HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-01-22 Transcription#2 Page #1 ITEM NO. 2. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS PRESENTED OR AMENDED. Champion: Move adoption. O'Donnell: Second. Lehman: Moved by Champion, seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion? Kanner: A couple things. We're going to have another cab stand. Is that 100 North Linn, where that's going to be? At 100 Limn, 100 block of Linn? Karr: It's north of there. Vanderhoef: No, the block with the library. Kart: It's right up here on the comer by the travel... Vanderhoef: It would be... Kanner: What's that? Kart: Just down from the travel comer. Vanderhoef: South of Washington. Kart: By the barbershop. Vanderhoef: Between Washington and College. Kanner: Okay. Kart: Mid-block. Kanner: On which side of the block is it? Vanderhoefi It's on the... Lehman: West. Karmer: West side? Vanderhoefi ...west side, yeah. Kart: West side. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #2 Page #2 Pfab: I have a question? Are you finished with what you... Kanner: Well, does anyone have any concerns about that? We have the library talking about parking spaces. Pfab: I have a question. Is the City is being adequately compensated for that quality of a parking spot? So is it...is that...part of the funds. I think we came across, what was it, thousands of dollars for...and I think this is $600 is that my recollection. Is that correct? Kanner: 660 a year. Pfab: For a year. That seems like...it's...whether it is a...it is fair for the City or is there a public accommodation in that or not. Because it looks to me like that meter would earn an awful lot more than that for the City. Champion: I think the terrific part about it is for people who use cabs occasionally, like I use a cab occasionally, it'd be nice to know we could go to see if there was one available. So I think it has a public service involved in it too. Pfab: Okay, well if it's acknowledged as that was... Champion: Cause right now you don't know where they're at. Pfab: But aren't most of them radio controlled anyway. I see them sitting around different places just waiting for a radio call. Champion: Well, not everyone in town has a cell phone and it'd be awful convenience just to walk a block to see if there's a cab there. Lehman: Other discussion on the consent calendar? Kanner: I had a question about some boards and commission minutes. From the 11/15 HCDC minutes, on the follow up to Uptown Bill's, they said that the next three years, I think they were quoting maybe Tom Waltz, the next threes years rent was paid to the landlord. I'm wondering, is this true they're paying this all up front or have we paid...do we pay them the whole $120,000 at one time because that's significant interest? And if it's going all to the landlord up front it seems...I'd rather have the interest going to Uptown Bill's or to the City rather than the landlord. Lehman: You know, I can't tell you for sure but I believe that the lump sum payment of rent probably took that into account. That the total was This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #2 Page #3 significantly less than it would have been if you'd have paid it over the three years. Kanner: I don't know. I heard...my understanding was that they... Lehman: But in any event we... Kanner: ...had a deal of $120,000 and then they got HCDC, they got CDBG money from us. And I dofft think it was necessarily contingent on getting that up front. I never hear anything about the interest being included. Lehman: Well, that's...I'm sure that is...that, I believe, is the way that we passed it last year. But that's a question we'd have to ask Steve Nasby. And I'd suspect...Steve, could we find an answer for that? Atkins: Sure. I don't know. I'd have to... Lehman: Just have Steve give us a memo as to... Pfab: Can I address that when you get...when it comes my turn I'd like to make a comment. Are you finished? Kanner: With that one. Pfab: Right, no. Okay. I spoke to some people. I spent some time down at there...at that place. And they seemed to be very comfortable with the way it's going and I think it was a case to but sure that that thing was secure. I think it was an accommodation from a lot of different people and from what I can gather, all parties are comfortable and satisfied and I'd go so far as to say happy. Lehman: Well and we'll get a memo from Steve on it. Okay, other discussion? Kanner: In that same meeting minutes there was a lot of talk about the 9% being set aside for Economic Development Committee. I think it would be worth while for us to meet with HCDC. There was, I don't know if confusion is the word but just to clarify what's going on in regards to that. And I don't know if we've met with them in quite a while. And to see how things are going with HCDC with their mission and in general. I was wondering if there is any interest in the rest of the Council in having a meeting to talk about this issue and other issues. Vanderhoefi Well they'll be coming to us before long with their recommendations for our CDBG monies. So that might be an opportunity. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #2 Page #4 Lehman: That's true. Kanner: I think that's a different kind of discussion though, Dee. The one I'm envisioning is where we able to sit down for an hour and talk about this issue specifically, the economic development money, and what roll HCDC might have with the Council would agree to any changes possibly. And see if there's any other things that HCDC has on their mind about what their roll might be. In my two years we really haven't had that discussion with them. Vanderhoef: Well as far as the economic development monies, when we as a Council looked at that and assigned it to the Economic Development Committee that was because we felt that there was more expertise on Council and in the Economic Development Committee and that the HCDC was having a struggle trying to manage those projects. And also to attract those projects. So, I'm not ready to open that part of it. If there's something else that needs to be discussed I certainly would listen to it but I'm not interested in reopening economic development discussion. Lehman: Well I think the question is are there...is there interest on the part of the Council with...or does the Council feel a need to meet with the HCDC Committee? Pfab: I would like to do that because I'm uncomfortable. But I don't think there's...we're going to get four votes there, four people to do this. That there's a complete different set of principals depending on where this money goes or who... Lehman: Well the issue now isn't the 9%. The question only is do we want to meet with the HCDC Committee? Pfab: I'd love to do that. Lehman: Okay. Kanner: And one other thing. They brought up issues like ehildcare, possibly, for some of their commission members and maybe other commission members to encourage a diversity of people signing up for commissions. I think those kind of things are worthwhile to talk about with them. Lehman: What's your pleasure folks? Are there four folks who would feel it's necessary to meet with HCDC or would like to meet with them? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #2 Page #5 Pfab: I would. Lehman: Okay, I don't see four. Further discussion on the consent calendar? Kanner: Well in regards to childcare... Lehman: I don't think we can discuss childcare unless it appears on the agenda. Karmer: Well it does in they're...in also in that same meeting they talked about that, in the commission minutes. And they mentioned the idea of childcare. And I was wondering if maybe we can encourage...Council can put in an application for CDBG funds for...to pay perhaps for childcare for low or moderate-income people on commissions and boards. And this would be a way to encourage a diverse group of people to apply, even a greater diverse...greater diversity in applications. I think we do pretty well but this would really get more freedom to people that might want to fly. Lehman: Is there interest in putting that...like on a work session agenda where we can talk about making an application for CDBG money for childcare for low income folks on boards and commissions? Pfab: I think it's a great idea in also there might even be stipends for people to get back and forth when low income people so we get some input, for transportation. Kanner: No one has any interest in that? Wilburn: I'd be fine having a discussion with it at a work session. I don't know how it could be pulled of logistically and then kind of balancing it with... Pfab: I would... Wilbum: ...whatever the commission members needs might be in terms of making the meeting. But I'd be willing to do it a work session on it. Pfab: Okay so there's three? Kanner: It could be in the form of, for instance, stipends to people who qualify as low or moderate income the same as .... Lehman: Well I don't think we want to get into that discussion. And we have three votes... Steve, could we put that on a work sesssion? Atkins: Certainly. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #2 Page #6 Lehman: You know, I'm not sure how long it will take us but put it on a work session and we will discuss... Atkins: The issue's childcare, a CDB application.., a CDBG application, something such as that? Lehman: Or childcare for people who serve on boards and commissions. Champion: For low income. Lehman: For low income, right. Okay, other discussion on the consent calendar? Roll call. (7/0) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #3 Page #7 ITEM NO. 3. PUBLIC DISCUSSION. Lehman: This is a time reserved on the agenda for the public to address the Council on items that do not otherwise appear on the agenda. If you wish to address the Council, please sign your name, give your name, address and limit your comments to five minutes or less. Charity Rowley: My name is Charity Rowley of 519 Park Road, Iowa City and I am hear representing the Senior Center Commission. Give you an update on our meeting last week. We are looking at the 28-e agreement, as Mike knows, and we have think...we think we have solved the problem of trying to find out which one of members live inside incorporated areas and which live in the rural areas. We think there's a way to do this. We were concerned how we would do that in a efficient and inexpensive way. The new dining services are working well. The Board of Supervisors was very generous and donated all their kitchen equipment to the Senior Center. And the Elder Services has been purchasing new equipment as they have needed it. We are in the process of looking at how we're going to manage clean up after evening and weekend programming which we would really like to expand. And we have a small committee looking at how and maybe how much to charge so that we don't ask too much of our janitorial services that we already have. We are very sorry about Bill Kelley's death and we will miss him and we look forward to working with whomever you appoint. And if...any questions? Pfab: I would make a comment. You were saying you're looking for ways to supplement help for clean up at the Senior Center? Rowley: We're...No. We're working on...we have...we're all set on janitorial services for regular in hours programming. We also rent the rooms or let programming.., we encourage programming during evening and weekends. And to now overload our janitorial services in the morning after these programs we're looking at how to deal with that. Pfab: Okay, a possible suggestion. I understand that there are work study students working at the Senior Center. Is there any reason a work study student couldn't be... Rowley: I will certainly suggest it to Linda. Pfab: Okay. Rowley: Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #3 Page #8 Lehman: Thank you, Charity. Other public discussion? I think there is someone who wants to address the Council. Karr: Sue, do you want to talk to Council... Karr: ...regarding this. Sue Lalky: Oh. Lhenan: Yeah, now's the time...Just get up, sign your name is in, tell us your name and... Lafky: Okay. Well, I will sign my name in and be honored to speak. Sue Lafky. I'll write this down. 514 West Side Drive. Well I come tonight before the Council to nominate a colleague and a person I think is a hero, John Bennett, for his bravery in saving a child from the jaws ofa Rotweiler. Now John is a modest sort of guy and he doesn't really want to be called a hero but I think he is a hero. But John also is very determined to educate people about the dangers of dogs such as Rotweilers and Pit Bulls who are really breed to be aggressive dogs. But he... and John really put himself at risk by taking down this dog. And he opened the jaws of the Rotweiler. The kid, I'm sorry the young man, young boy, was let go and John suffered some injuries...I mean but not as much...as many as the child. But I would just really like to see the Council and the fire department and the police department recognize him for his heroism and give him a chance to do some community education in the field of pet control and dog control in particular, and safety. That's my... Atkins: Members of the Council, if I can comment. Lehman: Please do. Atkins: We have something being prepared. Rowley: Excellent. Thank you. Atkins: You're welcome. Lehman: Yeah, I've already talked to R.J...in fact, our Police Chief approached me a couple days after the event or maybe even one day and suggested that something should be done to recognize this person heroism and I think that is at work. Rowley: I think he is a hero. He is. Thank you. Lehman: Thank you. Any other public discussion? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #4d Page #9 ITEM NO. 4d. PUBLIC HEARING ON AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE A PORTION OF NORHTGATE DRIVE (VAC01-00004) Lehman: Public hearing is open. And just for the public information this is relocated street in order to accommodate some building in that subdivision. Public hearing is closed. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #4i Page #10 ITEM NO. 4i. CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 38.24 ACRES FROM LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY, RS-5, COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMERICIAL, CH, COUNTY LOCAL COMMERCIAL, CI AND COUNTY MULTI-FAMILY, R3A TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, CC-2 (10.99ACRES), MEDIUM DENSITY SINGLE-FAMILY, RS-8 (21 ACRES), AND LOW DENSITY SINGLE-FAMILY, RS-5 (6.22 ACRES) FOR PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF SCOTT BOULEVARD AND SOUTH OF ROCHESTER AVENUE AND LOWER WEST BRANCH ROAD. (PASS AND ADOPT) Champion: Move adoption. O'Dormell: Second. Lehman: Moved by Champion, seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion? Pfab: I have just a question here. This is not the same ordinance where the wetlands were in is it? Dilkes: I'm sorry? Pfab: The same property? Dilkes: As which one? Pfab: As the one back here, which is... Dilkes: No, no. Cause...these are the properties that we've already annexed. Pfab: Okay. Karmer: But it does have some creeks running through it. I think there was a report on creeks (can't hear) originally. Lehman: Other discussion? Roll call. Motion carries, 6/1, Pfab voting in the negative. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #11 ITEM NO. 41. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF PRESS-CITIZEN ADDITION, A 33.48 ACRE, 3-LOT COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF DODGE STREET AND SCOTT BOULEVARD. (SUB01-00032) O'Donnell: Move the resolution. Champion: Second. Lehman: Moved by O'Donnell, seconded by Champion. Discussion? Vanderhoef: I have one question. I'm sorry I didn't bring it up at work meeting. I didn't have my notes with me. Karin, would the development on this property lead Council to need to move up the Hickory Hill excavation behind the dams and so forth, sooner, which since this drains into that water detention? Karin Franklin: I don't believe so. I don't know why it would. You're talking about the project... Vanderhoef: This is the storm water basin for this. Franklin: ...which takes out of some of the siltation in the north branch? Vanderhoef: It won't bother this subdivision but it just crossed my mind that when that is developed that could be a consideration for us. Franklin: We have erosion control measures that we require in all subdivisions. There should not be the sort of erosion that would occur that would precipitate, just because of this subdivision, a necessity to do that project any sooner. Vanderhoef: It's just the paving... Franklin: I mean that's quite a watershed that comes into that. Vanderhoef: Yeah, it's just more paving and impermeable surfaces that will lead to more runoff after it's built up. Franklin: Yeah, yeah. That's an engineering question. It did not come up as we reviewed this subdivision with public works and this subdivision will go into the north detention basin. I guess I just have to assume that if there were a capacity issue it would have been raised with their This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #12 evaluation of the subdivision. Cause it's a standard thing that they have to do. Vanderhoef: Okay. Steve is this not on our capital improvement plan though that we have...need to pay attention to that. Atkins: We have...yeah, we have those two basins, both of which will ultimately need to be, I don't know what the terminology... Franklin: Dredged. Atkins: Dredged. Thank you. They are on the list, yes. Vanderhoef: Okay. Lehman: But the...As any other subdivision this would be required to meet the storm water detention ordinance that applies to all subdivisions. O'Donnell: Absolutely. Franklin: That's true but in this particular case because this property flows right into the north branch detention basin that basin can be used for storm water detention verses on site. Lehman: Having (can't hear) Franklin: And that's what the north branch basin was built for. Lehman: Okay, other questions? Comments? Kanner: Yeah, in the analysis by the staff, subdivision design, it says sensitive areas overlay rezoning is not required at this time because no immediate development activity is being proposed. You mean that in the strict legal sense? Franklin: Yes, with this plat that creates lots 1,2 and 3, there is no development activity that is occurring with this plat. As the lots that are within the subdivision come before us either through a site plan review or through further subdivision, which we know is happening on lot 3, at that point because there is development activity that's actually occurring, that's when we apply the sensitive areas ordinance. As we look at the subdivision on lot 3, we are applying the sensitive areas ordinance. Kanner: Can you give me an example of a plat that we've done where we looked at development at the same time? Have them been... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #13 Franklin: Well usually you do because usually with a subdivision plat there's some kind of improvement, a road is being put in, lots are being created off of that new road. In this circumstance because it's a fairly small piece of ground and the roads that are access to these three large lots are already in place there is nothing that is happening to disturb the ground as a consequence of this plat. The plat is only to divide the property for sale. Lehman: It just draws lines on the property. Franklin: Right, it just draws the lines abstractly on a piece of paper. But nothing as a consequence of this plat is going to happen on this land. Other steps have to take place which give us opportunity for review, whether it's the subdivision of lot 3 or a site plan on lot 2 and lot 1 is already developed. Okay? So we've got it covered. Pfab: I have a difficulty. It looks to me like we may be going down a slippery slope here and that's my perception. Franklin: No pun intended? Pfab: No pun intended at this point. O'Donnell: Sensitive slope. Vanderhoef: When it snows. Pfab: It's...this is going to come up on another subdivision and I'm...there is not sale. There is a sale pending. Franklin: Subdivision of land can be just for the purposes of allowing a sale to happen. That has to happen first before the sale occurs. It is conceivable that someone could subdivide their land into three lots, as in this case, and nothing ever happen with it. Other than the fact that at the county recorder there is a line recorded on a map that says this piece of ground, ifI choose to, can be conveyed to somebody else. It's for tax purposes exclusively. Pfab: So does that...once it's subdivided does the value of the land go up and it creates more taxes to the City? What's the benefit... Franklin: Not necessarily. Pfab: What's the benefit to the City to subdivide this or what are the obligations of the City that we have to? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #14 Franklin: Okay, I think it's more the obligations. We have a subdivision code. A property owner has the right under state law to subdivide their land as long as they meet the rules of the state law and the local subdivision code. They have an obligation to subdivide it if they're going to sell offa piece of it. Pfab: But the sale...But in this case the sale is contingent upon getting that other part...that plot or subdivided, whatever it is, that development approved. Franklin: To have a lot 3 you have to create a lot 3 legally to sell that off, to take that piece and put it in somebody else's ownership. Pfab: I... Franklin: But it doesn't require it to be sold. We know in this cimumstance that it is going to be sold. Pfab: I am concerned and as I watch a number of things quite closely, I am about to consider a way that we bring a short screeching halt to development until we take a hard look at some of our subdivision rules and ordinances. I see things that it appears the City and the citizens come up short on a lot of these. And there's no way, because that's the...what the rules says. And that really bothers me and that's why I'm resisting this. I probably will vote against it. It's just I don't see a need to do it, I don't understand quite why, and I'm saying I think it's time we stop look around and what's going on and maybe take a look at it. Not a long time because of the golfers have a right to develop and we want them to. But I think there are...we have to take a look at the balance of what the citizen...the City of Iowa City as an entity, the citizens included in that, and the developers that there's more level playing field which I think right now the citizens and we as a represent the citizens...every time something comes up we have to vote for it... Franklin: You can change... Pfab: As a matter of fact we go to court because something is in these ordinances that is not proper I do believe for the best interest for the City of Iowa City including it's citizens. Dilkes: Irvin? Lehman: Irvin, we made the rules and if we wish...and I mean, you're absolutely right. We made the rules. If we choose to change those This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page # 15 rules, as long as they're not in violation of state law, we can certainly do that. Pfab: And my point is what I would like to see is an emergency re-look at those rules and it doesn't have to be tonight, tomorrow but I think it's time that we take a real hard look at those. There's a lot of stuff going on out there that I think the City comes out the short end of the stick. Dilkes: Irvin, from a legal perspective, I have no difficulty with what you're saying about wanting to exam those rules and perhaps making changes in the future. I do have a problem with your statement that you may vote against this. Because this complies with the rules that are on the books today and those are the rules by which you are legally required to judge this subdivision plat. Pfab: Well I guess it's...what other way do I have to say...to make a public stand that says... Dilkes: I said that's fine. But my concern is with your statement that you might vote against this and that's not appropriate. Champion: You've made your statement that you disapprove of it. Pfab: Okay. Lehman: Other discussion? Kanner: I have a question. I'm trying to figure out how this relates to the down zoning attempt on Benton Avenue that was recently negotiated to a solution. Some people wanted to build on there and then there was a request put in for down zoning. Could someone sort of refresh my memory, what the sequence of events was and how that operated and if that could happen in the same fashion here? Dilkes: When there is a public hearing set on a down zoning there is a 60-day moratorium that kicks in. I think that's what you're talking about. Pfab: I think that you bring up a good example. That's where zoning worked, I think, very well. There's more than one interest and those interests are somewhat balanced. I'm not saying it has to go one way or the other but I think the time is that there's more of a balancing act of who the winners are and who the losers are. Champion: All we're really discussing here are some lines on a map that allows the Press-Citizen if they want to, even though we know they want to but it may not happen for 20 years in reality. And it's going to happen This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #16 sooner than that. But we're simply discussing whether this division of their land is legal and it is. And the discussion could go on all night but it won't get anywhere. Lehman: Well... O'Donnell: The roles that we set forward are being followed. This is recommended 7/0 by planning and zoning, staff recommends it. I...it's perfectly appropriate. Kanner: Well let me follow up sort of on what Irvin was saying, Mike and perhaps the rest of the Council, would the Council be willing to talk about looking at changing our zoning to talk aobut perhaps propety bordering parks and public areas and realizing that there's value to that. Champion: Of course, but this isn't the time. Lehman: Let me... Steven you brought up the West Benton Street and I just want to address that for a moment because there's no reason in the world...this, all this proposal does is draw lines on a piece of property so that that property can be sold or, as in the case of the West Benton Street property, which there was a motion to down zone that. There was subsequently a meeting with the developer of that property and the neighborhood and there was an agreement reached between those entities where everyone felt that the best interest.., whatever, but there was an agreement reached and as a result the down zoning was dropped. There is nothing to prevent neighbors on this property from visiting with the Press-Citizen or whoever happens to buy it or own it and ask them to donate it to the park. To, you know, to put a pheasant- hunting place there. Do whatever they want to do. But those are examples of the private sector with.., working with the private sector. And that's exactly what happened on West Benton Street. Pfab: But okay...as this proceeds farther down the process there's almost the idea that there are not private interests surrounding part of this so the developer has a clean shot, they can do whatever they want. Lehman: No, that's not true. Pfab: Because unless the City...unless we as representatives of the popu...the citizen population here...if we stand up and say we want a harder look at this because of the fact the City's interests are directly involved and as the City's interest so are the citizen's interests. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page # 17 Lehman: I think those are issues that if we wish to address those...as it stands, I think Eleanor said it very clearly. They have met all of the requirements of the state and of the City of Iowa City and it would be inappropriate via legal and obviously inappropriate for us to try to change the rules at this point. O'Donnell: We've been down that road before. Lehman: Now we have the opportunity to review the development that's going to occur and at that point we can...we do have...and the ordinances that we have in place within the City, the sensitive areas ordinance, ali of the subdivision ordinance, all of those things apply. These are rules made by this Council...this City, to govern development within this community. If we find those rules are not to our liking and we think they should change, then it's our job to change them. Not when somebody walks up with a... Pfab: Okay. Lehman: ...with a subdivision. Pfab: To follow up on the point you made I think that we ought to take a hard look at what...how these rules are put together. And I think we ought to stand in place for a short...certain amount of time. These have gotten out the door. They're gone. And...but I think we have to, as representatives of the City, we have to say something isn't going quite right. Lehman: Let me just suggest this, Irvin, in the interest of time. And ! think that there may certainly be things that we should discuss. Why don't you jot down some of changes you would like to see made in the way we do these things, get a memo to the Council, we can look at those sort of things, place it on a future work session so that it can be discussed. But as far as this item is concerned... Pfab: Okay, okay. Lehman: ... I think we're... Pfab: Let me follow up on your suggestion which I think is a great one. If that happens how soon can we...would it be acted on to look at it as a work session? Lehman: Well that requires going through planning and zoning... Pfab: No, no, no. Just the idea. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #41 Page #18 Lehman: You're well aware of the process. Pfab: To get it to a work session where we can discuss it. Whether we want to do anything at all. Lehman: I think it...we could decide that as soon as you get us the memo. Pfab: Okay. That's fair. Lehman: Okay, other discussion on item 17 Roll call. The motion carries, 6 to 1 abstention and under our rules an abstention is recorded with the majority so the motion passes 7/0. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #5 Page #19 ITEM NO. 5. PLANS, SPECIFICATOINS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR CONSTUCTION OF THE HIGHWAY 6 RECREATIONAL TRAIL PROJECT, ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF BID SECURITY TO ACCOMPANY EACH BID, DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS, AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS. Lehman: This is a public hearing. The public hearing is open. The estimated cost is $242,350. Public hearing is closed. Do we... Wilbum: Adoption of the resolution. Vanderhoef: Second. Lehman: Moved by Wilburn, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion? Karmer: Are we...we're working on a crossing or a light somewhere around there? Atkins: I believe that's Keokuk and the answers is yes there was a...some crossing improvements we were planning on making. I don't recall the specifics. Does Ross know the specifics? Ross Spitz: Can you repeat the question? Kanner: Where are we planning to do some crossing to make it easier especially for children to cross. And I'm just wondering, this seems to tie into the concept of the trail too. And how will it...how will the crossing, for people that want to bike and cross, what will the crossing be like? How much time will they have to cross? Spitz: Okay, for the...I guess there's two answers. We'll have crossings on the side streets so the trails that runs south along Highway 6. And there'll also be crossing across Highway 6 itself. We planned to have crossings...there's an existing one at Gilbert Street. We're going to put one at Boyrum, Keokuk, Broadway across Highway 6 and then as I mentioned across all the side streets as you go along the 10 foot trail. Lehman: But the Highway 6 crossings are at traffic signals? Spitz: Yes. And the speed ofthose...we, are design is 3 1/2 per second is what the average person walks at. And we have a certain amount of seconds green time to accommodate that. And we've met with our signal department. We shouldn't have any problems accommodating that. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #5 Page #20 Kanner: So a kid biking on this new trail we're putting in will have plenty of time to get across the street? Spitz: Yeah. Kanner: Will they have to push a walk button to get that extra time? Spitz: Yeah, it'll just be like any other crossing. And again they...when you actuate the button it lets a signal that you're waiting and then as you walk there'll be a lit crossings like any other intersection has a pedestrian crossing. And it should be taken care of that way. Kanner: Thank you. Lehman: Thank you. Pfab: Just a sec. I just want to clarify something. In other words, the amount of time that the light would allow a crossing will be improved percentage wise fairly high for a person that pushes the button. Otherwise traffic will flow a lot quicker. Spitz: Yeah. Normally that...as we look at each intersection one by one right now you have enough time to cross but it might be...lets say it takes 25 to 30 seconds depending on how far you have to walk across each intersection, we have that time now. So it shouldn't effect the Highway at all. (can't hear) by the time right now and it'll just give you that blinking light. Pfab: But what about...that's...is there a button there now. Spitz: No there's not. Pfab: But there will be buttons put on those. Spitz: Yep. Pfab: Okay so that will give a person that doesn't walk real fast a chance to get across? Spitz: Yeah, it'll let them know exactly when to start. Pfab: Okay that's fine. Lehman: Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #5 Page #2 I Spitz: Welcome. Lehman: Other discussion? Roll call. Motion carries. (7/0) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #6 Page #22 ITEM NO. 6. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS PENINSULA NEIGHBORHOOD, FIRST ADDITION, IN IOWA CITY, IOWA, TO TERRY L. STAMPER HOLDINGS, L.L.C. Lehman: This is also know as the peninsula. This is the first phase. Do we have a motion? Vanderhoef: Move adoption. Pfab: Second it. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by Pfab. Discussion? Kanner: Can you tell us the status of the loan, Steve, in regards to the infrastructure improvements? Atkins: I can tell you some of it. I think Eleanor will have to wrap it up. We have a closing scheduled for the 31st. The paperwork is being prepared for phase 1. Mr. Stamper has paid the interest to the credit union and I'm assuming at the closing all of those financial transactions will be concluded. Dilkes: That's correct. The abstract has been delivered to Phil Leff, who is Mr. Stamper's attorney, for examination. And we're on line for a closing on January 31 st. Kanner: That means pay the $600,000 plus this... Dilkes: The cost of the land. Atkins: Yes. Karmer: (can't understand) cost of... Dilkes: Right. Kanner: And what's the total on that, approximately? Atkins: About a million one. Is that about right? Champion: Three million and one. Atkins: Oh for everything? Kanner: No. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #6 Page #23 Vanderhoef: No, for this lSt... Kanner: No, for the $100,000 loan plus... Atkins: We did not loan the money. Kanner: Well the bank did but we guaranteed. Atkins: Yes, and he paid $24,000 in interest just the other day, to the bank. Kanner: But and that's going to be paid off soon, the $600,000? Atkins: Yes, he has to pay that off or he can't close on the 31st. Kanner: Okay. Atkins: Okay? Dilkes: Yeah that's been our position is that that needs to be paid along with the purchase price. Vanderhoef: In hindsight, I wish that we had put in the contract that financing would have been in place at the time the land was purchased. I'm sorry that there isn't legally anything we can do right now but I'll be very, very disappointed if we don't have construction in the very near future. We've missed one full construction season and to go into another construction season without a loan for construction is pretty poor business. O'Donnell: I didn't... Lehman: Well them isn't...I'm sorry. O'Donnell: I didn't support this the first time. Wording in the contract says that I'm going to support it this time. Vanderhoef: Yep. Champion: We've all learned that lesson. Vanderhoefi I understand that. O'Donnell: And I wish Terry well on this project so I will be supporting it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #6 Page #24 Lehman: There's a significant difference between this project today and a year ago today. If the closing occurs as is planned we will have a developer who has a significant investment in the project. He's had, I mean, hard cash in the ground and in the infrastructure and I think that's probably the greatest incentive there is to get something developed. O'Donnell: Well said. Lehman: Further discussion? Kanner: Connie, when you buy your house there can we go visit you? Champion: Yes, oh yes. I would love to build out there. But I'll probably stay where I'm at. Lehman: Okay, roll call. Motion carries. (7/0) Item number 7... Karr: Motion to accept correspondence. O'Donnell: So moved. Vanderhoef: So moved. Lehman: Moved by O'Donnell, seconded by Vanderhoef to accept correspondence. All in favor? Opposed? (all ayes) Motion carries. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #7 Page #25 ITEM NO. 7. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN ADDENDUM TO THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR THE NORTH DODGE STREET PROJECT STP-1-5(69)--2C-52. Champion: Move the resolution. Pfab: Second. Lehman: By Connie...by Champion. Sorry, Mrs. Champion, seconded by Mr. Pfab. Discussion? Kanner: I think this is an opportunity for us to get out of a project that's not warranted and save the state tax payers a lot of money. And I'll be voting against this. I...we show the traffic count going down for a stretch of the road from Governor up to what was known as Captain Irish and there's no need for... (End of side one, 02-11) Kanner: ...and this is an opportunity to push it back even further and get out of this. Lehman: (can't hear) O'Donnell: I disagree. It's...go ahead, Ernie. Lehman: I was going to say a lot of folks are not smarter that I am say that say that this project is one that needs...go out and talk to anybody...talk to somebody on Prairie du Chien Road and see if they feel this is a project that shouldn't occur. Kanner: We need some lights but we don't need the extensive millions that we're spending for putting three lanes all the way through. A few spot improvements would help. Champion: I think your reason for voting against it is a valid one but I think you'll see increase in traffic on that when Scott Boulevard and First Avenue are open. Kanner: No, the projections by Jeff said that it's going to go down in the next 20 years, between Governor and Captain Irish. It doesn't make sense to expand this when it's going to go down according to our traffic engineers projections. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #7 Page #26 Lehman: Further discussion? Roll call. Motion carries, 6/1, Kanner voting in the negative. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #8 Page #27 ITEM NO. 8. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION APPROVING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY, THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND HOWARD R. GREEN COMPANY, TO PROVIDE ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE NORTH DODGE STREET PROJECT, STP-1-5(69)--2C-52. Vanderhoef: Move adoption. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef. O'Donnell: Second. Lehman: Seconded by O'Donnell. Discussion? I'd just like to point out that this project has been moved back by the state, I believe, to 2005 and our intent at this point in doing the engineering work is so that we have the engineering done and the project ready to go when the state is willing to use their...help use their funds to finance it. Other discussion? Vanderhoef: This is an 80/20 that the state pays... Lehman: Yes. Vanderhoef: ...on this particular since it's a state highway. Lehman: Roll call. The motion carries, 6/1, Kanner voting in the negative. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #9 Page #28 ITEM NO. 9. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND THE CITY CLERK TO ATTEST AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF IOWA CITY AND THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE INTERSECTION OF IOWA HIGHWAY 1 AND SUNSET STREET. Pfab: Move the resolution. Vanderhoef: Second. Lehman: Movedby Pfab, seconded by Vanderhoef. Discussion? Kanner: So this is a program where IDOT pays 55% of the cost? Atkins: That's right. Lehman: It's an intersection that really needs work. I live in that area and I've heard lots of folks complain about the signalization so the widening of the opening between the medians and a little better stripping when the arrows and the lights should help quite a bit. Further discussion? Roll call. Motion carries. (7/0) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #10 Page #29 ITEM NO. 10. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES AND PROGRAMS. Champion: Move the resolution. Vanderhoefi Move adoption. Pfab: Second. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by Champion. Discussion? Vanderhoef: I'd just like to say that our Parks and Recreation Commission and staff have worked very hard to keep in their own guidelines of having recreation activities pay 40% of their cost. I know it's difficult to raise these at this point in time so I want to let the citizens know again that we do have a low-income policy. So if you have any questions about the ability to pay for this please check with the Rec. Department and they can advise you. Lehman: Further discussion? Roll call. Motion carries. (7/0) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #11 Page #30 ITEM NO. 11. CONSIDER A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING TIlE EXPANSION OF TIlE IOWA BEVERAGE CONTAINER DEPOSIT LAW. Vanderhoef: Move adoption of the resolution. Wilbum: Second. Pfab: Second that. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef, seconded by Wilbum. Discussion? Kanner: I was wondering if we could have Dee read some of the (can't understand) since she brought this to us. And I think it's good to let the public know what we're doing. Would that be all right? Vanderhoef: What page is it on? I don't have it. Wilburn: 219. Vanderhoefi Okay. Wilburn: Is it the therefores or the whereas'? Kanner: Well they're both good. I was thinking the therefores. Wilbum: Okay. Kanner: So maybe... Wilbum: Bottom quarter of 219? Kanner: Yeah, what you feel comfortable with. O'Donnell: The short part. Vanderhoef: Okay, the short part. Kanner: That's the therefores. Vanderhoef: The therefores are and I...this is important. Whereas recycling is a component of the locally adopted solid waste management plan, whereas the beverage container deposit law provides a financial incentive through the refundable deposit that has all but eliminated can and litter...bottle litter in Iowa, and whereas the Iowa Environmental Health Association reports that there has never been a confirmed food This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #11 Page #31 bom illness outbreak as a result of bottle and can redemption or handling in an Iowa grocery store or redemption center, and whereas the beverage container deposit law funds itself through the nickel deposit and refund and relies on no taxes or unfunded mandate to local government, and whereas through the beverage container deposit law, Iowan's recycle more than 90% of containers compared to only 30% in states without similar legislation, and whereas the state with deposit laws also have a higher participation rate in residential recycling than do none deposit states, and where according to a independent survey of the University of Northern Iowa in January of 2001, 86% of Iowan's support the Iowa beverage container deposit law and 73% supported expansion of the law, and whereas the beverage container deposit law has resulted in local economic development through the establishment of private citizens of redemption centers creating jobs in the private sector including jobs for those with disabilities. So it covers a very broad piece of Iowa. It's historic and it was one of the early bottle deposit laws in the nation. And at this point in time, this resolution says that we will support the addition of a larger deposit for...to be sure that the handling fee for the grocers and recyclers will be available to them. And that we want to expand this since this law is so old at that time we did not have a lot of water bottles and juice bottles and things like that that now are common place in our society. And we think it's time to recycle those too. O'Donnell: You know, it...the bottle law's good and I supported it and I'll support it this time but at the same time I do sympathize with these grocers taking in some of these cans. There's an article in the paper the other day where there's snakes in them, snails and what have you in there. I just think that them is a better way. You buy potatoes at a store, you don't return the peelings and it's same with bananas. Vanderhoef: I think you've got a real good point there, Mike, and... O'Dormell: Well thank you, Dee, let me finish it. Vanderhoef: Okay. O'Donnell: I do like the bottle law but I wish we did not return them to the grocery stores but rather recycling center. And that's the way I'd like to see us go. Vanderhoef: I'd like to encourage folks to be sure that the cans and bottles are clean when they take them back. I think that's part of the law originally and I think the grocers are reluctant to turn back cans and bottles that have not been rinsed and come in with debris. And...for public relations This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #11 Page #32 purposes. And I think as good citizens we should all be looking to take care of those cans and help our grocers out. Pfab: I would like to make one comment. I believe that the public relations are not...or not if dirty cans or inhabited cans (can't hear) types of things... Champion: Inhabited cans. Pfab: ...they should not take them. And I think that's how you modify that behavior to say thanks but no thanks. I don't have to and I would like to if they're clean but as they are, no. Lehman: Could I ask the Council to show our good citizen ship by voting in the affirmative for roll call? Thank you. Passes unanimously. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #12 Page #33 ITEM NO. 12. CONSIDER A MOTION GRANTING A 30-DAY EXTENSION TO THE POLICE CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD FOR THE FILING OF THE PUBLIC REPORT WITH THE CITY COUNCIL ON COMPLAINT #01-05 AND #01-06. Champion: Move the resolution. O'Dormell: Second. Champion: Motion...it's a motion. Lehman: Moved by Champion, seconded by O'Dormell. Discussion? Vanderhoef: Was this a revision for number 12? Karr: Yes, there was inadvertently...the first line referred to an executive session, should be open session. Vanderhoef: Oh, okay. Thank you. Lehman: Roll call. Champion: Motion. Dilkes: Oops, it's a motion. Champion: Motion. Lehman: Oh, okay. All in favor? I'm sorry. Opposed? Motion carries. (all ayes) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #15 Page #34 ITEM NO. 15. ANNOUNCMENT OF VACANCIES. Lehman: A great opportunity for people to become involved in really, really important aspects of the City. Folks watch the Council and we go through a lot of stuff but there is so much work that is done before we ever get it and it's done by these folks who serve without pay, people who are dedicated to the community. So I certainly encourage folks who have an interest to stop by and see Marian in the Clerk's Office, get an application, and get it into us and we'll certainly consider it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #35 ITEM NO. 16. CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION. Pfab: I propose you start at that end first. Kanner: All right. Lehman: Okay. Steve? Kanner: We got in our information packet information on the police order in regards to juvenile consent. This is juvenile procedures, general order number 01-06. And this is a relatively new policy put in place and I was wondering if we could discuss at a work session one part of it in particular? I have some concerns about. It talks about that the requesting officer when requesting consent to search from a juvenile should not request consent to search from juveniles appearing to be under that age of 12. I think that it should be up to the age of 18 and we ought to look at changing that policy. Lehman: Okay the question is, is that an item that we would like to see placed on the work session? Pfab: I would. Vanderhoef: I guess I would be more inclined to ask the Police Chief how they made the determinate of it, of an age, for this policy. Pfab: That would be a great idea for a work session. Vanderhoef: Well I'd like to hear from him before we go into work session. Dilkes: I know the PCRB has talked about it. I think the draft minutes that are in the agenda include there.., some discussion on this particular order. Kanner: Yeah, I think we need to move...keep the discussion going in some way. I...hear from the Police Chief would be okay. I think a work session is warranted. Lehman: Could we...could I suggest, Steve, that we ask for a memo from R.J. as to... Karmer: Okay. Lehman: Yes, (can't understand). And then based on that memo that we can decide whether or not we want to place it on a work session. But ask R.J. to give us... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #36 Atkins: I'll get that prepared. Lehman: ...a rational as to the...because they...as to why that age was picked. Kaimer: And why not 18 and under, or 17 and under? Dilkes: I believe it's related to the issue of capacity to consent and at what age one has that capacity. Lehman: Okay, but we'll hear from R.J. Pfab: But giving up the right to be searched is a... Lehman: Can't discuss it here. We'll get a memo from R.J. and if we choose.., and if we agree with the memo and we're satisfied fine, if we're not and we wish to put it on a work session... Pfab: I don't want to discuss it but I just want to say that's a very important issue. Lehman: Well, and that's why we're talking about it. Pfab: Right. Lehman: Okay, Steve? Kanner: We also in that info packet got a memo on the traffic control light possibilities as Gilbert and Court and I don't know if we need anything from Council to pursue that but I wanted to bring that up. It's... Atkins: We had planned to do that unless we heard otherwise. Lehman: Sounds like it's being pursued. Atkins: (can't hear) agenda request. Pfab: I'm concerned... Vanderhoef: They're doing a count on traffic? Atkins: Yes. Routine? Pfab: How...that seems like a God awful long time for that to sit there as such. Are we looking May, June to do a survey? Atkins: Sure. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #37 Pfab: On an intersection that is fairly hazardous? Atkins: But the wires out and it snows tomorrow, all the information's shot. Lehman: Well, yeah I think they use these rubber strips you drive across and count and until the danger of snow is passed they're not going to put those things on the road. Atkins: And we try to do it when the students are still there also (can't hear) Pfab: Well, doesn't the fact that there's huge increase in the percentage of accidents, doesn't that... Atkins: There was an aberration in the sense that there was a number...more accidents this year than in previous years. Pfab: If there's one intersection in town that I avoid because I like...I'd like to have another birthday or two, that's one. I just hate that intersection because it is...because it's such a... Lehman: But we are pursuing that. Champion: We're still looking at it. Lehman: Okay? Kanner: And then finally I'd like to make note that as most people are aware, yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. And I was happy to celebrate that, as ! am every year. And I was able to go to the community conviction at UI Health, part of their..."You Don't Have to See the Whole Staircase, Just Take the First Step". And there were some nice speakers and some nice music in the celebration. I also want to mention that King's popularity now is very high but at the time when he was shot it was probably at the lowest that it had been and I think in part it was because of his anti-war stance and his working on the poor peoples campaign. In fact he was going to Memphis to support the garbage workers strike when he was shot. And I think there's...I bring this up because in Iowa we have a history of not allowing blacks in, in the 1800 when most of the land was being sold. There was defacto laws that essentially did not allow blacks to participate in that. And we also had a constitution that did not grant equality to blacks and women. On the other hand, we've grown quite a bit in our society and in our City we have some good ordinances that I'm proud of. And I think we continue to move forward. I think we have to move faster forward in a number of different areas that Martin Luther King was, in This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #38 working on non-violent solutions and economic and social justice. But again everyone a happy Martin Luther King Day. Vanderhoef: Thank you. Kanner: Yeah. Wilbum: Two things. One, just a heads up to Council when we discuss both aid to agencies and community development grant...block grant funds, I will not be able to...I'11 have a conflict of both of those items this year. Champion: We'll miss you. Wilburn: What's that? Champion: We'll miss your wise expertise. I lied. Wilbum: Experiences I prefer to think of it as. The second, continuing on that note of civil riots. I was able to attend the memorial service for Dean Hubbard and it was very moving ceremonies and wonderful speakers. And it's just kind of a chance to think about the work, civil rights. And just personal note, the support that Dean Hubbard gave to many of us as students, and I was fortunate to have him also support me as a...for my work on City Council. So, a great loss to the community and to his family. Lehman: Certainly second that. Vanderhoefi Absolutely. He was way before his time in many respects for moving our Iowa forward to a great university and Iowa City. Okay, I've got a couple things here. I've had a call from a library patron who's concerned about parking now with the construction going on. And I double checked with Joe Fowler and it was the library that requested that we didn't institute the plan that we had talked about of having some short term parking in the parking ramp there, the Dubuque Street Parking ramp. But the vision for the library, as I understand it, is to connect the parking ramp to whatever the building is that's built on 64- lA and then put parking up there. Well we're looking at four years or more in there and we're also looking at a time period that there will be construction on 64-1A where there will not be any meters. So, are we interested in moving forward with our original plan sooner rather than later? Champion: I think that's a good idea for a temporary... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #39 Vanderhoef: Well it has some cost to it to put that arm and stuff in there but I think we're a long ways away from making a decision of whether the upper floor of the parking ramp will have reserved areas for parking meters or short term parking... Champion: Why couldn't you just... Vanderhoef: ...up there. Champion: Dee, maybe we should discuss it later but... Vanderhoef: Yeah. Champion: ...why couldn't we just take the lower level, like the first lower level of that ramp and say short term parking one hour only? Vanderhoefi Well, this is the plan we had... Champion: I mean, we wouldn't have to put an arm in or anything. Vanderhoefi Yeah, we had to because of only one pay station and separating the short term from the long term. And it can be done and we had it all worked out to do that and then with this other request Joe held up on it but I think we're a long ways away from creating parking for that library and I... Champion: I think we should just try...I think we should discuss it but I think a simple sign...most people are really honest, you know. They wouldn't park more than an hour. Lehman: Except when it comes to parking. Champion: Except when it comes to parking. Lehman: Because I remember the cost of that short term was considerable more than we'd anticipated and that... Champion: I don't remember that. Atkins: Yeah. Lehman: ...was the basic reason we didn't move forward. Can we hand this to Joe Fowler? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #40 Atkins: We'll prepare a response for what Dee has asked but two things to keep in mind, one that there was an expense and I think that arm was expensive. Vanderhoefi But it was one he had originally said he could reuse. Atkins: Yeah, he was going to...that was the other issue. Vanderhoef: So its... Atkins: And then secondly, I don't think the library liked the idea. And I honestly don't remember... Vanderhoefi And they're not going to like the idea with no parking. Kanner: (can't hear) parking? Atkins: Well they didn't like something about it, Steve, and I'll have...I'11 find that out for you and get you a memorandum on it. There was just something that... Lehman: It's, Dee, when you look out the window and you see a parking lot and then you talk about reserved parking or short term parking inside a ramp, the ramp is less appealing because the lot it there. Now the lot has disappearing. My feeling is that short term may be far more appealing to the library than it was before. Kanner: Yeah, they said... Vanderhoef: The other... Kanner: ...they agreed to (can't hear) Atkins: There was some balking about that. Lehman: Well, it's time... Atkins: I'll get it (can't hear). Vanderhoef: And now since there's not a pay station at the lot why the tokens that were being handed out at the library for parkers during the middle of the week time, they no longer have an opportunity to use those. Atkins: Well get to the bottom... This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #41 Vanderhoefi And this particular person was interested in that. Okay, I would like to bring up the appointment for the East Central Iowa Council of Governments and also for the chief elected officials group. I have been serving in that capacity for the past five years and I've thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot. And I think it's time to pass that appointment along in that it gives an opportunity for another Councilor to broaden their scope into a regional scope of the six county area and meet some of the people there. And see how the comprehensive plans for transportation and solid waste are worked through a regional plan. And so I have said that I would step down from this one and I have talked to Ross Wilburn and he has agreed to take this appointment. And I would suggest that you support him in this. And it will be voted on at JCCOG tomorrow so that he can take office a week from Thursday. Champion: It hardly seems... Vanderhoefi Cedar Rapids. Lehman: Well I think this is in keeping with what we've discussed at the organizational meeting (can't hear) O'Donnell: Sounds like a wonderful idea. Lehman: Go for it guys. Wilburn: (can't hear) a little more information to (can't hear) Lehman: Okay? Vanderhoefi And you may ask for help whenever you want it. Wilburn: Okay. Vanderhoef: All right? And since you noted the death of another prominent figure in our City, I was remised two weeks ago in mentioning Emile Rubright who has been a long supporter of lots of different activities in the City. In particular, she's been one of the original folks with the Project Green and all of the parks and recreation kinds of activities that she's been involved in. And the resource that she was for us. So, she'll be greatly missed. Lehman: Okay. Vanderhoef: That's it. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #42 Lehman: Mike? O'Dormell: I have nothing except that we worked the elected officials booth over at Carver Hawkeye Arena for the business fair, Ernie, I and Dick Meyers. It was a great group. I am wondering, did anybody ever see a Coralville Council over there? I didn't see one in the booth. Champion: They were probably afraid to go. Pfab: Oh they were there in full force. Champion: They were "TIF'd". Lehman: I saw the...I saw the Mayor of Coralville over there. I did not see him in the booth but I did visit with Jim. So... O'Donnell: And probably...I was just kidding. Kanner: I was there last year, Mike, and they were there. O'Donnell: I was kidding, rm sure they participated. Lehman: I sure hope they didn't turn that...they're TV's off before you said you were kidding. Pfab: I had a real nice visit with them and I learned a lot from what was going on there. I really appreciated the information he shared with me. O'Donnell: Which one did you talk to? Pfab: The Mayor. Lehman: Connie? Champion: Well, I also did participate in an activity on Martin Luther King's birthday. And I think one of the real values now of Martin Luther King is that there's this whole spin-off of equity for all minorities and women for economic and social justice. So, he's probably done a lot more than he ever thought he'd ever accomplish. And it was really a...it was a very...it was really a good experience. The other thing I wanted to bring up is, I don't know if anybody feels the way I do about...I'm kind of worried about the taxi cab drivers not being able to drive for a certain period of time. And I guess I'd like kind of a memo from the Chief if there's anybody else who wants it too, on why that's necessary. Has there been a problem with them being able to drive before they were.., got these permits or criminal record or something? This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #43 Cause I do think it's going to be a problem for the cab companies to get drivers when they have to wait a period of time. Lehman: We just passed an ordinance that says they do have to go through a criminal background check. Now the question... Champion: I know. Lehman: ...was how long with that check take and we were told it could take as much as two weeks and then we were also told that it could done as quickly as... O'Donnell: 7 to 10. Lehman: ...7 to 10 days. But they are required by ordinance to do that. Champion: Well I don't object t them having to do that. Pfab: Is this an agenda item? Champion: My concern is that they can't drive til after that comes back. I want...what have we done in the past. They've been...You know. Lehman: We changed the rules. Atkins: (can't understand) Pfab: I think... Champion: I know. That's... Atkins: (can't hear) for you. Pfab: I think there's more to this story than might meet the public eye and that is there is a very fast short cut way but...and the way it's known...but it's known by one of the competitors. Now if the competitor decides to share that information, they will all know it and if not, they won't. Karr: The quick and easy way is available to everyone and it's on the application form. Pfab: Right. Lehman: All right, so it's not a secret, Irvin, (can't hear) This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #44 Pfab: Well I...that was a way to bring it out. Lehman: Marian just gave away the secret. Pfab: Well that...I don't know who told me but that was what... Kanner: Emie? Lehman: Yes. Kanner: I had another question for Council Time if that's okay. Lehman: Well, Irvin? Pfab: Okay, I was out of order apparently when I was asking about whether when we change an ordinance if it was okay...if we were required to publish that someplace where a public...for public notice and that was the question that I wanted to ask. Dilkes: You're talking about when we make a zoning code amendment? Pfab: Right. Dilkes: I don't believe that we publish notice like we do with a zoning change because these...it applies City wide and so there's not a discrete group of people effected. Pfab: But...except the whole City. So, it's...in other words would it be inappropriate just to put out a little piece of public notice that this...there's a change com... Was that part of the City...is that part of the City Council and...is that the official notice? Dilkes: Well there's...the public notice is giving of the zoning...of the code change but we don't send out field notices like we do... Pfab: No, no. I agree. But I just...I mean instead of sending out an individual letter you publish it in the paper? Dilkes: Yes, yes, right. Public notice. Lehman: Okay. Dilkes: Or published notice. Pfab: Published notice. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #45 Lehman: Okay. Steven you had something else? Karmer: Yeah, Dee and I are going to meeting with the President of UI Student Government... Lehman: Good. Kanner: ...as Senate Sub-committee. My question is for Eleanor. Is this an... subject to the open meetings and when we meet with this committee? Is this a public meeting? Vanderhoef: If it's two and two? Dilkes: I think we have determined that the purpose of that committee is an information gathering committee as opposed to an advisory body policy to Council. That's really the distinction. But I believe that's the conclusion... Wilbum: That's what we (can't hear) Dilkes: ...that you all came to last time. So, no it is not. Karmer: So, what if we do come up with ideas of...that we might want to enact as policy... Champion: You'd bring them to us. Kanner: ...in our discussion? Vanderhoef: Then they would have to come to Council. Dilkes: Well I think you'd bring them to Council. But it's my...the function of the committee as established by Council is not for purposes of advising the Council on policy issues. That's my recollection. Wilburn: And in fact, we did bring something to Council that was discussed and it didn't quite work out in the end but it was along the lines about the card...the keys and the cards for the parking ramps. But that... Kanner: (can't hear) cards? Wilbum: Yeah. So that's an example of how... Lehman: Okay, I've got a couple, three things and certainly it's difficult for us to remember folks who have passed away but we certainly lost a real giant in this community this last week. Larry Eckholt was This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #16 Page #46 tremendously active in the community...passed away, I believe, last week. One of the folks who was probably as instrumental as any in putting the Englert Theater project together and has worked on community theater. So many things. There's a gentleman who's really, really going to be missed in the community because he was...he really was a giant and we're certainly going to miss him. Couple, three other things. We are going to be doing budget meetings again Thursday at 1:30, as I recall. Now, I would encourage Council folks, if any of you have the same concerns that I do with the amount of money that we're spending on capital improvement projects, that you might make your short list of projects that you think can be moved into another year so that we can try to keep this portion of our tax bill dedicated to retiring general obligation debt under 24%, or 25. I think we have to do this and I will prepare a list. And I don't know that we have to make any sorts of decisions on Thursday but I would...it would nice if we could share those lists with each other so when the time comes for that discussion at least we'll know what each other is thinking. We received a letter today, or we got it tonight. We need to appoint a committee to work with Johnson County to work on the SEATS contract. Atkins: We'd like to begin soon. Lehman: I'd...what's the Council's pleasure as far as the time of putting that together. Now, they have appointed the folks from the county who will serve on that committee along with, I believe, the Director of SEATS. My suspicion is that Joe Fowler, from our staff, will be represented on that committee and if there.., supervisors are putting two folks on that committee then I would assume it would be appropriate for us also to have two people on that committee. Do we want to do that? Vanderhoef: Yes. Lehman: Think about it or do we want to do it tonight. Champion: Oh, I think we ought to...I think Mike, who sits on the SEATS Advisory Committee, certainly ought to be one of the people on that. Lehman: They would like to meet on Thursday, February 14th and... Atkins: I think that may be out, Ernie. I think Joe's already indicated that he had a conflict on that day so... Lehman: Oh. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. # 16 Page #47 Atkins: ...that's going to get changed but the meeting will be coming up shortly. Lehman: Well the reason I asked...I really wouldn't have brought it up except that I see they're looking for a meeting almost within the next two weeks and it would be nice if we are prepared to do that. Atkins: Yeah, they are responding. Joe had written them a letter about a month ago saying look we've got about...we've got another year to go on the contract, let's take out time, get this thing done and kind of fold in another one easily. Lehman: Well as some of the Council is aware, Dee Vanderhoef served on the committee the last time that we negotiated this contract. God it doesn't seem like that long ago but it will be...it's about four years ago. It's a five-year contract. Vanderhoef: Yeah. O'Donnell: They got two new ones on there, Emie, I think we should probably put two new ones, put Connie and I on there. Kanner: I'd be interested in being on the committee. Pfab: Okay that's fine. Lehman: Well we certainly don't have a lack of interest in the committee. Dilkes: Why don't you put this on...you want to talk about this on the 5th? Champion: Yeah. Lehman: All right think about it guys. We will do this at the next... Dilkes: The 4th. Lehman: On the 4th we will make that appointment. Okay. Just one other item. And we really have got to be more...and I've visited with our City Attorney a little earlier this evening. We have got to be more religious sticking to the agenda items that are...my understanding is that state law says we can talk about items that we have posted on the agenda or that are brought up to us. It is inappropriate for us to be going all over the board with comments when we're discussing whether it be agenda items or consent calendar items or whatever. So I would just ask the Council to please keep their comments relative to the issues that are on the agenda. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #17 Page #48 ITEM NO. 17. REPORT ON ITEMS FROM CITY STAFF. Lehman: Steve, do you have anything? Atkins: Iowa wins by four. Lehman: Iowa won tonight. Champion: Really. Vanderhoefi Go Hawks. Champion: Who'd they play, City High? Lehman: No, City High would have bet them. Pfab: (can't hear) television. Lehman: Steve, you have any other news. Atkins: Oh no. Lehman: All right, Eleanor do you have anything for the good of the cause? Eleanor? Do we have a motion to adjourn? I'm sorry. Champion: I want to...I thought you were going to mention to something about Marian tonight, about the defect in the dinner. Lheman: Well, I wasn't going to bring it up but Marian our dear, dear City Clerk...yes she is. Karr: Sounds like twice departed. Lehman: No, actually from the public's perspective Marian, your office has got to be one of the finest offices in the building and they have no clue what you go through... Karr: I forgot the chocolate chip cookies. Lehman: ...trying to baby-sit the seven of us. And we dearly appreciate your efforts to work with us. But one of the highest requirements you have slipped up...I was going to...I asked him if I could just tell you privately... Champion: No. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002. #17 Page #49 Lehman: ...and they said no it had to be publicly. Chocolate chip cookies when we have work sessions that go into Council session probably aren't required by resolution.., but by motion... Karr: But they...I get it. I got it. Vanderhoef: All in favor? Lehman: Do we have a motion to adjourn? Vanderhoef: So moved. Lehman: Moved by Vanderhoef. Wilburn: Second. Lehman: ...seconded by Wilburn. All in favor? (all ayes) Meeting is adjourned. Thank you. This represents only a reasonably accurate transcription of the Iowa City council meeting of January 22, 2002.