HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-27 TranscriptionOctober 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 1 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session 6:00 PM Council: Lehman, Champion, Kubby, Norton, O'Donnell, Thornberry ,Vanderhoef. Staff: Atkins, Helling, Karr, Franklin, Davidson, Yucuis, Trueblood, Schmadeke, O'Neil, Fosse. Tapes: 98-117, all; 98-118, all; 98-119, all. Capital Improvement Projects 98-117 S1 Lehman/Steve, as I understand it, we are going to kind of run through what we have previously indicated our preferences were for the CIP. I think we need to... new sheets... make notes on those. My perception is that it is our job to look at projects that we feel that may be more or less important than other projects so that we can reprioritize if we have to. We scheduled this meeting to run from 6:00 to 10:00 PM. I really doubt that we are going to be sharp for four hours .... This is terribly important .... If we get three hours... we are doing really well .... Atkins/This document is basically a combination of the other two .... Easier to make notes .... Lehman/At some point, you will give us an update with projects in progress and the financial implications? Atkins/Yes, I am going to do financial up front to kind of give you a feel for it. I am assuming this is a planning session. I want Rick to come up... take you through what we have ready to go for next construction season also. An intro will take about 10 - 15 minutes and then we will bring your food in... Work through the other document .... A few introductory comments .... Year 2000 through the remainder of the plan represented $211,925,000. Let me tell you a few problems that we have. The first problem is we believe that we have the financing in order .... More concem about the staff to get all the work done. We just simply do not have enough people to do all of the work .... Engineers and inspectors. When we show you the plan .... We have it timed... some public projects get more public scrutiny than others... A number of ways that a project could be delayed. We will likely have to think this out .... We have generally the financial resources .... Staff... they will advise you of any kind of federal grant, state grant, shared... this is the full cost. This may not be our cost .... We are several months ahead of schedule in our planning process .... Not refined all of the numbers .... In '99... in our budget planing we estimated that we would be selling General Obligation (GO) debt of $11.5 million. When actually because of changes in estimates and other things, we will likely be selling about $10 million .... The '99 projects that Rick will show you, This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 2 substantially no change in water and sewer .... Our use of Road Use Tax... maintaining about $1 million balance is okay for that fiscal year (FY). Please note no sales tax then, no library, no event center. It is not shown in there .... In your first planning year, year 2000, we had estimated in the budget that we would have GO debt of $7.5 million. We are now estimating that it will be about $12.5-.... Rough estimates ..... In the plan... FY2000, water and sewer, no substantial change .... Road Use Tax, we are still okay ..... Then in the '01 .... projected a $7.5 million GO debt and we are estimating... $9.1 million in GO debt. Water and sewer, there are no changes. However... one big sewer project in there, $25.7 million .... South Plant .... Working with P&G over the last year... substantial portion of that project is some of the needs they have .... Explain that to you in detail .... And rates will have to be amended specifically because of that particular component to that project. Kubby/Is that completely new? Atkins/It is completely new in the sense, Karen, P & G had an opportunity to do some onsite. They chose not to do that. They are now trucking .... Waste by-product out .... They were looking for alternatives. They have indicated an interest in expanding some of their product line... We treat their sewage... We can put a rate structure together to help for the cost of the improvements of the sewer plant... Chuck will explain that. Norton/Some of that is already in the hopper .... Atkins/In '01...Road Tax is okay. Two big projects at the water treatment plant and sewage treatment plant .... Occurring at approximately the same time... staff concern. We had postponed the water plant for another year .... Anxious to get started on that. In the year '02, we had estimated that we would have a ...budget of $5.2 million GO debt .... If this project were to come together, we would have GO debt of $21.9-. So '02 is the first real serious year where we anticipate some financial difficulties. And the reason is we have added into the plan 965 Extended, Mormon Trek and there is a number of very big ticket item projects that are shown in that FY .... Kubby/ Atkins/We are well within our debt .... Kubby/...We only want to be at 50% of our capacity, fight? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 3 Atkins/I couldn't tell you exactly how that number would shake out because we haven't shown what other debt would go off.... Over 50% but well under the cap ..... Norton/ Thornberry/ Atkins/... '02 is a year that is going to leap out at you .... Also in '02 we have budgeted approximately $2 million for Road Use Tax to be used on projects .... Then in '03 we estimated $9 million in GO and in '04 we didn't have an estimate .... Big things.. this year '02 .... Lehman/Steve on 2004 .... What is the $76 million? Atkins/That is the total projects that are listed in that year, 2004 and beyond .... All sorts of things in there... That is subject to substantial change when you get this far out. Kubby/So why are you doing so many projects each year? ..... Seems like every year we are doing huge projects .... I am feeling like there is way to much every year .... Atkins/When you question a staff member .... Here is why this is being proposed .... What I would like to do... We will go through on each FY... respond to your questions ....Try to identify any unique characteristics... Identify the dollar figures ....If we catch a project ....Where there appears to be friction, debate, conflict, let's set it aside... Then we can come back to it. At the end of each FY, I will ask you as a group is there anything on here that is of supreme consequence that we got to do this. You feel very strongly about. Also the opposite, this is one I can live without .... So we can sort those things out. Okay .... What we show in the CIP... annual and biannual projects .... We set aside moneys each year and those moneys are intended to address those projects. There are two new ones on there. We also have a biannual project whereby we set aside moneys money annually for street asphalt overlay .... We do it every two years. There are two new projects .... Park restroom replacement and construction and the park playground equipment .... Part restroom... $200,000 project and park playground equipment is $500,000 project .... Those have been added to our annual... put in routinely tinless you tell us otherwise. Trueblood/Park restroom replacement construction is basically involves replacement of restrooms. Two are Hickory Hill, one at Willow Creek and one at Weatherby .... Replacement .... Involves... possibility of one additional small restroom .... At Fair Meadows Park .... Thornberry/Terry, how many restrooms in Hickory Hill Park are we talking about? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 4 Trueblood/There are only two shelters .... Has a quasi-restroom attached to it. Thornberry/Does it have to do with just the fixtures? ..... Trueblood/ Thornberry/So underground work as well as the fixtures themselves? Norton/Have these met their useful life? .... Trueblood/For these particular ones, I think yes. Norton/ Thomberry/How old are they? Trueblood/Between 20-25 years old. Champion/I think that is a long time .... A question .... Talked about parkland development... Forest reserve on west side of town .... This doesn't seem like very much money .... When would we discuss that? Atkins/For the west side of town, we have already .... secured general direction... Hickory Hill West .... With Highway 965 Extension .... Council had indicated that we were to scout out... potential for acquiring some land to put it together into a park of some consequence .... Not settled in on a size... Staff is alerted to .... As 965 begins... Desire... secure the land ahead of time... get it for public purposes. Lehman/ Champion/I was just questioning the amount of money that we have for parkland development .... Open space acquisition ..... Vanderhoef/ Kubby/There is a pot sitting out there. Atkins/We have moneys that allow us to buy land... Also an annual number available to US. Thornberry/... I think it is important to mention whether it is going to be high maintenance parkland or the parkland that is sort of a preserve ....We don't have that many people... not able to handle what we have got .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 5 Norton/I am surprised that places that are not high maintenance like Ryerson Woods... still takes quite a bit of work .... Atkins/Okay, are you all set on those restrooms? Kubby/We are talking about $40,000 a year for five years? Atkins/Yes, that is the commitment. Norton/...Sidewalk repair, $5,000. How fast does that proceed us through town? Atkins/That is just for parks ....Sidewalk improvements in the parks .... Norton/Where does the sidewalk work around town go? Atkins/Usually everybody pays or the developer .... Trueblood/...Playground equipment .... Items that are listed... For the most part those are viewed sort of as lump sum park improvements .... Depending upon what the need is. With regard with the park and playground equipment, we are replacing throughout the system .... We simply weren't even staying up with what we need... What we have decided is that we needed to budget a significant amount over a five year period to really get up to where we need to be... Two of the primary reasons are the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Americans with Disability Act ..... All of our new stuff we try to put in in compliance .... We have a lot of older stuff.... Kubby/You use to have a lot of wooden equipment down at City Park. Trueblood/There is still quite a bit of it there .... The new stuff... been replaced twice .... When you look at the type of surfacing that is required now for accessibility .... The new equipment downtown at the Ped Mall, that is not part of this money. Thornberry/Is that your park? Are you responsible for that park downtown? Trueblood/Yes .... Atkins/It is the downtown streetscape improvements. It has been budgeted separately, Dean. Thomberry/What kind of materials do they recommend for undemeath playground equipment? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 6 Trueblood/Seems to change about every year. Right now the ideal equipment... rubber .... Two to five inch thick rubber .... Poured in place .... That is what is going to go in down at the Ped Mall .... It is the most expensive. Thomberry/Burger King... has playgrounds .... Insurance companies .... Atkins/ Norton/Is the traffic calming number a standard one? Atkins/Yes, $25,000 we set aside each year .... Thornberry/What was the budget for these projects last year or the year before? Atkins/For those two new ones? Trueblood/Those are new items. Thornberry/ Trueblood/We have been budgeting $15,000 to $25,000 a year in our operating budget for playgrounds ..... haven't been able to keep up with it. The restrooms... we just decided... start taking care of next year. Thornberry/ Trueblood/Right now we are projecting five years .... It will be ongoing for five years. Atkins/The Biannual Projects... all familiar with. The Curb Ramp we have expanded a tad bit because... we could not get sufficient bids in the $100,000 range... boosted it up to $125,000 per year .... Brick street reconstruction, we have increased that .... One thing about brick street reconstruction is that staff has talked about how we might get a bigger bang for our buck on that .... We were talking about $4-5 a brick .... Hand labor .... One of the thoughts we had is that maybe we would resurface those streets and then provide for a brick intersection ....Maintain a brick character ....Older neighborhoods ....Like the brick streets ....Obscenely expensive to that kind of work .... Thornberry/Could the neighborhoods be polled? .... Norton/Special assessment. Thornberry/If they really want it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 7 Vanderhoef/I was looking in the out years... have big needs on computer replacement... I wondered if we ought to be doing that in an annual or biannual. Trueblood/We put a number in the out years for computers .... Most of our enterprise funds we have been budgeting for those in our departments. This is an area that... accounting software needs to be replaced .... Vanderhoef/Would it be useful in a budgeting process for us to start looking at putting some in every year .... Trueblood/It depends on how you want to fund it .... Debt ....Or with operating funds .... Norton/Have a equipment reserve somewhere. Yucuis/We have almost all of our rolling stock is in an annual replacement program .... That is an ongoing operating expense .... That program has worked out very well. Atkins/Remember, we changed strategy a tad bit with the library... deliberate decision the General Fund could not afford that big annual and that we would go with debt .... Any other annual or biannual? Year 2000. Ron is here .... A couple of quick things... terminal renovation project is under way with respect to negotiating for an architect to do the design work. Master Plan land acquisition is moving along. We do have one concern .... Our cash outlay and out reimbursement, we are concerned... We are spending at a pretty good clip and the FAA is not real quick about reimbursing us .... Some risk .... Kubby/...For the airport terminal renovation, I prefer that number to be lower. Because if we have the full cost in our budget, there is no motivation for the Airport Commission to look at partnership ideas .... I prefer for that number to be either half of that or maybe a little more. Ron O'Neil/Yeah, they have discussed that. I talked with Terry Trueblood about the cost of what they went through... with their new gym .... I think we have a different market out there. The cost of doing the feasibility study to see if there is a fundraiser... plus what it would cost to raise it... may not have generated enough funds to have helped ourself out. Kubby/So what does that say about the need and the commitment by the community who uses or appreciates the airport? O'Neil/In other cities... the corporations are based in that city ..... The companies that use this to go in and out of here, they don't have any...as much as initiative... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 8 They are not doing their majority of corporate business here... They are serving their stores ....in our community ....Proctor and Gamble, they are not bringing their money people to our airport ....Makes it more difficult to raise money. Atkins/ Kubby/...I still don't think the money should be that high. Atkins/I don't hear any concem about us proceeding with the project. It appears to be the financing of that project. Thomberry/It is a city government building that has been left in disrepair .... I would dare say that that is the only publicly owned building that Iowa City has that has been let go .... Norton/Public Works Building .... Also... investment going in there is to try to stimulate commercial activity .... Stimulate the use of that airport .... Thornberry/ .... they are working ... Master Plan... The airport terminal building... it was built by the city .... For United Airlines .... Kubby/...It is a number that we will not be reimbursed .... Vanderhoef/We haven't really discussed this whole plan that is sitting out there... I am not sure that this is the best use of the money to make the upstairs accessible .... There seems to be a lot of money going into making a very small space upstairs accessible. Atkins/Given the size of the contract, does the Commission have to bring the contract with the architect back to the council for approval? Thornberry/I would say yes if we are going to distribute the funds. I would like to know what we are paying for and I want to see the plans before we say yes. Atkins/My impression is that you are going to have to bring the contract back to council .... Champion/It really is a public transportation area ....Is it worth making that small upstairs space accessible .... Kubby/It is a public facility with private transportation... There are no city owned planes .... Thornberry/...that is definitely an entrance to the city. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 9 Lehman/We flew to Kansas City four years ago .... Terminal... the pits... I am not sure that I buy the idea that that is not money that we could not recover from the airport at some point when they lease that property on the noah side .... As much as I think that airport is a tremendous asset .... I look at the development possibilities on the north side, I do not believe if they develop that property the way it could be developed, I don't believe that we are going to have to be in the business of subsidizing the airport... expend funds that we cannot expect to be paid for. Kubby/That has to be a specific agreement between the council and Airport Commission... Lehman/I would like to look at that ....needs to be done... some method by which that could be repaid .... Atkins/There is some debate amongst the council on this issue .... Thomberry/I would like to meet with the Airport Commission before we do some of these things unilaterally. Lehman/Obviously, anything that occurs there will come back before us anyway. Atkins/Okay. Master Plan, outland acquisition, I think we are all familiar with that. Lehman/Two items on that. First of all we are showing $2.6 million when we are supposedly getting reimbursed by 90% by the feds. Atkins/That is correct. Lehman/I believe that $2.6- is included in the total? Atkins/Yes. Lehman/So that 90% of that would realistically not be in that total that year. Atkins/Yes, that is correct. Lehman/Secondly... There may be a possibility that some of the very expensive properties .... Will not have to be acquired. I really would like to look at that... That we would not have to acquire. Kubby/ ....might not be reimbursed. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 10 Atkins/Throughout the budget we have done the best to show the total cost .... Airport taxi way, the Iowa Jet Service, that project has been sort of sitting there ....We would need to fund that. Burlington Street Bridge, south over the Iowa River .... The southern portion of the Burlington Street Bridge is ours. The noah portion belongs to IDOT. And it needs some work. Thornberry/Is IDOT going to pay half of this? Fosse/They will take care of maintaining the northem bridge. The southem one is ours. We are going to check into some research funds .... Bottom of the arches .... Champion/ Fosse/As part of this project... different railings along that sidewalk ....Toddler to fall through there. Norton/Estimate could be conservative. Fosse/We think it is a pretty good estimate. Atkins/Cemetery Expansion. I think you understand Phase I .... We have architects.. putting together the plans. Trueblood/This is Phase I. Norton/There is no hurry with Phase II .... Trueblood/ Atkins/Tennis Court Renovation/Lighting. Somewhat of a new project. Trueblood/Two years ago we renovated City Park tennis courts... new surface... this project... Mercer Park... Also new lighting for both Mercer and City Park. Champion/ Thornberry/ Trueblood/That would be ground up, the poles .... Norton/What happens to a light pole? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 11 Trueblood/Well, with the type of lighting that we would like to put in .... Steel poles that have the wiring .... O'Donnell/Do we have any idea on usage out there? Trueblood/I can't give you a number .... We don't have any method in place to estimate numbers .... Norton/They won't get used unless they are properly maintained. Thornberry/Do the tennis courts in City Park flood? .... normal big rain. Trueblood/(Can't hear). Atkins/Walden Woods Park Development. Trueblood/This is a very small, 1.7 acre park out at Walden Woods .... Donated through the Neighborhood Open Space criteria .... An area we have been working with the neighborhood association .... They have developed a little sketch of what they would like to see done .... Kubby/ Thornberry/ Trueblood/They have already met... submitted a little sketch for possible development. Atkins/Terry meets with neighborhood groups on these kinds of projects .... Common place for us to go out and visit with them .... Weatherby Park. We recently expanded that... time to do improvements. Trueblood/I have a meeting with that Neighborhood Association the first week in November. Atkins/City Park Stage-Riverside Theater. That is a new one. Trueblood/We have a sketch up here .... Proposal that Riverside Theater came to staff and Parks and Recreation Commission... they would like to erect a stage... Shakespeare 2000 festival out there .... Annual event. They would like the city to participate in the construction or actually to do most of the construction but on a payback basis... over a number of years .... The stage would belong to the city... other events could go on out there. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 12 Lehman/They will participate in the cost with us? Trueblood/Yes although not right up front .... Vanderhoef/Is this going to include lighting and all that kind of stuff?. Lehman/Yes, it would include outdoor stage lighting .... Norton/The protection of this thing .... How often is it used? .... Kubby/I could see community groups .... Lehman/ Atkins/This is a concept drawing .... CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 98-117 SIDE 2 Atkins/Sunday aftemoon... We didn't have a band shell... ended up being a lot of fun. They are not fancy. O 'Donnell/Maintenance .... Atkins/ Lehman/We would own that and if a group wanted to use that, they would reserve it?... Trueblood/Right. All the Riverside Theater... reserved for purposes of a Shakespeare festival .... Lehman/... great idea .... Norton/How long did Park and Rec Commission look at this? .... Did they get a big briefing and consider this in-depth? .... Trueblood/ ....I think they got a fai~y good proposal for it. Norton/I have seen a number of outdoor stages... plantings and grounds... not as fragile as this seems to be .... Too bad it doesn't have more of natural features in there .... Lehman/This is just a concept .... Something that would be built .... We are talking about a concept. Atkins/...Do you want to bring it back for more detail? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 13 Vanderhoef/I would like some detail, yes, please. Kubby/We could also give direction... more natural, less built up .... Norton/Plantings and bushes... Vanderhoef/How about seating? Atkins/Usually it is the lawn chair crowd. I would encourage you to do as little permanent on the seating as possible ..... Then it is a nice open area .... Willow Creek Trail - Mormon Trek to Willow Creek Drive. Who has got that one? Terry- Trueblood/By the way, there is no permanent seating ....Willow Creek Trail.. as include widening of the sidewalk on Mormon Trek .... Widening of sidewalk on west side of Mormon Trek up to Benton Street... widening sidewalk on Benton Street .... Lehman/Will that follow the sewer easement? Trueblood/Pretty much, that is what we are planning. We don't have the plans for it yet... It also includes rebuilding the existing trail in Willow Creek Park... coming off of Teg Drive... This goes through Old Creek, past Kiwanis .... Vanderhoeff Are we doing that sewer in 2000? Lehman/The sewer is done in that area. Atkins/Almost. Schmadeke/Yeah, that sewer is under construction. Lehman/But it is done through the park. Schmadeke/Finished through the park. We have all but one of the easements with the trail. Davidson/We have applied for a 80% grant (can't hear). Atkins/Skateboard Park. Trueblood/I believe that is Rick's. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 14 Atkins/No, this is yours .... Trueblood/I have something here... pass around council... drawing of something similar to what we have in mind for a skateboard park. The location has not been pinpointed yet .... Like to have it in a park fairly close to downtown... accessible...City Park and Terrill Mill ....Two that we have talked about ....We don't have room at Chauncey Swan. O'Donnell/...College Green ..... Trueblood/Proj ect put nearly $1/4 million in renovating that. Norton/You don't want to butcher .... Kubby/That is a historic park .... O'Donnell/I think you are going to have to make this convenient... Lehman/ Vanderhoef/...take them off of our downtown streets and our railings and our benches... Kubby/What about talking with the University about a joint adventure... the location and we can provide the facility. Vanderhoef/ Kubby/ Vanderhoef/I had asked if they would be interested in a joint venture .... liability thing .... Norton/It is important to get it in a place where they can get to .... Vanderhoef/They are not going to be out to Terrill Mill .... I want the park .... O 'Donnell. Lehman/Steve, this is something that would come back to us? Atkins/Yes .... Transit Building .... You should be familiar with that project. We finally got someone who could do the camera work for us .... In year 2003 we have something called Riverside Redevelopment .... Have lots of work to do yet .... If we sell that site and remediate the methane throughout the site... big bucks... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 15 Davidson/We are hoping to get federal money for that, too .... Those of you on JCCOG .... Transit Project .... Number 1 priority... 80%. Atkins/Highway 6 Sidewalk Drainage. We show that over the next three FYs at $1 million per year .... Rick- Fosse/Our focus for next year will be getting as much of that ditch enclosed as possible ....In front of K-Mart and HyVee... Subsequent years .... Work on turn lane improvements .... Median improvements .... Looking better ....Focus just on storm sewer... Lehman/...design work, is it being done? Fosse/There is a portion of it that has been enclosed west of the HyVee. Lehman/...going to get some design work done on it .... Atkins/Yes... When we brought this up last year, we were hoping to get IDOT participation and we didn't get anywhere with that .... Davidson/Rick and I have talked with the IDOT. We are hoping to get some cooperation from them .... JCCOG there was federal aid money .... Partially federally funded. Fosse/The DOT is real interested in this corridor .... Atkins/We have an out year project in '04 at Lakeside. This is intended as a beautification project as well as the practical aspect of the thing. Thornberry/I thought the argument was... put the pipe in... put the sidewalk on top .... Underground wiring for the lights... Fosse/There are two factors here... We don't know yet where we will need the right tum lane along Highway 6 .... Getting pedestrians across the side streets is a very important part of making this work .... Backfill requirements .... Norton/Don't you have to leave room for trees along there? .... Fosse/Project Green has done a wonderful job .... We do want to give them an opportunity to be involved in this project as well. Norton/ ....east west south side is the one that is grizzly. Fosse/They have done portions of the south side where there isn't that open ditch .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 16 Lehman/These are really engineering questions .... Norton/ Thomberry/We are spending some much money underground .... Lehman/I think this project is important that we get it started .... Atkins/Civic Center Roof Repair. I would encourage you to skip over that. We will roll that into the Civic Center renovation discussion. Foster Road Street Improvements. We want to make sure we all understand the implications here. Once we begin this project, if you do Phase I of it, two, three and four all have got to follow. It is a $4 million commitment. Schmadeke/The road project .... Foster Road, west of Dubuque... north entrance .... Going west of the peninsula property... Along with that project is the extension of the trail from No Name Street west to the peninsula property also .... That will tie into the trail and access... Lehman/ Schmadeke/It is close to a mile. Vanderhoef/How does Laura Drive tie into this whole process? Schmadeke/It is east... Norton/ Vanderhoef/ Franklin/I think what you are talking about is Laura Drive coming around and hooking up with Foster and Am Lane. We have a Laura Drive reconstruction project in one of the other years. In terms of the hook up with Foster Road, we have intended that that would occur as development occurred and would be at the developer's cost. It would be a collector street and that would proceed as development proceeded. Vanderhoef/So it is conceivable that the whole peninsula thing could be developed before we ever get the second loop with Am Drive. Franklin/The whole peninsula thing being our project, yes .... That could happen... And Also that the Washington Park property could develop .... Before this occurred. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 17 But the loop is really to relieve traffic on the north side of Foster Road and to facilitate development of that area between Foster Road and 1-80 .... Norton/ ....Where does this start again, Chuck? Schmadeke/At the north entrance .... Lehman/Where the concrete ends. Norton/ Schmadeke/To peninsula property. Norton/It is going to be in some ways the road to nowhere for awhile. Franklin/No... we are quite anxious to move on this project because we are starting work with developers now... They can't start any development on the peninsula project until there is a road to get there .... Arkins/ Norton/I didn't know how far along that is... I am glad to hear things are moving. Schmadeke/(Refers to map). Here is the entrance to Idyllwild. So the construction of the road will extend from this entrance west down into the peninsula property, Lehman/Does it basically stops just at the property line or across the Elks property line? Schmadeke/Right .... Vanderhoef/ Schmadeke/Am Drive is right here... As part of the project the sanitary sewer will be extended down to the peninsula property .... And the water main to serve that area, too. Vanderhoef/ Kubby/You were saying that if we do one phase, we have to do all of them and I understand that .... on west side of Dubuque Street but I don't understand that for the east side. The Foster part of going up to Prairie du Chien is in here .... Atkins/We wanted to show you everything we could with Foster Road... comprehensive implications of the thing .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 18 Kubby/...I do have a problem at this point in time doing it up to Prairie du Chien. Atkins/The Prairie Du Chien grading and water line. Kubby/Is there any other route the water line can take? ...Can we just do the water line and not the street? Atkins/Yes, we can. Schmadeke/We are not going to pave the street as part of that project. Thornberry/Do you have to acquire the r.o.w. to put in the line? Schmadeke/No...just easement... But then you would be paying twice when you did the road. Davidson/There has been some discussion .... There are some people on Kimball Road interested in that Foster Road project .... Helping reduce some traffic. Kubby/The thing I get concerned about it opening up too much of northeast Iowa City at one time to development .... I want to do it in a very measured evenly paced way and not have all of this stuff happen at once... difficult to provide services. Norton/In a way this is contiguous development... in-fill ....It is close in development .... Kubby/ Thomberry/ Lehman/Right now we are just looking at this one section .... Atkins/It is in your '02, the year you are going to have trouble with anyway. You are just kind of flagging it now. Norton/You could do everything there and do nothing eastward except the waterline, right? Atkins/The are all nodding yes, that can be done. Waterworks Park Development. We had gave you some very preliminary information on that particular project. There is no magic to $250,000 .... To begin doing the park improvements up there. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 19 Trueblood/We do have some updated costs estimates at this time .... If we are going to Phase it over two years ..... about $325- per year over two year period .... Total cost is $650- for that park development. Lehman/This is out at the new water plant site? Atkins/Yes. Lehman/The plant itself doesn't start construction until what year? Trueblood/2001. Lehman/ Atkins/A good bit of this work... away from it .... Norton/The park goes clear around to Butler bridge, doesn't it? ..... swallowing so many things... huge areas ofparkland and maintenance problems... Lehman/This is going to be a really low or no maintenance area, isn't it? Trueblood/We don't have anything specifically no maintenance .... Intended... prairie grass .... Wildflowers .... Little if any of turf area. Norton/What is the $650,000 for? Lehman/ Atkins/Fishing... Trueblood/A couple of small fishing decks... some trails .... Parking area ....Trees .... Norton/ Trueblood/There is a concept... drawing... One of the concepts in it is to have a natural amphitheater ....But there wouldn't be the parking there... for Shakespeare Festival .... Norton/ Atkins/We have also understood water works park is to be more passive... general direction to us .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 20 Trueblood/Two or three smallish park shelters .... Thing to remember is that with the seeding of prairie grass and wildflowers .... A lot more expensive then seeding turf grass. Norton/Remember all the hassic... critters coming off the prairie grass .... Arkins/Downtown Streetscape/City Plaza. I think you all know about that one. Mormon Trek. Okay $9.65 million. Lehman/Holy cow. Arkins/Mormon Trek is also one of those projects that once you get started .... Theoretically you could do the storm sewer on Abbey Lane in that general area and stop .... Remainder of which is all fairly well tied together as one big project. This has been a priority for the JCCOG folks .... For the City of Coralville and the University .... That is the total project cost. Please keep in mind, for example, the RR overpass, half in Coralville and half in Iowa City .....This is the total project cost. This one will have to be cut up in some pieces ....Cost sharing. The University has indicated they don't have money for road improvements. Norton/They said no way, Doug True said. O'Donnell/When do they start their facility out there? Lehman/Late next year, they said. Late next fall they hope. Norton/They were very adamant about no money .... O'Donnell/ (All talking). O'Donnell/I would like to have this Abbey Lane to Highway 1 finished. Norton/That is a sufferable item .... Vanderhoef/Where are we on the realignment of Dane Road with the airport project. Davidson/We just met with the consultant .... Alternative alignment study done from the intersection of Mormon trek and Highway 1... to hook up... go clear across Iowa City to Sycamore Farms .... To Scott Blvd .... Substantial undertaking... The portion between Abbey Lane and Mormon Trek, we did have a design study This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 21 done... Would be carrying four lanes out... tum lanes .... It would alleviate some of the congestion problems that are occurring out there. Norton/I don't see how that can be deferred to year 2003. Lehman/I don't either ....There are two basic ways of getting across town, three if you could Melrose ....With the building going on the west side, it is either using Mormon Trek and Benton Street or Mormon Trek and Highway 1 .... O'Donnell/That traffic is horrendous there .... Bottleneck .... Norton/...that section I think we have got to schedule. Vanderhoef/Tell me then this is suppose to be part of the intersection of Dane Road and continue across. So this is not part of the- Davidson/This is not part of that project. This project stops on Highway 1 ..... Atkins/(Refers to map). That is that south area arterial .... Davidson/Until we know exactly what the alignment of that is going to be... approximate cost... river crossing. It is a substantial project. Franklin/There will be a temporary relocation of Dane Road as part of the airport project ....Taking Dane Road now where it fits Highway 1 and veering to the west .... Davidson/ Franklin/As soon as the FAA will reimburse it us for it, then Ron will undertake that particular project. But that is part of the Airport Master Plan ....Probably see that happen before you are going to see the south area arterial. Atkins/We have a map up here now... (Refers to map). Norton/Are we okay at that intersection to go ahead with Mormon Trek from Abbey Lane over the Highway 17 .... We could proceed .... Vanderhoef/ Franklin/...I don't think we have to go across Highway 1 at this point in time. If you decide to reprioritize this such that from Abbey Lane to Highway 1 gets a higher priority and we are not ready to do the Dane Road relocation, then it will just stop at Highway 1. If we are ready to do the Dane Road relocation .... Then, yes, we This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 22 will have to do the intersection ....It sounds as if the Abbey Lane to Highway 1 is going to have the highest priority .... Thomberry/...Is that whole area, where does the city limits end north of Highway 1 ? Franklin/There is a peculiar little triangle there ....(Refers to map) .... Thornberry/Is the Honda dealership in the city limits? Franklin/Yes. (All talking). Franklin/When we put that traffic signal in, we annexed that .... (All talking). Thomberry/And that little piece of property that is for sale just to the south, that is in the county? Kubby/Yep. Lehman/Seems like I hear everyone is saying- Arkins/I heard you say that Abbey Lane/Highway 1 was a higher priority. Lehman/Right. Arkins/...You want that as a higher priority, okay. Champion/Is that going to disturb our relationship with Coralville on the sales tax? O'Donnell/No we will do the other project with the sales tax .... Vanderhoef/ Lehman/Coralville has some interest in seeing this completed, too .... This is a street that goes all the way to Highway 1. Vanderhoef/It is a huge arterial and we have already got the traffic down there. Arkins/South Wastewater Plant - Construct a Water Line. We want to construct a water line. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 23 Schmadeke/We have received as request from Country Lane Apartments to have water line extended to their property .... Atkins/Country Lane is now in the city limits. Norton/... You were always going to put water from the soccer fields? The only thing that is new is the Country Lane part. Schmadeke/That is really what precipitated the project ..... Kubby/They are on a well now? And they are in the city and they have requested a hook up? Schmadeke/Right, that is right. Kubby/Do they have any problem with their well? Schmadeke/I haven't heard... Lehman/Do they plan on doing a bunch of expanding?... Schmadeke/Saddlebrook Development is to the east .... It will benefit us to begin that loop .... Lehman/ .... money will be recovered from tap on fees .... As they are tapped into. Norton/With this extension something that was considered in the South District Plan? .... Is Country Lane going to expand? .... Franklin/They haven't given us any indication .... That they are going to expand ..... There also needs to be sewer and road extension ..... Norton/...out of sequence .... Kubby/I think in general we should hook people who are on wells but to me, this is a real low priority project ....Confirmation that their well water is being tested regularly and meets standards. Vanderhoef/Are they on our city sewer yet? Schmadeke/No, they are not on city sewer. Franklin/South Sycamore Regional Storm Water .... That one will include sewer .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 24 Trueblood/From the soccer complex standpoint, it is an important project for us .... Restroom and concession facility .... Lehman/ Thornberry/What are they using now, porta-potties? Trueblood/Yes. Norton/ Arkins/South Sycamore Regional Storm Water. Everybody is pretty familiar with that. We got a $200,000 REAP Grant .... Jeff McClure... Terry Trueblood... doing all the work .... Norton/When does the actual physical construction start7 Fosse/We are beginning to acquire some of the easements to properties at this time and they will continue this summer .... Begin grading work this summer as well. Norton/...money figures .... Still reasonable? Fosse/Yes. Vanderhoef/And I called Chuck .... Whether there was any advantage to doing any of the East West Parkway down there in conjunction with this project ..... Fosse/Grading for the East West Parkway will be a part of this project... excess material ....Karin will be working with developers down there on r.o.w. acquisition. Franklin/Yes, our approach is going to be try and get them to give it to us. Lehman/ Fosse/The r.o.w. acquisition for the East West is not in this. Lehman/But the actual moving the material is included .... Vanderhoef/We can't move it there until we have acquisition of that. Lehman/ Fosse/There are an awful lot of pieces that need to come into place .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 25 Vanderhoef/To me they seem to be so interrelated .... I wonder if there were possibilities. Atkins/ Kubby/It is a financial issue... development can be helping pay for that .... Atkins/ Fosse/If we have to truck that material out of there, it will actually cost us more money. Lehman/We are not going to truck it out ..... Vanderhoef/ .... Since we are already moving into this one...opening up areas to the south... I am looking at ways to move traffic before we get into the Gilbert Street. Norton/Didn't you... had to contact landowners... earlier?... Fosse/The Board sent out request for comments for a permit for this .... 500 letters and they got one letter back .... Property owners... keep them informed... This is one of the more complex projects I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. Atkins/Next item... Fire truck .... 23 years old. Longfellow - Pine Street Pedestrian Trail .... Time to move it up. Davidson/We are looking at alternative alignments .... Between Longfellow Manor and 5th Street ....A new hole ....$196,000 in federal aid on that. Norton/Who is going to use this now? .... Davidson/Right now... pedestrian .... A lot of kids cross over the top of the railroad .... Eliminate that .... The railroad is in favor of this project ..... Norton/I hope we can monitor it okay, it is pretty remote in there. Kubby/Naomi .... Trying to coordinate drilling all of the holes .... Davidson/What we found out... weren't scale of economies there .... [Council Break] Lehman/Steve, this is all part of our Comprehensive Water Plant Project. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 26 Atkins/The next one... all new stuff. Norton/Concrete repair at Sycamore Storm- That wasn't originally planned, was it? Lehman/Where are you at? We are working on this page .... Atkins/Peninsula Park Development, Water Main, Electricity. Lehman/These are moneys that will be charged to parks and not to the water plant? Atkins/That has yet to be determined... trying to make sure that we assign what is suppose to be assigned to water ..... Lehman/If it wasn't directly related to water, it didn't get charged to water. Kubby/There would have to be some kind of grounds keeping around the wells .... Atkins/Karin... do you want to explain the peninsula projects? Schmadeke/...will be incorporated with that Foster Road paving project .... One contract... All of these improvements .... Thornberry/...tell me how a trail helps the water plant? Atkins/ Champion/It doesn't get financed by water. Thornberry/Which is the water plant financing? ..... And which part is not? Schmadeke/The $2.5 million project includes the trail .... North to interstate bridge .... Thomberry/How does the trail .... Affect the water? Atkins/If a trail is intended for recreational purposes, it will not be financed with water. If a trail is for access for any water facility, then it is financed by water. Norton/ Arkins/There is going to be some overlap. Lehman/The entire peninsula property and the water plant site will be... far more usable- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 27 CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 98-118 SIDE 1 Lehman/When the dam gets done in Coralville, there will be a bike path or a trail across that dam .... How important is it that some of these projects be done this quickly in the way of trails and park improvements ..... Could this be moved a little? Champion/I thought the access road is going to be the trail? Kubby/...park and development part of it could be postponed .... So that people have access to it .... Schmadeke/The trail noah of Foster Road .... Could be delayed but I think we need to do it before any development occurred. Lehman/Which means you do it now .... That if fine .... When the developers start... that trail needs to be done .... Talking construction next year ..... It would be well to put it on there just in case we have a developer ..... do it in a timely fashion. Norton/I want to ask about the access road/trail. It goes under the interstate from the water plant site over to the peninsula. Will that be an access for maintenance of those wells down on the peninsula? Lehman/No. Norton/So that trail will not be an access trail? It will just be a trail? Schmadeke/That is right .... Norton/...seems like a pain .... Lehman/How much of these improvements are we talking about that... Could we postpone for a year or two? .... The mechanics of the water plant need to be done .... This sort of improvements, could they be done at a later date economically? Schmadeke/I think the trail north of Foster Road could be done later. Norton/A lot of the grading on the water plant site ....All one thing .... Trueblood/There are certain economies to doing the project together such as plantings for erosion control ..... One of the things we are really looking at .... Are types of plantings to help protect the water supply better .... The service road for the wells on the peninsula will serve as trails as well ....Other trails... part of park development. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 28 Lehman/What we are saying is that we can still use the area as a recreation area without the trails... in some future time .... Davidson/...We have discussed the River Corridor Trail .... Trying to have segments built to hook up... system .... Missing link to getting to the water plant... The whole River Corridor Trail will be completed up to Foster Road .... That is why we added it now .... Champion/Not good to have trails that don't go anywhere .... Thornberry/ Kubby/At the end of the trail... to West Overlook Trail .... Connecting to the county .... West Overlook is being done fight now .... Lehman/ Davidson/County plans .... If you decide to complete... missing link to the water plant site .... County is fight now rebuilding West Overlook... County Engineer... trying to develop a transportation enhancement project .... For that so they can rebuild the trail .... Kubby/ Lehman/...Might want to coordinate ours with that time frame .... Vanderhoef/ Norton/Why can't you go to the highway with your service trucks? (All talking). Lehman/You would have to put in a lot thicker asphalt .... Kubby/ Norton/ Arkins/Sycamore Storage Reservoir Concrete Repair. I understand the reservoir has got a crack in its bottom. Schmadeke/ .... emptied tanks and inspected the inside... cracked... need to repair it .... Not so water is going out, it might be coming in. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 29 Lehman/ Thornberry/ Schmadeke/I don't know what the cause is. Atkins/How old is the plant? Schmadeke/'68 it was built. Lehman/You got to do them. Norton/They keep adding up .... Atkins/Department of Public Works Facilities. We have broken it out into its pieces... big time project. We will be bringing back to you a formal presentation of that project .... Airport Commission... It does create a couple of development lots for them. You will have to enter into some kind of agreement with the Commission because it is on airport land. Vanderhoef/ Atkins/The way the project is designed .... (refers to map)... Tow lots potentially for development ..... This is Mormon Trek ..... Thornberry/Is this going to need a lot of fill? Atkins/That is the big ticket item. Thornberry/Any project that we got, can we start spreading that dirt out at anytime now? .... Schmadeke/ Atkins/Dirt is at a real premium now .... Lehman/ Atkins/Hauling it is the problem ..... Norton/You are going to have a facility? - Is Parks and Rec still considering their facility across by Napoleon at some point? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 30 Atkins/Yes .... Norton/Then Waste Water is going to have a facility .... Going to have three maintenance facilities and garages and lifts within 1½ mile of each other. Atkins/My impression... each serve a very distinct purpose ..... (All talking). Lehman/I looked at the proposal in here from Dave Elias .... $10.6 million building at the sewer plant... 33 pieces of rolling stock ....Are there enough economies of scale to put all of that in one place? Atkins/I don't think so .... Maintenance work at the waste water treatment plant is different ..... There is something called OSHA .... (All talking). Atkins/This is going to be coming back to you very shortly ..... Lehman/I would like council .... Office portion of this thing has got to be a very very high priority .... That has got to be done .... Kubby/Is there a reason why there is four years in between some of the site development? Atkins/Just simply the ability to prepare the other site ....Dispose of it ....That is all for the year 2000. Here is what I heard you saying: Airport Terminal - questions. Riverside Theater - questions. Foster Road, east of Prairie du Chien Grading and Water - discuss further. Mormon Trek, Abbey to Highway 1 - much higher priority that we showed it to be. East West Arterial/Sycamore - are they tied together? Champion/...question about 2000 .... I just need to have some idea .... Budgeted $7.5 million in GO bonds .... When you say $12.5 million, does that include other moneys that we might get back? Atkins/This is our best guess on what the year 2000 will require in debt ....To the best of our knowledge .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 31 Yucuis/Look at another report that I have is about 39 million worth of projects in the year 20000. Some of that is water, some of that is sewer. The part that we have to finance from debt is $12.5 million. Lehman/The Airport Master Plant ..... Yucuis/We only show $2.5 million of federal funding. Atkins/For budget purposes, this plan is overstated by the difference .....remember we have adequate debt capacity to fund it... other issues .... Champion/ Atkins/You did not approve this plant tonight. What you approve this plan tonight. What you approved is did you understand the project? Do you have some issues? .... Thornberry/On that ...said it was overstated by the difference, $5 million. When we do the three year budget projections, we make estimates in the out years ..... In the preparation of this plan... we estimate now that we would have to sell $12.5 million ..... It is a plan... We have got to go back and got to work on this ..... Norton/Are we talking net moneys? Atkins/To the best of our abilities. Atkins/ Norton/Do we have to worry about anything that is left out of 2000? .... Atkins/I think you have to wait until you come to it. When we say 2000, we feel comfortable that that is the year that is should be done ....Try to tie those together as best we can for you. Franklin/Steve, do you have Abbey Lane to Highway 1 on that list of yours? Atkins/Yes. Okay. Year 2001. Abbey Lane Sanitary Sewer ..... new name .... Fosse/The sanitary sewer project we did a couple of years ago .... ¼ way down Abbey Lane and that serves everything east of Highway 218. This project will go from that point underneath Highway 218... serves watershed west of 218 .... 2000 for the Abbey Lane Storm Sewer will take the form of a regional storm water detention basin on the west side .... (refers to map) .... Here is Abbey Lane and is the middle branch of Willow Creek... need to extend it all the across Highway This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 32 218 to serve this watershed. This is development interest here ....It currently is in the county... Fosse/We would... extend a sewer line... serve more area in the county than in the city limits .... Franklin/That area is in our growth area. We do have a local developer .... Interested in some development there. This would enable... would give one of the factors that is necessary for development to occur .... One thing we don't have here is a good street network. It is non-existent ..... Kubby/With this kind of iffy type of thing, it doesn't make sense to spend $800,000 at this point in time... I would rather push it back .... When we have got all these sewer and water projects .... This is one that I could pass back a little bit. Lehman/If something came up next July where we really wanted to do this project, how long would it take to get plans and specifications together and bid the job? Fosse/If we made a decision in July to proceed with the project, we could probably have a project in service by the end of the next summer. Lehman/... appear... that would be enough lead time to open any area up .... O'Donnell/That is also year 2002 which we are going to come down real hard on us. Vanderhoef/ Fosse/The storm water project and sanitary sewer project, we have the potential to recover portion of the cost in tap on fees but we still need to up front that cost. Thornberry/ Franklin/Probably apply more political pressure to you .... It is not imminent as far as I know. As far as the roads go... probably be roads that will be installed as development occurs .... Thornberry/...when he is ready, we can go .... Franklin/You can choose to put in a sewer .... Fosse/There may be incentives to, at a minimum, construct a portion of it. If we choose to proceed with a regional stormwater detention facility that involves a certain amount of earthwork, we might want to put the sewer in underneath that embankment before that embankment is placed. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 33 Lehman/...you mean just put in the section under the embankment? Fosse/Right... taking a little bit of a gamble, too ....Get the elevations just fight .... (All talking). Vanderhoef/How important is this basin and drainage that we have... a big problem. Fosse/Right now we have water that goes down Abbey Lane, comes back between the homes. We also have, at the outlet of this, one of our first stormwater detention basins quite an erosion problem .... Vanderhoeff This is what I am concerned about... citizens who are already there .... There are some other compelling reasons for me to consider doing this one. Kubby/If we don't need to do the sewer and the stormwater facility at the same time... There are plenty of other places on the west side of town that already have some level of street networks .... to put money there. O'Donnell/But we do have interests in opening the south. Norton/ Vanderhoef/I am concerned about the people who are already there. Norton/Could they be taken care of without the stormwater basin7 Vanderhoef/Rick is saying... that we could do some relief for them... costly and still won't be complete. Fosse/We can control the erosion .... We cannot prevent the water that flows down Abbey Land and cuts back between the homes .... Kubby/I agree that is a problem .... Question. Is how connected that is efficiency-wise .... Norton/...could get overwhelmed by trying to deal with so many things at once. Kubby/So you have snow removal, you have got garbage collection. Atkins/Benton Street-Orchard to Sunset. (All talking). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 34 Atkins/ ....Ernie, a question... We got a letter from some residents about having the council discuss this at your meeting of the 17th ..... Kubby/I don't feel prepared. Davidson/ .... What they want is a meeting .... between you and the neighborhood to discuss this matter. I explained to them that you don't have the information on this yet and staff has not provided any .... They want a discussion in November. I explained to them that we need to get some information to them. What they would like is for us to circulate information to you a couple of weeks ahead of time... they can have a chance to rebut or concur .... And then have a chance to sit down with you to discuss it, you and the neighborhood. Champion/Isn't that what we do at a p.h. at a council meeting? .... Norton/More informal .... Davidson/Dee was at two meetings and Ernie was at one meeting... there seems to me... difference of opinion is only a small group of people .... Atkins/... We need to tell these folks the 17th is off.... Kubby/I don't have a problem with that process at all .... Good way of talking about it... in addition to the public hearing .... Vanderhoef/When we are talking about an arterial, I am more inclined to make it more inclusive .... To speak with that immediate neighborhood and not the broader... is excluding a lot of citizens that need to be heard. Kubby/...we can invite anyone who wants to come. Lehman/...there has been three alternatives .... I think the neighbors are concemed... favor one option over another... One of the concerns... kind of a shame to have people out there working for five different proposals if in fact we can determine one of the five is going to be the preferred one .... I think what they are asking for is a little direction from council .... I think we owe that to those folks so they know that certain things are not going to be done and they can concentrate their efforts in making what we are going to do the best job we can do .... Norton/ Atkins/...you need to be briefed before you meet .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Lehman/17th isn't going to work... I suggest that Jeff you start giving us a little information in our packets .... Schedule it at a later date. Atkins/Court Hill Trunk Sewer. Fosse/That is a sewer that goes from a 54 inch pipe that we put in 1989 to Court Hill Park... follows Ralston Creek... (refers to map). That is the approximate route of that sewer... there is a trail that we would like to get in along that alignment. Thomberry/Where would that trail connect to? Davidson/...between Scott Blvd. And Creekside Park .... Over a mile... We have about 4/5ths of the property for that trail already .... Lehman/What is the emphasis of doing this? Fosse/We are running out of capacity in the sewer that is in this location at this time. Court Street .... (refers to map). As this watershed develops, this will become essential to prevent surcharging in this neighborhood .... (refers to map). Thornberry/ Norton/Replacing one that is now there? Fosse/That is correct. I believe it is an 18 and we have not size the new one yet. Franklin/There is a project that is in 2002, the Scott Park Trunk Sewer which goes noah .... One that would serve the Iowa City Care Facility. We can't do that Scott Park trunk sewer until we do the Court Hill sewer .... Some of these projects depend upon other ones occurring .... Thomberry/Is there any problem with the projects they are building to the west of Scott Blvd. And south of Rochester now? .... Fosse/ Franklin/ (All talking). Norton/ Page 35 Atkins/Do you want this one- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 36 Lehman/It looks like it has got to be done. Fosse/ Lehman/ Atkins/Highway 6 Sidewalk/Drainage Improvements. Mormon Trek Railroad Overpass. South Sycamore Regional Storm Water .... next phase, same project... Iowa Avenue Streetscape. Beginning of that project. Gilbert Bowery Intersection... Is a new one. Thornberry/The $3.2- on the Iowa Avenue Streetscape, that is total price? Atkins/Total price. Thomberry/ Atkins/Gilbert Bowery Intersection-Left Lanes. Norton/Can that wait that long, Gilbert Bowery left turn lanes? Davidson/Gilbert Bowery... doesn't work that great .... This is really the main intersection that we need to be concemed with .... Makes it into a more fully functioning intersection. We did look at realigning... too expensive... This would provide the left tum lanes on Gilbert Street ....Help capacity-wise... both directions would have left turn lanes .... Lehman/ Norton/Have you got these spread out... managing these things? Atkins/That is part of the process .... Thornberry/That is doing the lights like they do now .... Can't have a left turn arrow both ways on Gilbert Street .... You know what I mean. O'Donnell/The Mormon Trek railroad overpass, it says the railroad will remain in operation during construction. How is that done?... Davidson/That project consists of.... Serve only the noah bound land and then there would be a new tunnel put in the embankment further to the west and that would serve the south bound lane .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 37 Fosse/Gilbert Street was built that way. Atkins/EPA Stormwater Permitting. Fosse/The regs are kicking in for communities out size .... 100,000 over... average cost to make application was $750,000 .... To make application you have to figure out what you have for a storm sewer system .... That is truly our weak point... We are taking a stab at it. We are going to spend about $1/2 million .... Include sampling... We have some ideas .... Some cross connections... Atkins/One of my concern with the EPA storm water process, the application... We don't have a source of funds .... Ability to have storm water management fees .... Vanderhoef/ Norton/ Fosse/ ....to capture storm water throughout town and bring it to the north plant is not practical. So you need to look at middle management practices .... Norton/ Fosse/There is a lot of infiltration .... Thornberry/ Arkins/Mereer Park Ball Field Lighting. Trueblood/ .... straight forward re-lighting projects... expansion of signs .... Moved all the adult softball off there. Norton/ Trueblood/...sometimes we just keep them in reserve... We have sold some lighting fixtures... old enough that people don't want them .... Thornberry/ Arkins/Scott B!vd. Sidewalk .... Something for them to walk on. Geographic Information System Improvements. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 38 Fosse/The technology is getting much better in this field now .... We are kind of rethinking our approach a little bit ....We are looking at ....Building ... foundation... serve police and fire .... Norton/ Atkins/ CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 98-118 SIDE 2 Atkins/South wastewater because I think that will have the most questions and Chuck- Schmadeke/(Can't hear). Norton/Is that for the digestor and that kind of thing? Schmadeke/Clari~ers and sludge process .... The other $10 million is for administration building and maintenance garage .... Changing needs of Proctor and Gamble .... Their waste loadings have changed dramatically within the last year. Our ability to treat their waste has become more difficult ....Digester .....material ends up in the digesters .... Thornberry/What is it that they are doing differently? Schmadeke/They are changing all of their processes more frequently .... More on demand .... Their projection over the next ten years is quite different .... Anticipate about a three fold increase... Kubby/I am unclear why the rate payers all throughout the city... who are paying for... of one company .... Norton/Is that true? Atkins/We wanted to proposed that specifically addresses P & G ..... Schmadeke/What we have proposed, since we have to do digester improvements to satisfy the needs of the industry .... We would have to expand our digester capability anyway .... So much pipework involved .... Better off building for what you need over the long term than try to go in and remodel later on .... We have looked at transferring all of our digester treatment to the South Plant and phasing out the digesters at the North Plant .... P & G needs two additional digesters .... What we are proposing here is to build four digesters .... Next phase construction at the South Plant... 2012... we will not have to build any digesters. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 39 Thornberry/How much is a digester? Schmadeke/The cost is about $3 million for the administration building and garage and $7.5- for the digesters. Thornberry/ Schmadeke/Four of them. Lehman/Are you .... I haven't heard you say anything about adjusting of rates. Schmadeke/ Lehman/ Schmadeke/Based on what Proctor and Gamble has estimated their loadings to be, right now we get about $275,000 a year from Proctor and Gamble. In five years that would increase to about $700,000. In ten years it would increase to almost $1 million a year .... They have been holding pretty steady. Kubby/So the amount we increase for the special cases, are you saying that will increase some more to pay for this? Schmadeke/We are looking at adding a third tier as they increase their discharge. Kubby/That whole zinc discussion... was Proctor and Gamble... I feel like we need to really understand what we are providing for Proctor and Gamble .... (All talking). Lehman/If we are talking about investing in four digesters ....Two we will need because of Proctor and Gamble... It would appear to me .... Will the increase in their rates be such that it will justify the increase expense to the city? .... Kubby/Why don't they just give us $4 million and we will build them? Lehman/We may come out better on rates .... Thornberry/University .... That we are having to do special. Schmadeke/Proctor and Gamble is high strength, low flow. The University is high flow, low strength .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 40 Kubby/Seems like people are saying... do it through rates... make sure the rates will pay for those two digesters that are exclusively for Proctor and Gamble. Atkins/Is that the policy position? (All talking). Lehman/The rates have got to compensate for the cost of putting it in over a period of time. If they are done with rates rather than up front moneys, eventually after you pay for those digesters, you start making money after that. Kubby/ Thornberry/ Lehman/If we were to say that we expect the increased capacity required by Proctor and Gamble to be offset by rates that they pay over a reasonable payoff period for the equipment... fair statement .... Schmadeke/They have indicated that they are agreeable to that. Lehman/Would this be with a contract with them? Schmadeke/They have a permit where they can utilize our plant up to a certain amount .... We talked... they pay based on their permit... their use... We set aside a certain amount for them whether they use it or not .... Kubby/And this would not cause other rate payers to pay more to up from the cost to build the digesters, would it? Yucuis/Karen, we have factored in the rates that Chuck talked about .... In the revenue stream... We would project an additional 5% rate increase two years for now .... Two more rate increases .... Factor in the new tiered rate for the high end user and an additional 5% increase... combination of the two, we are looking at one more rate increase to do this project. Vanderhoef/And two of those digesters are for our city anyway. Kubby/ Lehman/I think we are saying we don't have a problem doing that. We expect... Proctor and Gamble to pay for the increased capacity. The citizens are not going to have to pay for the extra digesters that Proctor and Gamble will need. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 41 (All talking). Thornberry/They would on the third increase be paying for those digesters .... If the sales tax passes, then it would assure the- Lehman/Water rates are not the same. Vanderhoef/...As long as we are still covered for carrying that capacity. Atkins/We will do a calculation for you. I understand your policy position. Vanderhoef/I want one more piece of information... what additional capacity we will have so that if another industry comes in .... Norton/...to deal with a new customer .... Kubby/I want to clarify that the 5% rate increase across the board ....Is any part of that for the two digesters, to up front the cost of the two digesters ....The two for P & G should not be part of the 5% across the board. Lehman/I think we said that. Kubby/I heard Don say something different. Norton/I want to be sure that $15 million .... In our original plan, $10- is new .... Atkins/We will calculate it for you. I hear you. Kubby/Because we are doing so much water and waste water improvements, how necessary at this point are those two digesters? .... At this point, how necessary is it to do those two extra digesters? .... sewer rates start going up more because we are doing these extra things .... Already doing all of this stuff.... Consequences. We are adding things .... I am concerned about this. Schmadeke/Our recommendation is to build the four now based on ease of construction at this time rather than trying to modify those digesters at a later date .... Kubby/So it would be cheaper to do the four .... Schmadeke/The other benefit is to get rid most of the older problems at the Noah Plant .... Kubby/Does the digester deal with the ammonia issue?... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 42 Schmadeke/There is more sludge .... Actual removal of the ammonia is primarily done with the activated sludge .... Norton/ Schrnadeke/(Can't hear). Kubby/What is waste water doing now for maintenance? Schmadeke/(Can't hear). Lehman/I think it is significant, Don, the $10.7 million, almost $8 million of that is equipment .... $3.5- is for the building itself.... Schmadeke/$2.9- is the building. Kubby/ Schmadeke/In the original plan... took the very conservative approach .... Lehman/From Dave's letter... so many changes in technology... requiring so much more .... May not have been foreseen at the time we built that plant. Norton/ Lehman/ Kubby/Last huge concern about doing both the South Waste Water Plant and the Water Treatment plant in the same year is .... Labor issues .... Having enough people to work on these projects .... Using local folks is not going to be an option... brings with it all sorts of other issues ....Human services issues, housing issues .... Sounds crazy to me. Thornberry/How many people are we talking about? Do you have any idea? Lehman/Quite a few. Thornberry/ ....some of the motels really like these projects .... Lehman/Steve, this is in the year 2001 .... Atkins/We had originally anticipated this water plant project... my decision to move it up .... We waited long enough. The community is ready to see the plant built .... In sewer projects are about as unexciting as you can imagine... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 43 Kubby/We are stuck with the time frame... Atkins/ Kubby/I think our plan was later .... I think we should move it back. Thornberry/I really don't think it should wait because the people have been paying their water rates for this plant... have been for the last couple of years .... Kubby/This is putting it up a year from the original proposal .... Norton/ Kubby/ Vanderhoef/How is this going to affect the cash flow... have been accumulating money up front. Yucuis/Factored into the water projects using approximately $11.5 million in cash over the next three years towards these projects ....I think we are on schedule with the cash. We can schedule the debt payments .... Schedule a couple of bonds issues... I think cash accumulation isn't a big problem... We are on schedule... Lehman/...I guess I would also like to hear what Ed Moreno says ..... Atkins/I think Ed does a marvelous job with 100 plus year old plant .... We have got to get his thing coming up out of the ground .... Rates have gone up substantially and has the quality of the water changed? No, it has not. Champion/I have had people say our water tastes better .... (All talking). Lehman/Anyway, we put that on the list of things to discuss. Atkins/We need to talk about it, okay. Cemetery Building Renovation and Repair. Pretty straight forward. Hunter's Run Park Development. We have that in '01 .... We got to move this along .... That area is beginning to fill out. Civic Center - HVAC. I will also- defer that one with the other one. Court Hill Trail. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 44 Trueblood/That is the one Rick mentioned before. Atkins/City Park Building and Parking Improvements. That is the renovation of the existing building .... Lehman/I thought .... New building on Sand Road, we were going to remove the maintenance building from the park. Trueblood/We are going to remove the two old buildings... and part of the current maintenance shop... convert the other part into a shelter .... Use it for storage of winter equipment .... Summer equipment .... Also during the summer, store like baseball maintenance equipment .... Kubby/Go back...Court Hill Trail... because we are doing 2nd, 3rd, 4th Avenue bridges .... Will this trail get destroyed in doing those bridges? Davidson/..assuming... those are low volume... not going to go underneath .... At grade crossing .... Norton/Are you building fight on top of the sewer? Fosse/Part I am talking about is primarily east of Court Hill Park ....Portions of the trail through that location will stay out on the street .... Kubby/On E Street r.o.w .... city planted ....Will that all be disrupted to put the trail in? Fosse/I would think we would .... assets for the trail .... Davidson/ Kubby/ Atkins/Leisure Pool Development. Trueblood/Our plan... retrofit City Park Pool make it more into a leisure pool concept .... Slides .... Fountains, spray fountains .... Made the pools self supporting .... Coralville is wanting to do something... hiring a consultant to look at both communities... (All talking). Norton/Take a look at Jackson, Wyoming .... Wonderful ..... Kubby/This won't eliminate lap swimming out at City Park? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 45 Trueblood/No. Champion/ .... water slide .... Norton/More play value. Thornberry/Are you losing customers? .... to get more people to come out to City Park pool? Trueblood/That is totally weather related. There is no evidence that the average is decreasing in any great amounts. Thornberry/ (All talking). Norton/Real fun pool kind of thing. Atkins/Beer Creek Storm Sewer and Iowa Avenue Sanitary Sewer. Part of the Iowa Avenue Project. Fosse/In order to get the Iowa Avenue improvements, we are going to need to upgrade the storm sewer... have to dump it somewhere .... Lehman/That sewer is in Iowa Avenue r.o.w.? Fosse/It starts fight behind the building .... Lehman/Part of it is in our parking lot. Fosse/Yes. Lehman/Go. Atkins/Gilbert Street - Railroad Underpass. Fosse/That is where we got a small amount of federal funding .... Involve controlling... erosion problem ....Embankments and sidewalks .... Sides ....More vertical and more stable. Champion/And this is $250,0007 Fosse/Yes, it is. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 46 Thomberry/ .... more stable by making it more vertical. Fosse/...there is going to be a retaining wall in there. Thornberry/ Fosse/We will get the sidewalks behind the piers .... Lehman/ Vanderhoef/ Atkins/Downtown Streetscape - Phase III. You are familiar with that. We are about to start '02. I would like to get through as much as I can in '02... leave 10 -15 minutes for Rick... Start working through here. Year 2002 Second Avenue Bridge. Replace it. Lehman/We are going to take a quick break, Dean. ]Council Break] Kubby/I just wanted to to be like the First Avenue culvert in terms of the approaches, the embankment on either side .... Total destruction. Lehman/That is a matter of design .... Atkins/Highway 6 Sidewalk/Drainage Improvements. Park Road Bridge Approach. That is new, moved up. Fosse/Park Road bridge... problems with west approach on that .... Kubby/Will that close the park down? Norton/ Fosse/There is a dip there... approach pavement needs to be fixed there. Thornberry/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 47 Fosse/Just settlement. Vanderhoef/ Arkins/Geographic Information System (GIS) Improvements. Just pushed that up. Highway 965 Extended. This is a biggie which pushes out the '02 .... Highway 965 Extended has been a project that Coralville has pursued aggressively in talking with us .... Proposal... that Deer Creek would be improved. I did not put Deer Creek in the plan ....Take the same money and put it into 965 .... In our growth area .... Davidson/That has been revised .... Half of it would be Iowa City's share .... $4.1 million ....This also includes $1.5 million for paving Melrose Avenue from Hwy 218 ....Out to where this new intersection would be. Norton/...and $8.2- includes that. Davidson/ Fosse/The description... has it going all the way down to Hwy 1 but that is wrong. Atkins/You go to Melrose.. Fosse/ Kubby/I have a concern about 965 Extended because .... Growth boundaries further to the west .... I know some people .... Good about making sure that we are prepared for the future but we also create our future by building these streets .... Example of urban sprawl ....Not ready for ....Go that far west ....I think it will spur growth further out .... Thornberry/...had this been the east alignment, would you have wanted this moved up? Kubby/No, not yet because both of those are still pushing it out .... Atkins/I heard about four voices who had some concems .... Folks in Coralville, they feel very strongly about this .... Lehman/This issue is relevant to the western part of Iowa City .... West High School .... Certain amount of good neighbor policy involved in this .... I have no problem with leaving it with where it is. Vanderhoef/I don't either. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 48 Kubby/...are consequences for the city ..... city services out there ....We have to plan for... We know people are going to want to live out there .... Those are costs to the city. Vanderhoef/And we can say no to water and sewer until orderly growth .... We have got a real safety issue out on the west side .... Kubby/I have never seen .... When majority of city council said no to a sewer or water line a developer has asked for .... Atkins/Before you are off the subject... did not put in the plan- Fosse/The extension of the West Side Trunk Sewer. Atkins/ Fosse/There is a number of things that make this a necessary project .... Sewer was put in not to serve the whole water shed out there .... Part of it has been replaced to West High ....We need to extend that... from West High out to the County Home property ....Serve the natural water shed ....965 alignment redefines our growth boundary in that area .... Contributor... We are about at the limits .... Norton/ Fosse/218 out into the County Home property there. Franklin/It allows for development of Country Estates .... Further development of Southwest Estates ....It does not... act as catalyst to development west of Slothower .... Norton/What about to the north? .... Franklin/Country Estates goes fight up to the County Home. Fosse/This is about a $600,000 to $700,000 project. Norton/ Fosse/Just ties into the system that is already in place .... We extended that sewer out to the County Home to reduce the length of the force main... at Landfill .... Norton/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 49 Fosse/Probably start out around 21... work its way down to 18. Lehman/ Fosse/ Lehman/ Norton/What year should that be in? Fosse/2001 or 2002 .... Depends on how fast Country Estates .... Champion/I would like to see it moved up into further years .... Further away .... Maybe it is political advantageous to leave it ....Where are we going to get all of this money? Vanderhoef/You say Abbey Lane is less important than this one? Fosse/Yes, for sanitary sewers, yes. Atkins/I missed it, I didn't put it in, excuse me. Vanderhoef/Abbey Lane is in 2001. Atkins/This will come back to you .... Assume we can just trade it- Fosse/For Abbey Lane. Vanderhoef/...move Abbey Lane to 2002. Atkins/You obviously want to talk a little bit about 965, so we will- Lehman/Leaving it in this year .... If sales tax becomes a reality .... Atkins/South Sycamore Regional Storm Water. You know that one. Dodge Street Paving-Governor to Dubuque Road. Fosse/Jeff and I recently met with the DOT .... Talked about feasibility of extending it on out through the 1-80 interchange... significant participation on the part of the state .... Federal funding sources. Davidson/Caution you in putting this project with the current federal aid component .... Faced with the prospect of having to go back to JCCOG .... This also would allow the signalization of prairie du Chien .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 50 Norton/I am not clear .... Are you going to try to extend it on out? Davidson/The project that exists fight now is only from HyVee .... The cun'ent federal aid project .... Shorter piece of road... $800,000 in federal participation .... Fosse/That extension out to 1-80 could occur with this or independently. Norton/The number would have to change then. Fosse/Certainly. Norton/I would assume the Dodge Street thing would be happening rather sooner .... Fosse/Benton Street is the pfiority ahead of this project ....Mormon Trek .... Norton/That is pretty high in my judgement .... Atkins/Water Works Park-Phase 11. Hickory Hill Trail Development. That has been kicked around for 2 - 3 years and the Commission has not formulated a final opinion on that. Trueblood/ .... strong feelings against putting hard surface trails in Hickory Hill Park .... Still think it is necessary to renew the trail system .... O'Donnell/I don't want to redo them unless they are hard surface .... They should be accessible to anybody. Trueblood/The law is if we .... Got to be accessible or at least a portion of it accessible. My feeling is... some portion hard surface to make a portion of the trail system accessible to persons with disabilities .... Concrete or asphalt. Kubby/Where does money come from... trail... make that less rugged .... Trueblood/Routine maintenance in our operating budget .... Either specifically budgeted for trails .... Or through park improvements .... Atkins/That culvert does need replacement. Kubby/ Champion/So there is not going to be any accessibility to Hickory Hill Park when we do those trails? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 51 Kubby/That is what this project is- CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 98-119 SIDE 1 O'Donnell/What is the maintenance of that? Trueblood/Limestone .... Still it has to be installed properly...not too severe slope ....Fill wash out areas .... O'Donnell/Asphalt or concrete... more permanent? Fosse/Oh yeah. Lehman/Can you do a chip seal? .... Fosse/Chip seals rely on heavy loads .... Thornberry/Terry, how wide do these need to be to be handicapped accessible. Trueblood/A minimum of five feet. Atkins/Captain Irish Parkway-First Avenue east to Scott/Rochester. Kubby/Why are you doing such a big chunk at once? .... I thought this was in a couple of phases. Atkins/It was and there are other phases later on. This was intended to sort of meet the Noaheast District Study .... To be completed... Try to time this with that. Franklin/I think the timing on this... with First Avenue Extended Project both of which would fulfill the arterial street network in Noaheast Planning District ....Probably have that after the first of the year .... Noaon/... are they talking about Captain Irish curving around and joining at the junction of Rochester and Scott? Franklin/Yes. (Refers to map). Davidson/(Refers to map). We have built it down to around there... Noaheast District Plan... follows the ridge, you go down hill to the street crossing here and you go back up here and meet Scott Blvd. And then there would be a street that would key into it .... Noaon/...does this entail First Avenue ultimately extending the way it was? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 52 Davidson/First Avenue extends much in the way it was... some of the concerns .... Addressed in Noaheast District Plan with respect to buffering the park, having some lower density development .... Norton/Putting in this Captain Irish first was something they were also interested in .... ban trucks from First Avenue... Thornberry/...when you look at it, 1200 feet is not very much. Franklin/ Norton/I didn't know exactly what sequence .... I would like to see the other one first. Atkins/.First Avenue Extended. First Avenue cannot be on until '02. Water Main - Captain Irish to Rochester Reservoir. Runs along First Avenue Extended. Foster Road Street Improvements. Lehman/This is the one that Karin was talking about earlier. Atkins/Dubuque Street E!evation-Northbound Lane. Lehman/I don't understand why this $360,000. Fosse/This is a miniature project ....Deals with the noah bound lane between Taft Speedway and Foster Road .... Flooded five times this year. We are diverting traffic to two way .... Norton/...Could it be moved up? Thornberry/Put caution water over road signs .... Fosse/We are actually looking at the very same thing .... Lehman/Let' s raise the street. (All talking). VanderhoefJ This council says move it up. Norton/...move it up. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 53 Fosse/Doesn't go through a neighborhood .... Atkins/Water Main-Dubuque to Dodge. Iowa Avenue Streetscape Fire Apparatus Mormon Trek - R/R to Hwy 6 Mormon Trek - Melrose to R/R Overpass Scott Park Trunk Sewer. Do you want me to show this one on the map? Kubby/I go back and forth about this one .... Real public health concerns at the Care Center .... the shape that their lagoons are in ..... The other part of me says why are we going to pay to fix their problems. Fosse/We actually built about 200 feet of this this year when we extended Court Street .... Kubby/There are some interesting curves in that .... Franklin/This may be a project, too, that a portion of it is paid for .... They would put that sewer in .... Requires some intervening property owned by Mr. Glasgow to be annexed before the Care Center can get in. Norton/ Franklin/Silver Crest is going down south. Fosse/It drains down generally down Scott Blvd .... It is set up to go the other direction once the sewer is in. A portion of that subdivision... will also be diverted down this sewer. (Refers to map). Lehman/I think we are as far as we are going to go. Norton/Are you going to leave that Scott Park Sewer way out there?... Kubby/I think you should leave that. Atkins/ ....taking you through what is going to happen this summer. Fosse/1999 Construction Season will consist of FY99 and FY2000 projects .... Go through in the order that they are presented there. River Street-Woolf Avenue Paving. We will also include water and sanitary sewer improvements .... Service lines are sheared off.... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 54 Arts Campus Storm Sewer Phase II. That will be a joint project with the University of Iowa .... Designed and administered by MMW... Highways 1 & 6 Turn Lanes. We have got USTEP money agreements with the DOT. That is an in-house design .... First Avenue... Sunset. Signalization Projects .... each year... Davidson/Holding off on Benton and Gilbert .... Fosse/The next three projects: City Plaza Renovation Phase I, Iowa Avenue Parking Facility, Transit Interchange Facility. All centered downtown. Those will designed by consultants and the construction, administration and inspection will be done by Rob Winsted and Ed McGinnis .... Those two work very hard .... Big handful for them next year .... Thornberry/Ed McGinnis .... Fosse/He is our inspector. Norton/The transit interchange isn't in there, is it? Kubby/Rob does a really great job for us .... He deals with a lot of emotional issues .... Fosse/ADA Curb Ramps. We have got to find somebody who wants to build these things .... Norton/I want to ask first about the transit interchange ..... Fosse/What is the latest on that? Thornberry/ Atkins/We contacted the new owners of the Mall and told them... they have expressed interest in the project... But they don't own the Mall yet... In the Mall building... (All talking). Fosse/Next three projects will lump together...Asphalt and Chip Seal Resurfacing Program, City Park Parking Lot, Soccer Site Road and Parking Improvements. That is just within the soccer site itself.... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 55 RR Crossing Improvements. We will probably have a couple of them that will come up again this year .... Thornberry/Do we do that or does the RR do that? Fosse/ Joint projects .... They do the work on the tracks themselves and we do the approach work... All of these... four years of lead time because of funding from the state. Captain Irish Parkway. One that we will need to finish up next summer. Foster Road/Peninsula Site Work - Phase II/lowa River Corridor Trail. Part of a very large project... $6.2 million to be bid and constructed next summer... Bridge and Culvert Construction: Summit Street Bridge .... worked with the neighborhood .... Nice ideas .... Your next agenda will be easement acquisition for it... final plans to DOT and we will start in the spring. Iowa Avenue Culvert Railing. Very small project .... Storm Sewer Construction: Sandusky Storm Sewer Improvements. We came up with a project that will address all of the issues out there .... Not palatable to the neighborhood as a whole... focusing on the one property that has consistent property damage from the flooding... doing some landscaping and structural improvements to the property itself... Yard flooding is not going to go away, street flooding is not going to go away .... Revisit this at some point in the future .... South Sycamore Regional Stormwater .... Scored $200,000 REAP grant .... Norton/...Are we filming the work on this? Will we make some kind of a record on this project? I would think somebody should be doing that .... documentary .... Fosse/Ralston Creek Maintenance. This is something... making it more of a grant program .... The money is there... $15,000 a year .... Benefit extends beyond that... cleaning debris... controlling erosion problems... Sump Pump Discharge Tiles. Just finished one on Denbigh... We have perennial problems around town .... Water Projects: This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 56 Schrnadeke/Site Work - Water Plant Phase I. That work is under construction fight now .... Completed by mid-summer next year. Collector Wells - Lower Terminus. That work is under construction. Sand Pit Pump Station - Lower Terminus. We are reviewing the plans on that project now .... P.h. sometime near the end of the year .... Iowa River Power Dam Improvements. We just started negotiations with the owner... waiting for appraisals... have to get an easement for the trail and for work on the west side of the dam. Lehman/Isn't that project... dufing the winter? Schmadeke/...yeah .... Lehman/ Schmadeke/If we let contracts fight after the first of the year .... Emerald Street Finished Water Main and Sanitary Sewer. Finished water main and sanitary sewer. We are taking bids Thursday on that... Water Works Park Master Plan. Talk about that later. Fosse/Sanitary Sewer Projects: Melrose Market Sanitary Sewer. Westminister Sanitary Sewer Upgrade. That is one we were going to do last summer and didn't have time for. We will do it this summer .... One of only two projects that we are designing in house this summer. Dial Development Sewer. That is a project that we don't know whether it is going to go or not. Depends a little bit on the route .... Willow Creek Interceptor Sewer. A carry over of this year's project. Muscatine Sewer Lining. There is a sewer that goes under the Moffit homes .... Rough shape. We thought we would line that before it caves in under the homes... Landfill: Landfill Air Quality Permitting. We are frustrated there, deadlines are drawing near... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 57 Landfill Scale House. We need to replace the one that was blown away. Part of that is the Household Hazardous Waste Facility... FEMA money .... Entrance Road. We will probably do some work on the entrance road as well. Trueblood/Parks Projects: Benton Street (Ned Ashton Park). Will be developed next construction season .... Behind Professional Muffler .... Kiwanis Park Development. We should be coming to do you with p.h. process .... this winter for next spring construction. Napoleon Park Softball Fields. This next construction season should wrap up that project .... Finishing touches to put on there. Parks Maintenance Facility. We will be coming to you in January with the bidding process .... Construction next spring and summer. Willow Creek Trail. If approved, we would like to begin next construction season .... Soccer Field Development. Basically a multi-year project .... We hope to complete the irrigation system, some of the parking and roadway improvements .... Landscaping. Also be able to start initiating some building projects down there. Sturgis Ferry Park Development. (No comment). Parks Improvements (Annual Projects). We really hope to emphasize some footbridges, parking lots and accessibility projects. There are several others... if approved for FY2000 .... Like to initiate... complete construction in 1999, such as tennis court renovation and cemetery expansion .... One that isn't up here... City Plaza/Downtown Streetscape Plan .... Playground equipment... be going in next spring .... Already selected the company and design... Kubby/Will you be requesting CDBG for any of the accessibility projects? Trueblood/I hadn't really talked about that ....recent years ....Use that money for non- park related projects .... Norton/Do you have an overall plan at the soccer for the restroom facilities? ....When are we going to be able to host a big soccer brew-ha-ha? .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 58 Trueblood/It would be more of a Kickers or Soccer Alliance endeavor to host .... Champion/We don't have a sewer line in yet. Norton/These things are like attractions to a community .... Thornberry/I don't know why they would have to wait for all of the facilities to be in .... Trueblood/It can be done .... Norton/ Trueblood/ Kubby/It is really the number of fields that are ready .... Thornberry/ Trueblood/I forgot to mention the golf course .... (All talking). Fosse/Miscellaneous Projects: Airport North Commercial Park. Design of that is under way. Public Works Facility Building. Public Works Facility Site Work. Development Activities. We do the development review .... Norton/What it means, development activity? Fosse/Subdivisions site plans .... Parking Ramps Maintenance. This summer is the summer for the bi-annual parking ramp maintenance... '99. Kubby/So, is this realistic? Fosse/We hope so, it is certainly aggressive .... Over extending ourselves .... We are, in a sense, operating two Engineering Divisions .... Special projects team working under Chuck... Terry is working with consultants to take on projects .... Providing technical review... Asphalt Overlay Program... designing three projects in This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798 October 27, 1998 Council Work Session Page 59 house... administering work of consultants .... Still a lot of work in house .... For a couple of years .... We are vulnerable with this program .... Kubby/ .... at about 15 to what you have said in the past to what you can do in a year? Fosse/I don't know... Will all of these projects happen? I am guessing that at least one will fall back. Kubby/ Fosse/We have got some difficult years ahead of us. Kubby/What is in front of us is something that you are not recommending we do in terms of volume? Fosse/If this is what you want to do, we will find ways to get it done ..... Kubby/I am feeling like we are being real aggressive for about five years in a row .... I am not sure we need .... I would like us to think about cutting some stuff out. Champion/Would we be better offif we had another engineer and maybe used less consultants .... Fosse/...one of the problems we face is where do we put them. Atkins/Connie, we could use a couple of additional people .... It is just physically locating them in the building .... It is 10:00, we do need to finish '03 and '04 ....Questions .... Adjoumed: 10:05 PM. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of October 27, 1998 WS102798