HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-04 TranscriptionSeptember 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 1 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting with the Airport Commission 6:00 PM Council: Nov, Baker, Lehman, Norton, Thornberry, Vanderhoef. City Staff: Atkins, Helling, Karr, Dilkes, Franklin, Rockwell, O'Neil, Schmadeke. Airport Commission: Blum, Horan, Foster, Penick, Mascari. Tapes: 97-116 Side 2; 97-123 Side 1 Joint Meeting With Airport Discussion 97-116 S2 Nov/We are going to start this meeting. We are going to start by going around the table and having everyone introduce themselves in case we have forgotten each other names: (Pat Foster, Rick Mascari, John Penick, Ernie Lehman, Dean Thornberry, Baker, Norton, O'Neil, Nov) We are going to try and talk a little bit about what is going on for commercial development north of the airport and we have a couple of schematic drawings .... smaller version... We have all read the background material. I think we will just start by saying we understand what is going on. Do you have any questions? Baker/Some of us may know what is going on. Nov/We don't have a staff presentation. We assume that everybody has read the handouts. We all have this. Norton/When are you going to close 17/357 Nov/Well, that is a good question. Baker/Wait a minute. Foster/Nothing is etched in stone is at all. Norton/I understand that .... Penick/Our immediate plan is to shorten 17/35 considerably on the north end. Norton/Why. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 2 Penick/Because that allows more land to be developed .... pushes the threshold back... Norton/I thought I saw something. We were going to get estimates for the threshold ..... My concern... people in that area .... could be 50 years until the cement wears out. Foster/That airport has been there forever, Dee ....It is going to stay there, too .... Norton/ .... If we are going to close it in five years or three years or X years or 15. Seems to me maybe we could estimate. Penick/The development is not contingent on closing it. Norton/As long as you shorten the north end you mean .... Isn't there commercial area on the Southside? .... Mascari/The only approach that we have... runs into the southern airport .... Penick/An instrument approach. Norton/Why not put that on 6/24? Penick/Can't .... The best one we have- runway 3/5 .... Norton/ .....Plans are to close it in five years, right? / No. We are going to grow .... Norton/I swear I read the plans .... Page 1, the recommended closure to RW17/35 will eliminate a number of obstructions .... Mascari/From what I understand, the FAA will only help us support two runways... so the third one would have to be maintained by us. But at this point, it is not in the shape where we have to close it down yet. So that extra runway is like having another exit. Norton/I am just thinking about the development interests and the annexation. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 3 Penick/If we close that completely, you can't go out and build buildings in the middle of the airport. Norton/ ....I am talking now about the south end and the county fairgrounds and all that .... Blum/I don't think anything changes .... O'Neil/ ....The area that the person was talking about the other night, his property is outside this type of area on the end of this runway and always has been. Norton/So that doesn't really affect what he can do? O'Neil/Not really .... Norton/Is that 20:1 out there? Blum/It is actually 34:1. Mascari/Schuchert? Norton/That was the main one. They seemed to be concerned .... O'Neil/We tried to be consistent when working on the Master Plan and said that that wouldn't be a sponsored runway. The other two would be sponsored... It would last at least... 5-8 years... and that was a guess .... Norton/Why are they so exercised if they shouldn't be? Horan/I am not quite sure .... Council/ Horan/He should be fall more concerned about the junk cars across the street. Norton/Well, that was another issue .... Nov/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 4 Lehman/On the southern part, if that runway is maintained, what affect does it have on the property? O'Neil/You mean like Wolfs property? Lehman/Well, like Wolfs and the area next to- Norton/9/21. Lehman/Is that highway commercial on the highway? Nov/It is commercial or industrial depending on which spot. Lehman/Does that place restrictions on the property? O'Neil/It may catch some of Wolfs property but his plan was accepted by the county with the idea that that was going to be in place. So he designed around that ....It isn't putting additional constraints on him that he didn't know about when he proposed that whole development. Lehman/Does that have an affect on Colonial Lanes? Blum/Yes. Norton/B uilding heights are the same whether the runway is there or not? Blum/By the time you get south of the pond, it doesn't matter any more .... The restrictions from the runway are higher than the county zoning .... Norton/ ....why didn't you guys say to him it doesn't affect your activities? .... Nov/They didn't want to hear that. They wanted to hear that the promise was made and not kept. Lehman/ .... under the impression that 3/5 would in fact be closed at some point after the extension of 6/24. And now what I am hearing is they are going to maintain that. There will be no FAA involvement, strictly local involvement to maintain that... Nov/What I heard is if the concrete gave up, it would be closed ..... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 5 Lehman/ Blum/ O'Neil/Maintain it as long as it is safe and then at point shift the resources- Norton/ Penick/Realistically it is cheaper to leave it than tear it up. Norton/As long as it doesn't cost anything to move the threshold at the other end ..... Nov/I have another question. I read through Ron's report... the minutes kept referring to the length of the ranway in several different lengths ....Explain to me, what is the definite number7 .... O'Neil/When the ranway protection zone is relocated, it will be 2500 feet .... north south. Nov/ Lehman/If we maintain that runway... FAA standards, are we going to have to condemn (can't hear) .... Nov/ Lehman/ Blum/It still does ....The Master Plan does not contemplate its removal ..... Baker/ Blum/It is still listed as an obstruction, as moved, the comer of it still protrudes into- Baker/ Penick/The FAA would be happier if it wasn't there .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 6 Blum/I don't think changing the use would be too much of an issue ..... Might have some trouble reconstructing it i£they wanted to rebuild it .... extend it ..... Baker/ Blum/It is not a non-conforming use. Norton/I think they are talking about redevelopment of some sort .... Penick/The FAA also talks... they would like to have a clear zone all around the airport .... Mascari/Which brings up a point. What can be built at the end of 1/27 Foster/Nothing ..... Norton/A parking lot, is that okay? Foster/No. Thomberry/It can be nothing? Foster/Weeds and grass .... can't be parking lot. Thomberry/ ....I am asking .... O'Neil/That is why in the land acquisition program that is a parcel that is to be acquired. Thomberry/All right, purchased. There already is a clear zone through that area? Blue/There is an easement .... aviation easement. Thomberry/For air rights above that property. Blum/But it is just the center portion and it doesn't go out as far as it needs to. Thomben'y/What is the distance between the parcel that has an aviation easement on it now and what is required or at least wanted by the FAA to clear that area? .... I am thinking 20 yards on each side? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 7 Blum/Further than that ....We have that information. Thomberry/You are prepared to pay whatever is necessary to acquire that .... I am not. Baker/Let me ask a question... There is nothing on it right now but it is not owned by the city now. Blum/Right. Baker/Arc there regulations in place now that would prohibit any kind of development regardless? .... Norton/Is there a prohibition now, you mean? Vanderhoeff Mascari/My understanding is he can build on the areas on the sides. Thomberry/That is what I wanted to know, how wide those things are. Blum/I don't think so. I think... you can't build in those areas and that is why we have to acquire it .... Thomberry/ .... We don't have to approve any building that goes on there .... The FAA would like to see aviation agreement over that wider portion than we have now. Is that correct? O'Neil/The interpretation is at this point, any property in any of the ranway protection zones on the two runways that are sponsored by the FAA that is not built on, you either get a no build easement or you purchase it fee simple. Now after they do the appraisals, the difference between buying a no build easement and fee simple may be so close that you should purchase the property. At least you have something as opposed to giving them almost full face value for their property and they still won it. Penick/Other side of that argument... at the time the owners bought that property as farm land .... 15 years from now... worth a whole lot more than it is now. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 8 Thomberry/ .... Since it is such a small parcel on each side, would the FAA .... put a cabosh on the whole project if that little strip on each side of the property that we already have the aviation agreement on was not-nothing was done. Since we already have an aviation agreement on 90% of the property, why buy it? Blum/ ¥Vhat would happen is- Let's say... Menards or Walmart would decide to extend their building into that area. They would apply for a building permit. According to the city regulations, we would deny it because it would be in an airport clear zone .... As soon as you deny them the right to build there, they would have a cause of action against the city .... we would end up in court. In order to not have that happen, the right thing to do is to go ahead and purchase it up front and probably less expensive .... Penick/Probably less expensive. Blum/ Thomberry/ ....Would it be worth one of those two buildings to expand six feet? Dilkes/I don't know that it is clear that they can be no building at all with that aviation easement. I don't think that is at all clear .... O'Neil/It probably is not a no build easement that we have even over the center portion .... Dilkes/There are different kinds of navigation easements, not all of which prevent all building. Lehman/Nobody knows what we have? Horan/Wc have never been asked that question in exactly that way. We have always proceeded that we were going to own that fee simple .... Dilkes/You are preventing development on that piece of property as you are preventing development at the end of the other ranways and the FAA requires us to acquire that property because those are takings and I suppose you could make the same argument that we just sit and wait to be sued on every piece of property that we have now prohibited development on .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 9 Nov/We sort of slid into land acquisition update. Do you want to do that one now? Dilkes/Let me also say .... Certainly it the topic tonight had been the airport land acquisition program, we probably could have been a lot more prepared to discuss this. That was not the topic tonight. The topic is development of the north commercial area as I understood it. Nov/We were going to get into an update of land acquisition and I sort of assumed that was a five minute conversation. Can we get a quick update on that. O'Neil//You can get a two minute update. Appraisals have been ordered on Iowa City Mobile Home Park which is on Riverside Drive .... On the Terrace Hill Mobile Home Park .... a small parcel on S. Gilbert Street and the parcel that contains the Airline Motel and a tri-plex. When those appraisals come in, there will be review of appraisals. They will put offers together, and then the process will start .... We are looking at probably another three weeks before all of this information is put together and then acquisition projects can start. Dilkes/I don't think a whole lot has changed since my last memo .... Thomberry/The FAA has no problem with cars on a free zone, a clear zone. O'Neil/Moving they do Dean and that is probably the main cost of the Master Plan and that is having to shift our primary ranway... 800 feet to the west to take Riverside Drivc out of it. That is indeed the major cost of the Master Plan. Blum/There is a portion of that ranway protection zone which is called an object free area and they literally mean free of objects .... Mascari/ Nov/Can wc get back to the commercial development? / You are going right over a highway. Blum/That is why that has to get moved. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 10 Norton/I have a question about the development north .... What is your conception about the resources that might come from that area? Where does that money go? Whether you lease or sell. Foster/We can't sell it. Blum/The Airport Commission can't sell it. What the Airport Commission .... recommend is lease and the income from the lease needs to be dedicated to the operation of the airport. Norton/ ....putting $120,000 from the General Fund .... Blum/It can be offset .... Norton/What I am talking about is over and above that. Blum/ ....that money could be used for other airport future purposes such as the matching part of the grant money. Norton/ Blum/Any legitimate airport use .... Nov/ Norton/ Blum/Some of it could be used .... money that was put into the airport by the city in the past that has not been repaid... could be repaid .... Norton/Build a new terminal building? Blum/....you can't send that money downtown. Mascari/What we would probably do is make the airport self sufficient. Peniclc/Wc sure would like to cut our tax bill .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 11 Nov/Has anyone given you specifics on what type of commercial property could be done? .... Atkins/We are prepared to advise them on that. We haven't done that yet. Nov/ Horan/Ambrose and Happel have got a couple of ideas that they want to just develop it to the maximum value that they can .... Penick/There are several suggestions ....Upscale street lights ....industrial ....talking about what is the best and highest use .... Horan/ ....determined by whether are not we put the city shops there. Mascari/Also be getting a percentage of the gross profits for the commercial. Norton/But something like that will happen .... If you are doing an RFP, where does that stand? Blum/It is actually kind of waiting for this discussion... There is overlay zoning in place ..... Horan/1992 .... Franklin/It is in place only on part of it. It is not on the whole .... Norton/What do we do? Talk about the Public Works thing? ..... Penick/Tlncre is an issue there. Lehman/I got one informational. You are leasing the land. But whoever develops will effectively own the building on your land. The taxes from that building... city, county .... Mascari/I tinink the majority of the Airport Commission feels really strongly about having the maintenance facility on the airport. We think that is a good idea ..... Some of us think that a better location would be down on the southeastern quadrant. We understand there are going to be some expenses incurred... We think This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 12 the amount the revenue or fees ....over a 5-6 year period might be enough to go ahead and develop that area ....Then we would be able to use the ten acres at the top to get even more revenue for the airport. Penickd Two issues .... prime ten acres .... We are required by the FAA to charge fair market value whether it is the city or anybody else. So we would have to charge you retail prices .... down here the retail prices would be a whole lot less .... Mascari/Also the possibility... we can let the city folks stay there maybe even rent free until that amount is paid back. Norton/ Nov/Chuck, do you want to come up here. Schmadelce/I don't have specific numbers. It will take about four feet of fill to bring it up above the flood plain and that would be very expensive ..... Dirt would have to be hauled in if we couldn't build a pond on the site ..... $4.00 a ton .... Atkins/Can I just step through a very simple scenario? 1-We... would like to recommend that the Public Works site be built on the north airport commercial area .... 2- That with the identification of that site, we would begin a process with you all to plan the whole 50 acres. And with planning of the 50 acres, begin the process of marketing that. Planning that 50 acres, you will need to make certain decisions... We believe that we can substantially take care of your stormwater problem on one site. It means that all the other sites don't have to compensate for that ....Those sited then have greater use of the land. Secondly, we believe that we can ....build infi'astructure so .... you sell lots... Because we can put in the infrastructure as part of the plan. In addition to that we would also put in a plan and would market the old Public Works site .... Open up substantial commercial ground in that area by this decision. This ten acres for the Public Works site may be high intensity commercial... we believe a little lower intensity commercial can be built on the existing Public Works site without removing the landfill material. That all have to be packaged together. That is what I would like to hear you nods your heads in saying go and then the staff can put this thing together as a package format. When you go out for proposal, you may choose to say to your perspective developers, you put in the infrastructure. Well, if that is the case, that is going to change the rate. If the infrastructure is already in place, that will also change the rate. What wc are suggesting is the Public Works building a project fronts the whole concept. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 Septembcr 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 13 It gets it all started. It also provides a developed site that there could be an alternate use for .... We think we can package all of those issues .... Norton/You are talking all of that... roads? Horan/Ruppert Road where the landscape folks are. Atkins/Let's say we would bring that road down to serve that. There is already an immediate economic advantage .... water lines, sewer lines... Norton/ Atkins/(Refers to map). Council/(All talking). Karr/I am getting five conversations ..... Atkins/The question is what is the cost of extending the road through to its likely point over here on Riverside Drive. That is easy enough to calculate for you... we would build the infrastructure along associated with that which means then you have a commercial subdivision and your first tenant happens to be Public Works. In the mean time we would do a plan on the existing Public Works site .... That is how I envision the whole thing being put together. That generates income for you. It gets us the Public Works site that we need ....A developer is going to be hard prcssed to put in all of that road up front ....I think you are in a far better economic position for marketing .... I don't lmow those numbers. I am trying to put forth a concept for you that allows this site to develop commercially, generate the income that you want, allow a Public Works site to be located and allows us simultaneously to begin... develop what use to be the old Public Works site. Mascari/Isn't the developer that we have right now... isn't he already calculating on putting in infrastructure at this time? Dilkes/I rcally caution you about referring to "our developer" .... Foster/"Potential developer." Atkins/And until there is competition, you don't lmow what your best deal is. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 14 O'Neil/Clarify up frout.. people will see this drawing... road .... through to Riverside Drive, until the appraisals come in and land acquisition program shows that you will have to purchase this entire mobile home park, you can't really plan on this drawing. Atkins/remember, we are trying to envision a concept .... Master Plan... this general concept .... It seem to make sense .... Nov/ Atkins/ Mascari/I think that is the RFP... the ones that we are considering to draft... has specified that we would like them to consider developing the streets and the sewers? Atkins/Just so you understand why I feel as strongly as I do. I believe this is public property and should be Master Planned by a public agency and then marketed .... follow our interests, not their particular interests... I think you have a better tool to cause this development to occur... Norton/What makes you think that Public Works couldn't be compatible with other commercial enterprise around there? .... Atkins/ ....We want to avoid grizzly ....has a stormwater basin that could work to the advantage of the whole site .... Council/(All talking). Mascari/I don't think anyone would suggest that it won't blend in .... Blum/There is only one issue here. That is that this land has been appraised at $25,000 an acre and the Commission seems to feel, if we can get $25,000 an acre from somebody else .... that we would like to put Public Works on land that isn't worth $25,000 an acre .... maximize the city's income from an outside source .... appraised as .... as it... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page Atkins/It is understood that it has to be leased .... I am also saying that if you master plan the site and incorporate old Public Works site ....7-8 acres ....satisfy a public need as well as a economic interests. Nov/ Mascari/I would like to see what the numbers .... southeastern area. Norton/What are the other options in the Southeast? .... Atkins/Distance .... That was one of our earlier interest... fill costs .... Same reason we are proposing don't build on the existing public works site because we have to remove garbage .... $3 million tab to prepare the site for the type of buildings that Public Works operations represent .... You can do some low rise commercial development .... This land is basically sound ....I really think it needs to be master planned. Penick/I really like the idea of you putting in infrastructure .....certainly increases the value of our property .... Atkins/And you don't need a developer to do that .... Penick/Which of these sites... favored? Foster/1 A? Schmadekc/The ones on the west end .... the first one. Nov/I like IA ....I think you should have an access to highway. (Refers to map). Atkins/We can prepare for you a plan that demonstrates preference .... Norton/ CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 97-123 SIDE 1 Nov/ Norton/It also helps screen. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 16 Nov/ Atkins/Wc believe that the stormwater basin.. very attractive. Blum/Are you talking about a full-time wet basin? Atkins/Pond. Blum/It is really a bad decision near an airport. Atkins/If tinat is the case, then there is no development because you have to compensate for your stormwater if you are going to develop the site. Blum/Can it be designed to be wet only when it needs .... ? Horan/ ....We can deal with that at this point .... Atkins/It is one of the issues that chased us away from the south site ..... If you are going to develop it ....you have to compensate for the stormwater. It has got to go somewhere. Franklin/The reason that Walmart's is a pond ..... is because of the water table .... Schmadeke/You could pipe it all out of there and not have the stormwater basin. That would be expensive. There is a pipe out on the highway that goes directly into the river that could be tied into. Big bucks. Blum/When Walmart was constructing it .... We raised the issue of water fowl and we were assured by them the design of the wet basin... it would not attract water fowl .... prevent water fowl from roosting there and we now have that problem .... That doesn't make it very attractive .... Atkins/ ....that is a design question ....We don't want to attract water fowl but you got to have stormwater .... Mascari/That also has to be addressed on the south area, too .... Atkins/I suspect so. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 17 Foster/Frceze the damn thing and have an ice rink. Atkins/ Thomberry/Do you have any idea what it would cost to build the road and put in the infi'astructure? Schmadekc/Not at this point. We are getting those costs from MMS and should have it next week. Thornberry/It would be considerably more than putting fill in down south. Schmadekc/Tlne total cost of the infrastructure, sure. Atkins/A different goal, too. We are here to try to accommodate the Airport Commission .... Thornberry/My point is that you are getting a whole to more for your money ..... we got some land for you... good rates ....because we are going to require you to put in the road, sewer... water line .... Blum/That is why we wanted to go out for an RFP .... Thomberry/ Atkins/And my suggestion to you is master plan it and then go out for proposal .... Thombcrry/You don't want a developer to come back to you later and say hey, you never told me that we have to get rid of this water and without a pond ..... Horan/Steve, in the best of all worlds and I ask this question very carefully... If evc,'ything went absolutely smoothly, do you see the move done in five years? Atkins/Our Public Works building is falling apart and at the very least, we would intend to build some sort of an office structure. We can track back and forth ....Still use the maintenance building... and move it over incrementally. Horan/Thc offices are falling apart then? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 18 Atkins/Thcy are falling apart .... Norton/ ....options or possibilities for a science center. Atkins/That was on my final list is do you reserve a site for the science center? .... At least the science center .... 10,000 square feet .... Heran/In out: thinking, the science center needs to be in the public view and we would like to put it as close to the action of the airport as the FAA will allow .... adjoin the clear zones of 6/24 .....have a gate... exhibits ....That puts it at the Riverside end .... Norton/How many acres are we talking about here? Blum/Ultimately six. Atkins/...science center .... actually close off a portion of it and do shared parking .... as long as we can get in and out late at night .... There are some planning things .... My point... the parking is a terrible waste of land .... Blum/Steve, you are looking at that in relationship to Site Study #3, right? Atkins/Ycah (refers to plans) .... Blum/ Atkins/If you are going to rcserve a site for someone to build that kind of use ..... parIcing... share it .... Penick/I keep thinking about renting out your parking for football games. Atkins/ Blum/So i f you are saying that for that perspective Site #3 would allow for that possibility. Atkins/That is a possibility ....I wanted the concept at least of... shared parking... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, [997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 19 Blum/I would certainly say that .... plan it to include Public Works in that northern 50 acres that Site #3 is far more favorable to me than Site #1 or #2 .... Atkins/ ....going to hang a name on this...folks will identify with it .... Norton/No possibility for the science center to go in the old Public Works comer? Atkins/I don't think it would take the weight. I don't know that .... / 1 think they were looking more towards having a view of the airport .... Council/(All talking). Norton/It is an important thing to try to address .... Penick/ ....We are all in agreement the science center is a pretty high priority. Foster/How would they be funded? Norton/Good question. Nov/Jim is going to have to do a lot of extensive fund raising ....We are going to have to ~vind this up... Planning and Zoning ... 7:30 .... Mascari/I would like to see some sort of numbers as to what it would take to utilize the southeastern portion of the airport. Nov/Costs lbr landfill, etc. for the southeast comer. What else. Foster/Wc asked for t/hat five months ago and haven't seen a thing. Nov/Wc will be able to figure it out. Foster/ Mascari/ Atkins/I can't recommend the south side. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 20 Nov/But we can get a number. We can also get a number of construction of the street to this many feet including stormwater, wastewater, etc. Schmadckc/Yes .... Atkins/Bottom line is you have all those numbers that isn't put together in a comprehensive fashion. It doesn't mean anything. You want to market this thing. You want to sell it. It has got to have some sort of a master plan. Mascari/We can't sell that area down on the southeast comer right now the way it sits. Atkins/No but you could sell it for an industrial site. Mascari/1 think some numbers would be appropriate. Atkins/You could market that separately ..... Penick/ .... you did a fine job fi'om moving me from saying no we don't want it there to it is an interesting idea .... I have moved a long way. Horan/l am still listening to Rick's numbers but I am listening to Steve, too. Nov/Wc really need to get those kinds of numbers... send it out as soon as we can. I think it is an excellent idea to have it in a spot like this .... Atkins/We arc going to have staff spend some time on it and it is understood then that we will do the numbcrs on the south for you .... It will be a separate free standing potential project. That the Public Works site will be located here, a location of which we don't know. The science center is a commitment that you feel as a commission that you have made on that particular component of the plan .... Council/(All talking). Norton/I would like to hear in his proposal something more about ... funding... how the science center is to be established. Council/(All talking). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 21 Dilkes/Given the conversaion I had with Jan Mom'oe at the FAA that I relayed to all of you. And I don't know- Dick, you were going to, I thought, going to talk to him about that. But it might be good to do that now given sort of these two different ideas that we are talking about, giving his concerns about- Blum/Do you know what we are talking about? When we met with the FAA in Kansas City, the director of planning for the region expressed some concern about the possibility of having a private developer be responsible for the development of that 50 acres .... He just indicated a certain concern for it. I was going to contact him and discuss that with him ....concerns... We held off doing that until we had this discussion. Dilkes/I th ink the concern.- It was actually raised in a telephone conversation with me by him as I told you and I think his main concern is one of control .... Norton/ Dilkes/So it would be a good time to talk to him... Vanderho¢l'/The concern is here for city property also. We own, you manage. So it is everyone's concern. / I was also thinking of Steve's point in terms of the master plan of all the city property around there m~d the best interest of the city as a whole .... / Steve, can you do a quick time scenario on how... procedure on... say the Public Works located in the North area... How do you see going ahead then? Then putting some type o:fmaster plan together? Atkins/I think it all needs to fit together ....comprehensive plan for the area, including the Public Works site. / And that is the first step. Atkins/... first step... I would likely see that we would build the office building of the Public Works yard to begin with.. greatest need... then we incrementally build a site master plan for the Public Works yard over a number of years. When you build infrastructure in, it is likely that you will see lots being sold and other projects coming along at a faster rate than we might .... We need to master plan the This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497 September 4, 1.997 Joint Meeting With Airport Commission page 22 whole site. But we need to master plan the Public Works site to make it all fit togcthcr. Nov/There is nothing to prevent another person from saying I need 10 acres? .... Atkins/No .... I suspect you are going to want to put some covenants because you are close by an airport .... / I think part of the covenants would be no body shop .... Nov/Thank everybody. Adjourned/7:10 PM This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of September 4, 1997 WS090497