HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-20 Transcription #2a Page 1 ITEM 2. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS a. NationaIVolunteer Week Lehman: (reads proclamation) Karr: Here to accept the proclamation is Rene Paine, member of the Volunteer Administrators Network. (applause) Paine: On behalf of Volunteer Administrators Network and the volunteers in Iowa City and this community, I'm happy to accept this proclamation. Volunteers are truly model citizens and I urge you, especially this week, to thank the volunteers in your life. Lehman: This community would be in big trouble without volunteers. This is the greatest community for volunteers anywhere. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #2b Page 2 ITEM 2. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS b. Arbor Day Lehman: (reads proclamation) Karr: Here to accept is City Forester, Terry Robinson. (applause) Robinson: To be redundant, I said last year on behalf of the trees, thank you, so I'll say that again. What an appropriate week that we're having. We're getting the rain we need, and the trees are really going to bust out and look great in the next few days, so enjoy them while you can. Thank you. (applause) Champion: Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #2c Page 3 ITEM 2. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS c. Arson Awareness Week Lehman: (reads proclamation) Karr: Here to accept the proclamation is Fire Lt. Brian Platz. (applause) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #2d Page 4 ITEM 2. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS d. Herky on Parade Lehman: (reads proclamation) Karr: Here to accept is Josh Schamberger, Convention and Visitors Bureau Director, and Rick Klatt, Associate Director External Affairs, University oflowaAthletic Department. (applause) Schamberger: We want to say thank you, Mayor and Council, Steve and Dale. We want to especially thank Marcia Klingaman with the City of Iowa City who has been instrumental in planning Herky on Parade, deserves much more the credit than Rick and I. She has taken on the task of communicating and coordinating all seventy-five of those artists, which has been quite the undertaking. So, thanks Marcia and the City of Iowa City. Klatt: I would only want to add that...echo Ernie's commentary about this community being in deep need of volunteers. This is another one of those events that without the volunteer support that we've received from all the communities, and the University, and artists, etc., etc., it wouldn't have happened, and we had a lot of work ahead of us but it all looks good, and thank you for your support. Lehman: Thank you. In the interest of time, I'll not do my comments about Herky on Parade, which has got to be the greatest project that we've ever done in this entire community. (laughter) It's just cool. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #3 Page 5 ITEM 3. OUTSTANDING STUDENT CITIZENSHIP AWARDS - LEMME ELEMENTARY Lehman: Tonight we have some students from Lemme. If they would come forward, please. I promised I wouldn't bite. I never have. Okay. What we'd like you to do is if you would read your name, and then why you were nominated. Polsley: Okay. Good evening, everyone. My name is Noelle Polsley and I go to Lemme School. I am very honored to receive this award. As a citizen I am a friend to everyone and respect my parents, teachers, others, and my friends. One way that I show my leadership is by being a patrol captain. As a patrol captain it is my responsibility to call the other patrol members to remind them that they have patrol. It is also my responsibility to be on time. Another way to show my leadership is being in student council and helping with the student store. One of the after-school activities that I am in is playing viola in the Eastside Advanced Omhestra. I have been playing the viola for a year. I am second chair. I have also been playing the piano since kindergarten and soccer since forth. I am very pleased to accept this award. I will remember this day forever. Again, thank you. (applause) Gier: Good evening, everyone. My name is Nathaniel Gier and I go to Lemme Elementary. First offI would like to thank the City Council and Mayor Lehman for presenting me with this award. I would also like to thank a few of the people who have helped me get to this point. My family, my teachers, coaches, and instructors, and my classmates. One of my goals is to help others and these are some of the opportunities I've had. In school I am a safety patrol captain, and I am president of our school's student council. I also want to develop relationships within the community. I play trombone in the Eastside Elementary Band. I take the city bus every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to math class, and I play almost every sport available, with baseball being my favorite. I also participate in my chumh youth group. Being caring, responsible, and active are just a few ways to be a good citizen. Being a good friend will help you as well, but being respectful and loving are by far the most important qualities. Thanks again. (applause) Lehman: This is one of our favorite times in Council meetings. You know, we don't get to do it in the summer because there's no school, but I know you folks are very proud of this. We're very proud to give them to you, but the really proud folks are your parents and especially your grandparents. I don't know if the grandparents are here, but believe me, they're proud. I'm going to read what one of these says, and then I'll present them to you. "For outstanding qualities of leadership within Lemme Elementary, as well as the community, and for sense of responsibility and helpfulness This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #3 Page 6 to others, we recognize these outstanding student citizens. Your community is proud of you. Presented by the Iowa City City Council." Thank you very much. (applause) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #4 Page 7 ITEM 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a. Trees Please Grant- MidAmerican Phelps: Good evening. My name is Brian Phelps. I'm the Engineering Manager here for MidAmerican Energy in Iowa City. I just want to take one second to digress here for a second, and wanted to thank the Mayor and Councilman Elliott for attending our outage workshop a few weeks ago. Hopefully you found that beneficial to see the technology and tools that MidAmerican has for fighting storms. Probably walking into it tonight because Mother Nature's kind of firing things up, but just wanted to remind our audience at home that outage calls are important. We take them seriously and that, I won't repeat the number here but the outage number is in the phone book. Use it. It really helps us determine the best action when restoring power. So with that, I guess the fun part of my presentation tonight is I guess it's appropriate. We had an Arbor Day announcement earlier that the City and the community recognizes the importance of trees, and before I go too far, I did want to give some credit to Terry Robinson. I haven't met Terry before. He's worked through our staff, but Terry had submitted the paperwork for a Trees Please Grant this year, and I guess I'm here to award that grant tonight, and along with that, just an overall sense, MidAmerican is helping out 87 communities, or community organizations this year, to a tune of about $226,000, and I think everybody recognizes the benefits of the trees. Not only to beautify the neighborhood but also for energy efficiency for the shading and the wind breaks in the winter. So, I guess with that, Mr. Mayor, I have a big check here for you, in the amount of $20,000. I don't know, if Terry wants to come up too, we can get a picture together, because he deserves some credit too. Lehman: Yeah, Terry come on up. That's a good thing it's going to the City. It wouldn't fit in my bank bag. (laughter) Yes. Thank you very much. Terry, you applied for it. You just take care of it. (applause) Champion: Steve? Ho~v do we use that money? Atkins: Terry? Would you tell them about the... Champion: How will we use that money? The public might want to know how we use that money. Robinson: Oh, thank you, I'm sorry. That's very appropriate. We plant trees. (laughter) The trees will be planted throughout various areas of town. What this will help us do this year is increase our planting quite a bit, to say the least. Typically the trees we plant are around $200 to $225 a tree, so you can do the math there as far as that helps. We probably will not do all of them this spring. We will do some of them this spring -- a portion of This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #4 Page 8 them, and then we'll do some more in the fall. We can spread it out that way a little bit, and then we find more locations, and also one of the things we try to do - immediately upon removing a tree, if the tree has to be removed, is if we have any capability whatsoever, to get one right back in to that spot, we try to do that too. So that is one of the ways that we use it and it works out very well and we sure appreciate it. Champion: Good, thank you. Lehman: Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #5 Page 9 ITEM 5. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. Champion: Move adoption. Elliott: Second. Lehman: Moved by Champion; seconded by Elliott. Discussion? Vanderhoefi Okay, we need to defer g. 1). Lehman: Indefinitely? Vanderhoefi Indefinitely, uh-huh. O'Donnell: Second. Lehman: Okay. We have a motion and a second to defer. I don't think we need that but.., any other discussion? Vanderhoefi And then we have a revised... Lehman: It's been revised. Vanderhoef: Okay. Lehman: Yeah. Okay, roll call on the Consent Calendar with item g. 1) being deferred indefinitely. Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #6 Page 10 ITEM 6. COMMUNITY COMMENT (ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) Lehman: This is a time reserved on the agenda for folks to address the Council on items that do not otherwise appear on the agenda. If you would like to address the Council, give your name, address, and limit your comments to five minutes or less. Paine: Hello. This will be the last time I address the Council as Director... Lehman: Rene, give your name first. Paine: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Rene Paine. This will be the last time I address the Council as the Director of Public Access Television. I would like to say that I've enjoyed working with you, and appreciate the support that you've given to Public Access Television during my tenure as Director, and I would like to introduce you to Josh Goding, the new Director of Public Access Television, beginning May lst. I hope your support for PATV and for Josh will continue. Thank you. Champion: Welcome, Josh. Lehman: Welcome, Josh. Thank you. Goding: I'll just say I'm Josh Goding and I look forward to working with all of you, so thanks. O'Donnell: Thanks. Bailey: Rene, thanks for all your hard work. Lehman: Good luck to you. Any other public comments? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #8 Page 11 ITEM 8. CONSIDER A MOTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR MAY 4, 2004 REGARDING IOWA CITY'S FY05 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN, THAT IS A SUB-PART OF IOWA CITY'S 2001- 2006 CONSOLIDATED PLAN (A.K.A. CITY STEPS) AS AMENDED Wilbum: Mr. Mayor, on this next item...involves opening the Annual Action Plan related to CDBG and Home Funding. I will be abstaining and not participating in the setting of the Public Hearing due to that conflict of interest. Lehman: Very good, thank you. Vanderhoef: Move to set the Public Hearing. Lehman: Wait....I had to wait for....(reads Item 8). Vanderhoefi Move to set the Public Hearing. Bailey: Second. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef; seconded by Bailey. Discussion? Champion: Was it changed from the 4th to the 2nd? You said the 2nd. Lehman: Did I say the 2nd.9 O'Donnell: Yeah. Lehman: I'm sorry. It's the 4th. All in favor? Opposed? Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #9 Page 12 ITEM 9. AMENDING TITLE 3 "CITY FINANCES, TAXATION & FEES," CHAPTER 4 "SCHEDULE OF FEES, RATES, CHARGES, BONDS, FINES AND PENALTIES" OF THE CITY CODE, TO DECREASE WATER SERVICE CHARGES AND FEES IN IOWA CITY, IOWA Lehman: Public Hearing is open. Public Hearing is closed. Wilburn: Move first consideration and ordinance. O'Donnell: Second. Lehman: Moved by Wilburn; seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion? Vanderhoef: I thought we'd have cheers in the audience when we did that. Champion: It's only if we were raising them would they be here. Lehman: You know, for those folks who weren't here, I think 93, was it, Steve, we decided to raise the cash up front to help pay for the water plant so we didn't pay so much in interest charges, and we have abominable rates. Now we have reduced them twice, and actually we'll start reaping perhaps the rewards of what hopefully was a good decision. Atkins: Right, yes. Lehman: Other discussion? Roll call. Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #17 Page 13 ITEM 17. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "USE OF PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY," TO CREATE A UNIFORM PERMITTING PROCESS, TO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FARMERS MARKET, TO PROVIDE FOR THE NONCOMMERCIAL PLACEMENT OF OBJECTS IN CITY PLAZA ON A TEMPORARY BASIS, TO MODIFY THE PROVISION ON RESIDENTIAL PICKETING, TO CLARIFY THE CURRENT PROVISIONS REGULATING MOBILE VENDORS AND AMBULATORY VENDORS, TO CODIFY SPECIFIC ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AFFECTING SAID VENDORS, AND TO MAKE ADDITIONAL NONSUBSTANTIVE CHANGES (SECOND CONSIDERATION) Bailey: Move second consideration. Wilbum: Second. Lehman: Moved by Bailey; seconded by Wilbum. Discussion? Elliott: Before we vote on this I just want to point out and express my appreciation, the fact that these are so vital, of such vital concern to so many people, and Eleanor Dilkes and her legal staff worked on this, and reworked on this as we changed our minds, and we provided more input, and to Regenia Bailey for the heavy lifting she did for the Council on this, and especially the public. Caroline Dieterle and others provided things that were very important. Even when they disagreed they did so in a productive manner, and I was just very pleased with all that went on in putting this together. O'Donnell: Well said. Lehman: Thank you, Bob. Other discussion? Roll call. Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #21 Page 14 ITEM 21. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES Lehman: (reads vacancies) A great opportunity to volunteer and be part of City government. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #23 Page 15 ITEM 23. CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION Elliott: Nothing, sir. Lehman: Connie? Mike? O'Donnell: Nothing. Lehman: Dee? Vanderhoefi Couple of things - the first one was, is them any interest on the part of Council for looking into the possibility of a Jake break ordinance for the City? Lehman: I think we have to at some point in time. Vanderhoefi I think so too. The noise complaints are starting to increase, and certainly they are noisy. Thank you. Atkins: We will draft something for you. Vanderhoef: And, secondly, yesterday I went to the Board of Supervisors work meeting where they were discussing the new Readiness Center for the National Guard that will be on 25 acres of land that the County owns, out on Melrose Avenue, west of 218 south. This is quite a large project, and I thought perhaps it would be well to let people know what kind of impact this will have on the City of Iowa City. Not only will the County take over the present armory on south Capitol Street, and then they will trade it for the land out on Melrose. This is a $16 million project. Of that, about $3 million of it is state money. That has already been appropriated. They are now in the competition for the remainder of that money from the federal government, and they're very hopeful on it. Deputy Commander Zirkelbach was here to work with Stanley Consulting and also with the Colonel Ayers who is doing the local engineering and construction management. For Iowa City, this can mean many new jobs. Right now they have over 450 guardsmen who work out of this armory at the present time. Of those they have now increased well over 40 full time employees at the unit. They will be bringing in other units after the new readiness center has been completed. So not only will we have $16 million worth of construction project going on, we will be increasing the payroll in our area, which is a huge, huge amount for the City of Iowa City, and I applaud them for their project, and hope it goes well, and we'll be looking forward to getting the money appropriated from the federal defense bill. Lehman: Thank you. Ross? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #23 Page 16 Wilburn: I just have to reemphasize the value that volunteers make to our community ~vith our human services. The thousands of hours of work that is done, to the hospitals, to even the informal volunteer work that someone will do at a church or in their own neighborhood. The work that you do, the bonds that you create, providing connections to young people, with adults in our community, just goes a long way and provides just a nice thread of goodwill throughout the community so I'll be speaking at Goodwill's volunteer banquet on Monday out at the Holiday Inn in Coralville, so I look forward to doing that. Bailey: Ijust want to express my appreciation to the Horace Mann volunteers who put on the Horace Mann Carnival on Saturday. They did a ~'eat job. Young people and older people, and it was a lot of fun, and I hope that it was a success raising funds for the school. Lehman: Thank you, Regenia. Ross, it probably isn't too early to remind people of the Crisis Center Breakfast which will occur on May 9th. Is that correct? Wilburn: On Mother's Day, feel free to take mom out. Lehman: Mother's Day, 9th, and O'Donnell is going to learn how to cook pancakes for me (laughter). Start serving at 8:00, is that right? Wilbum: That's correct. St Wenceslas' at Dodge and Davenport, two kinds of pancakes. Lehman: Right, great, great time. O'Dormell: Sounds like a challenge, Ernie, and I welcome it. Elliott: Those people who will be there will find that the juice and milk will be served extraordinarily well. (laughter) I won't say. Lehman: Tonight at 6:00 we had 15 members of the 109th return to Iowa City. I believe we had three weeks ago there ~vere like 22 other folks that...the armory was packed, standing room only, and of all the things that I've had the privilege of doing as Mayor, none has been as memorable as welcoming these folks home, and it was a very, very emotional experience. It's so great to have those folks home. Steve? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004. #24 Page 17 ITEM 24. REPORT ON ITEMS FROM CITY STAFF Atkins: To remind you tomorrow, you have your joint meeting at 4:00, and that I have no other appurtenances this evening. (laughter) Lehman: Eleanor? Marian? Do we have a motion to adjourn? O'Donnell: Move to adjourn. Bailey: Second. Lehman: Motion and a second. All in favor? Motion carries. We are adjourned. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City City Council meeting of April 20, 2004.