HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-27 Council minutesSubject to change as finalized by the City Clerk. For a final official copy, contact the City Clerk's Office, 356-5040. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF COUNCIL ACTIVITIES JULY 27, 1995 Iowa City City Council, special meeting, 7:30 a.m, at the Civic Center. Mayor Horowitz presiding. Council Members present: Horowitz, Kubby, Lehman, Pigott, Throgmorton. Absent: Baker, Novick. Staffmembers present: Atkins, Helling, Woito, Karr, Boothroy, Nasby. Council minutes tape recorded on Tape 95-88, side 2. A public hearing was held relative to an application for eighteen (18) replacement units of public housing. No one appeared. HIS Director Boothroy present for discussion. Moved by Pigott, seconded by Throgmorton, to adopt a resolution approving an application for public housing replacement units for disposition. The Mayor declared the resolution defeated, 3/1, with the following division of roll call vote: Ayes: Horowitz, Pigott, Throgmorton. Nays: Lehman. Abstaining: Kubby. Absent: Baker, Novick. After discussion, moved by Pigott, seconded by Throgmorton, to reconsider the resolution and adjourn the meeting to 6:30 p.m. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 5~0, Baker, Novick absent. Moved by Pigott, seconded by Lehman, to also defer to 6:30 p.m. item #4 - a PHA Resolution in Support of Public Housing Project; and item #6. - a Resolution of Cooperation, The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 5/0, Baker, Novick absent. The Mayor noted the current vacancies: Housing and Community Development Commission: three vacancies for one-year terms ending September 1, 1996; three vacancies for two-year terms ending September 1, 1997; three vacancies for three-year terms ending September 1, 1998. These appointments will be made at the August 29, 1995, meeting of the City Council. Council adjourned to 6:30 p.m (8:lO.a.m.). Council reconvened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Council Members present: Baker, Horowitz, Kubby, Lehman, Pigott (via speakerphone), Throgmorton. Absent: Novick. Staffmembers present: Helling, Woito, Kerr, Boothroy. Council minutes tape recorded on Tape 95-89, Side 1. The Mayor read the following statement into the record: "Section 21.8 of the Code of Iowa outlines conditions that allow governmental bodies to conduct business by electronic meetings. That Section requires a statement be read into the record explaining why such a meeting in person was impossible to impractical for a particular member. I would like to take this opportunity to state that a special Council meeting was scheduled and convened at 7:30 this morning (July 27) for the purposes stated on the agenda. However after discussion, and in the absence of two Council Members, a motion was made to adjourn and reconvene to 6:30 this evening for continuance of the same agenda. Because Council Member Pigott was at this morning's meeting, heard that discussion, and had a previous commitment out of town that does make it impossible for him to attend, he will be voting via speaker phone this evening." Moved by Throgmorton, seconded by Pigott, to adopt RES. 95- 211, Bk, 114, p. 211, APPROVING APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC HOUSING REPLACEMENT UNITS FOR DISPOSITION. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted 4/1, with the following division of roll call vote: Ayes: Horowitz, Pigott, Throgmorton, Baker. Nays: Lehman. Abstaining: Kubby. Absent: Novick. Moved by Pigott, seconded by Throgmorton, to adopt RES. 95-212, 8k. 114, p. 212, PHA RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted 4/1, with the following division of roll call vote: Ayes: Pigott, Throgmorton, Baker, Horowitz. Nays: Lehman. Abstaining: Kubby. Absent: Novick, Moved by Baker, seconded by Lehman, to adopt 95-213, Bk. 114, p. 213, RESOLUTION OF COOPERATION. Affirmative roll call vote unanimous, 5/O, Kubby abstaining. Absent: Novick. The Mayor declared the resolution adopted. Moved by Throgmorton, seconded by Lehman, to adjourn 6:40 p.m. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously, 6~0, all Council Members present, Susan M. ~itz, Mayor ,L.j) Manan K. Karr, City Clerk