HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-28 TranscriptionAugust 28, 1995 Council Work Session 6:30PM council: Horow, Baker, Kubby, Lehman, Nov, Pigott, Thr0g. Staff: Atkins, Woito, Karr, Franklin, Davidson, Boothroy, Schoon, Helling (7:10). Tapes/ 95-99, all; 95-100, all; 95-101, Side 1. Review Zoning Matters ITEM NO. $a. Consider 95-99 S1 setting a public hearing for September 12 on an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations on an approximate 2.02 acre tract of land located east of Lakeside Drive and south of Highway 6 from ID-RS, Interim Development Single-Family Residential, to RM-12, Low Density, Multi-Family Residential. (REZ95-0012) Franklin/ P.h. for September 12...rezoning...Lakeside Drive and Highway 6... to RM-12. The P/Z Commission did recommend denial of this and then they voted to reconsider it and will be reconsidering at their September 7 meeting ..... It was basically a design issue they decided they might be able to resolve at the Commission level. ITEM NO. 5b. Public hearing on a resolution to annex a 3.05 acre tract located north of American Legion Road and west of Arlington Drive. (ANN94-0008) Franklin/ P.h. on a resolution to annex 3.5 acres... Windsor Ridge .... Weinsteins are back in town. Whether they will be here tomorrow night or not, I don't know. I do have a protest communication from them .... Also have a formal protest on a protest form. This is not-they do not represent 20% of the property, so 6 votes are not required for the rezoning on this ..... ITEM NO. 5c. ITEM NO. 5d. Consider a resolution to annex a 3.05 acre tract located north of American Legion Road and west of Arlington Drive. (ANN94-0008) Public hearing on an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations of a 3.05 acre tract located north of American Legion Road and west of Arlington Drive from County RS, Suburban Residential, to RS-5, Low Density Single- Family Residential. (REZ94-0013) Thisrepresents only areasonebly ac~ratetranscriptlon ofthelowa City councilmeeting ofAugust28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 2 ITEM NO. 5e. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations of a 3.05 acre tract located north of American Legion Road and west of Arlington Drive from County RS, Suburban Residential, to RS-5, Low Density Single-Family Residential. (REZ94-0013) (FIRST CONSIDERATION) ITEM NO. 5f. Public hearing on an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations of an approximate 29 acre tract of ].and located west of Mormon Trek Boulevard and south of Rohret Road from RS-5, Low Density Single-Family Residential, to OPDH-8, Planned Development Housing Overlay. (REZ95-0009) Franklin/ Mormon Trek Village. There has been a bit of controversy about this project .... Mormon Trek Village is a project which includes 232 units as it has been revised ..... It is at the location of Rohret Road and Mormon Trek Blvd ...... The project is consistent with the C0mp Plan. It now meets the requirement of the 8 dwelling units per acre ..... 118 of those would be in duplexes and four-plexes or town houses and 114 in multi- family structures. The intention of the developer is to condominiumize this project so that all of the units would be sold ..... When you approve the project you are approving the structures and the units and not necessarily that they are leased or sold. The streets within the project would be private streets and let me put up the project, itself. (Presents plat) ..... Shows... project... phasing... They are private streets within the development. They are 25 feet wide as opposed to our requirement of 28 feet for public streets ..... It has met its open space obligation that 3/4 acre are dedicated to a trail and 1/4 acre equivalent will be paid in fees .... This is a phased development .... First phase includes these two units here (refers to plat)... and then the town house duplex units along Mormon Trek here (refers to plat). Phase 2, another two of the 12's and then continue with the development on Mormon Trek and Rohret Road ..... Phase 3 is this section (refers to plat) ..... Phase four we have two more 18's and then the remainder of the development ..... So that is the idea behind of the housing is that mix of housing structures and types is there ..... As a staff we have supported this project since the beginning .... because we have been looking at areas of the city where we could put slightly high density ..... RS-8... We are not talking about high density ..... potential for less expensive units ..... The median price of s.f. housing... Iowa City .... $121,000. That Thisrepresents only areasonsbly accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 3 seems high ..... One of the nice characteristics of this site is the fact that it has arterials on two sides of it and the interstate on the other side. Traffic that comes into this development ..... will have access directly to arterial streets. It will not be forced to go through any neighborhood ..... Kubby/ Are there any units in the flood plain? Franklin/ No .... Larry Schnittjer/ (Can't hear). Baker/ Talk about traffic .... (Can't hear). Franklin/ I think it was this council when we terminated Aber Avenue, didn't bring it across, and changed the name to Abbey Lane. Jeff can talk about that a little bit more because I want him to go over some of the traffic issues that we did deal in... In this development there are conditions .... in the CZA. One of them is that no more than 150 units will be built until the Abbey Lane sewer is completed. That is scheduled for FY97 ..... Nov/ But we are not talking about this year? There are references in the staff report that said sewers are going to be done this year. Franklin/ Abbey Lane is scheduled for FY97 .... is what is in the most current CIP that you haven't approved yet. Nov/ We are talking about the completion rather than the start of the sewer improvement? Franklin/ Yes, it was construction in F¥97. We are in '96 now. Nov/ There was a reference to the beginning of ...construction .... Franklin/ Bottom line... with this condition, no more than 150 units can be completed until that sewer is done. 151 comes in for a building permit and it is rejected if that sewer is not done. What we have done in some other instances, we have put limitations on development projects ..... where the building permits could not be issued until the contracts was awarded for the sewer improvements. Horow/ Thisrepresents only arsasonebly accurate ~anscrlption ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 4 Franklin/ Out by Weber School. Second condition is the homeowners' association is responsible for snow removal on sidewalks and streets ..... There is a condition for payment for the sidewalk on Rohret Road ..... Lastly that there be phased construction which I have already explained to you. One of the issues I know the council raised was the issue of the traffic signal at Rohret and Mormon Trek ..... memo from Jeff Davidson regarding that. Jim Brachtel...said the signal should be in fall of '95 or spring of '96 based upon whenever Rohret Road construction is completed. That this signal serves the entire west side and we do not feel that it would be equitable to charge a fee to this particular development as a condition of rezoning. Now, I would like to turn it over to Jeff .... Horow/ .... What is the zoning for that triangle? Franklin/ RS-5. Horow/ ...Thank you. Nov/ There was reference to a farm house on this property, is that something that is movable? Franklin/ The farm house is on the triangle that Susan is talking about, I think ..... Nov/ There was a reference to moving a farm house ..... Gary Watts/ The house is extremely old. I can't answer right now if it is salvageable ..... Our intent was to demolish it .... because it is extremely old... willing to cooperate .... Pigott/ Kubby/ Have somebody look at it to see if it is structurally sound enough to move it .... Gary Watts/ Horow/ What was your timing on when you wanted to get the house demolished? Watts/ I would say .... prior to start of dirt excavation .... early spring. Horow/ ...Have time for the Salvage Barn people- Thisrepresents only a reason~ly eccuratetranscdption ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of August25,1995. WS082895 August 28~ 1995 . . Council Work Session Page 5 Watts/ .... I don't know if I can give you an exact date. Mov/ ...we would like somebody form the city to go over and look at it to see if it is movable. Watts/ That is fine... Throg/ Karin, what are the innovative features of this project for Iowa City? Franklin/ I think the mix within the single project is the unique characteristic of this project in terms of what other ones we have seen in Iowa City ...... Court and Scott also has underground garages. Throg/ ...curious about the narrowing of streets .... what the effects on development costs are .... ? How much money is saved by reducing the width from 28 to 25? Franklin/ Maybe Larry can speak to some of that .... Throg/ I am just real curious about that .... implications of using narrow streets in the future for reducing development cost. Kubby/ Interesting to figure out a percent decrease per place... Schnittjer/ I don't have numbers off the top of my head ...... Lehman/ Are the 25 foot streets a matter of area and space or a matter of cost? Schnittjer/ In a lot of situations 25 foot streets are adequate .... Lehman/ I think Wylde Green Road is 25 feet. Schnittjer/ A good share of the southeast part of Iowa City ..... Lehman/ Schnittjer/ We are able to save a little bit on utilities .... Throg/ Ernie, I thought I heard-There might be another way of saving dollars on the project by reducing the width of streets .... increasing the amount of developable land. Schnittjer/ .... gives us more flexibility ..... Thisrepresents only areesonsbly accurate transcription ofthelowa CiW council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 6 Pigott/ Did it help with the open space? Schnittjer/ It helped us ..... Franklin/ Another aspect of this, if you don't have to have more paving, why put it in? More impervious surface ..... It is fairly isolated, in a sense, in terms of traffic .... no reason for people to cut through here ..... You can do that in an area where you are not going to have much cut through traffic ..... Kubby/ Franklin/ And you have a nice trail .... Jeff Davidson/ We were able to... Larry and Gary both ..... As Karin mentioned in both in working with the P/Z Commission and interaction we have had with the neighborhood group, there are a lot of concerns about traffic and this development. We took a look at .... higher number of units .... Staff has felt we have two arterial streets here .... We do project adequate capacity on these streets ..... The portion to the south .... that is going to be a constraint sooner .... Horow/ Jeff .... why is Mormon Trek narrowed to two lanes? Davidson/ That was a design decision made ..... Horow/ Is there any way for us to alter that? Davidson/ Sure, that is a city street ..... What I have expressed to the neighborhood association because they are clearly concerned ..... I did provide them with some updated traffic count numbers ..... we would show within ten years we would be getting into a capacity constraint situation ...... In short term we do think the development is appropriate .... signalization ... we are comfortable...signalize that ..... Kubby/ What gets shifted around if we were to move this light forward? ..... Davidson/ That is a $50,000 project ..... we have the ability to do two traffic- Kubby/ We have the CIP Plan... just a list of ones we need to do. Davidson/ We know given the rate of development... we are going to want to do a few .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcrlptlon ofthelowa Ciw council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 7 Kubby/ Davidson/ There were three specific problems that we took a look at ..... the intersection .... the other thing that was a problem was the intersection of Highway 1 and Mormon Trek Blvd ..... cut through traffic on Teg Drive ..... Kubby/ Davidson/ Anecdotal. Kubby/ From people who live on Teg Drive? Davidson/ Yeah. The traffic count that we have for Teg Drive would not indicate-It is consistent with the amount of traffic we would expect to have generated out of that neighborhood .... Benton Street was also raised at P/Z Commission .... We continue to show that as not a significant problem ..... Once you get east of Sunset Street ..... there is already some peak period problems there and we do forecast .... in short term to be a capacity issue ..... That forecast includes traffic generated from this site ..... Horow/ I have a question... Your looking at the bus route .... circumferential bus route concept ..... (Refers to map) ..... Davidson/ The Plaen View route goes down Melrose, too. We changed that routing .... Horow/ There is no bus or is there that goes down Benton? With increasing subdlvlolons, do we automatically plan on taking a look at the bus routes? Davidson/ This bus doesn't go down Benton. There is a bus that goes down Benton .... Horow/ There is a potential for connection .... Davidson/ This project is access by the transit route that has the lowest ridership right now .... perfect ..... you will have to cross the street to get to the existing bus route ..... Pedestrian and bike accessibility will be enhanced by this development .... Kubby/ When do .... pedestrian automated signal? ..... Davidson/ I would think because of the school ..... Thlsrepresentsonlyareasonablyaccuratetranscrlptlonofthelowa CIw council meetingofAugust28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 8 Kubby/ ...Because this is the second OPDH that originally came through higher than the density of the underlying zone, does an OPDH ...process... philosophy allow that? Franklin/ Two things happening with this particular project. 1- Increase in zoning from RS-5 to RS-8 and .... 0PDH Plan on that. An OPDH Plan in and of itself does not increase the density on a piece of property. It allows you to maximize the density by clustering the units ..... Doesn't allow you to go beyond the density in an underlying zone ..... Kubby/ How could we have two projects come to P/Z that have more? Franklin/ Because in the RS-8 zone, if you have RS-8 zoning in place, you may have up to 10 dwelling units per acre by right under that zone. If you were to develop it at subdivision with duplexes, you could have ten dwelling units per acre. The RS-8 signifies the s.f. development which is 8 dwelling units per acre ..... Kubby/ With that... if someone comes in with that right .... how is that against the Comp Plan? Franklin/ The P/Z Commission has evaluated the OPDH... not only in terms of what was permitted by the underlying zone but also what that range of land use designation was on the Comp Plan map and held very strictly to those numbers that are on the land use designation from the Comp Plan map ..... Kubby/ .... we should very consistent about it .... Franklin/ We certainly are now... we are taking that direction... and we say to developers now you have to be in the 2-8. Kubby/ I don't know if it is a topic that we need to clarify among ourselves about those two particular zones ..... Franklin/ The 12 you won't get into that problem ..... Kubby/ I kind of feel like we should clarify some direction, not tonight .... Horow/ Kubby/ We haven't giving any direction .... may come to the same conclusion. Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meetingof August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 9 Baker/ ...Council reserve the right ..... to disagree with P/Z ..... Kubby/ If staff is going to start advising developers are a pre- planning meeting ..... Franklin/ What we would tell people now is that if they go to P/Z Commission with it and it is not 8 dwelling units per acre, it is very unlikely they can get it out of the Commission with a positive recommendation ..... Throg/ I think it would be wise to codify that instead of just making it a matter of urging or suggestions from staff ..... It should be something that the council should indicate by direction. Franklin/ I think what it is is a matter of... how one interprets the Comp Plan policy and how strictly one interprets that. Kubby/ It is confusing for neighborhood groups who are reading the Comp Plan ..... strange twists .... Pigott/... could allow for ... a lot of confusion .... Franklin/ Other thing you could do is change the RS-8 zone so that there is not that little funny thing in there. Nov/ That would be my preference. Franklin/ .... you still could do only 8 dwelling units per acre. Nov/ RS-8 means a maximum of 8? Or RM-12 means a maximum of 12 and redo the law so it is no longer confusing. Franklin/ We are in the process of re-doing the Comp Plan after the Vision Statement .... This is obviously something we are going to be very attentive to ..... There are a lot of things I think we need to do differently with the land use map from what we have now if we are in fact going to realize the vision. Kubby/ If somebody could suggest during the Comp Plan discussion... bringing this issue back up to clarify .... more clear to everybody involved. Franklin/ Do you wish to see any elevations of this project, the buildings in this project? Throg/ ...mixed of housing size, types and costs. I like that .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accur~etranscriptlon oftbelows Citycouncil meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 10 makes me wonder is about the availability of the inclusion of public or subsidized housing within the project. What I am just wondering... conversations with Gary about the possibility of including some or small number of public housing or subsidized housing units in this project ..... as a prototype of future developments .... should include some number of subsidized units .... Kubby/ Gary and I had had some discussions ..... Franklin/ If it is a project in which all of the units are owned .... put up local money... to buy a unit for public housing .... Section 8 Program wouldn't work unless there were going to be rental units in the project .... Horow/ Another developable being built question... Are any of these units at all for people with disabilities...? Are they either or capable of being modified? Watts/ The 18-plex unit ..... they have elevators on them...handicapped accessible .... then I have some ranch plans in the duplexes ..... all one level... I am sure something can be worked out. Baker/ ..... Advantage of prototype... so many units being planned at once... Lots of different ways to approach it. Horow/ Are there any other questions? Let's move on .... NO. 5g. Public hearing on an amendment to City Code Title 14, Chapter 6, Article V, "Minor Modification Procedures," to allow parking for persons with disabilities in the front yard of a commercial zone even when located adjacent to a residential zone. Franklin/ P.h. on a minor modification ... to allow parking for persons with disabilities in the front yard of a commercial zone. Susam, would you just strike even from your comment there .... This can occur in any commercial zone ..... Key here is that it is for commercial zones approximate to residential zones. Also the typography and shape of lot have to preclude compliance with having it in the backyard or side. Kubb¥/ Is that stated? .... those parameters? Franklin/ Yes .... standards... towards the end of that section of the code that gives the standards under which minor This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 11 modifications are evaluated. Kubby/ Franklin/ ITEM NO. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Chapter by changing the use regulations of an approximate 250 acre property located north of 1-80 and west of N. Dubuque Street from County A1, Rural, RS, Suburban, and RS3, Suburban Residential, to P, Public. (REZ94-0018) (Second consideration) Franklin/ Second consideration on the rezoning for the water plant site. ITEM NO. 5i. Consider an ordinance amending Title 14, Chapter 4, "Land Control and Development," Article C, "Historic Preservation Regulations," and Chapter 6, "Zoning," Article J, "Overlay Zones" to allow the City to designate historic landmarks and conservation districts. (Second consideration) Franklin/ Second consideration .... ITEM };O. Consider an ordinance vacating a 20-foot wide alley located east of Gilbert Court and immediately north of Lot 4 of Block 3, Lyon's Addition. (VAC95-0002) (Pass and adopt) Franklin/ Pass and adopt on the vacation .... ITEM NO. 5k. Consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 14, Chapter 6, entitled "Zoning," Article S, entitled "Performance Standards," Sections 10B and 10C, con- cerning the location of underground storage tanks. (Pass and adopt) Franklin/ Pass and adopt on the storage tank legislation. ITEM NO. 51. Consider an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance by amending the use regulations of an approximate 103.86 acres, which includes the Highway 218/ Highway 1 interchange and property located in the southwest quadrant of the interchange from County RS, Suburban Residential, to CI-1, Intensive Commercial. (REZ95-0011) (Pass and adopt) Thisrepresents onlyareasonablyaccuratetranscriptlon ofthelowa CltycouncilmeetlngofAugust28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 12 Franklin/ I am going to ask you to defer this to September 12 until we hear from the City Development Board on the annexation. We have to have the annexation completed before we can actually zone it. I~EM NO. 5m. Consider a resolution approving amendments to the by-laws of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Franklin/ Last item is to consider a resolution approving amendments to the bylaws of the P/Z Commission.. deals with unexpired term issue .... We have deleted morals form the general welfare statement. Council/ (All commenting). Franklin/ Just to update you on the Burns/Greater Iowa City Project.. You probably all of heard that the P/Z commission has deferred this to allow you time to resolve the direction that you would like to give on housing issues and the deferral is to no later than March '96 .... Baker/ And the money is still in limbo? Franklin/ Yeah... the money is still allocated to Burns/Greater Iowa City Housing Fellowship and we are asking them to make every effort... by November 1 or there abouts we are going to need to look at reallocation of that money if we are going to be able to spend it in time. I don't know if you have received the letter yet... from HUD. We have until May 31. That is tight to do any kind of new project ..... One thing I wanted to insure is we made every effort to get as many units as we could out of that money because we started out with $300,000 leveraging... supporting 133 affordable units and leveraging more ..... Now it is just getting less and less ..... Horow/ Are you taking the Housing and Community Development Commission bylaws? Franklin/ It is a council issue. Karr/ Before you move on I would just like to clarify the P/Z Commission got a memo from Melody on that amendment. On the unexpired terms does differ from the language of the other Boards and Commissions where it is specific to a six month unexpired term and the language for the other commissions after Rules Committee discussion on it and after Legal review was unexpired terms in general rather than specific to six Thisrepresents oniy areasonsb]yeccuratetranscriptlon ofthelowaCiw counctlmeetingofAugust28,1995. WS082895 e · August 28, 1995. Council Work Session Page 13 months° This is a little different language I wanted to point out. Kubby/ ...to be consistent among all Boards and Commissions .... Franklin/ I doubt, Jane correct me if I am wrong, that this is a big deal for the Commission. Karr/ I believe Melody said Tom felt very strong about that .... yes. Jane Jacobsen/ I am the example. I was appointed for a three year term and if you left it open ended it could have been extended to 8 years. Kubby/ Our intent of the Rules Committee was we were thinking of six months. Jacobsen/ Six months is reasonable. Kubby/ Are there other Commission, Marian, when you changed their bylaws to say unexpired? How come we didn't catch that .... Karr/ It came after review from the City Attorney's office and after the Rules Committee and it was revised on the floor. Nov/ It was ale0 (can't hear). Horow/ There are two conversations going on here- Karen and Linda, hold it a minute .... Nov/ Well- CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-99 Nov/ We wanted the flexibility to do it anyway. Kubby/ And it says may, correct? Nov/ As far as I know it should say- Karr/ Yes, yes it does. That was the recommendation. Kubby/ (Can't hear). SIDE 2 Thisrepresents only area$onably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 14 Housing and Community DeveloDment Commission Bylaws 95-99 S2 Nov/ I would like to suggest something on the bylaws for the Housing Community Development. In Section C I think we should delete, "New members shall be appointed to the Commission as vacancies occur." This seems to me to be self evident .... not necessary to state it and it implies that current members cannot be reappointed. Also there are two extra prepositions I would like to take out, a "for" and an "of" ..... And in Section F it says "if a position/appointment becomes vacant." I would like us to use just one word ..... get with Marian... Horow/ Okay, anyone have anything else. Section C... something that the Rules Committee discussed and we disagreed on and brought it back and that is "Agendas shall be sent to commission members and city council representative at least three days prior to regular meetings." I would like to suggest either deletion of "and city council representative" of the inclusion then to anyone who so requests it .... page 2, Article 5, section C. Kubby/ I would like to suggest that since- There may not have been officially a history of CCN liaison but there is one until January of 1996 which at that point it will be reevaluated ..... The appointment is there in its official capacity until that evaluation time. That it should stay in the bylaws of this new Commission and if in January they decide not to have an official liaison, could delete it at that time. Horow/ Kubby/ It is not that important .... current thing until council changes it policy. Horow/ Baker/ I was never clear on what the policy was to begin with. Kubby/ Official appointment... CCN liaison .... The agreement was that we would evaluate it if that was necessary. So the policy is that we have it until January '96. Horow/ This is where the Rules Committee disagreed on this .... My point is that it was not... official .... It was a concurrence by a request by a council member ..... It was repeated each year... There is a memo .... Very interesting .... have created more as we have gone along .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of August28,1995, WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 15 Kubby/ Some have been requests from the community. Baker/ .... I never thought about this distinction about official and unofficial liaison versus representative. Horow/ Baker/ I don't think we should have, unless we are required .... official representatives to any of the Commissions. Horow/ Kubby/ That is not the issue before us .... staff knows that I want to get them .... If you feel better about not having it in ..... Trying to be consistent with what was decided two years ago .... Nov/ It is interesting to me that we have decided that we would reevaluate in two years in 1992 and I don't remember us ever discussing the value of this in 1994. Do you remember that? Pigott/ No .... I am not attached to official representation ..... I think flexibility .... Horow/ While we are creating brand new bylaws ..... so they understand .... That there is no question that anyone who wants the agenda can get it... 2-there really isn't an official city council representative ..... Kubby/ Sue feels very strongly about it .... Throg/ ...better to have a Commission representative attend each of the council meetings .... Horow/ Council/ (All talking). Horow/ Any other issues under any other articles? Karr/ So, Council/ Nov/ do you wish this to leave it for tomorrow evening? (Yeah). I would like us to make a decision about deleting either position or appointments at the top of page 2. Thisrepresents only areasonably accur~etmnscri~on efthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 16 Kubby/ Let's delete positions because we make appointments. Karr/ Stay with appointments? Horow/ Yeah. Nov/ Horow/What about Section C under Article 4, "New members shall be appointed to the Commission as vacancies occur?" Nov/ I would like to delete that sentence .... Horow/ All right. Kubby/ And no one has a problem with us deleting evening (can't hear). Karr/ Naomi, we will talk about that afterwards. Nov/ I will show you what I have. The idea of letting each Commission choose the time of their meeting is the way I would like to leave it. Horow/ Okay, great. Thlsrepresentsonlyareasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa CiW councilmeeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 17 Broadway Street Housing Project Update 95-99 S2 Horow/ Broadway Street Housing Project Update. Boothroy/ .... last chance to have an opportunity to get one for one replacement and to get additional funds from HUD to provide additional public housing ..... I talked to HUD on several occasions .... bottom line was .... wasn't going to be any money available for us for one for one replacement. The best thing to do was to consider amending it and use the funds from the disposition of Broadway to provide replacement housing. One of the criteria they use to evaluate the disposition of public housing is that when you dispose of public housing you don't reduce the amount of low income housing and that you also provide additional housing .... That criteria is being met because transitional housing is serving a lower income group ..... Proceeds from sale would purchase, build, etc. additional public housing. The difference between this disposition plan .... and the previous one is the other one was wrapped in in trying to get replacement units .... specific parameters .... Once we are in a situation where we are using the proceeds from Broadway we have a great deal more flexibility in how we proceed with the use of money as long as this is being used to provide additional housing. I am suggestion in the memo that if you choose to proceed with the sale of Broadway to HACAP and wish me to submit an amended disposition plan, that I construct that plan to provide the greatest flexibility ..... all the things that I put here in the memo in terms of things that we can look at as far as how we are going to go about maximizing the funds that we have. The second page of the memo indicates that the appraised value is $750,000 but that is the value that we are selling to HACAP for. That would be the amount of money that we would have to use... building or acquiring public housing. But it would meet the criteria ...... There are possibly other funds available. There are some MATCH funds. There may be some additional funds that might be available. First thing we have to decide is whether or not you want me to proceed with re-submitting the disposition plan so that we can execute the sale with HACAP ..... That is what we are here tonight to decide. Horow/ Any questions for Doug? Council/ (All talking). Lehman/ When would this sale take place? Boothroy/ Our schedule had been to sell Broadway in October. Thisrepresents only areasonably accumte transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 18 Lehman/ To me I am interested in what we discussed the last part of September ..... Pigott/ Doug, would this plan allow for moving houses or buying a lot...? Boothroy/ It allows you to do about anything you want with regard to providing public housing ..... What you have to do is when you write the plan is to make it as broad as possible in terms of ...public housing ...... I would also include... possibly located outside of the community ..... 28E agreement with other community ..... Horow/ Boothroy/ That is what a 28E agreement is for is to purchase land outside of the- That is not a problem ..... Nov/ Where do we estimate that we are going to get $600,000 in order to do this? Boothroy/ I talked to Don about it... and Steve about it... Those funds are available. The principle and interest on the $750,000 actually reimburses the city for the $608,000 plus the carrying costs ..... You can ask Steve. Nov/ Tell me, where do we get $600,000? Arkins/ We don't have $600,000 sitting around. We have all of our reserve money invested. What I would propose to do is this amount of money .... sell short term note ..... Might go to our cash reserves for a portion of it ..... can package it financially ..... We could borrow, we could use our own .... Nov/ We cannot sell bonds for this? Atkins/ Yes you could ..... This is a small enough issue that I suspect that we could do that ..... Lehman/ Why are we financing this instead of HACAP going elsewhere? Atkins/ As I understand the arrangement with HACAP was made some time ago ..... Why not have them come up with the cash? Lehman/ Yes. Boothroy/ I talked to Don about this and Craig. I think we Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription of theIowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 19 concluded that whether the bank did this or the city loan the money and charge HACAP interest, it was basically a wash .... It didn't seem to make a lot of difference for the City's perspective since it was viewed as a long term investment .... Maybe HACAP also has some constraints there, too, ..... Atkins/ We repay ourselves at market rate ..... Not going to lose money on the deal. Nov/ My concern is if we sell bonds and pay an interest rate, do we then get enough interest back from HACAP to repay the bonds as we go? Atkins/ I haven't calculated that. Boothroy/ My understanding is we will. Atkins/... we don't lose money on the thing ..... Lehman/ Is there any risk here? Atkins/ There is always risk ..... Boothroy/ The rent they receive on the units, they are going to be eligible for certificates and that will guarantee an income. Atkins/ Boothroy/ As long as they have those units filled, they will be getting rent ..... Atkins/ Baker/ Let's say we had a large scale residential development... and they were going to phase in those units over a period of time but they were willing to cooperate with the city in this sort of program and commit to selling to the city... X number of units .... units wouldn't be constructed immediately. Can you commit money for stuff that is not technically- Boothroy/ There isn't the same kind of deadline on this as there was under the-The replacement program that grant had to be extended within a 24 month period. This one does not have that kind of deadline... you could take 3-4 years to totally use up the money... phase it in ..... Yes, it could be done that way. The only drawback... is that the construction costs... have been going up quite rapidly ..... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 Page 20 .... with August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Baker/ I was thinking in terms of a commitment developer. Horow/ And you want from us this evening?- Boothroy/ To tell me to go ahead or not. Horow/ You have got it ..... Go for it. Thanks. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995, WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 21 Economic Development Policies, Strategies, and Action Horow/ 95-99 S2 Kubby/ Can I make a suggestion. We spent a lot of time on one item. That we should try real hard not to do that ..... try to get through this whole document ..... Baker/ It looks like three council members have specific suggestions and it doesn't seem like the rest of the document was in question ..... Nov/ I would like to start by saying let's eliminate all of the actions. Let's deal with a plan that has policies and strategies and keep it as simple and generic as possible. Baker/ Can I ask where the action statements came from? Franklin/ .... this is something that we have been talking about for about a year now in this form. What we are trying to do is get passed the very generalized statements that we have .... People have a much better idea of the direction that this city is going in terms of economic development. That was the reason we moved from just policies and goals to strategies and actions. This is what we are going to do... have something that we can work with .... Baker/ Where did the action statements come from? ..... Franklin/ It was primarily council and staff. You directed us to come up with a policy .... we then put in the action statements Baker/ So there has been some public review of the action statements? Franklin/ Absolutely. Kubby/ (Can't hear). Horow/ All right, there are four people who wish to keep the action statements in. Franklin/ ...I see there are basically three issues that have been raised here... go through the documents .... suggestions... reach resolution on each one as we go through it with a goal of having something at the end of our discussion tonight that will be subject to public discussion tomorrow. The three Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa Ciw council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 22 issues that I see...1-What policies are in here that are clearly not city responsibilities that you mey or may not wish to delete. 2-Formation of a commission or committee to recommend designation of targeted industries and criteria for financial incentives .... 3-The repayment provision or clawback if companies who receive assistance do not meet their obligations. Horow/... Anybody have any problem with that one? Franklin/ Repayment? Lehman/ What happens if they 95% fulfill? ..... Franklin/ Before we talk about that, let's go .... Kubby/ May be another issue ..... statements that say we are going to establish this... coordination .... I don't necessarily think that in each of these cases that we are the point person-institution ..... Franklin/ Do you have all of them marked, Karen? Kubby/ I have them ..... Franklin/ Let's just start then. I-Do we want a preamble or introduction as Naomi suggested? Nov/ I am not wedded to those words .... Throg/ I felt myself disagreeing with a portion of the preamble .... Let me toss out some language... My main point... policy will be-you basically say to encourage job growth and then other policies will encourage this, that, and the other thing. So what I found myself wanting to say... Our policy will be to. provide a good quality of life for all Iowa Citians in a ecological sustainable way. That would include directing job growth to areas already zoned commercial, ....... The main change I am suggesting is simply to say our policy will be to provide a good quality of life for all Iowa Citians in an ecological sustainable way and then with the language to make it fit. Lehman/ ...I don't think we can say that we can provide a good quality of life... or environment where this will occur as a goal. Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 23 Throg/ Provide an environment in which a good quality of life for all Iowa Citians can occur in an ecologically sustainable way .... To provide within which a good quality of life for all Iowa Citians can occur in an ecological sustainable way that would include directing job growth ..... I can get them to Karin. Franklin/ Okay, so that preamble as amended would become part of this document. Nov/ And I would like to stress where we seem to accept... some kind of financial incentive as a given. I don't agree with that and therefore the preamble that I feel strongly about is that economic development policy may include financial incentives ..... Kubby/ Do we want to use the word "criteria" as the last sentence in this preamble? Nov/ ...... Kubby/ I know there has been some criticism of using that word... Horow/ Lehman/ I don't have a problem with criteria ..... Franklin/ Policy 1, Strategy B, Action 2. Kubby/ Strategy A, Action 2, the establish a marketing plan..." $50,000. last sentence, "... and help ..... that is why we give ICAD Franklin/ Okay. Kubby/ .... Action 3, "...and assist in the performance of .... " .... Franklin/ The first part we definitely do now ..... Nov/ .... Assist in various economic analysis. Franklin/ Okay. Horow/ Strategy B, Action 2. Kubby/ Keeping this in I think is a interesting radical move because it is basically kind of political social This represents only o reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . education ..... education .... Council Work Session Page 24 I think we should have a part in this kind of Lehman/ I think we need to provide the perception that the city and business and industry are a friendly coalition ..... Horow/ Is there a way to word this... that does into say we take the lead in this sort of thing? Throg/ Help- Lehman/ Help increase- Franklin/ Okay? ..... Nov/ There is a real question about whether this is a city role? Horow/ ...I would rather have the words "help with" at the very beginning ..... Council/ (All talking). Nov/ Take out "through community education efforts" and say "Help increase public awareness." Horow/ -promote public awareness. Franklin/ What did we do? Promote public awareness? Nov/ Right. Franklin/ Want to say promote public awareness of the role of business in the community." ..... Help promote .... public awareness... Horow/ ... how about assist in the .... Franklin/ Kubby/ Wait, Action 3 I have another change. Instead of saying coordinate, say cooperate in community efforts ..... We want ICAD and the Chamber to be the primary people but we want to play a larger role than we have and the language- Pigott/ Cooperation. Horow/ Sounds like Rick has been talking to Karen. Thisrepresents only areasonablyaccurstetranscrlptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 25 Kubby/ No, not at all. Franklin/ Strategy C...notion of having incentives... criteria for financial incentives... Jim, you agree that this strategy could go under Policy 6. Throg/ Yeah .... move to Policy 6 ..... Nov/ I really think it doesn't belong under this first part. Lehman/ Kubby/ So will we be looking at this specific language later? Throg/ Something very similar to it .... talk about it ...Policy 6. Horow/ Policy 2- Franklin/ Action 2 & 3... Naomi questioned the role of the city in these two endeavors. Throg/ I want to disagree .... A person ... already what strategies to pursue... where to look .... I would say there is more of a structural issue .... mix of jobs are not suitable to the kinds of people who are in the town... There is a public role for trying to deal with that structural ..... Nov/ That is not what it says. Kubby/ The two actions are different. Franklin/ Let's do 2 first ..... Kubby/ I would agree with Jim on #2 but I could delete #3 .... I would like to leave #2 as is. Horow/ City's role with Chamber and ICAD in working with local employers addresses the whole health of our economic status in the city ..... So we are participating with the Chamber and ICAD but not taking a lead in this. Lehman/ Baker/ I tend to agree with Naomi .... I see a role for us in working with local employers to help them meet their labor needs~ Thisrepresents only areasonablyaccuratotranscrlption ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 26 Franklin/ ...what we need in terms of zoning.. Bruno, you brought it up in saying what do we have in the labor force .... If we don't have a labor force... maybe we should be zoning ORP rather than I-1. So that is how we got into looking at .... find out for themselves, to find out what they do need. It was trying to match labor with jobs. Kubby/ ...to say to determine local employer labor needs .... Nov/ We are talking about zoning ..... Horow/ Nov/ .... Pigott/ What about looking at labor forces .... to determine what sort of economic opportunities we need to bring to Iowa City. Nov/ That is the Action 1. I am not arguing about that one. I am arguing about Action 2. Lehman/ Aren't all of these things what we are paying ICAD to do? Pigott/ Of course. Franklin/ I don't know that ICAD's responsibility has been identified as identifying the labor force and doing a lot of work with the labor force. But more going out and seeing .... Atkins/ (Can't hear). Lehman/ How can you recruit without knowledge of a local labor force? I would think you would have that information. Kubby/ That is an assumption. Throg/ A big difference between knowing what the skills of a current labor force are ..... and knowing what that current pool of laborers needs in the way of better job opportunities. Atkins/ (Can't hear) .... implies some sort of a cooperative partnership effort .... work with them .... Horow/ Indicate that future councils would have the ability to perhaps increase what is paid to ICAD to increase ICAD's ability to work with local ..... Thisrepresents only areesonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of August28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 27 Atkins/ Franklin/ Does it give ICAD more direction? Horow/ It definitely will give ICAD more direction. Franklin/ You may want to leave it just for that. Horow/ All right. Are there four people who would like to leave it? Baker/ .... We can work with them to help meet those needs .... Council/ Nov/ I think they do not need the help of city government .... to fulfill their labor needs. Baker/ That is why I suggested help local employers meet their labor needs which is half of this ..... Nov/ I don't think they need our help .... I really question how the city can have a role .... Throg/ I am more concerned about finding ways in which we can help underemployed individuals find better jobs than I am concerned with helping local employers determine their labor needs. Kubby/ .... Baker/ I am maybe just totally misreading this. Kubby/ The way it is written here is that we have kind of a social agency to help people find more appropriate job opportunities .... find out what are the kinds of jobs to help people become less underemployed and how do we figure that out .... That is the value behind I believe what is there .... Baker/ The whole goal of the whole document is to bring in better jobs. Nov/ That is what the preamble .... Kubby/ .... target .... energies .... Nov/ You are hearing the words develop a mechanism .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995, WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Kubby/ I am looking at the values. Pigott/ Could you repeat what you said? .... Kubby/ ..... Page 28 Horow/ May I suggest you look at Strategy A, Action 3, Policy 1 Throg/ That is kind of a statistical analysis .... Kubby/ In Policy 2 force ..... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-100 SIDE 1 we are specifically talking about the labor Pigott/ I think everyone agrees that the words in Action 3 are not correct .... The intent may be something we want to save. Baker/ Kubby/ Pigott/ I just cut out Action 3 because I think everyone here says Action 3...is something none of us want. Horow/ Wait a minute ..... Schoon/ The intent of it was we need to find out who these underemployed people are so we can find the type of job that will make them less underemployed ..... If we have a lot of people with certain backgrounds ..... Nov/ Then we should say we should work at attracting jobs for underemployed individuals. Kubby/ .... The action here is that we need to assess what jobs will help underemployed ..... Do people agree with the sentiment of that?... Lehman/ I don't think I do. I think that is not a function of government at all. I think if I am a business and I can find a group of underemployed people that have the kind of skills .... market says here are people that can work in my industry .... That is the driving force .... Pigott/ ...It is part of our government structure... proactive as This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 29 to what jobs... to bring to Iowa City ..... So what we are saying is how do you determine which ones ICAD wants to bring in. Lehman/ I have no problem of getting the demographics of how many and what their skills are. Beyond that I don't know that we have a function. Nov/ I think those demographics are not yet available ..... underemployment isn't even discussed .... Baker/ ...The intent of this action is somehow clarify the range of skills .... that are underutilized and then use that as a tool... I have no problem with that .... Nov/ Franklin/ ...eliminate Action 2 & 3 and under #1 put "Work with the Local Work Force Center (Job Service) and other sources to identify the local education and training background of the local labor force including the underemployed." Nov/ Okay. Pigott/ All right. Lehman/ Throg/ Let me ask a question. Do we want to be instructing ICAD... to be recruiting new businesses or helping existing business expand in such a way as to provide improved job opportunities for currently underemployed persons? Do we want to be doing that? Lehman/ Yes .we do. Baker/ .... I would have always assumed City... kind of jobs that we want reward education and high skills. that ICAD looked at Iowa to attract are jobs that Throg/ That is pretty broad. Baker/ ..... That would have been a goal of ICAD. Lehman/ Baker/ Thlsreprosentssnlyareasonably accuratetranscription ofthalowa City councilmosttng of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 30 Horow/ Can we move on? Throg/ Do we want to state something like what I just did .... a new Action 2? Franklin/ Everything that is in here should be taken by ICAD .... as direction. Every single statement. I don't know that it is necessary to state specifically that they should be looking for- Throg/ Delete the words ICAD then and just say recruit new business and help existing businesses expand in such a way as to provide new job opportunities for currently underemployed persons. Lehman/ Baker/ Horow/ Are there four people who wish to include another action step? Franklin/ Probably is another strategy .... That a Strategy C, under the policy of increasing employment opportunities would be to recruit what you said. Kubby/ Would you say it one more time please? Throg/ Recruit new businesses or help existing businesses expand in such a way as to provide improved job opportunities for currently underemployed persons. Nov/ Sounds like a re-wording of Strategy B ...... Pigott/ The difference is the emphasis on the underemployed.' Kubby/ Pigott/ It is different from Action 1. Baker/ I don't see Strategy B dealing with underemployment. Nov/ Pigott/ Baker/ Thisrepresents only a reasoneblyaccurete transcription ofthelowa City council meetlngofAugust 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 31 Franklin/ 2 & 3 eliminate and Action 1 amended. Nov/ And #4 became ~2. Horow/ Pigott/ ..... I think there is a difference between working with the Local Work Force Center and ICAD actually going out .... Kubby/ Isn't there another section about targeting industry ..... Kubby/ Under #2 I have another help, the new #2, the last clause ..... to say" .... help provide." Nov/ That is fine. Lehman/ I think those are very good points. Horow/ Strategy B- Franklin/ #1. Okay. #2- Kubby/ Naomi's inclusion is a very good suggestion. Pigott/ I agree. Franklin/ Okay. No change in 3. #4- Baker/ I have the same reservation about that as I had with the other one...... Throg/ Do we currently work with any local educational institutions? .... Kubby/ Yes we do about recycling .... So we do do that ..... Why is #3 okay but #4 not. Nov/ I am questioning whether or not this is a city role. I can see that the school systems have already been working with the Chamber .... already have been working with local businesses .... They are doing these kinds of things .... Kubby/ ..... We want to encourage that .... promote. Nov/ There is an implication that they are not doing that now .... B,4. Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 32 Franklin/ Nov/ Continue is one thing and develop is another ..... Horow/ Throg/ Horow/ How could we put this-Would you be willing to use the words encourage? .... Throg/ Using the word encourage instead of work with, sure, that would be fine and to continue or- Franklin/ Do you want to say all educational levels? Baker/ ...we have already got University in Action 2 is what I am saying ..... Nov/ ...The University capitalizes the T in The. Horow/ Can we get through Strategy B here? Franklin/ And we will add Jim's? Horow/ Yes, "to encourage the local" and to "continue" or develop" Franklin/ The whole thing says "Encourage local educational ..... to continue or develop curricula .... " Baker/ Are we including the double underlined? Franklin/ Yes. Horow/ Nov/ I Baker/ Horow/ Throg/ Horow/ Franklin/ Yes, everybody except Ernie. am not so comfortable either with this one. I think this is a very modest suggestion .... Policy 3. In Action 2 & 3 forget those notes ..... Action 4 ..... Thisrepresents only areasonablyaccuratetranscrlption ofthelowa City council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 33 Throg/ When Naomi and I were talking about this... proposed Action 4 was redundant... Surely be happy to take it out..° didn't sense it was redundant. Nov/ This is a zoning development kind of thing that is industrial commercial encouragement kind of thing ..... This is not a policy which is specifically created for industrial and commercial development. Kubby/ The important part of this is the however part ..... Nov/ Then this belongs in the criteria section of Policy 6 that we may choose to require this. We may not choose to require this. It just isn't a given that we are going to do it. Baker/ Throg/ Horow/ Franklin/ You should be aware we do not have an out of sequence policy for commercial (can't hear). That is for residential development. So- Nov/ I still think it belongs in Policy 6 if we are going to do it at all. Horow/ Strategy A, in Policy 6 ........ I am saying your Action 4, Strategy A, Policy 3 really is covered under Policy 6. Franklin/ It is reverse approach ..... In what Jim has suggested is that the norm is that industry and commerce will pay their own way if it is out of sequence. Throg/ Unless those businesses meet the criteria...in which case we would provide an incentive by way of funding part of the infrastructure. Nov/ I don't agree ..... Throg/ I would delete the word should and put in the word may ..... Baker/ Pigott/ I don't have any problems where it is .... Thisrepresents only a reasonablyaccuratetranscrlption ofthelowa Cttycouncilmaeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 34 Nov/ Move it to 6. Franklin/ Move the whole thing as is with the may? Kubby/ Our normal policy does not mention industry with out of sequence development .... Horow/ or commercial Franklin/ In the Comp Plan, out of sequence, the phasing is only for residential development. I think what you are saying...if there are capital improvements that are necessary that are not already programmed that businesses will have to pay for those extensions unless they are meeting ..... We will work with that. Pigott/ That is fine with me. Franklin/ So rather than referencing out of sequence development we will talk about capital improvements program, the need for capital improvements. Throg/ All right, so you are going to have to tinker with that language .... Policy 3, Strategy A, Action 4 move to Policy 6 as a new Action 4. Baker/ Throg/ Where it goes is trivial ..... Franklin/ And "may assume". Okay. No more on that page. Page 5- Lehman/ Policy 3, B, Action 1. Could we state this in a positive manner instead of a negative manner? Instead of using the word "prevent" use - Franklin/ "Use zoning as a tool to encourage commercial development within designated cormmercial cores." Good. Wonderful. Thank you very much. Strategy C, Action 6. I like it. Throg/ Kubby/ Horow/ Throg/ Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthslowa CIw council meetingof August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, Pigott/ I Horow/ Throg/ Nov/ No. Council/ Franklin/ Kubby/ Throg/ I agree. 1995 . Council Work Session like it. All right. Strategy D, Action 1, page 5 ..... Office Research Park should probably be Parks. (All talking). Policy 4, Strategy A, Action 1. Okay? Page 35 Horow/ I don't see anything wrong with it. Franklin/ Strategy C. You have two versions here. Kubby/ I like the specific version better ..... Lehman/ Can we put help on that one? Nov/ Pigott/ Entrepreneurs and businesses are a lot different depending on what kind of business it is ..... (All talking). Baker/ Nov/ Council/ Horow/ Pigott/ Nov/ Kubby/ I think there is a difference between a business and an entrepreneur .... I would like us to deal with an organization rather than an individual entrepreneur or an individual business. Therefore ..... Deal with a group of folks rather than an individual. Thts represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 36 Baker/ There is a real and semantic difference between... business and labor... There are other citizen organizations out there ..... that may or may not be appropriate. Just citizen organizations will cover some of those other things. Kubby/ Labor, consumer and citizen groups ..... Nov/ Put in the help- Franklin/ Got help ..... Horow/ Lehman/ Franklin/ Page 7, Action 5. I don't think that changes anything substantively. Throg/ #5 & 6 ...... Kubby/ ...what the strategy is .... Aren't both 5 & 6 a repeat of what Policy 4 is? Lehman/ Yes. Kubby/ Why do we need to say it again? Franklin/ So delete 5? Horow/ 5 & 6. Kubby/ Throg/ ...we should indicate what action we should take to develop and enhance a means of communication among these various groups ..... If we do, what do we want them to do... we should probably say what we want them to do... Do we want to create a specific task force of some kind? Franklin/ Can we agree to delete #5?... Nov/ Yeah. Horow/ ..... We have not been as specific in the other actions.. we have left that to evolve into the various policies and strategies ..... Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate ~anscriptionofthelowa CIw council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 37 Pigott/ .... I would like to see us establish .... some sort of process... criteria .... but also to exchange information .... supportive of that ..... Establishing a group to discuss .... and to share information... Franklin/ What is the difference between Action 6 on page 7 and Policy 6, Strategy A, Action 1 on page 5. Throg/ In Policy 4 the point is to facilitate co~unication to an array of groups. The second thing... there are a couple of tasks that we might want to have a specific group for .... One of those tasks appears in Policy 6 ..... The only other apparent task is to help identify targeted industries ..... Kubby/ .... it needs that extra step... Franklin/ Why don't you discuss whether you want to form a group or not ..... Just talk about whether you want to create a committee, commission... That is a question that you have to answer for yourselves .... Kubby/... parameters on which we provide assistance.. That is one task I would like a group to do ..... Baker/ We ought to have... ad hoc group to put together suggestions to us .... I am very comfortable with that .... Horow/ Kubby/ Pigott/ In the end we are the final deciders. Baker/ ..... diverse group of people who have worked together... Horow/ Economic development .... comes as situations present themselves .... I don't care to have that being dragged out. Kubby/ The purpose of the co~umittee is .... to be proactive to help us develop parameters .... have them on the front end .... They know up front what all the rules of the games are ..... Baker/ Nov/ These policies and incentives are set by the city council. We can put in an ad hoc citizens committee .... that will recommend these criteria .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 38 Kubby/ ..Up to us to adopt these things ..... Horow/ ...seemed to me rather than prolonging the process... Pigott/ ...other times...process is facilitated by a group of a broad spectrum of people ..... Baker/ ...... Horow/ Lehman/ I would oppose the creation of any permanent committee .... I would like the input from ICAD, Chamber ...... University ..... If we do this we give them a definite time frame. Kubby/ .... Only Sue that didn't agree .... Franklin/ There is a majority that favors formation of an ad hoc broad base committee to address the issues of at least criteria and maybe targeted industries. I think that would be most appropriately placed in Policy 6 .... Kubby/ .... other thing was agreed to a couple of weeks ago. Nov/ I would prefer to delete Action 6. Baker/ I would also ..... Kubby/ Maybe Jim could talk about what would be the end result of Action 6. What is that we want to come from that... Throg/ ..~ At one point we were proposing the idea of creating a commission, a permanent ..... Clear that there was not a majority .... Action 6, simply the idea of creating a temporary organization or group that would provide a forum for conversation among those diverse groups and then produce two specific products. 1-Identifying targeted industry .... 2- Coming up with criteria. If Action 6 can best be moved to Policy 6, fine. Kubby/ Adding issue of ad hoc committee ..... Throg/ Franklin/ Kubby/ Even if we just add targeted industries into Policy 6 where Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 39 the ad hoc committee is mentioned .... gets at the end point. Throg/ ...the philosophy that underlies this. This community is conflicted over its economic development approach... many different views about that ..... many of those conflicts can be worked out .... Idea is to work through the conflict and then to develop a proposal behind which there is a broad based coalition of support ..... Baker/ What they will begin with is this whole document .... Franklin/ Okay, so we are moving this to 6? Okay. Lehman/ This group will not be really like the ICAD Board. Pigott/ Broader. Kubby/ .... be able to direct ICAD ..... these are the types of industry .... Horow/ Only aspect of this... we are one of a number of contributors to ICAD ..... Kubby/ If an industry comes to Iowa City... they should expect they will probably not be provided public assistance .... Horow/ ...they will go elsewhere .... Baker/ If you believe that those are the criteria for public assistance .... Nov/ Franklin/ Policy 5, Strategy C. Nov/ A criteria to be developed by a committee. Kubby/ I agree. Throg/ ...I would like to argue that we should suggest criteria ..... it would be appropriate for us to suggest some criteria. Kubby/ On top of page 9 ..... Encourage energy and resource efficiency is on page $ .... those things are mentioned .... Baker/ My ¢oncern..oreward ..... I have a question about Policy 5 in general which is the city government itself has a very good Thisrepresents only areasonablyaccuratetranscriptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, Nov/ Baker/ Kubby/ Nov/ It could be ..... Horow/ ..o Throg/ I would think that we programs that help both renters .... Horow/ 1995 Council Work Session Page 40 energy conservation specialist and are we going to be in a position of giving free services to businesses to help achieve these other things .... ...financial incentives may be advice .... .... Jim.. could be doing what they ought to be doing .... indeed would want to establish businesses and homeowners and Concept I agree with .... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-100 SIDE 2 Lehman/ Business is going to build in Iowa City .... They are going to build that building as efficiently as they possibly can ..... Nov/ Throg/ There is a lot of literature that says that larger firms do in fact have a great deal have a great deal of expertise and do in fact invest a lot of money in energy efficiency. But is the smaller firms .... Lehman/ .,. we are talking about increasing present businesses .... Baker/ ...use of our expertise in solving private business problems. Lehman/ I don't think we should do that. Baker/ Kubby/ It is mostly for in-house. Throg/ I have one suggestion .... economic development... to get local businesses and residences here to invest in energy efficiency because it keeps money in the local community Thlsrepresente only aroasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa Citycouncil meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 41 rather than having to flow outside to pay for ... oil... Baker/ Throg/ So we are going to delete Strategy C? Nov/ Yes. Franklin/ Policy 6, ..... Action 1 as it was written we are going to delete and instead put in some version of this Action 1. I would suggest as a start we say "Through creation of an ad hoc committee involving organization. Then you have to say something about the targeted- How about before develop say designate targeted industries and develop criteria to be used. We are in page 9, Strategy B, Action 1, version 2, double underlined. "Through creation of an ad hoc committee, involving organizations identified in Policy 4 ..... designate targeted industries and develop criteria to be used when the city .... in a target industry." Throg/ Fine. Kubby/ Because of our previous discussion we don't necessarily need the rest. Pigott/ Yeah, I agree. Franklin/ Because they will go back. Baker/ Repayment, where would that go? Throg/ It could just follow right on after targeted industries. Baker/ Pigott/ Throg/ On Policy 1 is where I had proposed a Strategy C. Is that right? And then we talked about talking about talking about that later... Policy 6. This is where- Kubby/ We could just keep that last sentence. Throg/ Which is basically what Naomi proposed. Baker/ Is local funds the only thing that would be appropriate for pay back or repayment? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 42 Council/ (All talking). Baker/ The repayment ..... Kubby/ Any kind of public money. Throg/ ...Ernie's point earlier about what happens if they repay 95% .... of it. Surely they should not be required. Kubby/ It should be noted by staff that that is part of the discussion. Baker/ So we are eliminating the middle sentence then. Franklin/ But keeping "A repayment of local funds .... "and then we eliminate all of C from 1, Jim? Throg/ Yes. Franklin/ Okay ...... Throg/ On page 9, still on Policy 6, we should note that for Strategy A we intended to move some material from page 4, right? For us to remember that we had already decided to move some material from page 4 to Strategy A on page 9. Nov/ This goes to Policy 6, Strategy A. And we are going to get more paper tomorrow? Franklin/ The only question I have then, you decided not on the recruitment of business in Policy 2? .... We were talking about Policy 2, Strategy A, and Jim suggested to recruit new businesses and it just kind of died. Throg/ What I heard was a majority saying keep Action 1, get rid of Action 2 & 3, forget the recruit thing. Nov/ Action 4 became 2 and put in a help. All right. Kubby/ I need some example, just for my own clarity about what we mean about Policy 6, page 9, Strategy B, Action 2. Horow/ I want to know what we mean by this. Franklin/ That is something that came out of the social service task force. If we were to encourage... businesses in which there was a wage level that was below 85%... CEBA criteria... Thisrepresents onlyareesonably accurate ~anscrlptlon ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995, WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session look at housing, social service transportation ..... needs .... Page 43 day care, Horow/ How do we realistically do that with the turn around time that quite often accompanies .... CEBA .... Franklin/ If by design of your criteria you get into this living wage issue .... I am sure it will come up ..... Some of these issues should already be addressed. If the criteria are well written ...... possible to address these concerns at the get go .... Kubby/ This doesn't say .... we need to go to our Boards and Commissions... I think it is fine. Franklin/ You might want to clarify economic development matters. Matters is pretty broad ..... policy or initiative ..... Lehman/ Any economic development matters involving incentives. Horow/ Hate to have it interpreted as any company... now has to come to a screeching halt...potential impact .... Lehman/ Kubby/ Lehman/ Last CEBA one that came in we had two days notice. Kubby/ I don't see this as being we are going to do a study .... But just the general issues ..... housing... transportation .... consequences ..... We are acknowledging and being conscious of those social consequences. Lehman/ How long will it take?... where you get two days notice... impossible... Kubby/ We don't get two notices with CEBA. Nov/ It is pretty quick. Horow/ David, what is the time frame we are talking here? .... Schoon/ ...It is often a couple of weeks .... Kubby/ it is still quick .... It doesn't say we have to do anything about them .... have to look at the impacts .... Thlsrepresents only areasonably accurate transcription ofthelowa Ciw council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 44 Nov/ All right.. delete commlss10ns, boards and committees. say "Before action .... by city council, the potential impact .... will be considered." Lehman/ That is much better. Kubby/ What about ad hoc committee ..... Page 9, Strategy A, Action 3 that we will have .... review these on a regulate basis .... Baker/ Assistance from the community might also mean a different form ..... Kubby/ What about the word matters ..... Nov/ I would like to say (can't hear) rather than matters. Pigott/ ..initiatives. Kubby/ Nov/ Incentives rather than matters. Kubby/ Incentives is too restrictive maybe. Horow/ Issues- Baker/ Horow/ Instead of "matters" we are putting in the word "issues". Kubby/ Action 3, target the use of CBG funds towards economic development projects ...... I want to say a portion of just to be very clear ..... Pigott/ Kubby/ "A portion of" Franklin/ On page 10 there were no changes. Kubby/ I have another help type thing. Strategy C, Action 1, take out "With the assistance of". To say request that local financial institutions in cooperation with the city identify shortfalls .... "because it puts the more responsibility on the financial institution ...... "Request that local financial institutions, in cooperation with the city, etc." This representsonlyareesonebly eccuratetranscdptlonofthelowa City council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Horow/ Yeah, I would agree with that. Kubby/ In Action 2 .... to say "Help establish Horow/ Kubb¥/ We did a really good time .... Page 45 a program .... " This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of th~ Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 46 Presidential Straw Poll 95-100 S2 Horow/ Larry, Linda- Council/ (All talking). Nov/ We haven't read this thing ..... Baker/ ..the state disagrees and says we can't do it. Woito/ It goes farther and says .... it is not a local matter. Pigott/ Woito/ The Charter is silent on whether we can do this straw vote and there is an argument that FirstAmendment protects you as an entity as well as any ordinary citizen in doing what you want to do .... There is a possibility that you can do this by initiative but you have to be prepared for someone to challenge it ..... I don't want the electoral process to be jeopardized and four people not able to take their seats ...... Baker/ Backtrack ..... misunderstanding and misinformation ..... This morning. Linda, I, Pat White and Tom Slockett sat down together with the purpose of finding out how they felt... concern .... two different directions... strictly the legal direction and the other one was political discussion of pros and cons of whole concept. Tom and Pat can talk about those concerns .... Their legal position is extremely relevant to what we do or do not do. They are very consistent ..... say you do not have the specific authority to do this .... you are prohibited from doing this based upon lack of clarity in home rules and .... Charter... no compelling connection between as a legitimate city government function ..... Not directly related to city business ..... Tonight's packet we had two resolutions .... 1-we would direct the County Auditor to put it on the ballot as our direction. The other resolution involves a separate ballot to be administered in cooperation with the County Auditor and neither one of those cases was the County Auditor willing to agree. He feels strongly that this is not something the city can do .... If you took literally the initiative section of the Charter .... citizen signature initiative drive ..... 24,000 signatures of registered voters... If it came to us as a council .... he would put it on the ballot. Woito/ ...it is up to decide whether it is valid. This represents only e reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 47 Baker/ That they would not object to that if it was in the form of an initiative .... It did not protect you from someone objecting to it .... in which case you would have to defend your position .... You indeed have the power to do this .... That is one alternative .... Technically, if you wanted to prep ballots yourself as a city, send them on your own to registered voters, arrange for the collection of those ballots separate for the polling process .... you could do that ..... city expense .... There is also a provision in the state law if you want to conduct an exit straw poll .... and ask people coming out after they have voted .... you can be near the exit door of the poll .... You cannot be inside ..... Some of the problems with that is it cannot be done with absentee ballots. It cannot be done with satellite voting ..... It is a much less precise registry of public sentiment .... Service groups who might be interested in handling this .... We could do it or help facilitate it with another group ..... Other groups, individuals, can do their own exit straw polls .... Baker/ It would avoid challenges .... Woito/ Did you talk to Tom or Pat after they got the opinion? Baker/ No. Woito/ .... they went a step further and said this is not a local affair... and a subject of your Charter initiative. Pigott/ Baker/ This is a ruling by the Attorney General's office ..... woito/ It is not controlling. The Iowa Supreme Court has not moved on whether cities or counties or states can have straw polls Baker/ It has never been tested in court as far-how much latitude Home Rule gives us in this particular instance like this. Pigott/ Woito/ Some states have adopted legislative statutes ..... Pigott/ But it is up to the state to allow that? ..... Woito/ That is not entirely clear. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 48 Baker/ .... This is what I think .... I have been doing tons of reading the last seven days on this issue ..... I would like very much to adopt this position. I firmly believe that we have the constitutional right to control our own ballot issues. That we can determine...citizen... or the council... ballot issues .... First Amendment .... inconceivable that the state has to power to restrict a city's First Amendment rights .... That is what Larry Agran told me. So, I firmly believe that we have the absolute right to determine and control our own ballot issues. I would like to see this council take the first resolution in front of us... I would like for us to approve that tomorrow night and send it to the County Auditor ..... he will refuse to put it on the ballot... I think our public position ought to be we absolutely have that right and if you will not certify the election then we will have to consider other alternatives .... Throg/ What I don't understand is why we would go through that first hoop ..... and begin deliberating what to do instead. Baker/ One of the options beyond that... is to legally disagree with the Auditor's decision, the AG's decision. They have to stop us .... before we can act on that action .... One of the options then becomes .... In every other case .... we have always won .... Some version has been accomplished to do what we want to do. Pigott/ Baker/ In almost every case they have gotten the right to put it on their ballot .... One of our options to simply say we disagree with you...go to court. The first step is go on record that we believe it is our right to do this and then respond to their response .... Nov/ Lehman/ Pigott/ Your question is do we want to send this resolution on? Baker/ Kubby/ Do we want this particular thing on the ballot? Baker/ ...I expect him not to certify it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 49 Horow/ Kubby/ .... is the test case about something much larger about our power to put whatever we want on the ballot versus the specifics of a straw poll ..... Woito/ I think it would be both the subject matter as well as the whole concept ..... Pigott/ The court might rule on specifics...general opinion .... Woito/ .... secondly is this a local affair? Baker/ Nov/ I would like a legal opinion about whether or not we can legally spend city money on printing extra ballots .... The cost of that is my concern. Woito/ We need to articulate very clearly what the public service is .... encouraging discussion of national urban policies .... Nov/ Kubby/ ...Once we talk about presidential politics we open up the whole gamut .... How do you control that discussion? .... Baker/ I think you can indeed lead that discussion .... CityVote... subject of the forum is urban issues ..... that is the only thing under discussion in CityVote ..... You can indeed set up the purpose of this whole exercise to help educate the public .... candidates relationship between federal, local... consequences of decisions here .... There are consequences locally about whoever is in charge .... I think we could articulate a public purpose ..... Kubby/ ...some of us may say we like the idea of a ballot but we don't want to spend a lot of city energy in helping presidential candidates get people here ..... What would be the whole program. What happens besides the ballot issue? .... city expense and time ..... Baker/ The primary expense would be the cost of the election ..... The city obligation as far as energy or money... energy involves members of council... organizing public discussion of these issues ..... I do think we ought to be considering... weekend... Homecoming weekend ..... There is not any hotel This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 50 rooms in this county .... impossible .... I would expect Tom Slockett .... Kubby/ Baker/ .... larger context... state is chipping away at local .... Nov/ Baker/ Kubby/ CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 95-101 SIDE 1 Kubby/ Progressive taxing issues for the city Baker/ I read Naomi's list of things .... state legislative agenda... Local option taxing ability ... talk about with the state .... Remember there are lots of goals here .... Nationally it is expected to increase voter turnout .... impact locally .... opportunity for all sorts of groups... opportunity to focus attention on that nexus between federal decisions and local consequences ..... Very clear specific questions on urban issues ..... Get people in here to discuss local issues... All sorts of public benefits .... I didn't dream this up .... This... has been a three year project... Throg/ I know we are not going to decide this tonight... I would support your notion of having your request go to Slockett .... I am real interested in the generic question about whether the city has the power to put questions on the ballot. I am not entirely persuaded about the merits of doing an overall City Vote idea .... I am just open to talking about this more... Not entirely clear to me that we are focusing attention on urban areas... would be... We are different .... 2-I am just beginning to read Larry Agran's lengthy paper... There is a sense that the overall CityVote process is really an effort of large states to draw attention away from Iowa ..... May not be good for Iowa... for Iowa City. Baker/ ...Exit polling°.. something that is workable... it is further away from CityVote concept .... there are limitations .... In CityVote Project you have communities from 9,000 to 600,000 .... Common denominator is somewhere in their budget they are affected by the federal ..... Whether it is something that is going to actually detract from Iowa City/Iowa... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City counctlmeetlng of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 yeah .... Lehman/ Do we have four discussion should down .... Kubby/ What if Slockett Baker/ .... council Work Session Page 51 people to vote for this tomorrow? This take place only if Slockett turns it changes his mind? ..... Woito/ In terms of putting the best issue in front of the court .... Your best shot ..... September? Karr/ 21st at 5:00. Woito/ Your best shot is initiative because the Iowa Supreme Court has said that you have the authority .... Baker/ Under current law. Woito/ ...do it by initiative. Baker/ ...that is not something we can do .... Pigott/ Get someone to do it. Woito/ It would certainly strengthen your First Amendment argument in terms of the people have a right to speak. Nov/ Linda, if this is turned down .... tomorrow... If we vote for the resolution to put this issue on the ballot .... Then we have the County Auditor say no... do you really want to go to court with this? Baker/ That is not Linda's decision right now .... Nov/ Woito/ ..... Baker/ Kubby/ I want to bring up these two issues .... says independent... they are not independent. They belong to political parties and it should say .... 2-There may be some third parties who have not selected their candidates yet .... Socialist Party USA .... they don't even have the opportunity to be reflected through Thlsrepresents only areaeonably accurate transcription ofthalow& City coun~l meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 52 their criteria to see if they are considered for City Vote .... Baker/ General concern would be true any date you pick .... Pigott/ Could we amend that list? ..... Kubby/ We could amend that list .... Throg/ And we could include other questions, correct? Baker/ I think you have to establish the principle first. Horow/ Let's go to sidewalk cafes- Thisrepresents only areasonebly accuratetmn$c;iptlon oftha Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 53 Sidewalk Cafes 95-101 S1 Karr/ August 11 you received a letter in your packet from the... committee with some suggestions for Council on Disability, Rights and education for Public Accessibility for sidewalk cafes. I would like council direction on how you wish me to proceed .... develop something and come back to you?... hold on to it until '97? .... Kubby/ If there aren't any other changes .... I think I would like it to work for a little bit longer before we amend it .... I am not ready to amend the ordinance .... Throg/ I would really like to support that .... do nothing in the short run. Karr/ So we will just keep this in a file and take a look at it in ~97. Council/ Yes. Nov/ ...more likely you will get more applicants next spring .... You could ask them to consider some of the ideas in the letter... Kubby/ We could even send the letter of suggestion to people who have already gotten permits .... think about these options .... Thisrepresents only areasonably accuratetranscriptlon ~thelowa Ciw council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 54 Council A~enda/Time 95-101 S1 1. Kubby/ (Consent Calendar-#3.f.(2)- letter from E. Kral re Des Moines scooper law) .... We had a letter about dog excrement .... Animal Control ... pass this on Nov/ Forward this to the Advisory Committee .... might want to answer the letter... she should report it... Kubby/ Can we send a letter to this person saying we forwarded this to the Animal Control Advisory Committee? Yes .... Baker/ Kubby/ (Consent Calendar #3.f.(3)-Letter from R. Alatalo re traffic problems Highway 1 and Kitty Lee Road) We got a second letter from Regina Alatalo. To send her a copy of whatever letter we send to J.C Board or to the DOT .... Horow/ I thought she was in the audience .... we have not received the signed copy back from the County Board .... Kubby/ We can still send her a copy of the letter we sent to the Supervisors .... Horow/ Okay .... 3. Kubby/ Got a letter back from the Corp (water shed management) saying we have done what you have asked us to do. There was an additional suggestion that if there are sites on federal land... filter strip... let us know. It would be worth our while... have Ed Moreno take a canoe trip .... Throg/ .... Kubby/ Had talked about water shed management investment on our part .... make sure that gets back inserted into the discussion at some point .... Nov/ ...we have a far greater water shed to protect... Kubby/ A discussion on what is it that we can do .... Horow/ Kubby/ I think we need to continue our discussion about what kind Thisrepresents only a reasonably accuratetranscription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . of water shed involved in .... Horow/ We do not have this Kubby/ Nov/ Federal grounds .... council Work Session Page 55 management upstream the city wants to item scheduled for discussion ..... be just Coralville Lake. Atkins/ The original filter strip legislation .... requiring farmers ... bumper strip.. and water ways .... Iowa River primarily .... simply never got anywhere ..... Nov/ Letter... I thought it went beyond Corps .... Arkins/ The map that we made up...Iowa River...shore line ownership ... up to J.C/Linn County line. Nov/ ...just around Coralville Lake .... Atkins/ Nov/ So we would like them to extend that. Atkins/ It would be nice if the Corps of Engineers had a Corp of Engineers policy to deal with that issue .... Kubby/ Atkins/ Expand the question. Kubby/ So that mean you are going to be writing a follow up letter asking them about- Atkins/ That sounds fine .... Okay... 4. Kubby/ I put in an article from "Public Management" .... about putting collective back into bargaining. At some point I would like Dale to talk about the philosophy of the system .... strategy or approach to bargaining .... Helling/ .... I think this is very clear bargaining strategies... suggest that we do it in closed session .... Kubby/ It is important for us to understand that process .... Helling/ I read the article and have some observations about it .... Thisrepresents only areesonably accurate transcription ofthelowa City council meeting of August 28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 56 Kubby/ Horow/ I don't have any problem with that. 5. Kubby/ Letter from Gloria O'Donnell who asked for information about definitions of adult daycare in your zoning code .... Atkins/ ...letter went off .... notification from the county .... Kubby/ What would have to change to allow it to happen? Atkins/ We answered her .... 6. Kubby/ Call today..people who live on Rohret Road... dark out there .... concerned .... winter... very dark... kids. Atkins/ Kubby/ I talked with Charles Lyle...check on that .... find out ... make sure gets information... Horow/ Work that staff has done... incredible .... School bus .... proposed detour .... was more than 60 minutes... City and County and State Patrol... are going to position a car out on Sharon Center blacktop .... issue... staff has done excellent job .... Nov/ I wanted to bring up Legislative Policies... committee... met last Wednesday .... next step is this goes to Board of Directors... cities vote to approve all of these things in October.., let me know before October .... behind the colored sheet about three pages over .... Baker/ Local option income tax .... ability for a local option income tax with no restrictions...no exemption for state employee .... Nov/ This is an issue that should have been proposed... not sure I can add .... Kubb¥/ We could write a letter and propose it to the Board. Pigott/ Let's do it. Nov/ Baker/ ...2-other states legislation which allows balance Thisrepresents only are~onably accuratetranscription ofthelowe City council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 . Council Work Session Page 57 Horow/ If you want something proposed in the letter for the city could you please give it to me the language that you want. Nov/ Linda's letter ..... City access to the Iowa Communications Network was deleted based on the fact that it may be sold .... If it is not sold and remains a state policy issue, they are going to lobby for city access .... Pigott/ 8. Nov. City of Cedar Falls is putting their own fiber optic cables ... plan to compete with TCI .... lot of money... Pigott/ It would be great economically Lehman/ I would hate to invest that .... Nov/ Helling/ City of Cedar Falls has an electric utility... allowed them to do this .... have the poles in place... We did check into it .... makes a lot of sense for them to do it. 9. Nov/ citizens Resource Group on the Airport Master Plan .... having another meeting September 7 ..... 10. Lehman/ I asked Steve to check into an ordinance that Cedar Rapids has giving preference to local contractors on contracts and he got us information on that... I would like to see a little work done to show advantages and disadvantages .... Kubby/ I would like to see pros and cons .... Lehman/ Horow/ Go for it .... Kubby/ Th~srepresentsoniy areasonably accurate transcrlptionofthelowa City council meeting of August28,1995. WS082895 August 28, 1995 Council Work Session Page 58 Appointments 95-101 S1 and S2 Housing and Community Development Co~umission: 1 year: Linda Murray James Harris Elizabeth Swenson 2 year: Christina Randall Charles Eastham Ann Donoran 3 year: John Falb Tim Ruxton Gretchen Schmuch Adjourned: 10:30PM This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of August 28, 1995. WS082895