HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-13-09 RTBC ~JCCOG ...,....... m e m 0 MEETING NOTICE JCCOG Regional Trails and Bicycling Committee Tuesday, October 13, 2009 - 4:00PM Johnson County Health and Human Services BuildinQ (855 S. Dubuque St.)- second floor room 203C AGENDA 1. Call to order; recognize alternates; consider approval of minutes 2. Public discussion 3. Review of JCCOG Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding applications a. Consider a recommendation to the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee on apportionment of TE funds. 4. Summary of JCCOG trail counts 5. Update on Safe Routes to School grant applications 6. Update on local adoption of the Metro Bicycle Master Plan 7. Update on Iowa City's Bicycle Friendly Communities application 8. Discuss updating the Trails Section of the JCCOG Long-Range Transportation Plan 9. Discussion of future RTBC agenda items. 10. Other business 11. Adjournment Attachments: 1. Draft minutes from the February 17,2009 RTBC meeting 2. Memorandum - TE funding application summary and ranking criteria 3. Memorandum - STP funding application summary 4. Memorandum - Annual Trail Count Program 5. Memorandum - October 13,2009 Agenda items 6. Newsletter article, "JCCB Acquires Key Property," The Conservation Connection, Fall 2009 7. Magazine article, "How to Get More Bicyclists on the Road: To boost urban bicycling, figure out what women want," Scientific American, October 16, 2009 Contact Kris Ackerson, JCCOG Assistant Transportation Planner, at 356-5247 or kristopher- ackerson@iowa-cityorg with questions. MINUTES JCCOG REGIONAL TRAILS AND BICYCLING COMMITTEE TUESDAY, JULY 14th, 2009 IOWA CITY CITY HALL - PCD CONFERENCE ROOM DRAFT MEMBERS PRESENT: Terry Dahms, Louise From, Brian Loring, Terrence Neuzil, Royce Phillips, Sherri Proud, Michelle Ribble Shelly Simpson Nick Maddix MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER Kristopher Ackerson, Kent Ralston, Chris Widmer, Brock Grenis Ackerson called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm. Ackerson recognized no alternates were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 17TH. 2009 MEETING The motion to approve the February 17th, 2009 minutes was made by Neuzil and seconded by From. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC DISCUSSION There was no public discussion. AGENDA ITEM #3: DISCUSSION OF THE METRO BICYCLE MASTER PLAN 3a. PUBLIC INPUT RECEIVED DURING 30 - DAY COMMENT PERIOD Ackerson presented the Committee with comments received from the 30-day public comment period that began on June 8th and ended on July 8th for the Metro Bicycle Master Plan. Copies of the three comments were passed out to all that were present. 3b. BIKE PLAN MAILING LIST Ackerson informed the Committee of the email list collected by staff to inform interested parties of the continual progress on the Metro Bicycle Master Plan. Ackerson mentioned that Committee Members may utilize this email list to inform interested parties about their own municipality's progress on the Metro Bicycle Master Plan. 3c. UPDATE ON PROJECT TIMELlNE Ackerson discussed the planning process of the Metro Bicycle Mater Plan and the good turnout of the May public open house during Bike to Work Week. With the completion of the 30-day comment period, the final step is forwarding the Plan to JCCOG member entities for consideration. Ackerson mentioned that Iowa City is considering adopting the Metro Bicycle Master Plan as part of the Land Use Comprehensive Plan. AGENDA ITEM #4: DISCUSS UPDATING THE TRAILS SECTION OF THE JCCOG LONG- RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN Ackerson directed the Committee to study the map of existing and proposed trails for the JCCOG Long Range Transportation Plan and to submit changes to staff by August 28. To be awarded funding, trail projects must be included in the JCCOG Long Range Transportation Plan which is the guiding document for regional Surface Transportation Program and Transportation Enhancement Program funds. AGENDA ITEM #5: UPDATE ON REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT APPLICATION Ackerson informed the Committee that the FY2010 JCCOG Transportation Planning Work Program directs staff to submit a regional Transportation Enhancement application for bicycle way-finding signage throughout the regional area. If Committee members are interested in being part of the effort it requires a minimum 20% local match. Dahms noted his concern about hiring a consultant for the design and suggested other options. Neuzil opposed hiring a consultant and requested examples for the sign design. Ralston mentioned the possibility of using JCCOG's graphic designer. Ackerson ended the discussion by mentioning that each member will be provided Transportation Enhancement applications in August. AGENDA ITEM #6: SUMMARY OF JCCOG BICYCLE TRAFFIC COUNTS Ackerson informed the Committee that beginning in February 2009 bicycle traffic is now an additional component of peak hour traffic counts. Ackerson referred the Committee to observe the enclosed memorandum in their packets that display a summary of the counts to date. Ackerson noted an error in the Melrose/Koser intersection that reads 4.2% of the total traffic as bicycle traffic which should indicate 2.6% of total traffic as bicycle traffic. Ribble suggested that the time of year and weather conditions at the time of the count would be a helpful addition to the bicycle count inventory. Ackerson agreed with this measure. AGENDA ITEM #7: UPDATE ON SHARED LANE ARROWS AND BIKE LANES Ackerson updated the Committee on the installation of the new shared lane arrow, or sharrow, pavement markings on streets this summer. Ackerson addressed the reasons why sharrows and bike lanes are located in the left lane. AGENDA ITEM #8: OTHER BUSINESS Ackerson mentioned that the new Iowa DOT Bike Maps are available and Committee members may request copies anytime to hand out in their community. Ackerson informed the Committee of the passing of Terry Trueblood who was a long-time member of the Regional Trails and Bicycling Committee. Neuzil requested the creation of a document that would inform each Committee member of the activities going on in other communities. This list would include completed projects or projects that are underway. Ralston suggested that this document take the form of a press release that would be available before the end of the year. Ribble requested that packets come through email as opposed to postal mail as they are now being sent. Ackerson noted that packets will now be available byemail. ADJOURNMENT At 4:40 Dahms moved to adjourn and was seconded by From. The motion carried unanimously. wJCCOG rr..... m e m o Date: October 6, 2009 To: JCCOG Regional Trails and Bicycling Committee From: Kris Ackerson, Assistant Transportation Planner Re: Consider a recommendation to the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee on apportionment of TE funds Applications for FY11-12 JCCOG-allocated Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds have been received. Our targets for the FY11-12 funding cycle are $3,940,561 in STP funds and $572,763 in TE funds. The official 30-day public comment period began on September 10 and will conclude on October 10, although input received until December 1 will be forwarded to the JCCOG Board for consideration. To-date we have five comments on the TE applications (attached). The application form spells out the process used to solicit projects for this funding. In summary, applications may be submitted by JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) members. Projects must be sponsored or co-sponsored by a JCCOG municipality. The project sponsor must commit to the 20% minimum local match for project implementation, and as part of the State requirements for this funding, must commit to maintenance of the project for a minimum of 20 years. At your October 13 meeting, please consider making a recommendation to the JCCOG TT AC on the apportionment of TE funds. The JCCOG staff scores, based on the scoring criteria adopted by the JCCOG Board, are enclosed. The projects need not be recommended for funding according to their scores; the scores are meant to be one piece of information for consideration in your deliberations. As you discuss the projects to recommend for funding, consider the project score, any public input received (attached), and ultimately the merits of each project. The funds cannot be apportioned according to the population of the JCCOG municipalities. The RTBC may, by motion, amend any of the project scores before they are forwarded to the JCCOG TTAC. Your recommendation will be forwarded to the TTAC on November 10 for discussion, along with staff scores and rankings according to the adopted scoring criteria. Transportation Enhancement funding applications are attached. C) II) Q"C o C o~ '"')- ... c .E Q) II) E c Q) o (,) :;:; c ns ns .~ 'E 'Q.w c.c ns 0 .... .- 0- ~N ~Oor;- ns c. 'I"'" EII)'I"'" EC~ ~~> ClH- iL ('1)('1) co..... 1'-0 N..o I'-ex) LON ~ ~~ a;~ :CUi .!! 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'w ~ 'c => LO LO LO o o LO mB ..!!1 <Ii o > 0<( --0 en... c: lll~ "C~'- c: III 8.9~ Q) .l<: c: enQ)~ E l!! eO.9 \10- m ::: ~Q)~ '~(3 :; Q) ~ ~ .S2.2&i 2>llle. ..... .l<:' 0 Q)- "~ e ~ 1-0= o o o 00 ('I) ('I) ~ ~ o o N o o "<t ci I'- N ~ c: lE i= ..., C'? .... o Iti' co N ..; ~ " ,S 1/1 CIl ::J CI' ~ VI " e ::J LL S o I- Iowa City CSC 1960 S. Riverside Drive Iowa City, IA 52246 Ph: 319-351-3530 Fax: 800-346-5021 October I, 2009 Iowa City Parks & Recreation Commission c/o Kristopher Ackerson, Johnson County Council of Governments 220 S. Gilbert St. Iowa City, IA 52240 Dear Parks & Recreation Commission: Weare writing to request that funding be made available for the expansion of the trail system along South Riverside Drive from Highway 6 to Sturgis Ferry Park. There is regular foot and bicycle traffic along the sad little path that currently exists (which is scarcely more than a rut from bicycle tires); it would make a tremendous difference to have a paved path to walk or ride along, joining the outlying businesses and residences on the south side to the rest of the city. Many employees here at RR Donnelley live in town, and would have an easy ride to work every day if the trail could just be extended towards the frontage road to our building. In addition to offering an alternative to commuting by car, it would provide increased access to Sturgis Ferry Park. We are aware of the importance of expanding opportunities for greener living. Our company has recently established a "Green Team" to encourage sustainable and environmentally aware practices both at work and at home. Weare very excited about contributing to the community, and one of our projects is adopting Sturgis Ferry Park (which is walking distance away from our offices). This somewhat neglected park has potential to become an enjoyable green space, and a trail would enhance its status as an actual park rather than a parking lot for the boat ramp. Please consider allocating funding for this project. It would make a difference to many of us here at RR Donnelley, and to the many others who walk that route regularly. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Employees of RR Donnelley, Iowa City If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Skip Morrison (x1365) or Melissa Serenda (x1201). Kristopher Ackerson From: Sent: To: Subject: robert. powers@us.schneider-electric.com Thursday, September 24, 2009 2:52 PM Kristopher Ackerson JCCOG Funding Project Dear Kristopher Ackerson, re: Old Highway 218 trail proposal #5 I would like to express my interest in seeing a trail/sidewalk placed along Old Highway 218 passing in front of the Iowa City Airport connecting Riverside Boulevard to Mormon Trek Boulevard. I believe this proposal is listed as #5. I often use the airport and would enjoy safely bicycling to the airport from town. My family and visiting friends/relatives would also like to walk/bicycle to the airport with their children to enjoy the newly installed picnic area at the airport. Robert Powers 3 Melrose Circle Iowa City, Iowa 52246 1 Page I of I Kristopher Ackerson '_~~'''"_'"'_""_~''~'_'''_'__'''.'".'_~"'__'.H'~''_____'''....'"".._.______'"'~"'_."H_'~____"._."_~~_'..~",,,._,~_.'.."..'H___."'"'''"'''''",,,,,,_,,,_,_.",,,",,,_,",,,,~,,_,,_,,,,_,"'_"~_"_'_'__'~'"'""''''''''_''''''"_''''M'"'''''"'''',_",,"_.~,,".""...._.".".._,_.._,.._~_.'_.,,_",,. From: Alexis Park Inn [AlexisParklnn@mchsLcom] Sent: Thursday, September 24,20093:13 PM To: Kristopher Ackerson Subject: Riverside drive sidewalk Please mark me down as being strongly in favor of a sidewalk along South Riverside Dr. extending south from Highway 6 past the airport and on to Mormon Trek Blvd. I see many people walking that way either in the road or along the uneven grass on the shoulder. Not too bad a trek in the summer, but during the winter months the pedestrians are forced to walk in the street - not a safe alternative on a highway. Thank you for your support in this manner. Mary Honeck 203 Friendship St. Iowa City, IA 9/2512009 Page 1 of 1 Kristopher Ackerson From: The Alexis Park Inn & Suites [alexisparkinn@mchsLcom] Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:32 PM To: Kristopher Ackerson Subject: Riverside Drive Bike Trail Extension from Hwy 1 to Mormon Trek Dear Mr. Ackerson, Re: httpJlwwwjg~Qg,QIgtdQ_c1Jm~ms/STPSlJbmittf11~,pdf I wish to express our strong support for proposal #4, the extension of the bike trail along Riverside Drive from Hwy 1 to Mormon Trek Blvd. Riverside Drive is a heavily-used 4-lane road that runs directly in front of our business, the Alexis Park Inn & Suites. We witness bicycle riders traveling this dangerous road on a daily basis, and can attest to the fact that there are many "close-calls" between automobiles and bicycles. In response to this dangerous situation, an informal "dirt path" has been worn in the grass on the East side of Riverside Drive by all of the bicycle and foot traffic. This path is a real "ankle twister", as many of our fly-in guests will attest to. Although we are only 400 yards from the Iowa City Airport, we have been forced to leave a vehicle at the airport for our fly-in guests to use, simply because walking that short distance from the airport to the hotel is too dangerous -- especially at night. Not only would this bike path be a great help to our business, it would also help our staff, many of whom have lived in the trailer parks south of town. These folks routinely risk their lives riding their bikes to work, and the creation of this path would be greatly helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jay Honeck Owner/Innkeeper wYYw~Al~xisParklnn,cQm "Y our Aviation Destination" 9/25/2009 Kristopher Ackerson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Folkmann-Huss, Pamela [pamela-folkmann-huss@uiowa.edu] Friday, September 25,20098:56 AM Kristopher Ackerson Chuck Huss FW: JCCOG Funding Project I would use and support adding a trail/sidewalk along old highway 218. Iowa City needs to be progressive in its approach to trails that may link local communities to Iowa City and would provide miles of uninterrupted bike trails that are attractive to prospective homebuyers and vacationers. Thank you for this opportunity to give input. Pamela Folkmann-Huss 1229 Michelle Court Iowa City, IA 52240 Title: Public comment period underway for JCCOG transportation projects Release Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Release Time: 3:33:45 PM Contact Person: Kristopher Ackerson Contact Number: (319) 356-5247 Contact E-Mail: kristopher-ackerson@iowa-city.org The public comment process is now underway for proposals that have been submitted to Johnson County Council of Governments (JCCOG) for over $4.5 million in transportation funds for fiscal year 2011-12. Communities represented by JCCOG, including Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty, Tiffin and University Heights, have submitted proposals totaling more than $24.6 million - more than five times the amount of funding JCCOG will actually receive. Decisions on how the money will be allocated will be made by the JCCOG Urbanized Area Policy Board at a meeting on December 2. The 2010-11 funds include $3,940,561 in Surface Transportation Program (STP) 1 JCCOG TE Project Evaluation Scoring System The following information about your Transportation Enhancement project proposal will be used to establish a point total for your proposed project. This point total will be one of several factors considered by the JCCOG Urbanized Area Policy Board in making a decision of which projects to fund. 1. Is the capital asset a new facility or an existing facility proposed for improvement as noted in your Capital Improvements Project list? A. B. C. D. No - Yes - Yes - Yes - o points 1 point; maintenance 3 points; reconstruction project 5 points; reconstruction with geometric improvements or a new road alignment Maintenance is defined as preservation of pavement condition, safety, and ride quality. Reconstruction is characterized as complete replacement of a pavement structure with an equivalent. Geometric improvements are defined as any physical improvements to a corridor that improve motorist or pedestrian operations. 2. What local match percentage does your community have pledged? A. B. C. D. E. F. Local match 0.00% - 20% Local match 20.1 % - 30% Local match 30.1 % - 40% Local match 40.1 % - 50% Local match 50.1 % - 60% Local match 60.1 % - or more o Points 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points 5 Points 3. Is a focus of the project to address a safety concern at an intersection or mid block, or improve safety at a location with a collision history involving bicyclists or pedestrians? A. B. No - Yes - o points 3 points; not in top 25 high accident intersections or top 10 highest accident mid-blocks 5 points; top 25 high accident intersections or top 10 highest accident mid-blocks C. Yes - 4. Will the proposed project provide direct access to a school or improve access (within ~ mile) to multi-family residential or commerical development? A. No - 0 points B. Yes - 5 points 5. Is the project an extension of an existing pedestrian/bicycle facility noted in the JCCOG LonG RanGe Trails Plan or LonG RanGe Wide Sidewalks Plan, or meet an identified goal for your community in the JCCOG Metro Area Bicvcle Master Plan? A. No - 0 points B. Yes - 5 points * Transportation Enhancement projects that do not include separated trails or wide sidewalks may not fit into the scoring framework provided herein and should be deliberated separately based on their merits. Page 6 A Transportation Enhancement Project Application Clear Creek Trail Phase 7 - Creekside Ball Park to 1.380 The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Dan Holderness, Coralville City Engineer, phone # 319.248.1720 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. This project will extend our existing Clear Creek Trail system from Creekside Ball Park to 1-380, our west city limits, on an alignment that will connect with the City of Tiffin's trail system. This will complete our portion of the trail system between Iowa City/University of Iowa and Tiffin. The trail will be constructed of 10 foot wide, 6" thick PCC. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match $ 169,000 Dollar amount of other funds secured $ 0 Dollar amount of funds anticipated $ 258,000 Dollar amount of STP funds requested $ 250,000 Total project cost $ 677,000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. See attached statement. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? This trail will provide an SUDAS standard trail connection between our existing Clear Creek Trail system and Tiffin for pedestrians and bicyclists. The trail will start from a trail head at the Creekside Ball Park and proceed west under 1-80 to 1-380. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This project will construct a new facility on a new alignment. 7. Does your project impact any known environmentally sensitive areas/features? This project will be constructed along Clear Creek and will cross Clear Creek in one location. Prior to construction, environmental studies will be performed to determine what if any impact this project will have. Environmental impacts will be avoided if possible or minimized in the final design. CLEAR CREEK TRAIL PHASE 7 ~ ~ ~ ... \ i (i <. s..."" ..J "ll. ......." ~, #. r-- ~''" Ci ~#. ~'#. "1. ~'I. ~'I': ~,#, ~" "" """"""""II~ - - - CITY LIMITS \ \ \ \ \ ".\ \\ ~ (jl\ INTERST ATE 80 INTERSTATE 80 ~~ l r~-. .d \ -~ .:\,.....1111111..,,', ~--I"'\ "'II ""1.1"1111 C:"UKSllH I'lNl l'Allk I I I :~ PROPOSED TRAILS 1111111111. FUTURE TRAILS ------- September 1, 2009 To: JCCOG Re: Clear Creek Trail Phase 7 - Creekside Ball Park to 1-380 Transportation Enhancement Application The City of Coralville commits to provide $169,000 of local funds to match the $250,000 in STP funds requested for the above-referenced project and to make all reasonable efforts to construct this project within 3 years of STP funding award. City Administration 1512 7th Street Coralville, Iowa 52241.1708 Ph: 319-248.1700 Fax: 319.248-1894 B Transportation Enhancement Project Application Camp Cardinal Blvd. Trail - Hwy 6 to Clear Creek Trail The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Dan Holderness, Coralville City Engineer, phone # 319.248.1720 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. This project will construct an 8' wide, 6" thick PCC trail along the east side of Camp Cardinal Blvd. from Hwy 6 to the Clear Creek Trail system. This project will use retaining wall materials that the city already owns to reconstruct an existing failing retaining wall along the route. This project will connect to the proposed Clear Creek trailhead where parking and restroom/water facilities will be provided. This is a highly requested connection between these two existing trail systems. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match $ 43,750 Dollar amount of other funds secured $ 0 Dollar amount of funds anticipated $ 0 Dollar amount of STP funds requested $ 81,250 Total project cost $ 125,000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. See attached statement. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? This trail will provide an SUDAS standard trail connection between our existing Hwy 6 Trail system and existing Clear Creek Trail system for pedestrians and bicyclists. This project will connect to the proposed Clear Creek trailhead where parking and restroom/water facilities will be provided. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This project will construct a new facility along a new alignment. 7. Does your project impact any known environmentally sensitive areas/features? No - the alignment of this proposed trail is within the existing Camp Cardinal Blvd. right- of-way. CAMP CARDINAL BLVD. TRAIL from CLEAR CREEK TO HWY 6 .~ [-~ - d ROTARY CAMP a::: ..J <( Z _---- 01 a::: <31 a.. ~I U I .. - ~ i I ~ \ " lI'--- ~ \ ~o~ ~ ~'j:. W ' ~ \e, \ \ I ~\ )~,' ~if ,'~ 1 I ,r; I Ie . " \J Dlt";"L - - PROPOSED TRAILS - - -- EXISTING TRAILS CITY LIMITS CORAL VILLE September 1, 2009 To: JCCOG Re: Camp Cardinal Blvd. Trail - H wy 6 to Clear Creek Trail Transportation Enhancement Application The City of Coralville commits to provide $43,750 of local funds to match the $81,250 in STP funds requested for the above-referenced project and to make all reasonable efforts to construct this project within 3 years of STP funding award. City Administration 1512 7th Street Coralville, Iowa 52241-1708 Ph: 319-248-1700 Fax: 319-248-1894 c Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation: Dan Holderness. Engineer. City of Coralville. 248-1700 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. An unexpected outcome of the prowing trail network in the Urbanized Area is the challenge of naviaating nearbY communities. Plottina routes to and from popular destinations. includina trails. is frustratina for pedestrians and cyclists (JCCOG Bicycle Survey, 2008). The proposed proiect entails installation of trail and on-street wayfindina signs for bikes and pedestrians. To aid trail users and advertize amenities. the JCCOG entities are pursuing a coordinated system of way-findina signs. The proposed signs would: 1. Include the destination. distance. and direction to landmarks like "North Uberty Recreation Center. Public Library. Morrison Park, etc." and 2. Be installed periodically, at all turns. and at maior street intersections to ensure continuous routes. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match (Coralville) Dollar amount of pledged local match (Iowa City) Dollar amount of pledged local match (N. Liberty) Dollar amount of pledged local match (U. Heights) Dollar amount of pledged local match (Tiffin) Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of TE funds requested Total project cost $ 796 $ 2,493 $ 397 $ 107 $107 $ $ $ 15.600 $ 19.500 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Please find enclosed statements from the cities of Iowa City. Coralville. University Heights. Tiffin. and Johnson County confirminq their commitment to fund the 20% local match for the proiect. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? This proiect complies with the JCCOG Complete Streets Policy. The proposed sianaae will primarilY impact pedestrians and bicyclists. but minor improvements may be seen on roadways by improved traffic circulation. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This proiect entails imoroved way-finding at trail heads and alona roadways in the JCCOG Urbanized Area. The new directional sianage will be installed at existing trails and roadways. "___ 1"'\ 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areaslfeatures? The proposed signs will be installed on previously disturbed areas in existing right-of~ways- along existing trails and roadways. n___ 'l .:... ~l~ ;'{ (/) ~ (/) ;i! ~ -( ::r... < rn .: Education Facility 1:1 Hosprtal Proposed Signs 2009 Type, Status Trail. 0 lliO'11W Planned Primary Bike Route Metro Bikeways Trail Mountain Bike __..~..!3!L__..._.. n............ .. 86-- - .._-~ -~~-==--- CORAL VILLE August 28, 2009 Dear JCCOG TTAC Urbanized Area Policy Board, We are pleased to submit a funding proposal for Transportation Enhancement Funds to Bicycle Trail and Wayfinding signage on behalf of the cities of Coralville, Iowa City, North Uberty, llffin, and University Heights. In addition, the City of Coralville is prepared to supply the necessary local matching funds for our portion of the signage and install within three years of award. Sherri L. Proud, CPRP Director of Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Department 1506 8ltl Street Coralville, IA 52241 f)HONE 319-248.1750 FAX 319-248-1899 www.coralville.org 220 SOUTH GILBERT STREET IOWA CITY IOWA 52240.1632 OF IOWA CITY "Discover the Benefits" PHONE (319) 356-5100 FAX (319) 356-5487 www.icgov.org August 27, 2009 JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee Urbanized Area Policy Board, On behalf of The City of Iowa City Parks and Recreation Department, we are fully supportive of this Transportation Enhancement Application and are prepared to fund the local match for the City of Iowa City. In addition we are also prepared to implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact the Interim Director of Parks and Recreation, Mike Moran at 319-356-5100. Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for this award. Sincerely, ..~~W~ John Westefeld, Chair Iowa City Parks and Recreation Commission Page 1 of 1 Sherri Proud From: Royce W. Phillips [pastor@tbciowa.org] Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 2:32 PM To: Sherri Proud Subject: TE application Sherri, Kris Ackerson asked that I email you with a statement indicating that the City of Tiffin is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years. The Tiffin portion of the project is very small, but please consider this our statement that we are prepared to fulfill our responsibilities. Thank you for your help. Royce Phillips Mayor of Tiffin 8/28/2009 Page 1 of 1 Sherri Proud From: Louise From (louisebob@mchsLcom] Sent: Thursday, August 27,20093:56 PM To: Sherri Proud Subject: Bike signs TE application Sherri, We appreciate the City of Coralville sponsoring the TE application for the bike signs. The City of University Heights is prepared to fund their local match for the bike signs of $107. and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Let me know if you have any questions. Louise From, Mayor City of University Heights 8/28/2009 Page 1 of 1 Sherri Proud From: Sherri Proud Sent: Monday, August 31,200910:55 AM To: Sherri Proud Subject: FW: TE Application From: Shelly Simpson [mailto:ssimpson@CI.North-Liberty.IA.US] Sent: Monday, August 31,20099:48 AM To: Sherri Proud Cc: Ryan Heiar; Tracey Mulcahey Subject: RE: TE Application Sherri, We appreciate the City of Coralville sponsoring the TE application for the bike signs. I have discussed this application with Ryan Heiar, City Administrator, City of North liberty and we are prepared to fund our local match for the bike signs ($397.00) and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Let me know if you have any questions Shelly Simpson Recreation Director City of North Liberty 8/3112009 D Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Ron Knoche. 319.356.5140. Iowa City Transportation Technical Advisory Committe Member 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location maplvisual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. Old Rock Island Railroad Depot Purchase I Renovation This proiect will purchase the existing Old Rock Island Depot at 119 Wriaht Street. The Depot will be renovated to serve as the location for the Amtrak stop in the Iowa City and Coralville area. The renovation will make the building ADA compliant. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of STP funds requested Total project cost $ 140,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 560,000 $ 700.000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Please see attached. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project?_ The Complete Streets Policy will not apply to this proiect. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility?This proiect will maintain an existina facilitv. 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? This proiect does not impact and known environmentallv sensitive areas/features. ~ Old Rock Island Railroad Depot Mr. John Yapp Executive Director Johnson County Council of Governments 410 East Washington Street Iowa City I Iowa 52240 ,~ 1 f~~~'t ~~~...~ -"\ - CITY OF IOWA CITY August 28, 2009 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (319) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Re: City of Iowa City Applications for SAFETEA.LU Transportation Enhancement Funds Dear Mr. Yapp: The projects the City of Iowa City has submitted applications for were discussed by the City Council at their August 17th work session. The City of Iowa City is prepared to fund the local match for these projects and will implement the projects within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Sincerely, ~fJ Acting City Manager E Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Ron Knoche. 319.356.5140. Iowa City Transportation Technical Advisory Committe Member 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. Hiahway 1 Trail - This proiect will construct a 10' wide trail alona Hiahway 1 from the intersection of Riverside Drivel Old Hiahway 218 and Hiahway 1 to the intersection of Mormon Trek Boulevard and Hiahway 1. The proiect will be constructed within the existina riaht of way. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match $ 800,000 Dollar amount of other funds secured $ Dollar amount of funds anticipated $ Dollar amount of STP funds requested $ 1.000.000 Total project cost $ 1.800.000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Please see attached. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? _ This proiect will comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policv. This will enhance bicyclist and pedestrain safety bY providina a separated trail. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This proiect will establish a new facility. 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? This oroiect does not imoact and known environmentallv sensitive areas/features. ~ Iowa Highway 1 Sidewalk Mr. John Yapp Executive Director Johnson County Council of Governments 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 1 ~ 1 ..-~= -10 ~~a;;~'t ~~......~ -"\ ... CITY OF IOWA CITY August 28. 2009 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (319) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Re: City of Iowa City Applications for SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement Funds Dear Mr. Yapp: The projects the City of Iowa City has submitted applications for were discussed by the City Council at their August 1 ih work ses~ion. The City of Iowa City is prepared to fund the local match for these projects and will implement the projects within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. ~ - ~, Dale Helling. cp~ Acting City Manager F Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Ron Knoche. 319.356.5140. Iowa City Transportation Technical Advisory Committe Member 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. Iowa River Corridor Trail- Taft Speedway to the Peninsula Park - This proiect will construct a 10' wide trail from Taft Speedway to the Peninsula Park. The trail will be located alont! the Iowa River on property to be purchased durint! the flood recovery. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of STP funds requested Total project cost $ 180.000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 720.000 $ 900.000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Please see attached. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project?_ This proiect will complv with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy. This will enhance bicyclist and pedestrain safety bv providint! a separated trail. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This oroiect will establish a new facility. 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? This proiect does not impact and known environmentallv sensitive areas/features. ~ Iowa River Corridor Trail Mr. John Yapp Executive Director Johnson County Council of Governments 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 1 ~ 1 .t~~~1l[ ",,'-..r~...~ ~ --.. CITY OF IOWA CITY August 28, 2009 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (319) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org Re: City of Iowa City Applications for SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement Funds Dear Mr. Yapp: The projects the City of Iowa City has submitted applications for were discussed by the City Council at their August 17th work session. The City of Iowa City is prepared to fund the local match for these projects and will implement the projects within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. ~ ~, Dale Helling cp~ Acting City Manager G Transportation Enhancement Project Application - requI. ed information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Ron Knoche. 319.356.5140. Iowa City Transportation Technical Advisory Committe Member 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. Old Hiahway 218 Trail This proiect construct a 10' wide trail from intersection of Riverside Drive / Old Hiahway 218 and Hiahwav 1 to the intersection of Mormon Trek Boulevard and Old Hiahwav 218. This proiect will be constructed within existina riaht of way. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of STP funds requested Total project cost $ 150.000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 600.000 $ 750.000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Please see attached. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project?_ This proiect will complv with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policv. This will enhance bicvclist and pedestrain safety bY providina a separated trail. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility?Thi~ project will establish a new facility. 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? This proiect does not impact and known environmentallv sensitive areas/features. ~ Old Highway 218 Trail Mr. John Yapp Executive Director Johnson County Council of Governments 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240 ,~ ! ~~~~'t ~"'Sr"''''' ~- CITY OF IOWA CITY August 28, 2009 410 East Washington Street Iowa City, Iowa 52240-1826 (319) 356-5000 (319) 356-5009 FAX www.icgov.org City of Iowa City Applications for SAFETEA-LU Transportation Enhancement Funds Re: Dear Mr. Yapp: The projects the City of Iowa City has submitted applications for were discussed by the City Council at their August 1 th work session. The City of Iowa City is prepared to fund the local match for these projects and will implement the projects within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. Sincerely, ~71 Acting City Manager H Transportation Enhancement Project Application required infonTlation North Liberty Dubuque Street Connector Trail 1. Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation Dean Wheatley; 626-5747; City Planner for North Liberty, Member TTAC 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. The proposed project is a 10-foot separated trail extending generally north-south approximately 8,600 feet through eastern North Liberty, connecting the proposed Johnson County trail along Dubuque Street from the south corporate limits to the proposed Mehaffey Bridge Road trail at the northern corporate limits, and providing a crucial link in the North Liberty trails network. The trail passes directly in front of Penn Elementary School and through Penn Meadows Park. All work is expected to be completed within street right-of-way or park property, as shown on the map exhibit, and no land or easement acquisition is anticipated. In addition, disruptions to utilities, private properties, drainageways and drainage structures, and other existing facilities, are anticipated to be minimal. The project is consistent with the North Liberty Trails Network Plan, adopted august 25 2009 by the City Council. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match $ 224,813 Dollar amount of other funds secured $ Dollar amount of funds anticipated $ Dollar amount of STP funds requested $ 572,763 Total project cost $ 797,576 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from tl1e time JCCOG funds are awarded. The City of North Liberty is committed to funding the local match for this important trail connection through the city, with local funding anticipated to be available for project start by no later than FY2011. Ryan Heiar, City Administrator 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? Project will comply with the Complete Streets Policy. Construction of the trail will "complete" substantial portions of Dubuque Street and North Front Street and a smaller portion of East Penn Street. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? The project is to construct a new paved trail. A crushed rock existing walking path approximately 800 feet in length in Penn Meadows Park will be replaced by the trail, as will approximately 2,0'70 lineal feet of existirl{J narrow sidewalk, but the rest of the length is new construction. "7. Does your project impact any known environmentally sensitive areas/features? None NORTH LIBERTY RECREATION TRAIL 1 O-foot wide PCC Recreation Trail from South City Limits to North City Limits (Dubuque SUPenn Meadows Park/Penn St/Mahaffey Bridge Rd) COnCel)! Phase Opinion of Probable Costs 8/19/09 i UNIT EXTENDED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY COST COST ._" ....-.-- 1 Clearing and Grubbing LS 1 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 2 Excavation, Class 10, Roadway and Borrow L.S 1 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 3 Topsoil, Strip, Salvage and Spread LS 1 $ 29,000.00 $ 29,000.00 4 Removal of Culvert Headwalls LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 5 Box Culvert Extension (approx. 30-feet) L.S 1 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 6 Structural Steel Pedestrian Hand Railing LF 30 $ 150.00 $ 4,500.00 7 Storm Intake EACH 5 $ 1,500.00 $ 7,500.00 8 Storm Sewer LF 150 $ 40.00 $ 6,000.00 9 Aprons, Concrete FES EACH 5 $ 500.00 $ 2,500.00 10 Revetment TON 75 $ 45.00 $ 3,375.00 11 Recreational Trail, Portland Cement Concrete, 6-lnch SY 9,600 $ 32.00 $ 307,200.00 12 Removal of Sidewalk SY 1,006 $ 11.00 $ 11,066.00 13 Sidewalk, Portland Cement Concrete, 4-lnch SY 50 $ 30.00 $ 1,500.00 14 Detectable Warnings for Curb Ramps SF 360 $ 28.00 $ 10,080.00 15 Sign age LS 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 16 Painted Pavement Markings, Durable STA 38 S 200.00 $ 7.600.00 17 Traffic Control LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 18 Mobilization 1(' 1 $ 35,000.00 S 35,000.00 .;:, 19 Construction Survey and Testing LS 1 $ 25,0()O.OO $ 25,000.00 20 Utility Adjustments LS 1 $ 7,500.00 S 7,500.00 21 Seeding and Hydro-mulching ACRE 6.5 $ 3,500.00 $ 22,?50.00 22 Wood excelsior matting SY 10,150 $ 2.00 $ 20,300.00 23 Silt Fence L.F 200 $ 2.40 $ 480.00 24 Removal of Silt Fence LF 200 $ 0.65 $ 130.00 25 Clean-Out of Silt Fence LF 200 $ 1.00 $ 200.00 26 General Landscape, minor retaining walls, etc TOTAL '1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 - ---;Ub-Totall" $ 599,681.00 Contingency (15%)1 $ 89,952.15 Engineering, Admin, Construction Admin (18%)[ $ 107,942.58 $ 797,575.73 TOTAL ANTICIPATED PROJECT COST"I ... ) Lr" 7 '((~;;:\;::;:<{\J:';.~~~'~) ~ !; II Ji 11.1 : i . .i',,>:~;o . /'" North Liberty Transportation Enhancement Proposal Dubuque Street Trail Connection '" '~\ :'-"0>' ~ i ,--- --.-., II j -1 :=:_~)I-.- 1--- "" "'" f--.-, i'-'-,.,__ __, __,_, ---,,!----, \ Q::::::::--r ' " 'I"T I.'I\ I \ ~Ce "",. ,-------::: :::.::::l,' I:,'::] ;::\:.:{ r::: ''.. ~ . CQPEl AND I> ",,' , ,._ <.j '--"'( ,:.,1 ,I"':: ~::- I ' " , I "I iTr=:'-i ~ ~'li: """... b-::;.-l '(i'" - \= t~~:a!?; _ ',\ I rTr1~'i>'H'm:ill1f~Nli i:-:,_.LLI lii It,.: 1\ i! ITr'~;: T ,! ItlJi ~lrl 111 I.. J~~~" P,""M..,,,,, !II r ... .Lr>\~ i' , ~. i' l~~E'RRy~Tj 'i;;;.-;;. '=: L ~~_.l. ~ :-J ;.......,,- .....". .. ..,., ,-"I ).. !~:,::" Koser 'f' ,...~.i.-..- l~~J. L r. i-. 1- . -.-.. [lr'\,_L~;~:>:~<:,<, i\ t.IJ ,: lr;J H ~ t ~~~~*J:; ':'=:11= I I_il l__!_ I I I ~,. i .-....,. ,- """-'\,:~,::,Ci./ Area ]'\\&1 11'- ! >:. . "~~ 'i..~.;= ~",;~~~~I;." Dubuque Street Trail Connection ~~, ::::., '_1')-" //,/1{~ '''<~~%~~I Proposed Trail Network:-::~s(:~;>;;~;,:TTl If II i I ! C'ty:::" ] 1;~\#i:f;~ I~~II~>'\Y~ r- Miles I/\~[~j~~;t~~~: II 1,-,\ . .",,:>,:~~ , ~",'" ~_..---- \\ [.-.--- . '.., - i I - NORm LIBERTY I~ I ",,',t:(\,::,....... </ " -..."", Ii: .......,...,..... ;:: @ I/) , Ii .C:.,' i. i"'~--il':" i""\ \ I \-1 '~'>,...."- "..---. _(,,>1 '", f-. )~\:~l},'..'..._.,.. f:. ::\j ....." '..',. ,Ii L L1Lt >\:'-{ ". ..---- \ , or Penn ,.. ------ I Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation: Louise From (319-354-1433), City of University Heights 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. Sunset Street Arterial Wide Sidewalk - Project includes removing the existing 4-foot wide walk on the west side of Sunset Street, and constructing an 8-foot wide walk to meet current arterial street standards. Project limits are Melrose Avenue to Benton Street. This corridor is approximately 2,000 feet with a wide right-of-way available. Minor realignment and storm sewer work to be used to improve clear zones and drainage. All mainline and side road crossings to be updated with detectable warnings. Right-of-way to be acquired at the northwest corner of Sunset and Benton to modify existing retaining walls and improve vehicular and pedestrian sight distance. This intersection has a collision history noted on the JCCOG Metro Area 2001-2007 Bicycle and Pedestrian Collisions map. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of STP funds requested Total project cost $ 55,000 $0 $0 $ 215,000 $ 270,000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. The City of University Heights is prepared to fund their local match for the Sunset Street wide sidewalk project and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded (Louise From, Mayor). 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project? Yes. Project would create improved corridor for pedestrians and bicyclists, and impove intersection sight distance at the northwest corner of Sunst Street and Benton Street. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? Reconstruct an existing facility with geometric improvements. 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? No. , >- "" g ~ f5 ~ ~::ELo.J ::E2i:j ~~i _I u>-"" !z!~7~111 as~f5 ",z> zz'" C::S2~ ~~~ ~ Q i ~ ..J ~ - ii:i Q) ~ :I:~ C ~~ Z -CIJ 00( ~::> ~ wg z ~..... - z.... z ::> o N ~ ~ () - 'M'\\? ...J .. '" <:>>- z ~~ x"" w"- ~ -:::::i' "" en U en w "" z w Vi ::IE ::> ::IE e 0 ~ '" u u :J '" ::> "- W --l <( U VJ o l- I- o Z t~ "" '" >- '" ",,0 ~~ -'" ,,-0 Ou ~el Vi;::' """, w >"" ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ (.) 0 ~ Vi OWL.&.l g:~e o~~ L.&.Icn....l :gwS o..cnffi ~~b: o..cn< w >- ::> o '" ...J .. '" >- ...J>- ~~ >-0 ",u wen ~o Uz ~"" o~ ...J'" ...Jw ~~ 00 -+ '" ...J ~ wZ 00 ~tiiti zw::> wo'" ~iln w...Jz en ",,0 OCi:U SWO ~~~ _,....w.:......m_ 'P z w ::IE "- 9 ~ o >- Z ::> o w z z :5 ~ ~ ~ ~ .----I ..., c I ' - iil ::s . ~~I:! ~w~ II >.cf!5 ~9~ 1:::J>.c'" Cl.~Vi f3g~ I' ~ uf! !3,~~ !i:::;~ uO o - ~EE ~ <:> z e o ~ I II~ I J Transportation Enhancement Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Transportation Enhancement project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation: Royce Phillips, Mayor, City of Tiffin, Iowa. City Phone 545-2572 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. The proposed project consists of contructing a 10' wide PCC trail from Second Street southerly to Clear Creek thence westerly along Clear Creek to Ireland Avenue. This project will extend an existing trail system southerly and westerly to a point across from a trail planned by Johnson County that will ultimately extend to Kent Park. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match Dollar amount of other funds secured Dollar amount of funds anticipated Dollar amount of STP funds requested Total project cost $ 67,600 $ $ $ 270,400 $ 338,000 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. 5. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project?_ This project is strictly a trail project so will satisfy the Complete Streets Policy. 6. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? This project establishes a new facility which interconnects with an existing facUtly within the City and also ultimately will connect Tiffin, Corlaville and Johnson County systems. Page 4 7. Does your project impact any known enviromentally sensitive areas/features? There are wetland areas within the parcel being deeded to the City of Tiffin but the trail will avoid those areas. Page 5 Page 1 of 1 Kristopher Ackerson From: Royce W. Phillips [pastor@tbciowa.org] Sent: Wednesday, September 02,20094:35 PM To: Kristopher Ackerson Subject: statement To Whom It May Concern, This is to confirm that the City of Tiffin is committed to paying the local match for each project and completing them within the 3 years as required. Royce Phillips Mayor of Tiffin 319-545-2572 10/612009 z ] ] ~ e.l.' C If. ilL i ilIllHuii z o N ,J v. <: d.: ~ ~ ~ " ;j 6 ~ ~ ~ :: ~ <) ,~. '; J -------' r-' '--/' r---. F i > II c '2 "', 6 " " " ! ,~. c " .~ " , " . c wJCCOG rr..... m e m o Date: October 6, 2009 To: JCCOG Regional Trails and Bicycling Committee From: Kris Ackerson, Assistant Transportation Planner Re: JCCOG Regional Surface Transportation Program Applications Applications for FY11-12 JCCOG-allocated Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds have been received. Our targets for the FY11-12 funding cycle are $3,940,561 in STP funds and $572,763 in TE funds. The following summary of STP projects is provided for your reference. The official 30-day public comment period began on September 10 and will conclude on October 10, although input received until December 1 will be forwarded to the JCCOG Board for consideration. The following public meetings are forums to provide verbal input. The JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee will recommend funding at its Nov. 10 meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Iowa City City Hall, 410 E. Washington St., Iowa City. The JCCOG Urbanized Area Policy Board will decide funding apportionments on Dec. 2nd at 4:30 p.m. at Harvat Hall, Iowa City City Hall. I will be at your October 13 meeting to answer any questions you may have about this item. Summary of applications for JCCOG Surface Transportation Program Funds FY2011-12 Funds available: Funds requested: $ $ 3,940,561 16,094,647 Applicant 1 Coralville 2 Coralville 3 Iowa City 4 Iowa City 5 Iowa City 6 Iowa City 7 Iowa City 8 North Liberty 9 University Heights 10 Tiffin 11 Tiffin Funds Requested $ 2,500,000 $ 2,000,000 Project Cost Project Description $ 8,112,000 Extend the 1 st Ave. Fifth Lane Safety Improvements Project from 6th St. to 9th St. Includes ten-foot sidewalks on both sides and traffic signal and lighting improvements. $ 4,300,000 Widening Coral Ridge Ave. from Holiday Rd. to Oakdale Blvd. Includes lighting improvements and 10-foot trail along the west side and underpass under Coral Ridge Ave. $ 6,400,000 First Ave. and IAIS Railroad crossing grade separation. Includes 8- and 6-foot sidewalks. $ 1,800,000 Highway 1 trail 1 O-feet wide from Riverside Dr. to Mormon Trek Blvd. $ 750,000 Old Highway 218 trail10-feet wide from Highway 6 to McCollister Blvd. $ 900,000 Iowa River Corridor Trail 1 O-feet wide from Taft Speedway to Peninsula Park. $ 700,000 Purchase and historical renovation Old Rock Island Railroad Depot, including ADA accessibility. $ 1,912,059 Reconstruct Scales Bend Road/Highway 965 intersection. Includes geometric improvements, turn lanes, and traffic signals. $ 270,000 Sunset Street wide-sidewalk from Melrose Ave. to Benton St., including minor realignment, storm sewer improvements, and detectable crossings. $ 2,200,000 Extend Ireland Ave. north from IAIS Railroad to Hwy 6, including wide sidewalk on one side. $ 3,300,000 Reconstruct Ireland Ave. from 1-80 to Iowa IAIS Railroad, including new bridge over Clear Creek and wide sidewalks on both Total Funds Requested $ $ 3,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 600,000 $ 720,000 $ 560,000 $ 1,529,647 $ 215,000 $ 1,330,000 $ 2,640,000 16,094,647 Surface Transportation Project Application - required information The following information must be provided for all Surface Transportation project proposals and will be provided to the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) and Urbanized Area Policy Board for evaluation. JCCOG staff may contact you if additional information is required. You will have the opportunity to explain the project at a meeting of the JCCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee. JCCOG staff will score the projects; the TT AC may modify scores. 1 . Your name, phone number, and JCCOG affiliation: 2. Brief description of the scope and intent of the proposed project. Attach a location map/visual description of the project. Include any attachments and visual aids to adequately describe the project. 3. Dollar amount of pledged local match $ Dollar amount of other funds secured $ Dollar amount of funds anticipated $ Dollar amount of STP funds requested $ Total project cost $ 4. Please provide a statement from a senior staff member or elected official indicating that your community is prepared to fund the local match and implement the project within three years from the time JCCOG funds are awarded. 5. Will the proposed project establish a new facility, reconstruct an existing facility, or maintain an existing facility? 6. How does this project further the goals and/or policies of your community's Comprehensive Plan? Page 4 7. Will your project comply with the adopted JCCOG Complete Streets Policy (see Page 2)? Explain how each mode of transportation will be affected by the proposed project._ 8. In order for JCCOG staff to calculate whether the project will improve level-of-service at an intersection or reduce vehicle hours traveled, please provide: . Length of road segment: . Number of through lanes: . Number of turn lanes: . Proposed alignment: Page 5 ~JCCOG r,....... m e m 0 Date: October 2nd 2009 To: Kris Ackerson; JCCOG Assistant Transportation Planner From: Brock Grenis, Chris Widmer; JCCOG Transportation Planning Interns Re: Summary of Bike and Pedestrian Trail Use - 2009 JCCOG has been collecting data on bicycle and pedestrian usage on the regional trails system over the last several months. Data was collected using an infrared counter that counts both bicycles and pedestrians, but cannot differentiate between the two. Data was collected for 22 locations: 15 locations within the City of Iowa City, four locations within Coralville, and three locations within the City of North Liberty. The count locations are based on requests from JCCOG entities, and it was our desire to collect a broad sample of count information (see attached table and map). 1 Daily Weekday Weekend % Change from Location Ave Ave Ave Dates Weather 08' (Daily Ave) Clear Creek Trail (-) 3% (Behind Comfort Suites) 129 113 170 5/22-5/29 Rain 2 days; 70's Clear Creek Trail (+) 25% (Near Universitv Recreation Fields) 182 186 172 6/05-6/12 Rain 2 days; 70's Court Hill Trail (Between 1st and 2nd Avenue\ 255 150 268 7/24-7/31 Rain 2 davs; 70's/80's New Location Highway 6 21 20 25 5/29-6/05 Rain 1 day; 70's (-) 14% .. (Near Chili's in Coralville) Highway 6 116 117 114 7/17-7/24 Rain 2 days; 70's and 80's (-) 27% .. (Near K-Mart) Iowa River Corridor Trail · (At Waterworks Prairie Park) 174 166 196 8/14-8/21 Rain 2 days; 70's and 80's (+) 31% Iowa River Corridor Trail , (near 1-80 Tunnel) 41 29 71 9/25-1 0/3 Rain 2 days; 50's - 80's New Location Iowa River Corridor Trail ( +) 19% (Near Citv Park entrance) 270 270 270 9/04-9/11 Sun, Overcast; 70's/80's Iowa River Corridor Trail (+) 27% (At Napolean park) 116 115 119 6/26-7/03 Sun, Overcast;80's, Humid Iowa River Corridor Trail (+) 34% (near North Dubuaue StIW. Overlook) 118 112 132 8/07-8/14 Rain 1 day; 80's, Humid Iowa River Corridor Trail . (at Taft Speedway) 186 198 156 8/18-8/25 Rain 1 day; 70's and Sun New Location North Liberty Trail 142 138 151 5/08-5/15 Rain 3 days;70's ( -) 9% I. (At Foreveroreen Rd) North Liberty Trail 181 185 170 5/15-5/22 Rain 2 days, 70's (-) 100% , (Near Recreation Center) North Ridge Trail 288 289 286 4/24-5/01 Rain 3 days; 60's (+) 35% . (Near 1-80 Tunnel) North Ridge Trail 119 99 148 5/01-5/08 Rain 1 day; 80's (-) 70% . (At Oakdale Camous) Ped. Bridge at Peninsula 195 155 9/11-9/18 Sunny, Overcast 70's/80's 1 (Toward Iowa River Power House\ 296 New Location Scott Boulevard (-) 62% '. (Wide Sidewalk) 64 49 101 7/31-8/07 Rain 1 day; 80's overcast Sycamore Greenway Trail 82 81 82 7/03-7/10 Rain 3 davs;90's, Humid (+) 42% " (At Soccer Park Rd) Sycamore Greenway Trail 186 190 175 7/10-7/17 Rain 1 day;70's, Pleasant (+) 24% . (Near Grant Wood School) Finkbine Commuter Trail t (Between Hawkins, Mormon Trek) 301 411 136 8/21-8/28 Rain 2 days; 70's/80's New Location Willow Creek Trail (+) 22% .. (Near West Hioh Schooll 165 175 140 6/12-6/19 Rain 1 daY;80's Willow Creek Trail (-) 18% (At Willow Creek Park) 250 231 299 6/19-6/26 Rain 2 days; 90's, Humid 2 'l"'O:i'lI-lS"{P,lOlO"{lO"Y.."{l'110 NO TH lIBER Y North Liberty Trail (near Recreation Center) .... a. ~, " Ol'-Kll'll'l\'.. ${JaM BOT'lOM 11 0"" 'I. . o. t z ","OI""""P,LNE MQRSlOP,014 ~ t,1 . \' " +-RONE CROSI-I'C.v if 275'i" "{1.lfl,KlO"f cP,EEK ~o NlO " \ "", ~o "" ~OOK~ONE ,,< ,,0 if ~ g ~ ~ ~ ; J i l'OXLNNE Iowa River Corridor Trail (at Dubuqe Street & West Overlook) TOAD RO NE ~ .. '. '1> \ " l lor UNDEFINf() '" +-RDNE <~ v~ R/>..,?f) '''''' '< t '\ "0 .yr~t ........ Willow Creek Trail (between West High & Mormon Trek) d-~~"'~ ~ ,,, ...~ o~< 0 Count Locations Multi-Use Trail Proposed Trail Bike Lane Wide Sidewalk -< t .. 't.';"O DEL f',.-P s~ . Daily Average i j' ~JCCOG rr..... m e m 0 Date: October 6, 2009 To: JCCOG Regional Trails and Bicycling Committee From: Kris Ackerson, Assistant Transportation Planner Re: October 13, 2009 Agenda Items Agenda Item #5: Update on Safe Routes to Schools grant applications In early 2009, JCCOG investigated possible Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) grant projects. After meeting with representatives from Iowa City Community School District, making on-site observations, and talking with school officials, the scope of possible projects was identified. At the request of the cities, JCCOG staff helped prepare applications for sidewalks along Golfview Drive - across the CRANDIC railroad - in North Liberty and along Main Street in Hills. As collaborative efforts, the applications were submitted on September 30. Additionally, the City of Tiffin and Clear Creek-Amana School District submitted a joint SRTS application for a sidewalk connection along Highway 6 to improve access to the middle school and high school in Tiffin. Agenda Item #6: Update on local adoption of the Metro Bicycle Master Plan In July, the 30-day public comment period for the JCCOG Metro Bicycle Master Plan concluded. Since then, the City of Iowa City and Johnson County Board of Supervisors have adopted the plan. The City of University Heights city council will discuss adopting the plan on October 13 and the City of Tiffin plans to adopt the plan on October 4. The City of Coralville and North Liberty will also consider adopting the plan soon. Agenda Item #7: Update on Iowa City's Bicycle Friendly Communities application Per City Council request, JCCOG staff re-applied to the League of American Bicyclists "Bicycle Friendly Communities" (BFC) program on behalf of the City of Iowa City. Staff expects to receive correspondence regarding the BFC designation before your October 13 meeting. In 2008, Iowa City received 1 of 8 'honorable mentions' given to communities across the nation. I will bring copies of any new correspondence to your October 13 meeting. Agenda Item #8: Discuss updating the Trails Section of the JCCOG Long-Range Transportation Plan The JCCOG Long Range Transportation Plan is the guiding document for regional Surface Transportation Program and Transportation Enhancement Program funds. To be awarded funds, planned trail projects must be included in the Long Range Plan. JCCOG staff discussed the process for updating the Trails Section of the Long Range Plan with Federal Highway Administration officials; they recommend waiting to make updates when the entire Long Range Plan is updated in 2012. Agenda Item #7: Discussion of future RTBC agenda items Since the Metro Bicycle Master Plan and Transportation Enhancement applications are nearly wrapped-up, please be prepared to discuss future RTBC agenda items that you would like considered. Issues could include specific items of interest and general directions that the committee should be focusing its efforts. Agenda Item #8: Other business Agenda Item #9: Adjournment " Fall 2009 Volume 9, Issue 3 THE CONSERVATION CONNECTION Visit our web page: www.johnson-county.com/conservation A Quarterly Communication of the Johnson County Conservation Board JCCB Acquires Key Property by Harry Graves - Director, Johnson County Conservation Board the watershed of Clear Creek by conserving the con- tiguous natural vegetation and wetlands. Hence, the water quality of the Iowa River, into which Clear Creek flows, will also be enhanced. The Iowa DNR lists both of these waterways as impaired. The Johnson County Conservation Board (JCCB) is very pleased to have recently completed the first land purchase utilizing partial funding from the $20 million Conservation Bond approved in 2008. The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation provided invalu- able assistance to the lCCB with the initial purchase. The purchase price of$420,280.68 was paid with $] 31 ,000.00 from the Conservation Trust Account and the balance of $289,280.68 was paid from a loan from the capitol projects fund pending the sale of the first Conserva- tion Bonds. The acquisition is an 87-acre riparian tract along Clear Creek, just west of Tiffin, adjoining Half Moon A ve- nue. It will enable the lCCB to help protect and enhance ''The land is the appointed remedy for whatever isfalse andfantastic in our culture..joodfor our mind as well as our body. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Key Property continued on page 6) Farewell to the JCCB Seasonal Staff Johnson County Conservation Board and Staff would like to thank the 2009 seasonal staff for all their hard work and dedication. Pictured are: Naturalist Intern Erin Gerard, Naturalist Intern Lois Albrecht, seasonal field staff person Jeremy Brauckman, sea- sonal field staff person John Gurll'ell, seasonal field staff person Ned Parker, seasonal field staff person Cliff Mwphy, seasonal field staffperson Grant Zeimet, seasonalfield staffperson Kris Slutts, seasonal field staffperson Aaron Schrock, Campground Attendant Joan Liddell, seasonalfield staffperson Hunter Hills and Campground Attendant Lonnie Liddell. (Not pictured: Park Ranger Intern Clint Hartsock, Park Ranger Intern Mike Hartin, and seasonal field staffperson Ryan Krall. (Key Property continuedfrom page I) Protecting and improving this green space is also vital for buffering to control stream bank erosion. Good management practices and improvement of forest resources, on this riparian tract, will help JCCB staff protect and enhance wildlife habitat and wildlife corridors, which in turn, will help to main- tain biodiversity and enhance air quality. This prop- erty will provide opportunities for hunting, in sea- son, and for non-consumptive year-round activities of birding, photography and nature appreciation. Hiking, walking and biking trails for this tranquil sylvan environment are being planned. Ultimately, they will connect with trails that are planned to ex- tend from Coralville to Tiffin. Previously an easement for a trail and variable width stream buffer has been acquired on the adjoining Ryan property. It extends from Ireland Avenue to the east boundary line of the new 87 acres. The eventual goal is the connection ofa trail link to F.W. Kent Park. Even though this property lies within one mile of heavily traveled 1-80 (where nine million vehicles pass every year) and US Highway 6, the vegetation and natural attributes help to quiet much of the noise 6 from these busy thoroughfares. A walk out into this area gives the visitor the feeling of serenity and calm and provides a definite connection to nature. The JCCB is committed to protecting significant natural lands and waters in Johnson County for human benefit and enjoyment in order to provide a healthy environment for present and future generations. The $20 million Conservation Bond is intended to provide funding for the achievement of the follow- ing objectives: . to protect drinking water sources; . to protect the watersheds of the Iowa and Cedar Rivers and our lakes and streams to ensure their water quality; . to protect forests to ensure air quality; . to protect and enhance wildlife habitat and wildlife corridors; . to protect existing green spaces; . to conserve land adjacent to areas where buffering is beneficial; and . to develop hubs and linkages for hiking, . walking and biking trails. This newly acquired 87-acre area is only the begin- ning of the realization of these conservation objec- tives. Watch the progress with future land protec- tion acquisitions in Johnson County! How to Get More Bicyclists on the Road: Scientific American Page 1 of2 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sci~ntific Am~riccm M()gCl:z:in~ - October 16, 2009 How to Get More Bicyclists on the Road To boost urban bicycling, figure out what women want By Linda Baker Getting people out of cars and onto bicycles, a much more sustainable form of transportation, has long vexed environmentally conscious city planners. Although bike lanes painted on streets and automobile-free "greenways" have increased ridership over the past few years, the share of people relying on bikes for transportation is still less than 2 percent, based on various studies. An emerging body of research suggests that a superior strategy to increase pedal pushing could be had by asking the perennial question: What do women want? In the U.S., men's cycling trips surpass women's by at least 2:1. This ratio stands in marked contrast to cycling in European countries, where urban biking is a way of life and draws about as many women as men-sometimes more. In the Netherlands, where 27 percent of all trips are made by bike, 55 percent of all riders are women. In Germany 12 percent of all trips are on bikes, 49 percent of which are made by women. "If you want to know if an urban environment supports cycling, you can forget about all the detailed 'bikeability indexes'-just measure the proportion of cyclists who are female," says Jan Garrard, a senior lecturer at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, and author of several studies on biking and gender differences. Women are considered an "indicator species" for bike- friendly cities for several reasons. First, studies across disciplines as disparate as criminology and child rearing have shown that women are more averse to risk than men. In the cycling arena, that risk aversion translates into increased demand for safe bike infrastructure as a prerequisite for riding. Women also do most of the child care and household shopping, which means these bike routes need to be organized around practical urban destinations to make a difference. /' rlHC ERIC AN Your Brain Today> fJ <i "Despite our hope that gender roles don't exist, they still do," says Jennifer Dill, a transportation and planning researcher at Portland State University. Addressing women's concerns about safety and utility "will go a long way" toward increasing the number of people on two wheels, Dill explains. So far few cities have taken on the challenge. In the U.S., most cycling facilities consist of on-street bike lanes, which require riding in vehicle-clogged traffic, notes John Pucher, a professor of urban planning at Rutgers http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=getting-more-bicyclists-on-the-road&pr... 10/1 /2009 How to Get More Bicyclists on the Road: Scientific American Page 2 of2 University and longtime bike scholar. And when cities do install traffic-protected off-street bike paths, they are almost always along rivers and parks rather than along routes leading "to the supermarket, the school, the day care center," Pucher says. Although researchers have long examined the bike infrastructure in Europe, they have only just started to do so for the U.S. In a study conducted last year, DiU examined the effect of different types of bike facilities on cycling. The project, which used GPS positioning to record individual cycling trips in Portland, compared the shortest route with the path cyclists actually took to their destination. Women were less likely than men to try on-street bike lanes and more likely to go out of their way to use "bike boulevards," quiet residential streets with special traffic-calming features for bicycles. "Women diverted from the shortest routes more often," Dill says. Other data support those findings. In New York City, men are three times as likely to be cyclists as women. Yet a bicycle count found that an off-street bike path in Central Park had 44 percent female riders. "Within the same city you find huge deviations in terms of gender," Pucher remarks. Good infrastructure alone won't improve women's cycling rates, researchers caution. In an automobile- dominated culture, "attitudinal variables" also playa role, says Susan Handy, a professor of environmental science at the University of California, Davis. In a survey to be published in Transportation Research Record, Handy found that "comfort" and "needing a car" were important factors influencing women's cycling rates-but not men's. Needing a car is likely tied to the household errands women often perform, Handy says, and could be addressed in part by outreach programs showing that women can "jump on a bike the way they jump in a car." A few municipalities are beginning to implement a "second wave" of strategies aimed at broadening the cycling demographic. In Portland, a city already renowned for its urban cycling, a Women on Bikes program targets such concerns as fixing a flat tire. The city is also building its first cycle track-a European-style bike lane that is separated from cars and pedestrians. Across the country state and federally funded Safe Routes to Schools programs are creating practical bike routes for kids so they don't have to be driven by their parents. Ahead of the curve may be New York City, where about five miles of traffic-protected bike lanes have recently been installed. Credit goes to the new Department of Transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, who is upending the department's long-standing focus on trucks and automobiles. Remarks Pucher: "A woman cyclist became head of the DOT, and wonderful things started happening."n Note: This article was originally printed with the title, "Shifting Gears." http://www.scientificamerican.com!article. cfm ?id=getting- more-bicyclists-on-the-road&pr... 101112009