HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-30 TranscriptionMay 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session 6:3 ~ Council: Horow, Baker, Kubby, Lehman, Nov, Throg, Pigott (6:40PM). Staff: Atkins, Helling, Woito, Kerr, Ogren, Franklin, Yucuis, Craig, Trueblood, Schmadeke, Davidson, Fosse, Elias. Tapes: 95-70, all; 95-71, all. Atkins/ The rough agenda .... to talk about water and wastewater scheduling discussions, cash accumulations and an idea we want to propose to you. Followed by a discussion of CIP that being allowing you a chance to ask staff about any particular capital projects. Then... I would go through a general financial resources summary, which moneys might be available .... Horow/ Atkins/ The Library asked for a couple of brief minutes with you .... brief overview ..... told them about five minutes... to up date you on their project ..... Water and Wastewater Projects 95-70 Sl Atkins/ You will recall the meeting last week. We discussed the two projects...ideas on financing and a schedule. We have an idea about scheduling of the water and wastewater projects that we want to run by you and there are certain assumptions we made in the preparation of this. First of all the water project as proposed is about a 4-5 year phase in and we made the assumption that that is satisfactory to you. Secondly you have an interest in accumulating cash as opposed to borrowing and I would ask that you hold that thought because it is relevant to what I want to present to you ...... A third point... majority of council would find acceptable seeking some extension of time when implementing the wastewater project. So those three. (Pigott arrives). Real quick, Bruno, water project-keep that schedule we had last week. Accumulation of cash. Hold that thought, we have a separate pretention. And you heard the third point of extension of time. We have spoken with representatives of the DNR and as we expected they will listen to us... but they will only respond to a written proposal .... we have to give them something that reflects our policy. They are now involved in the preparation of our discharge permit .... based upon the June '94 plan ..... I asked that they postpone any further work on that permit plan .... back with them in a couple of days... give them some indication .... When we submit something to the DNR in writing, This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page2 they may find it acceptable and the EPA may not ..... So we are making some assumptions here that the DNR would find the plan .... acceptable. We have in place a wastewater plan approved about a year ago. We also have a letter from the EPA...we want everything done as soon as possible .... The greatest amount of pressure upon us is for the wastewater project .... Nov/ Steve, would you review dates for me. What was the original time when they said we had ten years? Was that '99 or 2000? Atkins/ 2000. There was a ten year moratorium that the State through state law placed on communities .... if you upgrade your facilities, you do not have to spend any further major sums of money upgrading for a ten year period .... Nov/ Atkins/ Turn on in 1998-1999. It is close to that date ..... issue of moratorium was subject to some debate .... What they want to see is a commitment. The EPA then changed that rule and said we don't recognize Iowa City with respect to that ten year moratorium .... back in May '93. The water project has three elements .... supply, treatment and distribution. And the plan we laid out for you... dealt with accomplishing those three major requirements for the water system over a period of five years. The current wastewater project has .... two issues. Pipe and plant. The original wastewater plan that was developed in 1980's connected the two plants. That was eliminated .... The proposal we want to put forth to you is we would build the water plant in phases as originally laid out to you at the last meeting and we would build the wastewater plant in phases. We currently have within our system enough capacity that we can treat ammonia within the existing plant for a short period of time. But it does require connecting the two plants ..... Project phases for wastewater are north plant, pump station, pump station, across to the south treatment plant, renovate south treatment plant ..... allowing us to meet our ammonia requirements .... suggest, in the form of a proposal to the DNR, that the City proceed with the construction of the pipe, north plant to the pump station,. Build the pump station, pump station pipe over the south treatment plant and postpone the expansion, renovation, additional capacity that we need at the south plant to the year 2000. In the year 2000 .... we would then bid the water treatment plant and the wastewater treatment plant at the same time. One project. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page3 Kubby/ The water plant is $27 million and the wastewater plant is what? Atkins/ $15-16. I will show you numbers in a minute. There are advantages to that and disadvantages ..... Can probably bid it early in the construction year .... larger firms... gives them months to assemble and prepare ..... Kubby/ .... local labor used. Will there be enough local labor to do both of those big projects? Atkins/ I can't promise that. If you have sufficient lead time ..... I believe that we can accomplish that goal ..... That does not mean that you have to have the same firm build those projects .... It is more difficult for us to manage. But the advantage of the thing is the early bidding process and the fact that it is one big job .... larger firms. Kubby/ .... big job .... At this moment I don't buy the argument that they have to be done at the same time in order to get the advantage. Atkins/ I am doing this primarily based upon concerns of financial hardship...stretch this thing out financially .... Let me kind of step you through how we got to where we are on this. One, we believe in postponing the projects, the wastewater project. We can still demonstrate publicly that we are making environmental progress ..... we will be able to treat some ammonia. Secondly, that is part of an overall plan ..... When you make this commitment... this is what the DNR will do. Another point is we can begin construction immediately ..... Gilbert .... area .... development activity... they will postpone construction activity while we bring the pipe through there which helps us ..... That is why we were saying we need to do the piping immediately ..... Another point is that this allows us to address those neighborhood issues immediately. Plum Street ..... get them on line into the pipe we want to build ..... Baker/ How soon will that take care of their problem? Schmadeke/ That won't be until the pipe is tied in at the south plant. Horow/ How many years? $chmadeke/ Thlsropresents only area$onably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page4 Atkins/ Two years to their affluent expansion. build the piping anyway .... But we can get into the plant ..... without the plant Baker/ So they get relief in two year? Atkins/ Yes .... as soon as you are going to get it an!rway. It demonstrates to the EPA that there is some element to financial hardship ..... We are saying we can't take that big of hit that quickly. We would like to distribute that over time. You will see shortly the next point is the accumulation of cash. The longer you wait, the more cash you can accumulate ..... The downside of this proposal is that we risk DNR and EPA rejection. They could tell us no ..... The bond market .... could get yourself in financial jam .... inflation could worsen .... We will go through on this schedule, two federal administrations, '96 ..... year 2000. Finally some sort of crisis were to occur at the water plant which has the greatest exposure to it ..... We think we can make this go. That is the general out lie of taking both projects and staging them over a period of about four years. Baker/ What is the difference between doing them all at once, extending four years. What is the difference in money we need here versus money we need in four years? ...... Atkins/ If we were going to build both projects .... rough numbers... we would borrow in '95 about $11 million this year. '96 we borrow about $12. This enough cash to keep these projects churning along. '97 we would borrow $28. '98 our plant, we would skip that year. '99 we would borrow $27 and year 2000 we borrow $26. These are very rough numbers .... We are borrowing little bits on the front end .... then you have the greatest impact on your rates for cash accumulation up here ..... Kubby/ Reason that we want to have the phasing in of these projects... accumulate cash .... Atkins/ Another reason .... lighten impact of the rates... Kubby/ .... even maximum accumulation cash is 10% Arkins/ Proposals only .... we can .... do some options for you yet this evening. Kubby/ I would be interested in looking at some proposals with Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscrlption of ~elowa City council mooting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page5 greater accumulation of cash .... with a longer time frame .... What is the longest schedule council will be willing to look at for wastewater .... Atkins/ Still have to sell the DNR ...... Kubby/ .... we should ask for that from the DNR ..... Atkins/ Practically speaking I would be very surprised if they would go much beyond ..... Kubby/ Decisions may be different for the wastewater and the water plant because of those contingencies .... Baker/ I thought we agreed last week about the water schedule. Atkins/ This plan makes that assumption .... Got to have a schedule sooner or later .... Baker/ ..... Atkins/ Let Don step you through the accumulation of cash .... Every dollar you accumulate in cash you save a dollar in interest ..... Horow/ Atkins/ Kubby/ Look at interest rates and inflations rates ... look at trends .... . Atkins/ I would like to have Don ..... Don I have got to get back to the DNR .... Accumulation of cash is clearly your call .... we can build a rate structure around that ..... Yucuis/ .... The rates that we have been showing in the proposal... 11-12 years are just e ' stlmates .... In the first handout which is the water project .... (Refers to handout: Water Projects) .... Finance the entire project from bonds, issuing debt for the whole amount over the three phases .... And the second and third columns are utilizing 5% cash and 10% cash accumulation .... we would be accumulating pproxlmately a ' $1 million in cash .... Baker/ .... But we wanted to go 10 or 20 .... percentage figures .... This represents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of May30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page6 Yucuis/ The biggest change between the first and second column is FY96 rate but then there is a drop in FY2001 and 2002 it is up. Baker/ The second column at 10% accumulation, FY96 would the rate adjustment be 40% or less ..... ? Yucuis/ I would have to go back and look. 40% would get you quite a bit of cash. Baker/ Lehman/ Kubby/ Is there a way with this last column or with anything above 10% accumulation of cash to stretch out those percentages of the increase?... Yucuis/ I think you would see the rates in the f~ture year~ ... probably go up ....... The farther out you go with the projects the more you can flatten out the rates to still accumulate cash. Lehman/ To accumulate cash though you need a big increase in the front end. Yucuis/ It helps out a lot. Kubby/ Horow/ Baker/ Still trying to get clearing extending ..... My question is the further we stretch it out I assume it means the longer it is before we come into compliance-wastewater. I am uncomfortable with stretching that out ..... as far as ultimate compliance. Throg/ Is there is dramatic affect on river water quality ..... with extending the time frame by two years .... another two years? Baker/ If we have droughts we are more dramatically out of compliance ..... wet weather we are safer. Horow/ Pigott/ I would be interested in seeing what 20% cash accumulation, Thisbepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City coun~lmaetrng of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page 7 Don, would look like with this time frame and then I would be interested in talking about longer schedules as well .... regulations and environmental .... balance issue .... Baker/ Also trying to anticipate a response based on what we propose to them .... with longer we have increased our chances of being turned down totally .... Pigott/ What we could do ..... fall back...diagram a series of positions we could take .... so that we can say we want to present them this .... this is our plan. Lehman/ A four year schedule with 20% cash down is going to astronomically increase rates .... much much higher than what we are looking at here. Yucuis/ You will see more increases in '97 and '98. Pigott/ Yucuis/ More level increases like in '96. Throg/ I am a bit confused .... much of our conversation is concerning wastewater .... When we are talking I am not sure what numbers to be looking at. Yucuis/ The question that came up from last meeting was let's look at 5% and 10% cash accumulation in both projects. First page is just water. The second page is the same thing for wastewater with cash accumulation of 5 and 10% and then the third sheet is the proposal that Steve brought up about phasing in the wastewater projects more over the next 5-6 years and it shows about 8.5% cash accumulation ..... one year debt service reserve. Throg/ If I wanted to compare...you to talk us through...on page 2 the 10% cash versus the top hand right hand corner of the third page which is phasing in .... Yucuis/ Page 2 is assuming a $46.5 million project and we are going to sell bonds in calendar 95 and calendar 97 to finance those projects, split it in half ..... Third column on Option 2 is saying we are going to accumulate 10% cash , $4.65 million, and the last payouts will come from cash on hand in calendar year 97. Throg/ What is the construction completion date for that? Thisrepresents only areasonebly accuratetranscription oftholowa Ciw council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page 8 Yucuis/ We are still looking at '98, start in October '95 ....... And this proposal would finance those projects. Throg/ On page 3 the other proposal that Steve alluded to. ¥ucuis/ Where we would chunk up the projects? First project would be building the pipe between the north plant on the Napoleon Park Lift Station. The second project would be to build a lift station and the third project would be to build the pipe from the lift station in Napoleon Park to the south plant and the fourth project would be to build the addition onto the south plant .... 2002. Kubby/ Four year schedule we talked about. Baker/ Throg/ And there would be a significant reduction in rate increase for wastewater from 1996 through 2001 .... significantly lower .... Yucuis/ Correct, less gradual than the original. Kubby/ Which looks good .... deal with the impact on rate payers .... Interesting in looking at four year schedule with 20% cash accumulation ..... Throg/ Third page...what would happen if we did 20% .... Kubby/ Start out with 35% and then go to 20, 20. Nov/ Not talking about 20% increase. We are talking about 20% accumulation in cash .... Yucuis/ Don, could you figure this? Yucuis/ Using Option 3, same scenario except accumulate 20% in cash? Horow/ Right. Baker/ Throg/ Steve, is there anything kind of weird about this suggestion? Arkins/ No ..... We wanted to give you that information tonight ... Thisrepresents only areaaonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Cl~ council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Page 9 got to write this thing out .... Baker/ What we need to decide as council first is the phasing schedule and then the financing schedule? Atkins/ If you accept phasing then you lay your financing policy on top of that ..... Still have to make certain assumptions... Baker/ Atkins/ It is difficult to pull them apart... Kubby/ I am concerned about doing the two larger parts of the project at the same time. I am not sure this community labor pool wise can handle- Atkins/ The two plant constructions- Kubby/ The water and the wastewater ..... Is there another way to divide things up? Arkins/ Other than postpone one or the other ..... You could phase them...design the bid documents .... Kubby/ Atkins/ I have had preliminary discussions with folks... they say we are willing to commit .... Horow/ Arkins/ Now, you want to send Don back to do 20 and 25%? Kubby/ We are just talking wastewater right now. Pigott/ I was interested in checking out a six year schedule as well ..... for wastewater .... run the numbers and say what does that look like. Horow/ Are there four people who want to do this?... Pigott/ .... I want to see what the financial numbers look like .... I just want to look at it... Throg/ I thought we just said page three, top right hand corner, has a schedule that would involve completing the wastewater project by the year 2002. So when you say four years extending Thisrepresents only areesonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 . . CIP Council Work Session it to six years I don't know what you mean. Is that what you mean? Pigott/ Yes. Nov/ So you are talking about not completing it in 2002 but rather selling the bonds in 2002? Kubby/ No, he is just saying put the schedule two years longer than what we are currently talking about to see what the numbers look like. Nov/ When you say six years, this is six years. Kubby/ Two more than what is currently presented. Pigott/ Talking about right now is a four year extension with the EPA and DNR. What I am saying is let's just go ask Don to look at six year extension with EPA and DNR instead of that four year that we are talking about. Just for numbers sake .... Horow/ Okay, how many people want this, great, go for it. Don, do you understand what we have been talking about? Atkins/ He is going to go back and get started on this and I will check. Horow/ Also the extension of six years. Atkins/ He added two more years to it. Horow/ Break right now for the Library. Atkins/ I would like to break right now for the Library and have them make their presentation and then the first series of projects...P/R. Kubby/ When will be the next time we get to talk about the water project in terms of this conversation we just had .... looking at 20, 25%. Atkins/ Trying to both, I think .... Throg/ ..... I don't know where the water impact fee idea stands. I don't know if Linda has been able to do anything on that .... Arkins/ I don't think it has been written yet, Jim. Thisrepresents only areasonebly accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of May 30,1995. W$053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session t~ Woito/ It is not goinq to affect the decision tonight ...... in terms of the fee structure. Horow/ Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcrlptio. of thelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP council Work Session Library UPdate 95-70 Sl Steve Greenleaf/ Last December we received a report on the projected vertical expansion of the Library. Price tag is Item A on the handout that you have received (Handout: Summary of Building Options Revised 1/12/95) ..... We went back on reviewed all of our options...right now actively pursuing Option B.2 ..... having received permission of the owners of the building to our west ..... Horow/ So the preliminary price on B.2 is not fixed? Greenleaf/ It is preliminary .... The price tag on A is the firmest Kubby/ I saw recently a brainstorm...reconfiguring Lot 64-1A and expanding..,diagonal pedestrian mall CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-70 SIDE 2 Greenleaf/ Not in any detail ..... Kubby/ Will that be pursued .... ? Greenleaf/ Depend on what answer we get back on the cost of expanding. Right now the Board likes the idea of southward expansion if that would work ..... lot of potential for commercial improvement on that site .... I would say that is on the shelf because nothing is final yet. Horow/ Baker/ Do some of these proposals include taking properties that is currently commercial...? Is part of your cost estimation the lost taxes? Greenleaf/ The only option we are actively pursuing at this time is that expansion to the west, Old Penney's Building, and that entails keep that whole first floor as commercial ...... ownership could go either way ..... depends on owners and city perceptions of their needs .... Kubby/ Condo ..... Greenleaf/ ...definitely our intention if we go to the west that there would be commercial tax paying property still remain there ..... good commercial use there. Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetmnscriptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 , CIP Council Work Session Baker/ .... tax neutrality .... Greenleaf/ I wouldn't venture a guess on specific numbers .... Horow/ Nov/ What about the basement? Would you keep the basement as a rental for commercial purposes? Greenleaf/ ...I wouldn't say no ..... Nov/ There are two levels now of commercial space ..... Greenleaf/ I wouldn't venture any engineering answers... Baker/ Have you been able to come close to anticipating the correlation between the physical expansion of the Library space and the necessary staff expansion? .... What does that mean for staffing? Greenleaf/ We have thought about that .... one building, one site .... 2.5 to 3. people of f.t. equivalents .... One of the considerations in ruling out a branch .... staff is a great big headache there. That has been a consideration all along. Horow/ Thank you very much. Thlsrepresents only areasonably accurate banscrlptlonof~elowa CIw council meeting ~ May 30,1995. W8053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Parks and Recreation Projects 95-70 S2 Atkins/ Handout for you ..... (Handout: Projects). This is just a summary sheet Capital Improvement of all the CIP ..... Kubby/ Will there be some time tonight to add? Arkins/ Sure ..... in fact we have a couple of corrections we want to make .... Simply go through the various categories .... This part of presentation is discussion, what do we mean by that project... step through the elements... keep in mind if we discover a long the way clearly there is project you are not interested in, let's get rid of it .... Secondly, I have a memo I will give you shortly that outlines .... groupings... When you make one decision you have some indication that something may be sneaking up on you later on ..... phasing... Thirdly, there are a number of projects that don't-are not well situated I think for priority setting .... For example, park maintenance .... those five areas will be an annual budget ..... Open Space Land Acquisition .... Parkland Development .... What I really want you to concentrate on is the capital projects. Trueblood/ ...Here to answer questions you have about specific projects .... Kubby/ For Parkland Development ..... reminders for the Library is we are going to have an ongoing need for more staff and equipment as we accumulate more land for parks. Trueblood/ I agree with that. Lehman/ How will land acquisition be affected by the mandatory parkland dedication? Trueblood/ The Neighborhood Open Space Ordinance for dedication of parkland primarily deals with the subdivision process and the Parkland Acquisition fund ... would be for acquiring properties that we might not otherwise be able to acquire through the dedication process or to add to those properties .... Lehman/ How much cash can you come up with instead of dedicated land? Trueblood/ So far .... quite small projects. So fees in lieu have been half and half .... $750 to maybe $2500 .... not coming up with a lot of cash. This mpresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of May 30, 1995. WS05~095 May 30, 1995 CIP council Work Session Throg/ Has the P/R Commission reviewed these specific proposals and do they agree that they should be suggested? Trueblood/ ...this was first together in '93...try to review the projects with them each year during the budget time to see if they have any major suggested changes. There are 2-3 items that have been revised that not gone before the Commission. Horow/ Which are those? Trueblood/ Napoleon Park Renovation has been revised substantially. Parks Maintenance Building has been revised, the expansion of the Mercer Park Aquatic Center has been revised downwards substantially .... has been before the Commission. Kubby/ For tomorrow night could we get a list of the projects from the Commission,s viewpoint that are priorities? Trueblood/ We can get them as far as the priorities that were established before, sure. I can tell you what those are. Horow/ Can you tell us what those are now? Trueblood/ Sure. Horow/ Napoleon Park Renovation, isn't that tied in with pipe, sewer .... ? Baker/ Is FY97 still a go date on Napoleon Park Renovation? Atkins/ Yes. Baker/ .... Arkins/ $700,000° Why we have the extreme variable in that project is the-We need to build a parking lot out there ..... parking lot to accommodate pump station and use other funds to expand the parking lot. That is the big difference...General Fund and/or General Obligation Debt ..... Girl's Softball Association .... Trueblood/ Go right down the list .... Prioritizing .... three different categories. 1-Smaller P/R Projects. Other category were more major projects and third, those that would require a referendum to construct. Smaller projects: Hickory Hill Trail is their #3 priority, Hunters Runs #4, Kiwanis Park #5, Benton Street #6 ...... #1 priority was Parkland Development Thisrepresents only areasonebly accuratotrenscrlptlon ofthelowa City councilmeetlng of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Fa~ 16 ..... Major Projects: Napoleon Park #1, #2 was soccer complex ..... #3 was U. of I. Softball Complex Lighting, #4 & #5 was Trails Project. Projects requiring referendum: #1 Expand the Mercer Park Aquatic Center, #2 Park Sports Complex, #3 expansion of Recreation Center, #4 golf course, #5 ice skating ..... Projects which have been eliminated .... Horow/ So they haven't seen .... Trueblood/ Open Space Land Acquisition was not ranked before ..... Cemetery was kind of set off on its own .... Kubby/ Softball Lighting was already done ..... dealing with not having the referendum .... Trueblood/ Flood of '93...since decided to do that. Baker/ Three documents in front of me ..... Kubby/ .... prioritized the order in which we want these to happen and they figure out the time frame and come back and we okay it, right? Baker/ I looked at F¥95,96,97 schedule and said whether I agree or disagree and I didn't have any major disagreement. Wondered how we are going to do this process tonight. I don't see any reason to go back and prioritized this whole list. Horow/ Only problem is there are some new issues that have come up that we have to place them into .... push something back .... Karen would like to discuss some. Baker/ .... I don't see any significant changes for the next two years. Kubby/ For tonight I thought we were going to make sure we understood all of the projects. Horow/ Kubby/ I didn't look at this in terms of FY96 and FY97. I looked at what the projects were and started thinking about what the priorities in each category ..... Horow/ Nov/ While we are talking about the process I felt a little Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate ~anscrlptlon ofthalowe City council meeting of May30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session concerned about the fact that we had all the Street Projects here and all of the Wastewater Projects there and we know that some of them must be tied together .... Kubby/ Just what Steve's memo he outlined does and it is stated verbally here too. Nov/ I don't want us to go through all the Streets Projects then go through all the Wastewater .... have to be done together... Atkins/ What I did ..... all of those projects have a direct bearing on each other .... I grouped them for you. Horow/ Let's finish with P/R right now ..... Throg/ I thought we were doing the priority stuff tomorrow. Horow/ Last time in '93 we did not prioritized P/R. Trueblood/ You did some of them. You left the smaller ones to P/R Commission and the other two .... Arkins/ On that list .......... received a priority two years ago. Throg/ If we wanted more funds in here for open space and land acquisition, what would that imply? ..... Atkins/ The Open Space Land Acquisition was intended to be a $50,000 a year annual appropriation and that Terry had that identified in his budget ...... If you wish to expand that ..... Reno Street Park ..... that is your call. Kubby/ Those are the Hotel Motel Tax Funds? Or are those separate funds? Trueblood/ For the most part (can't hear). Throg/ I can think of specific parcels of land... would be interested in considering purchasing .... How do I get that into the discussion? Atkins/ ...just tell us .... If you have those that you are interested in...get those things to the Commission .... The Commission...also has been kind of cheap about those things. They have been very frugal about the expenditure of those moneys .... We have pretty much been reacting those things. Thisrepresents only areasonabiy accuratetranscription ofthalowa City council meetingof May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Trueblood/ We do have a fairly active Neighborhood Open Space Committee right now... they are becoming more proactive ..... We are currently negotiating on a piece of property to expand one of our parks .... They are becoming more proactive. The other thing with the Parkland Acquisition Fund is even though it is set aside, $50,000 a year, the money is all there and available right now .... We are not necessarily limited to $50,000 a year in that particular category. Kubby/ Cemetery Expansion .... choices... add another choice to that list and that is buy lots inside the cemetery and essentially maybe get out of the cemetery business except for indigent lots .... Trueblood/ Jim Wonick and myself .... memo to get to Steve...go through the various options that we think there are to be considered .... Kubby/ Think about adding that to the list of options. Horow/ Any projects here that anyone feels we should...eliminate right now? Kubby/ I would like to keep the golf course in the eliminated category. Trueblood/ Nov/ An indoor ice rink needs a referendum, doesn't it? Pigott/ Yes. Nov/ I think we can eliminate that one. Pigott/ I would like to keep that on the list. Throg/ I would like to keep it on the list. However, it seems to me to be real wise not to think of it solely as an ice rink .... Have to be something much more diverse use year around .... Pigott/ Trueblood/ It came in a three way tie for third out of five projects. Horow/ Thlsrepresents only areasonablyaccuratetrnnscriptlon of ~elowa Citycouncil meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session P~ Kubby/ ...great desire in this community for people to learn to skate and to play hockey. Horow/ Leave this on with a low priority. Okay. Atkins/ At the time of priority setting you also get a crack at these things .... Kubby/ What is the outlying year that we are talking about now? Atkins/ 2003. Pigott/ Street Reconstruction Fosse/ Did you want me questions? 95-70 S2 to step through these or just respond to Kubby/ Could we just go in order .... Horow/ BURLINGTON and GILBERT INTERSECTION, page 12. Fosse/ Now it is scheduled for next summer. Horow/ And the $512,000 is the price for this year or next year? Fosse/ Should be good for next year. Horow/ FIRST AVENUE TO D TO MUSCATINE. Fosse/ That is in response to the Eagles Project ..... We had an information meeting with the neighborhood ..... lot of questions about...First Avenue and Bradford ..... It would certainly tie up the corridor ...Might be smart just to do it all at once and be done ..... There is a tie in the storm sewer project ..... need a place to discharge the storm sewer ..... Right now we are planning on constructing First Avenue from B to Muscatine next year ..... Kubby/ We have not even heard from Eagles with a preliminary design plan, have we? ...... Interesting to find out some more information about what their timing is. Fosse/ A few of these projects affect corridors going to Sycamore Mall ..... Think about that timing to ...... Horow/ MELROSE AVENUE-BYINGTON TO HAWKINS. Thisrepresents only ereasonably accurate transcription ofthe Iowa City council maeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Fosse/ We will need a decision on the width and then some time to get it designed .... STP money... 1997 for construction. TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION-ACT/HWY. 1. That is dependent one decision on location of east-west arterial ..... DODGE STREET GOVERNOR TO DUBUQUE ...... scaled back to Dubuque Street ..... scaled back to Dubuque Street. Kubby/ All of these it says this is a capacity related improvement. Does that equal the word widening? Fosse/ I would think so .... safe to say. Question is are we looking at three lanes, four, five? Kubby/ So that we don't have another negative interaction with a neighborhood ...that we are talking to the neighborhood on the way front end of this .... have them involved in this .... Horow/ This one the north end has been involved .... Kubby/ Horow/ Any problem...with this one? Throg/ .... It continually puzzles me why we continually chose to expand capacity without trying to do anything significant with regard to managing traffic .... transportation system management ..... We are not investing any significant amount of funds in that and yet we continue to pour money into capacity expansions and that can't keep going. We need to turn that around. Horow/ These capacities are projected for 20 years .... Davidson/ (Can't hear). I think most of the projects that are capacity related improvements that are listed here are existing capacity constraints. I don't think there is anything here that is projected .... Throg/ You can deal with volume to capacity ratios either by expanding capacity or affecting volume. And my point is..we could be investing fund into trying to manage traffic volumes on these major streets and I would encourage us to do that instead of continually trying to widen the roads. Kubby/ Thlsrepresentsonly areesonablyaccutatetrnnscrlptlon of ~elowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Davidson/ ...council makes that ultimate decision .... Horow/ RIVER STREET. Any questions? Fosse/ That one is tied to the sanitary sewer .... Dave Elias/ Most of the sewer line is okay. It is pretty much at the service connection .... Nov/ At what point...fit that all into one season? Fosse/ I think it is doable as long as we don't have another summer like '93 that doomed us on Kirkwood... putting financial incentives on working days as well as a penalty is helpful for speeding things along. WILLOW STREET...poor drainage...paving and storm sewer improvements. HIGHWAY 6 LEFT TURN AT FIRST. That is simply an extension of the existing left turn lane? Horow/ I am assuming we will receive some state funding for Hwy 6 construction and Hwy 1. Is that right, Steve? Jeff? Davidson/ I wouldn't count on it. The DOT feels that it is a local condition .... They consider through traffic their responsibility. Lehman/...haven't noticed any problem ..... Horow/ It drives some people nuts .... Nov/ Happens all of the time ..... not sure if it is a big problem. Horow/ HIGHWAY 1 SUNSET RIGHT TURN WOOLF AVENUE.That would have to be connected to the Woolf Avenue Bridge. Fosse/ Right. They want to complete the bridge before we do the paving there. Horow/ FIRST AVENUE MUSCATINE TO BRADFORD...tie in with the other First Avenue ..... Fosse/ It is certainly tied to the Iowa State Railroad storm Sewer. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session We need a place to outlet the storm sewer ..... Kubby/ Do we have current r.o.w. for width that we are thinking? Fosse/ It is very tight...narrows down .... Kubby/ Horow/ GILBERT HWY 6 DUAL LEFT TURN. Wouldn't that be part of this sewer pipe lane. Fosse/ We are looking at boring underneath Gilbert Street and Bwy 6 at that location ..... both north and south bound traffic. Horow/ BENTON GREENWOOD TO ORCHARD. Is that tied to anything else? Fosse/ Melrose Avenue. o.capacity...issue .... Davidson/ With the forecast traffic volumes that we have for Melrose Avenue, your decision on the width of Melrose may or may not shift volumes .... Street plan right now projects Melrose at a wider width. If you make a decision to keep it at the existing width or with some capacity constraint on it then we have to go and reassess Benton because clearly we would have more volume on that street ..... expect Benton volumes to be higher. Kubby/ Don't we need to do this no matter what option we choose? .... Davidson/ Kubby/ We still get to a capacity problem on Melrose over time .... Davidson/ .... we do show a capacity constraint on Benton Street .... storm sewer issue that might tie in .... Fosse/ Horow/ SYCAMORE HWY 6 TO DEFOREST Fosse/ Capacity issue mostly...access to the mall .... Horow/ Fosse/ Unrelated to the Sycamore things that are happening south of Thisrepresents only ars~onably accurate transcription oftholowa City council mooting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session DUBUQUE FOSTER INTERSECTION. That is a major reconstruction there because of the geometrics of it ..... banking an slopes .... Horow/ Lehman/ Fosse/ Football games there could be a problem .... Lehman/ Just regular rush hour traffic ..... Davidson/ DOT is well aware that we intend to signalize that intersection ..... They know we intend to do it .... Horow/ AMERICAN LEGION SCOTT TO TAFT. Fosse/ Rohret Road all over again just on the other end of town. Kubby/ This is the category where I think my addition...ongoing things... I want to add a traffic calming infrastructure line for neighborhoods and current streets. Throg/ Do you have a figure? Kubby/ No .... I just want us to have it in the list for prioritization. Nov/ Not particularly connected to American Legion Road? Kubby/ No...another ongoing cost ..... humps, planters... Horow/ One of the item left off...Muscatine to Burlington to Court. Whatever happen to that? Davidson/ We talked about that at the staff level and decided that the chances of that actually happening with a historic district being established there and the r.o.w. constraints that we have there .... didn't think it would happen .... Horow/ STREET RECONSTRUCTION (UNIMPROVED) WATERFRONT. Is that to be tied to the HyVee construction? Fosse/ Yes. Horow/ SYCAMORE BURNS TO CITY LIMITS. SYCAMORE CITY LIMITS TO L Thisrepresente only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995, WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Fosse/ That is Rohret Road South. Throg/ That project and City Limits to L and some of east west .... how does that bear upon our judgements... Davidson/ Wouldn't expect that you would reconstruct a street that was outside the city limits unless there was something working that kind of thing out with the county .... Some annexations that will be coming to you .... rate and type of development that eventually occurs down there will influence that as well ..... propose some cost sharing with private developers .... Kubby/ Horow/ FOSTER WEST OF DUBUQUE. Does this get involved with the water distribution pipes? ..... Schmadeke/ That is to serve the peninsula area .... just paving. Kubby/ Nov/ May like to put in a new lift station to serve a new water treatment system and you may need water mains .... Is it possible to construct Foster Road at the same time? Schmadeke/ It is possible to construct it at the same time. I don't think it would be necessary ..... doesn't necessarily follow that line .... Lehman/...Elks Golf .... Davidson/ ...one hole completely lost, 8th .... opportunity... reconstruct an additional hole .... move road to the north... Horow/ SLOTHOWER ROAD. Assume that this is tied in with Coralville ...extension of Hwy 1 CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-71 SIDE 1 Davidson/ It is south of 218 and it is principally an Iowa City issue what you would do with this. We do have an alignment study going on right now that will tell us if the Slotbower Road alignment is the one based on the environmental features in the area we want to use or not. Horow/ Doesn't it make more sense to get that before we address This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session this? Davidson/ I think probably you want to wait for the alignment study which we anticipate in the next six months ..... This is in here...JCCOG...use Slotbower for the extension of that street. So, we left it in here .... Throg/ Can you show me on the map, again, where it is? Davidson/ (Refers to map). at... This is the corridor we are looking Kubby/ We were talking about a Sensitive Areas Report in September. If that timing comes about, when could we possibly have an ordinance? Franklin/ What the group is talking about now is getting the ordinance to the council in September .... kind of up to you in how long you take to go through that process .... You could have it by the middle of October, adopted. Baker/ How is that going to affect .... more than this one particular project? Kubby/ It will affect a lot of stuff. Franklin/ It is going to apply to private development but the sensitive areas is something we take into consideration in all public works projects. It really is not- Baker/ Franklin/ The Sensitive Areas Ordinance is going to apply to private development. Davidson/ Horow/ 420TH STREET. Steve, I would like to ask you doesn't this sort of tie in with our objectives in terms of the extension of development park? ..... Atkins/ Yes ..... If you are going to do the industrial park, the likelihood is you will have exposure to improve that street at some time in the future ..... Could face that. I envision it being way out there .... Horow/ MELROSE AVENUE HWY 218 TO WEST HIGH. That was tied with Thisrepresents only areasonablyaccuratetranscrlptlon ofthelowa Cltycoundlmeetlngof May30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session 1~26 Rohret Road .... Fosse/ It is currently under design. Horow/ Fosse/ We awarded the contract to Shire Hattery for that. Horow/ This figure though includes the design cost or not? Fosse/ Yes. Nov/ When do you think this might be under construction? Fosse/ Planning right now for a 1996 construction season. Horow/ Any other issue? Kubby/ Ho~ do people feel about adding the new item I talked about? Pigott/ Great idea. I have no problem .... Horow/ New streets. SOUTHGATE AVENUE. Fosse/ We certainly don't want to do before the sewer goes in connecting the two plants. Right now we tentatively plan to follow closely behind that. Horow/ This is all city money or partly the developers? Davidson/ Partly developers. At least the r.o.w. Horow/ SCOTT BOULEVARD: PHASE I,II,III. Is there any state money projected for this? Davidson/ Our current STP money .... programmed for other projects. ICTEA will be reconsidered in '97 ..... But there is nothing dedicated for any of those in the way of federal money now. Kubby/ Is there anyway we could get RISE Funds? Davidson/ If you can tie a project, Karen, to creating jobs there is the opportunity for RISE money. The state really tightened that program up .... If we bid a really good project... Baker/ ...FY97 Thisrepresents only sreasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Davidson/ That was based on your previous priority, Larry. It is subject to whatever change you want to make. Baker/ Davidson/ What we have shown is a facility similar to Scott Blvd... been reconstructed to south of Rochester .... Throg/ It is not clear to me why either Phase II or Phase III of Scott Blvd. Extension are either necessary or desirable. Davidson/ They are part of a long range street plan in that area .... That is part of infrastructure that would be required for property to be developed in that area ..... Throg/ But if the east west arterial is constructed along with the extension of Scott Blvd up to the point where it intersects with the east west arterial, that would have the affect of alleviating traffic congestion on the southern portion of Dodge .... Davidson/ To the degree that you get any kind of so called by -pass in there that would keep people .... we would see that as reduc~ng some of that traffic. Kubby/ May be a matter of timing ..... Davidson/ ...... that is one we do get comments from people about all of the time. Franklin/ There was also some pretty strong sentiment on the part of P/Z Commission for the Scott Blvd Extension when we had the lengthy discussion about ACT and East West Parkway and I think there were two parts to it...to approach development in this area from the east and work west in terms of the street development ..... And then have the east west arterial built by the developments as they progressed. But also to focus on this part of town as an area that was developable within the corporate limits. Davidson/ That is reflected in the phasing .... going from the east to the west Baker/ That would also slow down .... for extending First Avenue? Davidson/ ...cause that not to be needed, maybe .... Thlsrepresentsonlyareasonably accurate ~enscrlptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Throg/ Remember when we had that joint meeting with the P/Z Commission .... general sentiment that we wouldn't need to build that First Avenue Extension. That is what I remember. Baker/ Horow/ Predicated on the extension of Scott Blvd ..... Throg/ On the extension of Scott Blvd to the east west arterial. Baker/ Kubby/ Easy to have some minutes from that meeting. Horow/ I would like to see those because the question is whether or not ACT wants all that traffic at their southern parameter as a major arterial. Davidson/ Susan, that is part of ACT's long range planning is for that street to be constructed. They intend to have their main entrance of that .... Nov/ There will be still be a lot of people who come off interstate on Dodge .... Fosse/ One of the keys is to making the east west arterial an attractive alternative ...... Horow/ EAST WEST ARTERIALS. Same discussion. Baker/ Get the dates of East West Arterial, Phase I. FY97 or 98? Fosse/ 8. Baker/ What are dates on II and III, east west? Davidson/ Those projects would be- Atkins/ Beyond. Horow/ Phase I is what? 98. And Phase II and III are beyond. Baker/ Scott Blvd. Phase I is 97? Pigott/ Yes. Fosse/ The location of Phase III is what impacts the signal Thlsrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City councilmeeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session location for the ACT intersection. Davidson/ You don't need to construct Phase III but you are deciding where it will be located with your decision .... Horow/ FIRST AVENUE EXTENDED-HICKORY EAST TO WEST. Any questions about that? Baker/ Back up. Did you say (can't hear). Throg/ If we do the east west arterial and Scott Blvd. to where it intersects. Baker/ (Can't hear). Atkins/ First Avenue Extended, is that what we are talking about? Pigott/ Yeah. Arkins/ The primary arguments that you get are from the Fire Department being able to serve that part of town .... improves their response time. Horow/ FOSTER ROAD-DUBUQUE STREET TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. Fosse/ That might give some corridor for traffic that bound for the University. improvement to the Dodge Street is coming in on Prairie du Chien Throg/ ...6-7 months ago we had an extended discussion with Bruce Glasgow about this particular point .... curious where that discussion currently stands? Kubby/ We said we will do it if you give us open space, protect the trees, protect the ravines- Davidson/ You left it in terms of .... show us how you are going to do an environmentally sensitive development in that area. We have not heard back from Mr. Glasgow. Horow/ CAMP CARDINAL ROAD/HWY 965 EXTENSION. Davidson/ You all recall the issues associated with this. We are working some with the private developer on his long range plans ..... trying to work out how that might happen .... Iowa City is our responsible ....... Thisrepresents on[y areasonebly accuratetrans.lption ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. W$053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Horow/ EAST WEST PARKWAY. This is the one Jim is talking about. Throg/ No. So far when I have said east west I meant the east west arterial north of (can't hear). Horow/ Throg/ Yes, in terms of annexation I was alluding to this .... Horow/ How much of this is and how much of this is not? Davidson/ (Refers to map). I think we can divide that up: 1 and 2 are not; 3 and 4 are; 5th one is not. Horow/ Do we know the time table of the developer? Davidson/ Not exactly, do we? Franklin/ We have a development plan in for , multi family housing project, now...does not require that this road be installed for that particular project. They would need to go to their next phase. Another part of this...annexation and rezoning of the Langenberg Tract again. This also is the area where we are looking at regional storm water detention basin .... we would use the berm, grade, ridge, base of the road for part of the detention basin. So that would establish part of the roadway. Kubby/ Horow/ COURT STREET EXTENDED TO TAFT AVENUE. Kubby/ When Windsor Ridge was annexed in the plan was to develop from south to north. Is that still the plan? ...time table to get that far north? Franklin/ Yes. I think a lot of it, Karen, is going to depend on the sales. How well the lot sales go in Windsor Ridge .... It also will depend on the ability to get Court Street through and get that r.o.w. There is some intervening property there. Horow/ SYC~ORE SOUTH THROUGH LANGENBERG. Kubby/ Isn't that an obligation? That shouldn't be prioritized. That should be done ..... Can we take that off as a do it. Horow/ Yes. Thisrepresents only areesooably accurate trallscrlptloa ofthelowa City councll meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Water and Wastewater Con't 95-71 S1 Arkins/ Do you want to hear 25% stuff? I would like to give some idea .... (Handout: Wastewater Projects -Phase In Aacumulate Cash, Revised 5/30, page 3a.) you and ¥ucuis/ This is just wastewater and it is phasing in and accumulating cash. It does not move the projects out which I think the rates would reflect more favorably if that happened. It is going to take more work to do that. Baker/ Pigott/ Not a six year. Horow/ So the first column on the left is the same as the column on the right on page 3? Yucuis/ Correct. 20% cash accumulation and 25. Those rates, the 20 and 25% reflect 20% cash on each phase of the project. Pigott/ Kubby/ Isn't there a way ..... huge increase and all these zeros. Isn't there a way to spread that out to get the same amount accumulation over all of those years? Yucuis/ We can play around or present other options to this scenario ..... It's accumulated cash .... You will have a little more increased cost because you will be selling higher amount of bonds in the first three projects. Horow/ Let's only have one person talking. Yucuis/ You are going to be using all of your cash in the last project which is the largest portion of your project .... Baker/ The last project is scheduled for 99? Arkins/ 2000. Kubby/ If we are going to use that strategy to accumulate cash for the biggest phase project, spread those out a little more .... Yucuis/ The way this scenario is working is at least in the 25% cash. In FY96 you are paying out cash at $2.6 million, 97 $1.3 million, 98 $4.16 million and in 2000 $4.1 million. I set it up that way just to do the example. Thisrepresents only o reaeonably accuratetranscription ofthelowe City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session I~ Kubby/ ...... I guess what I would like us to do is think about the accumulation of cash to be done now but to be spent for the larger chunks of the project which are the last ones, the $27 million for water and for the wastewater, $16- Baker/...put of the largest capital investment as far as what we could get away with .... accumulating as much cash up front .... Kubby/ ...increases on the front end...suggesting now that- Horow/ Why do you assume we are spending them fairly soon? Yucuis/ The way it is set up is you are accumulating and spending as you do a project ..... Kubby/ I want the numbers to reflect that option that we talked about last time. You are making the assumption that that is what we decided but we didn't decide that. We talked about that as an option. Baker/ What I want to get clear if you are talking about lower percentage increase each year but longer, is that the same thing as saying we are getting percentage increases after we have already spent and we have to buy the largest bulk of the bonds? Kubby/ Baker/ We have four year extension. So we are getting four years accumulation .... So instead of spending all of this money in 1995, we are spending it in 1999 ...... I don't understand how you can have more rate increases after we have spent the biggest chunk. Kubby/ Is it then we have bigger payments that what the rates would be normally? ..... Baker/ I thought we are having higher payments up front to decrease the overall cost of the project in the long run? Pigott/ That is what this does. Baker/ Pigott/ Yucuis/ If I understand right, you are shooting to generate about This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session R~ $10 million if it is 25% of the project ..... in the year 2000. So that when you start that last project you are going to draw down and pay cash ..... and you are going to be selling bonds totally for each of those projects for the first three projects. So the fourth project you are going to have all of your cash there ..... Lehman/ This chart is intended to raise the 20-25% over a four year period. Is that correct? Yucuis/ Yes and in addition whenever, like you do the '95 project of about $11 million, you are going to be paying 25% cash on that also. I am saying you are generating the cash right away and paying it out and then for the next phase, too. Lehman/ Kubby/ .... I think that is what we should do. Pigott/ ...that is my goal. Horow/ Time frame, run this one by me again. Kubby/ 2002. Yucuis/ The same two scenarios, the column 2 and column 3 but rather than pay cash out in 95 and 96 and 97, we are going to accumulate it so the last project that is done in the year 2000, we will have accumulated 25% of the project costs and pay it out at that time. Horow/ And you don't anticipate that we will not have to go out for supplemental bonds? Yucuis/ You will be selling more bonds in 95, 96, and 97 than what is shown in the new proposals. Horow/ And the cash accumulation-there will not be an increased rate for the resident on those supplemental bonds? Kubby/ There will be. Horow/ Nov/ Horow/ There are two issues here and that is the timing of the This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session project and- Baker/ In the phasing that Steve presented we still have to in 95- 97 sell bonds .... $25-30 million. Rate increases are going to have to take into account those bonds .... In addition, we are going to pay for those and at the same time we want to accumulate 25% of the bog bond project in 99 or year 2000. Kubby/ Does the 25% mean the 25% of the big chunk or 25% of the total? Yucuis/ Total. Kubby/ My goal would be total ..... Baker/ The last bonds we are selling will complete...the project. Right? Atkins/ We have a total project cost of $50 million. Of that $50 million ..... you want to pay 25% of that project with cash. Right? So what is 25% of $50 million. So we have $38.5 million in other costs at some time during the four year phase in that we have to pay. What I hear you saying is that we will pay the $38.5 million out in the first three years of the project through debt and by the fourth year we will have accumulated the $12.5 million and pay that portion of the project in cash. Now what is likely to occur is that in the first three years you won't need $38.5 million, you will be borrowing maybe $25 and you will still have to do some borrowing at the other end but- You want to pay .... 25% in cash. It is when you want to pay this thing? Pigott/ And in doing it, paying the cash later allows us to reduce and lighten the burden upon the rate payer or even it out .... Atkins/ You use the cash in the latter years of the project. Is that what you told me? Nov/ ...does this rate pay the bonds as well beoause you have to pay back a little bit of each year? Atkins/ We have debt service during those four years that certainly has to be calculated into those rates ...... Nov/ Have the rates assume %bat? Kubby/ By doing this we save $12.5 million on the wastewater Thisrepresents only areasonably accur~etranscrlptlon of ~eloweCltycouncil meeting of May 30,1995. W$053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session treatment plant. Nov/ Horow/ Nov/ Atkins/ Do we have sufficient debt service to cover the bonding debt on this that we will be selling during the first three years of the four year phase in? Is the debt schedule figured into that? Yucuis/ Not yet but they will be refigured in at a higher amount. The current proposal has debt service at about(can't hear). The 25% proposal has debt of $8 million, $4 million, $12.5, and $12.3. Total of $36.7 with 25% paid in cash. The total is about $49 million. What will happen...we will issue more debt in the first three years... and your last years debt will only be $3 million. Kubby/ The numbers are the same but where they are distributed is different ..... That sounds a lot more reasonable. Baker/ Once you do the final bond sale in 99 and year 2000, that debt establishes what your rates are going to be permanently after that ..... Atkins/ Who knows ....... this is making the assumption we fully satisfied everything we have to do. Baker/ ..... Why is it that you have to have subsequent rate increase each year? .... Yucuis/ Based on the new proposal, those rates are all going to change again. You are not going to see-I think you will see a more flattening out of the rates rather than a big spike in FY96 and same in 97. Baker/ Yucuis/ There is still the 110% debt coverage and that is factored in. That is the reason why you see small increases in the future years because there. are bond covenants that we have to follow. Nov/ Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting ofNlay 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Baker/ Nov/ I would still like to see how the other system works before I say let's go. Arkins/ We would like some time to polish this. Throg/ Remarkably confusing discussion .... Baker/ We sort of sense that 25% seems like a reasonable goal. Pigott/ It does according to these numbers. Nov/ I am still having a little trouble figuring out how we can sell $11 million in bonds instead of $8 million and have a smaller increase in the rates. I need to see- Kubby/ Because we are not accumulating as much debt as before in that year. Atkins/ Nov/ I still need to see the numbers. Atkins/ We need to do a better job of polishing these for you. Lehman/ Don, these rates include debt service as well as accumulate cash? Yucuis/ Correct. Kubby/ If we are under the same time frame. We are talking about accumulating more cash and leveling out the rate increases and Don says that can be done, let's look at it. Pigott/ I would be interested in accumulating more cash greater than 25% ...... I am talking about thinking about how much more we can save in cash. Horow/ Got to bring this to closure. They need to smooth out any inaccuracies. Steve- Atkins/ I am going to write something up for you. You like the leveling out of rates. You like 25% cash accumulation. You like a phase in scheduling of construction and I have got 4-5 years. You like the use of the cash in the latter end which allows for the leveling. Okay. Thisrepresents only aroasonably accurate transcription ~ ths[owa Citycouncil meetleg of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP council Work Session Kubby/ Moving forward. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session 1~ Bridqes 95-71 Sl Fosse/ Melrose, Woolf and Summit are all in terrible condition ..... A couple of weeks ago we had a hole all the way through the deck on Summit Street ...... Horow/ Summit Street brings out a very hot heated debate. Is this the one we have got the .... design already done? Davidson/ We have a drawing- Horow/ Just a drawing of the lamp post, right? Fosse/ We have a drawing of the concept of the bridge there. Davidson/ I am meeting in two weeks... with HP Commission. Scope out what is going on and get interest from them .... Marcia Klingaman and I end of August or first part of September are meeting with Longfellow Neighborhood Association ..... have plenty input from those folks. Nov/ Fosse/ .... Bottom of Woolf we got sheets of plywood there to catch the concrete .... Horow/ When would you like to start that one? Fosse/ Woolf is under design now. We would like to start construction next year. Brookside has reached the funding level for the off system funding sources. So that will be going out for contract relatively shortly to design and construct that one ..... I would like to do it in 96. Kubby/ Is it possible to give direction...be two ahead on design work?... Fosse/ No matter what priority we pick for the bridges, the state ultimately priorities for us as far as when they bubble up to the top of that funding list. Davidson/ Quarterly they send us out a state list .... Summit made a great gain last year. Project maybe next federal FY we might have money ..... Depends on how it deteriorates .... Horow/ Second Avenue, is that a four lane bridge? (laughter) Fosse/ Yes. Thl~represents only areasonably accurate transcription of thelowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995, W$053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session I~ Kubby/ No. (laughter) Horow/ Essentially these almost stay the same priority as in 93. Fosse/ The Burlington Bridge...they are playing hot potato with it. The state gave it to the DNR, the DNR gave it to the EPA. We have been tracking for two weeks now and we can't find the person in the EPA who is looking at it ..... We are trying to track it down .... Horow/ What are we going to do with the pedestrian overpass? Is this to be on hold? Davidson/ We thought about putting that on the to be bumped off list .... I think it is a concern ..... They have agreed with the city to evaluate the at grade crossing improvement that was done down there ..... positive things about it. It could come up again ..... Kubby/ ..... east west loop .... Horow/ Davidson/ There is nothing but local money for either one of those projects ..... $80,000 a year to operate that ..... Nov/ What is the fare box percentage? Davidson/ 5-10%. Kubby/ So keep it on for now. Horow/ PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE PROJECTS. IOWA RIVER TRAIL SYSTEM. Davidson/ Iowa River Corridor Trails as adopted by the Riverfront and Natural Areas Commission...several segments .... Horow/ This one is also tied into the Benton Street Park. Baker/ ...Are there any of these that are not in this? (refers to charts). Davidson/ There were maybe 3-4 projects that were added .... The Longfellow area tunnel under the railroad which is on this list. 'Willow Creek Trail is a new one ..... is under design right now .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetransc~pfion of ~elowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Horow/ Longfellow Tunnel, what is the reality of this? Davidson/ The reality is it is probably going to be a better idea to punch a new tunnel through there .... a good worthwhile project ...... This project includes all the connections on either side ..... nice continuous- Rundell and Pine. ADA CURB RAMPS. One of those annual $100,000 a year. Nov/ Take that off the list if it is an annual. Atkins/ Yes. Davidson/ MO~40N TREK SIDEWALK .... JCCOG...pursuing working something out between the school district, Iowa City, University and Coralville. We will bringing something forward on that ..... Horow/ Davidson/ 12th Street right now is just programmed from 5th to Hwy CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-71 SIDE 2 Pigott/ I would like to talk about increasing the amount. Horow/ Steve, Bruno would like to increase the amount in the inter city bike trail. Arkins/ It is a legitimate budgeting decision at the time of budgeting ..... priorities ..... If there is consensus that you wish to see more money appropriated in upcoming budgets, you kind of need to tell me that ..... Kubby/ Maybe we can do the priorities and quickly look at all the annual things. Atkins/ Fosse/ STORMWATER. SHAMROCK PETERSON. Beginning the design process on that with a neighborhood meeting on June 7 ...... SOUTH SYCAMORE DETENTION BASIN. This is for the storm water quantity aspect of it ...... KIWANIS PARK. Primarily dealing with resolving erosion Thisrepresents only areasona§ly accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session problems from past stormwater detention basins and upgrading Kubby/ Why is the city paying to do reclamation work on someone else's stormwater detention basin? Fosse/ These basins are quite old .... fall back on the adjacent property owners. Kubby/ Isn't it owned by Homeowner's Associations? Fosse/ Yes. Kubby/ And they are not putting money into soil erosion control. So are we? Fosse/ Erosion problems that are out there. There are two major ones. One is from the spill way ..... Beyond the scope of a property owner ..... The other problem is the Little Creek keeps short cutting into the wet bottom basin out thers instead of continuing on around ..... Kubby/ Bigger issue... we have these stormwater detention basins that are owned and supposedly maintained by homeowners associations. But they are not. So there is something not working .... Maybe we need to do some educational stuff with homeowners associations about how to maintain ..... Fosse/ There is two aspects to the maintenance...mowing... then there is the really big capital type stuff ..... Stormwater management program is reaching the age of 20 years or so... now beginning to see the follow up costs to that .... Horow/ There will have to be an assessment of these if they don't take care of them ..... Nov/ Fosse/ Another thing to think about is stormwater utility ..... Horow/ SANDUSKY .... is the same problem. Fosse/ Really hasn't performed well... Mace Braverman... did go out and make some emergency alterations to that ..... joint effort. Horow/ HAFOR. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session F~ Fosse/ Hafor has been a problem ...since it was built .... got various low points in the drainage ..... been a problem .... expensive. Hafor is in the ..... west end of town. (Refers to map). Horow/ IOWA INTERSTATE RR. This is the first time this has shown up. Fosse/ We have gotten complaints from the property owners along there for a number of years ..... It does need to go in to serve the First Avenue area ..... Horow/ REVISE FEMA FLOOD MAPS. Fosse/ We are getting closer to seeing the inundation study from the USGS .... draft map .... Study the Iowa River Flood Plain Horow/ The last time...P/Z got a chance to review this. Is that on the same schedule this time? ..... Fosse/ They would be a player in the process .... in Zoning Code. Franklin/ This the technical revisions of the maps. Horow/ Franklin/ Now the P/Z Commission would look at any regulatory change in the Flood Plain Ordinance. Horow/ Fosse/ There were some discussions after flood of 93 about making changes to the ordinance itself. Franklin/ Kubby/ Why doesn't FEMA flood maps? ...... Fosse/ They are a part of the process .... they put their stamp of approval on it ..... I think they paid when it was originally done. Horow/ Are there any of these that don't need to be done right now? Fosse/ Sunset Street is kind of just a smoldering one out there ..... Wild ballpark figure there ..... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription oftbelows City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Lehman/ Been that way for 30 years. Fosse/ ...problems get worse .... Horow/ These represent a clean up of the problems that we have. If we had the stormwater utility we will slow down on the number of problems that we will have. Fosse/ The slowing down of the problems is the result of the design standards. The stormwater utility could be a tool for funding for cleaning up the problems for the past developments. Horow/ I continue to question about Melrose Lake for stormwater detention ..... Fosse/ WASTEWATER PROJECTS. Kubby/ Arkins/ Also, drop the Melrose Market. That is small enough that it is operational. Schmadeke/ SCOTT PARK AREA TRUNK SEWER. Extends north from Scott Park along the drainage way to Rochester Avenue to serve the Iowa City Care Center. Horow/ How does Mr. Glasgow fit into this? Schmadeke/ He has some of the property around the Care Center. Horow/ Is that going to open up this area for development? Glasgow/ I don't think he has too much south of Lower West Branch Road. I think it is mainly just around the Care Center. Franklin/ The property he has is east of Scott Blvd. and south of Local Road near the Care Center and north of Lower West Branch Road. It requires that Bruce's property be annexed to get the Iowa City Care Center in because the care Center is not contiguous to our corporate limits. Horow/ Would he normally have put this sewer line in? Schmadeke/ It is not on his property. It is to the property to the east of him. Franklin/ This could be one of those instances where we put in a Thisrepresents only araasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session ~ine and have a tap on fee for the district and his property would pay the tap on fee for this particular line along with the other users. Nov/ The main reason is the Care Center? Schmadeke/ They are the ones that originally requested the sewer. Nov/ Franklin/ The Care Center has expressed an interest in the annexation. We told that ..... intervening property would have to come in first .... They have problems with their lagoons Kubby/ Would you outline the service area that that trunk sewer would service? Schmadeke/ (Refers to map). Throg/ Sounds like we are proposing to spend $340,000 of tax payer money to provide sewer to the Care Center ..... Schmadeke/ It would also serve the drainage area south of the Care Center .... 300 some acres .... Franklin/ In our growth area ..... Schmadeke/ (Refers to map). Council/ (All talking). Franklin/ (Refers to map). Horow/ RIVER STREET SEWER. We already talked about .... SOUTHWEST INTERCEPTOR SEWER. Kubby/ Will you point out the line and the service area? Schmadeke/ It serves almost everything west of the river except Manville Heights area primarily. It would begin at the Napoleon Park Pump Station (refers to map) ..... Franklin/ The service area for that is our growth area on the west, includes the growth area on the west side. Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Nov/ From the highway south on the west side of the river. Schmadeke/ (Refers to map). Horow/ EAST IOWA CITY TRUNK. Schmadeke/ That is the expansion of the Hines Lift Station Project which you approved several months ago if you want to expand the industrial park area to the east ..... This sewer project would provide service that property. Kubby/ Horow/ PENINSULA SEWER AND LIFT STATION. Schmadeke/ That original project was about twice that amount (Refers to map). We are going to go straight north to the water plant with the sewer and just serve that area from about the Elk's Club House east ..... Throg/ Schmadeke/ Kubby/ Franklin/ There are two lifts stations .... Schmadeke/ The lift station should be taken off of this project. Kubby/ If that upper terrace would be developed it would need a lift station. Nov/ The $502,000 doesn't include the lift station. Schmadeke/ It just serves from the ridge line to the east. Kubby/ What is the amount for the lift station to service the upper terrace and that is not on this list? Schmadeke/ It would be somewhere between $100,000-200,000. That would not serve the area north ..... (refers to map) ..... Horow/ BJAYSVILLE LANE SEWER. Is that tied in with Foster Road? Schmadeke/ That is to correct a surcharging problem at that intersection. Thls represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WSO530ti5 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Arkins/ LANDFILL. The only one on the landfill was the Hazardous Waste/Recycling Bldg. The Cell Construction assumes we will build two cells during the course of the seven year period. The Landfill Cover is just the cost of procuring cover material .... Horow/ The question came up at JCCOG in terms of the hazardous Waste/Recycling Building .... Kubby/ A building where we could store stuff where people could come in and take it .... holding area .... bulk stuff that wasn't- might be a different configuration. Arkins/ That is a very very rough estimate. We haven't done a great deal of design work on the thing. Kubby/ ...Brad said 90% of what we got was paint. Makes me think a little differently about what the needs are for that facility Nov/ ...have to consider not allowing recyclable products such as paper into the landfill. Atkins/ All kinds of peripheral policies ..... Pigott/ Someone said there is another community that has such a place... can pick stuff up .... Atkins/ Let you know...we have the final list of other projects. ...... I can go over financing tonight .... Tomorrow evening we have these charts in a small handout .... like to see us put up what the current F¥ is .... timing .... devoted to spending your time establishing priorities .... add the ones you want to add .... Most of them you do have reasonable discretion .... Nov/ We are also committed to some extent on the types of projects where we have had the neighborhood meetings ..... Arkins/ ...you all know these things take a lot of lead time. Kubby/ Part of the educational process ..... Nov/ Horow/ OTHER PROJECTS. Atkins/ ...everything else .... kicking around for some time. The This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Land Acquisition Ralston Creek we were thinking about if the New Pioneer moves out is that a site we would want to secure for public purpose? ..... Put that on the table for you to think about. GIS, Rick can tell you about that? Fosse/ GIS is basically an information management tool. Computerized ..... keep track of all our infrastructure... keep track of things like accident statistics...access to buildings for Fire Department .... feedback ..... lagged behind... learning curve .... Nov/ This is a single payment type of investment? Fosse/ You can phase it .... expense for hardware...software... major expense is entering in the information .... that you can phase .... Once it is on board there is an operating expense that has to be accounted for as well ..... Nov/ Fosse/ The $750,000 is for hardware, software and a substantial amount of getting the information into the system ..... Horow/ How is this dovetailed with mapping at the county? .... Fosse/ We haven't worked out all the interactions there .... Library is also interested in the GIS System ..... Baker/ Atkins/ summit Street has a formal development plan that was put together...neighborhood indicated interest .... four years ago. We continue to show it .... street needs some work ..... Baker/ Are there any other historic districts that have tentative plans? Atkins/ I don't recollect any. Kubby/ Arkins/ Number of things .... That is the end of all the projects. Kubby/ Fire Training Facility. It is a fairly large ticket item .... Do we really need it? Atkins/ It is questionable ..... I would like to think that Fire Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetmnscrlptlon ofthelowa Ci~ council meetteg of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 CIP Council Work Session Departments from several counties would get on board .... I cannot now justify it. Kubby/ I am hesitant .... Atkins/ We have training options available to us ..... University of Illinois .... most of it is in house. This is simulated fire training, the real thing ...... Nov/ Arkins/ I think that any kind of joint training...improves the quality of public service ..... Throg/ A couple of items. Streetscape Improvements for Near South Side. I am vaguely recalling the amount..same as amount that we saw last year. Atkins/ I think we put a $100,000 for seven years. Throg/ I would like to suggest that we increase that .... for other public improvements in the area. Atkins/ One of the things you can do is you can redefine a project. Throg/ The other thing I would like to suggest is a new item which you might call Streetscape Improvements For Iowa Avenue ...... Arkins/ We are kind of working on ideas .... Okay .... Financing might be best to wait .... Tomorrow, I have a copy .... of all of the charts that you just saw .... project groupings .... put those together ..... Lehman/ A lot of projects .... If we could have map outlining areas served by sewer .... Kubby/ Have map here tomorrow night ..... Horow/ 7:00. Arkins/ Tomorrow night...go through them by sections. If the project is flat out no go, draw a line through it, get it over with ..... ranking... your call .... Horow/ Baker/ Thlsrepresents only areasoneblyaccuratetranscrlptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of May 30,1995. WS053095 May 30, 1995 . CIP Council Work Session B~3~ Horow/ Steve- Nov/-I just don't see the need to spend that much time on it .... can do it more quickly. Baker/ (Refers to chart) ..... Just say got these dates...agree or disagree .... Kubby/ I don't think it gets us to the same place .... Throg/ Steve, did you have a process in mind? Atkins/ I was assuming that after we thinned them out that we would do some of what we did last year ..... I certainly sense some debate over streets .... Lehman/ Thinning out is a key ..... Atkins/ .... Did not do .... really down to I want these down to next 3-4 years .... Fire training Facility ..... kick it to another list ..... Horow/ We should do a certain amount of homework ourselves .... Atkins/ Some of them are pretty straight forward .... we will arrange a financing .... Baker/ I have specific projects .... Throg/ So you would like for each of us to pull out specific projects that we somehow disagree with. Baker/ Kubby/ I want to do a hybrid thing .... more discussion. Baker/ Kubby/ Horow/ We run the risk of challenging the engineer's assessment of some of these projects .... Horow/ 7:00. Adjourned: 9:40 PM. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the iowa City council meeting of May 30, 1995. WS053095