HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-26 TranscriptionMay 20, 109S Council Work Session Page I Council: Lehman, Champion, Kubby, Norton, O'Donncll, Thornberry, Vanderhoet: Staff: Arkins, Helling, Karr, Holecek, O'Malley, Franklin, Yttcuis, O'Neil, Davidson, Neumann, Mitchell, Trueblood. Agenda Items, Tape: 98-66, S2. [~chman/ Oil June 2nd, which I believe is next Tuesday, there's all opportunity for Council illembers alld stat't' to -- Marian Karr/ Ernie, do you have y'our mic on? You'll have to wear it to be taped. Lehman/ Sorry about that. There'll be an opportunity lbr us to discuss that with. if we choose to, with the architects. And then, as you can scc by that schedule, there will also be discussions with the Senior Center, University of Iowa, Downtown Association, etc. Norton, Well, we can discuss it in the morning, because I've got, right? That's 9:()¢), is Illat now scheduled, 9:00 to noon? Lehman/ lt's scheduled, actually, I think, fi'om 11):00 tmtil noon, and Jeff was going to speak to lhat, but he's not here. Norton/ Do xke come ill at various times? 1,ehman/ We can. That's correct. Ifxvc have more than four el`us, or more than lhree of us at one time, we'll have to have tiao Clerk there. But, how many Council people are interested in atlending Illat'? Norton/ Well. I'm nol here, so l'm not. Lehman/ That's next Tuesday. Norton/ I'nl gone. Lehman/ Okay. Champion: I'll be out ol`toxvn, too. This represents onlv a reasonably accurate lranscriptiou of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~¥S052698 May 26, 1998 Council \Vork Session Page 2 O'Donnell/ I'm gone. l,ehman/ We've got three genes. Thornben'y/ Next Tuesday'? Kubby/ l might drop in at one ofthose times. [.ehman/ AIr1 right, Karen might. Kubby/ [ don't knoxx when. Thomberry/ Next Tuesday'? VanderhocF/ Yeah, [might. Norton,, Next Tuesday. Thornberry: I might, too. Kubby/ Well, xve can just coordinate our timcs. Vandcrhocf/ If fOLlr's there, somebody else stcp out. ]_ehman/ All right. If four show up, that's right. Vanderhocff You bet. l_chman/ We can do that. Vandcrhoef' Easy. ],ehman/ All right. Is that--'* Kttbby/ Practical (can't hear). Norton/ 1 assume that you will all ask good, hard questions about access'? I'm very concerned that the queue not get out into the street. You knoxv, there are parking structtu'es where the queue, Burlington tbr example is one. where you can, the qtlCUC, Call stick out into Burlington Street if you're not catelli. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the ioxva City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 26. 1908 Council Work Session Page 3 Thornberry/ Oh, I thought you were talking about the business The Que. Norton No, no, l'm talking, aboul the cluetie waitin- to get in there. Kubby/ We don't want that either. Norton,' No. no. VanderhocP Out into Burlington? Notion Well, when you're trying to get into the ramp there behind lhe Holiday Inn, becm~sc the entrance, the gate is right at the entrance rather than inside a ways, the queue has Io stick into the, and that's going to be lricky on Iowa Avenue. Kubbv/ That's one oFthose issues to bring up (can't hear). Norton, l~ll leave those questions with Jeff'anyhow. Kubby/ lfvou have others, leave them with the people who are going to be going. Lehman/ :knd you probably should note, that meeting is at Ncumann-Monson offices, nol hcrc at the Civic Center. Is there anything else on the agenda that we'd like to discuss? Kubby/ Yeah, I do. change. Sieve Arkins/ They're on the way, Karen. Kubby/ Okay. Alkins,' There they are. Karr/Okay, we're on agenda right nov,'. Kubby/ Arkins/ You were late. I'm not quite sure I understand thoroughly the lnlBmmtion Systems called them. Wc skipped ahead because you weren't on time. ThornbetTy/ Some were latc~ so we -- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of lhe Ioxva City council work session of May 26~ 1998 WS052698 May 20, 1998 Council Work Session Page 4 Kubby, Kcvin.-- Vanderhoel;' Our time. Kubby/ This is tbr Kevin O'Malley. I don't want you sitting down too long. Kevin O'Malley, Yes. what can I do'? Thornberry/ Don't get too comlbrlable. Kubbv/ l'm not sure I thoroughly understand the changes to tile Intbrmation Systems. O'Malley/ Let's see. We have fbur and a half full-time people, and there's one half-time person, Kent Bliven, t~e's a Programmer Analyst. And l~e's been supporting this Otistoil1 softxval'e that xxe purchased fi'om a group in Seattle. oh. about nine years ago. And it's to the point M~cre that product is not Year 2000 compliant. It's not Windoxvs-bnsed. II's not as c['ficient, and it scrx'os about thirteen users in the City. It's a permitting sofixvare. So, in addition to his other duties, they came up and said they xx anted to upgrade this project, and it was going to cost us about 5273,0()(). And I said what if'we did it in-house. with his labor? And it canno to about 5127,000. Pitts, xvc'd have his expertise. So, xxe thought well, why don't xve increase him to a tkfil-timc employco. Kubby/ St) instead ol'outsourcing, we're going to use an in-house person and ill that xvav xvc have good troubleshooting. O'Mallcy/ Right. Like I said, this is a vendor out in Seattle, so it'xve cotlid have gotten it done locally, it'd be difl~rent. But since it's that far away, and lie has, while he's at the desktop doing, llxing their permit programs. lie can also take care of any Word documents or spreadsheet proNems, so it's more versatile to have a person hcrc with those abilities than to do that one-time shot. Kubby/ Do we really laced, well, I'm not quite sure xxhat it is tileso thirteen people are using with this special, xvhal functions they're performing with it. O'Mallcy,' Oh, the housing inspectors and the building inspectors. -[he housing inspectors, they have tiaoJr permits every two years, they have to go through all the renlal prope~y in town, the Fraternities, and they keep track off all those properties, the times they have to do it, any violations they find. any call-backs. And it's similar on the housing side, they haxe the plumbing permits, tiao occupancy pemqits, electrical permits, any type. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o,va City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~'S052698 May 26, 1098 Council \Vork Session Page 5 Kubbv/ $o v,'ith this system, once in a while, we do something where we say at tile time oglhc louilding permit, they need to do x, y, and z. O'Mallev, Right. Kubby/ And lhis would pop up. O'Mallcv; F',ight. The.¥ have a list oFany excavation or erosion control, all those dil'l~l'ent screens. That's, it's also spread, some of the intelligence, or some oCthe IL'aturcs are also, can be used in the Clcrk's office, and they also can be used in the Planning. And this product is supposed to be a component ofa GlS systcm, soit' you have decided you're mapping, this product uses imported data from the COLIllIN'. These are County-manned parcels. We get tapes fi'om the County, bring it inlo this product, massage lhc address bases to mecl our needs, so it's kind el'an intcgr'al component to a h~turc OlS. Kubby' Thank you. l'mmoreclcar. I~chman/ Jell', I mentioned tile parking ramp meeting. Ifvou'd like to, there will be lbur Council people who may or may nol drop in and out. Three oCthem will be out ol- lo\x, I1. JelTDavidson' Okay. Of the four of you who would like to give us some input on, and we're very preliminary in the process, but just sort of general ideas you have about the proposed Iowa Avenue parking facility, just so x~c don't get all tbur of you there at once and Marian gets nervous -- Kan-,' We've already taken care of that. Davidson,' Can xve schedule -- Karr/ They pl'omised they xx'ouldn't do that. Lehman Right. Davidson/ Do xxc, do xve nccd to schedule you'? Thornberry' [.C]lIllall/ No. This represents onlx' a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council ~vork session of May 26. 1998 ¥¥S052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Scssion Page Davidson/ Okav. So belx~cen 10:00 and noon. 1,ehman/Right. Davidson/ You'll just drop in. Okay, thai sounds good. I'll lel Kevin know, that that's what you plan on doing, thcn. Okay. Great, thanks. l~chman/ .,M'~y other agenda items? l_chman/ Karin, you're up. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~va City council ~x'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~¥S052698 May 20, 190'8 Council \Vork Session Page 7 Review Zoning ,Matters a. Consider a motion selling a public hearing for June 16 on an ordinance vacating Second Ax cnuc Courl, 1ocatcd between First Avenue and Second Avenue, north of Muscatinc Ax cnuc. (VAC98-0003) Karin Franklin/ Okay. The first item is setting a public hearing For June 16lb on a ordinance vacating Second Avenue Court. This is lbr thc Walgreen's prQjcct, and fi~c P/X Commission has recommended in favor of this with a number of conditions that are attached to it. And we can get into that in detail before the public hearing. Thomben'v,' Marin, that -- Franklin,' (:nless you're dying of curiosity risht nmv. Thornberry,, Karin, thin norlh~v~sl corner. is thxt lh~ litfie, lhc liltlc colored buildinBs, or is i~ tl~e big brick buildin$s on lhc comer. NorIon/ All ol'thcm. Vanderhoel~ li'salloFJt. Kubby,' All lhe duplexes are all $oin$ Io $~ demolished. Norton,' Bi$ FrankliW II's takin$ the ~vholc flfin~ exccp~ For the print-shop and 111e Second Act. 1'hornberry/ You know, corner there? Kubby/They're l~llly tenled, on bus-lines, and they're not real expensive. O'Donncll, I spoke 1o -- Vanderhoe17 The apamncnt house? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the io~'a City couucil x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 26~ t99g Council \Vork Session Page O'Donncll" They're in lhxor oFdoing it in this area. ThombcrFv: Not the ones that arc living there, I'll bet. Kubby/ Well, they have -- O'Donncll" Well, in lhc building, I've also spoken to people xvbo'vc worked in the buildings up thcre. And thcy'rc in necd oFupdaling. Kubby,' Well, they pass ore-inspections, which people sav are so stringent. O'Donncll Well. I think it's a good project. ThombcFrv,' Ycah. Franklin/ It :is zoned Colnmunity-Commcrcia]. ThomberFy/ Ycah. Kubby/I' l1 wait lbr all the other conditions, but what xx'as the detcFmination about lighting? FFanklin/ The light from the site being no moFc than what one lbot-candlc at lbc property linc. Kubby.,' BcN~re xvc votc on this, I would inxitc each Council Member and maybe P,"Z staff to come hang out in mv back yard for just ten minutes to see what one Foot- candle looks like halFa block axvav. Norton..' l'x'c done that. Kubby,," Bclbre xvc make that decision about one lbol-candle. Because I'm telling you, that's too much. Norton/ Wc decided -- Kubby/ Ex en with the scFcening and all that. Thornberry. What was the original on the tly-Vcc, xxhat did they have oFiginally? Kubbv/ One. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !ovFa City council work session of May 26, 1998 BS052698 Thomberry,' \Vas it one'? Or was it more than one'? Ft'a~aklin/ No, I think xvc started oul with o~ao a~ad a hall'. Tholq~bctTV, ¥cah, I lhought it was. I thought it was more than one. Franklin/ .And through the process it changed. But that was a long project. Norton,," We've been talking about this. It has to do with how high they arc. That's Franklin/ It has to do xx'ith xxhcre thcy'rc placed, also. Norton/ ttoxx they're shielded. It certainly is ob~aoxious, 1'11 tell you, t¥om the My-Vet. Kubby/Well, no mailer how you shield it, one lbot-candlc at the property line is one lbol-candle at the property linc. Norton,,' IEubby/ But atayxvay-- Thornberry,' 'Fhal's right. Kubby/ I i~avilc you to come and sit, l've got some laxvn chairs, sit out in the back yard. Va~derhocl? Do you have anything else to go with it'7 Tlaornbcrrv/ Oot a vicious dog to go with it'7 Kubby/ Sure. al}er hours. Chanapion, Why does the parking lot need lo bc lit broader than daylight'? I mean, it's, they really are. Kubby/ I know there are salL'ty concerns. but I just believe that we can address safbtv concerns xvithoul creating a problem lbr the use oF individual property in the neigh'boring at'ca. Champion,,' l'~a~ with you. ~fhis represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 26, 1998 Council \Vork Session Page 1 Norton/ Well, is somebody seriously looking at a revision oFfhose in some technical way, or not? Kubby/ It's-- Franklin/ That is on our pending list to look at those performance standards. Kubby/ But tbr now -- Franklin/ I can't tell you off the top ol'my head. Kubby/ How we can do it is because it's a site plan. and because lhey want to vacale the alloy, which is public propen? Vandcrhoc17 Karin, lhat's -- excuse me. Kubby/ That's lhe ne?tiating poxxer. VanderhoeE' Tou said that there was a side letter. Was lighting part of the side- agreement with. that P/Z put tbrxxard? Franklin/ I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said. VanderhoclS' Was lighting one of the concerns? Uranklin/llisoneoftheconditions. ttowcver, xvhat Karen is pointing out is thal condition as il is expressed is not restrictive enough. Vanderhoe~ Okay. Franklin/ ls that a fair stalemenl? Kubby/ [:rom my perspective, yes. Vandcrhoe17 Okay. Franklin/ Obviously, the Cotmcil has the option, as you review it, to attach conditions also~ in addition to these, or change lhem. Thomberry, Is there any business, I don'l know what mine is at the Burger King, I don't know how many lbot-candles, and I just had a lighling study done, too. Maybe [ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of ihe Io~va CiD' council work session of May 26, 1998 XVS052698 May 20, I998 Council \Vork Session Page 11 ought to check that. Franklin/ Wc can measure it. Thornbcrrw' But it's, l'vc been told bv my corporation, now. bv my fi'anchise, that I need to make my parking lot lighter and brighter. And they want mc to upgrade all my lighling t'acilities at a cost of $40,000, to make it much much brighter. Kubby/ I asked that question that there was a neighborhood meeting where they weren't Walgrcen's representatives, but they xvcrc the developers employed by Walgrccn's. Thomberry." Yeah. Kubby/ And asked if they had a standard. Because I remember you saying that in tile past, and tile>' said they didn't believe lhat there was a Walgreen's standard. But that they also need to comply with the needs of the community. Thornbcrrv/Right. Kttbby/ So they seemed, at least the developers, to be flexible to talking about it. Thornberry, And that's what Burger King Corporation says, also. They want it to be x number of fbot-candlcs periodically around, and they take these measurements, or lhc local standard. Norton/Ycah. Thornberry/ Thcv xxon't make me do that il'the local standard is less. Kt~bby/ They xxon't make you be against the law. Thomberry/ Right. Norton/ Depending on where this is on the list, a lot of things could get built and brighlly lighted belbrc any change is noticed. That's xvhv, I'm wondering whether xvc can do an51hing in the instant case'? O'Dom~cll 11' Hy-Vcc is one foot-candle, Dean~ you have to be considcrablv less than that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~'a City council work session of 1May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 Mav 20, 1998 Council \Vork Session Pag, c l 2 Franklin/ This -- Thornbcn-v~ It must be. Norton/ Right. Franklin/ Bccausc thcrc is a request to the City Council with tllis that ]]as a significant impact on the area in tcrms oFvacating the alley is allowing the property to develop more intensively than it would xvithoul the alley vacation, you have the latitude. We have taken a position that you have the latitude with this to impose certain conditions. IFlho lighting is an issue, I think that xv¢ can still work through it with Walgrecn's. Kubby/ Because tilere may be. if this is, because those kind of negotiations take time, and Illis is where our system sometimes breaks down, is at the end, it's like well, there's not time to negotiate this. They want to break ground, they want to do this. And that, knoxring what some of the other conditions and issues are now, lnigh~. -- Franklin/ Okay. I can run through those real quickly. Tile first is that we obtain letters of no objection from all tiao properties abutting the north and south sides of Second Avenue Court, which actually it's not an alley, it's an officially approved place. That was so xvc did not vacate this right oFway and lbr some reason tile \Valgreon's projoel fidis through and then we have a vacated street with no access l'or lhosc individual properties. ()'Donnell, Are you saying, Karin, that's been dolae already? Franklin/ Tha! is part ortho condition. O'Donnell, ()kay. Franklin/ Yes, that will be taken care of. There's a landscaping plan which they must comply with. Requiring pedestrian connections between the sidewalks along First Ax cnuc and Muscatine Avenue to the store entrance, bccausc the store is sol back and then the parking lot is around it. Two Feet oFxvidth being added to the landscaped area along First Avenue lYonrage. The entrance drive along First Axenut being no wider than it needs to be to accommodate truck-tunfing movemeals. The origina] drivexxay that came in xxas quitc a bit in excess ofour- requirements. or our standards. The site-plan show additional landscaping near the base el'the east building wall. That would be the one that Gcos First Avenue. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26. 1998 ~VS052698 Mav 26. 1998 Council Work Session Page 13 Or. architectural I~eatures on that wall to help visually break lip tile wall. Because right now, it's kind oFa big blank wall. And the applicant dedicating seven l~ct of fi'ontage along Muscatinc Avenue and 3.5 l~et of [~ontage along First Avenue. These are to get a tmilbrm right-o12way along First Avenue and then the seven tk'cl on Muscaline Avenue is ifxve ever need to do any street capacity expansions on Musealine. Champion' Karin, in terms of this lighting, I don't want to, I have a problem (can't hear). So, I think that I'd like lo see, I don't know if we have time to do it. do a lighting ordinance that deals with lighting (can't hear) residences. Because that's really the problem. Kubby/ Right. Franklin/ That's what's, v~hat is on our pending list. We do have standards right now Illat deal with lighting in commercial developments when it's near residential. ..\rid the ilem on the pending lisl is to re-evaluate that, possibly beefil up, so that it is either 1oxx cr [bobcandle or has something very explicit about the direction of the li.ghting. I don't know exactly what tile solution would be. Champion. (Can't hear). Franklin/ Pardon me? Champion. When xvottld we be doing that? Franklin/ \.Veil, let's sec. Thornberry/ It's pending. Kubby,' And just to be clear, tile Walgreen's lighting is not going lo afl;:ct my property. But with my experience with Hv-Veo. I don't xvant other property owners to have lo experience on a nightly basis. Norton/ Ycah. KLlbby; I mean, no matter xxhat the seasoil is. Norton/ This is not a NIMBY case. Kubby/ Yeah. ~Fl~is represents only a reasonably accurale transcriplion of the Iowa City council work session of May 26. 1998 '~VS052698 May 2(7, 1998 Council \Vork Session Page 14 Franklin/ Wc have a number of things ahead of that, which we're ah'cady working on, the entranceway overlay, the neighborhood compatibility fbr new multi-Gmily buildings let's see-- Norton/ Parking Ibr veterans. Franklin/ Amend tile -- no. \Ve do not have Illat on the list, thank you very much. Amcnd the RM-12 Zonc to limit commcrcial uses by special cxception. If you xxant to move it up, we can illeve it tip. 1l means vcc move something else down. Kubbv/ 1 think let's just keep working on tile list, and it'll come up. Franklin/ Okay. Kubby/ The other good thing about tile lighting is that Walgrccn's has said that there \vould be no lighting on tile building that \vould face out, like big floodlights that xxoul.:t then go into the neighbors' yards. That's positive. O'Donncll' Okay. l_ehman/ Thank you. This represents only a reasonabh' accurate transcription of the !ou,'a City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~'S052698 May 20, 1908 Council \Vork Session Page 15 b. Consider a motion setting a public hearing lbr June l 0 oil an ordinance vacating line 11ortholll 2()0 l~et oFthe alley bern con Lat~tyeltc Street and Benton Street, west oF Dubuque Street, Iowa Citv. Iowa. (VAC98-0002) Franklin/()kay. Next item is to set a public bearing lbr the 16tln on an ordinance xacating the northern 200 Foot of the alley bern con LaPaycltc Streel and Benton Sireel. This is doxvn hy Haxvkcye Lumber Company, and this is an alley which goes into the railroad tracks, and basically the raih'oad company has taken out lhc asphalt bctxvccn the tracks, and it's not passable now. Hawkeye Lttn~bcr has been storing some product on the alloy. Whal we're suggesting is that xve lease the alleyway, xvc vacate it, we lease the alleyxvay 1o Hawkeve Lumber as opposed to dispose of it. The reason lbr that is, in the long run, we expect that we're going to see some re-dc~ clopmcnt in this area, doxxn by the Courthouse, between the raih'oad tracks and, the County Administration Building, sorry, not the Cottrthouse, the Courtly Administration Building. And that we want to be sure that x~c don't cut off some options. And so Felain ownership oFthis as Citv-oxvncd. but lease it to Hawkeye Lumber. Thomberry/ It's Oil tile south side of the tracks linere. Franklin/ That's correct. Thomberry, Okay. Vandcrllocf. Would that be an annual lease? Lehman/ It would be anything we wanted. Kubby/ Right. So there would be no kind of damages sought by Hawkeye Lumber ifxvc wanted to do something diFlDrent than have them store lumber oil it'? Franklin/ No. \Ve'll hax c to bave that all in the leasc document, that it's undcrstood. Kubby/ No hardship caused by us upon tinera. Franklin/ Riglat. Norton/ That IllCallS they can't put tip any permancnl structures in. lhis represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iovva City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 B:S052698 May 2(~, 1998 Council Work Session Page Franklin/ They can't anyxvay, because there are so lnany utilities in the right-of-way. Lehman/ Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~va City council n'ork session of May 26, 1998 B'S052698 Mav 20. 1998 Cottaell \Vork Session Page 17 c. Consider an ordinance amending Title 14, Ctmptcr 6, Zoning, Article T, Noncontbrming klses, Structures and Land, Section 5, Regulation of Nonconforming Lots, by changing the regulation of nonconlbrming lots of record. (First Consideration Franklin/Okay. Item C is tlne clmnging linc regulations lbr non-conlbmfing lots. You ha\ c a request to expedite consideration of this, which you could do either at this meetiingorlhcnextone. Do you think you're inclined to do that, thatlcouldlot the applicant know? Vandcrhoct'.' I'm okay' x~ ith it. Lehman/ Ycah. Norton/ Yeah. \Vc can do this one or the next one. Kubby/ Next one. Norton/ Wc usually do txvo and three, don't we? Ycaln. Franklin/ Ycah, because this would only bo first consideration. Nexl time you'd waive sc¢ortd and pass and adopt. Vandcrlnoe17 Have we received notice off any other non-conforming lots tinat we wcrcn't aware of since this came up? Franklin/ No. Vanderhocf. Okay. Franklin/ \Vcll, let's sec. Norton/ \Vc got a letter about one. Franklin/ Tt'~cre's one, l'm sorry. tlncre's one on line north side. I lbrget what street it's on, t}~at the property oxvner has indicated the possibility oF\ranting to go with building a single-Family house on it. v,'hicln would have lo be by this ordinance amendment, it v, ould have to be a singlc-tXamily house. And of course it goes tlmmgh the Boai'd oJ'Adjuslmcnl and all thal, too. This represeuts only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26. 1998 XVS052698 May 26, 1998 Council \Vork Session Page d. Consider an ordinance changing the zoning designation of approximately 5.4 acres fi'om Conlnlunity Commercial (CC-2, 2.4 acres) and General Industrial (l-l, 3.(/acres) to Public (P} for property owned by Kirkwood Community College at 1506, 1S1(), 1S14, and 1S 1 ¢, l_oxx er Muscatine Road. (REZ98-0003) (First Consideration) Franklin/ ltcm D is just first consideration on the Kirkwood, the Kirkwood College rczoning. And then E, x~e would ask you to deter that indefinitely, xxhilc the sanitary sewer issues are being resolved. Lehman/ Ttlank you. Norton/ l)ocs that mean they're running into serious problenlS? Franklin/ No. It just lakes at long time. It's got to go Illrough tile Board of Regents and ex cryrhino Norton~ Okay. This represents onh' a reasonabh' accurate transcriptiou of the Io~'a City council x~'ork session of May 26. 1998 XVS052698 May 26, 19q8 Council Work Session Page 19 Curbside Recycling Brad Neumann/ Last time 1 was here, we talked about three things. We talked about landfill ban of corrugatcd cardboard. And we dccidcd to go ahead with that. Multi-Family recycling. We're going to pursue that and have the mandatory collection oFpapcr items. The third item was the curbside collection changes. And what xve had recommended last time was to include magazines, catalogs, junk mail and office paper 1o the newsprint, mix it with the newsprint. And that xvottld increase the tonnage by up around 1,000 ton a year. You indicated you wanted more figures on the paper items. And to rex iexv taking off the metal cans and the cleat' glass. You have that memo in fi'ont el'you. Are there any questions on that memo? You can kind of see a breakdown of how much paper is out there. II's basically lhe same items we had recommended to mix with paper. I think yott xvantcd to look at them individually. They were worth more money individually, Ibr one thing. And there's more tonnage there. You can see, it'we would collect the magazines, catalogs, mixed paper and office paper, would add about 1,20(} tons 'a year at the cttrb. You'd also be losing about 235 tons with the glass and the metals. So, again, it's about a 1,000 ton gain, which is about the same as you'd gel if you mix it xxith the ncxvsprint. I don't know if you're tblloxving me here, bul it gets confi~sing. The problem with mixing it with the nexvsprinl was the cost. With the market tiao way it is now, we were looking at S18,000 to S20.00() a year to have City Carton separate those materials. And I think that's why you x~ anted to look al lhcm individually. I have some numbers, some cu~cnt market lagufos on some oFthose items. Magazines, right now, are worth nothing. The market is zero. Oilice paper, you can get up to around S20 a ton, but that's if it's clean. Mixed paper, the junk mail, is worth about 53 a ton. So it's a wash right there, too. So, if you took those individually, the problem is you're only taking txxo items oil and there's three items here to pttt on. If you take off the metals and the glass, that's only txx o items. And if you want to keep the magazines, el'rice paper, and junk mail separate. that's three items you've got to put back on the truck. So you're going to have lo mix somewhere. Kubby/ \'~'hat if we, like plastics are only 88 tons a ,,,ear. What if we x'cd plastics and kept racy, sprint clean, mixed magazines, el'rico paper, and mixed paper'? And kept the glass and the metal? What if we kept the newsprint, purely newsprint, x'cd plastic xvhich is the last tonnage per year on the curbside program, it's only 88 tons a year, and put the other three kinds off paper, magazines, office paper and mixed paper, mixed those together in one bin? Norton/ \Veil, I have a problem, I have a problem with the figures, because sometimes I'm talking about lotal in the waste stream, and sometimes I talk about what's Titis represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~va City council work session of May 26, 1998 \VS052698 May 20, 1~)98 Council Work Session collected. Is the 88 tons tiao total, that's collected at the curb? Nctmlalm,, That's what's being collected al the curb, yes. Norton.,. So i1 has to be compared with 150 and 85 lbr n~etal cans and clear glass, is that right7 Kubby/ No, 150 tons clear glass-- No~-ton~, 15~)and 85, right'? Nctm~at~n' 15~) tons el'clear glass is being collccled right now. The other numbers were estimates on how mtlch is being landfilled. So igyou'rc not picking it potct~tially that will end up in the landfill. Kubbv/ So lhct~ the clueslion is, because the tonnage lbr metal cans and plastics are about the same, x~hat's the biggest volume thing? Because that's what we need to thil~k about, not weight. Norton~ Right. 1 agree with you. Kubb),/ So, yeah, I xxould lhi~k it wottld be plastics. Ncun~ann~~ Plastics by x'olt~mc increases considerably, yes. Kubby/ So ~hat'd bc the thing to. if you're going to only x one. Norton We slaould have volume figures here instead off tonnage'? Kubby/ Maybe. Nctmqann.~ Wc can do those conversions, sure. Norton Wo~l. 1~ nol -- 1,ehman/ [3ut isn't our bottom linc how it impacts the landfill'? 1 mcan, wc x5ould like to put as little volume as possible in the landfill. ~CtHlqa~l~l l~c}~an, l.ong-le~-m. I think that's our biggest concern, is it not'? This represt~nls only a reasonably nccurate transcription of the !o~¥n Cil)' council ~'ork session! of May 26, 1998 Page 20 WS052698 May 20, 1998 Council \York Session Page 21 NeUlllallll/ Yell \Vallt to save space. Lchlnan/ Right. Neumann/ \;Vhich is volume. Kubby,,' Volume and toxics. Vanderhoe17 Volume and tonnage -- Neumann/ Tolmage is how it's charged. Norton/ Well, it would be your-- Vanderhoe17 And tonnage is the wav they're measuring to decrease our waste stream -- Ncttmam~/ That reduction is by weight, nol by volunqc. Norton,/ It's done by weight. Vandcrhocl? So it's a little bit off both. Norton/ It scorns lo mc it's a technical maltcr in some ways, other than what the public can handle. I mcan il'you get too complicated. it won't work and things like that. NcumaB~l/ h'cah. Norton/ But basically, xvc'vc already agreed xve want to reduce the amount out there, and vou guys could figure out what's the best way, can'l you'7 Neumann,,' I think. taking olTplastics, metal, or glass. you're really going to get a lot l~cdback fi'om the community. I believe. Because they're used to that. They can recognize that. They've been doing it lbr years. It may not bc the voltmac. And 1 guess, as tku' as education is concerned, I would rather mix the paper. Those paper items with the ncwsprinl. Because 1 think it's easier to let City Carton deal with lhc sopre'alien, not so much the resident. Because it gels pretty picky as to xvhcn you split lhogo items up, which is el'flee paper, what is junk mail. It gets pretty, I would rather make City Cmlon -- Kul~bv/ Brad, we don't make that decision. This represents only a reasonabh' accurate transcription of the !ox~'a City cormell x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~'S052698 1908 Council Work Session Page 22 Vandcrboc[?' What is tile cost, what is the payment it'we mixed our junk paper, o['fice paper. and magazines? You said oflice paper right now is $20 a ton, junk mail is ~bout g3 and magazines are nothing. Neumann; Ycah, the mixed-- Vanderhoel'/ If those three arc mixed. Neumann/ Ycab. the mix I gave you last time included the newsprint. Vanderbocff Right. Neumann/ Mixing those three items with newsprint. I don't know what lhat would cost separate. l'm assuming it would be a lov~'-gradc mix of paper of some kind. l'd bax¢ to call City Carlon and get a price on that. Vanderl~ocf/ Because that's what Karen has been talking about, and that was what [ had looked at myscll~ x~ betbet xve could hi ix part ot'the pal, or. But everybody's used to keeping their nexvspapcrs separate. Norton/ Ncx~spapcrs, right. Separate, that's easy to do. Kubbv/ There's some economics wc have to think about here, too. It may be paintiff, that xxc need to put some investment into good public cducalion materials about the shi l}, and why we're shi Fting boxx xx c do our curbside, but i l' xxc can keep one of tbcsc papers pure, it does make a di fierenee recycling. Norton/ Well, that's xvhv I would agree to keep the newsprint Kubbv/ And it reflects on bills. Norton/ Ne~sprint is easy to separate, and they're used to that. Why not keep it separate'? Champion Well, you can just have a paper groccry sack Illat Sou throw the paper into. It could be really easy to keel> them separated. Vandcrhoc l?' { Can't understand). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City eouueii work sessiou of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 23 Kubby/ I think what Brad's concerned about is nixing one of the items people used to recycle, so it seems -- Champion Oh, I don't think xvc should do that, either. Kubbv/ \Vc don't have room on the truck, though, to add another category. Champion Oh. Vanderhocf,' What do we get lbr glass and what do we get lbr tin? Neumann,. Based on our contract with City' Carton noxv. xve, lhcrc's no exchange of any timds lBr plastic, glass, and metal. The only thing xvc'rc trader contract [br is ncxvsprint and corrugated. Those arc the lxvo big items lhal they deal in. They deal in paper. That's what, that's where yottr volume is coming t?Olll. The other items, they take tbr nothing. And xx e don't charge lhem, they don't charge us type thing. So xxc'rc getting a pretty good deal on those items. Vandcrhocl;, Okay. Norm]ann/ There just don't, they don't deal in enough of it to really make a big deal tbr thom. They'll handle it and they'll store it until they can soil it, until they have enough volume to sell it. The cardboard, the newsprint, they can move JYtirly quick. Norton,. Well, xx hat's your recommendation that we stay where xvc are? NCulnann: Well, my recommendation again goes back to last time. Without taking anything of f tiao truck and then mixing those paper items with the newsprint and having City Carton detetqnine their oxx'n market down there and their separation fi'om doxvn there. That way, xvc don't, we don't take anything off' the truck that pcoptc are used to recycling, and xvc add a lot ol'x'olumc, and xve']l get the same x'ohtmc il'xx o separate them all out and took one ol'[L it's going to bc aboul the samcvolumcas [2u' as what we're picking up. It's going to cost us, bascdonthc market right now, it could cost us around 51S,000 to 520.()11( to have them separate that ncxx sprint, magazines, office paper, mixed paper. That's what I would recommend. It's just, it's a simple, you're going to recycle the satno things you have been, xvc'rc just going to add those three items, and you can mix it with your ncxx sprint. Norton' You add magazines, off'ice paper and junk mail all? This represents onh' a reasonabh' accurate transcription of the Iov~a City council '~'ork session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 24 Nortoll/ Kubby/ Norton/ Kubby/ cxpe~nse. VanderhocF The separation. Kubbv/ And educate people. Neumann/ Yeah. That xvay, they can take tinat item, and most of the people will throw it in the bottom of their container noxv, and they'll pul the plastic, glass. and metal on lop. Well, they can just throw the magazines and white paper and ot-ficc paper and junk mail, they can throw it all in the bottom, they can dunlp it all in in one tinno. Norton/ So 5il'sjust paper. Neumann/ Right. Norlea/ Okay. l,chman/ Wall, the object really is to get as much oFthis out oFthe landfill as we can. Neumann/ Sure. And either way you do it. you're going to get about the same volume. IFs just, it's determining the education and the cost, and xvc have to deal with a lot oFothcr markcts that go up and doxxn, too. So, l would rccommend mixing it with the ncxvsprint and leaving everything else alone. Sounds good. I'd ralher saxc 20 grand and do good education. And ~,et what? I'd rather save 20 grand a year, so we don't have to deal with lhal added \Vc're going to have to do all educational program anvwav. We're going to have to spend fine money to do that anyway, about tile change in the program. Norton/ So you would.just keep newspaper separate. And how v, ould you deal with those oilier' tin-co categories'? Kubby/ Take out plastics. Norton/ Oh and trade. Oln, I see. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~-a City council ,~'ork session of May 26, 1998 \VS052698 May 20. 1998 Council \Vork Session Page 25 Kubby/Ycah. Norton/ Will the truck handle that? Neumann/ Right nero. tile truck is equipped with a compactor lbr the plastics. l'm not sure ,ahat else they would put back into that compactor. I'd have to talk to tiao collection guys about that. I'd have to talk to City Carton about the mix of maga/ines, office paper, and junk mail, see what price they could got on that. It could bc about the same mix, same price, and we'd bc eliminating plastic. Kubbv,' Right, but xvc'd got more money lbr tile ncxvsprint. when tile markct's good. l~ohman/ I gltkoss I'm -- Champion' (Can't hear) are actually rccyclablc, and that's kind of sad to throw them back into the landfill. Thornberry: We ah-cady do the newsprint. though. Lehman/ I would be inclined to go along with v, hat you recommend, I mean, lblks recycle plastic, they recycle alumintm~, and they recycle glass. alld they recycle newsprint. Next, xvc add all other paper to newsprint, rather than taking a step back'a'ard and eliminating plastic, xx e are encouraging people to continue recycling, and we are, instead of removing one. we are adding what we can collect. And I think lone-term, even thouoh it may cost us a little money, we're betler off having that stutT recycled than eliminating a category that I think. 1 think plastics have been a category, I mean people do keep their milk jugs and whatever. and they do lhat. And I think that's imporlanl. Nettmann/ Ycah, plastics is one of those items, just about a month ago, v,c tool,: a look at laking 3 through 7. And if you look at those numbers here, taking the 3 through 7 xxouh_t'vc cost us about $20,000 a year to have that separated. But there's just not oneugh weight and volumc thoro, compared to the paper. I guess I xx. ottld rather spend Illat money on the paper than the plastic. because you're getting a better deal. Kubby/ Oh, so a volume increase (can't hear) -- Ncunlann,. Volume and tonnage wise. And I think it's easier for tile homeowner. To try arid loach them the difference betxvcen an office paper and junk mail, when it This represents ouh' a reasonably accurate transcription of the 1o~va City council ~'ork session of May 26~ 1998 WS052698 May 20, 1')98 Council Work Session cotfid bc one and tile samc, than to try and have that separate. Kubby/ We"re not, that xvasn't suggested, though. Netm]am~/ But il'we-- Kubbv/ There's a difference between newsprint and other kinds of paper. I mean -- Netm~am~/ Okay. We're still going to have a mix that City Cartoh's going to have to deal ~ ith, and they're going to require some sort oFscparation l~e. Norton/ I think Ol'lllOSl Of 111}' magazines as junk mail. So, I mean, you knoxv, catalogs. I really have trouble xxith all oFthose calcgories. IF just all paper in one pile alld that's it. Vandcrhoc17 Yeah. Neumann/ That's pretty much how this would work. Lehman/ No, I think there's a certain value to that. I really do. Neumann/ Okay. I ellmalv So what do xx'c xvanl to do') Champion/ All paper in one heap. [~chman/ A~"c xve going to accept his recommendation'? Norton, I lhink we should go with it myselF. O'DonnelL, I think xve should. Thornberry/ It's leaving it like it is and adding all paper. Lehman~ All paper. Norlea Thal's tile cost. We lost a little money maybe. Vandcrhocfi But we lose 51 g,000 to 520,()~)0 which bothers me a little bit. Page 20 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~va City council ~'ork session of May 26. 1998 XVS052698 May 20, 199~ Council Work Session Pagc 27 Neumann.' Well, we'll just have to see i['we can work that into the current t~es. No~lon/ Where do x~c recover that Sl 8,0()0 to $20,()()(.}, Brad'? I think the linancc people aren't hcrc and lie tt~ougbt -- Nubbv/ The bottom line is the hottoni line. Norton/ S2(),{)()0 is 52(),()()0. Kubby/ I guess ] would like [is to have some kind of specific ansxver, obviously not today, to that, because iFthat means we have S20,000 extra every year, xvhal does Illat say about our l~es. Vanderhoct7 Whal does that do to our customer trust? Do we have to raise the l~c lb)- recycling if we're eating an extra S l S,0()()to 520,0007 Kubbv/And I probably yoti klloxv, would take a guess that many people who arc recyclers, i l'it was a nickel more to be able to get rid of all yottr paper, would bca good deal. But, I guess I want to know x%bcrc that's coming lTom. Neumann,' ()kav. Kubby,.' Or, ifxxc can absorb it, why can xxc absorb it? Norton < Cron vott give us some cost things next time, so xvc can be comtbrtable both ecologically and monetarily? Kubbv/ Sounds good to me, I like that. VandcrhocI7 Yeah, and while you're doing it, you'll talk to City Carton anyxvay, tind out what it, xvbat break x~c might get iFwe do paper, newspaper print one way and all tile other paper another. ('hampion. Do you think xxc'd conh~se people iFxve did ncxvspapcr one wcck and paper lilt oilleft? Kubbv/ ¥eah. Norton,.' That xxouldn't fly. Kubby/ Good try, but ycab. This represents only a reasonably accurale transcription of lhe ioxva City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 X~'S052698 May 2©~ 1 ~)~)8 Council \Vork Session Pa~e 28 Neumann/ I I'x~e do lhal. ~ve'r¢ going to have to eliminate something. So, we'll bring lhose numbers back. The other thing you may want to consider, andsomcthin~ lhe collection ~uys are ~etting more won'ied about is the weight ofthal container when thcv'l-e picking it up. Norton/ Oh, xvilh magazines it'll be -- Nettmann,' An extra 1,()0() ton a year is going to be, it's pretty heavv. Kubby/ ~,~ lot el'back strain. Nctm~ann/Well, and then the insurance people are working on thal, too. Kubby/ Back h~jul-y prevention. Netin, ann/ Yeah. So, we may want to consider a second container, oralleastofl~ra second conlainer. It's SOnleth~ng a lot oFother communities are lrying no~v~ in Johnson County. There are three ofthemno~ thatwenllhroughthelnndrillgrant prograin, and are distribuling a second container~ and thal second container is mainlylbrpapor. $o all the paper's in one bin, andeNerythin~elseinallOfi~er. It's a voluntary thin~, yOtl don~t bane to have one if you don't need it. But if you produce a large aniount of paper, it's available. SomelhJng else to consider. Kubby/ We~ll all need an extra one. l.chman," Wall, yeall, right. Vandcrhoct7 I use throe all tho time, anyxvay. Always have. Thornben-v; I've used one. l chinart/ Wcll, 5ou'11 get back to us. Neumann/ We'll get some costs for you. Lehman/ Thank you, Brad. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~va City council work session of 31ay 26, 1998 XVS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 29 Airport North Commercial Area 98-71, S2 Atkins/ Let me start oft} and Dennis will come tip to tile microphone real quick. l,chman/ ()kay. Ark ins/ XVc intended lhis to be an update to you all. As you know, we've had an evaluation, a propct-ty evaluation done by Casey Cook, and that report was presented to tile committee. Casey designed tbr us xvhat's affectionately relDn-cd to as "The Chunk Theorv". l_chman/ Right. Arkins/ And I think you all have SOllie idea oJ'xvhal he's talking about. At first we xxcrcn't real sure. but xve do now. The project has reached the point where Chuck and I spoke today. and he will do some in-house, but likdy engage someone to do some engineering design work on the location of the road and the utilities. The prel~rrcd location of that road is the northern point. Dennis has a map to give you some idea ol'x~.hal that might look like. That will require us to work with the School District. The projcct still reserves the site lbr the Science Center. and as you knox\ by memorandum, no\v, the Staib proposal is to be incorporalcd into that North Commercial Area. I think that prdty much cncapsulatcs everything. Vandcrhocl' Where xvcre they talking about the temporary road'? Arkins/ Grab a microphone, Dennis. Kan'/ You want lh¢ easel. Dennis? Dennis Milchell,' Yes, is there one here? Thornben-v/ .lefgs tilere. Arkins/ ,lelTs there. Human easel. Thoml, crrv., ,Icl'l's an easel. Lehman/ A customi/ed easel. Mitchell/ The road lhat Steve just refcrred to is tip here, to tile north. But Iowa Jet Services would like to get in there as soon as they can, if\re can work otfl SOllie sort el'deal. And the area that we're looking at is about where this little cul do sac This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26. 1998 B'S052698 May 20, 100~ Council Work Session Page 30 is located at the memolat. Right, so~,'. Have to figure out how to work tinis, here. 'Fhcre xve ,,o Never used one of these. ~ · Thomberry/ You point 'ore and (can't understand). Vanderhoef" Zap. Mitchell/ The, currently there's a private street, Ernest Street, that's located right here. The owner el'the street has at least indicated prcliminarily, that he would be agreeable to alloxxing Iowa Jet Services to use Illat street until the main road gets built. And so, I guess at this point. you know, Ioxva,let Services just xxants to make sure that iFthey do commit to going in here that one, tiao Council is committed to going forward so that eventually tilere ,,','ill be a main road Illat comes througla here, as well as utilities. A couple other issues that we had is ]oxva Jet Services x'`.ould like to either tlne City or il'we can get some Federal or State l'tmds Illat arc available, to pay lbr a laxi and ramp which would actually bc located on their lot. Noxv, tile cost of that would be about $205,(}00. And w'e told thom xx'e would at least bring Illat belbre the City Council. Thornberry/ Which lot are they looking at'? Mitchell/ It would actually be about this ertlire area right here. Thombcrrv.. Oh, tile v,'holc tiring. Vanderhocl~" All tiaoso. Nlitchell/ Ycah, xxe'rc talking about five and a IraIgnores. 5o a pretty good-sized chunk. Thornberry/ A l~at chunk. Kubby/ So the taxiway would be N)r their business? Mitchell/ It would be lbr their business. There's a taxiway right along here Illat goes doxvn to the runv, ay. That is already lincre. But there would be, have to be a small taxi that goes to their ramp and then lo tile hangar that they'd like to build. Kubb',/ 1 don't have any problem with us seeing i l'there arc Slate or Federal economic development funds For them, but I don't think tilere should be any Cily monies. 1 mcan, we're spending a lot of fi'ont money developing and doing airport improvements, and we're putting a lot ogmoney into tile airport, and it's This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the learn City council x~ork session of IMav 26, 1998 X¥S052698 May 26. I t)98 Council Work Session Page exclusively For them and their business, I don't mind being a partner in getting grant money, but 1 don't think there should be any City money. Vanderhoel? Is lhcrc any of that that is reimbursable by the FAA? Mitchell/ Actually, Ron is checking into that right noxv, to see if there are any Federal State timds available through the FAA or other airporl monies. Vandcrhocl;' 'Fxvo infi'astructttrc pieces that they're asking Mitchell/ Potcnlially, because they are ?ing to be a fixed-base operator, potentially lhcrc could be some old those l~mds available to help pay lbr this. Kubby/ And maybe they can pay thc 10%. Norton/ What? Kubby/ Bccausethat'sa90/10split, thcy can pay the 10 instead ofthe City taxpayer pa3 ing the 1(). Norton/ Well. that's true. IFthat. but I think what they're looking lbr is some more l,ackup commitment than thai, aren't they? I mean -- Mitchell/ They arc. Norton/ Thex."rc not al all sure there's other hinds available. ls that right? Mitchell," Right. At this point, xvc don't know that there would bc funding available to help assist with that. So, I think they would like the City to, Fthosc available, to kick in to help pay to build that. Vanderhocl;" Okay. And there's lots off possibilities offnegotiating ~n bctxvccn. Mitchell/ Ohsure, surc. Ofcourse. Thomberry.' The total project cost off the runway is S205,0007 Mitchell..' Approximately. Thal's what xvc'rc cstimaling at this point, based on the the ramp and taxiwa~ that they'd need to their hangar. [,ohman/ Is *~hcre any way to recover any o['thosc timds? This represents oilIx' a reasonably accurate trauscription of the Iowa City council work sessiou of May 26, 1998 XVS052698 May 26, lt)0S Council Work Session Page 32 Mitchell/ Not that I'm axvarc of. 1t'we are able to get some money lhrough tile FAA or lhrough the State, we should know that tip front, rather than after tile thct. Although, Ron might be able to ansxver that question better than 1. I don't knoxv. Arkins/ While Ron's COnling to the microplaone, is the policy decision public investment to cause this project to occur. kind of an up-fi'ont. the $2052)00? Mitchell/ Yes, I would say so. Arkins/ Now. if that's lhe case. and we're kind of fi'onting tile money to cause this project to occur, can the Airport Commission, I don't have as much trouble fi'onting the $200.000 it' it's incorporated into the lease t~aymcnt. so in other words, xxe get ertl' IllOBey back ill sollie Gshion, not unlike special assessments or something such as that. Because wc arc spending a whole boatload of money to build that road and water and the sewer and so lbrth. Kubby/ XVcll-- Thornberry/ But that doesn't really have anything to do with that Facility. Alkins/ What I'm trying to figure out. Dean, is that they want $200,000 in taxiway improxcmcnl to cause the prqjcct to occur. And Karen's raised the issue, and I think rightfully so, is that an out off pocket expense as a public investment to make this deal doablc, or is it something that's just part el'the routine investment which xve can recover through lease payments? Thornberry/ Well, as I understand it, their first option was not to go tllel-e. It was to go beside the old building that was built rifty years ago. Arkins/ X[ou'd have to, I Illcall, this is ',vherc v,c arc now. Thornberrs/ But their rirst option was not to be tllel'e. They're not tile oiles causing that northern area to be developed. '[NioFtoll/' ,N, JO, I10. Alkins/ Yeah. Norton/ But Dean, xvhcn this first came to us, xvhen Illis first came to us, it seemed everything was under control and they wcrc going to locate near the terminal and This represents ouh' a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 X¥S052698 May 2(7, 100g Council Work Session Page 33 it was ~oin~ to be, the investment was ~,oi,~o to be made by Staib, and xve were not at that point involved. Next, suddenly, -- Thornberry, Why cnn't they--? Norton/ We seem to be confi-onted with the question of are we to invest 5200,()0() as out' share of the action here? Thornbct'rv: My qucslion is xvhv can't they ,,o where he xxas o~'iginallv intended to ~o'/ Lclaman/ Well, Ron, maybe, can answer that. Ron O'Neil/ Well, because ol'lhe size of the development that he wants, there really isn't a place where he would fit in there. I mean, this is certainly a lot larger than anything that ~vc anticipated in the master plan. Kubbv/ The other thing is that the way Stexe that you stated that is that the laxpayer xx ottld cause it to happen, like that's a deal-maker or -breaker, that the business oppot-ttmity would tStll lhrough xvitlaoul that laxiway, I think, is too slrollg. Norton,' Well, it might be, but (can't understand). Kulabv," They're investing, I assume, millions of dollars in this, and that 5200,()()(I, 1 don't believe, or I would hope, il'their finances are that tight, I think we should feel unconllbrtable about it. Thornberry Well, it's how far do you want to [_ehman? Ron, xvhal arc our chances el'recouping any of that money? O'Neil/ If this is a public use, and hc said he wants to be a lk~11-service FBO, the taxixvav and the ramp would be eligible. Now, most construction projects are not reimbursable, so xvc would have to ,,ct the ~rant lined up -- Kubby/When you say reimbursable, you mean with the normal 90:10 split? O'Neil Right. On some of the other projects that xx e do, planning grants arc rcimbttrsable, a land acquisition is reimbursable. But an engineered project xxould notbcrcimbursablc. So wc'd havc to have that lined up ahead offtime and havc app~-oval, as opposed to being reimbursed for it. This represents only' a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iov~a City council ~ork session of May 26, 1998 XVS052698 May 26. 1~)98 Cottaell Work Session Page 34 Kubby/ O'Neil/ ,~\~d typically, we li-ont 100% and tl~en get reimbursed tile 9t), correct? Over the years, it just really depet~ded on the timing off it. Sometimes, the n-~o~ey was already there. and xvc drew it dov,'n arid really didn't l¥ont anything. It really depended on tl~e timing. ~Fhor~bcrrv, Wats there a~v lllOllCy available tl~rough economic dex clopmel]l tlmds'? Kubby/ [,ikc, is there a RISE application For Davidson/ RISE, .ittsl to refi-esh your memory -- Cal~ you hold the damn board'? O'Neil/ I xx as xvot~dcring t~ow you'd get that in there. Davidso,q/ Jt~st to rcfi'csl~ yot~r memory. RISE is a program that the State bas that is buildii~g roads, spccil~cally, public streets. And it is based on job creation. xsc haxe ~ pr~Zjcct where you xva~t to spend ~qoncy to build a public strocl, it creates jobs -- (,'FLANGE TAPE TO REEL 98-71, SIDE B Davidson/Wottld~'~'t qualil'y, but -- Lelm~at~/ .& street would. Davidson/ 1 hax c~'t Ibllowed this all tl~e way lt~rot~gh, but the street, I}~e public street that xvottld go i~, that xxould be somethings that could qualil~< Champion' Well, xvc sl~ould look at that, but what xxe'rc xx orried about is the ramp. }low long does it take lbr one of those applicatio~s to go tl~rough'? I don't knoxx a tl~it~g abottt it. Davidson/ ']7he RISE one, or the FAA o~c'.' C}~tmpio~/ '['bc application lbr ll~c Aviatio~ stufffl. O'Neil, Well, the timings of this, the State application anyxvay. xx as due the l]rst off April tbr projects coming out. ~o, 1 don't know it'thcy have so~ae type off accelerated program tt~al you could get money out of sequence or not. I will clqcck o~ that. I l'his represeuts only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~x'a City council x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1995 Council Work Session Page 35 think there arc tv,-o things, and then Dennis will get back to it. This could bc the first chunk oFour chunk development, that and the Science Center idea was blended in, in being in this first live lo eight to ten acres, or xvbatevcr. That's one question. I lhink what we wanted to know, more so OUt of this is an overall question. and that is how much support is there to ? ahead xxith the development oF the North Commercial Area, regardless of xvho's locating there. This is, xvc nccd to know ansxvers to lhis, also, but the bigger question is that, do we go ahead xvilh lhc North Commercial Area? Norton,, But that. ROll, gets back to tile response to Stevc's question. If this fi'ont lllOlley tbr this, oF some other aspect oFthat area, if up-Front money is required, clearly tile City is going to have to do sortie oFthat. But, presumably, we're going to rccoul, it over tinle. Tile question,/x ould Illis $200,0()(I be recouped over time? O'Neil." That's certainly an option. 1 guess we hax'e to look at tile whole program, see xxhat it's going to cost, and how wc would pay it back. The question is, and I think somebody alluded to it is, is spending 5200,00(L is that something the City xxould xx'atll to do to bring lhis business in? I mean, those, yell have to look at the whole package. Norton/ \Veil, we have Illat, xve'd have that same request x¥ith every business that comes along, xvouldn't O'Neil/ You might very xxell. O'Donncll Wc arc looking at 30 to 40jobs here. Norton/ True, but I mean, we've got other businesses Illat come Illat xxe would have to treat similarly in some way. Kubby/ As long as they're willing to Follow our economic development guidelines xxilh this investment to a specific business, we'd need to go through Illat process as xxcll with Iowa Jet Services. Richard Mascari,. Amqhcr point that we're probabl} overlooking is Illat we're inxcsting in Illis taxixvav and this ramp area on City property. And -- Thtn-nberrv" Just tbr tile record, yotlr 11amc, sir'? Mascari/ Oil. I should get a tag, huh? Rick Mascari. And it's going to be built on City property, servicing a 15~cility that we're going to eventually assume. So, as far as This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~va (7ity conncil x~ork session of May 26, 1998 X¥S052698 May 26, 1{)98 Council Work Session Page 36 long term. v, hether we gel. out' money back, I think we will, because we're going to eventually own it, all along. So, I think, plus the Fact that there's going to be, I think, 3(i) or 4(~,jobs. Thornberry/ Ycah. Mascari~' I think that's a minimal investment tile City has to do in order to get that kind of an income. Kubby/ ¥Vill you explain that a little more? I thought this was a private company. 1tow are we going to take o~x norship oF this private company? Mascari~ \Vcll, you scc, the way the lease was written up, or is being discussed, is Illat after a period oF20 or 30 years, whatever the tonal oFthc lease is, we're going to assreno this bttilding. We're going lo take control of this building, after his lease is through, this $2,()00.000 or $3,000,000 Faci]itv will all oFa sttdden become tile property of the airport. So, you see. this minimal investment of the ramp is really, I think, is actually small change xvhcn it conlos to lhc amottnt oFreturn that xve actually got. Thomberry,,' I agree with that. Lehman/ Well, and I think tiffs really is, and 1 think wc alluded to it a little bit earlier, xx e're talking about, and we've, Dee, you and I have met with these lblks, too. But we're talking about the whole concept of the north portion of the airport, xx hellact, how imporlant that is to both the Cily, and, I think, to the Airport Commission. I would think that iFStaib does, in Get, locate there and build a building. this would, I would hope, be a bit oi' a magnet lbr 15u-thor development on that north side. And I think what xxc're really asking, is there a commitment on the part ofthe City to see to it that this property does in fi~ct develop by helping out with, as you will, I'm sure that, you're right, that it is on City' property and whatever, obviously benefits a particular business. are we willing to commit ourseix'cs to a much larger project': Because I think it's more than just the Staib. Mascari/ Well, it'you look at il this way, if it's a $2,(11)(),000 or 53,()01~.()0() tZtoility. and I saw tiao l~tcility that he's patterning it after, down in Fort Myers, Florida, and it is absolutely phenomenal. A two or three million dollar facility there that xx e're going to acquire after a certain amount oFtinle, I think lhe 520(},000 or so is actually scanall change. Thomberry. Didn't you mean --'~ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the 1o~va Cily council 's¥ork session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 20. 1998 Council VVork Session Page 37 Mascari/ Compared lo what xvc'rc going to be getting. Thornberry' I)idn't you mean Naples'? Mascari/ Naples. VVhere I lost my telephone, yes. Norton/ Well, I'd like to ask my fclloxv Councilors, what precedent will wc bc setting by titis'? Let's talk about lhc next, tile next person that wants to do sometiling on titis North Commercial Area. Mascari/ \Veil, Dec, I think. in ansxver to that question. I think a lot of it, a lot off similar things that were done out in Amos when it came time For them to build that jet operation out in lhcir airport there, the City participated in large numbers in order lbr tltcm to locate there, tax-xvise and others. I think their lease payments were waived. Ron probably knows that better than I do. Don't know the details'? But they xxoro x'crv aggressive in getting this jet company to come in, into Ames, and so consequently lhey -- Norton, But I'm looking at this xxhole area, and also thinking about our whole issue of Girncss across the City in tornas ogdcvclopmcnt in other locations of starting to. in some wavs. to subsidize, whether through a tax abatement or through up-tYont money, that"s a precedent that x~c"vc got to be very carefi~l that wc can handle lhirly all across the City. O'l)onnell: I think, Dee, that any cornpan3 that wants to come to our town and asks $2()(),(}01), i l' they're going to return two to three million in txxenty years in property, provide thirty to forty jobs, I think lltcy can be an asset to the comn~unity. Norton, If that's our standing policy. yeah, right. Kubby,' But ho~ xvc insure that is wc have an agreement with them that just like businesses do with tile State when they get -- Norton,' ¥ca11. Kubbv,. Monies, that it says that tltcv'rc ,,oi~,o to, within so many years, they're going to have so many,jobs. and x,~ ithin so many years, the number goes tip, and if they don't, there's at clav,-back agreement with the City that lhev 1-cimburse l~r the percentage that they didn't meet their goals. Because it, you know, thirty or tbrtv This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~'a City council x,~ork session of I~lav 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26. l t)98 Council Work Session Page 38 jobs sounds pretty good, but if that's what we're basing otlr decision upon is those l~umber oF jobs, then that needs to be part of the agreement, and it can be written down in a very spccillc way. And that's not precedent-setting. Thornberry/ Well, they will -- Kubby/ Those kinds el'agreements. Thornberry, They will have x number of jobs. Noxv. l'm not going to hold them to ten or thirty or lk~rty,jobs. O'Donncll: ¥ott can't do that. Thornbcrrx'/ But with the -- Kttbby/ We do all the time. The State does, we do. O'Donncll' I'm just saying, you can't dictate that. Kttbby/ Ycah. wc do. Norlon/ Got the money. Kubby/ Well, it"s done. It's very common. Thornben-y/ 11'I could continue. I would not want to hold lhcm to ton or txventy or thirty or lbrtv jobs. (Setting back at the end era lease, at the end el-the lease cycle a 52,{)00,(}00 to $3A)00.000 Facility -- Norlon/ lsthatnowinwriting? Thornberry/ I think would ol'l~ct, I think that would ol't~et the minimal amotml oF money to salt it to sta~'l t}~o Facility. I moan. 520(}.00t1 lbr 52.0(}(},(}11{) 1o me. that's a protly good investment. Kubby/ Right. Butxxhcnvoulook-- Thornbe~q'v/ l'd do that in a heartbeat. Kubby/ But when I, I think about many oFthe, the vast majorily el'people that 1 represent in this community', those that I know and that I don't knoxx, very This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~¥a City council x~'ork session of 5lay 26, 1998 g¥S052698 May 26, ]t~08 Council Work Session Page 30 people are going to be using that facility. And so it may be a ~reat asset. but not a x~holc lot oFpcoplc arc ~oin~ to be usin~ that base operator Facility. 1Fthis like a rec conlet or a library, and looking at those Irade-olin, fimt's a whole di Ft~rcnt game. Mascari/ Well, Karem if I might interject, one thing you have to keep in mind is that x~ c'rc going to bc getting a large lease payment, too, fi'om this Facility as well, so cx cn ifxve didn't acquire the property, and xx'c did, xvc are, and that's indeed lhc tone of the whole conversation throughout. But even iFxvc didn't, then the amount of lease payments that we'd be getting would surely cover the in a txvcnty or thirty year period. Lehman/ Rick, I think that's pretty key. Vandcrhocl?' (Yes). Mascari/ Excuse me? l,chman/ Will, can the City recover their 520(),(~00 fi-om a portion oFthe lease payments? Norton/ Yeah, that was a question I asked earlier. Kubbv/ In addition to the other costs xvo need to recoup. Mascari/You lost me. I'm conl~scd. l_ehman,,' In other words, ifxvc spend 520(L000 to put this taxiway in, Slaib will be paying lease payments. Mascari/ 'Fo (can't understand). Lehman/ Ycah. And as I understand it, the money all goes into OhO pol, as far as the City and the Airport's concerned. Mascari/Absolutely. [,ehman/ Bul the amount of the lease payment would be, the amounl that we subsidize the airport xxould be decreased by the amount oFthe lease payment. ls that COFFeC[? Mascari/ Woll, I guess that would bc something we'd have to work out. Like you say, it This represeuts ouly a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1998 Council \Vork Session Page 4(} all goes in the Sallie pot. Kubby/ Right. No. but if Ernie, you're saying-- Vanderhocl;' 1 think Illis is where v:c are in that we have not seen, or at least some of us, 1'11 speak lbr mysellL I have not seen the lease or know exactly xvhal all is being lalkcd about in here. Yes, I want to see this north development happen. 1toxv it happens, l'm not real clear yet on some of these things, and you're bringing it to us next, but how the lease would work oul. and how recouping these dollars is a real good question. And number one, I guess I wahl to k~]oxv xxhat the FAA will do lbr us. That's one question. And, 11ttlllber lxvo, yes, there are xvavs that xvc can pul in ox'cr a tinno period how many jobs will bc created bv this, and lhat is an incentive lbr me, at least, to look at doing more l~mding lbr ramps and some of those other things. Mascari/ Sure. I think xvc'd all like to see tile FAA participate in this. There's no ClUeSlion about it. And xve'll do everything Illat we can to see that that can happen. Vanderhoet;' Right. Nlascari' But we have to look at the whole picture, and if i! doesn't happen, are v,c willing to go ahead and invest $200,000 into a $2,0()0,()00 or 53,00(),0(}() t;acility - Vandcrhoc17 And we need these other ansxvers. Mascari~' And a certain amount of.jobs, and also, a good portion of rent payments per month, that would be in return in today's dollars. And I think after you put all the numbers together. a good business decision xx ould be to go ahead and make the investment. Vandcrhocf. Trying to make a good business decision right now, xvilhout having quite all the inlbrmation For me is dif'ficult. Norton.' I agree. \Ve, this, xxc, xvc'vc got to have a really careful analysis el'where the money is coming back fi'om, and what the precedent is, and exactly what. how xvc xx ant to play this whole thing out, where lhe tax abatement was mentioned somexx here, somcx~ here in the correspondence, wasn't it? Arkins/ Yes. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council '~vork session of 5lax' 26, 1998 ~'S052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 41 Norlon/ And mentioned somewhere v,'as another feature -- Mascari, Property tax payments. Norton/ And lhe other shoe will drop. In other words, we need a more coherenl picture of what tlfis financing thing is like and what risks the City' is taking. Mascari/ \Veil, l-- Norton/ In order to decide, I tlmnk. Mascari/ I think, bclbrc we can go ahead and propose a, or present -- did you vcanl to say something? O'Neil,' No, go ahead. Mascari/ Present a htll-flcdgcd lease to Mr. $taib, we need to show him whether or not xvc'rc uoine to move fo~vard and ~ivc him our support, and then we can go ahead and give hina a l~fil-fiedged lease. sonicthing lbr you to review. Kubby/ I tinink lnaving an agreement about those number of,jobs with a claw-back statement is really crucial to this. That's what everyone's talking about, is saying this is important, not only because otZ you knox,, taking over the bttilding in txvcnty years. and who knows what'11 happen in txvcnty 3cars. but xx'c know that in the short-lCl-m future, that there's a certain number of jobs being pledged and promoted, and that we want to see happen. Mascnri/ I can tell you tinis. By' sccin~ ttnc t~icility-- Kubbv/ They probably x~on't have a problcnl signing such an agreement, because they"re coming to us in good Faith. Mascari/ 1 can tell you tinis. By seeing the iYtcility doxxn in Florida, tinct-o's no question in m,~ mind that yott'd have to have quite a sizable personnel. -Fhornberrv: ttoxv old is il? l_chman/ Rick, lnow does --? Kubby/ Well then you don't have a problem signing sucln an agreement iftlmt's the plan. This represents onh' a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io'~va (7it)' council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 2(~ 1098 Council Work Session Page -12 Mascari/ I wotd¢tn'l think that'd be a problem. l_ehman/ 1toxv does Illis dift;zrent, ditTer tkom the Airport Commission asking the City to t~onl money to build a hangar which we then lease and the proceeds tYom the lease, the Airport Commission repays the City'? Nlascari/ I don't scc any diFlUrcncc at all. Lehman/ Would that not bca very easier xxay el'approaching this'? Ifxvc can shoxv, which it appears that you can, that the lease payments lk3r Mr. Staib over a period oF1imc, will repay the $20(L000 and then some, it appears to me that what it becomes then is very similar to a loan tbr a hanger which xvo have, I shouldn't say routinely do~qc, but xxc certainly hax e done that. Kubby/ Righl. [,ehman/ With very little discussion. Arkins/ But Ernie, Ibis is a lbr-protSt business. Vandcrhoc17 ~ Yes). Arkins/ I lhink there is a diFFerence. [_ehman/ What's the dil'l~rcncc? Mascari/ Well, not really. ?Xtkins/ Well, we're IMnding 5200,000 lbr a tbr-profit -- well, in tc~q~ns oFthe agreement - Thornberry.. Well. it will bc -- l~ehman/ It's a loan. Tl~ornbcrr'v,' Tile hangars will be Gr-profit when they're paid tbr. I.chman/ Certainly. Arkit,s/ For a government agency. This is a private business. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 43 Mascari" Steve, I disagree with you there. We have businesses operating out of hangars on the airport right now that are for-profit. That wc have erected and -- Lehman," Hangars-full. Arkins/ And my point is Illat, is thai I'd have to see the terms of the lease payment, x~ hother we actualIv acquire the property and have oxx norship in the property. Norton/ Ycah. Arkins/ And in particular, I think the design of this thing, because tile banks are going to look at the alternate use. That is, igtbis guy walks away and wc have to walk axvav fi'om that use, you're going to want to put it to some other propose. 1t'it's oriented toward the airport, that minimizes its use. It should be oriented, I think. more toward that road so that you can at least use it lbr some other ptn~oses at some time in the G~ture. 1 think those arc the kinds el'questions that have to be ansxvcrcd in an agreement. Kubby/ And Illat lease agreement has to not pay just for that taxiway, but also For the improxcmcnts that we've up-fi'ontcd for the land and lhc road and all of that combined, plus the 5205.000. Atkins/ That's what I understood, yeah. Kubby/ And I didn't get that from what Ernie was saying, but that may be, Ernie, xvhal you meant, lo add that on to -- Lehman/ \Veil, I think it's all part era much, nluch larger picture. Kttbby/ Ycah, I mean, if you add it oilto the lease, I don't have a problem with it, because we're going to get paid back. l,chman/ \Vol1, the whole idea el'the north portion of that airport is to develop and with the proceeds of that, reduce the amount el'subsidy that the City pays the airport. We are currently paying around 510o,000 or a little more. And that the income l¥om lhat property when it's developed will decrease the amount that the ('ity subsidizes the airport. 1toxv that coBles about, what combination era Science Center and Mr. Staib's property and whatever chunks, I don'l really care. I think the bottom linc is, what amount of money we spend to subsidize the airport. Is this in thcta good investment that x~e can get our money back on? I think that's This represents only a reasonabh' accurate transcription of the !o,~x'a City council x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~YS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Page 44 the question now. That's one question. vott need to know? Now, the second that I have, how soon do Mascari,' We needed to know about two months ago. But, Mr. Staib is being very patient, and hc would like to move lbrward as quickly as possible. Kubbv/ Well how, why hasn't this come before us two months ago? Mascari/ This particular issue was just presented to us just bc/brc the holidays. l,chman/ Well, he was looking at alii%real locations. wasn't he? I mean, he finally settled on one. Mascari/ That's correct. That's exactly correct. Kubbv/ So it really hasn't been like us, we have not been dragging our lDet. Mascari/ Oh, no, no, no. by no means. Kubbv/ l,iust xxant that to be clear. You made it sound like -- Mascari/ If I implied that, I didn't mean to imply that. Norton~ I thought he was prepared to invest a considerable amount oF money to get his business established and olTthc ground. Nowl'm finding it kind ofodd that hc's suddenly hung up on the $200,000. Kubby.' Yeah. Mascari, I guess he'd just like to scc some participation on the Cily's part. Norton.. Well, is this just a point of putting our t~ct to the fire in some odd way, or is this, is lhis a matter that they need the resources? Mascari/ I guess I can't unsxver that. I can ask Mr. 5taib lo come. Norton, Well. xsc need a good deal more data before I'm ready to go. l.chman., Well, let me ask you this. Otlr next meeting is what, June -- Vandcrhocl? 15th. This represents oulv a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~'a City council ~ork session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 20. l t)98 Council Work Session Page 45 Norton/ lt~th, 15th'7 l_cllJnan/ 5'cah, the 16th. Would that be in a, could xxc have the information that's been batted around here and would that be timely enough lbr a decision lbr Mr. Staib? Kubby/ Well, xvc have to make it an official vole -- Mitchell/ Some of the qucslions [ might be able to answer here, real quick, as tZu- as how negotiations have gone so lhr. Kubby/Okay. Mitchell/ The amount of the lease, which xvc bad Casey Cook calculate, since hc did the IZ'asibility study on this area, it's just based on xvhal the property would be worth after the backbone inffrastructurc is put in. Now, it would not include the taxi and rullXVaV. but certainly lhat's a negotiating poinl that vott knoxv, maybe if the City Council was xvil]ing to put that up fi'ont, we could just add that amount back into the lease and recover lhat over txxcnty >'ears. Actually xvc'rc looking at probably a thirty year lease. So, but xkc could structure it boxrover. Or, you know, il'you did xxant to tie it to lhc number of jobs, or something else, that's something else wc could look at and certainly talk lo him and negotiate about. Kubby/ Ycah. I actually like the jobs. I like it being altachcd to the number of jobs better than recouping it through the lease. I think that's better For the City in tbc long run. Thombcn-y' How many,jobs, how many jobs, Karen, would trigger your--'~ Kubby~ Well, lhcy'rc the ones projecting thirty or lbrty. I didn't make that up. Thon~ben'v' Well, I'm just saying, what would Not-ton, What's the number? Thornberry" What would please you lbr the number of jobs'7 I mcan, txvcnty-thrcc, or txx only-nine or thirty-one or what? Kubbv,, ThcT need, l'm not, you knoxx, I'm not an cxpe~ on fixed-base operations, so. they're the ones tolling me thirty to lbrty, I think they should present us a number and that's what the agreement is based upon is their business plan. Not my poo12 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !ou;a City council v~'ork session of rMav 26, 1998 WS052698 May 20, 1098 Council Work Scssion Page 46 out off the sky. That wouldn't be appropriate. Tho~q~bcrrv, I, lbr that amount of money. lbr that investment, returning that investment to the City For the property, the improvements to the property. and the jobs, I don'l care il'it's liftten or thirty. If they're good-paying jobs, and it's more, it's liltten more jobs than xve had the clay bclbre. and there're going to be more than lilleon .jobs. il'sjust, well,-- Kubbv/ Then they xvon'l have a problem signing it. Tbornbcrrv :\1toFthosethingscombined, lthinkil'sagoodinvestment. IF lcoulddoit personally, I would, {br Illat kind oF return. I~ehman/ ls there --7 Kubby; As a businessperson, don't you want to know whal tint expectations are'? What the rules of the game al'C Oll all parties, so that you know if you've met your benchmarks lbr that investment? Thornberry/ ()kay. You asked, and I'll tell you. Witin that kind of'investment, f~r that kind of return. with a contract that Dennis has ncgoliated, no, I don't need all the intbrmation that you do. l_chman/ x, Vell, this Kubby,' You don't want the promises that 1 want, put it that way. Lehman/ ,,\ll right. \Vc're not going to decide al%vthing. Is there general interest c}11 the part of Council Jbr pursuing tlnis -- Norton/ ,~\bsolutcly. Val~derhoc17 :\bsolutclv. l_chman/ That xve l~cl that, at least I think that's right, tinat tiaore is general Jiltcrest. O'Donncll' There is. Mascari' That's helpful. I think xxc can go back and say ycah, tinere is some support Ibr Illis, but x~c need ciLhor x, y, or z. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the 1o~va City council work session of 5lax' 26. 1998 X¥S052698 May 26, 1995 Council Work Session Page 47 Lehman/ Bu! we need some numbers. and 1 realize u:hy, because of the timing and xx halex el', those are not available right now. But I think that at our June meeting, and hopclhlly in bctx~ ten, il' we can, if the Commission can comlnunicate to Council lblks so that x~c can talk about this at the 16th meeting, hopethlly we'tl bc able to gix'c you an answer. Can we leave it there? Norton/ Will that be --'> Lehman/ Get back to us? Norton/ Will that include some costs about tile infi'astructure lhat we'll be installing? That is, as il applies bcrc'.' What we're going to spend on infi'astructure for thal particular thing? Mitchell/ Just on this parcel. Norton, Yeah. In other words, when will tile City, will tile Git3.' excnlually get the property after what time. What about the tax abatement issue, there's a xvholc list oJ'qucstions I guess you got them down. Milchell. ,lusl l~)r Staib. And maybe that's another thing to bring up. I don't want to monopolize all your time here today. Under the lease agreement, the way it's structured right now, at the end of the thirty years, we would get back all ilntwovemenls to the property. So, one olhcr thing that they've also brottghl up, and you knox,, again. this is, I think, still sut~iect to some negotiation, has to do xvifim tax abatement. I guess. in a nutshall, aviation businesses sccm to bca little bit dit'l~rcnt than mosl as Gr as tax exemption. I think this scenario would be a litllc bit different, but it is possible that the lease agreement could be slructurcd such that Staib, or Iowa Jet Services would not have to pay any property taxes on it. And that's similar to other buildings out at the airport and other ai~orls across lhc state. Noxx, there are some fi~cts in this case that are different, lbr inslance, the Cily's not going to own it up-li-ont as we would with a typical hangar. And so, that may be enough to make it such that it's not going to bc exempt fi'om property taxes. Now, it' it's not exempt, you knoxv, another thing tllCX"vc asked tBi' is some properly tax abatement. Kubb? Wouldl~'t they.just lhll under our normal tax abatement law that doesn't come through us, that they just apply for it, and if they meet the criteria, that they get it'? Or don't they meet our current law? Mitchell/ l'd have to talk to Dave, maybe, I wish David Scboon was here. We did talk This represents only a reasonably accurate transcriptiou of the !osva City council work session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1~)95 Council Work Session Page 48 about a couple diltizrent things that we could do, for instance, like designating it an tmrban revitali/ation area tbr economic development, you can abate taxes that xx av. You can either do, I think property taxes can be abatcd For three years at 1{}(}% or you can do a graduated plan over ten years. There also might bca possibility of xvorking something out by creating a TIF district, and then we'd -- Kubbv,' They don't Fall under our normal tax abatement laws tbr standing and new bttsincsses? Franklin/ I think you might be talking about tax exemption. but -- Sarah Holecek/ Same thing. It's a matter el'whether it meets the definitions, and that*s Ibr industrial uses, research and development and some warehousing. Kubby/ So the zoning might not be right. Holecek/ Well, no, it's not the zoning, ifs a matter of the items that are listed in the lax',' that can take advantage of that tax abatemeal. And I don'l know enough about this business to know whether it would fit into any of those categories, and whether a hangar would be like a warehouse. Kubbv/ Maybc, that's another set of questions that we can get ansxvcred. Milchell,' Okay. 1'11 check with David further. That's not something, as I went through this with him, that's not something thai be thought it would fit into, but -- l_ehman/ Dermis, I think that whether or not there's tax abalement or tax exemption, 1 mcan, those are all Factors that would influence whettact or not the City is interested in doing more than inlkastructurc or taxiways or xvhatcvcr. I mean. 1 think if's, it's a total picture. and I think we need to know all oFlbe Gcets oFit. Mitchell, Sure. VandcrhoclT,' And T1F may pay us back that. Mitchell.' Ycah, we can come back, hopefitlly, with a lot more infbmmtion lbr you on the loth. II sotrods like, though, xvc definitely have four votes to go fo~xvard with tiao North Commercial Area as a wllole. Champion,' Oh ycah. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council ~'ork session of May 26. 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1998 Council Work Session Kubby/ Ycah. Milchell/ Okay. I think that's probably the most important issue. Thanks. i_chman/ Thank you. Thornberry/ Mavbe six i l' Dee comes around. Lehman/ Okay. Norton/ Mc? Thomberry,' Yeah. Were Sou interested in doing that? Norton/ Well, I'm imercslcd in doirlg it. but I'm not initrested in promising $20{),000 xx ilhout Illore inlbrmalion. O'Donncll/ Five. Pagc 49 Kubbv/ That wasn'l the last one. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !o~¥a City council x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 X¥S052698 May 20, l{)t)$ Council Work Session Page 5(} Elks Update Arkins/ Brict]y, you should have received in your packet a letter that I drafted to Jolm Sladek in response to their request l~r the golf course driving range. This was did, this was did, this ,,','as done in consultation with Eleanor, who pointed out to me tile details of the lax',' al't~2cting hearings. ] have not heard back fi'om them. and other lhan thal. I don't knoxv what else to tell you. We'll start the process in accordance with that letter. Kttbby/ So. xxc'rejust waiting tbr a response back ti'om them. Will we bc hearing fi-om tile task lbrce that's been looking at the Peninsula Area use'? Arkins/ The desire Karen, is yes, to try and get that done belk~rehand. We have a list off their, off their recommendations they prepared a couple of months ago, and just, tile one that Terry Trueblood brought to my attention was that soccer fields, sofftball liclds. and other active uses should not be constructed on lhc loxvcr peninsula, as they could change the character off tile area. And that's tile one that flagged it. so I wanted to make st~re that lblks knew about il. Vat~dcrhocl~" Has thc Parks and Rccrcation group tallied about this any more since this I'cqt~csl c~tme in'/ Netm]ann/ No, they haven't lalked about it in any olTicial capacity. They've been made axvat-c off it. but they haven't discussed it, and do not have a recommendation fi~rlhcoming at this time. \.'andcrhocl?' Okay. Neumann/ It might x'ery well bc on tile agenda of their next meeting. Norton; ls it also ell the agclada lbr Rix'crlS'ont'? Arc they both looking at it'? Nctmlallll/ They're axe arc off it. as xvcll. I don't know if it's been otl the agenda yet. Kul, by, I mean. it would be important tbr me to hear, well maybe ti'om the whole bodies off those txvo, but specilScally From the group xx'ho looked at the peninsula area so that they can interpret their own recommendations to us in lieu of this request. Norton' \.Vhat did we call that, the Peninsula Task Force or sonicthing'? Kubb? AHalliance. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council ~ork session of ~!ny 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26, 1998 Council \Vork Session Pagc 51 Aukins/ Norloll,/ Aukins/ Kubby/ Aukins/ Kubby/ Norton/ Peninsula Parkland Committee. And that's made up largely o1' stalT people? No. No, no, no. Commissions. Commission members fi'om -- So why don't xvc rcqucst that they convcnc to speak about this issuc. Very good. Lehman/All right. Terry Trucblood/ Tlmt was made up of Four members oFthe Riverfront and Natural Areas Commission, three mcmbcrs of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and txvo members fi-om the ,ICCOG Rcgional Trails and Bicycling Committee. NOl'tOn~ Okay. That's an ad hoc committee just for this puq~osc? Trueblood Yes. Norton/ So ti~en xvc certainly ought to hear from them. l,chman/ They're going to mcct and report back to us. Norton, Very good. Trueblood/ That ad hoc committee is not scheduled to meet. to. x~ c can certainly reconvene them. Kubby/ We should. Norton/ We think they should, because they're the ones xvho've got this issue. Vandcrhocl~" Wc need a recommendation. Thornberry/ I have u question lbr Karin, I guess. It's not on the. it's that peninsula area. I had a request t}'oln a developer. Do they come to you and say hey, I'm lhis represeuls onh' a reasonably accurale lranscription of the Io~va City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 Butt il'you would like them \¥S052698 May 26. 199~q Council Work Session Page 52 interested in bidding on a particular parcel'? Franklin/ ¥eah. If you get any inquiries, have them contact me, and l'11just put them on the mailing list tbr the RFP. Thornberry. ()kay, thank you. ,,\lkins/ That's all I have on that. Lehman/Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~va ('it3' council ~'ork session of 3lay 26, 1998 X¥S052698 May 20, 1~;95 Work Session Page 53 Conncil Time Lehman/ Do vvc want to do Council Time txvice today or do you want to wait until aJier the meeting? O'Donncll' Wait until after the meeting. Norton/Oh. Kubby," 1 haxc a [~2w l'd prcl~:r to not bring ttp -- Norton,' Well, l've got some that are bettel' here than they are allel- tile public meeting. [,ehman/ Okay. Karen has one, go. Norton/ 1 do. too. Kubby/ It has to do with tile shootings happening on Taylor Drive and Riverside, and tensions on the Broadway Street area. One of them is when things like that happen, I Feel real tincomfortable that the only way l'vc gotten information about them is through the paper. And so xvllen people call nle, I'm like, well, read the paper. That's all I can say. And so, I guess I would prcl~r that either the Mayor call a meeting, or somchoxx have the City Manager and Police Chief, like have maybe,just a list ofthe inlbrmation, things that hax'e gone on. Because there's rumors about how many shots, who wore hurl, how many people, where it happened. and it could be, y'ou kllow, somcolac l¥Om the police department. Wc wouldn't have to gather it. It could be Lisa making phone calls saying here are the Gxc fi~ctual points, so if people call you, you know what the Police are planning about this. So that xvc have good, updated, accurate inlbrmation, so that xxc can help xxith the rumor mill, help stop it. ~&nd help reassure people what it is that the police department is doing, or that the City is doing in any kind off ttnttsual circumstance. This time, it was some shootings, xx'hich I hope is an isolated thing. But I guess [ would like some commtmication. 1 got no calls t¥om the City. I made some calls and couldn't get through to people. Found out abottt at meeting that, you knoxv, we all should have know about. I'm not sure everybody knew about it on Friday. I'm glad some of us were there. I think it xx'as hclpfitl. Norton, I didn't knoxx about the meeting on Friday, either. I ['erred out. Lchn~an I think that meeting xxas scheduled at a late, very late. That meeting was not scheduled when 1 was here-- This represents only a reasonably accnrate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 WS052698 May 26. 1998 \Vork Session Page 54 Arkins,,' 1(}:0() thai morning. Lehman/ Ycah, because I ,,,,as here earlier that day and it had not bee done. Norton/' [ share Karcn's concerns. l, you know, we're the last to know, sometimes. Kubby/So, [ think x~c need to learn lessons From line past. Thomberry,' I agree, I agree. Kubby/ And not repeat fincm. \¥hcttner it's about. like if that tornado had lnil in Ioxva City. Council should have immediately been called together and gotten infimnation about what kind of damage, what we're doing, you know, anything like that. So I would request that in the fittuft. Norton/ Well I,-- I,chman' I have a problem with that. Kt~bb,'/ And I guess tile other fining about that whole issue x~as, xve got a letter fi'om Osha Davidson, submitting an idea that I think has good lbtmdations, about having a task three. Although some of those things, I tinink, are being done, in terms off tile neighborhood, betbre this tmppcncd, already talking about a neiglnborlnood watch. Bul that line neighborlnood having a 1ol of work in line design ol'a community response. 1 think, is a really great approach to take. I would like to see us -- Norton/ I xxould like to lblloxv it up. I had a couple o£calls fi'om people on, those happened to bc people on Bums, and l've talked with Slovc and Marcia today. They're ready lbr not a neighborhood watch, but possibly an association. They're part of the (}rant Wood, but it's too lXar away, across Sycamore, and they don't join in with the Pcppcmood one very well, so this may, I'm not lbrcing it on thom, but they're planning a meeting, at least very tentatively. in a backyard at Jerry }lanson's, on the I Ith. 1'11 let yotl klloxv iFanything happens. They want mc to bc thoro. I don't knoxv, they maybe want others, too. But in the meantime, Marcia's trying to help them figure how to get hold oFtheir neighbors, or how many to get hold of. Marcia and I guess Kevin Berg who I guess does the neighborhood watch. go. they are taking. well, they want to take some steps to scc what they could do. Kubby' RigIll. I mean. line thing at tile roecling, I kind of took some notes at the This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 V~'S052698 May 26. 1995 Work Session Page 55 meeting. People were lalking about issuing a curfew lbr minors; about Illat there's been activity here for years and that you could see the change in behavior over time when the grant-fitnded patrol went axvay. because the grant money went uwav. And that that presence can be part off the solution. But that they wanted more than just this, I mean, they were very appreciative oFthe intense amount oF energy on the police department during this next couple oFxvccks down in that m'ca, but wanted a more pemmnent solution. Some people lalkcd about some money For some cleanup activities which would have lo wait till next year il'it xxcrc a PIN grant, and that seems like a long time away. Other people talked after the meeting about having some kind ofordinancc on loud car music, which I don't know iF l agree with OF not, but-- O'Donncll.' I do. Kubbv/ Those x,~ere some oFthe things Illat were talked about. l~chman/ Well, let roejust briefly, I was at that meeting. And I talked to RJ since then, and visited with Steve briefly about it. But it was, I thought, a very, very good meeting. And a lot of Iblks there, a lot of very concerned lblks tinere. And I think RJ and his txvo lk>lks did a really good job off being calm and unfortunately at that poinl in lime. there was very little information that was available. I mean, we didn't know what was going to happen. The police didn't know or anybody else. But, I talked to RJ again this morning, and I really think that one off the things that xxc will be doing there is having more neighborhood meetings xvitb the police ol'ficcl's and xxith some el'the Council tblks, as t~u' as that goes. I mean, xve have a group of IBlks xxho are very, very concerned there. I think, very willing to give the police some help. And I think that it behooves us, as a Council, to provide a tittle leadership in seeing to it that those meetings take place, with the police department, with the neighbors. and as thr as that goes. with some oFthe Council IBlks. Kubbw~ And the neighborhood centers are very interested in continuing in that role. Lehman/ Absolutely. And there's also, if I'm not mistaken, Steve, there are nexxsletters or updates being given to the Broadwav Ncighborhood Center every day or two or throe. Arkins/ Ever;.' couple days. [,chn~an/ Telling lblks what has happcncd and what they can expect to happen, as tb.r as the petite, I mean, we're trying to keep those tblks as intbrmed as we are. This represents only a reasonably accnrate transcription of the 1ox~'a City connell x~'ork session of 1May 26, 1998 WS052698 Mav 26. 1~)95 Work Session Page 56 Norton/ Well, that's a good deal more than I am. Kubby/ I hope they're better informed. Norton/ Oh, no. I don't understand, Ernie, how lilts meeting happened, and who was called to tile meeting, and who called tile meeting. Arkins/ Okay. Kubbv/ Neighborhood Center. I~ehman/ Stexe -- ? Norton/ And if they don't want tile Council to kilo\v, I find Illat very upsetting. Arkins/ Okay. I'm sorry Sou're upset about it. But at 10:00 in tile morning, xvc xxere told there was a potential lbra meeting of the neighborhood oil the 2Oth. The Chiefmadeadecision, ldon'twanttowaitthatlong. So, at 10:00thatmorning, which there was not 24 hours' notice, xvc could nol have accommodated all of you at the meeting, we contacted tile neighborhood centers. Wc asked them, can you pull together a quick meeting, late afternoon, with tile lblks in the area, with the police? Brian Loring made those arrmlgements. RJ inFonncd me ofthat. that he intended to bring his police officers tilere. I said fine. I called Ernie, told him xxhat we xvcrc tip to, and I said I intended to attend lhe meeting and scc what was going on so that we could Gad out firsthar~d v, hat those folks had to say. Ernie apparently.' chose to invite Dean, and Karen, hoxx you fOtuld out, I don't know. Kubbv,' I had a neighbor call me. Arkins/ Okay. But xxe had six hours to pull it together. And that's what we did. Kubby/But tile big thing for mc is even belbre this meeting, 111y comments xvercn't so much about the meeting. because [ knew it was pulled togclher very quickly, but .just xvhcn there is something off high tension and of grave community concern lbr lhc whole community. especially when it's an unusttal situation like txvo shootings in txvo days, that I think we all need to be updated as promptly as possible. 1 xxould request that that happen in the l~lurc. And xvc can play our roles betlet, xxc can do our jobs better. l,chman/ Well, you can at least answer questions. This represeuts only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council work session of May 26, 1998 \VS052698 May 26, 1998 Work Session Page 57 Kubbv/ Ycah. Vanderhocf' Okay'. And speaking oFquestions. I had a couple or three phone calls, and I gucss, what 1 would like to know, real specifically so I can answer some people, is iF\re have residents in our Section 8 housing, what can we do if we find lhem as parl ol'a problem? Arkins/ They can be, they Call lose Illoil' voucher certificate. Vandcrhocf" The City Housing Authority has that ability, to remove Arkins/ If there's apparent criminal activity, it can bc removed. Norton/ These are ones that are in, ones that xvc own? What if they're in a private one? Alkins/No. It doesn't make any difference. Vandcrhocl;~ Either one. Alkins/ Yea11. Thomberry,' \Vc do issue the City vouchers. Arkins/ We do not own -- Notion/ Getting Federal vouchers. Atkins/ Olle of the reasons we chose to move as quickly as we did was to take. take sort oFthe steam out of some of those issues, because I had people saying, oil, it's a public holtsing problem. It is not a public housing problem. A. rc there people xx ilh certificates and vouchers in that neighborhood? Absolutely. And most of that is private inForotation. We know v, ho gets a cerlificatc and a voucher. We knox\ where certain gang members are staying. And in some instances, tile addresses are the same. 13ut I think that information has to bc reasonably \yell guarded. in order to allow the police to do what they have to do. It is not a public housing issue. Vanderhoef" 'Fhat's what I want to reassure people. l_chman/Okav. Anybody else'/ This represents ouly a reasonably accurate transcription of the !eyre City council x~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~VS052698 May 20, 1t;98 Work Session Page 58 Norton/ Ycah. I've got one more. And it has some off tiao same l'eatures. I get at lot of calls about the Summit Street thing. Well, the presumed addition on the back ot'a house Oil Summit Street. l,chman/ Oh. Thornberry/ Oh. Norton/ And you know. there's a good deal of heat [lying around, and a good many rumors about lhat~ too. And somehow, we need to know, I don't know if and xvhcn it comes to us, but -- Lehman/ Probably won't COnle to us. Norlon/ Itmavnot, I don't know. Vai~dcrhoc17 I don't know what it is. Notion/ Can you bring us up to date a liltlc on what's true and xvhat's False there? Franklin/ It could potentially come to you. It's betbre the Historic Preservation Commission lbr a ccrtillcate o1' appropriateness. And lhc Commission has looked al it, has requested that the people who arc putting this addition on go back and reconsider it in tcm~s of its size. The Commission is enabled to look at this in context of the scale of the project, and the design oFthe project as il sits within historic district. And that's' what they need to tbcus their attention to. And that's what they've been lalking about. It was deferred at the last Commission meeting to their next one, which will bc in June. Tile way it would get to the Council would be iFthe applicant appealed the decision oFthe Historic Preservation Commission which, obviously, would only be in the case. I would think, of a donial. So, that's the way it would get to the City Council. Nol'1Ol¥ Is there a bed and bl'eakl~ist Feature involved? Franklin: No. Champion" No. Franklin, That was something that evidently was discussed at one lilac, that has been dropped. But that. also. is nol a relevant item lbr the Historic Preservation This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the !orca City council work session of May 26, 1998 ~¥S052698 May 20, 199~ \Vo~-k Session Commission. N o~-ton," Right. Franklin/ Wc would address lhal through zoning. Nol-ton..' It's artoffset. I understand. It xvouldn't be part oflheir -- so the question then, it lies with the Historic Preservation at the moment, and has to do with the compatibility in the neighborhood. Right'? Franklin/ (Yes). Scale and design. Yep. Kubby,,' lhad -- Norton/ Thal's it. Illhere's other things, they could come up later. Kubbv/ 1 had one other item I didn't really xxant to bring up later, and that's this area. I'm t'eally glad it's finally cleaned up. Ldmmn/ Yes. Kubby,,' It's still ~-cally sparse and ugly. Arkins/ Oh. 11's being worked on. No~-ton: The ~vhat'.~ Kubby; Well. xx c keep hearing that, bul when'? Do x ou have a ~imc IYame? Arkins/ We had a little contractor troubles. Once we gel the mess out of there, flowers will show up, benches will show up. Kubbv,,' Okay. II'in a month it's still the same. 1'11 be back. Arkins/ I-- Thomben'v: A long lime. ()'Donnell' They xvouldn"t have lived through the sandblasting, would Alkins/ Well, I don'l know about that. But, we've had a few difficulties in that area. ~rhis represenls only a reasonably accurate transcription of lhe Io~ra City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 Page 59 ~YS052698 May 26, 1098 Work Session Page And Karcn's con-oct in her observations. Norton,' I have one item -- Kubby,' Wc have a file on that contractor, I assume~ that wc won't be -- No]-ton/ On Jt]ne 13th and 14th is the Ronald McDonald house. Champion. I've got il on my calendar. Norton/ And June is coming by at about 6:!)(), because I predicted this would be a 4:00 to 6:1)~}. She's trying Io get a chance to try and play the tape, and hear you all sing. Thornberry/ June what? Norton/" June Bravcnnan. June 13th and 14th are the dates. Thornberry,' 131h and 14th. Norton/ June 13th and 14th, at 7:30 in the evening, and on the Sunday afternoon at 2:3(). I l~ol like it's going to end ttp like the bed, the recliner race. Me and Dee Vandcrhoe12 ('hampion, Rehearse. We'll all bethere. Norton/ Well, she'll be around at 6:00, so if any of you want to stay and hear the tape, xvhv do so, please. Adjourned: 5:45 PM. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Io~,'a City council ~'ork session of May 26, 1998 ~,YS052698