HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-20 TranscriptionMarch 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page March 20, 1995 Council Work Session 6:30PM council: Horow, Kubby, Lehman, Nov, Pigott, Throg. Absent: Baker. Staff: Atkins, Woito, Karr, Franklin, Schoon. Tapes: 95-38, Side 2; 95-41, all; 95-42, Side 1. Economic Development Policy Discussion 95-38 S2 1. Sustainable Economic Development. Horow/ Acknowledge a couple of guests that we have in the audience. Mayor Rose Kabuye ...... Rwanda and her assistant... Peter Masamorwa, also from Rwanda .... our Planner is Karin Franklin in the front row here. Like to start, Steve .... keep on schedule...maybe half hour for each item. Atkins/ I listed these five specific items. 1. Sustainable economic development was an issue that you wish be brought to you .... summary memo .... 2. Economic development policies and strategies .... we would like some confirmation of those policies ..... 3. 1995 Economic development activities .... a work program. 4. Industrial park, I will kind of step you through where we are in the process of that development .... 5. Industrial park/financial assistance criteria. Whether you accept the kind of two approaches. We understood... zone the land industrial, be required to fulfill the requirements of I- 1 zoning and then any agency, group, company...seeking financial assistance, we would establish financial criteria that you would use to apply .... Here to listen to what you all have to say. Throg/ Atkins/ Throg/ I have a reaction to the seven policies that you presented us with and to just get the general point out on the floor. I am really quite supportive .... praise you and David for the memo .... All strike me as being a positive step in the right direction. Policy 1, 4A, and 4C need to be revised to incorporate the principles of sustainability ..... I would urge us- Arkins/ Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscdptionofthelow8 City councllmeetlngof March20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Throg/ Policy l, 4A, and 4C. Page 2 Atkins/ Oh, Policy 1 in general and then- Throg/ Strategy A and Strategy C within Policy 4. Atkins/ We will step through these. Kubby/ Why don't we have a general discussion about this issue of sustainable development ..... ? Horow/ I did appreciate this...very helpful ..... Kubby/ I really hope that we will go in this kind of direction .... I have not been very active on economic development issues because I haven't really liked the non-directive way that we have been doing it .... results weren't something that I would have wanted to promote specifically ..... With this, to me this is very positive .... the way to get there is very positive .... The one thing that I would like to make sure that we don't lose focus of is how public input can be part of the sustainability of our policies ..... I want that educational component to be on the front end so that we can .... ownership and support of these policies from the public and help us guide us. Horow/ Question... public input from view .... Or specific businesses or come into the city .... ? philosophical point of industries that wish to Kubby/ All of the above and some stuff in between .... part of that discussion started with the task forces ..... Not only on the philosophical idea of what is sustainable economic development and do we want to take on these principles as our guiding forces. But also about these specific policies as well as having public input whenever there are public monies involved Horow/ How do you balance the need for confidentiality, the need for a somewhat hasty response when you are dealing with a business ..... wooing of businesses? Throg/ I am confused about where the conversation is going... focuses on a particular topic? Sustainable development..., Kubby/ What I am saying is for me, part of a sustainable economic development program includes this process that helps make it This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of theIowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 3 a broader definition of sustainable development ...... Public input about the concept of sustainable economic development and the policies happens way before any specific industry comes in ..... I think that someone that is going to end getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax abatements should have to go through some kind of public process ..... with the understanding that there are certain amount of last minute hastiness at the end of the process and some confidentiality .... need to balance those two things .... Nov/ On the Festival thing, I thought we were going to see this years budget .... for current $5,000. Kubby/ As a point, if we are making a local festival .... if we are saying if you are going to get $5,000 from us, we have to see a detailed budget ..... That the least we could do if someone is getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax abatement... Throg/ I completely support the idea of having a participatory process with regard to this idea of sustain development .... Several months ago I proposed creating a commission on economic development...? I would like to suggest that we create a temporary ..... commission on sustainable economic development that has a specific focus, a specific agenda... direct it to accomplish two specific tasks. 1. To integrate the philosophy of sustainability into Policies 1 & 4. And the other is to propose specific strategies to carry out Policy 5 ..... include... people who served on the vision task force for economic development .... expect that there be a public participation process in what they are doing .... Pigott/ Ought to step back as a group and talk about the concept of sustainable development .... and what are the positions out there .... Ernie... how do you see this idea of sustainable economic development...? I don't know whether or not we really like the idea or not ..... I want to hear .... Lehman/ All things being equal... sustainable growth is preferable to non-sustainable ..... I think it is very nebulous .... interpretation is really kind of way out there .... public input... from a practical standpoint, when the time comes when we have somebody interested in purchasing property, that is not the time for public input. If we have decided on the rules and regulations .... that has to be handled administratively. It cannot be handled in public .... If you have this commission and you set up the rules, we certainly can administer the Thisrepresents only areasonebly accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 4 rules we set up and we can do that confidentially ..... Throg/ I didn't mean to suggest that this commission on economic development would review every application .... Lehman/ ...to set. up the guidelines. Nov/ I really prefer guidelines ..... Pigott/ What is wrong with us saying these are the parameters in which we. establish business that come into our community or aiding businesses ..... Nov/ I think that you cannot be absolute and rigid about sustainable development ..... We can say we will show you how you can do more paper recycling after you are here .... energy conservation... I don't want us to get to a point where we will exclude somebody based on a list of very serious rules. I think these ought to be guidelines. Horow/ My-concern is the difference between inclusive versus exclusive ...... Kubby/ But there are certain cases... business... find out later their turnover rate is 60% a year... some things that maybe are rules and some things maybe that are guidelines .... Horow/ Karen, we have had this discussion about health benefits before and I personally believe that a family .... co-insured Lehman/ I would rather pay a third of my income for health insurance and have two thirds left to spend for something else than have no income at all. Kubby/ By the time you pay for child care .... Maybe make's a difference if we are zoning something or whether they are getting public money ..... much higher level of scrutiny that we should...for public money to put on businesses~ .... Idea of what is sustainable. Our society is not sustainable if industries.are coming here and not doing energy conservation ...... These are the kind of concepts in the position paper. Lehman/ I agree with you. I don't think we can do things that make a industry to put them at a competitive disadvantage. They are competing within their own industry Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscrlptlon of ~elowa City coundl meeting of March20,19951 WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work SDssion Page 5 Kubby/ . . . ..... Dlstlnctlon...whether there is public monies involved or not .... held up to a higher standard .... Horow/ Words'and concept of it .... I Would prefer to see us .... we have the responsibility to go to the Homebuilders Association ...... Service organizations and talk about this... get examples~... If companies come in. being exclusive... maturation period .... '' Kubby/ We exclude everyday by every law and rule we create. · We make decisions ...... Pigore/ What I hear you saying is you don't have a problem with the concept of sustainable development. ~t ' ' is lmplementin~ it through restrictions on development which you may object~to. Horow/ ,~he restrictions on the criteria . ra~ner go at it t~ .... ~ .,. to review .... ,~vu~u a poelely I Would companies that we have...ass' h~m e way of the 'existing ~st t ....... Pigot~/ What about providing a carrot in . industrial ark ~ .... ~erms of whether ' P or ....... say~n t~ ' . it ~s you X .... I hear-you ob~ecti~ ~t~l~yo%~o this, we give ~ ~ ~v ~ negative approach to sustainable development..;... You get X, y city if You promote sustainable development~.~d Z from.the Kubby/ ..... Lehman/ Excellent...if we have incentives for various things .... Throg~ The whole CEBA grant idea is ' . . ~.~t,is by nature, selective to Pr~de incanelves, isn't ~.~ulxylng the criteri~ ~,, ~'~"' a~l we would be doin~ ~ what those specific ~:~nl~n we are being selectiu~~ ~ am ready to foc,,~ ~.~ria snould be .... I don't ,,__~Ti'' do, right at this g n on that now. What I Would like to point, is try to be clear about this idea of sustainable development and see if we can buy into the notion of committing ourselves to it as part of our overall economic development policy .... Kubby/ Maybe we need to get specific. On page 3... Horow/ I Would not want it to be exclusive ..... Throg/ Where I thought we were at was talking about the policies. Horow/ For me is focusing on exclusivity versus inclusivity .... ~h~r~presents~n~?~n~j~ccur8tetr~n~cdpt~n~fthe~w~Ityc~n~m~t~ng~fM~rc~1~5~ WSO32095 March 20, 199~ Council Work Session Page 6 open to promoting these but I am not going to su~m~arily s~y don't even bother. Throg/ Horow/ Some are going to be on that borderline and I want to make sure we don't automgtically say no. Kubby/ If there is a piece of ground that is zoned, we have no control in who comes into our borders .... Pigott/ We are talking about when somebody comes to us .... We are not talking about the other side... When we go out .... One of the approaches .... neat to be able to go out...say if you come to our city... We would target X, Y, Z companies or industries or groups ..... We are willing to give you incentives to come to our city because you do energy efficiency, reusable waste Horow/ If we got to that point ..... Pigerr/ Let's do a proactive policy saying these are the instances where we will give you incentives to come to our community ..... provide incentives .... I am afraid we get caught in this polarization ..... We have got to think of the proactive .... Throg/ One of the points in David's memo is to suggest that we try to encourage...support business that would produce goods and services that are needed by local businesses .... Build up from what is already here Horow/ With .that I am in total agreement of ..... promote the enlarging of existing industry .... Lehmah/ All saying the same thing in different ways ..... probably agree that we don't want to turn someone down because they don't happen' to meet one part of the guidelines .... But if they expect to get an incentive for the city, they need to follow the various things that we select. Kubby/ Lehman/ These things are desirable and for companies that have these attributes, we are willing to make some concessions possibly of public moneys. But we are not saying, no you can't come, if you don't meet these. Thisrepresents only oreasenably accurate transcription of theIowa City councilmeetlng of March 20, 1995, WS032095 March 20~ 1995 Council Work SeEsion Page 7 Pigott/ Sayiqg let's go get those companies. Nov/ I really don't want us to go out and entice somebody to moye fr'om one county to another because we are offering some economic incentives .... I really think if a company wants to... build somewhere anyway and we are saying that this is something that fits within. Iowa City, that is a whole other idea. Kubby/ That is the scenario that I have been talking about. That we have this criteria, we go out and we look at what companies that have these criteria are currently expanding in the markets .... and target those for industry that we want to come in .... For me, it would be the floor level, the most basic and fundamental thing we could do is make sure our people are as strong as they can be ..... Lehman/ ICAD is doing that now. Throg/ Do they direct attention toward improving local businesses? Lehman/ I am not sure ..... Kubby/ I thought the city's role is supporting the Chamber and ICAD was more in recruiting new businesses and Chamber roles was expansion of local ..... I see a bunch of shaking of heads. Horow/ Okay, let's move onto the next area. 2. Economic Development Policies and Strateqies Horow/ Steve, do you want to work on this? Atkins/ Act as facilitator and step you through this. Assuming you read them. We did try to weave in some of the sustainable economic development ideas .... Also wanted to rely upon existing position we had...comp plan .... Horow/ Throg/ My general question. I don't see the sustainable notion being woven in in Policy 17 I do see it elsewhere .... Be a little bit more explicit. David's memo points to a distinction between growth and development and I think will suggest that not all growth is good but I am all for development. The policy, the wording of the policy which comes out of 1989 update, the wording talks about growth and it talks about increasing property tak base. It doesn't talk about Thisrepresents only ereesonably eccurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session ~age 8 development, doesn't talk about that development being ~ustainable. So that is why I would like to see us have this commission'come in and do some work on this policy. Revising -it,.working on it, modify it to make it more consistent with the idea of sustainable. Atkins/ I'think it is terminology. When we lifted the policy of the comp plan "compatible with existing businesses and industry" we thought had a flavor of sustainable economic development in · it. Strategy A: Identifying groups that are compatible with the community .... arguing semantics .... doing that. Throg/ I will identify the words that I read differently, "(2) Attracting industries that have growth potential" .... imagine many 'industYies that have growth potential that I personally would not particularly like to attract in Iowa City. Arkins/ Again, this is lifted from the comp plan .... If you choose the amend that, that is certainly your call. But we tried to use a little bit of the old... attracting industries that have growth potential. If you have a disagreement with that, it ultimately.will be reflected in the comp plan amendments that yourput together ..... reluctant to kind of change that because we felt that was adopted policy. Horow/ It seems to me that the opposite of growth is no growth in this particular situation ..... The word growth doesn't have the same meaning to me as it does to you... Throg/ A particular kind of industry could help .ov~-consume depletable non~renewable resources, like coal ..... , o~ it could help to deplete renewable resources like forests ...... Third, they could overwhelm the capacity of naturalsystems to accommodate waste. A firm.'..could be part of destruction of natural world global. So the whole notion of sustainable development is connected .... trying to integrate natural systems with the economy. So you could have a striving economy without harm to the natural world. Horow/ ..... The industries that I look at to invest in are smarter than that ..... not going to cut off their resources to produce their product ..... Pigott/ ...do it on a city level .... So long as that growth doesn't come at the expense of some of the things that Jim had talked about. Thlsrepmsents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 9 Throg/ Think about savings and income. Imagine savings to stand for clean water, clean air, coal...natural systems .... you want to spend no more than your annual income .... If you spend more than you make each year you start depleting your savings .... What I am suggesting is not living off our savings but living off oursincome. Kubby/ When we get down to the nitty gritty... good to have words that we all feel comfortable with and are clear in the ~nderstanding ... we all know what the words mean to the group Horow/ To me, right now, the words sustainable development is a red flag .... I feel uncomfortable using it. Pigott/ .... what I hear Jim talking about...it has to be sustainable growth. Lehman/ May be some development .... that may be desirable that may not be totally sustainable. I don't know we close that door ..... our aim is development, responsible and as much as possible sustainable .... I don't think we can say that we absolutely would not consider something that isn't totally sustainable. Kubby/ Most businesses are not 100% sustainable. Throg/ As a policy we could be promoting sustainable development. Lehman/ Horow/ ..... Development ' and growth doesn't need the word sustainable because 100% of the time it is not sustainable. Kubby/ There are sustainable...characteristics .... Horow/ Can't have a long involved conversation with people in this ci{y in terms of sitting them down and explaining the philosophy of sustainable development every time you go and talk about the city's economic policies ........ Kubby/ Sustainable economies...keeps up with the times as new products come on line...new resources are d~veloped .... example, IIGE is exploring wind power .... We have more potential for wind generation in this state than California per acre .... Things change .... businesses .... change what they do...use ~hem more efficiently .... doesn't mean that they are This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995. WS032095 Maroh'20, 1995 Council Work session Page 10 stagnant ..... Systems that are mono-6ulture don't last long. Systems that don't have constant energy inputs fade out through entropy ..... I think you are not connecting somehow. Horow/ If I am not connecting that makes me don't think I am that far off from the street. concerned because I normal person on the Lehman/ I don't think we are disagreeing. Horow/ Looking for language that are not red flagged ..... Kubby/ We can term it whatever we want as long as we agree on the · concepts ..... Pigott/ You are worried about job, employment, market ~hare in the companies that you looked at ..... What I hear people saying is we are not against increased market share ..... increased employment. What we are looking for is that within the boundaries of sustainability in terms that are talked about in · this mem~ ...... Horow/ Let's continue, Jim- Throg/ The only other thing..'.'idea of commission which could thrash out some of these issues with regard to sustainability and help ~s to be more clear. Horow/ I feel like I am always negative .... wind up taking their recommendations and thrash them out here. I would rather that we thrash these things out rather than have a commission. Throg/ .... Most of the time we accept what they recommend without any discussion or debate at all. Sometimes we don't. In this particular issue, why not take advantage of the fact that we have a University here with some really skilled people and involve them in this process .... bright and active community who are interested in developing the economy ..... Why not give the public an opportunity to become involved .... Horow/ Because .... we have been dragging Our heels on clear economic development statements and I think the citizens want us to make a decision ..... I think it is just one more dragging of the heels. Throg/ ..... I like the thrust of what Steve gave us. I am willing to support virtually everything in there ..... } think we can This repmsents only a reasonably accurate Uanscrlptlon ofthe Iowa Cl~ council meeting of March 20, 1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 ... Council Work Session Page act on these policies. What I want to encourage us to do is appoint'this other group of people to thrash out some of the issues involved in sustainability so that this can be modified over time ..... Lehman/ I would like to see ICAD's Board .... have them go through this and come back .... these are the folks who are dealing with potential people coming to Iowa City ..... I would really like their reaction .... Kubby/ Their perspective may be diverse but from a business perspective .... I don'% see ICAD. as diverse as a community task force ..... Lehman/ I agree with that. Kubby/ I would not want that to be exclusive feedback .... Nov/ They have not only business people. They have University ~people on -there also .... combination of University and business people ..... Have this kind of thing going to a University professor or University class of some sort. Reluctant, however, to set up another commission. I think that we have so much of this already done. We should hand it out for public comment rather than say a commission should redo it. Horow/ ...... Kubby/ I am interested in getting Coralville and North Liberty and other jurisdictions around us involved in ...... make it more of a regional concept. Nov/ ICAD 'is the regional organization .... Kubby/ I would like us to promote other jurisdictions... Horow/ CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-41 SIDE 1 Horow/ Their city councils might not be compatible with these ideas. Steve Lacina have been trying to figure out how to do this with a breakfast with the mayors...talk about economic development issues ..... Difficult trying to get everybody together. Thisrepresents onlyereaeonably accurate transcription ofthe Iowa Citycouncil meeting of IV latch 20,1995. W$032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 12 Kubby/ What we are trying to do is develop policies that we can direct ICAD. Horow/ But we can't direct the rest of the cities° Kubby/ ...interesting and fruitful for us to talk about these concepts with regional jurisdictions ..... to share the work that David has done... as simple as that .... see where we can join forces. Horow/ I think that comes in under Policy 4. Lehman/ I also think we really do need ICAD input .... Somewhere in between we need to have a policy that is going to work. Kubby/ .... We create reality .... policies that we vote on create what is going to happen next. Lehman/ What we could create is absolutely nothing happening. Kubby/ We could do that with the policies that we have now. Lehman/ I do believe we really need the input from ICAD ..... Pigott/ Wider input .... Horow/ Policy lB- Atkins/ ...found in listening to you that there were two distinct patterns of thought. One was a question relating to the process of review .... whomever you decided to involve in. The other question is the what to review. Are you proposing that you go through this, prepare a draft set of policies, strategies, actions that we have and then share them and ask for the review on whatever systems you choose to set up or are you going to go through this, set this as your policy and inform the other groups? Kubby/ I would like to see that. Atkins/ My suggestion to you is you do not have to spend all night on each and every word if the general substance of this after you have reviewed it satisfies you. Then you direct us to have that review done by all of the folks that you are talking about having done. Understand that is a little extraordinary where you are having your development policies reviewed by other governmental jurisdictions some of which serve at your Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 13 pleasure: ICAD, Chamber .... Pigott/ Other jurisdictions...to discuss our policy .... to see whether there is common ground and ability to work together. Kubby/ Although now that Steve has suggested that, I think it is not a bad idea. Why not say, what do you think about these...? What is in here that is of value to you...? ~orow/ Atkins/ They may say we don't like any of this .... Horow/ In economic development .... Atkins/ There is this person who tells me a lot about regional development issues .... she says .... what to review and the process of review. The what to review...can have these settled fairly quickly ..... important thing for me .... we have got to tell ICAD and the Chamber what we want done ..... This is what we want you to be doing on our behalf and that is why we pay you these outrageous dues ..... Directed economic policy as opposed' to a more of a responding policy .... I sense difference of opinions... as long as it is directed .... you are still directing .... As I thought more about sustainable economic development, you really can't be opposed to it. Pigott/ Atkins/ You could be but I don't know how you could sustain that opposition to that policy for any protracted period of time because as I thought when I read David's summary, it kept coming back that gee, I am doing that now ..... If you go through these, adopt them, direct them, ...then establish a process of review based on what you can come to an agreement on. These policies .... unless you have real wild and dramatic changes you want to make in them, we tried to fashion them under the concept of sustainable economic development as well as the existing policy. Kubby/ So let us go through {he policies. Nov/ Jim...have you come up with different wording? Throg/ No, not for Policy 1 .... Horow/ Thlsrepresea]tsonlyareasonablyaccuratetranscriptlonofthalowa City councilmeefingof March 20,1995. W$032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 14 Arkins/ If you do direct us to do a review process with whomever, I would think a cover memo probably from Susan identifying some of the buzz words...here is what we were thinking when we did thi~ to help at least give them a flavor ..... Kubby/ Even this memo, taking excerpts from it .... Horow/ Policy 2 .... A.1 ..... Training background of the local labor force. The work force center, Job Service, does not facilitate the employment of the majority of people who are employed in this city and yet with cut backs...will be people who will need retraining. How do you capture the education background of a local labor force that has not gone through job service or the work force center? Schoon/ It will be a difficult process in trying to gather all this information .... ~Cnat we ha9e tried to do is identify an agency out there that deals with people on a regular basis in terms of employment needs. Kubby/ Have resource... Labor Center .... has access to networks .... I think we should use them as a local ..... They are funded by public moneys .... computer resource Horow/ Kubby/ ...might have some ideas on how to gather information efficiently ..... They not only do training... but research. Horow/ Anybody have a question on Policy 2? Kubby/ ...some communities who actually target the jobs to a certain spectrum of the community .... to people at a certain income level... disabilities ..... more about gathering information about those groups of people versus actually taking the next step and t~rgeting training and new jobs to that part of the labor force. Horow/ Give me a for instance, Karen? Kubby/ For instance .... We want to make an attempt that 10% of jobs are slated for certain group of people .... So that in here in this policy we have gaining information about people and what kinds of support they need to get into the work place. Nov/ Programs and services... encourage and industrial... Thlsreprssents only 8reasonably accurate transcription oftholowa City council meeting of March20, 1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 15 Atkin~/ I think what you have added is maybe another action statement about targeted employment and I think that is fine. ~ think if you say give us an action statement about targeted employment, I know what you mean. Do I hear four .... Kubby/ ..... we need people to not just be trained for jobs but to be able to have a job to go to. Atkins/ Targeted employment, we can handle that from a policy stand point. Horow/ Strategy B3. That is in the process of happening right now. The school business partnership. Kubby/ I agree with Action 3 but sometimes if you take it too literally it is almost like the schools job is to produce workers .... Horow/ In the schools the curriculum development people are actually going into the workforce and working to determine what sort of programs should be in vocational education .... Policy 3. What does A.1. mean with "ring around the city"? We have got the Avenue of the Saints, 1-80, does it mean BDI? Atkins/ Simply our industrial development, if it is going to occur in the periphery near where we have the transportation network, the Scott Blvds., we simply don't want to put a donut completely around the city where we are blocked in. Schoon/ This is a statement that came out of one of the task forces. Arkins/ The Land Use Task Force. Kubby/ Strategy B. I really really agree with. It balances having one major core area and having smaller neighborhood commercial areas. Under Strategy C I would like to add some kind of action about the city really marketing d.t. and the parking. Marketing the resources that we have there. Throg/ Action 6. Horow/ I would like to know how we can promote the d.t. people to do their own damn marketing ..... I don't think the city can always do it for them. Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council me~tlegof March20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 16 Atkins/ ...I happen to share that. I think the DTA is simply going to have to play a much stronger role. We cannot market d.t. for them... work to create an environment that is attractive for shopping ..... but you can't devote your time to- Throg/ ...we have a stake in promoting it .... Atkins/ But market for d.t., we can create a satisfactory physical environment in d.t. by making the investment we have .... You have made a huge investment in d.t. I am not denying we don't have a role ..... they have got to make those decisions to attract people there. Kubby/ Emphasis of my co~ment was on marketing the parking rather than the d.t ..... hear consistently is perception about parking d.t .... We have a resource that is not used 100% of the time ..... Part of our economic development strategies to market the accessibility of parking d.t. Atkins/ Kubby/ I think it should be an explicit part of our economia development policies to 'market our parking d.t ..... main commercial core... Atkins/ We own it. Horow/ Nov/ Promote rather than market ..... promotion is what we need here. Horow/ I thought Strategy D was in conflict with Strategy'B. If we are promoting (D.) and encourage proliferation of new major commercial areas, I felt that this was incompatible. Kubby/ South Side is a perfect example of trying to promote keeping one core.commercial area, yet trying to promote housing in that same area .... Throg/ Strikes me as those being completely compatible ..... Horow/ This city .... people live .... Schoon/ Internet is examples...research park area near ACT and housing opportunities that are going to be provided in that area ..... Are who are going to be doing janitorial jobs .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription of ~elowa City council meeting of M~ch 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 17 need to c6nsider those individuals when we are providing housing near employment centers .... Horow/ Strategy B4 .... maybe I would like to question whether or not additional areas for research development or I-1. Does it have to be commercial development? What do we mean by com~mercial? Atkins/ That strategy has to be ¢o~mmercial. Read wha~ the strategy is. If you want one on Office Research..0those are- Thi~ one was strictly intended to satisfy that neighborhood commercial. Throg/ Strategy A3. talks about providing adequate amount of industrial and office research ..... Horow/ Okay, thank you. Policy 4. Throg/ Policy 4, under the heading, I would like to say promote sustainable economic development and then I am concerned about what we tell ICAD to do .... Atkins/ The $50,000 string is there. Kubby/ So it is really with'the understanding that these policies should guide their actions in terms of development in Iowa City. Atkins/ Once you settle on this, it has got to more than an understanding. This is what you want. $50,000 a year and we are going to purchase this from you. Go get them. Pigott/ That is what I meant by proactive approach ..... Horow/ Strategy C we did not address Cedar Rapids .... economic corridor... also didn't address ECCOG ..... I am perplexed as to how priority 1 or ECCOG or any of the other existing groups... fit into this policy. Atkins/ The way I would read it is the review process and you can certainly choose to send it to them asking for their ¢o~mments ..... legally the extent of your authority os the corporate limits. I think informing them and asking them for any comments and that includes ECCOG, I have no trouble with that ..... Schoon/ In terms of priority 1, ..... Strategy A, Action 3 is given ICAD is a similar entity that we work through ICAD in developing those regional efforts ..... Thisrepresentsonlyero~onably eccuratetranscription of ~elowa City council meeting of March20,1995. WS03209§ March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 18 Horow/ That helps me...Iowa City is working with Cedar Rapids on the U.S./Japan Midwest Economic Development Conference in September ..... I need to be able to represent you .... Kubby/ On (Policy 4) B2. I would like to add and other jurisdictions in the area ..... Arkins/ That was implied in our earlier discussions. Horow/ Rose from Oakdale Research Lab has a presentation on the incubation industries that they have and the thrust that they are going out into the pharmaceutical world. We have some material that she sent over. If council would like her to present what their strategy is for talking with small businesses .... Kubby/ Throg/ I guess Strategy B, since this idea of having a Commission or Task Force is obviously not going to fly tonight, I would like to suggest somehow drawing into this process a Center for International Studies, CICS, at the University of Iowa... global regional kind of economic environmental work, Jael is the Director ..... Pigott/ At the end of that sentence I would like to tag on "and citizen groups" under Strategy C and pro[pose a fifth action and that Would be to explore new methods of facilitating communication between these groups within new technologies and I have a specific idea ..... internet .... and the fiberoptic network ..... Horow/ Mark Ginsberg already has a company called Exclusive Communications ..... Arkins/ Is that a communication policy as opposed to economic development policy? Pigott/ I think it can be both .... Atkins/ If we start stretching these actions out so far we are going to make the agenda so broad .... Kubby/ Strategy C is about communication. Atkins/ It fits there ..... Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription oft he Iowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, .1995' Council Work Session Page 19 Horow/ Policy 5. Throg/ I like what it is here and I wonder how it gets threshed out in practice .... Action 1 .... don't know what it will mean and how we determine what it means .... help me? How are we going · to proceed? Atkins/ As I read the Strategy, "Establish programs .... "something folks can work with ..... I am not sure the answer to that, Jim. Trying to be pretty straight on. Throg/ Like to have some sense of how we are going to proceed. Atkins/ Kubby/ Say if you get public assistance and you are building a new building, your building has to be built with energy efficient concepts. Atkins/ I would be encouraging a business to be energy efficient because the'potential is you get some sort of public incentive or whatever. Lehman/ Atkins/ Kubby/ .... To say they have energy efficient windows, is that enough .... Lehman/ Seems to me...they are very sensitive .... Kubby/ ' Let's talk to some contractors who build new energy efficient buildings .... Lehman/ ...I think the public is very sensitive to energy concerns .... Kubby/ Technology changes .... things are always changing .... Atkins/ Sometimes you often have to rely on the industry to come to you. They will say you have to amend your code in some fashion .... be open to that. Kubby/ Maybe we should use our Energy Coordinator to give us some ideas about what can this mean more specifically .... Thisrepresents onlyareasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of M~ch 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 20 Horow/ Kubby/ Lehman/ Aren't the real experts on the energy efficiencies in the utility companies? Throg/ From their point of view ..... Lehman/ Nov/ State law tells them have to. Throg/ ...possibility of using Jim Schoenfelder in a more entrepreneurial way . Extend it .beyond the city .... extending his purview '~ to the community .... Nov/ Have to say he can review every new building that comes in ..... industrial building. Atkins/ I read through the nodding of heads that you want Jim more involved involved in entrepreneurial efforts. Horow/ Anything else in Policy 5? Kubby/ There is nothing in here about pollution prevention program. To me that is a really important part of sustainable development ..... prevent... and reduce .... Atkins/ We can add something. Nov/ Some of that is in the Code already .... air pollution standards .... state and federal law .... pretreatment of wastewater. Throg/ Karen's point... preventing the production of the pollutant in the first place. Nov/ Horow/ Anything more...Policy 6. Lehman/ I don't have any problem with A1. but it seems to me to be not compatible with Policy 2... I think ...folks at almost income level and those folks need jobs .... Don't think we can totally target high paying jobs when we have a certain segment of our population that can never qualify for those jobs. Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthslowe Ci~ council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 21 Kubby/ Maybe it should be livable wage issue. Atkins/ Saying high paying jobs...working with work force centers .... Don't want to say low paying jobs ...... Lehman/ Just seems to me that that is a little incompatible with the rest of what we are trying to say ..... I think we need to get businesses that provide jobs for the labor force. And I think .... they should be as high paying as possible. Kubby/ One thing I don't want...creating incentives for a job for a familyo..working full time at that job they are still below the poverty level. That is not something I want to encourage through public assistance.,.~ Leb~man/ But I would like to see that family be able to work. Kubby/ I agree. Atkins/ (Policy 6A1) What if we were to say invest in infrastructure and encourage business investments that create employment opportunities for targeted employment and then we are referring back to Policy 2 where we added targeted employment ..... I am trying...depends what you want out of that sentence .... Invest in infrastructure is a pretty straight forward .... what you want me to do in your behalf... Lehman/ Atkins/ I don't know how else you would say it. Nov/ I see your point .... peoDle...who have been underemployed for years%,.. I don't think we are looking for high paying as much as well trained... look for jobs who will accommodate the well trained employee .... Throg/ I will throw out an idea...What would happen if we said encourage business investments that create jobs which provide incomes that enable people to buy housing in the Iowa City housing market .... Lehman/ How about investments that are compatible with the labor force...? Cover the underemployed...high paying jobs... Atkins/ Nov/ Why don't we say that create jobs for a highly trained labor Thlsrepresantsonlyamasonably accurate banscrlpfionofthalo~aCltycouncilmeatlngof March20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 22 force or well trained labor force? Kubby/ We are getting at two different issues. One is the livability of the wage...other one is the skill level .... two different things .... Nov/ Not necessarily...employee may be a well trained secretary .... Lehman/ How about the high school drop out that needs a job...? Nov/ Not in that sentence anyway. Pigott/ Franklin/ Nov/ Lehman/ We are not recognizing all levels of employment. We are only addressing better paying jobs .... There are people out there who cannot qualify for those jobs ..... Kubby/ I am not interested in creating full time positions that pay minimum wage and no benefits. Lehman/ But we have people who can't qualify for better jobs than that .... don't exclude those jobs .... Kubby/ It matters...if there is public moneys... Lehman/ Horow/ Ask the staff to come back with a suggestion on this. Pigott/ Create jobs for a diverse work force at a livable wageo..want that concept of all sorts of jobs at different wage levels .... We want all to meet some basic wage level Throg/ How about that provide livable wages for a diverse work force? Lehman/ You are right .... concerned about definition of livable wage. Woito/ Do you mean livable wage in Iowa City or not? This represents only areasonobly accurate transcription ofthslowa City councllmee~ng of March 20, 1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 23 Kubby/ Do we want to be creating jobs for people, get them and can't afford to live here? Horow/ Yes. Lehman/ Yeah .... Nov/ If someone has a job...place to live in North liberty or Hills .... I don't think it is a big deal. Kubby/ With our policies do we want to perpetuate that? Nov/ Nothing wrong .... Horow/ .... jobs in this city .... Nov/ There are people who say I don't want to live in Iowa City .... they choose to do it that way. Kubby/ Nov/ CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-41 SIDE 2 Throg/ Have to show them that you are paying a livable wage. Horow/ That business would primarily affect Iowa City .... for most part that industry would be benefiting Iowa City. Kubby/ It matters what the definition of livable wages .... look at median incomes in Johnson County .... city, county, state .... regional... use federal poverty guidelines... If we want to look at it regional, there are two ways .... One is looking at prevailing wages for various kinds of jobs in the region and the other is to look at median income for the region .... 80% median income in terms of CDBG money for the Housing Authority. Franklin/ I think it is the county .... Kubby/ Those numbers are sometimes up to 3 1/2 times what the federal poverty guidelines are ..... We can define what we mean by that term. Horow/ We are going to have to move on this issue. Thlsreprosents only areasonably accurate transcdptlon ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of March 20,1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 24 Atkins/ Livable wage- Horow/ Let's take it and see what the reaction is when this goes through review. Kubby/ .... Polic~ 6A3. I want to take out the wo~d business from "Business community,, so that the whole community will help review instead of just being exclusive because the community definitely includes the business co~u~unity. Pigott/ I would like to amend that a little further and say "...make changes to the process that encourages business activity and reinvestment in the community.,, ..... Nov/ Pigott/ I mean reinvestment, not just encourage business activity. But encourage...reinvestment of dollars. Novick/ I thought we needed another action under this strategy and that is regularly review the Community Reinvestment Act reports because I think there needs to be a more aggressive evaluation of these things ...... They are pablum .... Atkins/ But they also satisfy the federal law .... Horow/ Can we say aggressive evaluation within the context of our policy? Arkins/ You can hold them to one standard and the feds are going to hold them to another. Horow/ They certainly work hard in this community .... We could gently be aggressive in terms of having them respond to our policies... Atkins/ Yes, Ma'am. Kubby/ I am glad to hear you say that .... I just want the group to recognize that... We are all making our own set of restrictions ... fine lines in different places .... Throg/ Naomi that the action that you suggested be included under Strategy C .... Horow/ 9kay. Thisrepresents only areasonably acetate ~anscrlption ofthelowa City courtcll mee~ngof March20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 25 Kubby/ So you wanted it to be specifically about CRA? Horow/ Yeah, something about CRA in Strategy C. Kubby~ I actually want to go back to this idea of public process... under 6B .... One of the fiTst action would be some kind of public input ..... should be a public process .... At least on the front end of developing the rules by which we play is developed at the public .... Throg/ Atkins/ D6esn't B2 ..... answer that? Throg/ It doesn't say what the process would be, Steve. Atkins/ ThE rules that now govern that, Jim. Karin says it doesn't say that. Franklin/ (Can't hear). Atkins/ Kubby/ My action 1. would talk about a public process for developing criteria and the mechanism and change the numbers on the rest ..... most important part about this° Atkins/ So you want some words of public input weaved into this? Kubby/ Yeah...ends up becoming an educational component as well .... atmosphere of togetherness .... positive move for being more directive about this whole process .... Being directive... concepts of sustainable development. We need the community on board .... Nov/ Look at A3... doesn't that take in what you are talking about? Throg/ Karen is talking about CEBA Program criteria. Kubby/ Let me tell you what I am talking about .... What I am talking about is that before there was four of us who agreed that if there is any kind of public assistance whether that be selling land at less than market value, tax abatement, our name on a CEBA application .... whatever... that people will be asked to give us some more information .... not just the CEBA but anything else as well. Before we solidify the criteria, we should have some ad hoc policy put out there and get some This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of March 20, 1595. WS032095 March.20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 26 feedback .... should be part of our economic development strategy. Horow/ The only reason I would like to consider this .... council needs to function and make decisions more rapidly than I think we ~ould normally do ..... If it would help by public input up front... If that would help us with criteria and guidelines of looking at those proposals... for financial assistance of whatever kind, if that would help us make decisions more rapidly then I would certainly go along with that. Throg/ I think that would be a good thing. If we could be clear in advance about the criteria and agree upon and a firm comes in ..... why not act quickly... Lehman/ If we develop the criteria with guidelines it would seem to me that most of whether or not a business meets this criteria would be handled administratively .... Kubby/ I would assume. there w?ul~ be an application...get it before we vote .... Having public input on the front end. Nov/ Where on the front end ..... talking about Strategy B Develop criteria with public input? Kubby/ That we put out something to the community and say either to do an ad hoc committee ,..or to send it out to all of these places we talked about earlier .... feedback is not as useful public hearing process as... o .... Horow/ I agree .... and disagree .... when you have a subject such as this...roomful of people .... monologues .... Kubby/ Throg/ Small groups with a facilitator. Kubby/ So why don't we set that up? Horow/ We have already done this. Kubby/ Not about the criteria .... Talking about...1-recalling people from the Economic Well Being Task Force ..... council is now asking you to look at this document...get specific feedback .... come back to us .... Nov/ I can't see any reason why we wouldn't be abie to reactivate This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 27 the task force. They have already volunteered. Kubby/ Maybe there are some other people to add to it ..... maybe someone specifically from ICAD .... Jim Schoenfeld~r .... more people that we can specifically target... someone from the Labor Center .... Nov/ Chamber group or ICAD Board should get this document, period .... ..and the Task Force should be the one in the small group to talk about it. Kubby/ .... City Steps went out...to hold p.h.s ..... a lot of people who cam~ .... Nov/ I like the idea of sending it to particular people that we know would be truly interested in this document and will provide input. Kubby/ I think directing the revitalization of the Task Force to do both: to get targeted input and to have general self selecting input. Horow/ Comment from staff on this. Atkins/ These policies and the criteria. All one of the same? Lehman/ Arkins/ What I heard you say is you wish to inform and ask for comment...ICAD, Chamber .... get all that back then send it to the Task force on Economic Well Being and ask for their review of it. Is that what I heard you say? Yes. Horow/ Is this going to serve as the criteria for the review? Lehman/ I think we want their comments on it .... Atkins/ The criteria- Kubby/ I w~nt them to review the general policies and I would like them to review the criteria that we use for entities wanting public assistance. Franklin/ Do you want them to develop those criteria? Kubby/ I think we need to have some kind of baseline stuff that they can add or subtract from ..... they need to have some Thisrepresents onlyereasonebly accuratetranscription ofthelowa City couacll meeting of Mmch 20,1995. W$032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 28 guidelines. Atkins/ Got loads of guidelines in these policies .... a lot of them are in here. Kubby/ The gray area in all of this discussion for me is these policies and the specifics that are in them for me are for entities wanting public assistance ...... Nov/ To some extent if we zone property industrial and we put in sewers and streets, we have already put in public assistance to everybody. Kubby/ Arkins/ Kind of leaping ahead .... I am having ~rouble~ quite frankly, thinking about the criteria based upon what I am hearing from all of this. I am not so sure we are even ready to establish criteria until you have gone through this review process and got all the comments that you say you want to get. Kubby/ I think there are some basic things. Arkins/ I think they are in here .... all of that is built in through here. I am not so sure you can establish criteria until .... let other folks get a crack at this. Kubby/ There are a couple of more conceptual things .... Horow/ Is there anyone else on Policy 6? Throg/ I am a little unclear about the precise process we are going to use with regard~to reconvening the Vision task Force. What I thought Naomi to suggest...reconvene the Vision Task Force, have them solicit input from ICAD and from these various other organizations while also reviewing this document and coming back to us with suggestions. Nov/ No. I was saying it should go to multiple groups:ICAD, Chamber...and Vision Task Force. Pigott/ Nov/ I am saying all of them comment to us .... We are basically responsible for the policies and hearing comments. Kubby/ Suggesting...reconvening the Task Force...to hear the Thisrepresents only aressonably accurate transcription ofthelowa CI~ council meeting of Much 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 29 targeted feedback and to get general feedback from non- targeted community. Nov/ Throg/ Atkins/ I had Karen's version written down. Inform the various groups:ICAD, Chamber~ etc., all of those folks. Ask for their comments on this, bring that all back together in some fashion. Reconvene the Task Force and say now, here is our draft policy, here is what everybody has had to say, we want you to give us your final blessing in the form of recommendation, and then it goes to you. That is what I heard. Nov/ Kubby/ In terms of concepts for criteria, there are a couple general things that I am very very interested in. Horow/ Karen, hold that .... Kubby/ ...When I am talking about the financial assistance criteria, I am not talking just about the industrial park. I am talking about any commercial or industrial entity that gets any from of public assistance .... Thought that there were four people who wanted to broaden that. Nov/ Let's wait until we get there. Horow/ Like to move us on .... Let's move to item 3. 3. 1995 ProDosed Economic Development Activities Atkins/ Pigott/ I have one thought about it. One of the things, fourth ohe down, "Through public, private .... " Before you insure the availability of an adequate amount of any of these things, you have to know the employment needs of the labor force in the community. Is that part of one of these items. That is what I would like to see stated° Atkins/ Labor needs? Pigott/ Yeah ..... Atkins/ The underemployment nose count of how many- Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate ~anscrlptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 council Work Session Page 30 Nov/ Isn't that in here? Throg/ It is Action 3 of Strategy A, Policy 2. Kubby/ Add to this the input process because we want to do that...it should be done in 1995 ..... That that input be in writing. Horow/ How do you propose to get this done in 19957 Atkins/ We can try. 1995 is going to go blowing by .... asking for further comment. Let's us give you something to aim at .... certain things .... we can work with labor force to identify that. we can.... ~? those things independent of you settling in on a policy.. . A lot of information gathering. Now, establishing criteria gets a little more specific. Probably not ready to do that because you haven't nailed down your policy ..... Kubby/ Public input...saves us time in the long run .... Horow/ I don't agree with that. Throg/ Hoped that would be the case...better to sort this stuff in advance rather than have conflict... Horow/ Don't agree with the fact that seeking publi~ input saves time .... Throg/ Democracy is messy. 4. Industrial Park DeveloDment Atkins/ Update. Here is where we are. We have done some of the preliminary work on the extension of utilities, the infrastructure .... $40,000 an acre. That included very very very rough estimates ..... industrial park was causing some of the infrastructure improvements to occur .... is going to pen other land for development .... $40,000 is probably on the high end...I did send a letter to the county...asking them to send me information...defining their role in this overall proposal. I received nothing. I did send letters off to the owners of the Houghton/Tucker property and I have met with those folks. They are not interested in development. They are interested in selling the land, period. I informed them I would put together the framework for purchase of some property .... I will bring that back to you. That should be done very shortly .... (Refers to map) They also own...farm house .... They prefer selling Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City councilmeeting of March 20,1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 31 everything .... Nov/ Kubby/ Before...soil can't handle .... what is different? Arkins/ Nothing. It is the only game in town. Schoon/ You can build on it. It is more expensive. Arkins/ Floating slabs, pilings ..... only game in town .... So the issues are some sort of a purchase proposal, design the final infrastructure, property would have to be annexed and zoned. Kubby/ Arkins/ Floating slap...piling .... That is where we are. I am about two weeks from giving you anything really meaty. But I will have that shortly ...... Kubby/ Does the Streb family know the extent of our conversation Arkins/ They have a zoning proposal in front of the county now to strip off front portion of their property for commercial which we are not thrilled with. Kubby/ Atkins/ It got bigger. It is the whole front of this thing... a lot of commercial ..... (Refers to map). That is what they want to do commercial ..... Kubby/ Is it inappropriate for our staff to make a presen{ation to the county zoning about why we might not like that, at the County Zoning Commission meeting before they vote? Atkins/ We can testify at a p.h. like anyone else. We have an interest. Kubby/ Franklin/ This is something that we comment on because it is in our two miles. There is a process. Horow/ Usefulness towards you or Bob presenting...more so that a letter. Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate tr~scriptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 32 Kubby/ I am suggesting before the County Zoning Commission. Arkins/ If we do it it should be Karin or I ..... Horow/ Promotion of cooperation .... Atkins/ I think you should talk to Charlie, Susan,... if you want us to testify on our concerns, I don't have any trouble with that. Throg/ I think we ought to do it .... Nov/ I think that is entirely too much commercial .... some way we can accommodate some commercial .... Kubby/ Maybe a call to the Zoning Commission...chair...know we are coming .... Horow/ I will get to Charlie tomorrow morning. Atkins/ Could...inform them that we would like to testify...have a letter prepared and sent to be part of the record which identifies our concerns..... at least it is one record. Going there is important .... writte~ testimony also. Okay. 5. Industrial Park/Financial Assistance Criteria Atkins/ Final issue for you is how do you want to approach this issue of the public financial assistance criteria? What do you want to do? A good many of the points that were raised in the correspondence that Susan and Karen sent us are found somewhere° I am really not sure what to do for you? Whether to actually write up a list and let you mark them off or ..... Horow/ I would like to ask people if page 2, second paragraph, if that couldn't be a start, a jump off. Page 2 of Feb. 9 memo re: Industrial Park Criteria and CEBA Criteria. To see whether or not we a~e in concern... with paragraph 2...'. Pigott/ Atkins/ Here is what I assumed. The industrial park criteria was a matter of zoning, period. Now if someone receives any form of public assistance or public subsidy, criteria assistance kick in. That is what I understood. Okay? Pigott/ Thisrepresents only areasonably accuretetrsnsc,iptlon ofthelowa CiW council meeting of March 20,1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 33 Kubby/ Agree upon what public assistance means. That list of things. Atkins/ If we determine a price per acre... Kubby/ As long as it is the real costs .... Atkins/ The public financial assistance, I wasn't sure what to do for you .... I understand this policy. I can make a list for you to do that .... Kubby/ There are two things I want to talk about ..... One of them is performance monitoring, so matter what is on the list that we come up with...that.we make sure they do what ~hey are going to do. Atkins/ The performance monitoring language we can get from our CEBA application...where they have to send in periodic reports ...... CEBA applications as performance monitoring obligation where they have to send in periodic reports .... Kubby/ Depending on what that public assistance definition is ..... What do other people think about the concept of performance monitoring? Lehman/ Fine. Atkins/ It is not overly burdensome... Kubby/ Other issue is clawback guarantee agreement so that if their performance monitoring is not up to snuff- Atkins/ I have not heard the term clawback- Kubby/ .... it is a term that is used that means if you don't do what you say you are going to do, you owe us. Atkins/ Schoon/ In a CEBA requirement if they create a certain percentage of jobs or if they don't create a certain percentage of jobs, those jobs they don't create they owe the money. back with interest. Nov/ That is a forgivable loan...What do you do with somebody who has received tax abatement? Going to send them a bill for the tax? .... Thisrepresents only aroasonably accuretetranscHpfion of ~elowa Ci~ council meeting of March 20,199§. W$032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 34 Arkins/ I think it is a matter of how you write your contract. Nov/ Atkins/ I don't think we are going to be overwhelmed with these..o'COUple a year... Linda and David...all get together and write the contract'and having the company accept the terms of the contract .... If they know what the criteria is walking in the door...contract that much easier to put together... fewer surprises. What you are looking for is the sanctions if they don't fulfill that... I am not troubled by being able to put together some sanctions for you.' Woito/ ...I think I can come up with language. Kubby/ I am also interested...when we sign a CEBA application that we have an agreement with the company because if the performance monitoring comes back not satisfactory, we are the applicant, not the company. Correct? Technically .... we owe .... Arkins/ Are we at risk and the answer is yes .... Woito/ We can have an explicit agreement .... can Company we had three or four layers of agreements .... NCS we have no security interest .... That was a policy choice that you made. You can certainly have requirements for those agreements. Kubby/ .... protected all the time .... Horow/ It is another layer onto the CEBA grant. Kubby/ Just another agreement... Nov/ Put that in as one more sentence to the contract... Woito/ Atkins/ I think, after you have gone through these policy positions, we may be better equipped not to give you a list of criteria and I am not prepared to do that tonight .... opinions from other people may influence that criteria. Nov/ I have a zoning question .... The read I read the industrial zone, it does not fit something like ACT .... Franklin/ When they did that we had to look at the ratio of office This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 35 to production and because you can't have just strictly offices uses in an I-1 zone. And it worked out such that the office was secondary to the production. Nov/ What are they producing? Franklin/ They. are processing. They are testing stuff .... Nov/ Franklin/ I didn't investigate it myself so I don't know. H.I.S. looked in~o it in terms of enforcing the zone .... they resolved it to everybody's satisfaction. Lehman/ (Can't hear). Franklin/ I have a question that is totally unrelated to this. It is related to the Near South Side Design Plan. We are having trouble getting a student rep .... Like to get started with the advisory committee ..... Consultant is to start April 1. We ...may have a contract on the 28th. Horow/ Franklin/ Any suggestions...? Pigott/ We can contact him and make a push .... Franklin/ Just let David or Jeff know. Horow/ (Can't hear). Pigott/ April 1. Kubby/ Horow/ Questions, David or Karin, on the industrial zone, Chapter 6, in terms of the regs, whether these were needed and whether or not all permitted uses are still appropriate for an industrial park in this area. Like manufacturing of felt, fiber, fur or leather ..... Franklin/ .... old standard zoning language and the idea is is that you are not restrictive and through our performance standards that we deal with some of these extranalities .... consequences of the use. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of March 20, 1995, WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 36 Horow/ Franklin/ We haven't had a problem with it yet. Horow/ You never know. 6E Dimensional requirements. How does this fit in with an industrial park? Franklin/ First of all the I-1 zoning is not designed for an industrial park. It is designed for an industrial are~ .. BDI's covenants are more restrictive in that they require ~6 foot front yard set back and if we were own a park, we could set whatever covenants we wanted that could be more restrictive than the zoning if you wish to in terms of those kinds of dimensional requirements. The concern about the physical appearance of the park there are things that you can do as the owner that go beyond zoning .... Horow/ My problem is I keep mixing an industrial park with a CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-42 SIDE 1 Franklin/ BDI is an industrial park only in that it is all together in one place and it is managed or owned or controlled by BDI. Kubby/ When we talk about revitalizing the vision task force, I would like us to have some kind of limited time frame so that it is not like eight months or something ..... thinking three months .... Horow/ What is the possibility of doing this? ...We are mangling your work program every time we turn around. Kubby/ .... We haven't given them a time frame. Let's give them one. Atkins/ We will prepare kind of a summary memo, the major things you have decided. tonight and also point out. here are the things we are going to be doing so you will h~e a summary of the activity. A calling together of the task force on Economic Well Being...is more my responsibility. I was the facilitator for that one. I will take care of that. Horow/ Can we do this before three months? Atkins/ I would think so .... I will tell them that you wish to move ahead. If you want to add any more faces to it you have to tell me about it. Thisrepresents only araasonebly accurate ~anscrlptlon ofthalowa City council mee~ng of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Council Work Session Page 37 Nov/ Atkins/ We need to go back and go through this thing. Horow/ Maybe you could tell us by Monday night when you think you could pull this together. Atkins/ I prefer not. I would like to take off Thursday and Friday ..... I will think about you during those two days .... Throg/ ..... portable fax thing. 6. General Discussion 95-42 S1 Horow/ General discussion. Karen... assistance criteria. your comment about financial Kubby/ Yes, it was the performance monitoring and the clawback guarantee. Those were the two things. Horow/ Does anyone else have anything else that they would like to address. Pigott/ Thank you, Sue .... Horow/ I need one more item. We have got a City/County meeting coming up and I need you to get the agenda items to Marian .... April 4 ..... Bruno has got a meeting Wednesday. Karr/ 4:30 PM. Horow/ Highlander. Not the food .... it is the items on the agenda. Marian needs your agenda items. Kubby/ I had asked for traffic control issues before the next meeting. Atkins/ Busy week next week. Wednesday we have got the water meeting ..... 6:30. I am going to send a memo out to you- Kubby/ About-financials. Arkins/ That is being done today .... in your packet this week .... One page summary... we have met with Mr. Barker .... Council/ (Several conversations). Horow/ We are adjourned. Thlsro~resents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthalowa City council meeting of March 20,1995. WS032095 March 20, 1995 Adjourned: 9:05 PM. Council Work Session Page 38 Thlsrepresents only areasonably sccurate transcHptlon of thelow8 City coun~imeefing of March20,1995. WS032095'