HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-2017 Airport Commission Meeting MinutesAugust 17, 2017 Page 1 MINUTES FINAL IOWA CITY AIRPORT COMMISSION AUGUST 17, 2017 — 6:00 P.M. AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDING Members Present: Minnetta Gardinier, Christopher Lawrence, Robert Libby, A. Jacob Odgaard, Chris Ogren Staff Present: Michael Tharp, Eric Goers Others Present: Matt Wolford, David Hughes, Regenia Bailey, Jeff Davidson RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: Ito become effective only after separate Council action): None. DETERMINE QUORUM: Chairperson Libby called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Libby began with a discussion of the minutes from the July 20, 2017, meeting. Ogren moved to accept the minutes of the July 20, 2017, meeting as presented. Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC DISCUSSION: None. a. FAA/[DOT Projects: AECOM / David Hughes I. Obstruction Mitigation — Hughes stated that the contractor has about another week before they finish up on this project. He hopes to be able to submit this to the FAA by the end of the month. Hughes added that they are still awaiting the overall schedule and hope to have this by the end of the month as well. Odgaard asked why it takes so long for the FAA to complete their portion, and Hughes responded, noting that this is just the way the government process goes. ii. South Taxiway Extension — Hughes moved on to the south taxiway extension project, noting that this has been completed. He added that everything looks good and there are no issues to contend with. 1. Consider a resolution accepting work — Gardinier moved to approve Resolution #A17-13, accepting the south taxiway extension August 17, 2017 Page 2 work as complete. Ogren seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. iii. North T -Hangar Restroom — Hughes noted that he made several calls and left messages, with only one return call, in regards to bids for this project. He stated that the one return call was also the highest bid they received on this project from Calacci Construction and that they told him that the bid as presented was written down wrong, that it should be more in the $107,000 range. Hughes continued, stating that during their conversation, John Calacci stated that a 'bare bones' project would be $80,000 to $90,000, on what had originally been estimated to be a $50,000 project. Members asked why the big difference in costs and Hughes responded that it has to be due to the large amount of construction in the Iowa City area currently. Gardinier asked if the City has a department that takes care of these types of projects, and Attorney Goers responded that the City would also bid out on a project like this. He added that when the City does office renovations, for example, they bid out for the work and follow the same procedures as the Commission. Gardinier asked for clarification on the bidding process and Hughes responded, noting that the project was advertised through the newspaper, the City web site, and the Council of City Governments. Hughes attempted to explain the high bid prices received and why this tends to happens when local contractors are already swamped with work. Wolford with Jet Air stated that the local plumber who does work for them stated that the project looked 'too complex' for him. Tharp stated that one thing he and Hughes have discussed with regard to rebidding this project is that they could go back and make some changes, such as just having the restroom 'roughed in' and then finishing it themselves. Members continued to discuss this project and how they would like to proceed in getting it completed. Questions were asked of Tharp and Hughes on delaying the bid process until spring, with Tharp stating that he has talked to the State and has walked them through the anticipated plan. He added that they were agreeable to work with the Airport to see this project through to completion. Wolford asked if the City has a set of plans that they use when the Parks Department puts a restroom/building in the City's parks. Hughes asked Attorney Goers if Parks would have such plans, and if they do the restrooms in the parks as a separate entity. Goers responded that he would be glad to find out the answers to these questions, if the Commission would like him to. Hughes stated that since they have some time on this project, he can look into getting some information from Dallas County on the pre -fab they have on the bike trail, as well as talk to the Parks Department at the City about the restrooms in the parks. Jeff Davidson stated that he knows of a custom-built restroom, also on a bike trail, that cost around $250,000. b. Strategic Plan — Jeff Davidson began the evening's strategic planning discussion. He reminded Members what the goal of the strategic planning is and how the addition of 'success indicators' will be of great help to them in measuring progress. He stated that first he would like to have Tharp go over the annual report that was recently completed. Tharp began by sharing a summary of the accomplishments of the last five-year strategic plan. He explained how he laid out the summary, noting that he tried to show the steps for achieving each of August 17, 2017 Page 3 these goals. Tharp began going through the summary, addressing each of the accomplishments by explaining how these were met and what steps were taken in each. Tharp added that with the reduction of their outstanding debt, the support that was previously needed to maintain operations has been reduced. He noted that the various grant programs are what help to keep aviation going, adding that several projects over the years were supported with both federal and state dollars. Continuing, Tharp spoke to the various events that have taken place at the Airport and the continued plan to host these. He also spoke to the conference room in the terminal building and the increased interest in using it for meetings. Working with Jet Air, Tharp noted the various Chamber of Commerce events they have hosted together, as well as with ICAD and other community groups. He also noted how these groups are important when it comes to economic development at the Airport. With the updating and improving of Airport infrastructure, Tharp noted the opportunities for more businesses to use the Airport, and also to bring more businesses to the Iowa City area. Davidson then continued, noting that a lot of what Tharp just reviewed is what they will be continuing to work on in the new five-year plan. He added that he and Bailey believe they should be able to wrap things up by October, November at the latest. He stated that they would like to walk through the draft goals, strategies, and success indicators today, giving Members the next month in which to review these and pass along any comments. At the September meeting, the Commission could review the draft plan, and if no changes are needed, the final plan could be adopted at the October meeting. The final step then, according to Davidson, would be for the Commission to present the report to the City Council. Looking first at the Mission Statement, Davidson noted that this is the reason for the organization's existence. The Vision Statement then, according to Davidson, is what the Commission sees in the future, if the Iowa City Municipal Airport is successful. Davidson asked if Members had any final changes they would like to make to these two sections. Speaking to the SWOT analysis, Davidson noted the survey results that were received this time around. Moving to the goals as outlined by Tharp, Davidson noted that with the first goal they have made tremendous accomplishments here. This is also one of the goals that they believe should continue to be part of the strategic plan. The second goal, according to Davidson, is another that needs to continue, with the South Aviation Commerce Park out there as a distant goal. The third and fourth goals are ones that need to be addressed in the next five years, as well, and those will be included in the new plan. The fifth goal is one that can definitely be checked off the list, according to Davidson. The runway extension and all that went along with it has been very successful. The final goal is one that Davidson also noted as staying in the new plan. Bailey then moved on to reviewing draft goals that they have prepared for the Members' to respond to. The first goal is 'Continue strong communication with the City Council, City administration,' with the addition of 'Seek opportunities to collaborate with other City departments.' She further noted that using the strength of the City and the various departments could open up opportunities for August 17, 2017 Page a collaboration. Continuing with the goals: 'Develop and maintain adequate funding mechanisms for Airport operations and facility improvements and maintenance;' 'Increasing the use of the Airport for aviation and other community uses,' again another carry-over from the previous strategic plan; 'Maintain the safety and aesthetic appeal of the Airport infrastructure;' and 'Implement the Airport's Master Plan.' Bailey noted that the Commission will want to keep the master plan in front of them, along with the strategic plan, as they work with Tharp on the various projects they want to complete. After a brief review of the goals, Bailey moved into more detail on each one. She touched on the issue of having the Airport's strategic plan line up with the City Council's strategic plan. She emphasized the importance of collaborating with other City departments, and perhaps even other entities within the County, which would align them with the Council's plan. Bailey continued showing the linkages between the Airport's plan and the Council's plan, noting that it will be important to point these out when they present their plan to the Council. This then led her to review the strategies needed to reach these goals. Speaking to the City Council's plan and the issue of communication, Bailey stated that at least quarterly a Commission Member or the Operations Specialist needs to attend a Council meeting to give them an update. She noted why this is a good thing, pointing out that these meetings are televised, thus giving the Airport even more exposure to the public. Members then spoke to this, agreeing that they should take part in attending Council meetings and presenting an update. Continuing, Bailey spoke to a new strategy -'Provide a tour of the Airport and Airport facilities to City Council Members and City Council candidates in election years.' She added that this is an election year. She emphasized the importance of having the Commission Members involved, not just the Airport Specialist. Another new strategy -'Once a Commission Member is affirmed, they should appear before the Council.' Bailey noted how this would then give a face to the newly appointed position, introducing the person to Council during the 'Community Comment' portion of their meeting. Speaking to the Parks and Recreation's newly completed master plan, Bailey noted that for this side of town, it is identified as having a lack of parkland and green space. She stated that perhaps there is an opportunity to collaborate on making the viewing area more of a green space for the area. Speaking to the success indicators, Bailey gave some examples of this, such as, 'Did you present the strategic plan to the City Council?' Another example given was, 'Did we prepare the annual report and present it within two months of the end of the fiscal year?' Bailey reiterated that these are items they can check off as they are completed, thus giving them a way to measure the progress. She continued to work through some ideas for success indicators for each of the goals, emphasizing ways to keep things current as the Airport operations move ahead. Under the funding sources goal, Bailey stated that private funding might be a source as well, if such would even be available. She then spoke to Airport revenue covering Airport operational expenses, as well as receiving adequate grant funding to upgrade and maintain high-quality facilities. Looking at increasing usage at the Airport, both aviation related and not, Bailey stated that they will need to communicate more. There needs to be some type of marketing plan and messaging that will need to take place, in order to increase such usage. August 17, 2017 Page 5 Using the upcoming 1001 anniversary celebration, Bailey noted that this is a perfect example of how they will need to increase promotion of the Airport and any events taking place there. This might be a place for collaboration with the City's Communications Department. The City's Economic Development staff would be another avenue for possible collaboration, according to Bailey. Davidson and Bailey both spoke to how Economic Development might be able to play a role in increased business at the Airport. Moving on to the goal of maintaining the safety and aesthetic appeal of the Airport infrastructure, Bailey brought up the issue of needing a sidewalk along Riverside Drive and how the Airport might want to advocate for this getting done. Members spoke to the nearby trail system and the possibility of bringing that across the road. She briefly touched on aesthetics at the Airport and the viewing area, and then wrapped up the draft goal discussion. Davidson asked that the Members give some thought to what has been proposed and submit any comments or questions to Tharp, who can then forward them on to Bailey and Davidson. Members spoke again to possible collaboration with the Parks Department and working together to upgrade the viewing area at the Airport. They also touched again on increasing events at the Airport, citing examples such as monthly bar-b-que cookouts and other family events. C. Airport Operations I. Budget—Tharp stated that they have received a quote on painting the three T -hangars on the north side. The estimate is about $6,000 per building. He added that he would like to get a few more quotes before they make a final decision. Tharp stated that he has been working with Ted, Jet Air's IT person, on getting flat screens going on the main floor of the terminal building. Another capital project in the works is the replacement upgrade of the tank monitoring station in the University hangar. Tharp stated that he has an initial quote of about $12,000 and he is reaching out for more quotes here as well. 1. 2017-2018 T -Hangar Rates — Tharp stated that anyone who is a current T -hangar tenant would need to recuse themselves from this part of the discussion. Gardinier and Libby recused themselves at this point. Continuing, Tharp stated that he did his usual surveying of other Airports to see what they are currently charging and everyone has stayed flat on their rates, except for one airport who had a $10 increase. He shared what he is experiencing with his waiting list and added that it is taking him longer to fill these. Tharp stated that his recommendation for T - hangar rates is to keep them the same. He noted that if they were to adjust for inflation, it would be roughly a 5% increase. It was two years ago that an adjustment was made to the south T - hangars, according to Tharp. Ogren stated that she agrees with Tharp's recommendation, as did the other Members, Odgaard and Lawrence. Tharp added that with a decrease in mowing, as the seasons change, he would like to take advantage of Jet Air's maintenance people being able to help with hangar maintenance items, such as door seals and upgrading to LED lighting. ii. Management — None. iii. Events August 17, 2017 Page 6 1. Pancake Breakfast — Tharp stated that the pancake breakfast is officially being put on by the Optimist Club, as was touched on earlier in the evening. He added that the SERTOMA group, after disbanding, has basically joined in with the Optimist Club. Gardinier asked if there has been much advertising done for it, and Tharp responded that he did hear a radio ad earlier today in fact. Wolford added that it appears there will be more going on during this year's breakfast, such as the bookmobile being present and the Children's Museum. Tharp explained some other changes, such as with parking, that will be taking place this year. Tharp noted that a few weeks ago he was able to participate with the University when Senator Ernst was in town. She took a tour of the University's lab while here. d. FBO / Flight Training Reports i. Jet Air — Matt Wolford shared the monthly maintenance reports with Members. He noted some of the highlights for them, with mowing topping the list, along with weeding and preparing for the pancake breakfast. Gardinier asked what the board at the terminal building refers to and Wolford explained what this entailed. Libby stated that the Jet Air crew has been doing a great job around the Airport. Wolford also spoke about his part-time help being gone now that school is back in session. He recently hired one full-time worker and may have a few part-time positions open soon. Charters, sales, and maintenance have all been about the same, according to Wolford, and everyone is keeping busy. He also shared that they have hired several new pilots, including one to work as a flight instructor. Wolford stated that they hope to get wi-fi going to the new hangar soon, as well as security cameras. Gardinier asked about the overgrown shrubbery by the highway and if it could be removed and replaced with something nicer. Tharp responded that he can look into this and that he will put this on the agenda for next month's meeting. e. Commission Members' Reports — Gardinier stated that she will be flying somewhere to watch the eclipse. Members briefly spoke to this. Tharp noted that he may be interested in doing this as well. Ogren stated that Oshkosh had a good event this year and that she saw Gardinier at the show. Lawrence stated that it was a good show, as he also attended. Staff Report — Tharp stated that August 28-30 is the Four States Regional Conference in Kansas City that he will be attending. September 15-18, Tharp will be off that Friday and Monday for a four-day weekend. He again spoke to the eclipse and the possibility of going somewhere to see it. g. 100 -year Anniversary Committee — Ogren stated that today she received Tharp's responses and they agreed the committee should try to meet as a group and go over the questions before the next Commission meeting. After some discussion, the subcommittee agreed to meet on Monday, September 11. August 17, 2017 Page 7 SET NEXT REGULAR MEETING FOR: The next regular meeting of the Airport Commission will be held on Thursday. September 21. 2017, at 6:00 P.M. in the Airport Terminal Building. ADJOURN: Ogren moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M. Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. 1011711-7 CHAIRPERSON DATE August 17, 2017 Page 8 Airport Commission ATTENDANCE RECORD 2017 Key: X = Present X/E = Present for Part of Meeting O = Absent O/E = Absent/Excused NM = Not a Member at this time TERM o s 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 WO + �f ` N W A N a) V OD NAME EXP. N o m m m m o N Ho N N W 01 W Ol V V V V V V 3 V V Minnetta 07/01/19 O/ O/ Gardinier X X X X X X X E 'E X X X Chris Ogren 07/01/18 X X X X X X X X X X X X A.Jacob 07/01/18 Of Odgaard X X X X X X E X X X X X Julie 07101/17 OI O/ N N Bockenstedt 01E X X X X X X E X E M M Robert Libby 07101/20 O 1 O/ X O O E X X X X X E X X Christopher 07/01/21 N N N N N N N Lawrence NM NM M M M M NM M M M X X Key: X = Present X/E = Present for Part of Meeting O = Absent O/E = Absent/Excused NM = Not a Member at this time