HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-27 TranscriptionJanuary 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 1 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session 3:00 PM Council: Lehman, Champion, Kubby, Norton, O'Donnell, Thornberry ,Vanderhoef. Staff: Atkins, Helling, Dilkes, Karr, Schmadeke, Davidson, Franklin, Severson, Fosse, Trueblood, Helling, Yucuis, Mansfield. Tapes: 99-16, all; 99-17, Side 1. Meeting Schedule 99-16 S1 Atkins/I jotted an agenda down for us today .... Aid to Agencies, Capital Projects... Meeting schedule stuff.... On the 2"a ... next budget meeting at 6:00 PM. Lehman/There are some who have to leave at 6:00 .... We need to meet with the P/Z Commission .... Franklin/I would suggest the 18th of February. That is a regular formal meeting for the commission .... How about the 22"d as part of your work session? Karr/22"d you are starting at 6:00 for Conference Board. Lehman/...I think what we are going to be telling P/Z Commission .... is whether or not we wish them to revisit this. I don't think we are going to hash this thing out with Saddlebrook ..... I don't think we are going to decide it for them. Norton/ Lehman/One of the huge factors is concentration of income in one area .... Thomberry/I think another major thing besides the income thing is what else is available to put on that property. Lehman/... How much? Vanderhoef/An hour. Norton/At least on an hour. Lehman/...The 22"d we have a meeting at 6:00...Conference Board .... Norton/4:30 - 5:30 and get a snack. (Schedule discussion). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 2 (Schedule discussion). Lehman/22nd...4:30 PM .... Other one is going to be a meeting with the Senior Center. Champion/Wait a minute. When are we going to discuss about what direction we want to give them? Lehman/I think that is going to occur while we meet with them .... A number of concerns that I heard last night... willing to talk with them .... Norton/ Kubby/ Lehman/Senior Center Commission, what is your pleasure? .... (Schedule discussion). Lehman/ .... If we can consolidate meetings... more convenient .... Put two meetings on the same day. February 8, 5:30 - 6:30 PM .... 22nd is P/Z. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 3 Aid To Agencies 99-16 S1 Champion/Steve had put in a 2.5% increase for Aid to Agencies and Karen and I thought it was more appropriate to go to 4.3 because of past years .... Our increase goes up to $447,243. Our feeling... tremendous amount of need for youth organizations .... Thornberry/I can't accept that ....I didn't go to the meetings ....They have always wanted to boost before .... What I have found in the past ....Previous three years... Was that the agencies that deal with youth... I would like to see them combined .... Could be combined and they resist that because each of the directors wants to be the boss and they are spending a lot of money on the directors and staff and everything... I think they could combine and serve the youth of the city a lot more effectively if they did combine .... Champion/I don't think that is our decision whether they should combine or not. Thornberry/Then don't fund them. Champion/But I want to fund them. Thornberry/I would rather fund one agency that has do to with youths as opposed to four or five. Kubby/There is some overlap in people that they work with. Big Brothers/Big Sisters... a focus to their service. They are very different than United Action For Youth. Thornberry/ .... This is Mayor's Youth Employment and they are not even thinking about where these kids can work. I think they need some help .... Lehman/I think we could argue on a philomphic level all day as far as the agencies are concerned .... The increase that was given between '98 and '99... was a $16,000 increase to Human Service funding which was approximately a 4% increase .... 4.3% .... That is the level that we increased the funding a year ago. Vanderhoef/And the previous year was 3.9%. So we have been giving regular good increases above and beyond what would be cost of living. They have made progress in each year .... I guess I could support 2.5%. Champion/I am sorry, I think you are talking about $7,000... Agencies... are really important .... Kubby/We so easily throw around numbers for streets and sewer lines .... We are talking about people here. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 4 Thornberry/ Norton/...If we are going to get into the issues that Dean is raising .... Possible consolidation .... I am not sure how we can get a thorough study done of that possible efficiency .... Where is it possible? Thornberry/I asked last year .... Norton/They are not going to take that initiative ....Get us a proposal that does us some consolidation. Lehman/Would it be appropriate for us to ask Linda during the next year to see if we can find out if there are things that are overlapping that could be consolidated? Kubby/It may be better to ask through JCCOG ..... Lehman/I have no problem with that .... I know that we listen to ..... I have no problem with the recommendation whatsoever. Thomberry/We are here to cut our budget, not to increase our budget ..... Norton/ Kubby/The way Steve has presented his General Fund, he has said there is $300,000 more than we had originally thought and that $280,000 has been taken up with operating expenses for new employees .... I have no problem .... Thornberry/I didn't want to start with a base this high .... Norton/ Lehman/We gave 4.3 last year. Champion/ Thornberry/If the sales tax does indeed pass ..... Champion/$7,000 is a lot of money to these agencies. Thornberry/Coralville can kick in their part then. Lehman/ Thornberry/I know I am out voted... I am here to try to cut a budget .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 5 Lehman/...You know how much effort when in on this .... and you recommended 4.3% last year .... Thornberry/ Lehman/ Norton/I think Dean's point is well taken and we should definitely ask through JCCOG .... We expect to see some consolidation .... Lehman/Can someone on council make that request at the JCCOG meeting? Champion/Yeah. Davidson/Do you want us to bring it to you at your March meeting? Lehman/Thank you, it is done. Thornberry/...we did not increase what we were given. Norton/ Davidson/Do you want us to put anything on for discussion in March? Vanderhoef/Yes, I do. Davidson/We will put it on for discussion. Lehman/I think we are looking for an answer a year from now .... If there are places to consolidate .... An answer we would like to have when we sit down a year from now and look at these same reports .... They are distinctly different .... Norton/We really don't have what I call a Human Services czar .... Davidson/It is a very appropriate use of Linda's time to coordinate looking at an issue like this .... Linda and I need to discuss exactly what resources need to be brought to doing an investigation. Do you also want it on just for general discussion .... At the March 24 JCCOG meeting? Vanderhoeff I think it is appropriate .... Davidson/ .... Have a brief discussion on the 24th, Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 6 Thornberry/...now each one is its own thing. Norton/ Lehman/I think that is a good point. Do we have agreement on this? Capital Projects- This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 7 FY2000-2002 Budget Discussion 99-16 S1 Atkins/I put in from of you a chart (Capital Improvements Projects FY 1999'2003- Alpha Within FY) .... a compilation of all of the other charts .... Chart #13 (City Tax Rates - Various Debt Service, Etc.). The first group... if you read across it says total. That is the total tax rate as proposed in the budget document that you have in from of you. Debt Service... the debt service tax rate which is a part of the number up above. Debt proposed in the current Capital Plan .... Allowable percentage ..... Local policy, the 25% policy... and...estimate $100,000 house... that is the number. That is how to read the thing. Norton/Allowable debt line. That is not the new debt that is financed by the debt service fight above it? Atkins/Yes, it is .... Budget book. The state allows us 5% of your assessed value, translates into a dollar figure ....Amount of debt that would be sold translates into that as an allowable percentage. Norton/My figure a debt service of 1.868 .... 2.493 ....what if you divide that by the $15 million .... Atkins/It is a summary number .... If you sell $10 million worth of debt in FY99, that will come on line in FY2000 .... Tax rate of 2.493. If you see $15 million worth of debt in FY2000, it will come on line in 01 ....$11.5- comes on in 02; $20 million comes on .... Norton/I am interested in how much new debt you can absorb. Atkins/Absorb and what is proposed are two different things ..... Norton/I will discuss with you later. Lehman/... If you wanted to maintain your present level of indebtedness at 35 %. You could incur every year X number of dollars because you pay off so many .... Atkins/Let me finish this. In the next category you have the total levy if you were to sell $10 million each year for five years .... What I am trying to do is establish a fiscal policy, a target .... The third category is same ting except the debt plan is $10 million $7.5, $7.5 and $7.5 ..... We can do some scenarios in between. Kubby/Interesting... in tripling that debt service level vs. going up by 30% .... Lehman/Top column... The dent that is issued in '99 is a $10 million increase .... 18%... cost to retire that .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 8 Atkins/You have a debt issue coming up in March. You have not officially spent it .... You have not done that officially. Lehman/ Atkins/...It is always a year after. Lehman/In '99 we show debt of $ 1 0 million. That will result in an 18% rate in year 2000? Atkins/Yes, that is correct ....Your working on FY2000 .... Lehman/But the rate of 18% is the rate we have already established. Norton/In listing the total levy across the top, that includes employee benefits and tort liability... debt service .... I have trouble getting a handle on how to understand the proposed increased in the tort liability levy and in the employee benefits levy .... The percentages are all over the place. Atkins/You should see a steady increase in employee benefits... inflation driven expense .... Norton/Levy goes up .... 10%, then less than 1%, 7%, then 7%. Kubby/ Norton/ ....consider what the total levy will bare .... Atkins/If you read FY99 the employee benefits levy was 1834, FY2000 is 2019, projected in 01 to be 2038 .... It keeps bumping up because it is an inflation driven and/or the fact you may be adding employees. Norton/It goes up 10% this year .... Adding 12 employees. Atkins/ Norton/An enterprise fund carries its own weight. Norton/ Atkins/Remember you also have tax base changes .... Norton/I am talking about the levy, Steve. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 9 Atkins/The levy will change .... Norton/Tort liability .... Atkins/Tort liability is capped. You can only use in tort liability. Use that levy to pay for tort liability expenses ..... translates into a tax rate. Back in '99 the General Fund absorbed a portion of the tort liability expense .... Norton/But it went up from a rate of 1.11 this year to 2.21 next year. Atkins/That is correct. We added a number of employees, federal grant for police goes off in FY2000... no longer charge that against the 8.10 ..... I want to spend a couple of minutes with you on a $100,000 home. That number is an estimate .... Pocketbook issue .... I used a 5% annual increase in the value of a piece of property. That is very generous .... These numbers are likely to be high ....Rollback... reappraisal... beyond our control ....We do it every other year ....Those numbers are generous ..... 5% is not out of the question. Norton/...That growth from $721 to $1109 .... Not all due to us. It is due to the value increase .... Atkins/You can probably say that of the increase in taxes, about half of that is going to be attributed to simply increase in value .... It is very difficult to explain publicly ....Your property values will increase ....Suppose to be close to market value. Lehman/The number I am most concerned with is the percentage of the 25% that we have as a policy ..... Atkins/I believe it is relevant because it is a pocketbook issue. You settle in on a tax rate .... The bottom line is that somebody at home is going to get a bill .... Trying to translate this .... value... tax rate went from this to this .... In our case it is substantially capital projects. Lehman/...I think.. certain things that go up every year .... Extraordinary increases .... Talking about capital improvements... that portion of our budget that changes. That 14%... up to a total of 27% in 03. Atkins/One of the reasons we are trying to point out the capital projects to you... Capital projects are financed by all of us ..... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 10 Kubby/But I think it is helpful in deciding at what do we feel comfortable with .... In terms of what our overall financial package looks like .....Do we feel comfortable with one of these ranges more than another one .... Atkins/If you give me the fiscal policy, when you start discussing capital projects .... Champion/Important thing... interested in the bottom line... Average price in Iowa City is like $140,000 now. Atkins/I picked $100,000 because it is a round number ..... Remember the 40/40/20 rule that we use. Thomberry/Based on $100,000 assessed value ..... Lehman/Gives you a reference point. Champion/Decide at what point do you find it not acceptable .... Atkins/Let me try the next chart (Chart #14- Exhibit of debt service property taxes, city tax rates and debt margins for FY99 for various cities in Iowa) .... Take a look at what other towns do .... Of the 11 cities that are represented there, they have an average allowable debt position of 53%. Kubby/That is why they don't have AAA bond ratings, too. Atkins/Our credit is far superior .... Cedar Rapids... credit rating... huge industrial base .... On tax rates .... Our rates are substantially about the same. How can they afford a police department of 200 and we have one of 70 .... Industrial tax base generates a lot of money and we don't have that. These tax policies that you see... reflection of what other towns do .... That is our 25% policy .... When we were proposing to go to 60% .... Residential .... Lehman/Steve, if you compare residential to commercial property, isn't residential... more stable? .... Kubby/Not with a rollback. Lehman/ Atkins/...a factory of a value ....We use to be able to tax machinery and equipment .... Values may change .... Residential purposes ....This is just a reflection of those policies .... We may be just a tad bit more conservative than they are. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 11 I want to do one more number. You all had asked about incorporating the library into the debt .... (Chart #13) Go to column 02 .... 50%. You would have to change that to 68% and the next year would be 77%... current budget .... Champion/ Atkins/ .... 68%, 77% .... There is a question that a sales tax funded capital project is a revenue bond and not applicable to this ....I did not have a legal opinion on that .... Kubby/ Atkins/We added another year because debt begins to go off.... 04 it drops to 71% .... Lehman/ Atkins/There is some debt that comes off that year .... Kubby/Do you think that jeopardizes our bond rating? .... 77%. Atkins/I think that is getting a little scary. That would be a little nervous for me .... Concerned about some sort of capital cfisis ....if we had to go out and do something fight away or a unique opportunity .... Kubby/It would be nice to know what the highest percent would be .... Atkins/With that .... You need to... reprioritize .... Capital projects .... As a staff.... This document, easy to work with .... The list... also have the narratives .... Kubby/I am assuming all the airport front money stuff.... If we should get- CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 99-16 SIDE 2 Kubby/Assume we were getting paid the full 90%- Atkins/yes, that is what we have assumed. Kubby/...all this will change year to year depending on what our actual reimbursements are. Lehman/These airport numbers .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 12 Arkins/They have the repayment in there. That airport project is $10 million plus .... As we spend the cash, that diminishes our financial position with respect to investment income. We have tried to calculate that in also. Lehman/Is it better for us to approach this- Are we better served in looking at projects and then going back and seeing what it does to rates or are we better served... target a rate .... And then try to make the projects fit the rate? Norton/Ernie... I think we need to consider that thing... You are trying to keep the debt service under 25% of the total ....I ran those numbers ....He is making an increase this year of .92 in the debt service ....That is built in ....You can raise around $8 million a year in new debt .... I think we can handle it at $.40 per $1,000 per year. Lehman/What you are saying is somewhat similar to his third scenario .... End up at 42% of allowable debt. Kubby/You don't have the library in there remember. Lehman/I know that. Kubby/We need to build in that headroom. Lehman/And you end up at 20.5% to retire debt. Champion/I find that a little high. Norton/I find that reasonable ....I didn't want to go over 25% .... Lehman/ Atkins/Personally I would go with take the middle and see how painful it is .... Kubby/I think we should start out with more pain .... Projects... we can add them back in. I am suggesting this last scenario. Lehman/ Norton/If you look at those numbers .... If you go with that bottom layer, you are talking about raising about $30 million .... Lehman/ Kubby/...We have proposed much more this year than ever before... We are not going to do the magnitude of increased projects that we have seen in the last few years. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 13 Norton/ Thornberry/7 ½ isn't that far from 8. (All talking). Lehman/ Atkins/I think you now have in front of you- What I would suggest to you... settle in on how you want to approach these projects .... Staff if prepared to comment on any of the projects. We have gone through and made notes .... Example... I am assuming, on Monday night, you are not going to do Benton Street .... FY01, the Benton Street Project is out and $2.4 million .... of GO debt financing is now gone... If you settle into a project ....I think you are probably better off just to move to year 2000... this list. (All talking). Atkins/I will keep tabs for you ....I think you should start with year 2000. Lehman/There are a couple of items in year FY99 that might be subject to discussion. Atkins/I think there are so few in there ....Get through 2000 and 2001 .... (All talking). Atkins/Looking at year 2000 .... Jet Service. Kubby/That is $300,000 right there .... I would also look at the terminal. Lehman/...some of these projects are Public Works Projects that may or may not create a problem if they are moved out .... If we have projects that could wait .... I think it would be nice if we would know that as we go down. Atkins/The staff is prepared to comment on that .... come up with some of our own ideas ....Benton Street one ....Benton Street is in 01 ....I will put the fiscal year ....Benton Street is out ....Put it on an unfunded list ......Iowa Jet is out .... Kubby/Burlington Street Bridge... What is the current condition and the needed timeframe? Fosse/The condition will continue to deteriorate. I don't believe that we are creating a situation that we cannot (can't hear). We won't have to replace the bridge in its This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 14 entirety. What delaying the project will do is give us an opportunity to look for some alternative funding sources. Lehman/Will it increase the cost of the project? Fosse/Probably some. Kubby The kind of repairs- Is the federal bridge money only for replacement or is there a pot of money from the feds for bridge repair? Fosse/Just for replacement right now. This is in the state highway system. We will be working with the state .... Iowa Highway Research Board .... New technology .... Might be able to get some funding there. Kubby/ ....postponing it for two years doesn't take it off our list, it just shifts what year we do it. What would you say is a reasonable amount of time? .... Fosse/Three or four years. Kubby/ Lehman/ Norton/What about the Airport North Commercial area? ..... Atkins/Airport North Commercial is proceeding with its design work. We do expect that that project may increase because of some drainage and other engineering issues associated with it .... I assume it could be phased. We could split it. Franklin/I think it could be phased or it could be delayed ..... Lehman/How long would it take, if we had some serious interest in that property, to develop it? ....to get that property ready. I believe... we should have the drawings ready? .... Fosse/One construction season. Lehman/A year? Franklin/Or a half a year .... Schmadeke/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 15 Lehman/...I also think to spend $1.2 million on something where there is no interest that is sitting there, that is not real good either. I think you have got to be ready to move. Franklin/... Science Center .... Vanderhoef/The Science Center has been waiting on this. How much would it add to the cost... to put this in three phases? Fosse/5-10% maybe .... Champion/I would hate to lose that Science Center to Coralville. Franklin/It is going to take some time for the Science Center to be a reality regardless of when we put in infrastructure here. They have a lot of money to raise .... Vanderhoef/Any other economic development possibilities there? Franklin/For the North Commercial Park? Vanderhoef/Any other possibilities since Jet Service came out? Franklin/Not that I am aware of.... Mr. Ambrose .... Lehman/Basically we think this could be a floater ..... probably should be prepared to do it ..... I think it is in the same position as the Buffington Street Bridge, a floater .... Could be used in a different year than is shown here. Kubby/ Atkins/If there is not a strong opinion... let's show it, move it and we will pick it up later on .... If you do not want to do this now, it is $1 million worth of debt savings. Lehman/I think we move them both (Burlington Street Bridge and Airport Noah Commercial). Do we have concurrence on that? Fosse/(Can't hear). Lehman/I think it should be designed but that is only one opinion. Vanderhoef/I don't think we can move that fast if it isn't designed ....I would say we have to go forward with the design. Lehman/Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 16 Norton/$200,000 instead of $1.2 million. Thornberry/ Kubby/I thought the Airport Terminal- I thought we were at a $350,000 amount. This says $7- Lehman/$7- is what we talked about. Norton/Last time they briefed us it went up between $7- and $8-. Kubby/We can also put on some financial constraints .... Up to this amount and anything above and beyond that, you do private fundraising for .... Norton/ Lehman/When they got a firm that looked at it, they came back with a number that was over twice ..... Kubby/I wouldn't have a problem... taking $100,000 or $200,000 off that. Lehman/I think that when that project comes to us .... Kubby/It means that you don't get everything that you want to have in there .... Champion/ Norton/Is there some realistic thought that they would raise money of their own? Kubby/Not if we fund them fully .... Lehman/I don't think you do the job halfway. Thornberry/If you take the 50 years that we haven't done any funding .... Lehman/Do we have any sense to lower the amount for the terminal building? Champion/(Can't hear). Lehman/Leave it. Norton/ ....Any savings on Highway 6 Drainage Project? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 17 Atkins/I assume you are jumping around on the first page? Lehman/Let's go down the line. The next thing is Cemetery Expansion. Kubby/I have a question for Terry Trueblood .... Say we went to $400,000 there. Could we just do less so we are at 40 years of cemetery expansion? Trueblood/The thing that you have to keep in mind is that .... the consultants we hired worked it up in five phases. We are only doing Phase I fight now. One of our goals... try to accommodate all types of burials .... Some of those were put in because of the slope of the ground .... What we would have to do... consultants... If they could reduce it back to whatever amount you wanted to .... Keep in mind that a lot of grading .... Has to actually go beyond Phase I .... Roadway and that kind of thing .... I spoke with the consultant .... I am sure it is possible but I don't know what we would end up with. Champion/ Kubby/$650,000 .... The 4-5 phases will last us 330 years. Norton/ Lehman/We are only going to pay for $650,000 at a time. Leave that one alone. Civic Center Roof. Forget that, let it leak. Atkins/I don't think you should do that .... Champion/We have to do that. Lehman/City Park Stage. Norton/We are all for it .... O'Dounell/That is a great project. Vanderhoef/I think that is a good economic development project. Lehman/I don't hear anybody disagreeing. All fight. The next one, Foster Road .... Atkins/Downtown Streetscape .... Phase 3. Fosse/2 and 3. Franklin/This is Phase 2. We don't know if we are going to do Phase 3 .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 18 Atkins/What did the council set a hearing for? Kubby/Phase 2, $2.19 million. Atkins/...Of which we owe you a more detailed report on and that is being prepared. Lehman/... second phase did not include the lighting nor the benches and Phase 2 now includes lighting... downtown.. throughout the entire area instead of just the Ped Mall .... From a larger scope. Kubby/Do we really feel it necessary to do all of that at this point? .... Thornberry/It was saving a ton of money doing all of the lighting at one time .... I think that is why we changed that thing. Franklin/...the kiosks and the posting pillars, we didn't do any of those in Phase 1 .... Economies of scale. It is all falling into Phase 2. Vanderhoef/ Lehman/ Vanderhoef/It was my impression we were going way over budget with Phase 1 and that was the other reason .... Move it into Phase 2 .... Thornberry/Lighting in Phase 1 that we put into Phase 2 .... Lehman/I don't think we changed Phase 2 very much except for the kiosks and the benches .... Instead of $1.7-... really should be $2.2- Champion/The Phase 3 is not necessary, is it? Franklin/Phase 3 was the lighting on Burlington and Gilbert Street around the edge. Atkins/I sensed a reasonably strong commitment on the part of council to do the downtown project .... I have asked Rob, Rick .... To give me something in reasonable detail... What got moved over... so that we have some understanding of the project .... Get that in front of you. Lehman/For today's purposes, do we pretty much have a commitment to move forward. Go ahead. Atkins/Okay. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Cotmcil Work Session Page 19 Norton/Dubuque Street Elevation. Champion/No. Atkins/There is one. O'Donnell/I think that is a good idea. Kubby/Such a small inconvenience. Arkins/ ....We brought to the council about 17 different times and they said no each time .... Lehman/How many times was that road closed this year for water? Fosse/Six .... I don't know how much we can raise it yet. That garage is turning out to be quite a constraint .... There is a garage... just north of that dip .... (All talking). Fosse/We put in some warning lights... when they is water on the roads. Kubby/ ....duration of close. Atkins/ Norton/Liability question .... Lehman/I believe that raising that section .... It is a very minor project... By doing that... going to take a lot of pressure off wanting to raise the whole thing. I don't see that being a big one. Norton/ Lehman/ Kubby/Of course it is going to move it somewhere else. Fosse/It is our intention to put it in the river. Vanderhoef/Through a storm sewer. I think we ought to do it. Leave it. Lehman/All right, it is left. Next. Foster Road. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 20 Atkins/There are several Foster Road Projects .... Jeff. Give us one or two minutes on what this piece of the project is .... Davidson/This is the one... work session ..... Will be on your Consent Calendar on February 9 ....Includes the reconstruction of Foster Road .... To the peninsula property ....Sidewalk... beyond No Name Street... actually be a wide sidewalk... Iowa River Corridor Trail .... Access road... Extend it across the golf course .... Schmadeke/They don't want to see any work on the golf course this coming summer and so we are going to work out some dates... following spring .... We will still let it as one contract. Lehman/Does this mess up our time frame for the peninsula development? Franklin/We talked to the developers .... About delaying the March date to middle of May. They do not have a problem with it being later .... June 2001 .... Norton/This is one the phasing is very important .... Putting in a good deal of effort. I want to be sure that when the road goes in there is something moving at the far end. Davidson/This is obviously required for the peninsula project. Vanderhoef/ Lehman/Some indication... give us proposals on this very soon. Franklin/My goal... date we want to move to middle of May. My goal... all of the approvals that they have to go through before the city .... Completed by December 31 of 1999... It is this council that completes those approvals. O'Donnell/Does this figure include the lighting on Foster and Dubuque down there? .... Atkins/Intersection? Davidson/This is not the intersection ....That is another project. (All talking). O'Donnell/There is going to be an accident out there... Church, housing .... That is getting very busy out there. Lehman/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 21 Atkins/You decided to move on and leave that one where it is? Lehman/Yes. Atkins/Chuck...late in the year 2000 before we do this project? Schmadeke/...in FY2000. Atkins/Then it is okay, we have it budgeted properly. Kubby/Maybe we should talk about those other two parts of Foster Road .... Atkins/Foster Road has two other phases...components in FY02 ..... Intersection and Grading for waterline. Lehman/Karen, we are talking about... asking for proposals that we hope to have nailed down by end of December of this year? In the mean time we are going to be spending $2 million building a road. Is there any point between now and then that we are going to have any assurance that we have got a project that is a go? Franklin/I would expect to, yes .... To get to those approvals that I am talking about by the end of December is going to require the developer to make a significant investment in terms of engineering and design costs and everything. I don't think they would make that kind of investment if they are not going to follow through. Lehman/We will have a go indication prior to spending all of this money? Franklin/Yes. We should have a go indication in May .... preferred developer .....work... tie down the specifics of it. Thornberry/ Franklin/ .... They have to go through platting and so forth .... In terms of starting construction, they may not be able to start because of our work on Foster work until 2000. Norton/ .... To get some assurance .... To say this is a economic possibility .... That makes sense... Lehman/To not build a road and then wait ten years .... Franklin/...there are other properties on the peninsula ....in which there is development interests now .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 22 Lehman/My sense is we would not be as anxious to push that road forward if we didn't feel there was a significant development going to take place in a timely fashion .... ]Council Break] Lehman/Have we finished with Foster Road for the time being? Atkins/You finished with this piece of it. Next year you will have to look at two more .... Last night... someone from council asked for the Senior Center survey .... Did you all want one? Vanderhoef/I have got it. Atkins/I have this on my desk. Norton/It was a little depressing as I remember. Atkins/ Lehman/Hwy 6 Sidewalk and Drainage. Atkins/We want to comment on that... big time project .... Fosse/ We have got $994,000 in federal funding on this project and also the state will kick in 10% of the cost (can't hear)... considerable amount of extemal funding. This is more than sidewalk and grading .... Look at.. turn lanes out there to get more capacity .... More to the project than sidewalk and drainage. If you want to reduce this project to its minimum .... And still get all of our funding, it would take about $1/2 million of local investment to take advantage of all the federal money that is available to us. Atkins/ .... We budget this over four years at $3.1 million .... Of that $3.1 million, we estimated that almost $2.8 million was general obligation debt. Can you tell me how that has changed? .... If they want to reduce the debt portion but not gut the project? Fosse/Probably closer to $1.8- Kubby/So without changing the project we get something up there. Fosse/That is fight. (All talking). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 23 Atkins/We can reduce the GO debt component of the Hwy.6 Drainage Project by $1 million. Kubby/If we went to that lower scope project, what elements would be gone? Fosse/...sidewalks... That would get us the storm sewer and maybe some other stuff. Kubby/It makes sense to do it all .... Lehman/Leave that one alone. Atkins/So I understand, the project remains substantially unchanged but we reduce the city's obligation by approximately $1 million in GO debt .... Over two years. We are working on 01 & 02 right now .... Lehman/Master Plan Land Acquisition. I am not sure we can do a whole lot with that. Arkins/I do want to point out... In that $2.6 million, it is about $400,000 in GO debt .... which is the local match. Ernie, you skipped the Longfellow Street Ped. Trail... Vanderhoef/This is a real safety kind of thing... to get it done .... Thornberry/ Vanderhoef/Summit Street is going to be closed down .... Fosse/We are putting in a temporary pedestrian bridge when Summit is closed. Lehman/ Fosse/$196,000 in federal money on this project .... Atkins/Longfellow/Pine, we show $100- federal grants, $50- road Use and $100- GO debt... How has that changed? Fosse/You have $196,000 in federal moneys .... Atkins/So we could reduce the GO request by $50,0007 Lehman/$100,000. Atkins/So it is $200- in grants and $50 in Road Use. The project is paid for. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 24 Davidson/Your $50 in Road Use Tax will take care of the local match. Atkins/So we can show $100,000 in GO reduction on this project .... Davidson/This is all the stuff we approved at JCCOG. Lehman/Master Plan Land Acquisition. Norton/That $2.6- you just mentioned, Steve. What did you say about that? Atkins/I said that is overwhelmingly federal money and there is $400,000 in there... for the city's share of the Airport Project... We have to budget the $400-.... Kubby/Because we have to front the money, do we have to count it? Atkins/We count the lost interest income. Our cash position has so far been satisfactory that we can cover that cost .... Our concerns... feds .... little pieces... to pay us back. We fully expect to get 90/10 financing on the project. Kubby/...If we have not been reimbursed, doesn't that count in all those percentages? Atkins/Yes... We have to show it that way. Lehman/Mormon Trek Abbey Lane Sewer .... $750,000. We can't widen that street. Atkins/That has changed .... Do your best to kind of look at 2000 and 2001 together. There is the overpass .... On the Abbey Lane storm sewer, Rick has come up with an idea that should save us some money on that. Fosse/We can reduce this to $250,000 and just deal with the erosion problems that are occurring in the basin ....We need to ....Move ahead.. because of the Kiwanis Park improvements .... We don't want to go in and trash that and do this erosion control later .... Kiwanis is kind of changing our priorities there so that we don't tear up what we have done. So we can reduce our costs by $500,000. What we are not getting for this money is we won't reduce the flooding that occurs over Mormon Trek Blvd. and occasionally down Abbey Lane. And we will not be doing a project where we have a potential for cost recovery through tap on fees as development occurs. Lehman/Is that smart? Fosse/We think it is in our best interest because of our Kiwanis Park Project .... This doesn't preclude us from doing this later ....For now, since there is no development imminent over there either. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 25 Norton/ Atkins/We listened to those folks that came to us ....Does what your proposing, does it substantially address that issue? Fosse/It addresses the erosion problem occurring at the basin. It won't reduce the water levels behind the homes on Abbey Lane .... flooding on Mormon Trek. Norton/ Lehman/Does the $750,000 include the work on the Westside? Fosse/Yes, it includes the work on the Westside. It does not include the work on the Abbey Lane Basin. Lehman/I don't know what we are talking about. What is it going to cost us to do the work on the Westside and- Franklin/(Can't hear). Lehman/$750,000 is the total project, including Kiwanis Park? Fosse/No, it does not include the erosion control on Kiwanis Park. That is roughly $250- Atkins/Draw a picture .... (All talking). Kubby/This project of $750- only entails two of those sections. Fosse/(Draws and refers to picture). This is a $750,000 project and this is a $250,000 or less project. Now once this is done, we might be able to do this for substantially less. However, if we wait until after this is done to do this, then our means to get at is through the park where we have just made an investment here. CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 99-17 SIDE 1 Fosse/We are looking for a way to reduce that cost, take care of that problem, be done with it and then we can go after this another day. This will be over-designed after that goes in .... Kubby/Can we do a reduced project on the other side of the highway because of that? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 26 Fosse/Not if we want to take care of that over-topping that occurs here. Kubby/Do we know how many residences are on Abbey Lane? Atkins/30? Norton/Abbey Lane, that $250-, is it going to keep the water out of the backyard? Lehman/No. Fosse/(Refers to map). Well, we have a big erosion problem here .... Sentiment. Norton/But it is not going to help the water in their backyards .... Vanderhoef/And it is not going to help the water on Mormon Trek. Fosse/Right. Vanderhoef/And that is becoming a problem. Fosse/And just so there is no false expectation .... There will always be a detention basin the backyards here. What we want to stop is the water going over Mormon Trek and the water going down Abbey Lane and then cutting back between the homes. Lehman/Are you telling us- I really kind of like recommendations from people who know what they are doing .... Is that something we should be doing? Vanderhoef/If we are going to send more traffic... down Mormon Trek. To not complete the whole project doesn't make sense to me. Fosse/The traffic isn't really a factor at this location .... My recommendation would be to get this done before we invest in Kiwanis Park, simultaneously. And then go after this another day. Thomberry/ .... I really don't like doing more than we need to do just because we don't want to drive over a park. Lehman/In the total scheme of things the over-design is a very small fraction of the cost of the project .... Fosse/$50,000. Lehman/...compared to the $750,000... that becomes a very small factor .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 27 Thomberry/ .... Still going to have flooding. Kubby/ Atkins/Judy Phohl sent us a letter saying she would prefer seeing more police officers and fire fighters than this... We called Judy to explain one is capital and one is operating .... Fosse/So far I have not heard of any property damaged that has occurred by the water taking this route. Lehman/...It is not something that happens very frequently. Fosse/No. Lehman/...I would accept your recommendation. Atkins/...We would budget $250,000 in year 2000 for this project. We would take the $750,000 project and put it off into an out year. The net result is that we are $500,000 less borrowing we have to do. Norton/ Lehman/ Lehman/Mormon Trek, Abbey Lane, Bwy 1. This is the widening. Davidson/...We just finished preliminary design plans. It would take four lanes from Abbey Lane up to the highway. It would also have turn lanes at the two commercial intersections there .... Lehman/ Davidson/The one thing that you should be aware of.... Hwy 1 and Hwy 6 carry a tremendous amount of traffic .... That will still be in the mind of a motorist. We are making it easier on Mormon Trek but we still have a situation with the highway that is a factor. Lehman/In other words, don't expect dramatic decreases on Benton. Davidson/ Norton/It is extremely dangerous out there right now. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 28 Lehman/That is a go. Atkins/Mormon Trek, Abbey Lane, Hwy 1, $2.5 million. A go. Norton/How come our Road Use Taxes are so far from meeting our road needs? Atkins/ Lehman/Peninsula Park, $1/2 million. Atkins/The $1/2 million represents a ballpark figure .... We have done some recalculating. It is probably to do .... Probably closer to $1 million. The question is when do you make that investment? Lehman/Not yet. Atkins/Terry- Trueblood/I have no problems with delaying the project. Two things .... On the list of priorities... P/R Commission has ranked that (can't hear). The other thing... even if we don't do any development in there for the next two years .... that doesn't mean no maintenance .... Still something .... Spending a far lesser amount to get some prairie grass and wild flowers growing in there ..... drown out the noxious weeds .... Norton/There is no even any access until we get the Iowa River dam done .... O'Donnell/ Atkins/That project represents $500,000 in GO debt financing. Are you saying the whole amount? Lehman/Move it. Vanderhoef/I want to talk about the Water Works Park... ought to be getting started on one o f them. Kubby/Between the Water Works Park and the peninsula, which will be more helpful protecting the well heads? .... Schmadeke/(Can't hear). Lehman/It is also more accessible to the public... They can drive to that site. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 29 Vanderhoef/The Water Works Park is the #3 priority for P/R versus the peninsula park, #2 .... Lehman/We are at Skateboard Park now .... Water Works comes up later .... Kubby/I want to make sure ...some of the things we have said yes and no to are opposite from what the P/R priorities are in terms of the cemetery, skateboard park, Riverside Theater stage and the parks .... Norton/ Kubby/They said go with the cemetery. Lehman/I sense the cemetery is not near as high a priority with P/R as it is with some of the folks in the community as we have been hearing from them as council people. Trueblood/I think your observation is correct. Lehman/ Norton/I didn't see any way to defer the cemetery thing very easily. Lehman/ Champion/We are just reversing #2 and #3. Kubby/ .... We are x-ing the peninsula park right now. Champion/ Lehman/We are not eliminating it .... If we don't have access to that peninsula .... Norton/You are going to have to do some work now .... Trueblood/ ....maintenance .... Norton/Get a head start on some of the seeding. Champion/ Kubby/ Lehman/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 30 Norton/I think Terry's point... seeding is a substantial capital investment... ought to be in here... Maybe it is $100,000 to at least get some of it started. Lehman/How long will it take for us to get a trail... Doing dam in Coralville... How soon will that trail go down there? I am talking about the Iowa River Corridor Trail that will go up past the Elks. When is that going to go down the hill?... could be 6-8 years .... Vanderhoef/No .... Vanderhoef/The wells are down there. Davidson/The well access road will be in place ..... Champion/ Lehman/How long does it take to establish grasses? Treeblood/Prairie grasses and wildflowers, three to five years. Thornberry/If it is natural, why doesn't God take care of it? Lehman/...we can put this off for a year or two .... Norton/...leave enough in there to get basic plantings going .... (All talking). Kubby/Change that to $4- Vanderhoef/I think that is a real good idea. Norton/ Thornberry/ Norton/It takes time, let's get ahead on it. Lehman/There's four ..... Skateboard park ..... Do we want to leave it in or take it out? It is a low priority from P/R. Vanderhoef/The skateboard park in Cedar Rapids is $265,000. Thornberry/This is half and they can raise the other half. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 31 Lehman/The question is do we want to leave $100,000 in FY2000 for a skateboard park. O'Donnell/I want to leave it in. Champion/I want to leave it in, too. Lehman/We got two, three .... All fight, we lost again. Sycamore Stormwater Detention. This is part of a much much larger project that I think we have a huge commitment to. Atkins/Big grant. Lehman/I don't think we want to mess with that. Atkins/$200,000. Lehman/Tennis Court Renovation and Lighting. Kubby/That is all GO Bonds .... Lehman/Next several items are all park related .... Are there any of them that you think, Terry, that could be adjusted? Trueblood/A couple of things you should know about on tennis court renovation and lighting .... Most important component of that is to get the court top at Mercer park resurfaced... $120,000... Other $80,000 is for lighting which could be delayed. Thornberry/I understand there are no neighbors around .... Kubby/Take the $80,000 for lighting out .... Better to have the surface to be better. Trueblood/Certainly an option is delaying $80,000 of it and leaving $100,000 in .... Chamber/ O'Donnell/They are well used at Mercer. Kubby/It is not that they won't be lit. It is they won't be new lights .... Lehman/ Kubby/Take the lighting out. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 32 Lehman/All right. Norton/ Lehman/We took the lights out. Trueblood/Walden Woods Park and Weatherby Park. We are working with neighborhood associations... expecting those projects .... Vanderhoef/Those projects have been out there for a number of years. Trueblood/Willow Creek Trail, we do have a grant application pending... 80% funding for that .... Norton/ Trueblood/From Mormon Trek down through Willow Creek Park past Kiwanis Park on down to Willow Creek Drive .... Davidson/ ....consider taking it out and when we get the grant putting it back in ..... Champion/ Lehman/If we get 80% funding... we can take it out of contingency. (All talking). Kubby/I would rather leave it in... allows people to get to West High from further away without having to drive cars. Trueblood/ Kubby/ Vanderhoef/And they are wanting to do some other things along with the Willow Creek Trail .... In rest areas... private funding .... Norton/I try to abide by some of their priorities. Lehman/Are we saying we are leaving these alone? Kubby/Yes. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 33 Arkins/Water Works Park... policy position. Water funds would fund water related projects and that anything associated with Parks and Recreation was to be funded by GO debt or the General Fund .... Position we took .... Water Works Park .... Lehman/Real benefit... a park... They don't think protection of water as we do. Atkins/It is really going to be a neat project ....Through 2000 ....Do you want to keep on going? .... Lehman/Airport Underground Tank Replacement .... Real choice? EPA thing? Arkins/I would assume that it is just simply not worth the risk. These are 50 years old... A leak could be devastating environmentally. Lehman/ O 'Donnell/Could we get involved in any type of clean-up? .... Arkins/We are property owners, sure. O 'Donnell/ Thornberry/If we do it now... under current contract of Iowa City Flying Service .... Lehman/Do they have liability if there is a leak? Thornberry/Yes they do. Lehman/Can we check that out? .... If we do it now and we don't find a leak... If there is a leak, they have to pay for the clean up. Thornberry/They have insurance for that. Lehman/We will pay for removal of the tanks and be not saddled with any liability for a leak ..... two years .... Atkins/ Lehman/If we find when we replace that that there is a leak, their insurance company will have to cover. All right, it stays. Atkins/It stays in 01. Lehman/Good point to check when their lease. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 34 Atkins/Don, make a note of that .... Thornberry/It has been checked... doesn't look like it is leaking but you never know. Lehman/Beer Creek Sewer. Atkins/ Fosse/That is the one ....Brewery's. . . tied to the Iowa Avenue Streetscape Project. Champion/Leave it in. Lehman/Benton Orchard we took out. Cemetery Building. Oh, that is the building. Atkins/ Lehman/ Trueblood/It is basically rehabbing the building... windows, doors, roof work .... Lehman/ Atkins/I would like to propose to you... leave it in but take it out for GO financing. I think it is something .... Small internal loan .... Pay back ourselves over 3, 4, 5 years .... I hate to enter into 20 year debt for a maintenance project. Lehman/It is out. City Park Building Park Improvements .... Trueblood/This would be improving that area after the new maintenance facility is built .... Adding some parking... renovating the building into a usable shelter .... We would be doing as much as we could in-house. Noaon/A year after the new building goes up. Lehman/ .....also resurfacing parking. Trueblood/Where the old old shop is. We want to expand the parking into that area .... Vanderhoef/Demolition costs .... There are restrooms in that building ....Upgraded .... Trueblood/It will probably involve some rehabbing of those restrooms .... Parking... noah of that .... want to put additional parking .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 35 Lehman/Is that line okay with folks? .... Civic Center HVAC .... Kubby/ Atkins/The system is 20 years old .... Lehman/Court Hill Trail. Norton/ Davidson/Scott Park to Creekside Park. Kubby/ Davidson/We own ... 80% of the property for it .... Norton/...recreational tiding .... Kubby/People on far east side .... Ride their bikes downtown .... Safer... Vanderhoef/Small link but a tough one .... Davidson/Creekside Park .... Lehman/$225,000. Champion/ Kubby/It connects two parks. Davidson/...increments of Willow Creek Trail .... Vanderhoef/ Davidson/Dedication of property from HyVee .... Vanderhoef/ Davidson/ ....We own most of the property. VanderhoelY Are there any moneys in Neighborhood Open Space for this section? Davidson/I don't believe so. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 36 Kubby/A lot of people walk to HyVee .... It does serve some purpose. (All talking). Norton/...some projection that it is going to connect to downtown in anyway? Davidson/From Creekside... to downtown... real serious... private property .... Scott Park to Creekside Park .... Norton/Nice riding trail .... Vanderhoef/One of the few that is available on the eastside .... Lehman/What is our pleasure? .... (All talking). Lehman/Four for out ..... (All talking). Lehman/We may find there are things that we are able to put back in .... (All talking). Lehman/Downtown Streetscape .... I assume that we are going to leave it alone. Franklin/Burlington Street/Gilbert Street Lighting .... The edges. Lehman/For the time being, let's move it where it is .... Atkins/Rick did you hear that. When Rob does that report, let's take care of all of that. Norton/It says here it is the edges. Lehman/I think we have to verify that. Do I understand the commitment of council is to leave Downtown Streetscape? This requires leaving this in .... Norton/...peripheral streets... Lehman/...We felt the entire downtown- Norton/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 37 Champion/I think you do it while you still can get the same stuff. Lehman/I think we do it. Norton/I am certainly in favor of downtown. Lehman/EPA Stormwater Permitting. Atkins/What I would like to do is just put an idea on the table with you ....We have been talking about how to fund .... Fosse/A good part of the cost is identifying what we have for a stormsewer system and identifying connections to that system .... mapping and testing. Atkins/We discussed some time ago... about putting a dollar figure on the utility bill .... We felt that is some what not fair .... To take care of the stormwater .... We have been analyzing our wastewater budget... Is stormwater runoff a wastewater product? .... You need to think about that .... Could we develop a policy that at the end of each fiscal year with respect to our wastewater budget, authorize a transfer .... Of some sort of a number .... To a stormwater management account. That would pay for this type of project as well as any other stormsewer project .... We traditionally end the year in our utility accounts with carry-over funds .... Let's transfer to a stormwater account so we can begin building some money to do these projects. Thornberry/This is not the first time you have said this ....it is coming .... Atkins/ Lehman/ Atkins/This is all GO debt now .... Champion/We could take this out and go another route? .... Atkins/Or split the cost or I just don't know ....Half of it from GO and half of it t~om wastewater .... Thornberry/I think we ought to start putting some money away for it. Kubby/ ....I think we need to think about it .... Atkins/ This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 38 Vanderhoef/I still think we are going to end up moving forward into an ordinance that creates a stormwater utility that is completely separate .... But for this permitting process if we have the carryover and we can do it, let's get it done. Kubby/How does that then affect your future decisions? If you have made that policy decision that there is that relationship .... That kind of sets the philosophy of how you pay for it later ....Puts you in a direction... that it should be paid for from sewer. Lehman/...we have no policy. We have no method by which we are going to raise money for this. We have a line item .... In the absence of any policy, we probably ought to leave there .... Policy would then change the line item .... Norton/I want to suggest that there must be plenty of cities facing this issue ..... literature .... Workshops .... League of Cities meeting .... Vanderhoef/ Atkins/ Lehman/Gilbert Street Underpass. Norton/The sidewalk behind the present supports? Fosse/Right, moving them behind the piers ....Putting in some retaining walls there .... Make the sidewalks more inviting .... Small amount of federal money, $17,000 .... Lehman/We are not proposing we do that for two more years ..... If that is a problem .... Norton/ Lehman/Pedestrians .... Norton/I would move it up. Lehman/In any event, we are not going to take it out. Next one, same area (Gilbert/Bowery Intersection-Left Lanes). Kubby/Do we have any stats about traffic problems? .... Accidents or tickets .... Davidson/I guess mainly it is delay. Champion/It is a pain in the neck .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 39 Davidson/We don't have an unduly number .... Kubby/Take that out fight now .... Norton/ Davidson/It is just a high delay situation .... Lehman/If we corrected the situation, we would aggravate the problem at Kirkwood and Hwy 67 .... Davidson/(Can't hear) .... Existing traffic problems would have less delay through that intersection .... Norton/ O'Donnell/Twice a day you have a problem. Davidson/Gilbert Street corridor .... Degree it would increase the ability of traffic to get through that corridor with less delay .... O'Donnell/Let's take this out. Champion/I would take it out .... Lehman/All fight .... Thornberry/ Vanderhoef/It would open up Benton Street .... Take some traffic offofKirkwood .... The old Benton Street piece that goes on east of Gilbert Street ....One more cut through .... Lehman/All fight. GIS .... Leave that alone .... Champion/It has been at least 12 years .... We still don't have it. Fosse/...intend to use as part of identifying that water stormsewer system .... Champion/ Norton/Application looking for a solution. Champion/How much money has the city already sunk into this? .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 40 Vanderhoef/I am curious... see the GIS as a possibility of doing cooperative kinds of things... county... larger region .... Fosse/Yes... coordinating with the county .... Mid-American .... Lehman/Coralville? .... Does that mean we are not going to be compatible with them? Fosse/If we go with Mid-American, no, it wouldn't be that easily compatible .... Vanderhoef/ Norton/ Thornberry/We got three entities using three different systems .... (All talking). Fosse/(Can't hear) ...maintenance obligation as well .... Take one person .... Lehman/So we kind of leave this where it is for now ..... Champion/We should have it .... Lehman/Bunter's Run Park Development. Vanderhoef/Absolutely .... Vanderhoef/I understand. CHANGE TAPE TO REEL 99-17 SIDE 2 Fosse/I don't know where Hunter's Run Park is. Norton/Behind Hunter's Run .... Go out Rohret Road and turn fight after you cross the highway .... Vanderhoef/It is the only one on the west side of Hwy 218 south .... They have waited for at least ten years. (All talking). Vanderhoef/ .... now we have added all of these... Wetherby... Hunters Run is still waiting... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 41 Norton/ Thomberry/Kids have already grown up and moved away .... Lehman/How far is this from Weber playground? Is there a trail between this and Weber? Norton/$300,000. What are they planting, Terry? Trueblood/This area .... Three parcels .... Ones that you see.. already green space... probably not very much... to the noahwest... 16 acres that the city owns... That is the primary development we are talking about .... (All talking). Lehman/Terry .... Trueblood/It is a higher priority for me than the commission because... people out there waiting for a long time ..... I would have to admit that I don't hear from these people out there .... There is an interest .... Kubby/They spent years advocating and not getting anything .... Noaon/16 acres...either decide to get rid of it or do something with it .... Lehman/Not talking about doing this for two more years ..... Noaon/ Lehman/So many times it is more efficient to do it at once. I don't have a problem with leaving it ....We got two outs ....Bwy 6 Sidewalk/Drainage. Kind of alluded to that earlier ....Iowa Avenue Streetscape. Kubby/Leave it in. Lehman/Leave that in. Leisure Pool Development. Kubby/Out, it is nice... City Park rehab ....I think it is a trend... can't afford that trend. O'Donnell/I want that in there .... Norton/I am in for it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 42 Lehman/... It is in ..... O'Donnell/That is a neat thing for the kids to have in Iowa City .... (All talking). Trueblood/ Lehman/Mercer Ballpark Field Lighting. Thomberry/ (All talking). Lehman/You are also talking two years from now. Kubby/It says improvements will better accommodate baseball as opposed to softball .... Lehman/Because they hit the ball higher in baseball .... Kubby/Higher means more affect on neighbors .... Norton/It is so far away from neighbors .... Knowing park is right there ....Designed for baseball when it went in. Lehman/I don't believe that we will put in lights there insensitive to the neighbors, will we Terry. Trueblood/No. Are we going to do the lights or not? O'Donnell/Yes. Lehman/ .... Yes, go. Mormon Trek Railroad Overpass. Vanderhoef/That is the one we talked about with the sales tax. O'Donnell/What was the figure? .... Lehman/ Davidson/ ....came from the City of Coralville ....Three-quarters/one-fourth ....Coralville has determined... Coralville... they insisted their property survey ....¼ of that is in Iowa City .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 43 Lehman/ Vanderhoef/We were only going to do this if we got the sales tax. Davidson/(Can't hear). (All talking). Lehman/The new facility at the University, the sports complex, is going to be done in 2000 or 2001 .... Interest .... This is two years away.. tremendous problem .... Norton/Have we explored... University... to get them in the act on this? .... Joint effort. Davidson/What the University has said... property that they own .... They have insisted that they can only use Institutional Road funds to build roads .... Lehman/Some discussion with them .... I think there is a possibility that ...do a little better than just the land. Kubby/That is a $9.6 million project from start to finish ....Huge investment on the west side .... Norton/ Champion/ Arkins/It is $8 million for us easily ....Road Use is our money .... Davidson/$9.6- the portion of the road to Hwy 6 is half Coralville, half Iowa City ..... It has only been discussed with respect to who' s jurisdiction is lies in .... Thornberry/They are saying the overpass is only ¼. Kubby/Maybe we can figure out a strategy in communicating with the University .... To use some of their institutional road money for whatever we believe their fair share would be .... Foster relations .... Lehman/I have talked to the University about this .... I did not get an emphatic no .... Their contribution in the from of land is substantial. I believe there is an opportunity from different funds within the University for them to pay for the lighting... and probably the trail .... Substantial contribution to the project .... Norton/...traffic that comes in that way... it is accommodating outside traffic .... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 44 Lehman/I don't have a problem.. asking... contact the University... express to them our interest in visiting with the legislature .... Vanderhoef/They are well aware that we are interesting in working this project out with them .... Lehman/I don't think it hurts to ask. Kubby/ ....difficult thing to get money for the legislature for this kind of thing .... Norton/ Thornberry/ ....It is on how it is presented .... Lehman/If we want something bad enough... We figure out a way to do it .... Thornberry/ Lehman/We really would like as much cooperation from the University .... Are we going to leave the project in for this amount? ..... that stays. O'Donnell/How do we get ¼ of this bridge7 Lehman/I don't know... survey .... Vanderhoef/We may want a second opinion ..... changed three different times .... Lehman/Is there a way of determining who owns that bridge? Davidson/The railroad owns the bridge .... Within Iowa City .... Lehman/...move that bridge just a little bit west .... Davidson/..some discussion... We are not moving the bridge... cut a hole in the bridge... Two holes... north... south bound traffic .... (All talking). Lehman/We will determine who pays for what ..... This is going to end in four minutes .... Peninsula Dubuque Road, Phase 3. Schmadeke/That is a water project .... (can't hear). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 45 Lehman/Sycamore Regional Stormwater Management Detention .... We have indicated that we strongly support .... Atkins/I will tally that for you... Our next meeting is on the 2nd at 6:00 .... You do need to do 02 and 03 ....Also... may want to allot some time .... For your general budget discussion .... Kubby/...if you have some things you want to propose... that people get it on paper before hand... Lehman/...I strongly doubt that we are going to finish this up on Tuesday .... Let's see how it goes .... 6:00 PM ..... Adjourned: 5:55 p.m. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799 January 27, 1999 Council Work Session Page 46 Chart: Projects Deleted From the FY2000-2001 Budget. G.O. Financing O1 O0 O0 O0 00-01 O0 O0 O0 O0 O1 O1 O1 Benton Street Iowa Jet Service Burlington Bridge Airport North Commercial Park Highway 6 Improvements Longfellow Street Ped. Trail Mormon Trek/Abbey Lane Storm Sewer Peninsula Park 400,000 Tennis Court Lights Cemetery Building Court Hill Trail Gilbert/Bowery Intersection $2,400,000 300,000 800,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 100,000 500,000 80,000 50,000 225,000 350,000 This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 27, 1999 WS012799