HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-13 TranscriptionFebruary 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page I February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session 6:35 PM Council4 Borow, Kubby, Lehman, Nov, Pigott, Throg (6:40 PM). Absent: Baker. staff: Arkins, Helling, Woito, Davidson, Schl~adeke, Moreno, Fosse, Boothroy, Milkman.. Karr, Franklin, Miklo, Sohoon, Schoenfelder, 0'Neil, McCahon, Tapes: 95-25, Side 2; 95-26, all; 95-27, all. Review Zoning Matters ITEM NO. 5a. 95-25 S2 Consider setting a public hearing for February 28, 1995, on an ordinance conditionally amending the use regulations of approximately 13.09 acres located at 655 Meadow Street from RM-12, Low Density Multi-Family Residential, and RS-5, Low Density Single-Family Residential, to RS-8, Medium Density Single-Family Residential. (REZ94-0020) Miklo/ Both P/Z and staff recommend approval .... Horow/ Any questions for Bob on this item...? ITEM NO. 5b. Consider setting a public hearing for February 28, 1995, on an ordinance amending the Conditional Zoning Agreement for 1069 Highway I (Westport Plaza) to allow an additional freestanding pylon sign. (REZ95-0002) Miklo/ The applicant has actually asked that this p.h. be set for March 7 rather than February 28 as noted on your agenda. Horow/ So you want us to change that to March 7? Miklo/ They have another city that they have to attend a p.h. at. Kubby/ Lehman/ ...long long time (Can't hear). Miklo/ They submitted the application for the amendment Just recently to P/Z. Kubby/ Woito/ They are a aware of the conditional zoning agreement. Th~ represents onlyamasonablv accu;ate ~anscrlp~onofthelowa Clty¢oun~l mae~ngofFebmary13,1995. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 2 Miklo! Right and this amendment only affects the signage. It doesn't affect the other conditions on building on the property. ITEHNO. 5c. Public hearing on an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the u~e regulations of 61.96 acres of land located south of Whispering Prairie Drive from RS-8, Medium Density Single-Family Residential, to RFBH, Factory Built Housing Residential. (REZ94-0014) Miklo/ That is the Lake Calvin property. The applicant has signed the conditional zoning agreement, the original conditional zoning agreement .... Kubby/ The one with the four conditions on it. Lehman/' Woito/ Correct, the old one, the version prior to that. ITE~NO. Miklo/ Sd. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations of 61.96 acres of land located south of Whispering Prairie Drive from RS-8, Meditun Density Single-Family Residential, to RFBH, Factory Built Housing Residential. (REZ94- 0014) (First consideration) ~irst reading of that ordinance. Kubby/ Is there a reason why the second one wasn't signed? woito/ Yes, I asked you folks two weeks ago if you wanted me to pursue it and you said no, so-And they wanted to sign one, so they signed the first one. It will clean it up- Kubhy/ And people are still in the same place with that? Horow/ Right. ITEM NO. $e. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by changing the use regulations of a 0.32 acre parcel located at 719 S. Capitol Street from CI-1, Intensive Commercial, to P, Public. (R~'Z94-0017) (Second consideration) Miklo/ Second consideration .... This represents only a reeson~ly accurate ~ren~crlptlon of the Iowo City council meeting of February 13, 1995. W$021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 3 ITEM NO. 5f. Consider an ordinance amending Zoning Chapter Article N.., Off-street Parking Requirements% Section 14-6N-lB1 specifying construction ~aterials for required hard-surface parking areas. (Pass and adopt) Miklo! Third reading, pass and adopt of the amendment .... ITEM NO. 5g. Consider an ordinance amending Zoning Chapter Section 14-6E-6C1 to clarify the density requirement for dwellingunits in the CB-2, Central Business zone. (Pass andadopt) Miklo! The third reading, pass and adopt the amendment ..... ITEM NO. $h. Consider a resolution approving the preliminary plat of D&L Subdivision, a 6.41 acre, four lot commercial subdivision located on the south side of Highway i West, west of Sunset Street. Miklo/ A resolution approving the preliminary plat of D&L Subdivision. I have an overhead of that if you would like to see it .... oh Highway i just to north of Mennards site .... this subdivision would be the remainder of the property...four commercial lots...access. Nov/ Are we likely to face four more signs here? Miklo/ There is also a conditional zoning agreement...specifying two signs .... Mennards sign...and second free standing sign allowed. Kubby! IS .that detention basin....all of the lots or just for Mennards? Miklo/ At this point there is a possibility of adding on to it (refers to overhead) Kubby! If that whole easement are to the north is used, would that · be big enough for all of the lots? Miklo/ According to Public Works review of this, it is. Nov/ What is this oval kind of thing...? Miklo/ Temporary.stockpile of fill dirt .... Thlsrepresen~ only areasonablyeccuratetr~pttonofthe Iowa Clty councilmeedngofFebrumy13,1996. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 4 Kuhby/ With these conditional zoning agreements, both with !~estport Plaza and Mennards, if the original sig~, that goes up i~ not physically capable of adding more signs . ...... whese responsibility is it ...... Miklo/ Something internally that should be worked out among the businesses of the shopping center. The original agree~.ent specifies that there would be two signs and ho~ those sagns are allocated is up to the individual property ewners to out. Throg/ Each of the developments and each of the lots would have to meet its own parking requirement, wouldn't it. Miklo/ That's right. We have had some preliminary discussions about the possibility of shared parking on two of the lots~... they may approach the Board of Adjustment for a special exception to allow sharing of spaces. Throg/ I assume that it is not possible for anybody to walk to any of these lots from any nearby residential areas. Miklo/ It would be difficult. Throg/ We can't do anything about it new but this is a prescription for disaster to continue to produce this kind of development ...... not very constructive in the long run. It is what contributes to parking traffic congestion on our roads and so on ..... We need to be mov].ng away from this. Horow/ There are people who do walk to Cubs, Walmart and Mennards now from that area .... very difficult .... it does happen Miklo/ One of the conditional zoning items on this particular property was staff review of all developments to insure it was an integrated development .... look at pedestrian ciroul~vion within the development itself ..... something we will look. - Kubby/ Before we leave this. It seems like there hasn't been very much discussion lately about Lake Calvin. Do we vote on this tomorrow night? Horow/ Yes. Kubby/ So.people will be talking...seems like we haven't had mmch internal discussion about it. I guess I would like to have -some ..... warrants some discussion. Thisrepresents only a reasonably accurate ~anscrlp~on of thelowa CIty councllmea~ng~,~ebma~y13,19~, WSO213g$ February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Horow/.I think you can bring that out tomorrow.... Nov/ Have to discuss it after 9.h. anyway.... Kubby/'As long as it happens I don~t care which night. Page This r~re~ent~ only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City counc;I mas~ng of Februmy 13, 1996. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Agenda/Time 1. Council Work Session Page 6 9§-25 S2 Nov/ Read in minutes of P/R...discussing my favorite book .... this is something that is mailed to every residents by decree of the Post Office. A,~tually it is mailed to absolutely every mailing address, not just every resident ..... which means we are mailing one to the Rec Center, the Civic Center, to the Senior Center...business... office... Not, to me, a wise way to be using our money .... ~e should revise our system in distributing our book ..... So there. I also want us to think hard on the city and schools cooperation on gym space which was part of the P/R minutes. I think they can some how .... Throg/ It didn't seem like there was much of an analysis of that Wo~to/ They created a committee Arkins/ (Can't hear). Nov/ ..~I want some real statistics on how often the school gyms are used and by whom and why we couldn't do more cooperation. Atkins/ I will carry that message for you. 2. Throg/ I would like to invite Karin Franklin to a presen~ation by Charlie H0ke, University of Illinois in Chicago is making over the Urban Regional Planning Program on Friday...What Planners Do ...... 1-2 PM. 3. Throg/ Noticed a letter from Brian Witzke about two acres of Oakland Cemetery .... I don't remember what we decided to do... Kubhy/ Decided to ask P/R Commission to give some feedback. Arkins/ (Agenda 3.f.(3) -Letter from Brian J. Witzke regarding Oakland Cemetery/Hickory Hill Park) They have discussed it. They have some reservations about using the park. They directed Terry to get some additional information .... (can't hear) Throg/ Also the staff memos about the water and sewer projects. The are really informative. Wondering what, Steve, is your expectation in terms of distributing those memos to the people who are participating. Arkins/ .... I will distribute them to the press tomorrow...I intend to mail copies to a lot of folks that we identify in the memo Thlsrepresen~ only areasone~¥,ccurate ~anscrlp~on of th. lowa CIty coun~l mee~ngofFebmary13,1995. W$021395 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session · Page 7 Nov/ And the Public Library, too. Atkins! 5. Pigoft/ Weather alert sirens. In the memo that Chief Pumphrey sent us...full scale test...silent tests? Atkins! They did both ...... Kubby/ .... all worked ..... 6. Kubby! We got a letter from Nila Haug and I think that she and Doug can get into something about this .... I talked to Nila about the possibility of some mediation .... clear communication .... and go forward ..... There is enough weirdness there that some intervention has to happen. Atkihs/ (Can't hear) Kubby/ So there is a summary memo coming- 7. Kubby/ Anything more about Hawkeye State Bank parking. Atkins/ No, R. J. hasn't- Kubby/ Im terms of talking with the Kroeze family about our sewer route and that it may be something that we want to do although it will cost the community a lot of money to go around the golf course. Even if we want to explore that it is going to cost us some engineering fees and I think that part of our negotiations with them should be having them pay those engineering fees .... . I want to bring that up as an idea that why should the city bear the full cost of the engineering fees and the $1 million to go around the property. Atkins/ Yes ..... everything is on the table. Woito/ Chuck and I just met with Bill Meatdon for over an hour .... They are still very much eager to settle. Kubby/ As long as those monetary issues are being discussed. Woito/ Yes. Lehman/ (Can't hear). Thl. representeo~lyereasonably accurate ~ens~lpdonofthelowa Clty eoun~! meedngofFebmary13,1695. WS021395 February 13; 1995 Council Work SeSsion .Page 8 Woito/ And you can't talked to the Kroeze's without their attorney or vice versa. So, they are a pair. Kubby/ I am not sure if the silurian study is part of the Engineering Division projects. I talked to Ed Moreno and he was thinking it would be a topic under that one and I believe he plans to be here later. I want to talk about that a little. Woito/ The Geological Survey..Isn't Chuck going to be here for that? Kubby/ Okay, so I'll wait. 10. Atkins/ Before you go to Council Time, I will need th~ meeting oh the 20th. Horow/ We have a meeting Monday, 20th at 6:30 and Tuesday, 21st. There is a Formal Speciat- Meeting on 21st at 6:30. I will announce that tomorrow ..... Lehman/ (Can't hear). Kubby/ So we are doing both nights budget but the 21st is considered a formal .... Arkins/ 11. Nov/ We had a couple of memos in there. fees for water. Did you see...Portland, ..,. If you don't have it, Marian has one was on connection Oregon fees that I had it, Steve has it.... 12. Nov/ Whatever happened to the pigeon coops? Woito/ It is in-They haven't gotten there yet but they are suppose to be.mediating. Nov/ So it has not been settled. Woito/ Correct, it has not been settled. It is still in the process ..... On the pigeon coop there is no satisfactory resolution but they are at least willing to talk. Nov{ Woito/ .I Just meant to update you on where it was. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City ~ouncll meeting of February 13, 1995. W8021396 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 9 Appointments 9§-2§ S2 Animal'Control Advisory - Re-advertise Mayorts Youth Employment Board - Terrence Neuzil & David Jacoby This represents only o reasonably accurat~ trans.pt]on of the Iowa City coundl meeting of Fabru~.y 13, 1995. W$021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 10 Near Jeff south Side Design Plan 95-25 S2 Davidson/ About a week ago you got a memo from David and myself sort of updating you. We sent the RFPs out and have had quite a bit of contact .... 6-8 proposals...good mix .... interest is out there ..... one of the things we would like to dO..ois get the Advisory Committee formed ..... 11 person committee .... Mayor and I agreed that we should put the item on the agenda to make sure .... comfortable with the Advisory committee .... Horow/ I made the suggestion the Iowa City Johnson County Arts Council...that they be involved in this .... Davidson/ Add them or take somebody off? Horow/ I was trying to remember why we put EA on there .... Throg/ We didntt, did we? Dgvidson/ Real briefly at the work session ..... Horow/ ...Arts Council more appropriate- Pigott/ They (EA) have an urban Design Committee .... Throg/ Too separate types of activity ..... group more concerned about natural environmental area ...... like EA would be features of the Nov/ Why ..... Throg/ Jim did request specifically to have a student on there and we...University of Iowa...owns property down there that they are considering. redeveloping .... appropriate .... are considering redeveloping it. Nov/ Why the School District? Davidson/ We came upwith the school district because we felt that their property that they own there was a substantial piece of property and ¢ould..turn into something else ..... Horow/ Suggest the University of Iowa...that we put Student Senate Throg/ The idea came out of conversation with John Lohman...he was going to suggest a person .... will be going out of 6ffice in This represents only a reeson~bly accurate transcription of the Iowo City council meeting of February 13, 1995. W8021395 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 11 two months .... Idea was a lot of students live in apartment buildings. Kubby/ .... Horow/'The Student Senate would feel an ownership in being involved Nov/ Kubby/ Horow/. Nov/ Could also have among the neighborhood tenants a University student ..... Throg/.'..I know when I mentioned stud~nts...some representation of the body of students that ~ive in the apartments in the area of the Near South Side. DavidsEn/ Let us contact John a~d mind. Kubby/ The~e. is no one here that someone..... he might have a good person in I would like to X off..~so add Davids~n/ So, add an Arts ~ouncil repgesentative. Nov/ This represents only a reasonably ~ccurate trmtsc~Iptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13,1996. WS021396 Februaz-y 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page 12 Whispering Meadows Public Housing Development 95-25 S2 Doug BOothroy/ I am asking you to set a p.h. for the 21st of February to consider the bids and specifications. We have been working on those doc,~ments for quite some time. We have them here for you tonight. You looked at the preliminary designs back in June '94. We really haven't changed the designs that much .... Before I bring those up...this has been over a year.~ coming...did approve the site location back in '93. The offer to purchase the land was executed in January of '94 and the reason...taken so long...the subdivision improvements including the utilities were not-finally installed until late December and it was not possible to provide the necessary legal. paperwork to HUD assuring them that the utilities were in place ..... We have received today approval of our design plus the proposal which means that within a week we should get our ACC which is our Contributions Contract signed and we will be able to move forward buying the land ..... Jim and Ilene are here .... show elevations...answer any questions about the bids .... Plans will be available February 22 for people to pick .up...open bidding process...a competitive bidding process .... due back in the City Clerks Office March 21...we hope that we 'get some bids ..... 1,000 sq. ft. house...well designed by HUD specifications..ospec book that is well over 200 pages .... Nov/ Are these' all duplexed and zero lot lined style? Boothroy/ No, they are mostly s.f. detached with some zero lot line. Kubby/ °..possible with a component home strategy. Boothroy/ Yes. Throg/ There weren't any notable changes? Jim Schoenfelder/ No. There are basically eight different models Boothroy/ Added garages .... also provides...extra depth garages for storage... Schoenfelder/ Variety of elevations ..... variety of looks... Kubby/ People from the neighborhood .... make sure they can see them Boothroy/ ...all about the same size .... This represents only a reasonably accurate trasactlptlon of the Iowa City council meetJig of Febtomy 13, 1995. WS021395 Februamy 13, 1995 . Council Work'Session Page 13 Nov/ Just so they don't look...all the same .... Booth~oy/ Here is a little bit different roof .... some of the zero lot line are detached... Schoen~elder/ Made so they can be together or detached .... Boothroy/ Kubby/ Two bedrooms? Boothroy/ Three and four. Schoenf91der/ Fours are 1,123...'. NOV/ Small rooms .... Schoenfelder/ .... Two that. are adaptive...others are.accessibie Throg/ Conversation we had about making interiors of the homes large.enough to be adaptive... Schoenfelder/ .... certain five foot turn around areas .... Booth~oy/ Dealing with small sq. footages .... Kubby/ Horow/ Great... Nov/ I have a question about you do a zero lot line with detached house. How much space... Boothroy/ It will have a five foot side yard on one side and a larger side yard. It just won't be on the lot line .... All have medal siding with medal flat windows .... Schoenfelder/ They all exceed the minimum energy cod~ .... 7'of them are solar-sun tempered space .... by orientation... Boothroy/ ...clients will benefit .... Kubby/ Boothroy/ Block grant also gave us some money, $30,000, for some landscaping .... This represents only a reasonably occurate transcdptlon of the Iowa City council me~tlng of February 13, 1996. WS021395 February 13, 1995 0 Council Work Session Page 14 Horow! Thank you very muoh. Boothroy/...this is on the consent calendar for tomorrow night .... Thlsreprespnteonly areasonablyaccurate ~anscrlpUon of t~elowaCItycouncllmee~ng of Febmaryl3, 1995. W8021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 15 CEBA/Industrial Park Criteria 95-25 S2 David Schoon/ You have a memo for you .... Arkins/ We tried to put together a memo that directs general questions about Industrial Park... identifies what you need for a policy discussion about it .... Two separate issues .... Horow/ Helpful if we addressed the bottom line for this .... question of whether or not we have a goal to assure an adequate amount of land zoned general industrial ..... move on that because it tells me that we then look at the specifications of that particular zone .... Kubby/ The difference may be whether there is public moneys involved .... Might be some things we want to change in the code so that wherever there is industrial zoned land that is privately developed at these values ..... in our community...another set of criteria if there is public moneys involved. Horow/ I saw that as another layer over the general need .... Throg/ I think it would be helpful to have more industrial land for good quality industrial jobs. Lehman/ I agree. Kubby/ I thinkwe are all nodding. Horow/ Okay, we have got that. Let's move on to the next one because that to me ..... county Board of Supervisors .... always very helpful what is allowed in the zone ..... Throg/ At this point I think I want to diverge. And I think...key point...city funding involved to fill or promote the use of industrial park...if the substantial amount of city money would be involved then...criteria come into play .... get them out on the table. One is...The industrial development that we promote needs to be sustainable and I mean that both in terms of sustainable to the local eco-system and to the local economy. The second general criteria for me would be the businesses that are attracted there or that we seek to attract there provide good quality Jobs and good benefits packaged for employees. So the first criteria for me m~ans that at least three things: 1-Supporting businesses that would help local businesses and residence use non-renewable natural resources more efficiently. Energy being the prime example .... 2- That This represents only a reasonably accurate trans~ptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page we encourage-support businesses that would produce goods and services that are needed by local businesses or used as imports by local businesses. 3-We would support businesses that would treat waste as an input .to some other business .... ~ry to minimize waste production as ah input somewhere else. Horow/ I kind of enjoy looking at it this way ..... get the feeling from this council...that encourages rather than prohibits 2 .... in a positive way ..... Really is a dilemma .... seen.as a restriction and a negative .... sensitive about the language that gives a feeling that this council is encouraging and not restricting .... Let's detail it a little bit more. how would you do this. Kubby/ I have had an idea ..... Throg/ That is micro managing, Sue, you are asking me- Horow/ Theoretical discussion. Kubby/'I think has done a really good job .... sustainable ..... I sent an article around .... locality...sustainability .... I have talked a few times about saying what are characteristics of businesses that we want to be here. See what that list of characteristics are, go out into the market place of organizations that are ~xpanding...relocate...local businesses or people from the outside who meet that picture .... Go out and approach those people... we want you to come here ...this is what we have to offer you ..... that meet that vision .... If we said this is our vision ..... Exciting shift for ICAD. Atkins/ I think we have prepared them for that .... conversations with ICAD staffo..we are likely to come up with some sort of a policy position for an industrial land...type of industry ...As you recruit we expect these to be.... the guiding principles .... What our expectations are .... Kubby/ . .... they go to area shows or business fairs...they are kind of there... Atkins/'I think they have to change that strategy ..... here is what we would like to see you do .... I expect you to research the types of'industries that are identified in this policy... you make the contacts .... It is a different tactic they have not undertaken in the past ..... I thinkwhat I am hearing from you all...we want you to isolate in on certain select industries This represent; only 8 roaconahly accurate ~mn$crlpt~on of the Iowa C~ty coun~l mactZng of Fobrua~,y 13, 1995. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 17 Nov/ Arkins/ I. don't think they do the serious recruiting that I hear what.you are saying..~. Horow/ ...2It really does take time..% Pigott~ I was just looking at Jim's list of what he meant by sustainability..... none 'of these criteria limits 'their search. It gives them sort of a guideline · CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-26 SIDE 1 Nho are - the suppliers .... goods used .by local businesses. J.which of these were really particular good in using renewable resources .... For those reasons I like Jim's categorization to sust~inabie...; guiding. Nov/ Pigott/ There must be those sorts of companies out there .... draw up a list and you go actively recruiting ..... ' Lehmah/Are we looking at two categories: One set of criteria if we are using public moneys and another set of criteria is we are not. Horow/. Leb/nan/ Without public moneys- Horow/ ;~at do you do with the developer is not into creating a business. Rather creating the climate and the infrastructure for that business ..... person who wants to purchase the land ..'..build a spec buildi~g.... Kubby/ Public moneys...inf~astructure 0F tax abatement...CEB~..~. Horow/ Lehman/ Not so sure there couldn't be an intermediate level ..... Much less than what we are talking about with public moneys Kubby/ For me the. issue when public money is involved..~whether it This represents.only a reasonably accurate transcdptton of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 18 is money for infrastructure...or tax abatement or whether it is a signature on a CEBA grant...all the same .... It is the presence of absence of public dollars .... Lehman/ There is a certain value of having the building already built ..... Kubby/ Lehman/ So there might be some minimal incentive on the part of the city to see a developer put up a spec building ..... There might be a certain incentive that we offer...for building this building ..... The city might give him some incentive to do it. Nov/ ..... Horow/-I was considering that even putting in that road and sewer line would be...public moneys .... would be .... I would like the city to cooperate with me on that .... Lehman/ Maybe we can give you a tax abatement until you rent it .... Horow/ At least I want your road and sewer .... Kubby/ If you do that the business that goes in has to meet the criteFia .... Lehman/ That is giving too much.'' Nov/ Schoon/ The question...trying to separate the two questions: industrial park criteria and public financial assistance c~iteria. Can the council look at providing additional industrial park land in the community. To have it available in 'terms of a developer ..... To have land that is ready that when someone comes to town that it is ready for them and they can purchase the land...A goal then is to have the cost of the land and those infrastructure improvements paid for .... we are Just making it available and hoping to recoup the cost of making it available. Kubby/ If the true costs of all the infrastructure is included in the price of the land then that might sound interesting to me...My experience is we buy land expensively and we sell it cheaply...oI don't know how we can guarantee that those true costs are going to be in there ..... This represents o~ly a reasonably accurate trm~scrlptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page'19 Nov/ ...Do we want to rent the land and include the tap on fees in the rent? Atkins/ You have to say that is a for~ of public assistance writing down that land. I don't think there is any doubt...write down the value of that land .... variety of goals that get figured into in making that decision .... Schoon/ ...public financial assistance criteria comes into criteria .... Kubby/ ...long -term returns...that is the benefit to the communbty....in exchange for that I expect something more from the entities.that move into that position in the industrial park. Horow/ What do we think about in terms of the city'and the county going together...? Arkins/ One of the questions we have for you is what is the counties role in this ..... What I have heard the county say is this industrial zoning is a good idea, go get them city. Kubby/ .... the only answer was we will supply the ideas .... Horow/' The very very beginning...they have not...they have prolonged the process of zoning so we all get a chance to discuss this...Their Zoning Commission could zip right now and for residential .... Nov/ The'current zone is residential...the developer can ask for a change to industrial...and allow a change to industrial .... Atkins/ I would ask Karin is that reasonable to expect that land wo~ld be built residentially? Franklin/ It could be but we have plat approval and that is a very heavy hammer to have. We have to sign just as well as the county does..... The only thing...rezone it to RFBH and do a mobile home park and then w~ wouldn't have review of the park. We would have review and comment on the rezoning for all that is worth.... Nov/ If we had plat review...could not say-we don't want this to be a residential plat. Franklin/ I don't know. We have always taken the position that once Th~represmlts only areasonablyeccur~e ~ans~rlptfonof ~elowa Citycouncil mee~g of Fe~-dm-f 13,1995. WS021395 - February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 20 it is zoned there are certain rights on that property...~.. Nov/ Request here to change to residential. Frankl!n/'It is currently residential. The req~/est was to change it to commercial to put in a convenience store....two different commercial zoning requests. County has indicated .that they would support...industrial zoning there and would like to see that zoned industrially ..... not clear...county or within the city...want it to occur within the ctty with municipal sewer and water as opposed to some kind of septic systems. Atkins/ Leap...'discussing what we will do if they don't. They have said they want to be a partner in it .... fit it into our policy~ take it back to them to see what they have to say. Kubby/ .... zoning before we are finished so it is saved for that purpose. Atkins/ That may be just the action you go through and frame this policy in some very general terms... one of the things that you have said is you want industrial land. I would have no trouble going back to the county ~mmediately and saying we wodld like this rezoned industrial, here is where we are with this policy, you want to be a player in the game, we need you to fezone the thing. Franklin/ Yes. You also could talk with property owners in this area defined as future industrial expansion and see if they are amenable at this point to voluntary annexation and you zone it and we can do an ID until the infrastructure is in place. Kubby/ If we are going ahead with these discussions...in the city and the city providing $40,000 per acre infrastructure investment, that we have to .have this discussion about criteria before we start talking .... . Franklin/ ...one approach that you could take is that if there is no investment of public funds....whatever is in the zone is what will prevail .... there is a scenario in which you could annex and zone and not invest any public money in it until it met your schedule of'capital improvements ..... Kubby/ As long as people understand...that if there is any public investment ..... if you meet this criteria you get tax abatement .... I thought it was for industrial as well.... I ~,lsrepresen~ onlyareason~lyeccu~e~s=lpfion~elowaC~tyco~lme~lngofFebrua,./13.199§. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 21 want to add tax abatement...I am okay on not settling on criteria.tonight because it is too big to do in one night. But those are- Horow/ Kubby/ Do we have any legal basis if there are no publlo moneys involve to say only certain kindsof businesses can come ...? Atkins/ Probably not .... Nov/ Could say we prefer to-encourage this kind of business or that and we can go out and assist that. Kubby/ We can still give direction to'ICAD and the Chamber...about what we want to see .... Atkins/ One of the early decisions would be to get to th~ county to get it zoned industrial as soon as possible. Franklin/ 'I think the position the county has ..... some members of the Board of Supervisors have taken is that they Want to work out the zoning with the property owner and I know there is a reluctance on the part of one of the property owners to develop it industrial in the city. Arkins/ If we.can get both of the propssties rezoned industrial that furthers our case even mo~e ..... see what we can work out with them .... Changes the character .... Kubby/ Question...either 'or both...interested in being zoned industrial if there is infrastructure ...by city or county.. Arkins/ One of the property owners has that agenda. One of the other propert? owners wants to sell the land.... Franklin/ Atkins/ One wants to sale land. and prefers it to be converted... industrial .... Kubby/ .... they need to know about'the criteria on the front end Arkins/ One of the property owners I don't think is even going to be concerned about criteria. They want to sell land. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcdpgon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. W8021396 Februpry 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 22 Horow/ Dilemma...participatory action of these criteria that people...are a little bit leery of this... If w9 achieve the underlying' industrial zone, that is helpful .... .encourage rather than inhibit this owner in terms of his being interested in the zone.' Nov/ Also somebody there who said they Wanted a small part of it to be commercial. Is there any objection to having some part of it being commercial a%ong the highway. Atkins/'Yes. Franklin/ I think we have to think v~ry carefully about that and circumscribe what that Commercial development would be. There may be some possibility there...drainage ditch that comes right through it...Talked about putting some commercial right there along Scott Blvd. between the drainage ditch and the sidewalk ..... So I think there are some things .... may be some advantages to having some commercial to serve the industrial development .... Throg/ ...legal requirement...DNR related to the sewage treatment plant having to do with the Snyder Creek water shed...I don't know the details. Atkins/ I-think Rick knows about that...obligation... Rick Fosse/-The DNR's specific concern was the wetlands...between Bon Aire and Waste Water Treatment Facility ..... (refers to map) Throg/ The ultimate drainage pattern might alter the wetlands downstream .... I am sure Sandy would bring that up if he were here. NOV/ ...o Kubby/' Horow/ In terms of how this is presented, the county would have the same Situation to deal with the DNR that the city would. Fosse/ The county'received a grant from the EPA and that is where that obligation came from..... they were concerned at the time primarily about the impacts of development right in the immediate area thou,Fh .... didn't talk about far away things .... This represents only a ransonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1985. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 23 Throg/ Horow/ I want the perception of the city not to be one that we keep piling on specifications on this ...... this would -happen whether it Was in the city or the county... Kubby/ ...criteria...opens up exciting possibilities of a different way of doing business. Horow/ Kubby/ Let's figure out what these are and lets sell them that way Throg/ ...... I guess I am wondering whether we might ask staff to put a short concept paper together that would attempt to put some flesh on the- bones of the three specifics about sustainable economy that I suggested right at the stars of thig discussion .... More like the first one is help local businesses use non-renewable natural resources more efficiently ...... think of a firm that manufactured inefficient .devices .... Then another is produce goods and 'seN. vices needed by local businesses. What are major inputs to local businesses right. now that are currently being heavily imported from outside the community. Is there some way of producing some of those imports here. Horow/ Then the last one was the waste like the'plastic bottling company. I think that would be helpful...I need to give ideas in terms of what the city is looking for for the industrial park. Pigott/ Jim...the other was good quality jobs and good benefits .... CEBA rules have changed .... we ought to think about:that too. What kind of wage rates are we looking for and promote that ..... the kind of benefits we want to see businesses provide as well ...... Throg/ Connects to affordable housing, too. Kubby/ In terms of being specific in some of the q%%esti0ns that Sue and I put together...specifics, some real specifics ..... from the specifics we become more broad .... We have to start the conversation somewhere. Horow/ ...take a look at them and eliminate those or.modify them or meld them together .... This represents only a reasonably accurate trans= ptlon of thB Iowa City council .meeting of February 1.3, 1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 24 Kubby! For me...evenings where we Just talk about one topic,'we get lots of really great work done and this is a big enough thing that...we need a night where this is what'we talk about and maybe that is in April...May. Atkins/ ~f you would like to go through those, mark them up, send them back to us, we will collect your thoughts .... and prepare something that comes from that. David has finished the final final final draft of the Economic Development Policy that you had sent us back to do. That might be the way of incorporating a lot of these issues into that one evening of discussion. I assume this is the kind of thing you probably wantto do right away...send them back in a week .... scribble on it .... You pick the date. We were going to send the economic development policy out .... If you could do that...You also want us to talk to the county about the zoning, preserving the land and doing some of the more sort of routine f~ctions while this is underway so we are not losing any time° And when they ask about criteria I will simply say it is in the process of being developed. And there are two property owners .... Hor~w/.Are you going to be around spring break, Ernie. .... (March) 20th. Atkins! Our end, I am sure, we can have finished by that time .... Sohoon/ So you are sending comments'on the criteria. Does this ~nclude what is coming back to them on the 20th include the short concept paper on sustainable. Atkins/ Yes, you want to write up something such as that, yeah; These are. willing to be drafts because you want to work these things through anyway. S~hoon/ one other question, the term investment of public funds. Does that mean if the city purchases...land for an industrial park, is that considered ~n investment of public funds. Pigott/ Absolutely. Schoon/ If we tried to recoup the cost of the project. Kubby/ If total true costs are gotten back I would say no .... Atk~ns/ I hear what you have to say. Schoon/ ... represents only a reasonably accurate ~'ansc~lptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of Febma~/13, 1995. WS021395 February-13, 1995 Council Work Session Kubby/ If we buy.land, we don't'get our costs back. Page 25 Horow/ Okay. Atkins/ When yo~ get the criteria yourself you are going to do. Horow~ Right. back to us. What did you tell One week? End of February. Atkins/ Two weeks. Nov/ One of the interesting criteria in the CEBArules is you have to meet a certain wage level'but they include all wages except agriculture...government and for Iowa City government is a bog part of it. For Johnson County particularly. Horow/ Anythin~ eise .... March 20, 6:30 PM ...... tentative .... Thlsreprasen~.on~ a reasonably accu~e ~anscrlp~onof~elowa Ci~coun~l mae~ngofFebruary13,1995. W8021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 26 CDBG ~1ood Money 95-26 Sl Horow/ CDBG Flood Money, Marianne. Milkman/ (Heartland Candles) I think I can tell you the first thing about it is the current facility on the south end of town is not in the city limits. It is off the Isaac Walton Road and it is just outside this .... Arkins/ We just got this this afternoon. Milkman/ Mike Richards is in Madison today and he called me ..... actual address...it is not .... In the memo we gave you four basic alternatives. The first one is th~ purchase of the Showers Estate...flood plain land on the Showers Estate. I brought along the map. (Refers to map) ...... We need this green part for the sewer .... blue part in here is flood plain and that is the part we are talking about acquiring with flood moneys ..... Throg/ ...we haven't discussed it for about six months... Woito/ The preliminary appraisal is in. Milkman/ We have notified all the tenants and owners down there .... that the city is working;..owner wished to sell the land and the city is interested in possibly buying it. We have had the land appraised .... properties on it appraised .... folks own the property that they live in but lease the land .... nothing has been purchased .... This will definitely be purchased .... talking about the blue part (refers to map). Nov/ All. of it is flood plain. Milkman/ No. (Refers to map). Throg/ Milkman/ ..real guess what demolition and clean up will co~t...when we buy flood plain land we have to clean it up. We have to take out the ' infrastructure .... Nov/ Is there a need to have all the clean up done by August...? Milkman/ We need to purchase, we need to have...cost of clean up...agreements with all the tenants for...relocate. They do not have to relocate by then .... The people who love down This represanto only a reasonably accurate ~'anscrlpfion of the Iowa City counc{I meeting of February 13, 1995. W8021396 February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page 27 there,,,the volunteer part is the owner of the whole land who wants to sell it, Milkman/ ,,,we agree when we buy the property that we are going to clear it and live it as open space .... Kubby/ .... Milkman/ We can sit on the money for a number of years, seven, but...it has to be committed... Nov/ Milkman/ A9reement would have to be signed, The~e would have to be a dollar figure on it,- Kubby/ .Conceptually,,, Pigott/ Seems like a really complicated process,,, Atkins/ Easiest is clearly buying unimproved flood plain land and the second is to finance the capital projects,,,storm related,,, we can make those happen the fastest way ..... Nov/ Throg/ To take a different point of few,,,hard for me to picture a more consistent use of flood moneys'than helping people move out of Showers Estates ..... Nov/ Place to put them can be delayed,,,agreement signed by August, Throg/ .... how many? Milkman/ 15, Throg/ .... at least half the people .... we could probably work out agreements with .... Pigott/ ,,,what happens if you get half the agreements,,,? what do you do in that case? Milk~.an/ And what do you do three years from now when you can't relocate somebody .... This represents only e reasonably accurate tmn$crfptlon of the Iowa CIW council meeting of February 13, 1996. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 28 Horow/ Totally agree .... can't guarantee getting them out within this period of time. Kubby/ Moving onto another idea .... Nov/ This idea with this time' limit doesn't seem reasonable. I agree with Jim that it is the logical first consideration because we can move people out of the flood plain .... Next consideration...is storm water improvements. Lebnnan/ In Showers Addition, people own their structures but they lease the property. What kind of leases? Kubby/ Month to month. Lehman/ ...30 d~ys...if we purchased the property we could tell them-they have 30 days to leave.. ~ .. Kdbby/ There is a variety of hunky funky things down there. Leknman/ Woito/ There is an appraisal on all of them. Milkman/ That is an approximate figure that we have. Leb/aan/ Milkman/ C~ANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-26 SIDE 2 Arkins/ Salvage value is what you are saying. Woito/ You would have to argue that with the appraiser and that wasn't his take on it at all. Lehman/...Think the Public Works project with the elimination of the elevation of Dubuque Street .... Pigott/ Question of whether you can get those agreements. Lehman/.. ~they only have a 30 day lease. Mil~a~an/ HUD doesn't care about what kind of lease .anybody has. They say you have got to have a legally binding agreement. This represqnts only o reasonably accurate t~'ansmtptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. W$021396. February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 29 if we can Throg! Do we have any flexibility here...? wondering .basically transfer funds? Atkins/ We had intended to fund both of those projects, as I recall, by debt. And I am not sure we could borrow to do the -Showers project. I would have to check that. I understand your point ..... I would have to ask bond counsel on that. Kubby/ ...talk about the Down Payment Assistance Program .... I am not quite sure-I don't understand ..... why can't we have the money encumbered for...bya non-profit organization who would ~dminister a down payment assistance program for peopl~ with certain income criteria..... Milkman/ I have called HUD about this and Omaha wasn't 'willing to make a decision on this and passed it on to Washington .... Kubby/ Milkman/ One thing here and that. is if you are just doing it for people who are now in the flood plain to give them an opportunity to move out. You have got to have some idea of how many people this would be .... Kubby/ I am thinking of having a program...where anyone could apply...If you are a flood victim you have high priority and you don't have to meet any criteria .... open to the general public .... Franklin/ The only thing I can think of why there is more of a question on this is the nexus between the progrant and the people .... With down payment assistance program...nebulous whether people would change their life style.... Kubby/ Franklin/ Limitations are the spaces that are available and the homes that are available. Pigott/ Franklin/- Kubby/ Franklin/ We are trying to get the answer from Washington ..... T.hls reprosents only 8 ~,e~sonabl¥ eccumt. tfens~ptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of Febmap/13. 1996. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 30 Lehman/ Is there anything to prevent someone else from moving into their space which does absolutely nothing as far as the flood plain. Franklin/ That was true with Greenview, too....other thing with greenview was the other units being provided .... here you wouldn't necessarily have any affect on the number of units...on people vacating the flood plain. Throg/ I can imagine some people...were anticipating the opportunity to move .... no idea how many .... so it struck me that maybe trying to put some relatively small amount of money into a down payment assistance program would be a fair way to respond to that ..... maybe 10%. Milkman/ Technically there is a real problem with doing that .... We know that the affected people...majority of them are in Thatcher and Baculis .... if we ask them .... everybody gets up to $10,000 .... for whatever formto relocate and they say (~ay but I want to take my home .... where can I take it. At this point we can't tell' them where they'can take it in Iowa City... Kubby/ ...Here we would have the money encumbered to this non- profit .... money is encumbered .... don't know exactly where they are going to move to .... I would like us to put $75,000 to that p~lq~ose, not Just to flood plain victims...they get first ckack at it and to hear the answer from Washington. Nov/ ...Rather go to the Showers Addition. Horow/ I cannot support that in terms of knowing there is very little place for them to move out .... Throg/ Horow/ I want not want to give expectations to people by giving them down payment assistance .... Kubby/ Horow/ Kubby/ Not for th~ reasons that you are saying. Horow/ ....The flood moneys right now I can't support that. Kubby/ .... tryihg to do something that create different housing Thlsrepresen~ onlyareasonably a=curate ~anscrip~on of~elowa CiW ooundlmee~ng of Febmary13,1995. W8021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 31 options for people .... Not creating ore units...0reating opportunities for lots of people in Iowa City ..... Horow] Looking at what we have in the city .... You are going to have to go outside of Iowa City. Pigott/ .... Horow/ Lehman/ I think a combination of Public Works and Showers Addition Kubby/ Lehman/ We are going to have to do this at some point anyway. Kubby/ Lehman/ Woito/ We stand to relocate some of them...valued at $25,000...they have to be worth... Nov/ If those people won their structures .... Kubby/ If you own your property currently and you go from owning to having to make mortgage payments again...which some'people down there do...different economic position. Pigott/ Showers talk is ridicules% We are just not going to be able to cobble that sort of stuff together in time...beating a dead horse there ..... Down payment assistance program and some combination of Public Works Kubby/ I would like to do $7§,000 i~ a down payment assistance program that would be administered by a local non-profit and the rest for the public works projects...prioritize ..... Milkman/ We have talked to a couple of people...have to open it up Throg/ ...$75,000 to downpayment- Kubby/ And the rest to Public Works...have to prioritize those projects..... This represents Oltly a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of Febma~/13, t995. W$021395' February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page ~2 Milkman/ Are you thinking of a down payment assistance program that is open to anybody regardless of income if they live in the flood plain .... even then...this is only down payment assistance and they have to go and get q-~alified for a mortgage ...? Horow/ I would like to find out whether there is support here .... for down payment assistance program. Throg/ For $75,000 I do. Nov/ No. Horow/ I am not supportive of where Larry is on this .... to see .... this .... got 3/3 and I don't know Public Works Projects... hold off Pigott/ Throg/ If we forget about Dubuque Street...there is $780,000. Horow/ If Dubuque Street is the entrance to our water plant isn't that something we need to get .... Milkman/ Speaking as a citizen .... Arkins/ Larry...out of town,... Throg/ If we exclud~ Dubuque Street we got $780,000...don't do down payment program we got $1.2 million...means we got $420,000 to commit...got to add something else. Milkman/ ..undeveloped land...to keep flood plain land from being developed .... Arkins/ Okay on Public Works. Projeots. Didn't sense support for Dubuque ..... if we can get some go ahead from you on those...get out the contracts.'.. still leaves...$420,000 money for Showers .... moneys for Down payment assistance'~ 'some kind and there also the undeveloped land... peninsula · ... prefer selling the whole thing .... some projects that you can agree on ..... Lehman/-Do you know what that property will cost us...? Atkins/-We can find out .... Thisrepresents only areasonably eccur~e Vanscdpdon of thelowa Clty coun~lmee~ng of Febmary13,1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Cobncil Work Session Page 33 Pigott/ I prpfer a down assistance program...set aside... Horow/ Kubby/ I like the idea of using it in different ways. ~ublic Works... down payment assistance and purchase of undeveloped flood plain property ..... Thrc,g/ Ask a general question...undeveloped flood plain...how many parcels...one parcel... can you help me .... Milkman/ We have some little ones on Ralston Creek (refers to map) .....idea is to have a greenbelt .... court Hill Park goes through .... are some problems .... These are being figured at $20,000 per acre .... this. is just about an acre .... very rough estimate .... there is also a piece at Longfellow Manor...that is being filled already .... Throg/ How'serious is flooding in the sewer areas? Nov/ Serious... Arkins/ Throg/ Could you briefly characterize the severity Qf flooding on those. three project araas? Fosse/ Oakland/Grant... sanitary sewer surcharging into the basements over there ....ugly... South Gilbert Street ..... vulnerability in s~mmer of '93. High Street... good slides of that... serious problem... stormwater flow~ over ground ..... Kubby/ Previous list...Hafor Circle... Atkins/ Kubb¥/ Atkins/ You weren't able to get that doneby the August deadline as I recall. Nov/ We need by August deadline is firm commitment of bids .... not finished construction .... Fosse/ Need to award a contract .... Put in this funding component ..~. new administrative twist...requires more lead time... This represents only' 8 reasonsbly accurate t~an.ecdptlon of the Iowa City council meetlng of February 13, 1996. W$021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 34 Throg/ I would support those three and doing $75,000 in down pa~ent assistance p~ogram and remainder of purchasing undeveloped .... Milkman/ Down payment as~istance will depend on the answer Kubby/ Depends on Larry because we are at deadlock, too...- Throg/ ..... if $75,000 doesn't go...goes to acquisition. Horow/ Right...~ [Break: 8:40 PM] This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of Februafif 13, 1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page :{5 Airport Hangar Bid 95-26 S2 Ron O'Neil/ The second time we went out to bid this building. We got two bids .... low bid being $250-...hopefully say we should still proceed. Kubby/ Will the rent on the hangars reflect that increase in cost? O'Neil/ I talked with Don about this .... will be paid through an interdepartmental loan. It is going to take longer to pay it back. - Kubby/ That is one option. O'Neil/ You could raise the rents but then...then you are no~ going to rent them... Kubby/ There is such high demand for them .... get a better price. O'Neil/ In theory. Pigott/ Where is the break point...? Kubby/ What is Cedar Rapids? O'Neil/ We would have four buildings and each one of them, the hangars are different prices and Cedar Rapids fluctuates like that also. Pigott/ What kind of a market is this .... monopoly...? Horow/ How much longer will Iowa City Flying Service will have this contract? O'Neil/ All the other T-hangars are full and they have a waiting list of three or four at any one time .... I have a list of 18 'people that had expressed interest in renting a hangar ..... I know we will fill it up. Lehman/ The question is will it cashflow. O'Neil/ Yes, in the life cycle of a building it will more than cashflow. Horow/ ...cost of repairs can be built into the charge for the hangar. o'Neil/ our oldest building is 1960 .... 35 year old building that Thls represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the lows City council mee~9 of Februm-/13, 1995. W$021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 36 has had little to no maintenance whatsoever. It is a pole building .... simple structure. Kubby/ We are going to be spending a bunch of money at the airport ...this is a small part of it .... airport is actively looking for more way~ to generate funds .... more self supporting .... This is one place .... if we are only market out there ..... O'Neil/ It is difficult...comparables...hangars...last one we built was in '76.....We are going to charge $125- Talking with Cathy .in purchasing...we weren't going to get any better bids.... Throg/ Ernie help me out here...inclined to charge as much as we could .... look around to what other people are charging... O'Neil/ The people that I have talked to that is the range that they are talking .... You can go to Tipton .... get hangars for $75 ..... Throg/ They want to be flying out of Iowa City .... Nov/ Can we get some idea of how many people this is going to accommodate ...? how many airplanes... each of the buildings is ten...? O'Neil/ (Refers to plan). Throg/ How do you choose who to rent to...?Why wouldn't we have an auction...? ask them to put in bids. O'Neil/ I suppose you could do that .... public service .... Lehman/ Key is paying for itself and getting a fair market price .... Should get a fair market price .... Kubby/ ...is it reasonable within the same time frame we had before .... and the rent has to reflect that extra money ..... Lehman/ What pay off period.~.? O'Neil/ 16.7 years...with this bid on...40 year building...% 16 years would pay it back.-... Lehman/ Atkins/ Depreciation...number of variables..... intended to sell debt ..... come up with a number .... We will do an internal Thlsrepresen~onlyareaeonably eccur~e ~an$~p~on of thelowaCltycoun~ mee~ng ofFel~umyl3,1996. W$021396 February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page 37 service loan .... building certainly has a life of 35-40 years .... that debt would b~ repaid at 16.7 years...make it anyway you want .... You. have an opportunity cost there that is lost....We charge interest .... Question is this is a public facility .... you have somewhat different set of criteria... We will show it on our fixed asset inventory. Nov/ If we are talking about rent as fair market rent... Why are we .renting the other hangar spaces at lower than market rent. 0~Neil/ Actually the others ones are the market rent...~newer building .... Nov/ And they would not pay the $125 if the space were vacant in an older building. 0'Neil/ That is something we don't know because' the T-Hangar space has been full. Kubby/ More important...cost per sq.ft .... is that with the estimated cost or low bid cost. 0'Neil/ That is rent cost per foot. Nov/...It has fewpr sq.ft .... 0'Neil/ ...They are individual garages. Arkins/ Could we condominiumize it? We would sell the space... 0'Neil/ Atkins/ If we were to do it by way of condominium then the individual owning that space has the ability to sell it, lease it .... providing the ground, the dirt for which the building sits on.... Nov/ Atkins/ It is one building. Woito/ You would have to have some assurance that it was continuance use as an airport to satisfy the feds, right? Arkins/ Kubby/ I am a little confused why the price per sq.ft is the same This ;eprasents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. WS021395 February 13~ 1995 Council Work Session for this new hangar as for an older T-hangar. - Page 38 Atkins/ We choose to do that. Kubby/ ...I don't want to get into the details. I want the sq.ft price to be ore than $1.40 .... I think you pay -more for a new apartment .... People in new apartment buildings pay more for a unit .... Arkins/ O'Neil/ We can ask for a higher rent .... if they don't rent... dilemma ..... Horow/...why don't we try this. Let the rent reflect the costs of the construction .... higher than the old building .... O'Neil/ ...$167 a month .... Lehman/ I am not sure ten years is realistic .... O'Neil/ ... Kubby/ ~{ow much does it cost to rent a storage space of the same amount of space... ? Wdito/ Mini-storages are very expensive. Kubby/ Throg/ .... we not be subsidizing the rents. That is the only thing I care about. 0'Netl) 1%hink $125 is 'right at the top of what the market would bear and do we want to provide a service to Iova City .... There is some spin off factors that would be beneficial .... Lehman/ 0'Nell/ In talking with Don Yucuis...thought this was a workable project. Horow/ Let's go with it. 0'Neil/ If you have any questions...if you want to call me tomorrow This represents only a reasonably accurate tronscdW]on of the Iowa City uouncll meeting of FabruMy 13, 1995. W6021395 February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page 39 Horow/ Bring it up to the Commission. Tell them the discussion that took place...change their mind... O'Neil/ As far'as-setting the different fees or whatever. Horow/ Right. O'Neil/ ...I talk to them individually...they will probably recommend it ..... Horow/ ..feeling among oouncil..we would like the price to reflect cost..There is no problem wi.th the resolution. O'Npil/ ...It will be paid back.... Kubby/ If the market is out there ...... service that does not directly benefit the majority of Iowa City- CH~GE TAPE T0 REEL 95-27 SIDE 1 Horow/ You have got your charge. O'Neil/ Whole airport is in the flood Dlain .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. WS021396 Februa~] 13, 1995 . Counoil Work Session Page 40 Council Agenda/Time 95-27 S1 13. (Agenda #12- Evaluating impact of silurian aquifer development) Arkins/ Representatives from the USGS to talk to us..if you have questions on that. Kubby/ My first one is really for the council..timing... options .... Do we want to make those decisions before we say yes we want.to look at the silurian .... I would feel most comfortable doing this after we have made decisions about what form our water plant is going to take ..... Pigott/ ....One of the things...important for us to look at this HOrOW/ Kubby/ Making the assumption...problem I have is the wording in the resolution saying we have determined the use of the silurian aquifer is necessary and desirable. I haven't come to that solid of a determination ..... Schmadeke/ If we want to minimize the use of river water then I think use of the silurian .... Kubby/ I guess I am close to that conclusion .... since we haven't had a discussion yet... Pigott/ Woito/ We can soften it up... Horow/ Is this a problem for the majority of council? Throg/ Softsping the language. Nov/ You just want to take out the word necessary. Kubby/ That would be fine. .... Nov/ Just is desirable ..... taking out "necessary and" ... Horow/ Take it out. Kubby/ My big question is more about money and why we are the only people doing this? Kind of seems like the whole county should be interested in these issues ..... This represents only · reason~ly .ccurate tmnscrliotion of the Iowa City council msetlng of FebmaW 13, 1995. WS021395 Febr~tary 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 41 Throg/ How does our pro9osed s'=udy relate to what Johnson County is considering. Ed Moreno/ There is another study that will be presented to JCCOG to look at the larger area...oovers the whole map.... And ours fits into that larger area .... our share... Kubby/ Documents say .... I am not saying county should pay for all 60% of that overlap...half of overlap... interested in contact the supervisors to see if 30% or 50% of the overlapped areas ..... co-funding .... Horow/ I am concerned about the timing of this whole thing ..... This could draq out .... Kubby/ Horow/ Kubby/ Let's say that JCCOG says no and we do this on our own...still don't have any information about Tiffin, Solon...how we are affecting. Horow/ Who else would do this...? Ed Moreno/ I don't think the state- Atkins/ .... I have not sensed an interest on the county's part...Chuck and I sent that well head program to them...they said we are not interested. Kubby/ What kind of legal obligations do we have if our pumping affects Tiffin, North Liberty or SOloh's water? Woito/ That is why we need to do' this. Kubby/ Lehman/ Woito/ It is a first step, Kubby/ Ed Moreno/ Woito/ I thinkwe need to hear from these gentlemen. Thlsrepresen~ only amasonablyaccurate ~anscdpdon of~e ~waCItycoun~l meodng ofFebmar/13,1995. W8021395 February 13, 1995 Council Work Session Page 42 Ed Moreno/ Coralville and North Liberty are drawing just as much water out of that aquifer as you would be .... Impacts of their wells on the total area would be hard to determine. KubbY/ Throg/...tell us how this study would interact with the other proposed study. How does it fit in or not fit in. Kubby/ Ed Moreno/ Let me preface what Bob is going to say and give background of this study. they are different studies. This .study is geared towards the pump study...specifically for the wells for the Iowa City project...JCCOG prop.osal is geared toward..data collection... is an overall modeling project. This is not modeling ..... It will be data collection that can fit inside of a larger amount of data collection that will go into some modeling .... Kubby/ Comments...says areas to be modeled... Bob Buchmiller/ With the USGS here in Iowa City .... try to answer any of your questions. Kubby/ Will this radius area tell us if we are affecting Tiffin, North Liberty and Solon? Buchmiller/My feeling in drawing this radius on this map... lifted from the proposal....done for greater North Corridor area .... approximately a three mile radius...typically when you make ground water withdrawals you make a cone of depression around the withdrawal...cone diminishes with distance..after you reach a certain distance there are affects but they are minimal .... Pigott/.How far out is that...? Woito/ You don't know until you have tested. Throg/ Does time have anything to do with that...repeatedly of depletion should have something to do...? Buchmiller/ Ther~ are time draw down considerations...aquifer tests you want the system to come to equilibrium...idea of time it is taking. This ropresents ~nly o reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1995. W8021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 43 Woito/ Quantity over time is what you are talking about, right? Throg/ I have not idea how large the pool of silurian water is .... I don't know how rapidly it is replenished .... If it is being depleted more rapidly than it is being replenished, it .is being' drawn down as a whole. I assume that is what the modeling is all about ..... If we deplete too rapidly then the whole pool will be gradually be drawn down .... Buchadller/ To try to rephrase it is that the draw down cone of the well will expand until that cone captures enough water to supply that. well...the inflow equals the outflow....what will happen is the draw down cone will expand until it either captures enough water the feeling that we have is the river is on contact ~h the silurian....draw down may actually capture water from the river...alluvia1... from the water table .... once it captures that water the cone will not get any bigger...this proposal did not deal with quantifying where those sources are .... that is what the model proposal was geared towards .... The main focus of this proposal is to look at changes that are occurring in the local system near the well field and what they are attributed to .... Kubby/ 'So if we have monitoring wells that show we.are affecting wells at the edges of this circle..may need to broaden that circle... Buohmi!ler/ .... it is basically my understanding is when you cause an adverse impact ..... Interested in wells that are causing adverse impact ..... What you would be interested in is the wells you are causing adverse affects...most likely to occur close in where the draw downs are occurring .... Lehman/ ...idea is to figure out how much water we can pump without adversely affecting .... Buchmiller/ And to create an unbiased data base for all part%es to see the water level changes .... Woito/ Which will be very helpful for us...question was raised whether we were using federal moneys...owed relocation costs to the Glasgows....from his home...Question of whether was triggered. I had a long conversation with the attorney for the Department of Interior and it is their opinion that this is not use of federal funds that triggered the relooation or the funds because this will be added to the data base access~e to the public at large ...information that is being This represents only a reasonably occursto transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of Februsty 13, 1995. W$021395 February 13., 1995 . . Council Work. Session Page 44 gathered for the Department of Interior. It will Just happen to help us in our own. data base .... Nov/ Is it going to be specific enough...wells adversely ~mpacted by Coralville and Iowa City or will they just know it is being adversely impacted without fixing the blame. Ed Moreno/ Part of the proposal was to inventory the other silurian wells that are being used in the area...coralville .... We have several observation ones .... be able to determine within the scope of the work where the effects are coming from..data is also going to be used in the analysis... Kubby/ ...doesn't that take some'interpretation...? Moreno/ Don't know that we would be making that interpretation...information that is gathered from this would be useful for that interpretation... Nov/ Concerned about the interpretation..2...I want us ~o be able to say it wasn'% the new Iowa City silurian well that caused. your problem. Can we do tha~. Kubby/. Moreno/ This will insist in the interpretation. It will he performed by a committee that has already been informed that includes USGS, Iowa geological Bureau, Johnson County health Department and ...Howard R. green...supporting the data collection..,. So USGS will assist in the interpretation as part of that committee .... also received numerous requests for information .... from ~olks in the North Corridor..:. also Lindpr Road .... That is how the interpretation will unfold Horow/ Nov/ They are not sure they are going to be able to interpret exactly whose well cause the depletion... Woito/ That is to their'charge...as a federal agency that is not their charge and frankly, ! don't want them doing that ..... Nov/ Woito/ From the base information we will be able to extrapolate that .... Tills represents only n reasonably accurate transcription of the !own City council meeting of Fe~. nm,-y 13, 1995. WS021395 February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 45 Kubby/...putting pieces of information together .... Woito/ I dontt thir~k it is that fine of science. This is an art .... Moreno/.... Lehman/ Without this we know absolutely nothing ..... Kubby/ I saw an article...1972...suggesting that this be done .... I really want to do this...cost is high .... chart that shows the active network wells...two new wells to be¢~rilled .... add those two .... extra money there .... Why do we have to collect data hi-weekly versus monthly ..... Moreno/ That would be an option .... bigger gaps... Woito/ I would not recommend that ..... Kubby/ Talking about a three year study ..... Lehman/ Kubby/ Other studies have been proposed at doing this monthly.... I am questioning it .... expensive...is it still good science Moreno/ Provide you...hydrograph from the University of Iowa Quadrangle Dorm well...goes back a few years .... shows the fluctuation of the water levels in the silurian at that well .....you can see there is a ¢yclacle change in that well... primarily caused by pumpage from the University for air conditioning .... use of ground water system...for air conditioning ....reducing the frequency of the data collection you stand an increased likelihood of missing those swings and peaks by doing it that way .... cycle fluctuations are caused by pumpage.... Pigott/ How long is that. pumpage period for...? Moreno/ This would be during the air conditioning season .... rapid response when the pumps .are turned on...off.o. If we are talking about non-air conditioning withdrawals... Pigott/ To be safe we would rather do it more often. Moreno/...proposed putting in two recording wells...mon!tor This represents only a reasond)ly occurate ~'eP-scrlptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 13, 1996. WS021396 February ~3, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 46 continuou~ly... built into the cost here ..... Wouldn't want to compromise that frequency at the beginning .... Kubby/ .... Most of ~he wells are active wells...what kind of information are you currently obtaining from those welis ...? Moreno/ Look in the column of present frequency of measurement. That is the information that we are colleoting. l. Kubby/ So ~e are only being charged for the increased monitoring of thbse wells... Morow/ Kubby/ ..... What would you do differently...isthere something that you can out for the proposal.that would still allow us to get .the information...? Moreno/ I don't thinkso. ooitems that are proposed are critical .... Nov/ ...It is important to know for the general public that we are doing this as early as we possibly can... Horow/ .... Thanks very much. NOV/ There is a well listed here on Black Spring Circle. How did that happen. .... one within the city limits...? Moreno{ We will hear from everybody .... I don't know...some of these...I say the same thing...We are just hearing from anybody and everybody ..... Schmadeke~ Lot of those. were from the farm house when it was subdivided ..... Horow/ Ed, are you looking for more? I have got one on either side of our house'and neither Of them are for air conditioning. Moreno/ The area that we are looking in isn't in that direction... This represents only a reasonably accurate tmhoct]ptlon of the Iowa City council meet]no of FebmaW 13, 1995. WS02139§ February 13, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 47 En~ineerin~ Division 1995 Projects-Capital Projects Review 95-27 Sl Fosse/ (Refers to overhead) Give an abbreviated vePsion...want to accomplish tonight. Just to inform you what is-What tonight is all about is just informyou of the projects.. constructed this summer .... expose you to some of the issues...decisions that will be facing you regarding these projects this summe~ .... look at 1996'and answer q~lestions... (Handout: Engineering Division 1995 Projects) ROI{RET ROAD. Will take every bit of this construction season to get it done .... Setting p.h. tomorrow night .... project promises to be to make some difficult times for people who live out there..° fast track...using...aggregate base which makes this less vulnerable to down time...Spend $6,000 on temporary walkways for the folks tha~ live out there.~.mandator¥ six day work week to help speed this project along... Aren't any tree~... 352 trees to be plan~ed....decisions...this proJect..realigning the intersection...traffic signal...not statistically warranted..hit you up later on the year...also be finishing up the pedestrian bridge this year. BURLINGTON/GILBERT INTERSECTION. This quite a · . is nasty intersection...last year...75 accidents, 34 personal injuries... average ao~ident about every 5 days...somebody gets hurt about every 11 days ..... associated with left turn movements .... Short window on construction season...get it done before the first football game .... Tomorrow night's agenda...utility companies will be responsible for some of those power poles...resolution...comm~tment to the concept...schedule of it .... one of the issues...money..olose those larger ash trees ...17 ~rees...and then these trees (refers to map/drawing) ... looked at doing an unsymmetrical widening .... Overhang on the Rec Center ..... stuck there .... there is not going to be enough room to put some trees back...(refers to drawing) ..~.. This is the library lot here...be redeveloping.~.make you aware of that...tomorrow night we are fixing the alignment and fixing the schedule for the project .... Throg/ Really going to be creating a sterile environment...° Fosse/ Do have a significant safety issue here...one of the things we need to balance .... Woito/ The old library parking lot...with New Pioneer or whatever Thisrepresents only a ~ona~,eccurate ~ans~lp~on of ~elowaCItycouncUmeedn9ofFeMumy13,1995. WS021396 February ~3, 1995 Council Work Session goes in there .... it goes that far back .... Page' 48 Fosse/ (Refers to drawing)...taking all but that last ash... Kubby/...goes to the bridge...together... Fosse/ As we looked into it...1ot to be said for doing them separately ..... DOT plans 'to replace that bridge next summer.... widening the bridge out....going to be a much longer duration than out intersection project...plan to do it half at a time .... .We can get in and out of that intersection this summer...intersection will be open next sum~er....bridge, things will be..one lane in each directton...flip floppingl... if we do them together, the DOT is looking tO us for some project administration and inspection duties .... disadvantage ...three prevailing reasons I see to get it done this year .... The intersection will be back together hopef~llybythe first football game .... while bridge work is going on things will s%ill function in that intersection .... sat downand Worked it through. Kubby/.I am also concerned about taking all that landscaping out and having nothing....what can we do to mitigate that...plans to start thinking about .... Fosse/ I have got the detail here (refers to drawing)...those nearest Burlington Streetwill ~e coming out..,.. really like to have six feet between the back of the curb and the sidewalk before you plant something .... hazard of having the trees that close .... Kubby/ Temporary plantings going south .... so that it is not'bare and not all conorete .... Fosse/ That we can look into ...... Kubby/ (Refers to drawing) Have some kind of plantings in this area Horow/ Best thing to do is look into it. I would also like to no if the utilities could be put underground. Fosse/ For a price...not obligated to put them underground...we can prioe that out.... Horow/ Thlerepresen~ only areasonablv acc~e ~ansctlp~on of tholowa CIw oounc~ meoUngofFebrumy13,1995. W$021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 49 Pigott/...how do you balance the safety issue versus this need to- Fosse/ I don't have good answers. We can look for opportunities during redevelopment .... . Throg/ What non engineering alternatives have you investigating .... to reduce the hazard? Fosse/ Eliminate left turn movements,,,sending them somewhere else .... too many cars using that intersection for its existing capacity,°,,, It is two major arterials in town and we don't have provisions for left turning lanes which are critical for safety aspects, Kubby/ If we approve this resolution,,,I would like us to ask staff to come up with some ideas .... landscaping .... to give u~ some options,,,whoever the appFopriate people are .... Throg/ Challenge is to find some way to make it still human for people to still be walking on the sidewalk ..... matter of design,,,DR Committee could b~ ~sked to look at that to suggest some mitigation possibilities .... Kubby/ Fosse/ Says the widening will be centered within the existing r,o,w,,states a schedule,,,gives the utilities the components they need to begin their plans for relocation,,,, with pedestrian issue,,,portions that have four foot wide sidewalks,,, need for six foot walks .... will be widening sidewalks out throughout'portions. on the project,,,, Throg/ ~edestrian really wants shade, ,interesting to look -~' Horow/ Fosse/ Strongest pedestrian movement is diagonal .... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-27 SIDE 2 Fosse/ Voting on it tomorrow night,,~, Nov/'How complex is burying electrical lines,,,since you are going to dig up the street anyway,,,? ?h~represents only are~onably accur~etmnsalp~onof~elo~aCItycoun~ mea~ngofFebmmy13,1995. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 50 Fosse/ That I don't have a good answer for you (refers to drawing)...anybody who has got a service off that needs to put in an underground servioe...rewiring back into the building .....I can get some prices on that if you wish .... Nov/ When you are digging up on each side of the road anyway .... Fosse/ .... replacement costs isntt doubled... Nov/ Where is your r.o.w. going to come...? Fosse/ (Refers to -drawing) ..... Nov/ Fosse/ We'are pinned in by the Reo.Cent~r at this 1ocation...cannot go any further east .... (refers to drawing). Lehman/ There is no sewer or water replacement. Fosse/ Storm sewer. MAIDEN LANE~ We split that into two phases...north half...not finished on the bridge...beam has some cosmetic cracks in it...not satisfied with ..... Kubby/ Unacceptable. Fosse/ If the person that does the patching...faced with a decision of forcing them to replace the bridge .... or look at some sort of deduct .... pay extra on the bridge for a nice looking product...no reason to compromise that with cosmetic cracks. Nov/ Fosse/ When that beam was reinforcing .steel...they cracks .... poured it was laying dow~...a11 stresses it...got they got those Kubby/ Go down and look .... Fosse/ ASPF~%LT OVERLAY PROGRAM. Coming up this summer. We haven't identified all the streets...arterials .... Joint project again with Coralville...add their street to ours...airpor~ and ih the cemeterj... CURB RAMP PROGRAM. Did some last year .... process of putting This represents only a roaso.ably accu;ate ttanscdptlon of the iowa City council rneetfng of Februarlr 13, 1995. WS021396 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 51 together plans for this summer's programs...picture of one of the curb ramps...dye those .... truncated domes are going away .... dark spot .... ROCHESTER SIDEWA?~. Turning the corner...forgotto specify an eight foot walk there so we are coordinating that with the property owners. SOCCER SITE ACCESS. Finishing up and also the access road for that,..got grading started on that. NORTH SUMMIT ALLEY GRADING PROJECT. Not on your list but we finally have all the easement on that .... OAKLAND/GRANT/CENTER. That has been a problem for a long time. There'are a couple of storm sewers draining into the sanitary sewer up therz...storm sewer on Clark Street (refers to map) HIGhLANDER.AREA LIFT STATION AND SEWER. That is a part of an obligation .... from a CEBA grant...have something bid by July ] .... studying just what is the best way to spend out there and upgrade the existing lift station improvements... SCOTT BLVDLIFT STATIONAND SEWER. Again...figure out where to put them...industrial park will impact the location of that lift station .... LAFAYETTe/RALSTON SEWERCROSSING REPAIR. Left over from flood of ~93 .... forgot about it last sua~ner...FEMAmoney. SOUTH RIVER CORRIDOR SEWER. Shown on the map... strong neighborhood benefits of this project is Highland Plum Street sewer .... and also down in the Sandusky area...able to relieve that problem as well...huge project .... putting in 96 and 84 inch pipes .... good soils..sand...peet...sticks...bugs... HIGH STREET/FAIRVIEW. Note the water running along the house .... neighborhood tried hard to keep the water out of the homes....Upstream of this water shed is at City High...good job...parking lot...storm water management...very responsive to the neighborhood. SOUTH GILBERT. Vulnerable to back water .... had some problems... (refers to map) .... valve and televise that° Sewer got added onto by non-cit~ forces .... KIWANIS PARK STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. This is a bridge that This ~presen~only areasonablyaccur~e ~ans~lp~onofthelowa Clty councllmee~ngofFebruary13,1995. WS021396 February 15, 1995 Council Work Session Page 52 Johnson County is rep. lacing .... latch onto it...pedestrian bridges out at Kwanis Park .... narrower it up...deck .... Can get the storm water management that we need utilizing the existing basin .... modifying and repairing them.... (refers to map).. .... SOUTH SYCAMORE STORM WATER I~AGEMENT. Preliminary phases of that...rolling along. :.hope to get some construction u~der way later on this summer on. that. SHAMROCK/PETERSON. (Refers to map)... the portion of the project left out.... there has been renewed interest in that... that may be facing you later on. Design concern is we may not have enough depth to get a big enough pipe in there .... Only option may be channel improvements through there versus enclosing it .... PARK ROAD. We have a collapsed storm sewer...causes that street to flood...street repairs at that time. SANDUSKY AREA STORM WATER. Right there (refers to map).. °never worked right...flooding around some houses...that project... don't know if we are going to get to it .... It is east of there...west of intersection of Pepper and Sandusky. LANDFILL NEW CELL .... new cell that is under construction...take soil out...make hole... construct your liner... better clays than we had on the east side...been able to-eliminate...Dentonire .... we will be able to construct our 'liner... After the liner is built you come back and put in the drainage layer... Phoenix had a dance at the dump to raise money .... LEACHATE LIFT STATION. Also 'new to build a new leachate lift etation...old one wasn't keeping up .... work with the DNRon that. EAST SIDE CAP. Also will be capping off the east side .... seeds and mulch. Kubby/ Any more poplar trees? Fosse/ Schmadeke/ Still gathering data .... planting them on the slopes...on top .... once the tree roots...started to die.... Thlsrepresen~onlyareasonably accmate ~anscrtp~onoftholowa CIty coun~l meetlngofFebmmy13,1995. W$021395 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Kubby/ Worthwhile to continue that program... Page 53 Schmadeke/ For erosion control .... Kubby/ Schmadeke/ They didn't have the leachate that we have. Nov/ Schmade~e! Fosse/ On to other projects: SCS STREAM BANK PROTECTION. We recently awarded...along crandic Park...inoludes work along City Park and along Dubuque Streets...~rainage improvements .... EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FOR THE IOWA RIVF~R POWER DAM. Experience serious scouting .... holes big enough you could stuff a cow in there .... make sure that we get to reserve that. Throg/ I once rode on my bike on top of that exhilarating .... roaring... spillway .... WHISPERING MEADOWS WETLAND PARK. Finish the physical improvement son that this spring...done the seeding...get seeding growing. Come back in '96 to plant the wetland plants .... they are coming in '96 .... IOWA RIVER CORRIDOR TRAIL-IMUTO IOWA AVE. This is a picture of the last segment .... joint design project with the University of Iowa...us~ng transportation Enhancement Funds 1996 PROJECTS. MELROSE-WEST HIGH TO 218. Took a look at this plan...process of hiring a consultant...STP money. concept MELROSE AVENUE, We are nearing completion of environmental assessment...applies to the bridge...have done some cores on the bridge .... WOLF AVENUE BRIDGE. Pieces falling off...hunkthat has fallen out...if you go under there now...plywood platforms for pieces to fall on .... some areas .... chipper hammer...chipped away at those .... next summer we will look at replacing that... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the iowa. City council meet;ng of Febm~ 13, 1995. W$0213~5 February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 54 meeting ...two span rather than a three span bridge... period lighting ...period rails....pedestrian and bike counts...DOT may require we put one of those enclosed cage things over the sidewalk... oppose that....we got the design...matter of it bubbling up to the top of that federal funding list .... (Refers to map). This one we got problems underneath... identical bridge right by karen's house...may even throw in the Meadow Avenue Bridge... got design down on shelf... TFi~RELL MILL PARK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE. Shows some signs of age, too...hoping to do...working with the student chapter of ~erican Society of Civil Engineers over at the U~iversity... design a wooden pedestrian bridge for this... replace cheap .... that was a pedestrian bridge...wooden bridge that was heart sha. ped .... too many people were dumping their bikes on it... BURLINGTON STREET BRIDGE. As I mentioned...will'be replaced in '96 and also First Avenue past the Eagles there is targeted for reconstruction ..... that will be another...funded by STP .... ope~ it up to any questions. Kubby/ Go back to Burlington/Gilbert...may be good reasons to do it in two years .... think about people's percpption of us .... having problems with traffic flow two years in a row...how much is that worth ..... Pigott/ Fosse/ If we do it as a part of the DOT...I don't have the firm schedule. o.bridges typically take much longer.... I can investigate that before tomorrow night .... No~/ How much more expensive is that Go do it as the same time...? Fosse/ To do it at the same time they would lock for us to provide construction administration and inspection on both projects .... looking at $40,090-$50,000 ticket there. Kubby/ Throg/ Consider...the cost in delay in travel...if we did it all in one season.... seems to me that time delay would be much more... Fosse/ DOT enters that into their co~t benefit analysis .... This represents only ·ree, som~bly accurate trmlsc~Iptlon of the Iowa City coundl meeting of Febtomy 13, 1995. W601139§ February 13, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 55 Horow/ More interested in the 9ackaging of it...getting people to realize... is going to take a while....how w~. package it... o Pigott/. Fosse/ Image is a bog component. Nov/ ubby/ Fosse/ What it does is north and south bound traffic on Gilbert Street...important arterial .... reduces the lengtk~ of time t. hat that is encu~ered .... Horow/ Thank you very much. We are ..... Kubby/ Thanks for the USGS folks being here tonight. Adjo~lrned: 10:30 PM. This represents only a r~onahly ,.~curato transcription of ~he Iowa City council mootfng of F~bma~j 13, 1996. W$021395