HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-20 TranscriptionFebruary 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 1 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session 6:30 PM Council: Horow, Baker, Kubby, Lehman, Pigott, Throg. Absent: Nov. Staff: Arkins, Neumann, Karr, Yucuis. Tapes: 95-30, all; 95-31, all. Refuse Collection 95-30 S1 Arkins/ First two issues .... change the agenda... put Refuse Collection and Landfill together .... What I would like to do is confirm with you the agenda for Refuse. The budget shows some general increases in the cost of refuse collection .... package this whole thing together ...one big recommendation .... The things I want to confirm with you is that we would prepare a package of recommendation and financing based upon: 1-Weekly recycling pickup. Unless I hear differently, I will just move through these things. 2-We will add corrugated cardboard pickup to the recycling .... Kubby/ Talked about discontinuing some glass and adding something else Arkins/ .... Floyd is just at the point of giving you a formal recommendation. I suspect if we can get through this we can add that at the time we bring this whole package back to you. We also talked about the cereal box cardboard, too .... Horow/ Question on the weekly recycle pickup, is that one that is poised for evaluation in terms of continuing or flat out we have made that determination. Arkins/ If you are going to buy the truck and the staff, you are pretty well into it .... adjust the policy later on but you do have a commitment to the equipment and to the staff ..... Trying to expand the curbside recycling efforts...end the confusion...not seeing growth. 3-We want to purchase containers ..... Kubby/ I thought we decided that if people wanted to they could use their ow~. Atkins/ Yes .... make sure we are drop off sites...met with .... If we go to weekly .... all on board... some skepticism any thoughts. 4-Elimination of .... contaminated Pigott/ I still like us to think about retaining a drop site This represenm only a reasonably accurate t~anscrlptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 20, 1995. W$022096 February 20, 1995 . somewhere .... Council Work Session Page 2 Atkins/ ..buildings .... if we are going to do those things, those buildings need to look a lot better than they do. Leh~an/ Can we see the affects of weekly pick up before we decide as far as closing the drop site...? if volume decrease dramatically .... Horow/ In June..three staffed sites... 5-Unit based pricing I think we were pretty well on board on that. Number of cans. Kubby/ At what point do we talk about how many cans? Arkins/ ...I came away with the understanding of two. Kubby/ I would like to look at that again. Arkins/ We can structure that so we can have that argument again Kubby/ I am confused because I thought we had made a tentative decision about all these things ..... Atkins/ We are already to go with this .... affects the budget now and that you may have to adjust that budget... I am confirming this agenda. Kubby/ Okay, so what is the timing for moving on this stuff? Atkins/ Well, we can probably get this proposal to you 30 days, fairly .quickly .... Hazardous waste, toxic clean up, construction of the new building, that was that whole thought process of City Carton, landfill and a new site. You didn't settle in on that. You made no decision on that ..... do everything...think about purchasing a piece of ground in the industrial park. I never sensed any real commitment on your part for that. Kubby/ Saying we are eliminating drop offs in kind of a misnomer because ...substitute the three areas...reconfiguring our drop sites. Arkins/ That is probably a better term, I agree° Kubby/ The landfill...I don't think west siders are going to go out...poor choice. This represents only a reasonably accurate tranocrip~on of th. Iowa City council meeting of February 20, 1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 3 Atkins/ City Carton we can work with...one on the east side of town .... off of Scott Blvd. Lehman/ ...toxic materials .... Arkins/ ...when you set up a toxic clean up day, it is a load of work .... The one we have scheduled for May is .... There is a whole set of regulatory circumstances... Iowa City Carton might be reluctant to take that on...They may not .... Multi family project is underway now. Neumann/ Noping top begin sometime in the middle of March for about three months...May, early June... about 90 days .... Got about 10-12 sites chosen to do that. Kubby/ People seem to be interested .... Arkins/ All you need to do is confirm that agenda and we will get it packaged up... Kubby/ So there are people who want to build a new building-? Lehman/ I kind of question that .... Arkins/ This one is going to require the purchase of property...it is not going to come together that easy. Everything else .... those four will come together...and this one you are giving me...a little more tentative. Kubby/ I will feel uncomfortable eliminating the drop off sites if we are not going to do these three other places .... Atkins/ Horow/ Are there four people who agree eliminating drop sites at same time we go to weekly recycling pick up is prudent measure. Kubby/ No, not until we do the new building. Atkins/ That you want to run concurrently for a while. That is what heard you say. Neumann/ The unit base is going to have a big affect on drop off sites also .... going to get worse as a dumping ground. Kubby/ ...unit base...how are you going to put it together...? Thisrepresents onlyareasonably accufate ~ans=lptlon of thelowa Clty cound]meafing of FebmB~y20,1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 4 Atkins/ Concept is what we needed to nail and I think we have nailed that. How you want to go about 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5-that is just a matter of telling me what you want to do .... Kubby/ ...most households have 1-2 cans or bags .... Atkins/ Floyd feels pretty strongly about two .... Kubby/ ...what affect will unit based pricing have on the majority of households if we give...flat rate...don't pay extra unless you are over two bags...? Pigoft/ .... average is two...weeks...where a person throws out 5- 7 .... other times .... Throg/ Do we have any information about the percent of households who put out one versus two versus three versus four...? Arkins/ We can give you estimates, Jim... Lehman/ If we are picking up cardboard separately, plastic separately...all of these things...should be a substantial impact on what goes in that .... Nov/Why are you picking up just corrugated?Why not all cardboard? Arkins/ Floyd feels confident there is a corrugated cardboard market...also talked about the cereal boxes .... don't think he has confirmed whether he can do that ..... certainly being considered .... Nov/ At City Cardboard they are mingling corrugated and the cereal boxes ..... don't see any reasons that we shouldn't. Neumann/ One of the problems is the room on the truck .... we can do the ¢orrugated...if we go with everything ~lse .... room on the truck is the biggest problem. Nov/ Room on the tr~ck for corrugated is a non issue. Most families do not throw away corrugated paper every week. They throw away cereal boxes every .... Neumann/ You ~ould be surprised how much corrugated is out there every week .... a lot of corrugated. Arkins/ We will get you those answers. This represents aniy a reeson~iy accurate transcription of tho Iowa City council meeting of February 20, 1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 5 Nov/ Atkins/ A~ybody who orders with catalogues gets the corrugated cardboard ..... Kubby/ If we have to make a decision is it we do corl~lgated Or chipboard..? of all the other things we pick up, what is the percentage of things that go to the landfill...? better to do the =ardboard- Neumann/ (Can't hear) .... paper and cardboard makes up about 40%... glass and plastic is maybe around 7% ..... Kubby/ ...go with mixed paper and mixed cardboard and take out plastic and glass if you had to .... Neumann/ Still provide drop sites for the rest of the material .... Lehman/ Horow/ Okay. Weekly recycle pick up Curbside - corrugated cardboard Purchase container Eliminate drop sites Unit based pricing/fees Hazardous waste/toxic clean up New Building Multi Family Project -% Thl~ represents only a reasonably accurate ~ranscrlptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of Febn~m'y 20, 1995. WS022096 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 6 Landfill 95-30 Sl Arkins/ Seeing little to n~ interest in the authority...do have interesting dilemma. The DNR approved that transfer station for N&N. Kubby/ They don't have to get a letter from us? Neumann/ What DNR told us was- Arkins/ Do you understand the concept, what the transfer station might do to the landfill? Okay. Neumann/ Looking at about 45,000 ton a year. Its permit that he has been granted, his service area is basically the Iowa City Landfill service area...cannot go outside of Johnson county without amending his permit. So he will be in direct competition with the Iowa City Landfill only ..... for the time being. Right now, by law, he can pick up waste from anyone he wants to, take it to any landfill he wants to as long as the landfill will accept it. The transfer station...seen as an extension of his operation...n0t a final disposal site. Just collection ..... His next problem is finding a site...the problem we see .... his proposal is basically taking it to Illinois... out of state .... it is ¢heaper...he will be required to report his tonnage .... any waste taken from Johnson County, he is required to report it to us every year .... we...add it on to our landfill amount that we have here and reduce that by 50%...still responsibility for what he is taking to Illinois. Kubby/ What is the projected tonnage that he deals with? Neumann/ Right now he does about 17,000 tons .... his proposal...hie facility... will accept up to 45,000 tons .... per year .... Nov/ Neumann/ In order to do that he is going to have to go outside of Johnson County .... his permit just keeps him in the county ..... amend my permit. Leknnan/ What is out per ton fee? Atkins/ $53- Neumann/ Outside...$53.50. $48.50 inside of Iowa City. He is looking at about $45 a ton to take it to Illinois .... The Thlsrepr~en~ onlyare~on~lya¢~r~e ~8nscrlp~onofthelowa CIw coun~lmee~ng ~Febmarf20,1995. WS022096 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 7 tipping fee is done on a volume base...$28 ton...take him about $17 tone to get it there .... Lehman/ Neumann/ It raises another issue...in order to compete with N&N, they are going to have to take it to Illinois themselves ..... It is going to be everybody else .... Lehman/ Is it conceivable that the local haulers will haul their stuff to the transfer station...? Neumann/ Probably not...take it themselves because they don't want to support a competitor. Kubby/ Let's say all the landfill weight and volume go to Illinois ..... . Long ?erm, what does that mean for Iowa City...? downsides... Neumann/ Problem is...not paying their post closure fees...can't control...Only thing you can control is the residential waste stream in Iowa City .... Kubby/ Can we approach cities and private folks...saying once you leave, you can come back but you have got to pay...? Horow/ I agree with Karen .... their lack of accepting an authority was based on lack of knowledge .... Neumann/ If they can do it cheaper through N&N transfer, a lot of .people are going to do it .... problem is ...they are spreading their liabilities...liable in Illinois as well as in Iowa City .... Lehman/ Can't go on forever .... Horow/ What about Cedar County Landfill...? Neumann/ They are looking into reopening a landfill .... they basically transfer liabilities over there .... contract with another lan~fill....they are looking at reopening .... Kubby/ Wasn't JCCOG staff directed to get a more specific proposal together ...? Arkins/ ¥es...I don't know how to shape a proposal..currently .circumstances .... I am not sure how to fashion an authority This rspr.entt only a reasonably sccur.ts trans.priori of the Iowe City council meeting of Februarf 20, 1996. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 8 unless...use some muscle...unless if you leave...don't come back ..... DNRhas created a competitor for us with none of the responsibilities. Lehman/ We are required by state law to reduce our volume by 50%by 2000 .... If DNR let's them haul this out...the city should have some recourse. Neumann/ According to law, it originates in your service area, you are responsible for it. Lehman/ Neumann/ Lehman/ If we do not meet the 50% requirement we go to the state... we say we have no control... a legal question here. Horow/ Has ECCOG Solid Waste Management Technical Advisory talked about this in terms of the legal question...? Neumann/ This whole issue doesn't affect (can't hear) at this time... They are aware of it .... We feel...that it is within our right, as the owner of the landfill, to approach the communities, require them to designate their entire waste stream .... at least we know where it is going...you are in or out... it is everything .... current Iowa Code makes...you responsible for the entire waste stream .... County .... The city has the ability to say that to a county? Neumann/ By law, you are responsible for your waste stream .... as the owner of the landfill. Atkins/ This all is the best reason in the world not to have a municipally owned landfill...should be done on some sort of regional basis .... I don't know how to prepare a budget for the landfill right now...keep plugging along. I do think, if I am hearing you correctly, and this is not something that is going to come down to sort of a hard and fast policy...N&N may not go anywhere ..... 50% reduction...we don't knowwhat they mean. To be held responsible for it, we think is very unfair. Lehman/ There has got to be a legal question. Arkins/ We may have to pull out of ECCOG, write our ownplan and in the plan spell out this is the way we are going to run our This represents only s reasonably accurate trans~ptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 20, 1995. WS022096 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 9 landfill and here is what people- Horow/ Steve, we have certainly a history in terms of where the trucks come from .... Is there a way to estimate the percentage of material that has gone into the landfill from different communities...? Charge them for the liability up to this point? Atkins/ The first question is can we estimate? The answer is yes. Is there a way that we can find to keep them with us? They can do whatever they want. Horow/ ...then we would legally then sue them for the amount of money that we are liable having accepted the material up to this point. Atkins/ They will have paid to this point .... Horow/ I am talking about before 1989. Atkins/ If there is a problem...you can go back and track it .... We have the same problem at Sturgis Ferry...who is responsible for it .... Kubby/ Atkins/ Virtually impossible...practical application. Horow/ What does this do to the ability to borrow? Atkins/ .... forget it. There is no way you can do any borrowing. You have to have an established income stream ..... We have not had to borrow .... Horow/ We are not the only municipality going through this... Atkins/ We are a municipal government that runs a landfill on a regional basis. I don't know of anybody else that does that. Horow/ ...Lee County...Story County.,.going through the same problem .... Neumann/ There is nothing like the situation here. Kubby/ Wouldn't it be prudent for us to kind of preempt whatever happens...to get those agreements with communities no matter what happens with the transfer station...? Thisrepresents only ar~esonab~ accurmetranscrlp~on of thelowa City council mco~ng of Febma~ 20,1095. WS022095 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 10 Atkins/ Okay. If that is the case then we would start a process of correspondence with communities and tell them that. That you have to guarantee your waste to come to this landfill. Of what if you prevail, and all this leaves Iowa City and goes somewhere else, have you not environmentally solved one of our problems. It depends on where you want to take your risk. Kubby/ Letting them have the choice: do you want in 100% or out 100%. If you choose out and you want back in at a further date ..... then you have to pay a re-entrance fee .... steep enough that it is felt as a penalty for leaving. Arkins/ Sooner or later I need to give Floyd some guidance .... If we are going to downsize the size of the landfill...everything has to change .... Horow/ Isn't that another option...closing our landfill and having them take over our collection...? Arkins/ Are you prepared to contract your refuse...? Neumann/ Comment on what Steve said about leaving the ECCOG Regional Plan and doing our own plan. If we approach communities in this county and say if they don't want to stay here, they want to go elsewhere. Things need to change as far as our landfill permit to outline our service area. Because we still don't want to be responsible for their reduction .... I think we can do it...doing our own plan is not a real bad thing... still have cooperation...not doing any regional landfilling or collection right now. We are all in it basically for the reporting requirement .... we can do it... Arkins/ One of the things in doing that...choose to do our own plan, I would assume you want us to bring to the table all those other communities. That might be a mechanism to cause that debate to occur ..... Kubby/ What would happen if we asked people to come to a meeting to talk about what the liabilities are...new issues...? Arkins/ Some sort of an open forum for that kind of debate...makes all the sense in the world .... need to say...do you understand that if this happens, here are the consequences for us as a landfill operator .... there are practical problems that you need to be aware of if you make that decision .... Horow/ This repreeenm only a reasonebly accurate '~'onecrlption of the Iowa City council meeting of Febtomy 20, 1999. WS022096 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 11 Arkins/ I am not convinced that we-The DNRdid what? ..... What they have done is create a competitor for us that does not have a disposal responsibility .... no liabilities... They don't have to keep paper trails? Arkins I suspect so .... Nov/ What is actually going to happen at the transfer station? Neumann/ They will do some recovery...they are not going to take the tin cans, plastic .... they are going to recover some wood and metals .... otherwise it just goes in a pit and they put it in a bigger truck and take it to Illinois. Nov/ Neumann/ The facility will all be indoors...dumping it .... Arkins/ The pit is a compressing device. HOrOW/ Neumann/ .... One hauler...collecting his waste on a bigger truck... take it to Illinois... cheaper for him... Nov/ I don't see how building a building...cheaper .... Neumann/ Has to.do with the tipping fee in Illinois .... $28.00 a ton ..... Arkins/ Who is backing him? Where is he getting the capital...? probably pay minimum wage .... We have to raise our own capital... Ho~ow/ Do we know where this is going and who o~rns the landfill? Neumann/ ....in Illinois is owned by BFI which is one of the major waste companies in the country ..... also mentioned landfills in Minnesota.....But the Iowa City Landfill is also mentioned in his permit... which means DNRhas given him permission .... he can sti%l take it to our landfill. Kubby/ Can we say you are an N&N truck, you cannot enter? Neumann/ That is a legal question .... This represents only a roasonably accurate transcdptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of February 20, 1996. WS02209§ February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 12 Atkins/...We have a contract for our municipal- Yucuis/.Jim's refuge. Kubby/Who is backing N&N .... is there a connection between BFI and N&N? Neumann/ A lot of the companies will buy in .... Horow/ What do you want us to do? Arkins/ ...... think having some sort of a confabwhere you have the other elected officials or at least some representatives and at least tell them about it. Horow/ Let's do it within the next month. The sooner the better. Atkins/ We will do CIP and then- Neumann/ The other communities in the county .... the mayors .... They want to have some say so...tipping fee keeps going up and up and up. They want to have some say so .... But when you ask them about the liability...what they would be doing in reality if they would form an authority...most likely the structure would be set up and Iowa City would still have a majority control on any authority board because you make up the biggest population and waste stream of the county..... Then we have a mechanism to get back t6 their residences to pay for any clean up in 30-40 years .... Kubby/ If there is. a problem' at the landfill and we establish that it is residential waste that caused it, can we then say Iowa City is X percent...unincorporated Johnson County is X percent residential and go back at it that way? Neumann/ It is a legal question .... Atkins/ .Several years ago...those communities choose not to be informed about solid waste .... Those communities .... most communities in Johnson County choose not to be informed about it. Neumann/...thsy accept the haulers contract .... Kubby/ And you have been in contact with them... Can we require it? Arkins/ I think if we were to be the site of disposal, I think you Thlsrepresan~ on~ a~onably accu~te ~anscrl~lon d theIowa Clty coundlmee~ng ofFebmm'y20,1995. WS022095 February 20,'1995 . Council Work Session Page 13 could pretty well make any demand that you want .... I don't need the financial information .... still be difficult because the individual private hauler...he is not going to weight that trash .... I can say I know those three businesses are in the back of that truck .... Kubby/ Interested. in us trying to gather some people to talk to them ..... after that meeting .... be in a position of saying you got to be in or out and if you are out...pay a fee to come back in. Horow/ Dave Roberts was pretty agreeable ...I would like to work with the Rural Policy Board. Neumann/ Underst~nding then .... If you go back and tell the communities you have to designate it for the 711 in your comnunity, that is a whole other ball game .... residence .... Residence.from the business community saying you can't tell me where I have to take my garbage .... We feel under current code we can require that. Arkins/ We end up telling them...tell you the trucks that you are going to be able to use on our streets... other ways to get at that. Neumann/ Either designate the whole thing or nothing ..... We are just requiring where it is going to be disposed of and it. will be a contract ..... We have no contracts with anybody right now. Kubby/ As we get closer to year 2000 .... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-30 SIDE 2 Atkins/ What they bring in for those communities to reduce their volumes .... The 0nly people motivated to cut the volume is the landfill operator. Kubby/ Not true...in Johnson Copnty, every single smaller town has reduced their volume. Atkins/ They are motivated from an economic standpoint .... Kubby/ If the price goes up they will be paying less if they reduce. Arkins/ Thisrepresents only nre~on~ eccumte ~mtscfip~onof~elowo CIWcouncll mee~ng ~ Febmary20,1995. W80220~5 February 20, 1995 council Work Session Page 14 Kubby/ We can't guarantee that the price will stay the same ..... Atki~s/ You are correct .... Pigott/ So, we should do a meeting with these folks. Arkins/ Ought to lay out for them the dilemma'that we find ourselves in ...can't do an effective Job of planning the landfill for the future .... Horow/ I am certainly willing to work... to pull it off. Neumann/ Comment on the collection site. You are talking about the building and the toxic clean-up .... This affects that (refers to chart). Kubby/ Horow/ Lehman/ Steve, has Linda looked at this at all? Arkins/ She is aware of the letter. Neumann/ I kept her up to date... Kubby/ Is there anything we need to be pushing for on the state level...? Atkins/ We have a letter drafted to send off to Mary Mascher because Mary sits on the Environmental Committee....I think the DNR...would say give me a rule...regulation that I can enforce and these things won't happen. Neumann/ DNR is basically stuck. They are doing their job .... they couldn't deny it ..... They permitted it. It is the legislation that is the problem. Horow/ This reminds me so much of the water supply companies .... Neumann/What we are pushing now is basically to either to have the 50% reduction rate dropped to 35% or extend the 2000 deadline ...... preliminary report that the Metro Waste Authority in ' Des Moines did ..... outlines .... this is what is .going to -happe~ to us... cost us an average of $85 ton to get this stuff done .... some of the legislature feels the higher the tipping fee the better because it makes recycling look better Thlsrepres~ntsonlyare~on~ly accuratetran$~lp~on of~elowaCltyc~n~lmeetlngofFebma~ 20,1996. W8022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 15 · ....The study says either reduce the mandate or extend the deadline...we are not going to reach 50% period ..... Horow/ That issue is going to be reported at the LGERC meeting 1st of March .... Steve, ask you consider having one of the staff go with.me...? This is something that LGERC is aggressive enough to work with the DNR .... Neumann/ Us working with the DNR is not worth it ..... DNR is very defensive about this whole thing .... Horow/ Neumann/ The entire issue they are still not going to do anything about it ..... Arkins/ They are very accustomed to a very simple set of rules ..... very simple enforcement .... Neumann/ Legislation waswritten in a perfect world .... they didn't take into account all the different situations ..... a lot of people working with them. Atkins/ That is it. Garbage and dumps. Thlsrepr~entsonly areasonab~ accumte ~a~scrlp~on ofthelowa Cltycoun~lmee~ng ofFebmmy20, lg9~. W8022096 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 16 Water and Sewer 95-30 S2 Atkins/ Hand these out to you and this is on water and sewer rates. I want to step you through water and sewer !inancing alternatives ..... there are certain assumptions figured into this. I am just going to repeat them again. There is a (1) time table and there are two critical elements to the time table. 1- Accumulation of cash. 2o Construction ....... (2) Inflation...we have assumed a 4% annual inflation rate for both operating and construction costs. (3) Investment income .... assumed that we will earn on our investments at rate of 5% annually. (4) Bond market changes ...... no way to predict that realistic. (5) Pay as you go?...has scads of variance..... I am going to start off with the water project. First column of figures is FY95 ..... begin FY95 with cash balance of $1.9 million ..... increased water rates 40%...water sales for FY95 will amount to $3.970 million...total revenues .... $4.091 million. Expenses...$4.074 million .... all costs ..... We will end the FY with $1.940 million ending balance. Baker/ Built into this the anticipated decline in use? Atkins/ No, usage was flat ..... we can do variables for you. Lehman/ Steve you started out with $1.9 million and ended up with $1.9 million. Atkins/ We have debt that we are going to be selling...you will see the change. Base construction figure that we are dealing with is $50 million .... working towards .... $50 million will increase annually with inflation. Kubby/ Subtract your expense from total revenue in F¥95 and I don't get $1.94- Arkins/ Remember you had a beginning balance of $1.9 million .... add those two together .... Important is that ending balance ...... We made the assumption ..... 10 years...for water project ...have enough cash in ten years to pay for the project we have ~ight now, we will need $74 million ...... definition of pay'as you go ..... Kubby/ Do these numbers account for any kind of improvements we need to make to the current plant? Arkins/ Yes, there are small capital projects in there. Thisrepresents onlyaraasonably accur~a ~ans~lpfion of~olowaQWcoun~Imae~ngofFebrua~20,1995. W8022095 February 29, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 17 Kubby/ Collaboration with the University? Arkins/ Nothing of any major consequences .... In F¥96 and every year after...annually increase water rates .... 20% a year ...... (Refers to FY96 chart) So by year 2005...end of that FY, you.would have $74 million in the bank ..... Kubby/ Atkins/ Throg/ If we built the project .... it would cost less than $74 million. Atkins/ Pay as you go .... if are starting to pay off portions of the project ..... 20% a year...inflation makes a $50 million project cost you $74 million ..... So you need 40% which you have already approved and you need 20% a tear for the next 9 years ..... Bottom of right hand page... in year 2006 you would reduce the rates by about 50%...critical policy issue that you have to think about on who is going to pay for these projects. Horow/ Atkins/ In year 2005 we will have accumulated $74 million ..... you are banking it .... We have a different idea for you on the waste water. This is the one .... time to start putting the money away. Throg/ One alternative is to pay in phases .... 2-If you are accumulating capital .... Instead of total cost being $74 million in current dollars .... Able to do is raise the rates to generate $1 million .... interest income... factored into this thing ..... In year 2006 we will assume that your capital expenses are finished ..... Kubby/ We will have to continue to test for more things .... Atkins/ If you have a 50% reduction in rates in the year 2006 .... cash balance of $13 million ...... To do this you increase your rates 40%....then 20% a year. Okay? Now, since you have got that notch- Here is waste water. Same principle.. ..... Same principle applies...wait ten years to build the waste water improvements. Waste water is a $40 million project. By year 2005 it would be $60 million ..... need to accumulate $60 This ~prasentsonly area$onab~ accurate transcrlpfionof~elowa City council maefing of Febmary20,1995. WS02209§ February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 18 million in increase .... translate? cash .... F¥95 start increase..F¥05...have a '5% shows rate increases to come up how does that Horow/ Don't we assume that if we don't do this one now, we get a penalty? Atkins/ We use the word assume...assumptions .... Kubby/ Could negotiate with our congressional delegation ...? Atkins/ I am going to give you a rough policy issue in just a moment...what assumptions do you want to make... settle in on the assumptions... general idea of what you want .... Handing out to you now Have all of these assumptions in excruciating detail. Pay as you go for ten years. That is what .you just saw. We factored in...water, wastewater and refuse .... In FY95 that bill would be $45. In FY05 it would be $164. In FY06 it will drop dramatically .... we did another option for you.' Water, pay as you go, ten years. Wastewater we did 1/3, 1/3, 1/3...stretching it over three years .... $45...$138. We then calculated a third option: water pay as you go over ten years, wastewater immediately. There are your n~mbers. Kubby/ Doesn't change that much. Arkins/ On 1/3, 1/3, 1/3-just so you are aware, you will have a spike in your rates ..... Kubby/ What would the rate increase be in F¥96 if we did it all in 96? Pigott/ All of the wastewater. Atkins/ Kubby/ Just the wastewater if we did it all in 96 .... Yucuis/ Is'that straight cash? Atkins/ Pay as you go for water and wastewater immediately. Kubby/ What would the increase in the rate be from F¥957 Yucuis/ If you paid cash for everything in wastewater or financed it .... 16oking at 40% .... This represents only a reasonably accurate trans=iption of the Iowa City council meeting of Februmy 20, 1996, WS022095 February 20, 1995 o Council Work Session Page 19 Atkins/ 35 for 95, 40 ...... Think about this. Here I tried to come up with wha% I thought were the four major policy issues for you. The first is the future generation .... Secondly, do you wish to separate the projects. Do you have a different policy perspective from water as opposed to wastewater. Thirdly, can we negotiate a revised construction scheduled based on ~plitting the projects and if so, what would be your guidance to me in attempting to negotiate such a schedule. Fourth, the general question...almost any kind of variation on the theme that you want .... Ed Barker gave you a down payment. There is not end to what you can do with those kinds of things ..... earlier rates that you saw were two big jumps and little ones thereafter ..... remember your capital asset is at least 50 years ...... Kubby/ Are we going to make decisions tonight? Arkins/ I need to have guidance from you .... ideas. If you have some Baker/ Tell me again about the second policy position? Arkins/ Do you wish to split the project? For example .... we have currently with the DNR a schedule on wastewater. We do not have a schedule on water. We know what the implications are. Motivation for water and motivation for wastewater are different. One is regulatory and ...100 year water plant .... Baker/ So our ability to negotiate a flexible schedule is more constrained on wastewater. Arkins/ ff you are going to do anything, wastewater is where you should devote your energies .... water project...you have the discretion to do that .... Baker/ Water.....you seemed to be tellingus that we don't have to do a water project for ten years. Atkin~. I did not say that. I am telling you you have different motivations on these two projects. I happen to believe that water. plant is put together with bubble ~ and baling wire and that it will continue to be a risky operation ..... but we are not now under orders to do it. We are in the process ..... Kubby/ ~erms of water guali~y...and sludge .... Atkins/ There are environmental issues .... This rapresanta only a reasonably accurate t~ansc~lpt/on of the Iowa City council meeting of Februa~f 20, 1995. WS02209§ February 26, 1995 Council Work Session Page 20 Horow/ Talking about doing both at the same time or splitting them Arkins/ Discretfon is limited on wastewater and discretion is far broader on water .... Lghman/ .;.Idea .of drilling wells this coming summer and pumping that water into the system...~ I would like us to see us split the projects .... Atkins/'I still have to come up with cash or borrowing to do that. Lehman/ ...go ahead and raise rates .... moderate increases right along .... I say you separate water and sewer. Horow/ Start both at the same time .... Lehman/ .... Arkins/ You need to decide if you are going to split them or consider them separately and I think there is an inclination to do that. 2-If you want some renegotiation of time table and construction schedules...you need to tell me that and you need to tell me which one to go after. practically speaking, the one to go after is wastewater because you have a ~egulatory responsibility .... Your big water expense is the treatment plant...suggested you have to consider this project as water, source and treatment. I am hearing you suggest to me let's go after the source improvements, wells systems ..... increase the strain on the present plant .... Lehman/ . .. Atkihs/ Kubby/ I would like us to think about doing is doing a sludge lagoon .... on the plant site that we have already bought .... 1- increase the quality of water and 2- deal with the sludge .... Arkins/ Process of treating wastewater is different than the treatment process for water sludge. Kubby/-I th'ink it can be mlxed...important question. Atkins/ Big project happens to be the treatment plant,... Pigott/ This represents only s reasonably accurate t~anscrlptlon of the I. owa City counoll meeting of February 20. W$022095 February 20, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 21 Arkins/What is your obligation to future generations in sharing in · these costs...? Ed's suggestion was let's make a down payment .... Kubby/ ...willing to say let's borrow half of it .... Atkins/ If you gave me direction such as that, we could prepare some things ..... I want to re4uce my borrowing costs by half. How do I do that? Kubby/ If we wait a few years that we have to invest going .... to do the plant, there is still X in our current plant to keep us Arkins/ You will always be investing in that plant ..... Kubby/ Can we do the lab work with that current facility? Arkins/ Lehman/ I can't imagine that plant lasting another ten years. I think this idea...doing..as we go along. Throg/ Three observations...real important to have a side by side comparison of borrowing versus the cost of paying as you go ..... 2- It seems there are ways to save money even given what you have presented us with ..... I think we should be trying to connect construction of the water system,' phasing in the construction of the water system. Arkins/ Phases with ¢ash...borrowing .... Throg/ 3- Raise possibility of having a tap on fee to pay for part of the costs of the plant .... received some short memo .... Arkins/ I will get that. Throg/ Horow/ Any are here for going for the wastewater treatment right off the bat? Throg/ I don't like making any decision on the basis of an oral conversation over a space of 20 minutes that involves $134 million ..... I am not going to... Arkins/ Give you ideas along the way .... I am hearing some Th~represents on~ ~ masonably accumta~an$crlp~onofthelowa Clty coun~l maa~ngofFabrumy20, 1995. WS02209~ February 20, 19~5 council Work Session Page 22 borrowing and some pay as you go .... building in phases. Throg/ All I am looking for is some signal from you aboutwhat kind of decision you are looking for tonight. Atkins/ I would like to know fairly quickly if I have got to negotiate with wastewater ..... 2-You do not feel the pressure to do the water plant as fast as we had originally proposed. If you are telling me that, that is fine, I can then step back 'and do a lot of the things that you are doing ..... resha~ing issues associated with water .... buying some time...if you are telling me that then I feel real good tonight. Kubby/ I really want to do the water plant because the water quality needs to be improved .... And what it seems that is happening...feds who is dictating our decisions...rather do the water plant first .... At same time...75% increase next year is not attractive .... ten year thing...hybrid pay as you go and some borrowing...and phased construction ..... Lehman/ May change when we drill the wells. The sewer plant, we can't keep dumping that crap in the river .... really should get on with it. Baker/ Lehman/ Can you phase in the sewer plant? Arkins/ I can phase the financing by doing some short term .... DNR .... construction...up to us to finance it. Lehman/ Can that be phased? Atkins/ The construction, probably not. Not near as easy as the water project. Kubby/ Look at 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 .... difference is very small...or postponing it ...argues for doing it .... Throg/ What I am shaking my head about has to do with process. My understanding was we were going to have a for~m in another month .... staff...ideas...responses to questions .... If we decide tonight what to 4o with regard CF~GE TAPE TO REEL 95-31 SIDE i Kubby/. The memos are done about. the 'technical part...other Thlsrepre=enm onlyareason~lyaccu~ate ~anscdp~on of~elowaCltycoun~ mee~ngofFeb~a~y20,199~ WS022096 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 23 parto..Was the financing mechanisms .... Throg/ If you are looking for some tentative decision .... as a proposed response and we wanted the public to react... If you are looking for a firm decisioD then- Arkins/ I understand the issue of March. When we had our hearings .... we had a financing proposal, two big increases and level off after that .... people said to you .... we want to see other options. There is no end to the options we Can prepare .... how many you want is really very much up to you. On our meeting of the 29th...if you are doing anything different from what that original hearing was, we should articulate that clearly... because that is a different strategy .... I think we have to put something up there that says we have talked about it. Pigott/ Arkins/ The public is not going to be able to design a financing plan for you at the miorophone...I think you have to give them a target... I heard folks say let's pay as you go ..... rates are obscene .... Kubby/ My drothers to outline what was proposed originally .... have all the assumptions be the same .... then you have another sheet and what the rates would be in 05 and-06 .... Arkins/ I can give you that... Arkins/ Remember you don't have to come down in middle ground... I can prepare the simplified version...pay as you go, assuming this, here is your rates.,..pay as you go, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, .... work through a couple of options but not the whole myriad of options. I do think I would like to have something prepared that is at least you are uomfortable with and that is what I am trying to hear .... Kubby/ After the forum we may shift a little here and a little there after we get some feedback. Atkins~ ...I want to make sure that ~ was on board. Kubby/ It would be interesting to .outline the policy issues, especially the first one. Does the community want the current or future to pay for- This represents only'a reasonably eccurate h'anscrlptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of Fabmm~/20,'1995. WS022095 February 20, i995 Council Work Session Page 24 Atkins/ That is a real critical issue. What else do you need to know from me? Horow/ You have got essentially a majority here in terms of going with the wastewater project first, tentatively as we have described it. Will it be helpful if we also give you an indication about the speed or the concept about the water other.than just the wells. Where are you on this. Atkins/ Don't hold me to. wells as opposed to lagoons .... Horow/ In terms of timing for financing. Atkins/ I am staying with the ten years. We talked about ten year · financing ..... need that reference point...by year 2005, this is all going to be done.' Nov/ Can we also think about a shorter time frame? Five years? Throg/ Then you would have to borrow all the money. Nov/ Arkins/ Sure .... Horow/ Arkins/ When we did this ten year pay as you go and we saw those rates.'...no way the council going to accept that .... We also needed to have for you a framework for decision making .... I am okay .... I will re-work these things for you. I will get a schedule of should I do water first as opposed to lagoons first .... 10-12 major projects. Horow/ Would there be any value in looking at less than 10 years, not necessarily 5...? Atkins/ If you are willing to borrow. Pigott/ What if we were willing to borrow half? Atkins/ Jim asked for pay as you go and borrow and somewhat of a sidh by side comparison. I am not real sure how to do that but I think I know what you want from me. Karen suggested cutting our bor~o~ing costs by half. So I can deal with that .... Thlsrepresen~ onlyareasonably accurate ~ans~lp~on offalowe Cl~ coundlmaetlng of Febmm720,1995, WS022095 February 20, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 25 Lehman/ I~ we raise our rates i~ a reasonable fashion...keep our options open .... I have a problem with putting a definite time frame. Atkins/ I think we have to have some reasonable rate plan ..... think yo~ need to demonstrate some sort of a plan that shows those rates. Lehman/ I think we have to collect that money .... Baker/ The thing I want to get clear in my mind is what is driving our decision .... the public is more concerned about money .... t0 years on a pay as you go .... the less money borrowed ..... Atkins/ Baker/ Six months ago I was hearing regulptory .... Arkins/ On wastewater there is regulatory pressure. Baker/ If we can phase in water- Atkins/ My concern on water still remains risk .... public health issue .... DNR is geared up to take care of it .... they have not geared up for water .... Lehman/ Atkins/ Ours is old...have to put out more public notices... new regulations saying what you were drinking is no gopd anymore Kubby/ Can we get that figure as to how we will have to invest in the plant and how long it will last and What this may end up doing is being assertive with the University...? How can we make it happen...? So capacity is there over a ten year period with the University .... We should be pulling them to the table. Throg/ I assume when you come back to us with the financing proposal for the water. portion of this, that the total will. be less than $74 million? Arkins/ We will reshape that option. $74 million was the'extreme Throg/ I want to repeat the tap on fee. I think it is pretty important... Thterepresents onl~ araaaonably accurate ~anicflp~on ofthalowa Clty coun~l maa~ng ofFebma~y20,1995. W$022096 February 20, 1995 . council Work Session Page 26 Arkins/ If Linda says we can do it and we can show a demonstration, I will include that as a revenue item. That is where we would show that. Kubby/ Why would that ~e different.than the sewer tap on fee? Atkins/Myunderstanding was establishing %he benefit. What portion of the plant .... Lehman/ Arkins/ Horow/ How does that affect the development also...that has to be thought about .... Throg/ People in businesses should pay for their fair portion of the cost of the new plant .... Horow/ Price them right out Of the market. Throg~ Pigoft/ Horow/ Arkins/ I am done .... I have no more to present to you .... specific questions. This represents only a re~onably accurate tr~scriptlofi of the Iowa City council m.etJng of Fobruaw 20, 1995. W$022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 27 General Discussion 95-31 Sl 1. Kubby/ (Whispering Meadows). I have a question about tomorrow night. I want to make sure %hat people living in the southeast side of town .... to make sure the Grant Wood Neighborhood Association knows that the p.h. is happening .... Atkins/ We will call some of the people- Kubby/ Atkins/'We will call people tomorrow. Horow/ (DTA-Friday Night Concerts). We received a letter last week from the Friday Night Concerts... I was joking about Aid to the Arts .... As we look at the performing arts being bumped at the national scene I think repercussion come down to the local level as well...last time we discussed it...Aid to Agencies...very severe scrutiny in terms of theirbudgetwhich certainly .... arts can't particularly tell us who their clients are, what their income is...what is your thought about 'this? This is a philosophical discussion...about funding performing arts requests .... Pigott/ Right about...certain other organizations go through a screening... I am also interested in looking at CVBmoneys and h o w w e c a n r e f o r m u 1 a t e s om e o f those ..... iDterested...rearranging some of our CVB funding to go specifically for these sorts of things. Kubby/ .... looking at the 25% that CVB currently gets and saying let's earmark some for local festivals as economic development and you figure out how you decide who gets how much money. Horow/ Challenge you ...look at budgets of Rec Center, Police Department, UAY .... the Friday Night Concert...deliberate attempt to mitigate the impact of transient population... Pigott/ ...right to some degree .... Horow/-Do we supplant seed money from the Chamber...? Do we turn around and substitute ongoing finances for these groups and what if some other organizations come...? Pigott/ If we have a structure...figure out where that money would be distribute .... look at the bottoms lines...budgets...impact on community...true evaluation process .... maybe CVB is the place to do it .... Tltls reprosanta only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of Fabruacy 20, 1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 28 Throg/.Your suggestion is to designate a portion of the CVB for specific kinds of arts. You are not talking about a new pot of money? Pigott/ Not at all...investigating taking a portion of the Hotel Motel Tax that is currently goes to CVB for those... future b~dget years. Lehman/ I agree...CVB...req~.ire them to spend a certain percentage of their budget on locally generated events .... On the merits of the events let them decide on who they are going to subsidi~e .... Nov/ Pigot~/ Unless we set up a committee on the arts .... like CCN .... Horow/ Right now the money from ~VB...also supplemented by .... police ..... Baker/ .... one source of funds...CVB'...or extra money... projected .... If you want to change CVB...change in a policy for them... find out where they have been spending their money .... City did seem to becoming the pocket of first choice. I would like the city to be the pocket for last choice .... Kubby/ Pigott/ Horow/ In talking about Chamber people...it was seed money .... Do we realistically expect the arts to go on their own. Baker/ Set up some sort of permanent fund...based upon their.CVB income .... Horow/ They come %o us and we review it or- Kubby) Or CVB- Horow/ ~ssuming CVB's board will Say okay.... Kubby/ Choice may be to either do it or not do it ..... We have already sent out this letter'to them saying we want $5,000 for the Jazz Festival and $5,000 for Iowa Arts Festival ..... Horow/ Has the CVB Board confabbed about this? Thls~epresen~ onlyareasonabl¥ accurme ~ans~p~on ofthelowa City council mee~ng ofFebmary20,1996. W$022096 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 29 Arkins/ That is all I know- Nov/ The Board is meeting tomorrow. Victoria Gilpih/ I appreciate...this oonversation...grand idea .... Like to say I know you all got a letter from myself and John ...... We don't spend any money on advertising .... Friday Night concerts... I have a letter that we received from a citizen... other to c0nfir~ we won't be paying out any of our resources ... for advertising .... Our entire budget, money that we receive, is only spent on musicians ..... My mu~iness...support Jazz Festival .... We did start Friday Night Concert Series to address a very negative influence on the plaza d.t ..... Concerts alone have made a dramatic impact on d.t ...... We stopped having the concerts after the first year...because families stopped coming to them .... We run this...first of May..through first of September...encourage a safe and friendly atmosphere d.t ..... side benefit from that...Iowa state Bank...retired couple...come down almost every single Friday night .... they love these concerts .... These people spend money d.t ..... Our appeal...contracts that we have .... donated bylawyer...more store, my staff .... completely run the entire concert series. We pay absolutely no one to do anything .... I think that shows support...Police Department provides two additional officers every single Friday night .... The Police Department has been very supportive .... Horow/ When are you going to have burnout? .... DTA really look for people to take on what you have done. Gilpin/ Jim Swain and I...grant...Crime Bill...pay intern...help withConcert Series... they will do the organizational work... We have a sound man this year .... Article in the Gazette... different festival... this concert series brings in much more people ..... We are not competing with any businesses .... many businesses are staying open on Friday nights .... We will be · ' doing an extended mailing ..... Have a committee meeting this year .... divided up the duties .... DTA .... committed to event .... Everyone knows certain things...every Fri~ ni~ht...same time .... a given-.... You know that this is going to happen .... not political and not promotional... Nov/ Who are your contributors at this point? Gilpin/ We sent out letters last year .... first letter was sent out to DTA members .... second letter was sent out to d.t. restaurants ...they benefit the most... This year we will have Thisrepresents onlyareas~ably accudata ~anscrlptlon of thelowa ClHcouncllmaa~ng of Febmary20,1995, WS022095. February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 30 t~ose letters .... March 1 .... In addition to that we will be changing...working on sending out...letter to Chamber members and also to a list of concerned citizens ..... I do have people ask me .... Press Citizen has.agreed to publish a series of ads that will give you a way to donate to the Concert Series if you like ..... Last year .... mailed out...block captains on each of the blocks d.t... I personally went to every single business .... Majority of money is raised from d.t. businesses ..... Horow/ Would you be again=t having a letter like this be sent to the neighborhood associations .... newsletter...? Check with Marcia Klingaman .... We will discuss this. This year we don't have the ability to fund this...we have got the ability .... Lehman/ I think 'the big question is a matter of policy .... Bruno's idea...if we require that the CVB fund a certain percent of their budget locally every year, everybody will compete for that funding ..... using CVB tax dollars .... I think this...the Friday Night Co~certs probably overall do more good than either of the two programs that we have talked about even though they are very very nice .... Nov/ From the point of view of the CVB...they do not believe a festival such as this is the way their money ought to be spent. Gilpin/ ..... what happened on the plaza a couple of years ago .... CVB...not sure if they don't understand what is going on. Horow/ They have a...difference between what Iowa City...versus what comes in and region .... impacts locally in impact the whole Gilpin/ ...if you look at the surveys..people not staying in the hotels .... Horow/ Nov/ They choose to spend their budget on advertising...the claim is we fund local events .... Gilpin/ ..~.I think this couple...at Iowa State Bank...d.t. businesses...perception...kids and students...by creating an event that makes seniors and families feel comfortable... once you come d.t .... Thlsrep~esan~ only areasonablyaccurate ~=sc~p~on d~elowaCiwcoundlmee~ngofFebmary20,1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 31 Kubby/ What would happen .... what if we said we are going to take $10,000 more out of that $180- and put $110- into contingency and funded these two other events for this year...and next year... f~gure out the thing with the CVB and they 'are going to have to apply to them .... $5,000. Nov/ We have already said we are going to commit $5,000 to this festival and $5,000 to that festival...there will be three more festivals coming in .... ?igott[ We can ~ay this year..these are the four .... Horow/ Farmer's Market .... Pigott/ Baker/ Made decision ...with CVB...What is it that you told CVB for those two festivals. Kubby/ $10,000 of your budget .... Horow/ Have to take this $10,000 and split it between the Jazz Festival andArts Festival. They haven't answered us yet as to whether or not they are going to do it. Nov/ They are going to yell at me tomorrow. Baker/ Say the same thing for D.T. Friday Night Concert Series .... direct more money from that source. Nov/ That is not being realistic. Pigot~/ This is what makes Iowa City special. Nov/ ...have to propose that we fund this festival...I want to see a complete budget before I commit any amount of money. We did not see that for the iowa Festival .... I refuse to do it again without seeing a c~mplete budget. Gilpin/ ...Last year the Jazz Festival actually came out ahead .... Nov/ See why I am asking for budgets and financial statements. Pigott/ Don't have a structure for review of budgets and so fourth... that is one of the things we do have to look at down the line .... I don't have a problem saying this year .... first phase of setting up a structure..° we are going to take you This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of February 20,' 1996. WS022096 February 20, 1995' Council Work Session Page 32 for your word .... Going to get our moneys worth plus some from these people .... Nov/ ...I am' saying that you have a responsibility..;.because we are spending tax money .... Pigott/ We are spending it anyway...that money is going to CVB .... Lehman/ They may be a better judge of where the money is beet spent .... Horow/ Where did you come up with $7,500? Gilpin/ our total budget is $20,000 but $6,000 of that is in-kind advertising...$14,000 is 10~% funds that go to pay the musicians and sound .... We asked for $7,500 .... originally .... Committee meeting .... when we saw in the paper that you suggested the $5,000 for the other two .... this'had much broader appeal...18 weeks... we would ask for more...difficult to fund raise last year .... Hope to do better this year... Throg/ What is to keep anybody else from reading in the paper..decided to give...$5,000 for Friday Night Concert Series... Gilpin/ ...Iowa Arts Festival is a very established festival...Jazz Festival... Friday Night Concert Series is CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-31 SIDE 2 Gilpin/ If you want to have some basis for this year .... city wide appeal .... I am pretty well of aware of what is going on... Throg/ Maybe not some other festival organization .... other activity... but some other Horow/...Science Center has been'after us... Throg/ Kubby/ .... CVBgot $10,000 mor~ this year...de¢ided conscientiously to split it in half .... ~orow/ Kubby/ Rules had changed under CVB...only grants are much smaller...only for advertising outside of 50 mile... Thlsreprosents only areasonably accurate trans~lp~on*ofthelowa Citycoun~lmeo~ng ~Febmmy20,1P~ WS022095 February 20, 1995 . . Council Work Session Nov/ They were going for advertising money .... Kubby/....there was some reason .... Page 33 Horow/ ! would have looked at ...which groups had come... Kubby/ ..... Nov/ We came to it late at night and very quickly .... Gilpin/ One of the things that continues to set us apart...is the fact this concert series came out of a partnership between the DTA, social service clubs, the Police Department~...original 'meeting...very very concerned about our d.t ..... festival exceeded our wildest hopes .... influence .... Pretty huge impact Nov/ ...You are doing something here for Friday night... Gilpin/ The Police Department is at our meetings all of the time. They are telling us that the groups that were thinking of establishing some basis in Iowa City are not doing that anymore .... DTA .... prime city... we think the business people should spearhead this... Pigott/ I am for it. Let's take another $5,000...and do it. Let's give them .... Kubby/ I say take it out of the contingency. Horow/ I do, too. Throg/ I would not take it out of CVB. Lehman/ I wouldn't either. Kubby/ Would you give $5- out of contingency this year only and then in the meantime get a system going in CVB for competition. Lehman/ Horow/ $5- out of contingency. Throg/ I would do it out of contingency and not out of CVB. Nov/ Where did we get this five? .... We are giving them 1/4 of their Thisrepresen~ only a ~ason~ly accu~to uan$cr]p~onof~elowa Cl~ co~ndl meetlngofFebma~ 20, 1995. WS022095 February 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 34 budget .... Throg/Another issue...we shouldn't be making this decision in this way ..... What we have here...¢ouple people from DTA... request .... with no other choices in front of us... allocating money in a way that sakes sense for the city as a whole .... We don't know that we are comparing it to. Horow/ Baker/ Merits of this request. Throg/ Pigott/ Tell Steve, is there some creative way we can get $5,000 for these folks? Arkins/ Council travel. Pigott/ Arkins/ If you are going to do it, contingency is where it should come from. Nov/ ...have to say this is a one time .... Kubby/ We are going to discuss it with CVBwhether they want to do it or whether we are going to need to do it if they won't do it and that 25% may change next year. We need to continue to discuss this overall issue. Nov/ The.other arts folks in town are going to come back and ask for money. I promise that. Horow/ Anything else? Lehman/ We are going to have to do something about the deer in this co~munity .... There are plaoes...problems... We got to think about this .... DNR .... Atkins~ Lehman/ Kubby/ Animal control Advisory Committee .... Throg/ Let's direct it to them. This represents only a reasonably accurate tr~scdptlon of the Iowa City council meeting of Februmy 20, 1885. WS022095 February 20, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 35 Horow/ Steve, direct it .... 4. Atkin~/ Have you ~een this (Gazette article). All I want to know...came from under -the auspices of the Iowa City Homebuilders Legislative Com]aittee, Harvey Wehde and I don't believe that the Homebuilders Association would say these things .... nonsense...we don't have anythingremotely close to that ..... Horow/ When we have the budget hearing...Can I throw you some questions .... Adjourned: 9:05 PM Thlsrepresentsonlyaree~onably accurate ~ans=lpfion of ~elowa Clty coun~l meeting ofFebmary20,1996. WS022095