being used by private vehicles. Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 37 Lehman/They will double park in the street like they do right now. Norton/We might invite more of that. Baker/ Lehman/I did see the UPS truck park in front of my store today... he double parks in the street .... Nov/ Norton/Leave them on Iowa Avenue... take them off on Clinton and Washington. Is that a serious possibility.9 Council/(All talking). Nov/We are on validation programs. We are moving on. Kubby/So there is no decision about those meters. Nov/I don't hear any decision. Norton/ ....Clinton and Washington, meter them. Nov/For one hour for $1.00. Lehman/No, no. Norton/Sure. Lehman/For loading zones you want the turnover higher. Give them 30 minutes. Norton/You got problems .... Lehman/30 minutes for $1.00. Council/(All talking). Fowler/ Washington .... if you want to make it consistent with the block. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 38 Lehman/Do we want to do that for a loading zone? I understand where a loading zone needs to have a much higher turnover .... Norton/We had better stay away from the loading zones while we analyze it further. Nov/Moving on. Fowler/... First ticket exemption for out of town vehicles. I think that would be very difficult to do .... people can move around... I think that would be a problem... Make sure parking meters operate accurately. We have two people that work on them .... We respond to all complaints... Baker/ Fowler/Relax parking restrictions during holiday shopping season. We pretty much informal do that now. We take the parking enforcement attendants off of the street .... We do reduced the on-street enforcement in those times... holiday sales, sidewalk sales and stuff we do take people off the street .... Kubby/ Council/ Fowler/Any time that there is heavy usage on the streets and the ramps, the parking enforcement attendants assist in the parking ramps .... less people working on the streets .... results in relaxed enforcement... anything with high demand .... Lehman/ Fowler/Support mass transit to decrease parking demand. I think we are doing that... transfer of funds. Encouraging'd.t. employers to establish parking cash ou~. We don't really do that but we do offer them discount transit monthly passes for their employees. Kubby/We could do... we could have a transportation allowance for the City of Iowa City... encourage other people... Davidson/What is would be... an allowance would be given to... that every employee would get .... every city employee. It is something that in addition to your decision This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 39 making... would require the union to be involved... compensation to employees .... For example.. $20 month... which they could use to buy a parking permit or they could use to buy a bus pass... walk or bike.. incentive to pocket the money.. another mode of transportation that doesn't involve parking .... number of issues... bring it back to you if you are interested .... Kubby/I would like to look at it ....important to look at that. Lehman/I would like to see it limited to the buses .... Baker/ ....to free up parking .... Lehman/... I would much rather have to spend that $20 riding on a city bus .... Nov/ Baker/ Norton/Let them tell us what we can do. Davidson/Do you want us to bring something back to you? Council/(Yes). Davidson/Final thing... proposal for car pool monthly permits .... Nov/I don't want to do it, period. Council/ Lehman/You can't enforce it. Nov/ Norton/They could do the car pooling now. Kubby/This is an incentive... to do that ....There are opportunity costs here. Nov/ Norton/Enforcement strikes me as very difficult. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meetin, g of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 40 Davidson/Most of the ones... corporate type settings .... mandated .... Nov/I see it as punishing the family that drops off the kids and drops off the spouse and then goes into the parking ramp .... Baker/I don't see it as feasible in Iowa City. Council/(All talking). Davidson/Thank you very much .... know where we need to go now. Nov/Thank you... I have a Transit question .... Joe... A man in a wheelchair who travels on a fixed route bus, gets off at Governor Street where the Human Services Department and has trouble crossing the street. Is there anyway that this kind of a situation can be helped. Fowler/Jeff'and I went up... moved the stop further... having to use private driveways to cross the street .... it is complicated by problem of cars coming over the hill .... We moved the stop further to the north, closer to the private driveways that they are using and we did this working with the office up there... best possible solution. Kubby/Get feedback .... Fowler/I have never been contacted by anybody other than Social Services .... If somebody does have a problem, we would be glad. Kubby/Could you do some follow up with them to see if they have continued to received complaints?... Fowler/Not sidewalks... poor location. Nov/ ....piles of snow.. use SEATS .... Fowier/A lot of people prefer fixed route... flexibility .... Nov/I could understand that this is a problem particularly in the winter time. Council/ Nov/Thanks. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Play Vehicles 97-40 S1 Nov/Do you want to do play vehicles tonight? Norton/Why not do it? Kubby/I personally have some problems with this .... to restrictive. Nov/We have to do some kind of restriction .... Kubby/ Holecek/I understand we do have some members of the committee as well... Dennis is ill .... We have got a new definition of pay vehicles... includes... rollerblades... toy vehicles to play vehicles. Kubby/This is really picky... hate term both toy vehicle and play vehicle. Why can't we just say skateboards, in-line skates and other wheeled or coasting devices? Holecek/I think it helps within the ordinance to be able to refer to all of those. Kubby/It is a very derogatory term because many people use these vehicles for legitimate transportation .... I can't think up the right term. Lehman/Alternate form of transportation. Norton/ Holecek/Was this discussed in the committee?.. I believe there has been an attempt to find a way that will not be insulting to anyone but still a method of defining one term .... so that we can refer to it again and again in the ordinance. Norton/ Lehman/Since Dennis did the work on this, would we be wiser in waiting .... Holecek/ If you have some thoughts, convey those to me... so that we can at least... make some progress on this. Norton/Number 1, look for a word. Nov/...Is Kiwanis Park Update something you really would like to talk about tonight? page 41 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 42 Atkins/I really need to get- It is a ten minute. Nov/Could we take that out of order? Atkins/That is fine with us. Nov/Where did Judy go? [See additional discussion after Kiwanis Park/Willow Creek Interceptor Sewer Update] This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 43 Kiwanis Park/Willow Creek Interceotor Sewer Uodate 97-40 S2 Atkins/The issue is- Nov/Judy Pfohl- CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 97-40 SIDE 2 Atkins/Kiwanis is a project we have planned for sometime. When we changed the priority on the Willow Creek Interceptor Sewer, that had a direct affect upon our ability to get Kiwanis Park done in a timely fashion... bottom line is that as a staff, we believe strongly that Kiwanis Park has waited long enough. That we got to get this project finished but the Willow Creek Interceptor Sewer is kind of in the way of the whole process... idea... we would like to take the Willow Creek Interceptor Sewer and cut it into pieces. Do a portion of it now, that portion which goes through Kiwanis Park ..... go ahead and then finish the park and then the rest of the project will occur later on. Kubby/ Atkins/We would have to go to our reserves to pay for it... $1 million investment just for the piece of Willow Creek Interceptor that goes through Kiwanis Park. Schmadeke/And Willow Creek. Nov/That includes the park, okay. Baker/Is this just a matter of financial timing or does it actually increase the cost? Atkins/I think... do okay because we are bidding today as opposed to a year from now .... Norton/This has been in the plan all along. Atkins/So has Kiwanis Park and Kiwanis Park have been very patient .... no one wrong.. We are trying to find some way to get them done in a reasonably timely fashion .... Do a piece of it now, get it in the ground.. get Kiwanis Park finished .... Other wise if we were to wait for the Willow Creek, probably talking a couple of years .... Nov/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 44 Atkins/We have to get it wanted to have at do... don't have a in the ground. It is just a matter of changing priorities. I just least some acknowledgment that that is what we would like to schedule yet... Kubby/It just makes that project bigger... Does this mean that something has to be put lower on that list? Schmadeke/We have the design contract with Stanley Engineering to do the design work... look at the inspection part of it to see if we can handle that in-house. Norton/... for Willow Creek. Schmadeke/We will pull offa part of that and do that design first and ....that piece is large enough that we should get good competitive bids on that .... Nov/I think we should do it. Norton/Do it. Lehman/Do it. Atkins/Okay, thank you. Lehman/Tell them about our little trip today. Schmadeke/We went down .... intersection ofHwy 6 went down into the tunnel... walked through that pipe... Norton/...we are doing that work ....drew down the water table... people who got sand point wells... lost their water. Schmadeke/Right in the city across from Nagle Lumber .... Norton/ ....they lost their water because they drew down the water tables. Atkins/I didn't even know there were sand point wells. Norton/ Nov/Why don't they have city water? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Schmadeke/We will get back to them. Norton/ Arkins/ Norton/ Atkins/I would be happy to close up all the sand point wells .... Norton/Then they got to pay the cost of coming all the way up 3rd Avenue. Schmadeke/The water is there ..... Atkins/We will find out for you .... Norton/ Lehman/I thought that was the most fascinating thing... they are clear across Gilbert Street... they have done it all south... two more days they will make the connection. It is just unbelievable how that equipment works ..... Nov/ Atkins/Okay, we will put this one together and get back to you. page 45 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 46 Play Vehicles Continued 97-40 S1 Kubby/Could we come up with an acronym? Holecek/Sport vehicles. Whatever we use, we are going to need to define in the Code... activity vehicle... We are working here... Lehman/All the vehicles we are talking about are ridden on foot .... Council/(All talking). Nov/We are talking now about what questions do we have that Legal can take back to the committee. One is a better name for these vehicles. Kubby/On the bicycle part of it, I cannot support saying no to bicycles in parking ramps and parking lots because we just recently clarified that a bicycle in Iowa City is indeed a vehicle .... full responsibilities and fights ..... If we implement these changes it means you can't fide your bike... Norton/Do we want any bike racks in the ramps? Kubby/Yes. Norton/They are going to go into the ramp. Kubby/... as a bicyelist I want to be able to fide through a parking lot if I choose... legal vehicle in State of Iowa. Nov/I would go along with a surface lot... not within a ramp system .... Council/ Baker/If they are recognized vehicles, they should have same fights and responsibilities... Kubby/I am looking at this chart .... change the very last line: parking ramps and parking lots... lower right hand corner, change the no to yes. Anybody have a problem with that? Baker/No. Lehman/No. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 47 Nov/I don't have a problem with that ..... Holeeek/Do you want qualifying language? .... Lehman/I think you really do want qualifying language. Kubby/No .... Norton/I don't want them in the ramp. Kubby/ Norton/I say if you have parking for the bikes in the entrance to the ramps .... Kubby/I think it should be simple... yes, or no. Holecek/ ....rationale for not including... Bill Dollman/Mostly a safety issue. I think the one area that we did agree on was that the roller blades, the in-line skates, just about everything with the exception of the skateboards, you can stop. The skateboard... it would continue to go .... no control. It would continue to going .... I don't know why a bicycle would be in a ramp... liability standpoint, if you are coming down and around and a car backs out... Nov/This happens on the streets as well .... Kubby/ Norton/If you are going to let bikes in the ramps, then there ought to be a place where they can park their bikes, too. Nov/ Kubby/To get from here to the Rec Center. Nov/I would go along with this parking lot, surface only. Kubby/It is just an example .... Norton/People just going into play the games. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Kubby/Where are the documented problems? Holecek/So are there four people in support of changing that to yes? Nov/Surface lots. Holecek/And parking ramps? Or just surface lots? Baker/Both. Holecek/Both, okay. Nov/Okay. Holecek/Any other7 Nov/Tell me what the difference is between an in-line skate and a roller blade? So we could take that word out of the list. Baker/In-line skates are cooler than roller blades. Nov/But in-line skates means roller blades, you should take out the word roller blades. Kubby/That is the brand name,.. Maybe we should go through the chart .... City Plaza... Residential sidewalks .... CBD sidewalks .... Streets and alleys .... Nov/Tell me how you are dealing with this no on streets and alleys .... Holecek/We are defining roller blades and in-line skates and roller skates ..... Nov/You don't want a kid on a skate board in the alley but it is okay if he is on roller skates. Holecek/That is correct. Nov/I am not sure that makes sense .... let's think about that one. All right, Chauncey Swan Park, we are saying no to everything except bicycles .... Kubby/I thought damage was done more by skateboards ..... p~e48 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Trueblood/That is pretty much correct. Most of it is done by skateboards .... Skateboarders do the most damage. Norton/ Kubby/One of the problems I have in restricting is that we are not providing another place ....until we provide an alternative we are basically making ....not have any place. Baker/I am not sure it is the city's responsibility to provide that space. Norton/We do it for lots of things. Nov/The other recommendation is to ask the P/R Board if they want to create a park for that purpose. Norton/It is endless ....all kinds... Kubby/There are people who use their skateboards for transportation .... Norton/They can use sidewalks in residential areas .... Baker/I still feel no obligation ....for skateboards. Holecek/Do you fund the transportation argument to be compelling over the need to regulate? Council/(No). Holecek/Because there are other forms of transportation that we do regulate or even prohibit on that basis. Norton/We are leaving them some places. Kubby/Under the Chauncey Swan Park, I think we should change the no to yes for roller blades, in-line skates and roller skates because the bulk of the damage is done by the other play vehicles. ~, Holecek/ p~e49 Lehman/I don't think it should be allowed. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 50 Kubby/The only thing we changed was the no to yes for bicycles in parking ramps and parking lots. We are not sure about streets and alleys yet. Holecek/You want some explanation as to why you wouldn't allow a kid on a skateboard in an alley but you would allow kids on roller blades in an alley, in-line skates. Nov/A kid in an alley... traffic is low ....RS-5 or RS-8 zone .... Norton/She has streets here, too... Okay in alleys but not necessarily in streets .... Holecek/...public thoroughfares. Nov/I would take the no for play vehicles generally and put in the RS-5 and RS-8 zones. Norton/Put the same exception under that one .... I agree with that. Holecek/Everybody agree with that. Nov/Yes. Norton/She wants to be sure there are four. Kubby/Yes. Norton/Okay. Holecek/Any other questions or amendments? Norton/ Dollman/I just want to raise one more time... roller blade hockey on the top of the Swan Ramp. I don't know. I have some misgivings about it, some doubts. One is a safety issue .... Second one is esthetics. Do we really want to put a fence around the top of the Swan Ramp .... .9 Kubby/ ....only way to allow them to continue to use the space is with a fence7 Dollman/The walls are only about so high .... good rate of speed up on that top level... Lehman/Long ways down. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 51 Dollman/Example... hockey puck coming over on this corner desk over here .... There is maybe something we can look at for the bottom level .... Lower level is flat .... Nov/How high is the wall on top? Dollman/ Norton/ ....liability problem .... Lehman/Could it be done by attaching .... cable around ....? Council/ Lehman/Put up a couple of rows of cable .... Dollman/ Kubby/When we make a decision about the St. Pat's Ramp .... design in accommodation .... Baker/I don't have any problem with that idea .... Norton/...fence... can't be chicken wire .... Nov/ Council/(All talking). Holecek/You are saying not to specifically allow it per the ordinance but not necessarily enforce it .... Lehman/If we have a kid that goes over the top of the thing .... Holecek/We will definitely be in executive session .... Lehman/Just the fact that we discussed it... we are liable. Kubby/I don't think we should put a fence up on Chauncey Swan... I think we should accommodate it .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 52 Holecek/Three stories up may not be the right place to do that .... Council/ Lehman/...if we say we don't allow it ....enforce it ..... Norton/ Holecek/Do I hear a majority saying you want to remove the exception regarding top level of Chauncey Swan? Council/(Yes). Kubby/Design issue... dealt with on the from end. Nov/Build a nice domes designed .... Trueblood/Karen is right. If we don't build alternative facilities for these folks... we are going to continue to have the same problems .... There is no assurance that if we build a skateboard park in City Park or Mercer Park or some place that we wouldn't still have a problem right across the street here .... In the memo that you had received... recommendation from P/R. I have not taken this to the Commission .... Interested in having us research the possibility of constructing a skateboard park .... talking $50,000 to $150,000. Kubby/...envisioning... some benches, stairs ....you don't have to do those half moon ramps .... Trueblood/If we don't put those in the d.t. area somewhere, they won't go to them we would have to build something that is going to attract the skateboarders to go to that location. Nov/Something they cannot find elsewhere. Norton/ Lehman/If we build a facility for skateboarders... skateboarding is not the safest sport in the world... are we liable? Norton/Same as a swimming pool kind of thing .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 53 Trueblood/They will tell you for skateboarding there are far fewer injuries... than soRball, basketball, football .... Lehman/Who are they? Holecek/Recreational bean counters. Trueblood/The information in publications where I get my information. Baker/... I voted no against the Mercer expansion. I am not going to vote for a skateboard facility .... Norton/Whole question of a ice rink... that is what we really ought to think about... serious facility for skating. Holecek/Terry... discussion.. potential for future structure .... Are you suggesting that council should change their mind with regard to Chauncey Swan? Trueblood/No. I want to know if council wants me to take this any further... possibility of building alternative facilities. Nov/Is there fund in the Parks Department that could support this? $150,000... Park Development Fund .... Trueblood/There is not enough in the park Development Fund, no. Kubby/ Norton/Ask the Commission to at least take a look and see .... Lehman/... City Park... Do you think they would go out there? Treeblood/I have no idea... skateboarding... 6th most popular participation sport in the country ....They sell in excess of $453 million a year worth of skateboard supplies ....I don't see a lot of it in Iowa City .... Lehman/I see them d.t. all of the time. Norton/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 54 Trueblood/I know of no others in Iowa .... A number of them around the country .... most of them are in warmer weather climates .... in-line hockey ....I told him... interest out there... haven't heard back from him .... Nov/ Kubby/A lot of young people .... It is very difficult to organize 14 to 21 year olds. Holecek/Does it sound like council does want a feasibility report from P/R as to the possibility of constructing either outdoor-indoor or some facility? Nov/I don't see the support here today. Bring it back when we have seven people. Norton/... P/R has to always be reconsidering the kind of things we ought to provide: Baker/... I wouldn't give them that direction. Council/ Holecek/So that is a no. Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 55 Charitable Contributions Payroll Deduction 97-40 Side 2 Baker/Charitable contributions, everybody gets treated the same or nobody gets treated. Nov/I don't understan~l that. Norton/I don't buy that, Larry. Kubby/ Norton/ Baker/If'you are going to have a payroll deduction system for charitable contributions, you shouldn't exclude people. Norton/I am not going to the trouble unless they are using most of their money locally ..... Kubby/Why can't the employees choose? Norton/Because there is some cost of putting that in the hopper. Kubby/ Norton/I think it ought to be local ....I think it ought to be used reasonably locally. Nov/Proposal we had two weeks ago was fine. , Kubby/I didn't bring my stuff... I kind of like to talk about this some other time. Holecek/Would you like to do it when you have a full contingency? Nov/Yes. Norton/ Kubby/ Nov/I am with Norton on this one .... Kubby/...let's not talk about it. Lehman/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 56 Nov/Leave it for another day. Kubby/ Council/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 57 Council Agenda/Time 97-40 S2 1. Kubby/ We got a memo kind of going over our budget changes from the February 10 meeting and I think that there are some things in there that aren't quite as I remember them. It shows the deletion of the federal grant moneys for the Human Rights Commission and it doesn't add the half time from the General Fund. I thought that we were going to add a half time from the General Fund and keep the HUD moneys. That is not reflected in this budget memo .... Atkins/I remember specifically doing away with the federal money. Kubby/We wanted to go atter the federal... Baker/We were going to take it if we could get it ....going to fund the full time position. Karr/The full time position is in there. That is not change from the proposed budget. Kubby/But it is funded from different moneys. Karr/ Helling/My understanding.. funded from General Fund. Then if we get the HUD money, we will use accordingly... HUD money can only be used for housing. Norton/So this was independent of I~3D. Kubby/Why isn't the $25,000 reflected in the plus category of total expenditure changes? .... Where on here is it reflected, the $25,000 from the General Fund? Atkins/We took $25,000 line item out of the budget for a federal grant for Human Rights. That is a revenue reduction. Kubby/Then we have to add $25,000 from the General Fund that wasn't there before. Atkins/I see. Nov/ Atkins/And we did... Now I see your point. Kubby/For the City Council Increases it only has $1,750. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session Council/(All talking). Kubby/And- Nov/It starts in January... half.... Kubby/P/R employees. I thought we were going to leave it flexible for P/R to determine the exact. Atkinrd I explained that to Terry .... 2. Kubby/We got a memo from Dennis Mitchell about Yeggy's request to meet with city council and some choices... we should make a choice... I like choices 2 or 4 which are to meet with them ....Or to go ahead with mediation and have three council members there. Baker/(Can't hear). Nov/If they want to mediate, that is fine... I think we have spent more than enough time meeting on this issue ..... Norton/I don't think the entire council. Baker/But if2-3 council. members as a subcommittee... I have no problems with that. Nov/ ....they want a decision from council... investigate our investigation.. We have already said no .... Norton/ Nov/... we have already said no. Kubby/We have already agreed that we would participate in mediation .... Council/ Norton/I will be willing to do that .... p~e58 Kubby/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 59 Holecek/Point is that unless you want to make it a p.h... everything is confidential.. Up to three of you could participate .... But you would not want more than that .... Kubby/Okay, so we are choosing option #4 and if anyone is interested in participating in mediation, they should call Dennis. Nov/ Norton/...Annie Tucker .... Holecek/Do I hear at least four for #4? Nov/Yep. 3. Kubby/We got a memo from Lisa Handshaker and Marian about recognition of Board and Commission members... great idea and we should to it... Thank you... We need to do more I that area. Nov/... we tried to have some recognition ceremony... almost nobody came... Baker/Use to... had... dinner. A sit down meal .... Kubby/That was just for the chairs. Baker/ Norton/I still hope we consider the exit interview thing .... 4. Kubby/My last item... I just got this in the mail from ICON from the classified advertising manager stating that- CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 97-41 SIDE 1 Baker/We talk about this every so often. We got to do it with the Press Citizen because of some- Karr/Circulation in the State of Iowa. Guaranteed circulation. Kubby/The thing I am proposing... requesting... We don't drop the Press Citizen but we- Karr/Do it in addition to. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 60 Kubby/That we do it in addition to. Karr/So we would be doing more publication costs. Kubby/I don't know .... One of their arguments is that they are the only locally owned paper. That speaks for something. Karr/Not the state law. Nov/ Lehman/I have no problem with giving them the information... I have big problem paying for publishing. Baker/ Kubby/Explain the circulation thing to me again. Karr/There is something in the State Code, and I can get you that language, that basically spells out... a paper must be generally circulated in a community and must meet certain criteria to be the officially recognized legal publisher: Holecek/It basically says it has to be a paper of general circulation, all required notices must be published in this paper. In a selection process of choosing that paper, you have to look at circulation numbers. Karr/There was only one the last time we looked and that was the Press Citizen. We couldn't do the Gazette. And the D. I. doesn't publish year around. That was the problem with the D. I ..... Baker/ICON is one a week. Karr/There are criteria that must be met for legal publication. You raise a good point ....it would be the additional cost. Kubby/Is there anyway to estimate what that would be? Karr/For all of our publications or just certain ones? Kubby/I don't know. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 61 Karr/We certainly can pull together for you what our publications are ..... minutes as well as p.h. notices as well as federal notices, it is quite a substantial figure. Nov/It is a large amount of money .... You could say we are going to put everything into a general circulation paper, meet the legal requirements. Then you can say some of things are going into this paper .... every other paper that doesn't meet the requirement are going to ask for the same thing. Karr/ Kubby/Could one of you get me the State Code. Karr/Yes. Kubby/After I read this again .... Karr/ Baker/ Kubby/ Karr/IfI could have the gentleman's name, I could follow up with whoever that person is and follow up with why he or she feels that they meet that. Kubby/I would like to learn about this a little bit, too. 5. Norton/I just wanted to... water problem, Steve. And I will talk to you a little bit more about it. I think there is a couple of cases down there that were affected by this draw down and the question of what should be done. Actually a question of them getting hooked up. Atkins/Well, we have an obligation to accommodate them if we do draw it down. Norton/ 6. Norton/ I went out and did a little homework on the railroad problem. My car began to rattle .... The crossings on South Capital and South Dubuque and South Gilbert and on Benton Street by City Carton and even on the by-ass. They are all of course going to hell with the weather. It is a disaster... Including now South Gilbert .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 62 Atkins/Give me a list of them and we will get to the railroad. 7. Norton/I want to just say... this urban erosion conference was very interesting .... materials .... they were talking about... not just storm water retention... plantings .... really wonderful .... Kubby/First Avenue culvert ..... do them in a much different way .... Norton/...up on Court Street ....I talked to Rick ....look at other areas in town... Looking at a plan from Rohret Road south to Hwy 1 .... look at it in a broad way for storm water first because that is the first thing to get straight .... Kubby/I was told the clear cutting of Clear Creek was used as a very negative example of how to do things .... Norton/It was an impressive series ....northeast part of town ....looking at the big scale is really wonderful .... 8. Baker/Gilbert and Kirkwood intersection? Atkins/Postponed. Norton/But we have new numbers I assume? Arkins/Yes. 9. Baker/Tomorrow night, under council time, I am going to be asking you about those blue top light phone posts that we talked about at the student government meeting .... Atkins/I know it is being researched. Baker/ 10. Nov/I gave everybody a letter from the schools about a conference on safety and driving conference... March 20... called Safety in Our Schools and Communities .... I have the form. Norton/They almost implied they think somebody ought to go. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497 February 24, 1997 Council Work Session page 63 Nov/...They said they want somebody to register by 28 of February ..... the registration form .... Norton/I am debating .... Dee Vanderhoef.... I will check .... Nov/ 11. Nov/ I brought along I have a letter from 4C's Community Childcare.., did everyone get this one? Council/(Yes). 12. Nov/I have a newsletter from Bette Meisel and she says hi to all the council members .... 13. Nov/I have a copy of a House File that was introduced by Minnette Doderer .... removing the preemption of tobacco sales for underage ..... Removing the tobacco products chapter which requires uniform application of code with language which allows cities and counties to adopt laws or regulations which are specifically targeted to reduce or eliminate access to, sale to, or use of cigarettes or tobacco products by persons under 18 years of age. 14. Kubby/Just FYI. The man who came and spoke about College Green Historic District areas said-He is the person who took out the demolition permit .... I don't have any plans for the property .... I don't know if taking out demolition permits is an indication of some plans or just a statement that he is making for some reason. Nov/While this district is pending, the demolition permit is held up. Kubby/It doesn't jive with what he said. Council/(All talking). Norton/ Nov/Two properties owned by the same person... objecting... Adjourned: 11:00 PM This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 24, 1997 WS022497