HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-27 Transcription#1 Page 1 ITEM NO. 1. ERNIE REMARKS. Thornberry/Before I get into Mayor's Proclamations I'd just like to mention the fact that Ernie is home recuperating this evening from a surgery that was of some consequence and we expect to see him here on the next meeting which is August 24, full of vim, vigor and vitality. I don't know exactly what the vim is but the vigor and vitality and we'll sure be glad to have him back. Thanks. And this comes from the entire city council and everybody else. He's gotten a lot of cards and letters and phone calls and he's home trying to heal so leave him alone for a little bit, he'll be back. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #2 Page 2 ITEM NO. 2. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS. Thornberry/OK we have two proclamations this evening. (Reads proclamation). Now, therefore, I Dean Thornberry Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Iowa City do hereby proclaim Saturday, August 14, 1999 to be Irving B. Weber Day in Iowa City. Marian Karr/Here to accept is Darold Albright. Darold Albright/As you heard I'm Darold Albright. And I'm here this evening representing the Irving B. Weber Committee Day Committee and the Iowa City Host Noon Lions Club. I am here to accept the proclamation on behalf of the Irving Weber Days Committee. The Committee has been working on this project for three or four months already and things are shaping up for a bigger and better Irving Weber Days the second time around. Activities will include 10 cent swim day, Classic Car Days, Memorabilia Displays, Tours, The Ice Cream Social in College Green Park along with The Stones in the Field, the Mullane Irish Dancers and a musical salute by Wayne Neuzil with the emcee being Roy Justis. An added feature this years will be a traditional street dance to be held on Linn Street between Market and Jefferson. Music by Doc's Big Band. All of these activities will take place on Saturday, August 14. Being in charge of the ice cream part of the ice cream social, I certainly hope we aren't still experiencing the heat wave we've got right now. These are merely a few highlights - I have jumped over many in the interest of saving. Posters will be posted next week along with small handouts containing more details. The Committee is certainly looking for volunteers to work some of the day shifts and their only about 3 hour shift. Contact David Schoon at the Civic Center if you can possibly help. I accept this proclamation on behalf of the Committee and thank you for your interest. Thornberry/Thank you. Thornberry/Proclamation (Reads Proclamation). Now, therefore, I Dean Thomberry, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Iowa City do hereby recognize the Hydraulics This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #2 Page 3 Laboratory as a valued and historically significant structure worthy of the interest and pride that it receives from the Iowa City and it's citizens. Karr/Here to accept is Connie Mutel. Connie Mutel/I'm hear on behalf of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulics Research which is a department or institute within the College of Engineering. I've done a fair amount of research on the history of Hydraulics lab and the institute in the recent years and as part of this research we decided to nominate the Hydraulics Laboratory for a historical award. And as part of the award we needed to have some proof that it was part of, that it was recognized in Iowa City as a notable and historic structure and so that's why we had asked the City Council to consider this proclamation. I trust and hope that we will be able to report that we have received a notable award from the American Waterworks Association within the next year and that this will then continue to assure that the Hydraulics Laboratory is part of the Iowa City a notable part of the Iowa City community. Thanks very much for the proclamation, we appreciate it. Thomberry/Your welcome. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #3 Page 4 ITEM NO. 3. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. Vanderhoef/Move adoption. Champion/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by Champion. Discussion. Roll call. Kubby/Can we make some. Norton/Well Dean before you, excuse me. Before you go to roll call I just wanted to mention that the public discussion on the deer management plan that's scheduled for August 24, our next session. I'm sure there are lots of people who want to express their views about the deer management plan. And we certainly hear from a lot of people on the deer line. But I think it should be called to their attention it would be an opportunity for public discussion of the plan for this winter. Thomberry/Another couple of notable items. The Chauncey Swan Fountain Project is on there and the resolution accepting the dedication of Outlot B to the city has platted in Windsor Ridge which will be a new park for Iowa City. Vanderhoef/And trails. Thomberry/And trails. Karr/Mr. Mayor we also set a public hearing added late to your agenda to the soccer field sanitary sewer project for August 24 also. Thomberry/OK. Further discussion. Roll call. This is the end of the consent calendar. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. Page 5 ITEM NO. 4. PUBLIC DISCUSSION (ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA). (UNTIL 8 PM) Thornberry/And time for public discussion for items not on the agenda and if you would like to address the council on items not on the agenda please come forward now, and limit your comments to five minutes or less please Deborah Schoenfelder/Hello my name is Deborah Schoenfelder I am a member of the Senior Center Commission and I 'm here to report on their behalf from the July 20th meeting. As the Iowa Avenue Parking Facility we're continuing our discussion of support for a sky walk connecting the parking facility and the Senior Center. We have a list of action statements that were generated at a retreat held in March of this year that we're going to continue to keep in front of us to keep us on task and help us evaluate our work as a Commission and Senior Center. We have another retreat scheduled for January of 2000 and this will be a good time for us to review those action statements and update those as needed. Third, plans are underway for the Senior Center to become accredited by the National Institute of Senior Centers, National Accreditation Board. This will begin with a self-study followed by an on-site peer review. I think this is a real step forward for the Senior Center it helps us to see that we're complying with national standards and also helps us with funding efforts as we go forward. Bids have been received for a sprinkler system and tile replacement at the Senior Center and I believe they'll be presented this evening. You'll be hearing more about that that. We've been working for a few months on furniture and redecoration project on those plans and that's to begin soon, that will be in the lobby, the mezzanine, and the ground floor. And as usual there's lots of activities and programs events planned for August at the Senior Center just a couple I'd like to highlight. There's going to be activities and programs to celebrate Herbert Hoover's 1251h Birthday in mid- August and then several activities which you also heard some about already on Irving B. Weber Day Saturday August 14. So please look for those events in the Post as well as the local newspapers. And that's the end of my report this evening. Thank you. Thornberry/Thank you Deborah. Jerry Feick/My name is Jerry Feick I live in Coralville. On July 261h I made written request to the City Clerk and she transmitted that request to the City Attorney' s office. The request stated requesting to speak on separate agenda item not public discussion in reference to public health issues within the city limits. It further states that I request for enforcement of city ordinance and/or Iowa Code Sections and review as applicable. Pretty generic request, doesn't really give you a clue of what it's about but I don't know that that's necessary. But I received a response This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. Page 6 from the City Attomey's office that the in this case the acting mayor refused the request. Could I ask why? Thomberry/This request was requested of me last night after. Feick/I filed it timely. I can't help what the city clerk's office does or the city attorney but I'll accept the situation that at least you didn't receive it timely. I think according to the ordinance it was timely. Do you have an opinion as to when we can have the matter put on the agenda? Thornberry/Not at this time Jerry. Feick/Well when could you give me a response either orally or in writing? Thornberry/We'll discuss it as a council. Feick/When? Oh to decide when? Thornberry/At our next meeting. Feick/And so then you'll get back to me in writing or? Thornberry/Jerry if you don't let me finish answering the question I'm not going to answer anymore. I haven't been able to answer one of your questions yet you've been interrupting me. Feick/Well any question that you want to answer answer I'd like to know when can we talk on the agenda. Thornberry/We will discuss your request at the next informal council meeting. Feick/And? Are we going to have a decision whether it can be put on the agenda? Thornberry/That I don't know Jerry we'll have to discuss it. Feick/You know Billy Meardon used to have a former attorney in town now deceased used to have a favorite saying, "How would you like to made star of the show"? Do you want to go to phase 2 on this? Thornberry/I'm not here to debate you right now Jerry. Feick/I'll take that as a yes. Thank you for your time. Thomberry/Your welcome. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. Page 7 Holly Berkowitz/I'm Holly Berkowitz, 612 Granada Court. I'd like to continue this discussion I, my ears perked up when I heard public health. And then I wasn't satisfied with your responses Dean because it involves public health we're in a public forum we deserve to know what it's about. And it goes back to last year or a couple years ago when you said that our primary goal is private rights it property owners have to know have to have to be able to do what they want with their land. And my question is what about the public rights? What about the balance of the budget' s outside of simple cash flow the balance of the one year? What about the public' s fear 20 years down the road, 70 years down the road. I'm not satisfied with with stonewalling for to hide public issues. I want to know everything out in the open because this is a public forum for a public city and a public state and a public nation and we can't afford to have privatizing rights running over public rights and counting only cash. Do you have a response? Thomberry/I, what was said Holly was neither the acting mayor or the city council has had an opportunity to address any of the previous concerns. Berkowitz/OK. Thomberry/When we have an opportunity we will do that and get back to it but not having any preparation it's really difficult to respond. Berkowitz/OK. I just want to be sure that in the next year, especially with Y2K concerns that we don't put things under the rug because that' s no way to clean house. Thornberry/Holly we're not trying to hide anything, we haven't discussed the request at all. The other council members don't know what this is about and we will bring it up and discuss it at the work session. We're not hiding anything we just haven't had a chance to discuss it and the work sessions are open meetings. Your welcome to come to the next meeting which is the 23rd of August. Berkowitz/OK. Thornberry/Is our next work session scheduled? Berkowitz/OK super. Thornberry/OK. Berkowitz/Could you tell me what the city is doing as far as Y2K how's that coming? Thornberry/I don't know Mr. Norton is on top of that and (can't hear). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #4 Page 8 Norton/I would say Kevin O'Malley and he'll give you a briefing in writing and verbally, he's got materials he can give you and he can explain quite adequately. Berkowitz/Are you satisfied? Norton/I think I'm, we have been briefed several times and I am satisfied that we're prepared yea. Kubby/In looking at one of the major systems for public health looking at our water plant, our sewer plant, getting in contact with some our big vendors like our electrical company which also will affect all businesses and residences I think I feel that you can never guarantee anything but you can say that you have a system and a back-up system and I think we have that for those major systems. Berkowitz/Good. You know I always I'd been putting this off for quite a long time because I thought that it was a battle of the right wing religious fundamentalists. But I know complex systems enough to know that there's a domino affect that can affect a lot of people and one of the concerns of someone that I read about was that a community set up a plan for a like a lodge or gym or something where there are basic necessities so that if something did happen we wouldn't have to worry about it so we could just, you know you have a committee together to to put have an emergency shelter and so on and I think we need to get out and talk about. Kubby/There' s a community group that's been meeting but I don't know when their next meeting is but you could call Theresa Carberry at New Pioneer Coop and she's been kind of helping put those meetings together, the city staff has been attending those meetings to offer and also as a resource information. Berkowitz/And I think that you know that some of the concerns are serious enough that we need to get it out on the public table and discuss it and I appreciate your time. Thornberry/Thank you Holly. Berk0witz/And remember to count the whole count more than cash because it's balance nature you have to count more than cash, there's only a very small fraction of nature's flow's. Thornberry/Thank you Holly. Kubby/Thank you Holly. Norton/You know Dean I might add to that regard it might be desirable I know that a number of communities have done this is to have a briefing about where we this fall sometime early this fall about where we stand on so that it's not just one This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #4 Page 9 having to tell each person but having an opportunity for people to ask questions and I'm sure Kevin and his people would be happy to do that. Thornberry/Yea they would. Norton/At some point early this fall and possibly again later to reassure people. I think you have to be careful a lot of people have overreacted in my personal judgment to this whole issue but I think it will be a pretty normal New Years Eve. Thornberry/Yes Jerry. Feick/ Since my written request and oral statements tonight thus far tonight didn't give you any clue as to what I really actually want to talk about. Public health is a broad spectrum request. I'm going to give you a clue. One of your council members stated to me the other day and their sitting here tonight I'm not going to identify them. That the gay people of this community needed a place to go to have public sex and nothing would be done about it. That is a clear outright violation of Iowa Law and I think possibly might be interpreted by a court as accessory to manslaughter. You might consider that in your discussions. Your police department for several years have complained have repeatedly refused to do anything which in what could only be tumed of obstruction. They made their discussions, those of you who know me know I'm a very patient person. And I love to just of kind of stick around and let people make themselves star of the show. I think during my just previous conversation the public hearing that's tonight will be able to detect which person made the statement because of their reaction. I have a tape recording of the conversation. Your interest though should be the public health and the state law. It may take for you to hire a special prosecutor because the county attorney himself Mr. White has consistently refused to do anything about it. O'Donnell/Jerry you were answered once that we don't have any idea, we've not read your letter, we told you once that (can't hear). Feick/I'm, read to you, your request about reading the letter is moot because I read you the request. Now I've gone into further explanation. O'Donnell/Well I'm not going to debate it with you we will discuss this as a council and (can't hear). Feick/Well I'm not going to settle this time like the Board of Supervisors did and the Coralville City Council after 6-7 meetings of even their police chief obstructing justice and claiming that their was no sexual activity going on at the Coralville Adult Book Store. That is an absolute lie. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #4 Page 10 Champion/Jerry you enjoy talking about this much too much and if your continue to carry on at this meeting I'd just like to leave and let me know when your done. Feick/You can leave whenever you want to. Champion/Are you done now? O'Donnell/I think you are. Thornberry/Thank you Jerry, is there. Feick/The next election, Miss. Champion the next election will be humorous. Champion/Good. Thornberry/Is there anybody else who would like to speak to public discussion on items not on the agenda? If not we'll move onto Item 5 which are Planning and Zoning Matters. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5 Page 11 ITEM NO. 5. PLANNING AND ZONING MATTERS. a. CONSIDER A MOTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR AUGUST 24 ON AN ORDINANCE CONDITIONALLY CHANGING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM MEDIUM DENSITY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS-8) TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT HOUSING OVERLAY (OPDH-8), AND APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT HOUSING OVERLAY PLAN FOR 24 TOWNHOUSE- STYLE DWELLING UNITS FOR APPROXIMATELY 7.72 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BARRINGTON ROAD AND HUNTINGTON DRIVE. (REZ99-0007) Norton/Move to set the public hearing. O'Donnell/Second. Thomberry/All in favor. All ayes. Motion is whatever carded. I'm new at this folks please bear with me. Kubby/Mr. Mayor if I could for just a second I'm feeling a little distressed about our previous conversation at public discussion. I guess for me a more appropriate answer would be that I don't recall ever getting a request from a member of the public to have a specific item placed on the formal agenda that is not normal council business but if a citizen has a concern about something that's going on in the community a good route to go is to call the police, call the Johnson County Department of Public Health, to call a city council member and explain what your issue is and let us deal with it as soon as possible. Usually requesting an item on a formal agenda doesn't seem like the fastest route to get action from a body such as this and that that's how Mr. Feick chose to deal with it and that may be his choice and I just as much as we not have chosen that ourselves for fast action from a govemment body I still think we need to be respectful. O'Donnell/And I thought we were. Norton/Yea that's not the route. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5c Page 12 ITEM NO 5.c. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 6, ZONING, BY ADDING A DEFINITION OF "ADULT BUSINESS" AND CHANGING SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS BETWEEN ADULT BUSINESSES AND OTHER USES. (FIRST CONSIDERATION) Vanderhoef/Move for first consideration. Norton/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by Norton. Discussion. Kubby/So we're doing two things with this ordinance. This is to help remind me exactly what we're doing. One is to clarify what "adult business" means and secondly to the separation requirement is that an adult business must be separated by 500 feet from anyplace where children congregate. Is that correct? Thornberry/That's correct yea. Kubby/Thank you. Thornberry/Any further discussion? Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5d(2) Page 13 ITEM NO. 5d(2). AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 6, ZONING, TO ALLOW OFF-STREET PARKING ON A SEPARATE LOT IN A DIFFERENT ZONE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Norton/Move adoption of the ordinance. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion. Norton/Well I just want to say I think this issue has been kicking around now for quite a while and I want to be sure that we understand that it's not, it happens to apply to the Oaknoll situation but it also applies to some others. At least one other presently before us and it may apply to other situations and we've we and the P & Z I think have concerns that it might open a precedence that we didn't want but we've explored the many possibilities we can to see whether there might be bad things connected with this move and I don't think there are. I'm convinced we should go ahead even though I understand the Planning and Zoning a majority of them were concerned at that time but I think we need to go ahead and get the thing in place and hopefully it won't cause any problems. Vanderhoef/Well I think we have the added protection shall we say in that all of these are done by exception. So it isn't a hard and fast that each individual case will be looked at separately. Kubby/Yea I still feel a little uncomfortable about this kind of on a philosophical level that it's not the best way to approach something. But we can't find another way to do something in that in these cases we thought that make sense practical sense to do and so I'm OK with doing this because of that added protection of the special exception and making sure that there are neighborhood compatibility issues that will be addressed if any of these situations are approved by the Board of Adjustment. Vanderhoef/One of the other things that is in this is that this is for existing businesses right now. And for me it was real important to see the some of our standards have changed for instance, forcing a housing since the time that this was built. And we had a little discussion last night that we were going to look at what our housing or what our parking needs, excuse me, are for senior housing because they may need to have their own description rather than using the rules that they fell under previously. Norton/I'm correct am I not in thinking this permits parking in these situations not just required parking but desired parking. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5d(2) Page 14 Kubby/Only only extra parking. Champion/Only. Norton/Oh extra parking not, doesn't affect the required parking but still be on the (can't hear) but this would extra parking yea. Champion/I think sometimes you have to find a way to meet the needs of people in the community and I think this is what we're doing with this ordinance and I'm real happy with it. Thornberry/And the seniors are getting now. Champion/They sure are. Thomberry/Yogi (can't hear). OK further discussion. Roll call. Motion's adopted. Norton/First reading. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5h Page 15 ITEM 5h. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SCOTT BOULEVARD EAST, PART 4, A 7.36 ACRE, 15-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOCATED EAST OF SCOTT BOULEVARD AT WASHINGTON STREET (SUB99-0015) Kubby/Move to defer to August 241h. Norton/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Kubby, seconded by Norton to defer to August 241h. All in favor. All ayes. Kubby/I can't remember why we're deferring. I just remember there was a request. Eleanor Dilkes/Waiting for Parks and Rec. recommendation on open space. Kubby/There's some open space issues that Park and Rec. need to recommend to us before we can vote. Thank you. And that's true for the next item as well. Thornberry/Yes. So it's going to be deferred to August 241h. And Item I same thing. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #5k Page 16 ITEM NO. 5k. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAN OF GALWAY HILLS, PART SIX, A 4.82 ACRE, 13-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT MELROSE AVENUE WEST AND THE SOUTH SIDE OF KEARNEY LANE (REZ99-0018) Norton/Move adoption of the resolution. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion. Norton/How many more parts oftMs are there? Is this? Is this finished, how do we know? Karin Franklin/There are many parts left. I don't know how many but this isn't the end of it. We have to go all the way down to the creek south. Norton/So this is just the part west of that senior development west of West High? Franklin/Right, right. Thomberry/Any other discussion? Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #6 Page 17 ITEM NO. 6. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERSIDE FESTIVAL STAGE IN CITY PARK, ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID, DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. Norton/Move adoption of the resolution. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by Vanderhoef. Norton/This is a, this is a interesting one to say the least because we started with an estimate of $120,000 for the city to share this and we're now estimating $340,000 so there's been milders let's say but we discussed it at some length and decided it would be appropriate. It's really interesting and we think very desirable project for the city and we know it's going to involve some decisions to come up with the financing but we think we ought to proceed to do it properly and not do it in some grossly scaled down version but to do it properly, we're not guilding the Lilly but we want to do it right. Champion/Well we're also going to look at some grants and some other ways of helping to pay for this project. Norton/Yea we are looking for, we are looking for money. Champion/We're looking for money folks. Vanderhoef/Well we have a charitable foundation through the Parks and Recreation Commission and I'll just advertise this and if you want to make a girl to the city for the capitol building of the Shakespeare Theater we can take your money. Thornberry/I think it will be a good addition for the city and I sure would like to see people get behind this and support it and unload the pocketbook. Vanderhoef/It's the same way that some other things happened like the Scanlon Gym that there were a lot of donations put out for a good public purpose. Norton/We should be clear that it's not just for Shakespeare and plays, and not just for Riverside Theater it's a there it will be used for one month a year I understand it for a while on priority basis by Riverside Theater for a Shakespearean production This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #6 Page 18 but otherwise it's available for all kinds of activities and presentations. By any group in the community so we're looking at it as a real serious community resource. Kubby/So it's not only an art's and cultural expenditure and investment, it's an economic development investment and that we hope that things will happen and it will bring people into town to come view the Shakespeare Festival but also kind of a public service to have another community space that maybe is not your normal four walls space from which people can have receptions or a wedding, or some kind of community event for the general public. Thornberry/Further discussion. Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #7 Page 19 ITEM NO. 7. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE OAKLAND CEMETERY PHASE ONE EXPANSION PROJECT, ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID, DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. Thomberry/This is a public hearing. Public hearing is open. Holly Berkowitz/Holly Berkowitz again. Oakland Cemetery is situated immediately next to Hickory Hill. O'Donnell/Holly I can't hear you. Berkowitz/The cemetery is immediately next to adjacent to Hickory Hill Park. And it's going to be expanded east and I don't understand how it's going to be taking out trees with the eastward extension. Thomberry/Terry can explain the expansion very very well, he's very knowledgeable of the extension. He can explain how many trees and where it's going to be Holly. Terry Trueblood/Pressures on isn't it? Thomberry/Your welcome. Trueblood/Actually yes it is expanding to the east on what has always been thought of as Hickory Hill Park property but in fact has been cemetery property as you know that was purchased back in 1919 for cemetery purposes. We're going to be going into what has been used as park area about 4 acres I believe it is and yes we will be removing a lot of trees. There's just no way that you can put the number of cemetery lots in there that are needed without moving a lot of the trees. We're going to save what we can but most of the trees will be gone and there will be quite a bit of landscaping that goes back into the plan itself. About 2700 burial lots including the cremation lots and the columbariums will be going in there. Thornberry/OK. Norton/We should explain to Holly, that's fight come on out. I was just going to speak to you there. The long history to this process of by which we identified that this land had originally been purchased with agreement that it be cemetery it had been gradually been converted to park land by various means or at least park land use and when it was explored by their heirs about their wishes because a lot of people wanted to see it fully park it was a compromise reach to take certain proportion of This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #7 Page 20 this a second growth I think most of the second growth timber that your talking about on that ridge there. So it was a compromise to accommodate growth of the cemetery recognize the historical character of the arrangement by which the city came to have this property and so it is a compromise that not everybody was happy with but it was a compromise that we reached after a great deal of discussion with Park & Rec. and interested people in the community so. Berkowitz/How much would it cost to buy the land to preserve it as is? Thomberry/Well part of that land it was originally dedicated to the city for cemetery by the family that owned the property. They're not willing to sell that property. They've already dedicated it to the city for cemetery property only. They agreed to release some of the land for park and use the other part for cemetery so it's not. Norton/It's a compromise. Thomberry/It is a compromise and there's no buying or selling of that land it's already been deeded and dedicated to the city but the family said that it had to be had to remain cemetery property only and they wouldn't do anything else with it. They consented to give us some of it for park land and others for the cemetery. Berkowitz/What I'm offering is to have a group who specializes in purchasing this kind of land because this land is a sanctuary. Champion/It's also a cemetery. Berkowitz/For the living. This is a sanctuary for the living and it's a very previous sanctuary as you've seen in the public hearing it's for Hickory Hill and First Avenue and I want to invite anyone to donate money I mean this is a cash this is, we're talking cash here and we're talking more than cash. And I want to see a fund established to protect this land because it's very special. You are very very lucky to have land like this so close to so many people and so many who need that kind of land and again we come into the balance of public rights and private rights and the whole dynamics of that. And can you tell me at this time can you please request from the family again to please state their price what they would sell it for. Vanderhoef/We own it. Kubby/Yea the city owns it. Thornberry/It's dedicated to the city with the stipulation that it would be cemetery property period period. There' s no buying or selling or anything else, the city owns it as dedicated deeded to the city by the people who used to own it many many years ago. And the family Holly it's all done it's city property and it's got This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #7 Page 21 to be used for cemetery property and the cemetery needs that that land for the people who would like to be buried in that cemetery. O'Donnell/It should be pointed out also Terry you said approximately 2,700 lots and what time period is the 2,700 lots suppose to last Iowa City? Trueblood/Based on recent history of lot sales, that should last us about 50 years. O'Donnell/50 years. Trueblood/Yea plus or minus. O'Donnell/So this is something that will not come up again for another 50 years so. Trueblood/Maybe 48 or so. O'Donnell/48 years. We are taking 4 acres and going to expand the cemetery which is needed and there's a balance of 36 acres which the parks can use unobstructed for another 50 years. Norton/Well isn't there another phase though isn't this just the first phase that takes 4 acre? Trueblood/The plan is a 5 phase approach but phase number 2 may not occur for another 50 years. Norton/And even phase 2 would take how much property? Trueblood/40. Norton/Of the balance that was originally being used for park and was originally in the deed? Trueblood/Another 4 or 5 acres to point. Norton/So I think overall the worst would be that there would be maybe 10 acres of what was being used as park turned back to the cemetery purpose that it was originally specified for and the rest of it would be. That is the steeper ravines and all the rest of that to the east would be preserved as part of the park so this has been made out there are very elaborate reports and consultant studies about how to do this and how to balance the concerns here for maintaining any available spaces in the cemetery and balancing that off against our need for preserving the park which we certainly interested in doing so I think it's a good compromise. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #7 Page 22 Trueblood/I know your all aware of it because of all the meetings that this was brought up at but just to for other peoples information the Galoucher property was 40 acres, cemetery land and the consultant we've been working with has stated that we can maybe use about 10-12 acres of that for actual cemetery development. So out of that 40 acres a lot of that will not be touched for cemetery purposes at least not under this plan now whatever council is sitting up there 50 years from now may have a different plan. Champion/We might still be here. Thornberry/It's a (can't hear). Trueblood/But I won't be. Vanderhoef/Yea I probably won't be either. Champion/Move adoption of the resolution. O'Donnell/Second. Thornberry/Thank you Connie. Moved by Champion, seconded by O'Donnell. Any more? Kubby/Yea I had a few things I wanted to say cause I shared some of that same concern about taking what has been used as park land for cemetery and in the hopes of cause I think it's an important public policy to have a public cemetery. And there are lots of reasons for that but I was hoping that we would move more quickly on having a Hickory Hill West to have that same kind of sanctuary and wild place for people to go and wildlife to have a place on the west side and that we could kind of replicate the cemetery wild. (END OF 99-81 SIDE 1) Kubby/Addition of public cemetery, excuse me, public cemetery. But when I when we were talking about this a year and a half ago I really spent a lot of time at Oakland Cemetery and was very surprised, I'm an Army Brat and so I don't have a hometown so I don't have family burial plots in one place or another. And found I was very surprised on how emotional I was about the importance of Oakland Cemetery to the history. Those are my ancestors. I am a Iowa Citian now I've been here over 20 years and for an Arm Brat that's roots and Oakland Cemetery is a very important part our history and I may want to be buried there and if we don't do something there' s not going to be a place for some of us who want to be in a public cemetery or have to be in a public cemetery to be buried and so I support this phase 1 of the project and hope that people who want to work on This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #7 Page 23 having more space like Hickory Hill will ask us to work more quickly about a Hickory Hill West. There's beautiful land on the west side of town and before it becomes developed before we put 965 through that will increase the value of that land we should be purchasing and planning for a Hickory Hill West so I'm going to support this. Thomberry/Good. Further discussion. Roll Call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #8b Page 24 ITEM NO. 8b. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IOWA CITY TRANSIT FACILITY METHANE ABATEMENT PROJECT, PHASE I, ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID, DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF PRE QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS AND BIDS. Norton/Move adoption of resolution. O'Donnell/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion. Kubby/I have a question, what's a pre qualification statement? Meaning that there are. Thornberry/Eleanor knows. Kubby/Profess, they under, oh Dan's here. Thornberry/Dan's here, Dan knows. Kubby/That folks who 're put in a bid have to meet some certain criteria cause this is specialized work? Dan Scott/Well this is federally funded so there are requirements that the contractors have to meet. Kubby/Does that mean they have to be licensed with the state and they have, certain things like that? Scott/They have to have experience in this type of work and they have to yea that's basically what the qualifications thing is. Kubby/OK. O'Donnell/And it should be said that 80 percent of this is going to be funded by the federal transit transportation. Scott/Yes. Norton/Are we going to use the methane or you still don't know, what are you going to do with it? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #8b Page 25 Scott/For this site we have no plans to use the gas. Norton/Just turn it off. Scott/Yea we're going to treat it and release it. Thornberry/Could have an eternal flame I guess. Norton/Well we have for a while. But I just take it as not enough to or at least as you estimated not enough to be used for some other purpose. Scott/That's correct, the quantity isn't there. Norton/Well it's still creating. Will you get to a point of equilibrium and you'll have to leave this in there and because methane is still being produced? Scott/We're right at the tail end of this like this site is pretty old so over time the quantity will become even less so the need will be less and less in the future. Norton/But how long does this system stay in place and how long is it expected to work the system being put in? It would work if more methane were happen turn out to be created than you thought? Scott/That's true, it'll handle whatever quantity we actually come up with and it'll last as long as it needs to be there, we just don't see the need as being very long term. Vanderhoef/What is your expectation the length of time that the system will continue to work? Scott/That's a tough one. Thornberry/That's the $125,000 question. Vanderhoef/Since we had one that did not work or failed to work for a considerable time I. Scott/Oh the system that's in place now? Vanderhoef/Yea. Scott/Oh OK. The way this system is designed it will work. No matter what problems we encounter, it will work, we've made sure of that, we've learned from the past. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #8b Page 26 Kubby/You mean if the building shifts or whatever. Vanderhoef/The settling and so forth. Kubby/Right. But the system can accommodate the problems that we've observed in the past on that site? Scott/Yes. It has a number of backup systems in place so it will work no matter what happens no matter what the ground shifting is, no matter what the water conditions in the soil are, it will work and to answer your question about the lifetime it's it should be very significant I mean the materials that we're putting in place should last at least 50 years I mean it's it is a long-term design. Vanderhoef/OK. Thank you. Norton/When this goes into effect will the actual will the measurable volume of methane or presence of methane in the workspace be noticeably different or is it7 Scott/Oh absolutely. Norton/And is that monitored constantly now? Scott/Yes it is, I think they monitor monthly now. Norton/So to keep it below health hazard levels I take it. Scott/Yes. Thornberry/Any additional discussion. Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #9 Page 27 ITEM NO. 9. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1999 HIGHWAY TURN LANE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. Norton/Move adoption. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion. Turn lanes, Highway 6, First Avenue. Vanderhoef/They're due, long overdue. Norton/How much longer will that First Avenue the one that left offof the highway onto First Avenue, how much longer will it be that the cue take, how many cars? Atkins/(can't hear). O'Donnell/Good question. Vanderhoef/It holds about 11 now. Norton/Here he comes. Vanderhoef/Your lucky if you get all 11 through the night. Norton/How many more will you accommodate? Scott/Oh dear, that's a good question, I'm going to have to get back to you on that one. I haven't done a design of this project. Norton/Is it like double the number well you don't know for sure, but it's considerable longer than it is now cause it stops up a lot now, fight? Scott/Right fight but I don't know the additional capacity I'll have to get back to you. Thornberry/The turn lanes at First Avenue on Highway 6 and what Sunset on Highway 1. Norton/On Highway 1 turning onto Sunset westbound. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #9 Page 28 Thornberry/That will be done when? When is that project to start? Scott/We're going to try to do that this fall. Thornberry/Fantastic. Norton/People have already invented one at Sunset. Thornberry/Oh they have, they have, yes they have. Thank you. Any additional discussion. Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #11 Page 29 ITEM NO. 11. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 99-57 AND APPROVING A CALL TO ARTISTS FOR SCULPTURES IN THE DOWNTOWN PEDESTRIAN MALL. Kubby/Move adoption of the resolution. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Kubby, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion. Vanderhoef/I'd just like to say that I appreciate the work that this committee and for their diligence in looking for the previous call and the number of submissions and deeming that none of them were appropriate fit for Iowa City sculpture and were willing to decline all of those and go out for bids again. Thomberry/To clarify there are 5 sculpture pads on the downtown pedestrian mall plaza area that were built for sculptures of some kind and as Dee mentioned on the first call to artists they didn't, they apparently like all of them and so they're going out for another call for different pieces to put in that area. Norton/Well I guess I want to ask, doesn't aren't you going to kind of commission things now? Didn't you find that artists aren't sitting around with suitable sculptures on the shelf as they were so are you have, are you going to help, how do you? Karin Franklin/The first call was for works that exist which we found sculptures did not have inventories and so this call will go out that it can be either an existing piece or it can be commissioned. And when we get the responses in December we'll see what we have. Norton/How does the, when does the commissioning happen? After you get a response of interest? Franklin/Yes. Well let's assume we get a 100 entries. Norton/OK. Kubby/Go for it. Franklin/Just why not. We'll narrow that down, we've got 5 pads and so we would want to narrow that down to probably no more than 15 and at that point we would look at whether we were looking at existing pieces or we're looking at commissioning This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #11 Page 30 and we would then be selecting either an existing piece or we would be selecting an artist in which we would actually commission a piece and there would be a time lag there where we may have a number of people competing for a commission and they would do models of a possible sculpture that would be in a particular location and then the selection would be made from those models. Norton/So the commission would be based, the decision to give somebody a commission would be based on examples of their work or descriptions of their work or something like that. Franklin/Yes. That would be the first stage and then the second stage is for them to actually propose something for a particular site and the pads are all in different places and so you would want to have things that were appropriate for the specific pads. Vanderhoef/Karin when you say something for a specific site, is the commission looking at rotating any of their sculpture in future years? Franklin/No, initially there was some discussion about having this being a mix of permanent pieces and a rotating sculpture exhibit. And the decision was to go for these 5 pads because they are in the pedestrian mall and the ability to bring sculptures in and out is is more cumbersome than if it's along a street fight-of- way where you can get a truck in quite easily. If there's going to be a rotating sculpture exhibit it is likely to be on a couple of places on Iowa Avenue when we do the Iowa Avenue Streetscape project that's one of the possibilities there because we'll have easy access for placement of those sculptures just as Cedar Rapids with sculptures does on Second. So this particular call it's for permanent installations on the pedestrian mall. Thornberry/Any additional discussion? Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #12 Page 31 ITEM NO. 12. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA AND TBE FOLLOWING AGENCIES FOR AID TO AGENCY FUNDING BY THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, IOWA AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST THE SAME: BIG BROTHER/BIG SISTER ($38,150); CRISIS CENTER ($38,672); DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROGRAM ($51,673); EMERGENCY HOUSING PROJECT ($9,225); FREE MEDICAL CLINIC ($5,985); HAWKEYE AREA COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM ($7,850); IOWA CENTER FOR AIDS RESOURCES AND EDUCATION ($10,250); MAYOR'S YOUTH EMPLOYMENT ($40,450); NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS OF JOHNSON COUNTY ($57,836); RAPE VICTIM ADVOCACY PROGRAM ($13,500); AMERICAN RED CROSS ($5,155); AND UNITED ACTION FOR YOUTH ($43,577). Vanderhoef/Move adoption of the resolution. O'DonnelF Second. Thornberry/Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion. Kubby/It feels really weird that I don't have a conflict of interest with any of these agencies fight now I'm not on anybody's board so it feels kind of weird. Thornberry/I want to thank Karen and Cormie for being on this committee and it's quite a, I was on it for three years and with Karen and I learned a lot and I'm sure Connie you did with this and it was really tough staying under budget because you went over the budget. Champion/We didn't go over that much. Thornberry/Any further discussion? Champion/We went over just what we thought we could push all of you. Thornberry/You did. Kubby/And we focused that money beyond what the city manager had recommended on youth services because we thought that was a really important place to focus some money fight now and can for societies history and our community. Vanderhoef/I think it's nationally it is the wish of the National League of Cities President this year he is pushing nothing but youth activity and support for youth program. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #12 Page 32 Thornberry/Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #14 Page 33 ITEM NO. 14. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO SIGN AND CITY CLERK TO ATTEST CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE IOWA CITY SENIOR CENTER SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND CEILING INSTALLATION PROJECT. Thomberry/The architects estimate on this is, is this base bid Alt. A, Alt. B? Steve help me with this on Item 14. Are we doing base bid Alt. A and B? Steve Atkins/Yes. We are recommending base bid and both altemates from McComas Lacina Construction in the amount of $228,211. The architects estimate is, oh I don't have my calculator in front of me. Thomberry/$206,721, $2,850, and $2,850. Atkins/I'm sorry we did not put the total down for you. Thornberry/What did he say Dale? I don't know. Dale Helling/He's sorry we didn't put the total down for you. Thomberry/But McComas Lacina was low bidder. Kubby/What are the alternates? Linda Kopping/One of the alternates is for in the Senior Center it's gone into so many phases of remodeling and there are about three rooms on the second floor that do not have a drop ceiling and it would actually be more cost effective and probably safer in terms of protecting the sprinkler pipes from the elements if we drop the ceiling and put the sprinkler system between the drop ceiling and the existing ceiling and that is one of the estimates. The other estimate is to change out the sprinkler heads on the ground floor, the ones we have now are they hang down pretty low and they we tried at one point to get covers to protect them so they don't get broken off and those are not available and so one of the alternates is for the ceiling tile and the alternate is for the changing the sprinkler heads on the ground floor. Kubby/Will that make it to drop the ceiling in those three rooms will that make it cheaper to heat and cool those spaces? Kopping/Probably it will. Champion/But out of that great big building probably not much. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #14 Page 34 Norton/But they're breaking off nozzles, how does that work? Kopping/We try not to. Norton/I mean is that violent of the Senior Center? Kopping/Not usually, not usually. Jay Honohan/Sometime the pool players get mad. Norton/Oh I see the pool players from cue I get it. Kopping/No it's mostly a problem when you go to move stuff around and like the photography development equipment that we have is tall so we have to negotiate it through the hallways and stuff. Vanderhoef/So tell me does this complete sprinkling this building? Kopping/Yes it does. Vanderhoef/All right, this is the last three rooms and then the change over. Kopping/The sprinkling system the bid for this is on is for those three rooms in addition to the rest of the building. We're doing the sprinkler system on the first floor of the mezzanine and the second floor. Vanderhoef/OK that's what I was trying to figure. Right now it's only on the first floor. Kopping/The ground floor. Vanderhoef/The ground floor. Thomberry/Thank you. Thank you for being here. Atkins/Dean, the architects estimate was $212,000. The bid was $228 and the 7 percent higher than the estimate. Thomberry/(can't hear). (A couple people talking and I can't hear). Norton/Than our recent history. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #14 Page 35 Atkins/Yes. Vanderhoef/And this is an architects. Champion/I move that we accept these bids altemate A and B from McComas Lacina Construction. O'Donnell/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Connie, seconded by O'Donnell. More discussion. Roll call please. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #15 Page 36 ITEM NO. 15. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 99-216 TO REVERSE A PREVIOUS DECISION BY COUNCIL AND ADD THE PORTION OF THE WILLOW CREEK TRAIL BETWEEN BURRY DRIVE AND THE WILLOW CREEK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO THE PHASE It IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Norton/Move adoption of resolution. Kubby/Second. Thomberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by everybody, Vanderhoef and Kubby. Discussion. Kubby/I'm glad we're reconsidering this I think it would not be wise to leave that portion of our trail system in the in it's current condition and the time to do it is now when we have equipment in there and it will be much more cost effective to do and the next item we can talk a little bit more about what the improvements will be to that but I'm glad we're reconsidering this and hope that we have full support. O'Donnell/Well. Thornberry/This Item 15 is amending the resolution that we've already adopted and the next item will be on the trail itself. O'Donnell/I am not going to support this. I have a philosophical difference. I believe this is a neighborhood access to a park, I think the distinction is clear between the neighborhood access and our trial system. We've got a 10 foot trail in there and we're looking at making this one 8 foot. And my first option is to leave this trail as it is. This is a neighborhood access not a trail. Thomberry/As we discussed last night, it is currently 4 feet and we talked about increasing the size to 5 feet. Terry's got an update on our 5 foot trail. Norton/Oh. Thornberry/That Terry if you'd like to present this at this time. Before we vote on this Item 15. Champion/Well this is just the resolution so we can (can't hear). Thornberry/Right, right. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #15 Page 37 Champion/We should vote on that and get that out of the way. O'Donnell/Yea, this is just voicing an opinion. Thomberry/Well we can do that, stay right there. It's been moved and seconded on Item 15 we can have more discussion on Item 16. Champion/Right. Kubby/Well I guess I wanted to comment on what Mike said that I think it's unclear amongst us about what a neighborhood trail means because for me what a neighborhood access to the park, neighborhood access to other neighborhoods a neighborhood access to the major trail system is part of the trail system. And that it doesn't mean that we expect people to go and park on Burry and use that trail to get to the major trail, that wouldn't make sense for most people to do. That's not what we're facilitating happening by doing something here. We're trying to it is very clear that the trail of according to Parks and Rec. is in a condition that it's not worth putting more money and rehabbing it and when you get to that point with city infrastructure which this neighborhood trail is you redo it you reconstruct it and that's what we're wanting to do and so whether we call it a neighborhood trail or part of the trail system, it's a path that many kinds of users from the neighborhood use and maybe some people from out of the neighborhood because it's a public space, it's a public right-of-way for the public to use. So I don't know that it is clear what we mean amongst ourselves and so. Norton/No. O'Donnell/It definitely isn't. Kubby/This is part of our city infrastructure just like we have local streets and we have arterial streets, this is a local trail that connects to a major trail that gets you all over town so, I think we need to have some more discussion about what those things mean and how we're going to support them and talk about them and deal with them. Thornberry/What I'd like to do is get through Item 15 and have more discussion on Item 16. Norton/OK. Sounds good. Thornberry/Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 38 ITEM NO. 16. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO SIGN AND CITY CLERK TO ATTEST CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WILLOW CREEK TRAIL PHASE II IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Norton/Move adoption of the resolution. Kubby/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Norton, seconded by Vanderhoef. Now we have discussion. Terry would you explain as you did last night to us the different, you don't have your map but the different, you do have your map, please. Because there are three phases to this, this thing and there's been a change since last night that Terry's going to explain to us tonight that may or may not change how the council feels about the trail. Terry Trueblood/I'm not sure how you want to hold these. Kubby/Maybe you could explain it to us and. Thomberry/Usually, probably up. Kubby/Well so the public the audience is here and the general public maybe after we understand what' s going on then you can turn around and point at another direction. Thornberry/There was a phase about the sidewalk. Trueblood/OK the I'm sorry. Thomberry/There was a phase about the sidewalk that. Trueblood/Right. We had the base bid was initiating the trail at the end of Willow Creek Trail Phase I which is over on Mormon Trek Boulevard. Widen the sidewalks on the east side, west side of Mormon Trek Boulevard down to the intersection with Benton Street at the light for crossing, widen the sidewalk on the south side of Benton Street to 8 feet to the point where the main body of the trail would take off through Willow Creek Park in a southerly direction and go all the way to Willow Creek Drive and that main trail would be 10 feet wide, that was the base bid. One alternate was to continue the widening of the Benton Street sidewalk all the way over to Teg so that there would be an eight foot sidewalk coming from both directions to tie into the trail. That what we've referred to is Alternate 1 we hadn't made that a part of the base bid originally because we didn't know if we could afford it but it did come in under budget. Altemate 2 was the trail that there This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 39 was disagreement on amongst the neighborhood as to going from the new bridge that will be put in over Willow Creek within the park near the shelter over to Burry Drive. There is currently a 4-foot wide sidewalk going between two residences on Burry Drive on a 20 foot wide parcel of city property. And then that ties into an old asphalt trail that varies in width from 2 ½ to 3 ½ feet and is in need of repair. There was a quite a bit of disagreement as you know as to whether that needed to be, our proposal was that it would be that that 4 foot sidewalk be removed replaced with a 6 foot wide trail that would widen out to 8 feet once it's by the residences. At last nights council's meeting what your tentative decision was to to not award alternate 1 so we would not do all the widening on Benton Street or that portion between the new trail and Teg Drive and to modify alternate 2 which would be to go ahead and rebuild the trail from Burry Drive over to the new bridge it will be on the creek. But not at a 6 foot widen to 8 foot width but it would be 5 feet in width from Burry all the way over to the bridge. Did you want me to? Thomberry/That's correct. Trueblood/What I did. I talked with the mayor (Pro tem) earlier this aftemoon because we needed to make contact today with our engineers and architects to let them know what it looked like would happen and see if this would be a problem. What we found today was a profound might be a problem. The 5 foot width were told from the asphalting subcontractor is problematic but can be done. The reason being is the machine they use lays asphalt at an 8 foot width but they can put shoes on it in two foot increments so going from an 8 to a 6 foot is easy, going down to a 4 foot is easy, a 5 foot is not easy but it can be done. The general contractor we were not able to contact to find out from him what the problems might be. As I expressed to Dean earlier today rather than delay the whole project based on this we can certainly make sure that that segment is done last and then come back to you to discuss with you what the best option would be at that time. Kubby/Well because we're not, were dealing with a part of the trail for a work change order, I mean we can certainly vote tonight and look at does it, I would not want us to go to a four foot trail and I don't think we could do that legally because it would not ADA requirement and so then it's just an issue as do we do 5 or 6 and what is. Norton/Why don't we just go to 6 and be done with it and stop beating this dead horse and get the trail in at 6 feet ifthat's a convenient size as make a court case over a foot? Thornberry/Well it looks like they can do a 5 foot but the additional labor to do that would offset the savings in material so. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 40 Norton/And the sidewalk had been. Kubby/Cost wise it's the same why not make it. Thornberry/Cost wise cost wise it would be even a wash or maybe a little more because labor' s probably a little more expensive than the material used. Kubby/I mean it would make more sense to me than if the costs were approximately the same to go to the 6 so that we do as much as we can without interfering to allow that multi-use passing to have all that. Vanderhoef/This is my concem right along multi-mode of meeting people and the safety and for walkers going through there that they have plenty of space to stay on the trail as they meet someone. O'Donnell/And keeping in mind the sidewalk in front of the place is 4 foot. Norton/But the sidewalk between them is 6 going to be 6 isn't it? O'Donnell/That' s right but coming off of a 4 foot sidewalk. Norton/But they'll come off the street if they get a curb cut there. Thornberry/Well are our options are do nothing and we could do nothing if it were nothing then it would remain as is with just maybe patches in the asphalt. Norton/But then it's not accessible to everybody and not really fair. Champion/No I've stewed about it, I know I'm the swing vote and I've stewed about this, I've been out there twice. I think the trail is in bad need of repair. I know there are neighbors that offered to fix it, I'm sorry I can't let neighbors fix trails that I'm responsible for. If I hadn't been here I would let you do it because I have been there. But I feel that this trail is in bad need of repair and if we're going to be doing trails over there then the economic time is to do it now. And so I am going to vote for this for doing this I would still like to see it at 5 foot because I think that is adequate. So I would like to see Terry check the cost of a 5 foot versus 6 foot. I am going to support for repairing that trail now. Kubby/Actually the resolution in front of us is for the base trail, the bigger project plus the alternate 2. Champion/Right. I think it, it makes economic sense. Well two years from now having that park in that area tom up again to repair this trail then people are going to be This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 41 saying to me I can't believe you didn't do that two years ago and now your paying these people to go out there again. Kubby/That's fight. Champion/So any decision I make is not going to make everybody happy. But I'm making a decision that I feel is best for the community. Norton/Can we get to the consensus to let the staff go ahead with if 6 is a more reasonable alternative? Kubby/It does. Norton/Let' s can we authorize them to go ahead with 67 Champion/Yes. I don't have a problem (can't hear). Thornberry/Connie's suggestion last night was five feet and I concurred with five feet. Champion/Well I'm still on 5 foot if possible. Thornberry/So Terry your going to? Kubby/So then what' s our direction, do we want staff to bring it back to us or not? Norton/I don't want them to come back here. Champion/I don't want them here. I'm asking him to do it at five feet I mean. Kubby/If it's not feasible then they proceed. Champion/If it's not feasible it can go six. But I would select to see it at five foot which I think is plenty adequate. Kubby/So you have to define feasible Terry. Champion/Well it knows what he's a reasonable person. Norton/Your in trouble either way. Kubby/(can't hear). Trueblood/What did my wife just watching to hear you say that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 42 O'Donnell/What are the ADA requirements Terry what what? Trueblood/Pardon me. O'Donnell/ADA requirements are five feet? Trueblood/Five feet yes. O'Donnell/If we're going to do this I will support the five feet. Champion/Well if we're going to full council support for five foot we should stick with five foot. Norton/We're not going to get (can't hear) consensus. Champion/Yea we got it. Thornberry/I support five feet. Champion/Five feet. O'Donnell/Dee I'm not going to go 12 feet. Norton/No. O'Donnell/This is not a freeway. Norton/This is I remember our discussion the link for the lease for the dogs. (All talking). Champion/I think we're going to get everyone to go five feet. Thornberry/I think I've lost complete control. Champion/No you haven't. Let's call for the vote quickly. Dilkes/Can I just I just want to make sure everyone's clear that in voting tonight in awarding altemate two you're not doing any of that your simply awarding the alternate as bid and then subsequently they'll have to be discussion with the contractor about. Norton/How to get it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 43 Dilkes/What kind of change order we can negotiate to reduce the width. O'Donnell/That's fine as long as it's five feet. Norton/But the (can't hear) is Terry. Does Terry have to go to the wall about to try to battle the five feet or can he just proceed with six, we know that' s handy. Thornberry/Well he's going to I think he's going to get bids to see. Norton/And then come back to us. Thornberry/To see what for five and he'll let us know before the change order goes through I'm sure. Norton/OK. Champion/Cause if he can do five feet if. O'Donnell/I have one more question Terry. The existing sidewalk is four feet fight? Trueblood/Right. O'Donnell/We're going to tear that up to put a five foot down? Treeblood/That' s my understanding of the direction that. O'Donnell/We can't add on foot to it? Trueblood/Pardon me? O'Donnell/We can't add on one foot? Trueblood/I don't believe so, I mean sure it could be done, I don't think it would be very effective. O'Donnell/Well what we were talking about earlier I don't think is either. So we're going to tear up the sidewalk for the five foot? Norton/Six. Champion/Five. O'Donnell/Five. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 44 Kubby/It's asphalt, it's asphalt. Trueblood/Either five or six yea. O'Donnell/I feel sorry for you. Trueblood/Thank you. Norton/Six is a round number. Thornberry/I'm glad there's no further discussion. Roll call. Atkins/Before that Eleanor. Thornberry/There is more discussion. Atkins/Yea just one more, I just want sure Terry understands Terry understands what he has to do. He is to go back and alternate two, we've discussed with the contractor reducing it to five feet, if it appears not to feasible from an economic standpoint he has authorization to put in. Norton/Yes. Atkins/Six feet. Kubby/Yes. Atkins/Is that what your telling us? Norton/Yes. Kubby/Yes. There are four people who are (can't hear). Norton/At least four that want that yea. Champion/Well I did but now but but my concerns if we can get, well it's not important everybody votes for this although I would like to see Dee and Mike vote for this part of the trail. Thornberry/I could, please let me vote for a trail. Champion/OK we're going to let him vote for the trail. Come back to us if it's going to be a lot of money. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 45 O'Donnell/Connie what have you ever seen me not support any trail in Iowa City? Champion/No. Norton/No no no. O'Donnell/OK. Norton/It's just a good difference of opinion. Champion/It's just a good difference of opinion. Atkins/What I want to understand folks I hate to pound away at this. Champion/OK he needs to come back to us with the economic difference. Atkins/Does Terry need to come back to you to seek approval for five feet or six feet? Champion/He'll come back. Atkins/The economic decision will be up to you, or do we authorize the change order on our own? Champion/Dean. Thornberry/Connie. Kubby/I think let staff make the decision. Norton/Let staff make the. Kubby/You know sentiment of staff is five foot if. Thomberry/IfConnie ifConnie really, I think I'd like to see the bid to see what the savings would be for five feet if any. Kubby/This is micro managing. Champion/No it's not. Thornberry/No it's actually not to that extent. I've really pleased I would really want it. Champion/You really want it at five feet. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 46 Thornberry/To support this trail, I really. Kubby/And their direction is to try to make it happen that five foot, that's what you all said. Thornberry/That's correct, that's correct. Norton/If he can't make it happen. Kubby/If it can't happen they don't need to come back to us because it can't happen. Champion/No because if they come back to us and they can't do it at five feet I'm going to vote for six feet. So let's just tell them we want it at five feet at all possible. Thornberry/Our preference is five feet. Kubby/If it can't. Thornberry/If it can't be done at five feet. Kubby/It's six. Champion/Five and a half. Thornberry/Let us know, let us know that it's. When would you know, when would you know (can't hear). (All talking). Trueblood/I would hope we could know that within the next week. Thornberry/OK OK that's fine. Atkins/If you award tonight Terry will meet with the contractor immediately. Champion/Oh good. I move that we pass. Karr/It's already on the. Thornberry/It's already on the. Champion/We already did it. Did we not, we didn't put in B though or A. Kubby/It's in the resolution. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 47 Karr/The resolution. Norton/(Can't hear). Kubby/The resolution has alternate two in (can't hear). Norton/This is just subtle guidance. Atkins/Subtle guidance. Thornberry/Roll call. All ayes. Thank you Terry. Trueblood/And I apologize for complicating your lives I really do. Thornberry/No problem. Kubby/It wasn't you. O'Donnell/It certainly wasn't. Karr/Could we have a motion to accept correspondence7 Kubby/So moved. Vanderhoef/Second. Thornberry/It's been moved by Kubby and seconded by Vanderhoef to accept correspondence, all in favor. Oppose. O'Donnell/We never let any, we never let any public discussion come to the podium on this. Thornberry/There's always public discussion that came before me. O'Donnell/Because Terry was the only one that spoke and I think we have other people that would like to speak on this item. Thornberry/I know but we're on break. Would anybody like to speak to this issue even though we've already voted.'? Norton/Well I see (can't hear). Holly Berkowitz/Thank you thank you very much for your support. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 48 Thomberry/Your welcome Holly. Man/Given the action you took there's no need for us to speak on this one. Thornberry/OK. OK. Sue Clark/I have one thing. Thornberry/Speak. Sue Clark/About changing. Kubby/People can identify themselves. Sue Clark/Oh I'm Sue Clark and I live in the area. I'm concerned about trees and the appearance of it after they get through. I don't want to see a golf course. I want to see some you know bushes and trees and wildlife. (All talking). O'Donnell/Agree with you. Clark/As little as possible OK. Champion/Right. O'Donnell/Right. Kubby/And there are parks like Court, Court Hill Park where neighbors have requested that we don't mow all the way up to the creek bank and that they have done some planting and it's really nice. Thornberry/Yes sir. Fred Dunner/Fred Dunner and I've talked before. Thomberry/Hi Fred. Dunner/And just a couple comments I guess I think five foot which sounds like a compromise we were going to I was going to come up and ask for have it at the existing, we were concerned certainly about an eight foot trail being present and originally we were going to ask you to defer it but you know I see reasons on both sides to kind of look and see I think our concem was just how much the dynamics This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #16 Page 49 was going to change with the additions of the Kiwanis Park and not put in a big thing when you need to do a smaller thing. I do have a petition that I can submit and of neighbors, I think between the association and ourselves we kind of surveyed most of the neighborhood, there's obviously some disagreement as far as size. I don't think very many people wanted an eight foot trail. Some people said of people who signed ours keep it as is. Repair but I think everybody was in agreement to fix it and repair it because it is need of that to certainly do something with the flooding area so. Thomberry/It will remain blacktop. Champion/Yea it wouldn't be. Thornberry/It won't be a cement to one like the 10 foot wide going on the other side. Champion/Right. Dunner/OK. The other thing we wanted to make sure also in front of my house and Toms' that there's a curb cut put in there and also the water valve that's elevated. Champion/Right. Vanderhoef/That's pan of the plan, that's already in there. Thomberry/(can't hear). Dunner/OK I'll give you our petition. Thornberry/OK. Norton/OK. Kubby/We're doing, do we need to vote again? Thomberry/We'll include that in the correspondence. Anybody else like to speak on this before we go on a little break? I'm getting a little dry here. OK Five minutes folks, thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #18 Page 50 ITEM NO. 18. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND SHIVE-HATTERY & ASSOCIATES, TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE U. S. HIGHWAY 6 CORRIDOR SIDEWALK/DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. Kubby/Move adoption of the resolution. Norton/Second. Thornberry/Moved by Kubby, seconded by Norton. Discussion. This is a, this is for Highway 6 by-pass in the south part of town to make it look nice. Vanderhoef/Well and to get rid of all that water. Norton/What does involved more specifically does any can you tell us Steve exactly what roughly what's involved? Atkins/I can give sort of roughly anyone whose familiar with the by-pass knows that there's open ditches along the edge, those will go, those will be enclosed. Norton/So they'll go in a pipe from the. Atkins/Right. Proper storm water given the level of development that's occurred both sides of it are going to have to have sidewalks and it's just really intended to dress up that whole corridor. Norton/Will there be planting along the south side as well? Atkins/I would suspect there would be some plantings but remember it will be somewhat constrained by having piping under the so you have to. Norton/And what about in the median, cause the median there is pretty grizzly? Arkins/My knowledge would be we'll do something as dressing up the median but as far as planting obstructions which is what the state refused. Norton/No bushes. Atkins/I don't think so Dee I can't imagine how we can do that particularly if we're going to encourage pedestrian crossing. There's always that risk. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #18 Page 51 Norton/Well I don't understand that in Califomia they got four lanes and two lanes in there and there's hollyander bushes fight down the middle that separate the medians. Thornberry/They don't have a whole lot of salt in California. Norton/Well I mean you'd have to have some kind of bushes that are. Atkins/You could have resistant bushes. Norton/Some kind of resistant, I can't quite understand that I mean there wouldn't be a hazard. Atkins/Please don't hold me to it all I know is the state will have the final say in anything we do. Norton/But let's push for something in the medians other than dust and dirt. Champion/We could do wildflowers. Norton/Wildflowers fight. Champion/It would be wonderful. Kubby/But you don't want them high so they're not an obstruction so. Atkins/It's been my understanding that any type of construction and something that the state is not (can't hear). Norton/I guess I don't understand the logic because sometimes the visual protection of a hedge that's high enough to keep lights out of your eyes on a four-lane is kind of nice I guess I don't understand where there coming from. Atkins/Well a four-lane limited access road I think is one set of circumstance, remember this is a four-lane road where we're encouraging pedestrian traffic. We're going to put sidewalks in. You've got properties that you know residential that backs up to it. I can't tell you other than we certainly want to make it look nice. Kubby/Right so the resolution we're voting on is about the design of it. Norton/Yea we'll. Kubby/Right and so I mean if (can't hear). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #18 Page 52 Atkins/Carry that message. Norton/Yea. Atkins/Well as given the this and I think the public needs to know this is 4 to 5 million dollar project ultimately. (All talking). Atkins/We'll bring it back to you so you can kind of as we do on these big projects. Vanderhoef/As we we're looking at our capital improvement plan for the next three years we saw this as something that we would be doing in phases. Atkins/Yea. Vanderhoef/So this plan though is for the entire thing. Atkins/This is from Sycamore to the Iowa River. Vanderhoef/Right OK so the entire project. Atkins/(can't hear) is the biggest piece of it. Vanderhoef/Yea. Atkins/Remember out by Lakeside we've gotten further out, that was a different project, different project. Vanderhoef/So that will still be another plan at that time? Atkins/Yes. Norton/We recognize this as part of that overall effort we've been putting on that was in our long range plan Iowa 2000 to improve the entrances of this, this is absolutely a key entrance I mean the people that are sitting on that highway bumper to bumper practically most of the day you spend a lot of time there so I think it's very important that they get it looking. (END OF REEL 99-81 SIDE 2) Atkins/(can't hear). This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #18 Page 53 Vanderhoef/And the rest of this is for me but here again this sidewalk will be a multi- modal kind of sidewalk that will get people from the east side of the river down to the major river trail down by Hills Bm~k and then they'll be able to go clear on down to Napoleon Park and they'll be able to go across the river and get to City Park all on the river trail so this is a major connection besides being a beautification, it's a must. Norton/I hope somebody will speak to Project again too remember they did a lot of the work on the east noah side of that by-pass, it was then called by-pass hardly an appropriate term anymore. Atkins/Yes I'll check that for you. Kubby/There's also a safety issue because there are a lot of people who walk along the highway because there is no place to walk so this a part of (can't hear) safety issue as well as beautification and part of our trail infrastructure. You know people complain about Highway 6 1 find it more convenient now than ever before because we figured out the lights. Norton/Oh because we've got them synchronized better. Kubby/I mean it used to be that it's once a year I could go from Sycamore down by Sunset without getting stopped, it was a miracle, and I applauded. And now it's a frequent occurrence. Norton/Yea it's better. Kubby/And so I think the timing and some things we've done have really improved that corridor and that it functions quite well. Norton/Well I just had a (can't hear) about traffic so a lot of people say yea. Kubby/It's heavy traffic but it moves. I encourage people to use it. Atkins/And remember we're also trying to put a dent in the train traffic too as a relocation. Vanderhoef/Well this will make it much safer both for bicyclists and for the cars and to move the heavy traffic that we know is already on that street because if the bicycles can go up on a good surface on the sidewalk then it will allow cars to continue to move in a safe fashion. Champion/OK let's vote we love it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #18 Page 54 Thornberry/I think we'll all be interested in seeing what Shive-Hattery comes up with on their design (can't hear). Roll call. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #20 Page 55 ITEM NO. 20. PUBLIC DISCUSSION (IF NECESSARY) (ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA) Thomberry/Holly would you like to speak? Holly Berkowitz/Thank you for the trails and I want us to look farther than the immediate I want us to look at the entire area and looking for a plan to link these critical links and recognize the bicycle and other kinds of transportation as really cost efficient forms of transportation and to encourage those. Encourage linking in with carpool system and our buses are better than most than a lot of cities. But a really good system takes all the detail and links them together so that they flow without obstruction and we have so you know there's ironically very very a lot of little tiny details that are causing the whole system to fall apart and a couple of curb cuts. The link between, this is in Coralville but I think Iowa City, Coralville, and University Heights need to work with Johnson County in developing this major plan and use and count more than the cash you look ahead with the vision, see what we want, what we want to connect because there are some parts in the system that just don't connect but could very easily with one curb cut or a stop light so thank you. Iowa City is a great place to be and we moved here because people looked happy and healthy when they were walking around the streets and I still love being here. I think you count more than cash and it pays off. Thank you. Thornberry/Thank you Holly. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #22 Page 56 ITEM NO. 22. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCIES. Norton/Is that an earmarked appointment at all or for a particular category of person? Karr/I believe that was the art professional. Norton/The art professional. Kubby/Yea and she is an art professional. Norton/Oh it is I think was she filling that position of art professional or is that Nancy Purington. Karr/I'd have to look that up the advertisement will note that. Norton/But it might may, OK so when people want to apply they will find out. Karr/That's correct. Norton/Because it may not be a wide open slot it may be somewhat earmarked. Karr/Special expertise yes. Thomberry/With four males and two females currently on the committee is that a total of six or are there six plus one more needed, are there seven on the total on the art advisory? Karr/Yes I believe so. Thomberry/OK but we need one more and we need an art professional. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #23 Page 57 ITEM NO. 23. CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. O'Donnell/You know there's been a great deal of discussion on this Willow Creek Trail and many people don't think there's not a lot of difference between the eight feet and five foot sidewalks, however, this is going between two residences and we clearly must have a distinction between a neighborhood access to a park and part of our trail system and I don't think it's real clear with any of us. But I think a compromise was reached and I think it's a very successful one. And I'd also like to say get well Ernie and come back soon. Thornberry/Thank you, next. Vanderhoef/I'I1 go. Thornberry/Dee Vanderhoef. Vanderhoef/I wanted to say thank you to the volunteers at Plum Grove and the Heritage Garden pastry party last week it was a very warm day and they worked very hard and it was a very tasty and pleasant evening out there. Thanks to Betty Kelly and everybody. Vanderhoef/Then the other thing I had is I'd just like to announce that the next session of the Customer Contact Training program for work force is available and if you fall in the guidelines 80 percent or less of median income you may be eligible for full tuition, child care, transportation and so forth and so if you are interested in being in a class you may call Nicole Hanson at 398-5628 or you may call me I have some information also. That's it. Norton/I just wanted to report that I along with Dee Vanderhoef and Ernie were on the park tour on the I think was the 14th of July, the annual tour where we go took a look at a variety, we went to a good many different places over a period of several hours and including of course the Willow Creek Trail and we walked from the highway down to the trail to Napoleon Park that was recently completed and it's really quite an impressive link in the system that is evolving and I think we're really going to like it. There's a lot of clean up that needs to be done in certain places down there not necessarily on public private but we hope on private property but it's the system is really coming along as Holly was referring to a system. We do have a plan for a system and it does connect with Coralville or it will and it does connect with or will county trails and so on and I think people have to realize that we do our working toward an overall plan. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #23 Page 58 Norton/The other point is I want to ask and this is a question for Steve maybe you can fill me in later. I haven't heard much about the airport north thing we've got a, I noticed in the airport minutes or the comments from Ron I haven't heard much where airport north stands that commercial area. Atkins/Memo in this Friday's packet. Norton/Oh there was a. Atkins/No this coming Friday. Norton/Coming up OK, very good. Atkins/We discovered two wetlands that we have to mitigate and that's just slows it down but we have a summary memo prepared for you on Friday. Norton/OK. Atkins/If you need it earlier just stop by. Norton/No I don't need it before then that's certainly fine thank you. Champion/I just wanted to say that more limestone arrived downtown last week so I hope they're back on schedule with the building processes down there and they work really hard. And I want to thank Dean I think he did a really good job as our Mayor Pro tem and we appreciate it. O'Dormell/I second that thank you. Kubby/I have a couple things, a couple kudos. One is to Steve at the Rec. Center who is a maintenance worker who had a personal injury this week, came back from the doctor to complete a task that he had started. There were some folks in the craft room and I just observed that and it was above and beyond the call of duty. Although the people who use that area were very pleased but I'm glad he got his foot up and I hope he heals quick. The other one is I know in the past when we've had some community emergencies I've not been that happy how the city has handled it but with the evacuation last week I thought the city handled things really really well. I think having a press conference where we have all of our emergency folks there they answered questions very forthrightly P & G were there to answer questions from the press and get information out to the public and I just thought we handled that very very well and that's a very positive example of how we can handle. I just wanted to state that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #23 Page 59 Kubby/Last night we talked a little bit about changing some animal control ordinances and we don't have to have public hearing but we decided on August 24 to hold a public discussion on some of the changes and since it wasn't part of our agenda I wanted to highlight that. There are three changes that we're talking about making if you have comments about them we want to hear from you. One is about micro- chipping dogs and cats who will be adopted from the shelter and who are reclaimed at the shelter. The other one is clarifying that an electronic fence does not constitute confinement under the law. And the other one was to allow animals that are currently prohibited in Iowa City as pets to be allowed on exhibition. So if you have comments on those you can details from the public library, the city clerk's office and then come talk to us on the 241h. Champion/Karen I think their already what do you call that? Kubby/Their functioning that way but Champion/No those chips, they're already putting in chips that are adopted. Kubby/Right. And lastly just to remind people even though it's Tuesday you have until this Thursday which is the 291h to get to the Johnson County Fair. It's a great reminder for me when I go down there how important the agricultural economy is for our county and how we work together with the different jurisdictions and that part of our comprehensive plan is to not allow development in the east side of town where the land is more easily developed because it also makes it very prime agricultural ground and that the tradeoff for that as we've said that development can happen to the north. The challenge there is that that's where all the a lot of sensitive areas in the county are. So it's a delicate balance but going to the fair just reminds me about all that workings and how important our economy is in our community. So thank you for all the people who work on the land for what you do. That's all I have. Thornberry/Steve there' s been a call for fans during this heat period of extreme heat. If someone were to want to donate a fan to the what is it Red Cross or somebody do you know who they would contact? Atkins/I would think first contact would be the Red Cross and the next would be the crisis center. I suspect either one of them would have more sufficient. Kubby/Red Cross, let's see Red Cross is 337-2119 if anyone needs to call. Thornberry/Give that number for the Red Cross of the donation of the fans. Atkins/Elderly service. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999. #23 Page 60 Norton/Elderly service is another one that might very well make that contact. Atkins/Yes. I'm sure they keep a list. Thornberry/OK. Do you have anything else tonight Steve? Atkins/Nothing. Thornberry/I hope your throat gets better and you'll be able to talk. Eleanor do you have anything tonight? Kubby/I move to adjourn. Thornberry/Ernie, Ernie get well. Karen you have something. Kubby/No I said I'd wave to Ernie. Thornberry/Oh get well Emie. Vanderhoef/Hi. Thornberry/I would entertain an adjourn. Kubby/Move to adjourn. Norton/Move to adjoum. Thornberry/It's been moved by Kubby, seconded by Norton and everybody else and O'Donnell to adjoum. The meeting is now adjourned. 9:05 Adjoum. All ayes. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of July 27, 1999.