HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-02 Public HearingNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be L held at which the Iowa City City Council will consider: 2029 OCT 19 PH 3: 13 An amendment to Title 14 Zoning of the -1- Iowa City Code to allow exceptions tot, I Y CLERK zoning regulations for alternations ands�Q CITY.10VIA expansions to existing buildings due to building and/or site constraints in the Mixed Use (MU), Commercial Office (CO -1), Neighborhood Commercial (CN - 1), Community Commercial (CC -2), Central Business Service (CB -2), and Central Business Support (CB -5) zoning districts. (REZ20-0006) An amendment to Title 14 Zoning of the Iowa City Code to allow parking reductions of up to 50% of the required number of spaces through a minor modification process in the Mixed Use (MU), Commercial Office (CO -1), Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1), Community Commercial (CC -2), Central Business Service (CB -2), and Central Business Support (CB -5) zoning districts. (REZ20-0007) Copies of the proposed Zoning Code Amendments are on file for public examination in the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, which is currently closed to the public because of the coronavirus. Copies are available by calling the City Clerk at 319-356-5043 or emailing kellie-fruehling@iowacity.org. The public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 2020, in Emma J. Harvat Hall of the Iowa City City Hall, 410 E. Washington Street, Iowa City. If City Hall remains closed to the public, the meeting will be an electronic meeting using the Zoom Meetings Platform. For information on how to participate in the electronic meeting, see www.icgov.org/councildocs or call the City Clerk at 319-356-5043. Persons wishing to make their views known for Commission consideration are encouraged to participate. Kirk Lehmann, Associate Planner Prepared by: Kirk Lehmann, Associate Planner, 410 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240 (REZ20-0006) Ordinance No. Ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning allowing exceptions to regulations for existing buildings in certain commercial zones (REZ20-0006) Whereas, City Council's 2020-2021 Strategic Plan includes an objective to promote an inclusive and resilient economy throughout the city by encouraging healthy, diverse, and sustainable economic activity, including taking steps to invigorate neighborhood commercial districts and create new small neighborhood commercial nodes; and Whereas, some underutilized commercial parcels experience difficulties meeting current zoning regulations due to existing physical constraints; and Whereas, Mixed Use (MU), Commercial Office (CO -1), Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1), Community Commercial (CC -2), Central Business Service (CB -2), and Central Business Support (CB -5) zones contain less intense commercial uses and are more likely to be near developed residential neighborhoods; and Whereas, the City's comprehensive plan encourages compact, efficient development, a healthy mix of independent, locally -owned businesses and national businesses, and improving the environmental and economic health of the community through efficient use of resources; and Whereas, this zoning code text amendment provides flexibility from zoning regulations where altering or expanding a building is difficult due to existing building and/or site constraints by allowing the Board of Adjustment to waive or modify certain zoning standards through the special exception process; and Whereas, this zoning code text amendment includes eligibility and approval criteria to ensure requests further the Comprehensive Plan and ensure the intent of the ordinance is met; and Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the zoning code amendment set forth below and recommends approval. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Iowa City, Iowa: C--) n Section I. Amendments. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Iowa City. Iowa is hereby amended by adding the following underlined language: A. Amend 14-2C-11 as follows: D. Commercial Reuse Exception " 1. Purpose. The commercial reuse exception allows the alteration of existing btftldings for which the constraints of the building and/or site make it difficult to meet certain zoning Ordinance No. Page 2 code standards. It is intended primarily for use in less intense commercial areas in or near developed residential neighborhoods. 2. Applicability. The exception provides flexibility in the design and use of existing structures provided the following circumstances are met: 3. a. b. C. National Register of Historic Places: and d. The property is not in a CI -1, CH -1. or CB -10 zone. Waivers. The Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception to waive or modify any for required minimum distances separating land uses or standards in 14-51 "Sensitive Lands and Features' and 14-5J "Floodplain Management Standards". 4. Approval Criteria. In addition to the general special exception approval criteria set forth a. i ne exception is necessary aue it difficult to meet that standard. b. The exception will be compatible traffic circulation, general layout, and lighting. c. The exception will not adversely affect views noise, stormwater runoff, light and d. The exception is not contrary to the intent of the standard. e. The exception will be in the public interest. B. Amend 14-2C-4 as follows: Dimensional Requirements: The dimensional requirements for the commerciar, zones are stated in tables 2C -2(a) and 2C -2(b) of this section. The following subsections !describe in more detail the regulations for each of the dimensional requirements listed in the tables. Provisional uses and uses allowed by special exception may have specific dimensional requirements not specified in tables 2C -2(a) and 2C -2(b) of this section. Approval criteria for these uses are addressed in chapter 4, article B of this title. Dimensional requirements may be waived or modified for developments approved through the planned development process (see chapter 3, article A, "Planned Development Overlay Zone (OPD)", of this title) or through the commercial reuse or historic preservation exceptions as outlined in section 14-2C-11, "Special Provisions", of this article. C. Amend 14-2C-10 as follows: 14-2C-10 Special Exceptions and Minor Modifications to Site Development Standards: A preservation exceptions in accordance with section 14-2C-11 "Special Provisions." A minor modification to adjust specific provisions of section 14-2C-6, 14-2C-7, 14-2C-8, or 14-2C-9 of this article, may be requested in either of the qualifying situations listed Ordinance No. Page 3 below. Such requests will be reviewed by the design review committee, the director of planning and community development, and the building official according to the procedures for minor modifications as set forth in chapter 8, article B of this title and must meet the following approval criteria. The following approval criteria are to be applied in lieu of the general approval criteria listed in section 14-4B-1, "Minor Modifications", of this title: D. Amend 14-413-4 as follows: Specific Approval Criteria for Provisional Uses and Special Exceptions: The following uses are listed as provisional uses or special exceptions in one or more of the base zones, unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. Provisional uses are permitted, subject to the additional requirements contained in thisarticle. A use listed as a special exception in a base zone is permitted only after approval from the board of adjustment, subject to the approval criteria contained in this section and to the general special exception approval criteria contained in section 14-413- 3 of this article. In addition to the approval criteria listed in this article, all provisional uses and special exceptions are required to meet the regulations of the base zone in which they are located and all other applicable regulations of this title. If a regulation in another part of this title conflicts with a regulation contained in this article, the regulation that is more specific to the situation applies. When regulations are equally specific or when it is unclear which regulation to apply, the more restrictive regulation applies. E. Amend 14-4C-2 as follows: Specific Approval Criteria: Any accessory uses listed in the following subsections must comply with the conditions listed unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. As noted, some require special exception approval from the Board of Adjustment. If a regulation in the base zone chapter conflicts with a regulation contained in this article, the regulation that is more specific to the situation applies. When regulations are equally specific or when it is unclear which regulation to apply, the more restrictive regulation will govern F. Amend 14 -5B -2A as follows: Applicability: All signs on private property must be installed, maintained, and/or removed according to the provisions of this article, unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. G. Amend 14 -5C -A as follows: It is unlawful for any person to cut, break, or remove any curb along a street except in compliance with the requirements of this article, or unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. H. Amend 14-51D-2 as follows: Applicability: Lots located at the corner of any street intersection must comply with the requirements of this article, unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. I. Amend 14 -5E -2A as follows: Applicability: No building permit shall be issued for the construction, reconstruction or structural alteration of a building nor shall any use be established or converted nor shall a certificate of occupancy be granted for a use without conformity with the provisions of the tree regulations, unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific Ordinance No. Page 4 provisions of this title. J. Amend 14-5F-2 as follows: Applicability: The screening and buffering standards will be applied throughout this title, unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title, where they will be referenced with the numbers S1, S2, S3, etc. The regulations in this article address materials, placement, layout, and timing of installation. The standards in this article are expressed as minimum standards; additional landscaping and screening materials may be used as long as they do not conflict with the provisions of this article. K. Amend 14 -5G -2A as follows: Applicability of Provisions: The standards contained in this article apply to all uses in all zones, except for the exemptions listed in subsection B of this section, or unless specifically exempted or superseded by more specific provisions of this title. L. Amend 14-51-1-2 as follows: Applicability: The provisions of this article apply to all uses located within the city of Iowa Nonconforming development is subject to the provisions of chapter 4, article E, "Nonconforming Situations", of this title Section II. Repealer. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section III. Severability. If any section, provision or part of the Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section IV. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication. Passed and approved this day of Mayor City Clerk Approved by City Attorney's Office G> 2020. o p € r7i C5 �� ✓ r. Cl) 1 Approved by City Attorney's Office Prepared by: Kirk Lehmann, Associate Planner, 410 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240 (REZ20-0007) Ordinance No. Ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning allowing parking reductions through the minor modification process in certain commercial zones (REZ20-0007) Whereas, City Council's 2020-2021 Strategic Plan includes an objective to promote an inclusive and resilient economy throughout the city by encouraging healthy, diverse, and sustainable economic activity, including taking steps to invigorate neighborhood commercial districts and create new small neighborhood commercial nodes; and Whereas, minimum parking standards can prevent neighborhood commercial and the parking reduction allowed in Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1) zones for land banking,is rarely used; and Whereas, Mixed Use (MU), Commercial Office (CO -1), Neighborhood Go mmercial (CN -1), Community Commercial (CC -2), Central Business Service (CB -2), and Central',Btisingss Support (CB -5) zones contain less intense commercial uses and are more likely to bg-neaL developed residential neighborhoods; and,.; _ Whereas, the City's comprehensive plan encourages compact, efficient developMent, promotes small -lot and infill development, and seeks to improve the environmental and economic health of the community through efficient use of resources; and Whereas, this zoning code text amendment allows parking reductions of up to fifty (50%) in Mixed Use (MU), Commercial Office (CO -1), Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1), Community Commercial (CC -2), Central Business Service (CB -2), and Central Business Support (CB -5) zones through a minor modification process; and Whereas, this zoning code text amendment includes approval criteria and a public process to ensure requests further the Comprehensive Plan and ensure the intent of the ordinance is met; and Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the zoning code amendment set forth below and recommends approval. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Iowa City, Iowa: Section I. Amendments. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Iowa City, Iowa is hereby amended by adding the following underlined language and deleting the followed stricken language: Amend 14 -5A -4F as follows: 2. Minor Modification For Parking Atlewed Reductions For Shared On Site Parking: The building official, in consultation with the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, may approve a minor modification as specified in section 14-413-1 of this title to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by up to fifty percent (50%) if the Ordinance No. Page 2 uses sharing the parking are not normally open, used, or operated during the same hours. To qualify for a reduction under this provision, a parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides evidence that the amount of parking proposed for the shared parking area will be sufficient to meet the parking demand. This reduction is not allowed for residential uses. and binding open all SUGGesser-s and assigns, asauFing the installation of pa*ing within 454; 3. Minor Modification For Parking Reduction in Commercial Zones: The building official, in consultation with the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, may approve a minor modification as specified in 14-46-1 of this title to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by up to fifty percent (50%) if it meets the following standards: a. It must be in a CB -2, CB -5, CC -2, CN -1, CO -1, or MU zone: b. Buildings must be limited to a footprint of 5,000 square feet: c. A parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides evidence that the 9 determined by staff: and 4. Minor Modification For Parking Reduction In The Central Business Zones: In the CB - 5 and CB -10 Zones, a minor modification may be granted as specified in section 14-46- 1 of this title exempting up to thirty percent (30%) of the total number of dwelling units contained in a building from the minimum parking requirements, provided that those dwelling units are committed to the City's assisted housing program or any other affordable housing program approved by the City. 5. Minor Modification for Commercial Use Parking Reductions. The number of required Amend 14-48-1A as follows: 1. The number of required parking spaces for commercial uses may be reduced up to ten percent (10%). 2. The building official, in consultation with the Director of Neighborhood and Development Services, may approve a minor redastieamodification of up to fifty percent (50%) of the total number of parking spaces required, if the uses sharing the parking are not normally open, used, or operated during the same hours. However, this reduction is not allowed for residential uses. To qualify for a reduction under this provision, a parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides Ordinance No. Page 3 evidence that the amount of parking proposed for the shared parking area will be sufficient to meet the parking demand. title to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by up to fifty percent (50%) if it meets the following standards: a. It must be in a CB -2 CB -5, CC -2, CN -1, CO -1, or MU zone; b. Buildings must be limited to a footprint of 5,000 square feet; c. A parking demand analysis must be submitted that provides evidence that the 2 Historic Places or individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. 43. In the CB -5 and CB -10 Zones, a minor modification maybe granted exempting up to thirty percent (30%) of the total number of dwelling units contained in a building from the minimum parking requirements; provided that those dwelling units are committed to the City's assisted housing program or any other affordable housing program approved by the City. Section II. Repealer. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section III. Severability. If any section, provision or part of the Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section IV. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication. Passed and approved this day of Mayor 2020. Approved by City Clerk City Attorney's Office r_1 e r rrl � w City Clerk City Attorney's Office STAFF PRESENTATION TO FOLLOW: 1 r I C04;qui h CITY OF lOVVA CITY 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa S2240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (3I9) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Planning &Zoning Items CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2020 Item 10.a.: Zoning Code Amendment - Commercial Reuse Exceptions REZ20-06 An ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning Code to allow a special exception from standards for the reuse of existing buildings in certain commercial zones. Current Code Non -Conforming Situations (Use, Structure, Development, Lot) Administrative/Staff Review: Minor Modifications (14-4B-1). Specified requirements may be modified or waived; requires notification and hearing Minor Adjustments (14 -2G -7H). Specified requirements may be modified or waived in the Riverfront Crossings; does not require notification or hearing Special Exception: Specified requirements may be modified or waived; requires notification, hearing and Board of Adjustment (BOA) decision Example: Historic landmarks and historically registered properties may request waivers from dimensional, site development, and provisional standards (14 -2C - 11A) In all cases, approval criteria must be met. Background Information Developer inquired about a long -vacant building at 1120 N. Dodge St. Requires flexibility from zoning regulations Other underutilized commercial properties have experienced issues meeting zoning regulations due to existing physical constraints Proposed amendment would support reuse of existing buildings by providing flexibility from zoning regulations due to site constraints Proposed Amendment Applicability Lzligible Zon7o Commercial Office (CO -1) Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1) Community Commercial (CC -2) Central Business Service (CB -2) Central Business Support (CB -5) Mixed Use (MU) IneligibleoronMR Intensive Commercial (CI -1) Highway Commercial (CH -1) Central Business (CB -10) Proposed Amendment Applicability Project results in the alteration or expansion of an existing structure Project does not result in the demolition of a principle structure Property is not designated as a historic structure (local or National) Existing code provision that provides flexibility to historic structures Potential Exceptions Specific Approval Criteria Provisional/Special Exceptions (14-413-4): Includes density standards for group living uses; requirements for multi -family uses. Accessory Uses (14-4C-2) : Includes drive-through setbacks; space limits for home childcare uses; and size requirements for accessory retail uses. Commercial Zone Dimensional Requirements (14-2C-4): Includes lot size & coverage; setbacks; height; floor -area ratio; open space; and dwelling unit density Commercial Zone Site Development Standards (14-2C-6, 7, 8, & 9): Includes parking area setbacks, location & screening; access & circulation; building setbacks, materials, & orientation; building-streetscape interface, bonus provisions in CB zones; and standards for large retail uses in CO -1 & CC -2 zones. General Site Development Standards (14-5: Includes off street parking & loading; signs; access management; intersection visi ility; landscaping & trees; screening & buffering; outdoor Fighting; and performance standards. Not Eligible for Exceptions Minimum separation distance requirements (e.g. drinking establishment and adult businesses) Sensitive lands and features regulations Floodplain management standards 1. The exception is necessary due to existing building or site constraints that make it difficult to meet that standard. 2. The exception will be compatible with and/or complementary to adjacent development in terms of building mass and scale, relative amount of open space, traffic circulation, general layout, and lighting. 3. The exception will not adversely affect views, noise, stormwater runoff, light and air, and privacy of neighboring properties any more than would a development that satisfies the applicable standard. 4. The exception is not contrary to the intent of the standard. 5. The exception will be in the public interest. —F— T N1A h � 1 __ ehOAVENINNA AVE �pE p0 T hO TAR SPEEOWAV IT ILI pV R� SP��u'Opi( . li R a� J ST J It JF `l �I ITS TI � L,LL92 BR NSi""' fL iii l� ��py�F,E -II u11➢f O CJ�L I RLN Si Legend yam i FAIRi Eligible Zoning Districts _ z® EOAVERIEFIFT - Central Business S,,,Ee(CO.21 n - Cori BoEmEsS Support (C&5( ®®A FrT❑�z� J - Community Commercial(CCR) ® mm 6 - Neighborhood Commerclal(C&1) �E JEFFERSON ST z u - Commercial ORice (CO1)o �' OWA AVE �Mixetl Use (Mil) FTE�ri WASNINGTON ST J ST J It Review Criteria The proposed amendment supports City Council's strategic plan in addition to the following goals and strategies of the comprehensive plan: Encourage compact, efficient development that is contiguous and connected to existing neighborhoods to reduce the cost of extending infrastructure and services and to preserve farmland and open space at the edge of the city. — Encourage a healthy mix of independent, locally -owned businesses and national businesses. Improve the environmental and economic health of the community through efficient use of resources. Allowing flexibility allows existing commercial buildings to be efficiently utilized to promote economic activity throughout the community Staff intends this to be primarily used by local businesses on unique infill lots National/international chains prefer new structures that are more standardized Adoption provides an avenue for businesses to move to established neighborhoods in Iowa City, or to expand in-place where otherwise they may have to move Zoning Code Text Change-P&Z recommendation to City Council (October 2020) Planning &Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed text amendment to Title 14 to allow for additional flexibility from zoning regulations where altering or expanding a building is difficult due to existing building and or site constraints in the MU, CO -1, CN -1, CC -2 and CB -5 zones. STAFF PRESENTATION CONCLUDED � r rrM as � h CITY OF IOWA CITY 410 East Washington Strect Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (3 19) 356-5000 (3 19) 356-5009 FAX www. icgov. o rg STAFF PRESENTATION TO FOLLOW: 1 r I C04;qui h CITY OF lOVVA CITY 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa S2240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (3I9) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Planning &Zoning Items CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2020 Item 10.b.: Zoning Code Amendment— Parking Reduction in Commercial Zones REZ20-07 An ordinance amending Title 14, Zoning Code to allow parking reductions through the minor modification process in certain commercial zones. Background Minimum parking requirements can be a barrier to developing/ redeveloping infill commercial properties Proposed amendment could support development of vacant, infill commercial lots by providing reductions to parking standards Current Code Flexibility by administrative (i.e. staff) review: • Site Plan Review. Landbanked Parking in CN -1; small vehicle parking; liner buildings; fees in lieu of parking downtown (50%); or sharing off-site parking in most non-residential zones. • Minor Modifications. Can reduce parking for commercial uses (10%), affordable units in CB -5/10 zones (30%) and shared parking for non-residential uses (50%). Can continue existing legal nonconforming uses. Flexibility by special exception: Can reduce parking for unique characteristics (50%) for historic properties (100%), for nearby off-site parking in residential and CB -10 zones; and for fees in lieu of parking downtown (100%) Gaps Often does not apply to multifamily uses in mixed use developments and varies widely by zone Can stop new construction infill projects which can leave commercial sites vacant Proposed Amendment Summary Would replace existing provision that allows land banking to reduce parking in Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1) zones. • Adopted in 1995 • Allowed reduced parking to promote neighborhood commercial uses • Could require that up to 30% of the land that would otherwise be needed for onsite parking remain as open space. • If needed in the future, City could require owner to construct parking CN -1 zone is relatively uncommon, and the land banking provision is rarely used (no current examples) Proposed Amendment Summary Available for new construction, redevelopment, alteration or expansion projects with commercial/residential uses in MU, CO -1, CN -1, CC -2, CB -2, and CB -5 zones Parking reductions could be requested for both commercial and residential uses Allows up to banking) 50% of the required parking to be waived (no land Would use a minor modification process Requires notifying nearby owners and an administrative hearing Proposed Amendment Approval Criteria To ensure it assists small scale neighborhood commercial, buildings would be limited to a 5.000 sauare foot footprint Maximum typically allowed in Neighborhood Commercial zones Scaled appropriately to house -scale buildings Requires a parking demand analysis Must demonstrate that the proposed parking will meet the parking demand Protects historic or potentially historic properties Doesn't allow reductions if it results in the demolition of a historic landmark, or a property in or eligible for the National Register City Analysis Most neighborhood commercial areas are eligible Examples: Northside, Towncrest, Olde Town Village, Pepperwood Plaza, Walden Square Would be useful in areas where commercial lots remain vacant 2229 Muscatine Avenue (southwest corner of Muscatine and 1st Avenue) 620 S. Riverside Drive City Analysis Some commercial areas are eligible but may not meet the purpose Examples: Northgate Business Park, intersection of US -218 and Highway 1 Relies on case-by-case review and building size limits Parking reductions must be appropriate to the context • Northside has some commercial zones which could use the parking reduction • Need to demonstrate that they can accommodate their parking demand. • The City can include conditions or allow less than the full 50% parking reduction to avoid on -street parking spillover effects Benefits: • Reduced costs to business (economic) • Less stormwater runoff (environmental) • More efficient use of the site (both) Review Criteria Supports several comprehensive plan goals/strategies: Encourage compact, efficient development that is contiguous and connected to existing neighborhoods to reduce the cost of extending infrastructure and services and to preserve farmland and open space at the edge of the city. Discourage sprawl by promoting small -lot and infill development. Improve the environmental and economic health of the community through efficient use of resources Also furthers the City's following documents: 2020-2021 Strategic Plan Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Staff intends this to be primarily used on unique infill lots Assists businesses which attract less automobile traffic Provides an avenue for redevelopment of neighborhood mixed/commercial uses where room for parking may be limited Planning &Zoning Commission Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends approval of the proposed text amendment to Title 14 to expand allowable parking reductions from only Neighborhood Commercial (CN -1) zones with a provision that allows parking reductions of up to 50% in MU, CO -1, CN -1, CC -2, CB -2, and CB -5 zones. STAFF PRESENTATION CONCLUDED � r rrM as � h CITY OF IOWA CITY 410 East Washington Strect Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (3 19) 356-5000 (3 19) 356-5009 FAX www. icgov. o rg NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at which the Council will consider: An ordinance rezoning approximately 0.55 acres of property from Central Business (CB -10) zone to CB -10 with a Historic District Overlay (CB-10/OHD) for property located at 109, 111, 115, 117, and 121 E. College Street (REZ20- 02). Copies of the proposed ordinance are on file for public examination in the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, which is currently closed to the public because of the coronavirus. Copies are available by telephoning the City Clerk at 319/356-5043 or emailing kellie-fruehlinc aaiowa- ci .or . The public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 2020, in Emma J. Harvat Hall of the Iowa City City Hall, 410 E. Washington Street, Iowa City. If City Hall remains closed to the public, the meeting will be an electronic meeting _ using the Zoom Meetings Platform. For = information on how to participate in the electronic meeting, see www.icgov.org/councildocs or telephone the City Clerk at 319/3565043. Persons wishing to make their views known for Council consideration are encouraged to r participate. N Kellie Fruehling, City Clerk Prepared by: Anne Russett, Senior Planner, 410 E. Washington Street, Iowa City, IA 52240; (REZ20-02) Ordinance No. Ordinance rezoning approximately 0.55 acres of property from Central Business (CB -10) zone to CB -10 with a Historic District Overlay (CB-10/OHD) for property locate 109, 111, 115, 117, and 121 E. College Street (REZ20-02) Whereas, the applicant, Tailwinds College St. IC, LLC, has reque ed a rezoning of property located at 109, 111, 115, 117 and 121 East College Street to approve a rezon' g of 0.55 acres from Central Business (CB -10) to CB -10 w h a Historic District Overlay (CB-1/presetion Whereas, the Co rehensive Plan encourages thof historic buildings; and Whereas, Goal 1 f the Historic Preservationof the Comprehensive Plan calls for identification of resources ignificant to Iowa City's pajective of designating individual buildings as landmarks; and Whereas, Goal 10 of th Historic Preservatigfi component of the Comprehensive Plan calls for the adoption of strategies to prese a historic neighb oods; and Whereas, the Historic Pr s Designation and has found that it American and/or Iowa City's history, design, setting, materials, and works to the broad patterns of our history; of construction; or represents the v significant and distinguishable entit ion C mission has reviewed the proposed Historic Landmark the item for landmark designation in that it is significant to sit lure, archeology and/or culture; possesses integrity of location, > ip; associated with events that have made a significant contribution mbodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method odf a master; or possesses high artistic values; or represents a . e components may lack individual distinction; and Whereas, the Planning an Zoning ommission has reviewed the proposed rezoning and has recommended proposed Histori Landmark signation rezoning and has found that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals of p eserving histori\resources; and Now, therefore, be it ordaine by the City Counity of Iowa City, Iowa: Section I Approval. Pr perty described beloby reclassified from its current zoning designation of Central Business (CB -10 o CB -10 with a HistoOverlay (CB-10/OHD) Lot 2, Block 8 Original Town of Iowa City, Iowa, oh Lot 3 in Bloc 82, In Iowa City, Iowa, according to th West 58.05 et thereof. The West 9.3 feet of Lot 3 in Block 82 in the Original The East 8.75 feet of the West 58.05 feet of Lot 3 in nson County, Iowa. recorded plat thereof, exceptingJhe PI of Iowa City, Iowa. — Block 2 in Iowa City, Iowa, accordin� to the plat thereof recorded in Book 1, Page 116, t records of Johnson , County, owa. Section II. Zoning Map. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized a directed to change the zoning map of the City of Iowa City, Iowa, to conform to this amendment upon th final passage, approval and publication of this ordinance by law. Section III. Certification and Recording. Upon passage and approval of thedinance, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of this ordinance and to record the me, at the office of the County Recorder of Johnson County, Iowa, at the owner's expense, all as provided by Section IV. Repealer. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with th rovisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section V. Severability. If any section, provision or part of the Ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any section, Ordinance No. Page 2 provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. Section VI. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval and publication, as provided by law. Passed and approved this day of 20 . STAFF PRESENTATION TO FOLLOW: 1 r I C04;qui h CITY OF lOVVA CITY 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa S2240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (3I9) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Planning &Zoning Items CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 2020 Item 10.c.: Rezoning at 109-121 E. College Street— Local Historic Landmark REZ20-02 An ordinance rezoning approximately 0.55 acres of property from Central Business District (CB -10) zone to Central Business District with a Historic District Overlay (CB-10/OHD) for property located at 109-121 E College Street. Background Includes: Dooley Block East and West (Late Victorian Romanesque and Italianate), Sears, Roebuck & Co Building (Commercial Brick Front/Classical Revival), Crescent Block (Commercial Brick Front/Art Deco) Development project on the southern portion of these lots. National Register of Historic Places- historic district nomination pending consideration by the State Historic Preservation Office Review Criteria Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Central District Plan: Goal 1b: Calls for protection of historic buildings Historic Preservation element of the Comprehensive Plan: • Goal 1: Identify historic resources significant to Iowa City's past Objective 5: Identify and pursue historic landmark nominations • Goal 10: Adopt strategies that preserve historic neighborhoods <� < IF a ~» ,»jPff,; \ « \p I 1 91�'A" �•p` 1 R 6 B i N Sears, Roebuck and Co. rer�r„r, J '1 3 Y'� 117-123 East College Street, Crescent Block, 1894 Crescent Block Dooley Block Coldren Opera House/ Iowa City State Bank Photo ca. 1910, 117-123 E. College St, Crescent Block 1894 1930s Carrara Glass Art Deco storefront, 117- 123 E. College St, Crescent Block, 1894 Historic Landmark Overlay Rezoning - Planning & Zoning Commission recommendation to City Council (October 2020) TIF Project Proposal/ Development Agreement (Recommendation from Economic Development Committee -pending) Historic Preservation Commission Review of Exterior Modifications (Pending- November 2020) Site Plan Review -Staff Building Permit -Staff Historic Preservation and Planning &Zoning Commissions' Recommendation The Historic Preservation Commission and Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of application REZ20-02, a rezoning to designate 109- 121 E. College Street as an Iowa City Historic Landmark. STAFF PRESENTATION CONCLUDED � r rrM as � h CITY OF IOWA CITY 410 East Washington Strect Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (3 19) 356-5000 (3 19) 356-5009 FAX www. icgov. o rg