HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-20 Correspondence ] o£! Marian Karr From: Aaschoffl @aol.com Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 9:05 AM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor Soccer Facility To all the members of the Iowa City Council: I am a parent of a 15 year old competitive soccer player, who is affiliated with the Iowa Soccer Club. As you have already learned, compefitive soccer clubs provide year-round soccer training and competition for our kids. Indoor facilities have been very challenging to find, and practice sessions have been limited as a result. The only game facility is in Cedar Rapids, the Sportzone. I understand that Sportzone's price increases are not negotiable, as they have no competing facility, and they are so crowded that some kids are playing at 11:00 PM. I recently spoke with a 16 year old girl who is driving to Cedar Rap[ds on winter nights to participate in team games at that hour of the night, which I think is very unfortunate. These kids, though, are determined to play. League soccer influences our kids in an extremely positive manner - it promotes training and goal setting skills, good sportsmanship, and serious but courteous competition among their peers. They are well supervised and become very fit athletes. They build so[id and long-term friendships with their team mates. League soccer builds confidence at critical times in our kids' lives, and, I believe, plays a major role in deterring substance abuse in adolescents. I hope that you will give strong consideration to the addition of an indoor soccer facility in Iowa City. With the growing popularity of soccer in the United States, I am quite certain that it will be a well-used facility. Thank you. Ann Aschoff, 880 Maplewood Drive, Coralville, IA 52241. 1/12/04 Marian Karr From: Clegg, Steven [steven-clegg@uiowa.edu] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 10:04 AM To: 'cou ncil@iowa-city.org' Cc: Arpey, Christopher; Cook Jon (E-mail) Subject: ISC Indoor practice facilities TO: Iowa City Council Members, City of Iowa City It is with enthusiasm that I com~unicate with you in order to support the request of the Iowa Soccer Club (ISC) for a change in zoning for the property located at 2804 Industrial Park Road in south east Iowa City. As you are aware the ISC has requested that this property be rezoned in order to facilitate the building's use as an indoor practice facility for the ISC members. My son is currently an ISC player and became involved with ISC more than four years ago through its small children's program called the ISC Academy. Currently, he and his teammates, like virtually all ISC members, play competitive soccer throughout the year. During the winter months the ISC teams are involved in traveling to many parts of the region to participate in indoor soccer tournaments. When they travel they are essentially ambassadors of the Iowa City Community as well as the ISC. Their success, both on and off the filed, is a function of primarily two things. First, the dedication of coaches, staff and volunteer parents to facilitating their soccer skills, and second their ability to practice soccer in an appropriate and safe environment. Currently, my son included, many of the ISC players have to practice at the Cosgrove Institute in Cosgrove that possess a small hard-wood floor gym. Although better than nothing this facility does not provide the optimum space for indoor soccer practices. In addition, the travel out to Cosgrove on an unlit road in the middle of winter can present several problems. It is a testament to the parents' dedication that many make this journey one or more times each week. The other alternative for a practice site that meets the size requirements is the gym at Kate Wickham school. As you are probably aware, this gym is in heavy demand by numerous, deserving com~nunity groups and therefore, can only be used on a limited basis by ISC. Therefore, I would like to strongly encourage you to favorably consider the request of the ISC for this rezoning. Listening to public discussion about this topic I have heard that one concern may be the question of safety this area given the heavy traffic to the industrial park. If you have not already done so I encourage you to drive to the facility from Iowa City. This involves travel along Highway 6 that is well-lit, regulated for 1 speed and is, of course used by mostly non-commercial traffic. In order to arrive at the facility, there is a short drive (approximately) 200 yards before turning into the parking facilities of the building that is located well off the road. Therefore, the only point at which ISC families might encounter any heavy-duty traffic is along a small stretch of road. However, the ISC practices are only held starting in late afternoon and through evening, times at which there is very little traffic of any sort on this road. The parking facilities for parents are excellent at this site and present no problem for access to and egress from the building. If you were to support this rezoning application you would essentially be supporting more than 100 families in the Iowa City community all of which, to the best of my knowledge, are in favor of this opportunity and excited about not having to leave Iowa City for practices. This is not to mention the gratification for several hundred children who are ISC members. In addition, since most practices for each team last over 60 min. the opportunity to visit the retail stores and eat at the local restaurants after practice are very appealing to many. The building will require some modification for soccer practice and all expenditures will be borne by ISC members at no cost to the council. In summary, therefore, I would like to strongly encourage you to favorably consider the rezoning application. In addition, I would be appreciative of hearing your feelings from each of you on this issue. I thank you in advance for your consideration and thank you for your sterling efforts in the governance of this community. Steve Clegg 1570 Phoenix Drive, Iowa City and proud parent of an ISC Warrior. Department of Microbiology University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 Te1:319-335-7778 Fax: 319-335-9006 Marian Karr From: Dale Helling Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 4:11 PM To: 'Jackie Everett' Cc: *City Council; Kathryn Johansen Subject: RE: Indoor Soccer Facility Ms. Everett, Thank you for your email correspondence to the City Council regarding an indoor soccer facility. While Council members do not receive their email directly, your message will be forwarded to each of them. Dale Helling, Assistant City Manager cc. Kathi Johansen, Administrative Assistant ..... Original Message ..... From: Jackie Everett [mailto:jackie.everett@mchsi.com] Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 2:03 PM To: council@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor Soccer Facility To whom it may concern, I am writing in response to a recent proposal being presented to the City Council for an indoor soccer facility in Iowa City. It would be a welcomed addition to Iowa City as our community has a strong commitment to soccer both on a recreational and competitive level. Currently during the "indoor soccer season", clubs our scattered between Wickham Elementary School, Scanlon Gym, and a gym in Cosgrove, Iowa. Why have any money leave the city? I hardly believe that allowing this facility to become an indoor soccer arena would have a negative impact on the amount of "industrial property" that's available here in Iowa City. Please vote to change the zoning for this particular property so that we might bring something to this community that would actually be used. Sincerely, Jacqueline D. Everett Iowa City (319) 466-0785 Page 1 of 1 Marian Karr From: Neal Kohatsu [n.kohatsu@mchsi.com] Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 1:37 PM To: council@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor Soccer Facility Dear Council Members: I live in Iowa City and am writing to express strong support for the development of an indoor soccer complex in a warehouse. This facility could be used by several soccer clubs resulting in a safe place for hundreds of kids (and adults) to engage in healthy, winter exercise. Soccer is a popular activity for many individuals and families. With the state and national obesity epidemic threatening the health of the public, it is important for communities to support avenues to enable physical activity. Sincerely, Neal D. Kohatsu, MD, MPH Associate Professor College of Public Health University of Iowa 1/12/04 Page I of 1 Marian Karr From: MJMcGowan2004@aol.com Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 11:13 AM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.orfl Subject: ISC Indoor Practice Facility Council, The purpose of this email is to state my support for youth soccer in Iowa City. The programs that our children are taking part in are fantastic! They help build confidence and help develop a competitive spirit for our children. I know that my son Paul loves being a part of ISC and that the club has helped him a great deal in the first six months. I urge you all to support the soccer interests in Iowa City any way that you can. Matt McGowan 2675 Glen Hollow Ct. Coralville, IA 52241 1/12/04 Marian Karr From: Mark Meyer [mcmeyer@mchsi.com] Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 10:53 AM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor Sports Facility in Area Zoned Industrial I have lived in Iowa City since I enrolled in a joint program in law and urban and regional planning at the University of Iowa in 1972. I chose to practice law after I graduated from law school in 1975, but I do recall from my urban and regional planning classes studying the concept of zoning. I know that zoning land use is largely, although not universally, thought to be a good thing, and I also know that in some instances it makes sense to allow a variance to authorize a non-conforming uses. I believe that allowing an indoor sports facility, as Chris Arpey and Jon Cook proposed to the Council, is such an instance. I have two daughters, one who is a senior at City High and the other who is in the eighth grade at Southeast Junior High. One girl is a member of the Iowa Soccer Club and one is a member of the Alliance Soccer Club. Parenthetically, I am proud to say that both of the girls have appeared before the Council to receive good citizen awards. We think that Iowa City is a wonderful place to raise a family, and so do a lot of people who don't live in Iowa City, I might add. For example, my youngest daughter was in Fairfield yesterday along with two busloads of students from Iowa City's junior high schools to audition for SEIBA, an honors band for students from across Eastern Iowa. My daughter was asked by a student from another town where she was from, and she said Iowa City. The other student's response was, "You are so lucky." I think so too. One area in which the young people of Iowa City are not so fortunate is the availability of indoor sports facilities. Both of my daughters have participated in various sports in school and club teams. I know, as a parent and coach of youth sports teams, how difficult it is to find a place to practice soccer, basketball, and volleyball during the winter. Because of this, my youngest daughter has had to drive, as do the other 300 other families in the Iowa Soccer Club, along the IWV road, at night, to Cosgrove, to find a place to practice indoor soccer. As you know, the IWV is a narrow, dark, hilly two-lane road that is not at all safe to be on at night in the winter. My oldest daughter has to drive to North Liberty for her practices. In other words, due to the competing demands for very limited space by Iowa City's two soccer clubs ( I'm not counting Kickers because it doesn't operate in the winter), three volleyball clubs, and myriad of youth basketball teams, not to mention the wrestling, swimming and gymnastics clubs and the school teams, our children are being put at risk by having to travel substantial distances in the inclement weather that characterizes Iowa winters. It is my belief that allowing the indoor sports facility as proposed to the Council will alleviate that demand somewhat and would, on balance, be substantially less risky to our children. I am sensitive to the fact that its usually wise to try to avoid mixing semitrailer traffic with vans and sedans, but in this instance most of the traffic to the sports facility will be in the late afternoon and evenings when the commercial traffic has lessened substantially. 1 We all want to keep our children busy and engaged in positive activities, and youth sports certainly falls into that category. I hope that you will see fit to approve the request to allow a first-rate indoor sports facility to be developed, at no cost to the city, as was proposed to the Council. - Mark Meyer FILED ~¢]~JAN I1~ I~HII'. 58 1423 ^burd¢¢~ Court CffY CLERK Iowa City, Iowa 52246 ~O~A C~i'( ~OWA J~u~ 12, 2004 Council Members City Council City of Iowa City 410 E. Washington Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Dear council members, I'm writing about the proposal to permit the community's soccer clubs to bring an indoor soccer practice facility to a warehouse space in Iowa City. I'm writing as a "soccer mom"-I have a daughter who bas played six years of competitive club soccer. There are several things you should know about competitive club soccer. First, it's a business. It employs terrific young people as coaches; it generates trade for sporting goods stores and secondhand stores. It keeps a large number of community kids busy, active, and engaged in a wholesome extracurricular sport. You know those couch-potato kids we keep hearing about, who don't get enough physical activity, who sit around in front of the computer all day eating snacks? You won't see any of them at club soccer. So the programs offer a wonderful opportunity to challenge and motivate our kids. You may not know that club soccer operates year-round. In the spring, summer and fall, the kids practice and play out of doors. But during the late fall and winter months, space must be found for the teams to practice and play indoors. For at least the six years we've been involved, Iowa City players have had to drive to Hiawatha (north of Cedar Rapids) for indoor games in the wintertime. In town, the soccer clubs must hustle to find practice spaces, many of which are out of town-this year all of my daughter's indoor practices have been either in Coralville or in Cosgrove. It would be very convenient and safer for Iowa City families to have a facility right here in town that could be used for indoor games and practices. But that's a small part of what you should know in considering this proposal. Competitive club soccer is a HUGE enterprise. These facilities have the potential to be constantly busy with games, practices, tournaments, parties and events. Most of these events include players from outside the area, who will drive here and spend time here just because there's an indoor practice facility. While they're here, they'll spend money-they'll buy gas for their cars, they'll eat in our restaurants, they'll patronize our convenience stores and supermarkets as well as our sporting goods and clothing shops. We travel all over the Midwest with soccer and have been very surprised to see the amotmt of trade and money that pour into communities that have the facilities to support significant soccer tournaments. The potential of these facilities is not just that they benefit the families involved, though they surely do (and there are many of us), but that they have the potential to benefit the larger community as well. Thanks for considering this matter. Yours very truly, cc: Jori Cook, Iowa Soccer Club Page 1 of 1 Marian Karr From: BReck83339@aol.com Sent: Sunday, January 11,2004 7:45 PM To: council@iowa-city.org Subject: Rezoning of Mid-Iowa Ventures Warehouse for Iowa Soccer Club Use January 11, 2004 To Members of the Iowa City Council: My name is Barbara Reck and I live at 30 Hunters Glen on the southwest side of Iowa City. I am the Secretary of the Iowa Soccer Club, where my 13-year-old son plays soccer year-round The purpose of this note is to encourage you to approve the temporary (or permanent, as may be required by law) variance in zoning from Industrial to Commercial/Recreational for the warehouse at 2804 Industrial Park Rd. owned by Mid-Iowa Ventures, Inc. We have an opportunity for this to become an indoor practice facility for our club, which would be a dream come true. Over the last few years we've been looking to buy, build or rent such a facility and either the cost has been prohibitive or there's nothing suitable available. Every year it's a scramble to find indoor practice time and space since we compete with so many other groups for the same time and space. Scanlon Gymnasium at Mercer is only available to us for one month, Wickham Elementary gives us very limited hours, and the Cosgrove Institute is 9 miles out of town on rural roads that are not maintained or lit as well as city roads. There is a safety factor there that especially impacts high school-age drivers. Our practices are not held during regular business hours. They are from 4 ~ 9:30 p.m. weekdays and at various times Saturdays and Sundays, so cars would not be sharing the road with semi-trucks very often. We finally have a chance at having all indoor practices in the same building under ideal conditions with regularly-scheduled times. The only obstacle is the rezoning. Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter. Many parents and children in the Iowa City/Coralville area are hoping you see fit to allow this dream to become a reality. Sincerely, Barbara J. Reck 1/12/04 Marian Karr From: Julie Ricci [jricci@inav.net] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:03 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor Soccer Facility To the Iowa City City Council, I would like to encourage this council to consider the indoor soccer facility. I have felt disenfranchised from Iowa City for several years now. The concerns for Iowa City have all been focused en downtown and away from the East side. Every vote has seemed to benefit a certain few in this cei~unity, but net the young families that are trying to live here. The numbers ef ypoung people that this facility would benefit are too large for you te ignore. Have you been to the Kickers fields ena Saturday? Have you looked at hew many children are involved in ISC and Alliance Soccer Teams? We drive our children to soccer in Cedar Rapids. They get our shopping dollars and money spent on food. They are benefiting because they are supporting many families. One of the issues that bothered you was that the area was zoned for industrial use. Look at where the Sport Zone is located! In the industrial area! I hope that you will think long and hard about the many families you will disappoint if you do net do SOHETHING for the youth ef this community. This is one healthy way to involve may children. If you cannot support this option, I strongly request that you offer something in a location that you approve, other than Ceralville. I am tired of losing dear friends to other communities because of the lack of support for young families, so many have moved away. Julie C. Ricci Marian Karr From: Tracey Schmidt [traceyschmidt@hotma[[.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:34 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city,org Subject: Iowa Soccer Club/Warehouse Use/Rezoning for a Practice Facility To: Iowa City City Council From: Tracey Schmidt, 242 Hackney Court, Iowa City Re: Iowa Soccer Club/Warehouse Use/Rezoning for a Practice Facility Please consider the rezoning request of the south side warehouse for an indoor soccer practice facility. I am a mother of two children involved in soccer, the chair of the ISC Scholarship Committee and an Iowa City resident. I live on the south east side of Iowa City and my children are practicing in Cosgrove, Iowa. Every night when I take my children to practice, I drive by the turn off to the proposed practice facility. But every night I have to keep driving and drive out of town for my children to practice. I will tell you the first thing I thought about was the semi traffic when I heard about the situation. So I check out the traffic every time I am coming and going and quite honestly I notice very little traffic in this area during out practice times. I have been watching for about two months now. Speaking for the parents, when we drop our kids off at practice, we run errands, we go get a cup of coffee, we shop...this facility will bring us to Sycamore, the Java House and other south east side business that need the revenue. Keep us in Iowa City, keep our kids and our money in Iowa City. I am also the chair of the Scholarship Committee for the Iowa Soccer Club. We are trying to make club soccer affordable for all kids who want to play soccer at a more involved level. When we force families to practice outside of Iowa City, these families are quite often without the resources to participate. Thank you for considering the rezoning option and supporting the youth of Iowa City. Studies have shown the children that are involved are more productive, help us produce tomorrow's leaders. Scope out the new MSN Plus Internet Software -- optimizes dial-up to the max! http://join.msn.com/?pgmarket eh-us&page byoa/plus&ST-1 Page 1 of 1 Marian Kart From: Duncansoccer4@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 4:02 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: iowa soccer club As I sit here thinking about soccer practice tonight I am not to excited. My 14 year old has to practice at a location that takes me thirty minutes one way to drive to. It is in a location that is not very "soccer friendly". A very cold place and not very parent friendly. He gets done at 9:30 p.m. which means we will not get home till 10:00 p.m. That makes for a long night. I really feel the location here in town that has been put in front of the council would be a lot better. I would like a fifteen minute drive and the opportunity to go shop at the sycamore mall a lot better then sitting in a cold gym on hard bleachers for two hours. I really feel it is time for iowa Soccer Club to have its club have a place to call "home". Thank you, Dee Sedlacek 1/14/04 Marian Karr From: Nancy Weber [Weber. Nancy@iccsd.kl 2.ia. us] Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 4:28 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor soccer practice facility - Rezoning issue Dear Council members, As a parent of an 18-year-old member of the Iowa Soccer Club who has played with them for about 10 years now, I would like to support the effort to re-zone the facility near Proctor and Gamble for indoor practices. Before our son could drive, we drove him all over Johnson county for indoor practices, to various elementary schools, Northwest Junior High, and the Cosgrove Institute. It would be terrific for soccer players and their parents if this local facility were made available for practices. The reasons are numerous: 1. It would free up space now used for indoor practices in the schools and other facilities. 2. Driving out to Cosgrove (or sending your son or daughter out there) at night, is not a short, easy trip. The roads during the winter months can be hazardous, and the trip takes a good 20-25 minutes each way. An indoor facility close to town means less travel time and a safer trip. And its proximity to Sycamore Mall affords a chance to do a little shopping while your soccer player is at practice! 3. Concern was expressed about the truck traffic being bothered by the potential car traffic. Since most practices are held in the evening or on weekends, I would imagine the truck traffic to be lighter at those times. It seems more dangerous to be driving out in the country at night that near slow-moving trucks. 4. Having an indoor facility in which to practice can only help to encourage the winter sport of indoor soccer, and our kids need opportunities to stay active during those months. The organization of indoor soccer is already in place, with hundreds of the area's young kids involved. Let's help it, and them, grow. Sincerely, Nancy Weber Page 1 of l Marian Karr From: jmyoder@ rockwellcollins.com Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 6:57 AM To: co u ncil@iowa-city.org Cc: jmyoder@rockwellcollins.com Subject: ISC Rezoning Request Dear Sirs/Madams - RE: request to rezone an eastside Iowa City warehouse for use as an indoor soccer facility. I would like to understand you position on this matter. My position is as such: I fully support of the Iowa Soccer Club's (ISC's) request for rezoning of an eastside Iowa City empty warehouse to support development of an indoor soccer facility. I have 2 children involved in club soccer at this time. The alternative being supported by the ISC is safer for families, more convenient, and could improve the traffic to the Sycamore Mall (parents don't normallly sit and watch l -1/2 hour practices). It is a much needed facility, and would be a great benefit to the city and its constituents. Recreational facilities all over Iowa City are very heavily used. They provide for strengthening both the minds, bodies, and relationships of the children, families, and communities who share in their use. With Iowa City's resources, we should not be required to utilize other communities' resources on a continuous basis. Again, regarding safety, therezoning request would be safer for many familities than our current situation. I currently make 4 - 8 trips per week to various out of town fad[ities. Half of these are on a dark county road in the winter months with no streetlights, ice on the bends in the roads, and a heavy deer population roaming the countryside. Traveling to eastside Iowa City would be much safer. Additionally, the hours of utilization of the soccer facility (normally after 4 pm weekdays and on weekends) will not be a time of heavy industrial traffic. Please consider approval of the ISC rezoning request as soon as possible. Thank you. Jami M. Yoder 51 Laredo Court Iowa City, IA 52246 1 / 12/04 Page 1 of 1 x-3(t) Marian Karr From: Daack-Hirsch [daackhirsch@mchsi.com] Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:23 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Cc: Jon Cook Subject: Indoor Practice Facility Dear City Council Members; I am writing to invoke your support for the temporary variance requested by Iowa Soccer Club (ISC) and Mid-Iowa Ventures. We have been members of ISC for the past three and one half years. My son plays on a boy's youth 13 team. This team has enjoyed much success in the past two years. This year they played in a premier league and are currently ranked first in the state of Iowa at this age group. While this team certainly benefits from the fine athletic ability of the individual boys, much of their success is owed to Jon Cook, director of ISC and the many marvelous and dedicated coaches. This club provides a healthy environment for children from age 5 to 18 to learn the game of soccer. Soccer is great fun, good exercise, a game that has worldwide appeal and provides kids with a fitness program for life. In addition to leaning a sport children learn to compete yet respect opponents, referees, parents and teammates. They learn the value of being part of a team and to set personal goals and goals that can only be reached by working together. They gain self-confidence, learn to work hard for something, learn how to negotiate, gain leadership skills and learn how to follow, they learn to win and lose. While these things can be taught in many different activities it is especially effective for children to learn these lessons while doing something they like and that they are good at. These lessons surely transfer into many aspects of our children's lives. My son has grown in each of these areas because of his involvement with the club. The success of the soccer program for children who are interested in training for this sport year round is dependent on adequate training facilities. As outlined by Dr. Arpey the current indoor facilities are not great. The venues are spread out in the Iowa City/Coralville area, not in our control so practices are often canceled at the last minute even after we've paid our club and are not safe. The children practice in-doors in gymnasiums that are not designed for indoor soccer. The floors are hard which in turn is hard on heads, knees, ankles and elbows. There are many hazards such as bleachers, walls or stairways leading to lower level locker rooms. I do not believe the location we are asking to occupy exposes our children to dangers that are beyond the hazards of every day life. While the area is located in an industrial zone, semi truck traffic is much more hazardous on Interstate 80 than in this area during the times we would be there. The soccer club is a tremendous value to the community. Children and families develop friendships that extend beyond their neighborhood, school, or church. This builds strong community ties. The success of the club also translates into community pride as teams are successful others take notice of who we are and where we are from. Our community has enjoyed much success and pride in our high school men's and women's soccer teams. Success at the high school level is tied directly to the success of the club teams. Soccer and other youth programs give children creative programs that keep them off the street. Soccer provides the community with entertainment that is family oriented. I realize that our interests are not the only ones you must consider in making this decision. I also believe it may be easier to just say no to our request. Change is often uncomfortable and takes more effort. However, Mid-Iowa Ventures is demonstrating a great willingness to work with the community and invest in the children and families.of ISC. If there is way to work this out I encourage you to make the effort. I would like to thank all of you for the time and effort you extend on behalf of Iowa City. Sincerely, Sandra Daack-Hirsch 1/20/04 I~larian Kart ~'~-~ (~) Pa~¢ I of l From: Gene Chrischilles [tgenec@mchsi.com] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:35 PM To: co u ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Indoor soccer facility Please consider a zoning change to allow the creation of an indoor soccer facility for the Iowa Soccer Club. (a local soccer club) This is an excellent opportunity to help the youth of Iowa City engage in a healthy and fun activity. The building which is available is an excellent fit for indoor soccer and the landlord is willing to upgrade it. The club has been searching for such an opportunity for years. Please help the hundreds of kids involved with your serious consideration. Thank you. Gene and Betsy Chrischilles 1020 Deerfield Drive 1/16/04 Marian Karr From: james-spratt@uiowa.edu Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 9:12 AM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Cc: joe-fowler@iowa-city.org Ladies and gentlemen: The January 9, 2004 Press-Citizen reported that Mr. Fowler "does not recommend it because because he does not sense a need". The quote referred to the potential for the ramp parking spaces most convenient to the Public Library. Make the spaces available and they will come! In particular, the "seed -the children who will be our future leaders- will have access with busy parents who can't readily handle two self-propelled bundles of energy plus another in a stroller. We all should support our future clerics, teachers, physicians, police, firemen, etc. being early avid readers. Much of this occurs with fast "pick-up" of books for home use. Admittedly, those of us who now use the 15 minute loading spaces elsewhere downtown to dash in and out of the library could benefit, but it is our future embodied in the kind of citizens that will determine the nature of Iowa City and the world that most concerns me. Please continue to support library access and use because it represents one of the most important features that Iowa City can truly be proud of. Truly yours, Jim Spratt Marian Karr ~ From: Part Stephenson [pattstep@dodgenet.com] Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:31 AM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: STREET SIGNS To the Iowa City Council, I recently had reason to visit your city. I had a series of unfortunate events. When I was to meet someone I was unable to get them via phone. I had lost my address book while at the hospital and was unsure of the exact location of my grandaughters apt. I had a good idea of where it was located, but as I drove up and down the street that I thought her street abutted. I could not see such a sign for the off street. I decided I must have been wrong. A wonderful policeman helped me out by calling her on his cell phone. I had been on the right street, but as I drove down it again I drove extreemly slow and still almost missed it. If sometime in the future your city has the money to do so, I suggest that you consider, new much more visible signs. Here in Fort Dodge many of our signs have been replaced by some very visable ones and that makes it a lot less stressful when looking for a certain street. Sincerely, Patt Stephenson, Fort Dodge, IA i'-~ .~,i Marian Karr From: Dale Helling Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 10:03 AM To: 'Part Stephenson' Cc: *City Council SubJect: RE: STREET SIGNS Ms. Stephenson, Thank you for your email to the City Council regarding street signs. Your suggestion is a good one and your input is genuinely appreciated.. The City has an ongoing program of replacing older street signs along major streets, as condition warrants, with larger, easier to read signs. Thus, over a period of time, we hope to accomplish just what you have suggested. Further, I am glad to know that one of our police officers was of assistance to you. I hope you enjoy your future visits to Iowa City. Dale Helling Assistant City Manager ..... Original Message ..... From: Patt Stephenson [mailto:pattstep@dodgenet.com] Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 7:31 AM To: council@iowa-city.org Subject: STREET SIGNS To the Iowa City Council, I recently had reason to visit your city. I had a series of unfortunate events. When I was to meet someone I was unable to get them via phone. I had lost my address book while at the hospital and was unsure of the exact location of my grandaughters apt. I had a good idea of where it was located, but as I drove up and down the street that I thought her street abutted. I could not see such a sign for the off street. I decided I must have been wrong. A wonderful policeman helped me out by calling her on his cell phone. I had been on the right street, but as I drove down it again I drove extreemly slow and still almost missed it. If sometime in the future your city has the money to do so, I suggest that you consider, new much more visible signs. Here in Fort Dodge many of our signs have been replaced by some very visable ones and that makes it a lot less stressful when looking for a certain street. Sincerely, Part Stephenson, Fort Dodge, IA Marian Karr From: kevin-zihlman@uiowa.edu Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:19 PM To: cou ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Snow Removal on Adjacent City Property To Connie Champion: I am a resident of District B, specifically Hannah Jo Court. My property backs up to adjacent city property on Scott Blvd. I am a new home owner and was unaware that I, as the property owner, am responsible for snow removal and lawn care of the city's property. I assume this is a city ordinance. After receiving a letter from the city stating I could be fined $50 for not removing the snow off of the sidewalk behind my property line, I gave some thought to this situation. I would like to offer an idea that would not require a punitive consequence for property owners (taxpayers) who just so happen to back up to city adjacent property. Instead of forcing property owners to maintain property that is not their own, I would advance the idea that the City of Iowa City, in conjunction with the judicial and probationary systems in this town, let those individuals that have been sentenced with community service for committing a misdemeanor crime maintain those areas of city property. This way one of the many U of I students who receive PAULAs could serve their community by shoveling sidewalks. I assume the point of having property owners do this maintenance is to better serve the community by having clear sidewalks. Therefore, let those who owe the cormmunity complete this work, instead of threatening fines to property owners. I would suggest that some of those property owners, who are made to be responsible for maintaining city property, may have physical challenges or other barriers to shovel 7 inches of packed snow on a rather large sidewalk. Please consider this idea in regard to the possibly revamping or amending the city ordinance that requires property owners to bear the responsibility of city maintenance. Thank you for your time and continue your work to make this community one of the more progressive city's to be a part of. Kevin Zihlman 1936 Hannah Jo Court Iowa City, IA 52240 Marian Karr ~ From: Chuck Jennissen & Laurie Stange [jennissen@mchsi.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 1:20 PM To: co u ncil@iowa-city.org Subject: Foster Road extension from Dubuque Street to Prairie Du Chien Road Dear Coucil Members: I am writing the council to encourage you to put the construction of the Foster Road extension from Dubuque Street to Prairie du Chien Road on the construction schedule for the coming year. Presently, the reconstruction of the Dubuque Street-Foster Road intersection is to be commenced during the upcoming construction season. As you know, the grading and required structures for the Foster Road extension from Dubuque to Prairie du Chien were completed when the new water main was constructed through there 2 years ago. This arterial street extension is the first item listed on the short- range future arterial street improvements/extensions adopted by the JCCOG Urbanized Area Policy board. It makes sense to me to complete this project with the reconstruction of the Foster Road-Dubuque Street intersection. I hope you will address this suggestion. Sincerely, Charles Jennissen 130 Grove St. Iowa City, IA 52246 1/14/04